Rio Rancho High School Newsletter

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Rio Rancho High School

Ram REPORT Volume 7 Issue 4 March 2014

Principal’s Message

Inside This Issue 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Tips for Parents Boosters Yearbooks Senior Information Drivers Education SciMatics

Dear Parents, Community Members and Friends of RRHS, I hope this newsletter finds you in good health and good spirits, and that all of you have withstood the ravages of winter. As I’m sure you are aware, we are just about in the final stretch of the 4th quarter and are now rapidly moving toward end of the year activities. Please take a moment to review this newsletter in its entirety and highlight those events relevant to you and your student. We are in the final countdown for the administration of the High School Graduation Assessment (HSGA) on March 17, 18, and 19. Our teachers will continue to review material to be covered on this exam through March 14. As a reminder, all class of 2016 (March 17 & 18) and class of 2015 (March 17, 18, 19) students are required to take this exam. Your student’s attendance on these dates is imperative. What’s more, failure on the part of class of 2015 students to pass all portions of this exam can result in the student getting a certificate of completion…NOT a DIPLOMA! Please ensure your student gets a good night’s sleep the night before the exam as well. We are also preparing for one of the most difficult tasks that I and our assistant principals must face at this time of year – the notification of seniors (and their parents) who will not be permitted to participate in graduation due to failing grades and/or lack of credits. As I said in previous newsletters, if you have access to PowerSchool online, we encourage you to monitor your student’s progress – just to help keep him or her focused at a time when so many thoughts of summer are competing for attention. Here again are the primary dates to keep in mind: • April 26 Senior Prom • May 2 Senior Honors Assembly • May 8 & 9 Senior final exams • May 14 Senior picnic @ 11 A.M. at Loma Park • May 19 Graduation Rehearsal @ 4:30 pm at Santa Ana Star Center • May 20 Graduation at Santa Ana Star Center (arrive by 8 am, no school underclassmen) • May 19 and 21 Underclassmen final exams • May 22 Underclassmen make-up exams; no bus service. Last Day of School We are looking forward to these end-of-year activities and events, especially the awe-inspiring experience of a dignified graduation among so many family members and friends at the Star Center – something for all of our underclassmen to anticipate in years to come. Thanks for your continued support! Richard VonAncken

High School Years


Tips for Parents Avoid Arguments with Your Teen Getting teens to pitch in with chores can be challenging. Try putting a weekly sign-up sheet on the refrigerator. Each person has to take two chores and rotate the next week. Teenagers like to have a say in their lives. So, giving them a choice will inspire more cooperation. Be an Exciting Writer When your student writes a paper does she often repeat the same words? A thesaurus offers interesting word choices and can help build her vocabulary. For example, slow might become creeping or sluggish. Suggest that she try a print thesaurus or an online version like Laughing is Good Medicine Laughing together can help your family relieve stress and share fun times. Look for humor in everyday situations. At dinner, tell funny things that happened that day. Check out joke books from the library, collect funny clips from magazines and forward email jokes to your teen. Who, when, where? Your teen is heading out the door on Saturday night. What do you need to know to keep her safe? Ask these four questions. “Where are you going?” Find out who he/she’ll be with and what their plans are. If they’re going to someone’s house, check that a parent will be home. “How are you getting there?” Ask who’s driving. If it’s another teen, see how long she has had her license and if she’s allowed to drive other kids. “How can I reach you?” Plan more than one method (a friend’s home phone, a parent’s cell phone) “When will you be home?” Agree on a time your student is expected back. What Counts with Colleges? Alyssa, a high school junior, wants to be able to put together the best possible college application when the time comes—but she isn’t sure what colleges are looking for. She can increase her chances of acceptance by knowing these criteria: Grades need to be consistently good or to improve during high school. Colleges especially want to see solid scores in academic courses. They also like to see students challenging themselves with higher-level, Pre-AP, or Advanced Placement classes. ACT and SAT scores usually count a great deal. Students should commit time to studying for these tests so their scores reflect their abilities. Class rank, or where students place in their graduating class, is another factor. Higher grades in Advanced Placement courses, which are weighted more heavily than regular classes, can help move students higher on the list. Other factors will help college hopefuls round out their applications. Students should strive for well-written essays, extracurricular involvement that shows they’ve stayed with a meaningful activity over time, recommendations from teachers or advisers who know them well, and job experience or internships that indicate their commitment to work. Standing up to Bullying Q : My son Jeff is concerned because some kids at school are making fun of one of his friends. What should he do? A: Your student has the power to help his friend. Explain that words can be as hurtful as hitting and shoving. And when onlookers do nothing, they’re encouraging the bully to continue. However, it’s hard to stand up to bullies. When Jeff hears his friend being picked on, he might try a casual comment like, “Come on guys.” If the put-downs continue, he can be more assertive (“That’s not cool. We’ll see you later”) and walk away with his friend. You might also suggest that the boys spend time with another group. For instance, Jeff could invite his friend to a movie with his basketball buddies. Note: If the bullying continues, Jeff should encourage his friend to tell a parent or teacher or someone else he trusts. If his friend isn’t comfortable, doing this, our son could offer to do it for him.

