Healthy Tips and Suggestions

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Wellness Corner As we all try to focus on our health here are some simple tips to help with your long term health goals.

Eat more plants and less meat The brighter the colors the better. Romaine has more nutrient value than iceberg lettuce. Make a fruit smoothie; add spinach or kale, and a little flax seed for your Omegas! Every year the culinary students learn how to make a healthy smoothie without milk or sugar. They watch Ms. Heller add spinach and flax seed and they are always pleasantly surprised. A power packed smoothie can save the day. Add some nuts to a salad or simply a few in a bowl, they are nutrient superheroes!

Lower your Stress Find a strategy that works for you or your family. Listen to music, watch a comedy, play board games, take walks, or a bike ride. Stress can take a physical and emotional toll on your body. Try to make the stress reliever you choose a part of your day, every day. Don’t forget to make sure you get enough sleep!

Exercise Exercise can be as simple as taking the long way around your building at work. Use those stairs if you have them at work. Housework is a great way to get moving‌we realize everyone would prefer a dinner out! Workout with a friend, sometimes the best motivator is someone else relying on you. Simply be mindful of how much you are moving in a day and a week. In the gorgeous weather that is coming for fall enjoy a walk with a loved one! Walking is also excellent for you and can actually relieve stress. +Corner.docx

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