ADC Today - Summer 2011

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Discover what’s New at ADC Learn about programs that can enrich you and your ministry


Acadia Divinity College


You belong!

he mission of Acadia Divinity College (ADC) is to equip Christian leaders for paid and volunteer ministry in Canada and the world. As an evangelical theological college on the campus of one of Canada’s most renowned universities, (Acadia University) ADC graduates hold a widely-respected degree and find open doors of opportunity for ministry and further study throughout the world.

At ADC you will build a network of ministry colleagues to support you in a life of ministry leadership... Founded and operated by the churches of the Convention of Atlantic Baptist Churches, ADC serves students affiliated with over 20 denominations and representing every Canadian province and many countries. Our diverse student body includes laypeople, experienced ministry leaders, and those beginning preparation for a life of ordained or scholarly ministry. All share a desire to know God better and become better equipped to serve him through their calling.

chapel and building friendships through weekly community meals, small groups, and special events. At ADC you will build a network of ministry colleagues to support you in a life of ministry leadership, and gain the spiritual nurture and formation necessary to minister out of a rich relationship with God. We invite you to pray and consider whether God might be calling you to study and grow deeper in your faith and your ability to serve – whether as a key volunteer leader in your church or ministry, as an ordained minister, or as a chaplain or scholar. In this special edition of ADC Today you will find a program that can help equip you to fulfill your calling. Accessible courses, affordable tuition, and scholarships and bursaries could make your dream for further education more attainable than you ever imagined! For more information, visit our website or contact the ADC Registrar’s Office at (902) 585-2210.

ADC is about more than just classes and study. The ADC Experience includes community worship through

In this Edition • Teaching Sites • Master of Divinity Programs • Master of Arts Academic Disciplines

• Master of Arts Practical Disciplines • Undergraduate Programs • Doctor of Ministry

• Meet the Faculty • Upcoming Courses

Teaching Sites We Give You Options! Acadia Divinity College offers courses in a variety of locations across eastern Canada:

Affiliated Colleges

Wolfville: You can complete any degree or program

ADC supports the equipping of Christian leaders in French Canada and overseas by maintaining a degree-granting partnership on behalf of Acadia University with four theological colleges:

part-time or full-time at our main teaching site located on the campus of Acadia University. All courses required for all degrees are offered on a rotating basis over a two or three-year period in a variety of teaching formats including once weekly, intensive weeks, and on weekends.

ADC in Metro: Six to eight introductory-level courses

are offered annually at various sites throughout Metro Halifax and Truro, often one evening per week for 12 weeks but sometimes in other formats. You can begin any degree or program from home. The Graduate Diploma in Christian Studies can be completed in its entirety in Metro Halifax over a three to four year period, and up to one half of the courses required for a degree program can be completed through ADC in Metro. Students who wish to study full-time without relocating to the Wolfville area can complete a program by taking a combination of courses through ADC in Metro and our Wolfville site.

ADC–New Brunswick: Six to eight introductory

level courses are offered annually at various sites throughout New Brunswick, often on weekends (Friday 2:00pm – Saturday 4:00pm), but sometimes one evening per week for 12 weeks. You can begin any degree or program from home and complete it by taking intensive courses in Wolfville. The Graduate Diploma in Christian Studies can be completed in its entirety in New Brunswick over a three to four year period, and up to one half of all courses for a degree program can be completed through ADC – New Brunswick. Students who wish to complete a degree without relocating can complete it through a combination of courses from ADC – New Brunswick and our Wolfville site. In addition to live courses, ADC also offers some independent study courses, (primarily within the Master of Arts programs), and some courses through virtual seats (primarily within the Bachelor of Theology programs), and via the internet.