Parenting with Love and Logic for Secondary Students

This year RRHS hosted their first Parenting with Love and Logic class – the class was hosted in the library and nearly a dozen families signed up and attended the 6 week program. The feedback we received from participants included: “This works – and we are committed to making this a way of life in our home!” “I was surprised at how quickly my daughter realized I wasn’t going to solve her problems for her!”

“I was nervous, I usually get involved when my boys begin to fight – but I have learned that when I don’t get involved, they are accountable to one another for their behavior – they have agreed to change the way they interact!” “Our kids are ready for bed, teeth brushed, and waiting for a book – they learned quickly that we read to kids who are ready for bed by 7:30!

Our thanks to Costco, Dions, Albertsons, Chick Fil A, Zio’s, Panera Bread and Sams Club for donations that made it possible for us to offer dinner for every participant and their children throughout the 6 week course. We were delighted to also receive flash drives from Best Buy for every family so they could have Love and Logic resources to support them beyond the classroom learning. Please join us at Rio Rancho Elementary School beginning March 3, 2014 for our next Parenting with Love and Logic class! DECA prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in marketing, finance, hospitality and management in high schools and colleges around the globe. Students learn business techniques and professional behavior. Encourage your high school student to take Marketing I, the first step in learning leadership and business skills! With this in mind, students who do take Marketing I in the 2014-2015 school year have many opportunities and advantages over other students. Scholarships are awarded to outstanding DECA members and at DECA competitions some students are offered job opportunities on the spot during their mock interview role plays. Throughout the year, members participate in outside-of-school activities, community service, and academic competitions where members earn points. After earning a designated amount of points members can obtain an activity letter for DECA. This year, the RRHS DECA program is proud to announce that 54 out of our 67 DECA members made it to state competition! They will compete at the Hotel of Albuquerque on February 20th, 21st, and 22nd. The various competitions are role plays, quiz bowl, project presentations, banner displays, virtual simulations, and written testing. Those that perform well will secure a spot at DECA’s International Career and Development Conference (ICDC) in Atlanta, GA in May. Along with many of our accomplishments this year, the Rio Rancho DECA student store received Gold Level Certification from DECA and qualified for recognition at ICDC. Thanks to Katie Vickers, Abbey McCal, and Brittany Benedict, our store will be recognized for operating utilizing high standards and efficient business procedures. The Student Based Enterprise project they submitted consisted of a 30 page report detailing our operating procedures. The next step for the three member team is to present the student store project at ICDC held in Atlanta, Georgia in May. The reward for performing well in the academic competitions is the opportunity to travel and meet DECA students from around the globe. PLAN. PREPARE. PERFORM. PLAY. In DECA, we work hard to play hard! By Katherine Harris RRHS DECA V.P. of Public Relations


