Students should be reading at home for 20 min

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Students should be reading at home for 20 min. everyday! During this time of year it seems hard to find any extra time, but it is extremely important that students make time to read. A student who reads 20 minutes a day is more prepared with better background knowledge for making connections, more stamina to learn, and an improved ability to make sound decisions. According to K12 Reader, “Our brains develop as we ‘feed’ them with experiences.” Reading provides students with the experiences necessary to develop their thinking, while establishing a baseline of principles by which they can evaluate everyday decisions. Many of these decisions require students to choose between right and wrong. K12 Reader also tells us that reading improves listening skills, builds literacy skills, prepares students for their futures, improves academic performance, improves relationships, increases lifetime earning potential, and can improve with practice. “Opportunities to read are all around us. Once you learn to read it becomes like breathing -- you can easily do it while you’re doing so many other activities that you sometimes don’t realize you’re doing it at all. And, like perpetual motion, the more you read the better you read. You also think better; write better, feel’re just better (metropolitanlibrary. org).” Most importantly, it doesn’t matter what students read! They can read a book, magazine, graphic novel, instruction manual, or newspaper article. They can read from paper or from a digital screen, and even listen to an audio book. To get started, check out “When You Start to Read More, These 10 Things Will Happen,” found at The final message for students is, the more you read, the better you get. The better you get, the more you read. Pick up something and read today! Source: Minutes_at_Home2.jpg

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