To find out about courses offered near you, visit:

• Faculté de Théologie Évangélique: Montreal, Quebec • Bethel Seminary: Hong Kong • Christ International Divinity College: (CINDICO): Nigeria • Universal Gospel Divinity College: (UNIDICO): Nigeria

“My eight-year journey to complete the Master of Divinity at Acadia Divinity has come to an end. God has been in control of my journey and all the thanks goes to Him. But without ADC and the ADC in Metro program I don’t know where I would be. Thank you to all the staff and professors at the College for their patience and guidance.” Michel Lechmann, MDiv '11, Associate Pastor of Family Support, Birch Cove Baptist Church, Halifax, Nova Scotia

“I’ve appreciated ADC’s approach to integral mission, and their partnership with Canadian Baptist Ministries, which has provided me opportunities to study in Europe and South America while completing an MDiv. These experiences have been pivotal in my preparation for ministry as I seek to live out my faith in word and deed, and care for the Church both locally and globally.” Louise Knowles, MDiv '11, Director of Christian Education, Bayers Road Baptist Church, Halifax, Nova Scotia


Master of Divinity Programs


he Master of Divinity is the primary degree designed to equip leaders for ordained Christian ministry. Building on a strong undergraduate background, this 90 credit hour graduate-level program (three years, if full-time) equips students to understand and interpret scripture, appreciate Christian history and theology, and understand how to provide effective ministry leadership in the contemporary Canadian cultural context.

Master of Divinity graduates are prepared for a wide range of ministry leadership including service in local churches, chaplaincy settings, and overseas. Graduates also provide leadership to denominations and parachurch ministries. Some graduates engage in further study and then teach in colleges and seminaries worldwide.

Admission Requirements: • Bachelor of Arts (or equivalent) • Minimum 2.0 Grade Point Average • Recommendations demonstrating a call to, and suitability for, Christian ministry

Graduate Diploma in Christian Studies Especially for Volunteer Leaders! If you would like to grow deeper in your faith through foundational courses in Biblical Studies, Theology, and Christian History, and acquire additional skills in ministry leadership, the 30 credit hour (10 courses) Graduate Diploma may be the right program for you. The Graduate Diploma can be completed part-time through ADC in Metro or ADC – New Brunswick. It can also be completed part-time or full-time through our main campus in Wolfville. The Diploma is awarded by ADC and courses taken can be applied toward a Master of Arts or Master of Divinity degree.


Master of Divinity Specializations • • • • • • • •

Pastoral Ministry Evangelism and Mission Youth and Young Adults Pastoral Care and Counselling Leadership and Spiritual Formation Prison Chaplaincy Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care Without specialization

“The flexibility the College showed by incorporating all my previous theological training as transfer courses and allowing me to continue in spite of me living four hours away from campus was excellent.”

“I’m thankful for my time at ADC. The flexibility the College showed by incorporating all my previous theological training as transfer courses and allowing me to continue in spite of me living four hours away from campus was excellent. I was able to take classes on-line, via Skype, in week-long modules, and in the traditional manner. Thanks ADC for making my education possible!” Rev. Richard Agnew, Senior Pastor, Grace Baptist Church, Charlottetown, PEI

Master of Arts Academic Disciplines


Master of Arts (without specialization)

cadia’s Master of Arts degrees in Old Testament, New Testament, Second Temple Judaism, Theology, Christian History, or Baptist Studies are designed to equip students for advanced study at the doctoral level and thus all programs require a thesis. Acadia Interested in taking courses to grow in your faith but graduates have been accepted into major research universities not feeling a call to doctoral study? The Master of Arts across North America and in Europe and are teaching in Bible (without specialization) can provide you with a non-thesis flexible program where you can explore Biblical Studies, colleges, universities, and seminaries worldwide. Christian Thought, and approaches to contemporary minis60 credit hour option: Applicants with no or little try through taking courses that interest you. prior study in their intended field complete a 60 credit hour program (two years, if full-time) that contains foundational courses in Biblical Studies and Christian Thought as well as extensive study in their particular field of interest. Students “The MA program at Acadia Divinity College is recognized will have the opportunity to take independent Guided around the world, with several graduReading (“Great Books”) courses. Graduate Seminars in a ates now pursuing doctoral studies in student’s field provide an opportunity to develop skills in some of the finest universities. For years preparing and presenting scholarly work to peers. the MA has been limited to the academic

30 credit hour option: Applicants who already possess

a graduate theological degree or an honours undergraduate degree in the subject they wish to concentrate in can ask the ADC Registrar about the possibility of applying to complete an MA in only 30 credit hours (one year, if full-time).