As the Year of the Horse kicks off, more and more American students are choosing to learn Chinese. China is no newcomer to the world stage, but with increases in military spending and space exploration, an ever-growing GDP, and a cultural and economic reach that is changing perspectives around the globe, there is no better time to begin a lifelong study of one of the most influential languages and cultures on earth! At Rio Rancho High School, Chinese 1 students have just wrapped their studies of Xiyou Ji, (Journey to the West), one of the four great novels of the Chinese literary canon. Students were thrilled to discover that characters they grew up with, such as those in the popular cartoon, “Dragonball Z,” are based on Xiyou Ji. Students worked together to rewrite one of the four main characters’ adventures in simple Chinese, then performed their own and each other’s skits. Collaborative learning is fun and effective! Chinese 2 and 3 students are progressing in their reading and writing skills, acquiring the ability to spot “radicals” (the building blocks of Chinese characters) to help them remember the meanings and sounds of different characters. The Chinese writing system is so unlike western alphabetical systems that it takes some comprehension of a Chinese worldview in order to master Chinese characters. For example, the 214 “radicals” that all characters are built from include logograms for the concepts “Woman” and “Child.” Put them together and you have the character “Good.” But there is no radical for the concept of “Man.” Rather, “Man” is made up of two radicals: “Field” + “Strength.”

Studying Chinese, like studying any language, means peering into another culture and learning not just how people communicate, but what they communicate. At this exciting time in history, an understanding of what ¼ of the world’s population is doing, thinking and saying is invaluable. The Year of the Horse is an excellent time to start learning Chinese! Rio Rancho is one of the only school districts in New Mexico that offers Mandarin. Don’t miss the opportunity—take the reins and gallop into the future with knowledge that will give you a huge advantage in any career path! Rio Rancho Football Parents, We have our next booster/team meeting on Tuesday February 18, 2014 at 5:45 pm at the Rio Rancho football field house. We will discuss booster suggestions, program input, parent involvement, options to fund raising (banner program), and overall level communication. For news and information try our websites at or You can also contact our team ambassadors for more information. OFFICERS- Steve Bailey-, Chastity Ives-, Nicole, Lee Ann AMBASSADORS- 9th Grade“Ram Report” Deborah Serna-, 10th Grade- Val March 2014 Patterson-, 11th Grade- Refer questions to 12th Grade- Julie Guevara- julieg730@hotmail. Published Four Times Per Year com. Please take advantage of this meeting and being involved Rio Rancho High School in these influential years. GO RAMS! 301 Loma Colorado David Howes Rio Rancho, NM 87124 Head Football Coach Issue #4 Ext: 505-896-5600


Students Nominate Teachers for Green Classroom Awards

Last January, in honor of the NM Energy Awareness Week, the RRHS DERT team sponsored a Green Classroom Campaign to recognize those teachers who make eco-conscious choices and take real steps towards reducing the school’s water and energy consumption and waste production in their classrooms. Students nominated teachers who practice the first 5 of the following, and at least one other, in their classroom and/or office: 1. Recycle 2. Have an end-of-the-day energy and water room check 3. Turn off computers at the end of the day 4. Unplug Power strips on Fridays 5. Turn off lights when no one is in the classroom 6. Use Rescue Paper for notes or scratch paper 7. Make sure water faucets are turned off and don’t leak 8. Water plants with leftover water 9. Check for window leaks 10. Use reusable cups and utensils for class parties 11. Encourage students to use both sides of the paper 12. Open the blinds to let in natural light 13. Share a mini-fridge 14. Bring a mug or glass to school 15. Recycle old technology Over 25 teachers were nominated and received Green Classroom posters for their rooms. Way to go RAMS teachers! Rams Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!

Yearbooks for Sale

Yearbooks are on sale now! They are $75 from January 1st to March 29th. You can pay with cash or check (made out to RRHS), mailed to RRHS c/o Kristin Garletts, or brought to room B&E 101. You can also pay online with a credit card at, school #6797.

Yearbook Elective Class

Yearbook is a fun elective that students can take and it fulfills a tech credit! It is a writing intensive class that will teach students interviewing skills, photography, layout design, teamwork, and especially writing skills Students can register for the yearbook elective class for 2014-2015 this spring. Yearbook 1 is a semester long tech credit class and a prerequisite for yearbook 2 and 3, the class that creates the schol’s yearbook. Visit today! Hjstitch.comàLog InàFirst Time VisitoràEnter Rio Rancho High School Or visit Google Play and download the HJStitch app today! (School #6797)

A.S. Named Student Council of the Year

RRHS Associated Students received the Platinum Student Council of the Year Award at the recently held state student council conference. The Platinum Award is the highest honor a student council can receive in the state of New Mexico. To earn the Platinum Award, A.S. need to earn at least 90% of the points possible. This year, they scored a 107%. CONGRATS, A.S.!

