1 minute read


There are various typographic styles that should be applied to Acadia University copy. Proportions can be adjusted as needed but ratios should be maintained between typographic styles.

Lead Headlines

Display headlines for Acadia University can be expressed BRAND typographically in various weights of Avenir Next. The kerning VISUAL of each line can also vary, as long as the length of the overall header stays the same. For emphasis, isolate one word or a sentence in an outline of the font. Add thin lines on the top and & the bottom of the headline lockup to complete the look. RESOURCES Colour: Primary brand colours blue, red or white (or combination TOOLKIT of) may be used for the lead headline. The final design should always be tested for legibility and to ensure accessibility standards are met.


Helvetica Neue Bold left justified. Colour: Primary red, blue or white.

Helvetica Neue Bold left justified. Smaller font size from the header. Colour: Primary red, blue or white.


Body Copy

Helvetica Neue Light left justified in the primary black. 9.4pt font size and 14pt leading, and 10pt optically kerned. There should be no hyphenation or widows at any point. Paragraph spacing of 0.25” should be applied. Because we specialize in providing a premium undergraduate experience. It is the foundation of what we do. We care about our students. And we understand that means making a connection.


Cutlines, captions to photographs or other illustrations, should be Helvetica Neue Thin left justified in the primary black. Biology students and Teaching Assistant collecting samples on the beautiful Acadian Dykelands and tidal flats.

Signature Visual Identity Components

Body Copy

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