Admission Requirements: • Bachelor of Arts (or equivalent) • Minimum 3.0 Grade Point Average • Recommendations demonstrating evidence of scholarly ability and promise

disciplines, such as Biblical Studies and Christian Thought, but now the program has been expanded to include degrees in applied theology. We are excited about this new development, knowing that it opens up more opportunities for future students.” Dr. Craig Evans, Payzant Distinguished Professor of New Testament, Acadia Divinity College

“We are excited about this new development, knowing that it opens up more opportunities for future students.”


Master of Arts Practical Disciplines


cadia’s Master of Arts degrees in Leadership and Spiritual Formation, Evangelism and Mission, Youth and Young Adult Ministry, Discipleship, Pastoral Care and Counselling, Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care, or Prison Chaplaincy are designed to equip those not seeking ordination for ministry leadership roles in church and society. These programs contain foundational study in Biblical Studies and Christian Thought, a broad introduction to ministry, and an opportunity to specialize in an area of ministry interest. All programs allow students to complete a major project applying what they have learned to their own ministry setting.

“The MA program at ADC is a great way to grow in your knowledge of God’s Word and to develop your ability to effectively write and communicate its truth.”

Admission Requirements: • Bachelor of Arts (or equivalent) • Minimum 3.0 Grade Point Average • Recommendations demonstrating evidence of ministry passion and ability

“The Master of Arts program at Acadia Divinity College has provided me with the opportunity to delve deeply into God’s Word. Having the opportunity to study the original languages, historical context, and theology of the Bible in a rigorous academic setting has been a tremendous blessing from God. Further, doing these things under the supervision and direction of great scholars makes it all the better! The MA program at ADC is a great way to grow in your knowledge of God’s Word and to develop your ability to effectively write and communicate its truth.” Deven MacDonald, MA '11, Intern Pastor, PAXNorth Church, Halifax, NS

“Truly, my time at ADC was an amazing experience that enriched my theological understanding. I was challenged to develop an appreciation for beliefs and practices that went beyond my cultural and contextual understanding. However, I gained a greater appreciation and proficiency in articulating my faith to a diverse group. ADC’s commitment to excellence in


both academic and practical scholarship enhanced my ability to provide ministry in various ethnic and cultural contexts.” Dr. Lennett Anderson, MDiv '00, Senior Pastor, Emmanuel Baptist Church, Hammonds Plains, NS.

A Time of Celebration

Commissioning Service and Convocation 2011

Acadia Divinity College’s graduating Class of 2011 with their professors as well as Dr. Hugh McNally who received an Honorary Doctor of Divinity during Acadia University’s convocation on May 15.

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Graduates included Doctor of Ministry: Dan Green, Jeff Lutes, John McNally. Master of Arts in Theology: Rob Heffernan, Deven MacDonald, Greg Monette, Dennis Nickerson. Master of Divinity: Richard Agnew (missing), Jeremy Bast, Tyler Bennicke, Brad Douglas (missing), Louise Knowles, Michel Lechmann (missing), Susan Mattinson, Dan Pyke, Jennifer Rowsell, Amy Tucker. Bachelor of Theology: Laurie Perrin (missing), Tim Zinck (missing), Libby Amirault.

This year, Dan Pyke (seen with Libby Burnham, Chancellor, Acadia University) was the recipient of the President’s Award which is given to the graduate who will receive the Silver Medal in Theology during Acadia University’s Convocation ceremony. It is given to the graduate who has attained the highest grade point average over his/her entire academic career at Acadia Divinity College, and who, in the judgment of the faculty, shows great potential for ministry. Congratulations Dan!

Dr. Harry Gardner and Tim Zinck (BTh) during Commissioning Supper where Tim received the Wilfred Howard Prize.

Dr. Hugh McNally (R) who received the honorary Doctor of Divinity from Acadia University - seen here with Dr. Malcolm Beckett, Director of Atlantic Baptist Mission, CABC.