RRHS Student Council, Principal Earn Top Honors Student Council Earns Platinum Recognition; Mr. VonAncken is Administrator of the Year Two more big recognitions have been added to Rio Rancho High School’s long list of kudos for achievement in student government. Rio Rancho High School’s Associated Students is the New Mexico Association of Student Councils (NMASC) Student Council of the Year, earning its second Platinum recognition. And RRHS principal Richard VonAncken has been named the New Mexico Student Council Administrator of the Year. In the photo, VonAncken -- he’s the guy on the right -- demonstrates his school spirit! He has been RRHS principal since 2004. The Administrators Award recognizes a school leader who has demonstrated extended support of Student Council and Student Council activities. Student Council Advisors and Presidents submit letters of nomination and a committee of the NMASC Executive Board selects the recipient. The awards are just the latest in a long list of honors and awards received by the Rams student council. The Associated Students previously received Platinum recognition in 2010, and earned NMASC Gold recognition in 2000-01, 2001-02, and 2008-09 (the year RRHS hosted the state student council convention). In 2011-12, Student Council Advisor Bill Duncan was the state’s Advisor of the Year and was a finalist for National Student Council Advisor of the Year. The RRHS student council’s best-known community initiative is the “Big Event,” begun six years ago and held every November. Teams of students with an adult volunteer fan out across Rio Rancho to help local residents with yard work and household chores. This year, more than 300 students and 63 adult volunteers participated. RRHS was one of the first high schools in the nation to adopt this community service project.

Marine Corps JROTC

If you haven’t yet had a chance to meet him, I want to make sure and introduce and welcome Master Gunnery Sergeant De La Rosa to the RRHS MCJROTC program. He is the primary instructor for all first year cadets (LE-I) and coaches the drill and color guard teams. It’s great having him on board and he’s helping our program get to the next level. Between when I write this and when you read this we’ll have competed in two very important events. On 22 February, hopefully we had a great Iwo Jima Meet, which I’ll pre-thank everyone for helping make yet another success. And the week before that our top sporter air rifle team will have had a chance to compete against the best programs in the western half of the United States at the Regional Service Championships, hopefully we’ll qualify for nationals again this year. That will be an opportunity to go to Camp Perry, Ohio, the Mecca for shooting sports. This year’s State meet will be held at La Cueva High School on Saturday 12 April, that’s technically the first day of Spring Break so don’t make plans to get out of town too soon if your cadet competes. We will likely do our rifle matches and PT events the week leading up to that Saturday. Pay attention to the website for offers on summer camps, competitions, scholarships and other opportunities. The direct link is or click the link under activities from the main Rio Rancho High School webpage. Also there is info on the new Smith’s Community Rewards program so get enrolled to help us out if you haven’t already. Semper Fi Major Walter Finney, Senior Marine Instructor, RRHS MCJROTC