L-R: Gathering on the front steps of University Hall before Convocation are Dan Green, DMin, Deven MacDonald , MAT, Dr. Harry Gardner, President, ADC, Louise Knowles (MDiv), Libby Amirault (BTh)

Deven MacDonald, awarded the Crowe Prize during Commissioning Supper, graduated with a Master of Arts degree on May 15.

Libby Amirault, who received her Bachelor of Theology at Convocation, was warmly greeted by President of Acadia University, Ray Ivany.

ADC’s three Doctor of Ministry graduates pose before Convocation. L-R: Dan Green, Jeff Lutes and John McNally.

ADC students at Acadia University’s Convocation.

Dr. Andrew MacRae, Consultant of Doctor of Ministry and Fountain Professor of Evangelism and Mission, Emeritus, presents Rev. John McNally (R) with the “MacRae Prize for Best Doctor of Ministry Thesis”.

Master of Divinity graduate, Dan Pyke, and his newborn son, Kendrick, celebrate!

Sheila Ago, second-year Master of Divinity student, receiving the Li An-Chuan Memorial Scholarship from Dr. Harry Gardner at Commissioning Supper.

The special speaker during ADC’s 50th Commissioning Service was Dr. Robert Wilson, Professor of Church History.

On May 13, 2011, the ADC community gathered for the 50th annual Commissioning Service.

Graduands and brothers-in-law Richard Agnew (L) and Deven MacDonald (R), pose with Danny Zacharias (’07, ’06), Lecturer in New Testament and Greek.

L-R: Dr. Carol Anne Janzen, with Susan Mattinson – who received the Diploma in Prison Ministry along with Susan’s mother, alumni Rev. Beth Mattinson (’04).

Louise Knowles, Master of Divinity student, giving the reflections of a graduate address at Commissioning Service.

Master of Divinity student, Jennifer Rowsell, with her family and friends during Commissioning.

Commissioning Service 2011 Faculty, Staff and Students.

Undergraduate Programs Bachelor of Theology: The BTh (90 credit hours, three

electives or to complete a package of courses that can fulyears if full-time) is a first degree designed to equip those fill the requirement for a minor in their degree program. over age 21 who are called to leadership roles in the For more information visit and contact Christian community. In addition to an introduction to ADC’s Director of Undergraduate Studies. the Bible and Christian Thought, this program also provides an introduction to current and proven ministry approaches that make a difference in the lives of people. Foundational “I began working on my Bachelor of Theology Degree in 2007 on courses in arts and science provide an understanding of the a part-time basis. Since ADC has been leveraging today’s historical and current context for the practice of ministry. technology, I have been able to take advantage of the distance The BTh (Ordination Track) is specifically designed to courses offered including being a virtual meet the ordination requirements of some denominations student where I am “in class” via weband churches. Prospective students who have credit from cam. This has allowed me to continue my uncompleted degree programs are encouraged to ask the current work in pastoral ministry while ADC Registrar about the possibility of transferring courses continuing my theological studies without into the BTh program. having to leave my job or move my family. I am grateful to God that ADC has adapted both their delivery and design for theological education; opening the way for people like me who are called and currently working in pastoral ministry to serve and study simultaneously.”

“After my first year at ADC in the Bachelor of Theology program I can’t help but smile and be very grateful for my decision to attend ADC.”

Carolyn Steeves, BTh student, Campus Pastor and Outreach Pastor, The Journey Church, Moncton, NB

Certificate in Christian Studies: This 30 credit

hour undergraduate program is designed to provide those interested in ministry with a foundation of Biblical Studies, Theology, Christian History, and practical Ministry courses. This program can help equip you to be an effective volunteer leader in your church or ministry. The credits earned in the Certificate can be applied toward a Bachelor of Theology degree.

Certificate of Ministerial Studies: This undergraduate-

level non-credit program is designed to provide those over 55 years of age who are seeking ordination with a foundation of Biblical Studies, Theology, Christian History, and practical Ministry. Applicants should normally have been accepted by their church or denomination as a candidate for ordination.

“After my first year at ADC in the Bachelor of Theology program I can’t help but smile and be very grateful for my decision to attend ADC. This year I have discovered my love for theology, made amazing friends, learned great amounts, and finally (and most importantly) deepened my relationship with Jesus Christ. I feel so blessed for the education I am receiving, the character/ traits of God are being revealed to me in amazing different ways and I cannot get enough.” Joel Murphy, BTh student, Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship staff

Minor in Theological Studies: Acadia University

undergraduates are welcome to take courses at ADC at no additional cost. Undergraduate courses in Biblical Studies, Theology, and Christian History can be taken and applied to undergraduate degrees being pursued through other faculties at Acadia. Students may choose to take courses as


Doctor of Ministry


he Doctor of Ministry is the highest degree awarded by Acadia Divinity College. Designed for mid-career vocational ministry leaders, the DMin is a four year, part-time, in-ministry degree. The Acadia DMin one of Canada’s most acclaimed - provides an opportunity for students to grow personally and spiritually, to engage in significant academic study with leading instructors from around the world, and to sharpen ministry skills.

Admission requirements: • • • •

Master of Divinity (or its educational equivalent) Minimum 3.0 Grade Point Average Minimum of three years paid ministry experience Normally applicants are ordained and currently leading significant ministries

“The Doctor of Ministry program has allowed me to lead and be stretched in my thinking and in my faith as we are involved in missions in an Islamic context in the Middle East. The flexibility that the program offers in the choice of courses, the caliber of the faculty, and the academic rigor has been extremely valuable for me.” Rupen Das, Doctor of Ministry student, Deputy Director for Sharing Way, CBM, Beirut, Lebanon

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Affordable tuition. Generous scholarships. Explore Acadia – Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada

For more information, visit:


Study with these Leading Scholars at Acadia ADC TODAY

James A. Beverley Reginald Bibby William H. Brackney David A. Clark James D. G. Dunn

Pluralism Contemporary Society Contemporary Theology Depression and Anxiety Romans

Dr. Craig A. Evans, Distinguished Professor of New Testament, Acadia Divinity College. Author of hundreds of scholarly articles and more than 50 books including Jesus,the Final Days (2009), and Guide to the Dead Sea Scrolls (2010), and more. Evans is known for his expertise in the historical Jesus and his world. He has given lectures around the world and has appeared in several news programs and documentaries.

Scott M. Gibson Scott J. Hafemann Larry W. Hurtado Robert Johnston Nancy Nason-Clark

Preaching 1 Peter Mark Film and Television Domestic Violence

C. Rene Padilla Richard Peace Ron Sider

... and Many More

Integral Mission Evangelism Holistic Mission

Meet the Faculty


t ADC you can study with highly qualified faculty members who have studied and lived throughout the world. Our professors have extensive ministry experience in the local church and other settings including Christian camping, denominational and parachurch leadership, hospital chaplaincy, international mission, and youth ministry. Members of our faculty have lectured at conferences and universities throughout the world and have written extensively in their fields.

William H. Brackney, B.A. (Hons.) (University of Maryland), M.A.R. (Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary), M.A. (Temple University), Ph. D. (Temple University). Millard R. Cherry Distinguished Professor of Christian Thought and Ethics, Director, Acadia Center of Baptist and Anabaptist Studies Tracy Demmons, B.A. (Dalhousie University), M.A. M.Div. (Acadia University), Ph.D. (University of St. Andrews). Lecturer in Pastoral Care and Counselling, Director, Taylor Centre for Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care Craig A. Evans, B.A. (Claremont McKenna College), M.Div. (Western Baptist Seminary), M.A. (Claremont Graduate University), Ph.D. (Claremont Graduate University), D.Habil. (Budapest). Payzant Distinguished Professor of New Testament Studies, Director, Master of Arts Program, Director, Hayward Lectures Bruce G. Fawcett, B.A. (Atlantic Baptist College), M.Div. (Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary), Th.M. (Harvard University), Ph.D. (University of Wales). Associate Professor of Leadership, Academic Dean, Director, Doctoral Studies Harry G. Gardner, B.A. (Dalhousie University), M.Div. (Acadia University), D.Min. (Fuller Theological Seminary). President and Dean of Theology, Abner J. Langley and Harold L. Mitton