Important Information for Seniors

GRADUATION TICKETS – Each graduating Senior will receive 14 general admission tickets. Seniors MUST complete the Check-out Process described below before receiving their tickets. EXTRA TICKETS – Any extra tickets will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis immediately following the Graduation Rehearsal on MONDAY, MAY 19 at the Santa Ana Star Center. Date Time & Location Event Sat., Apr. 26 8pm – Midnight Senior Prom Tamaya Resort Apr. 28 thru Various Seniors can begin check-out process ** May 14 Thu., May 2 3rd Pd. (approx. 9 a.m.) Senior Honors Assembly. PAC May 8 – 9 Various Senior Finals Wed., May 14 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. Senior Picnic Loma Colorado Park Wed., May 14 2 p.m. Deadline to complete Senior check-out process. Thu., May 15 1:30 p.m. Graduation ticket distribution. (You MUST complete CHECK-OUT to get tickets.) Cafeteria EACH SENIOR WILL RECEIVE 14 TICKETS. Mon., May 19 4:30 p.m. Graduation rehearsal/cap & gown distribution. (MANDATORY) Santa Ana Center Tue., May 20 Santa Ana Center GRADUATION! Seniors arrive @ 8 a.m. Ceremony begins @10 a.m. SENIOR CHECK OUT – All Seniors MUST complete a CHECK-OUT form verifying they have returned all school property (textbooks, uniforms, equipment, etc.) and paid all outstanding fines and debts owed to the school. Seniors MUST have their check-out form signed by the following: • LIBRARY/MEDIA CENTER • BOOKROOM (located on the first floor of B&E Building) After receiving clearance from the Library and Bookroom, Seniors must take their form to the SCHOOL BOOK KEEPER (located in the Admin. Building, next to the Reception Desk), who will check for any additional outstanding fines or property, and then complete the check-out form. IMPORTANT: Seniors will NOT receive their allotment of graduation tickets UNTIL THEY HAVE COMPLETED THE CHECK-OUT PROCESS.

2014 Junior-Senior Prom

The 2014 Junior-Senior Prom will take place SATURDAY, APRIL 26 at the Tamaya Resort. The dance will take place from 8 p.m. – Midnight. If your student plans to attend, here are some things they should know: • Tickets for the dance are $30 each, and they will go on sale TUESDAY, APRIL 8 during lunches in the cafeteria. NO TICKETS WILL BE SOLD AT THE DOOR. • On Thursday, APRIL 24, the price of tickets will go up to $35 each. Please avoid long lines at lunch AND BUY YOUR TICKET EARLY! • There are no refunds. • THERE IS NO ADMITTANCE TO THE PROM AFTER 10 P.M. • Dress for the Prom is FORMAL. • Students may invite ONE guest who does not attend RRHS to the Prom. Guests MUST BE UNDER 21 YEARS OLD and AT LEAST A FRESHMAN IN HIGH SCHOOL. NO MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENTS CAN ATTEND. • You can download details on dress code and guest permission forms from the ACTIVITIES PAGE ON THE RRHS website.

Attention all Awesome Dancers

The RhythAMetteS dance team will be having tryouts for the 2014-2015 season Monday, April 28th - Wednesday, April 30th from 3:30pm-5:30pm in the RRHS Main Gym. All days of tryouts are mandatory, and a physical is required to tryout. The mandatory parent/dancer tryout meeting is Thursday, April 10th at 6:30pm in the RRHS gym. Contact Mrs. Carson at 962-5225 with any additional questions.

Dance News

The Rio Rancho High School Master Dance Company recently performed “Sealed with a Kiss”, a Valentine’s dance concert with music and choreography about love and relationships. The company is currently preparing for their final performance of the year, “Rock of Ages”, a rock themed dance concert. The company is growing by ‘leaps and bounds’, and is one of the few public school dance companies of its kind in the state of New Mexico. Students with advanced level technique audition each April for a position in the company. Students who are interested, but need more training, are encouraged to take dance 3 ‘Dance Force Company’, which is the training company that prepares dancers for Master Dance Company. We also offer Dance 1 for students without previous training, and Dance 2 for intermediate level dancers. Students interested in taking dance next year can contact RRHS Dance Director, Lois Moreno at Lomoreno@ for more information about what level class would be right for them. The Rio Rancho High School Master Dance Company will perform their final dance concert of the year “Rock of Ages” an exciting dance concert set to rock music of all eras, on Friday May 2nd and Saturday May 3rd at 7:00 pm in the RRHS Performing Arts Center. The show will feature classic rock, alternative rock and contemporary rock music and will feature original dances choreographed by the RRHS Master Dance Director, Alumni, and professionals. The company is celebrating its 17th year and is comprised of 30 dancers who auditioned last year to compete for a coveted position with the popular high school dance company. Over 60 students auditioned for the available positions, and 24 were chosen based on strong technique, style, experience, and stage presence. Master Dance alumni, Kaitlyn Aquino, Kristin Overman, Rachel Wilkinson, Preston Sam, Melissa Lowe, and Rebecca Hohsfield have been invited back to choreograph original numbers for the show. The program will also feature dances by emerging Master Dance company choreographer Allyson Bugos as well as RRHS Dance Director/MD Artistic Director, Lois Moreno. Tickets will be available at the Performing Arts Center box office before each performance and will be free to RRHS students with I.D. and $5.00 for the general public.



Rio Rancho Baseball Alumni game March 1st at 11:00am….All baseball alumni contact coach Murphy if interested in playing…

Bowling Team Takes State

The RRHS Bowling Team claimed its second state championship with a win in the final match over La Cueva High School. The win capped off one of the best years in the history of RRHS bowling. CONGRATULATIONS, RAMS!

Beyond the Local Limits

By Andrea Roddriguez, Key Club Editor Breaking the barriers and against all odds students at Rio Rancho are building a library more than 6,000 miles away in Ghana. As of this school year the Key Club, a volunteering organization based here in Rio Rancho High, is taking the first steps to build a library in Bawaleshie, Ghana. Brainstorming ideas the club is finding ways to fundraise and collect donations for their project. Although not physically the club will be building the library from the ground up, collecting money and books to send to Ghana. With a current goal of $3,000 for the end of this school year the club is looking for help from the public, “this is a great opportunity for us not only to branch out of our local community but now we are branching out to a community over six thousand miles away building a library but we can’t do it alone”, says Key Club administrator Tammy Scarlett. With roughly forty members on a good day the club knows that if every student in the RRHS body gave one dollar the club would surpass their goal for the year. But making it to their goal this year would make a small dent in the overall which they estimate to span over several years. The library will not be the only thing coming to life through this project, a sister Key Club will be started in Ghana as a result. Along with raising for local organizations the Ghana key club will be raising for the everyday needs of its people for things such as mosquito nets and medical supplies many things that are taken for granted here. “Knowing that we are helping build a library and because of this there is also going to be a Key Club in Ghana it is really amazing” says key club member Cameron Ly. Now not only will the education of the small town of Bawaleshie increase but better futures will be in the grasps of those less fortunate now with the means to not only acquire their necessities but also understand what is being given to them. Find out how you can help support this Key Club endeavor by emailing Key Club at RRHSKC@GMAIL.COM. A Primary School Classroom in Bawaleshie, Ghana

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What Drives You! RRHS Drivers Education Class

Students wishing to obtain an instructional (learner’s permit) or a provisional license in New Mexico must complete a Driver’s Education Course. Students at Rio Rancho High School between the age of 15 and 17 have an opportunity to take Driver’s Ed after school. In this course, students learn the rules of the road to become a responsible, defensive driver. Also included in the course is DWI awareness. Behind the wheel driving is not included in this class and must be completed on the student’s own time with their parents/guardians. Once students complete and pass this course they will receive a Certificate of Completion. There are four Driver’s Education classes held at Rio Rancho High School each year, after school. A summer class is offered when there are enough interested students signed up. The summer class follows the Summer School calendar and is held at the Secondary Learning Center. The exact dates of each nine week session are determined two weeks prior to each nine week session. At that time students may register to take the next class on a first come first serve basis after they have returned the required parent permission form. The Rio Rancho Drivers Education class cost $100.00. By the generosity of Jiffy Lube, Rio Rancho High School has a “What Drives You” scholarship designed to offer Driver’s Education classes to students who, due to financial circumstances, would not otherwise have the opportunity to take this course. Up to six students can apply for partial assistance to pay for their enrollment into Rio Rancho High School Driver’s Education class. To be eligible to register for this course and/or apply for the “What Drives You” Driver’s Education Scholarship the student ... 1. Must currently attend Rio Rancho High School. 2. Must meet or exceed requirements to take the course (a GPA of 2.0 or higher in the previous nine weeks, and no more than one F). 3. Be 15 or older on the first day of class. 4. Be committed to completing the nine week course. 5. Agree that the information submitted in their application to be honest and true. 6. And, parents/guardians of the student must commit to transporting the student home at the end of each Driver’s Education class The next Drivers Education class will begin Monday, March 17, 2014 and run through May 15, 2014. Registration will begin March 3 and will continue until the class fills up. Class size is limited to approximately 40 students and is on a first come first serve basis. This class will meet from 3:00 to 5:00 PM, Monday and Thursdays and from 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM on Wednesdays. Some Tuesdays may be assigned after school for makeup days if needed. It is advised that if students have other after school activates to hold off registering for this course until they can be fully committed to attending. For further details on the course and how to apply for the “What Drives You” Driver’s Education Scholarship, please check the Rio Rancho High School website.