Professor of Church Leadership, Director, Simpson Lectures Carol Anne Janzen, B.A. (Hons.) (Acadia University), M.A. (University of New Brunswick), M.R.E. (Acadia University), Ph.D. (University of Alberta). Assistant Professor of Practical Theology, Dean of Students, Assistant to the Director of Mentored Ministry Program Christopher Killacky, B.Sc. (Hons.) (Exeter University), M.A. (Greenwich School of Theology), Ph.D. (Potchefstroomse University), P.G.C.E. (Brunel University). Associate Professor of Theology; Director, Undergraduate Programs; Director, Distance Education; Director, Technology Jody Linkletter, B.A. (Hons.) (Atlantic Baptist University), M.Div. (Acadia University), Ph.D. (Warwick University). Lecturer in Youth and Family Ministries, Associate Director of Doctoral Studies Andrew D. MacRae, M.A. (University of Edinburgh), B.D. (University of Edinburgh), Ph.D. (University of St. Andrews), D.D. (Campbellsville University), D.D. (Acadia University) Sheldon and Marjorie Fountain Professor of Evangelism and Mission, Emeritus, Senior Consultant in Doctoral Studies Leslie C. McCurdy, B.A. (Dalhousie University), M.Div. (Vancouver School of Theology), Ph.D. (University of Aberdeen). Lec-

turer in Theology, Director, ADC in Metro

Jeff Carter, D.Min. (Global Field Staff, CBM)

Stephen McMullin, B.A. (Hons.) (Acadia University), M.A.T.S. (Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary), Ph.D. (University of New Brunswick). Lecturer in Mission and Evangelism, Director, ADC New Brunswick

David A. Clark, Ph.D. (Professor of Psychology, New Brunswick)

Lionel M. Moriah, B.A. (Hons.) (St. Thomas University), M.Div. (Acadia University), D. Min. (Acadia University). John Gladstone Associate Professor of Preaching and Worship, Dean of Chapel, Director, Mentored Ministry Program Dale O. Stairs, B.A. (Atlantic Baptist University), M.Div. (Acadia University). Lecturer in Youth and Young Adult Ministry, Director, Youth and Young Adult Ministry Program Robert S. Wilson, B.A. (Gordon College), M.A. (University of Guelph), Ph.D. (University of Guelph). Professor of Church History R. Glenn Wooden, B.A. (Hons.) (Mount Allison University), M.Div. (Acadia University), M.A. (Acadia University), M.L.I.S. (Dalhousie University), Ph.D. (University of St. Andrews). Associate Professor of Old Testament Studies, ADC Librarian H. Daniel Zacharias, B.A. (Providence College), M. Div. (Acadia University), M.A. (Acadia University). Lecturer in New Testament and Greek

Adjunct Faculty James A. Beverley, Ph.D. (Professor of Theology and Ethics, Tyndale) Reginald Bibby, Ph.D. (Board of Governors Research Professor, Lethbridge) Stephen Brown, M.Div. (Counsellor, Nova Scotia Community College)

James D. G. Dunn, Ph.D. (Lightfoot Professor, of Divinity Emeritus) Scott M. Gibson, D.Phil. (Haddon Robinson Professor of Preaching, Gordon-Conwell) Scott J. Hafemann, Dr. Theo. (Rockefeller Distinguished Professor of New Testament, Gordon-Conwell) Larry W. Hurtado, Ph.D. (Professor of New Testament Language, Literature, and Theology, Edinburgh) Robert Johnston, Ph.D. (Professor of Theology and Culture, Fuller) Nancy Nason-Clark, Ph.D. (Professor of Sociology, New Brunswick) C. Rene Padilla, Ph.D. (Founder, Kairos Foundation, Argentina) Parush Parushev, Ph.D. (Dean, International Baptist Theological Seminary) Richard Peace, Ph.D. (Robert Boyd Munger Professor of Evangelism and Spiritual Formation, Fuller) James Penner, MA (Founder, James Penner and Associates) Marv Penner, D.Phil. (Executive Director, All About Youth) Ron Sider, Ph.D. (Professor of Theology, Holistic Ministry, and Public Policy, Eastern) Terry Smith, D.Min. (Director, International Partnerships, CBM) John Sumarah, Ph.D. (Professor of Education, Emeritus, Acadia) Allison Trites, D.Phil. (Payzant Distinguished Professor of New Testament, Emeritus, Acadia)