An update from SciMatics

By Jennifer Miyashiro New AP offerings Science Competitions This year, RRHS offered AP Environmental Science (APES) for the first time. This course On January 16, 2014 the annual RRPS Student Research EXPO was held at V.S. Cleveland High School. Two hundred students from Rio Rancho High School introduces students to the natural sciences in an interdisciplinary context that includes consideration participated in the event! The level of the projects was exceptionally high and the level of people and how they have influenced natural systems. It is the equivalent of a one semester college of competition unprecedented. The top awards (Outstanding Young Researcher) for course. RRHS qualified for the AP STEM Access Program which is designed to start new AP math RRHS went to Elizabeth Burton for her project, “Galloping Heroes, Phase II: Cortisol and science courses and to encourage traditionally underrepresented minority and female students who Level Normalization, PTSD Symptom Reduction, and Resilience Strengthening through demonstrate strong academic potential to enroll and explore these areas of study and related careers. Equine Assisted Psychotherapy” and Hanna Harper for her project, “# Water Probs”. Matthew Farley has spearheaded this effort by working with the granting agencies, getting his course The International Sustainable Project Olympiad (ISWEEEP) finalist award went to approved by the College Board, and teaching two sections of the course. He hopes to grow the program Harrison Lee and Xavier Tapia for their project, “Application of the Piezoelectric Effect: over the years. If you have any questions about the program, please contact Matthew Farley. Next year, physics is changing. The College Board is now offering tests for four AP Physics Phase II.” These young men will represent RRPS at the ISWEEEP competition in Houston, Texas for the second year in a row. Last year they won Third Place in their category. These courses. AP Physics 1 and AP Physics 2 are each the equivalent of a college semester of algebra four students and 26 others from RRHS will be taking their projects to the Central NM based physics. AP Physics C Mechanics and AP Physics C Electricity and Magnetism are each the equivalent of a semester of calculus-based physics. Since the material in AP Physics 1 greatly Science and Engineering Research Challenge at UNM (March 20-22). Kathryn Harris, Jacob Cole Holderman, and Harrison Lee qualified as finalists overlaps our current Physics course, RRHS will no longer be offering a “regular” Physics course. for the 2014 Southwest Junior Science & Humanities Symposium (JSHS). They will The basic course will be AP Physics 1. All students are encouraged to take AP Physics. The prebe presenting their papers at UNM on March 1. Prizes include up to $2000 in scholarships requisites are: AP Physics 1: Completed Geometry and currently in Algebra II or concurrently in Geometry with and a chance to compete at the National JSHS in Washington, D.C. in April. On February 1, 2014 Natalie Ballew took the RRHS Science Olympiad team to instructor’s permission. compete at the Central New Mexico Regional Science Olympiad. With the leadership AP Physics 2: Physics or AP Physics 1 of Ashley Chavez and Harrison Lee, RRHS earned second place in the “Disease AP Physics C Mechanics: Co-requisite of Pre-AP Precalculus or higher Detectives” competition. The RRHS team came in fourth place overall and they qualified AP Physics C Electricity and Magnetism: Co-requisite of Pre-AP Precalculus or higher AND preto compete at the NM State competition on February 22. Many of our Science Olympians requisite of AP Physics 1 or co-requisite of AP Physics C Mechanics Please see Ms. Walker if you have any questions about these great new course offerings. will be graduating this year, so if you are interested in joining, please see Ms. Ballew

Elizabeth Burton

Harrison Lee and Xavier Tapia

We are “The Eagle”

Hanna Harper

Kathryn Harris

Jacob Cole Holderman

Rio Rancho High School 301 Loma Colorado Rio Rancho, NM 87124

Ram REPORT A publication for the parents, staff and community of Rio Rancho High School 8

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