Check Out Our Upcoming Courses Some upcoming courses you can take toward your Acadia degree or apply to audit for fun or personal interest:

Biblical Studies • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


Aramaic Foundations in Biblical Hebrew 1 Foundations in Biblical Hebrew 2 Foundations in New Testament Greek 1 Foundations in New Testament Greek 2 Intermediate Greek Intermediate Hebrew Interpreting the New Testament Interpreting the Old Testament Genesis Deuteronomistic History 1 and 2 Chronicles and Ezra-Nehemiah Psalms Daniel Amos and Isaiah Dead Sea Scrolls Life of Jesus The Gospel of Matthew The Gospel of Luke The Gospel of John Romans and Galatians Philippians, Colossians, Ephesians, Philemon Greek Exegesis of Hebrews and James Greek Exegesis of John Greek Exegesis of Luke Greek Exegesis of Matthew Greek Exegesis of Philippians, Colossians, Ephesians, Philemon Greek Exegesis of Romans and Galatians Hebrew Exegesis of 1 and 2 Chronicles, Ezra-Nehemiah Hebrew Exegesis of Amos and Isaiah Hebrew Exegesis of Daniel Hebrew Exegesis of Deuteronomistic History Texts

• • • • • • • •

Hebrew Exegesis of Genesis Hebrew Exegesis of Psalms Study of the Greek Versions of Daniel Study of the Septuagint of 1 and 2 Chronicles and Ezra-Nehemiah Study of the Septuagint of Amos and Isaiah Study of the Septuagint of Genesis Study of the Septuagint of Joshua, Judges, 1 and 2 Samuel, 1 and 2 Kings Study of the Septuagint of Psalms

Christian Thought • Christian Theology 1 • Christian Theology 2 • Theology in the First Five Centuries • Theology of the Reformers • Contemporary Theology • Christology • Holy Spirit • Eschatology • Baptist History and Polity • Baptist Life and Thought • Christian Ethics • Christian Theology in a Pluralistic Context • From Puritanism to Evangelicalism • History of Baptists in Atlantic Canada • Movements of Awakening and Renewal • Reformation and Free Church Origins • Religious Traditions in Canada • Graduate Seminar in Christian Thought • Research Methodology and Design • Special Topics in Baptist Studies

Ministry • A Theological and Sociological Analysis of Youth Culture • Bringing Renewal to Established Congregations

• Christian Spiritual Formation of Ministry Leaders

• Preaching Evangelistic and Expository Sermons

• Clinical Pastoral Education

• Professional and Personal Ethics

• Counselling Adolescents and their Families

• Prison Ministry Practicum

• Developing Pastoral Identity for Local Church Ministry

• Reaching and Retaining Young Adults

• Effective Preaching and Engaging Worship

• The Soul of Leadership

• Evangelism and Discipleship of Youth • Evangelism and Mission in Contemporary Society • Faith Development through Small Groups • Integral Mission • Introduction to Chaplaincy • Introduction to Prison Ministry • Leadership and Youth Ministry • Leadership that Advances the Mission • Leading Healthy and Effective Churches • Marriage and Family Counselling • Mentored Ministry 1 • Mentored Ministry 2 • Pathways of Prayer: The Soul’s Quest for God

• Special Topics in Youth Ministry • Transformational Discipleship Ministries • Understanding Pastoral Care and Counselling • Youth and Family Ministry • Youth Ministry and Short-term Mission

“ADC’s unique connection with the federal prison in Springhill provided more personal and ministerial growth towards my call to prison chaplaincy than I could ever have imagined! The inmates at the Kairos Marathons became some of the most influential professors I had. They were true and valuable teachers to me.” Susan Mattinson, MDiv '11, Halifax, NS

• Perspectives on the World Christian Movement • Praxis (international study tour)

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Acadia Divinity College

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