Il Corso di Business English prevede l’approfondimento della lingua Inglese nel contesto aziendale. La finalità è quella di sviluppare le competenze linguistiche in un ambiente di lavoro internazionale attraverso l’apprendimento delle strutture legate all’organizzazione di una riunione, scrittura di corrispondenza commerciale, comunicazione telefonica e l’organizzazione dei contenuti per la scrittura dei report. Argomenti: MEETING BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCE TELEPHONING REPORT WRITING Le lezioni hanno l’obiettivo di costruire, anche attraverso esercitazioni pratiche, le nozioni fondamentali necessarie all’inserimento nel mondo del lavoro.
Il corso è in Lingua Inglese:
Livello di ingresso: A2 / B1
MEETING_ 1 INTRODUCTION Business meetings have different purposes. After discussion of different points it is necessary to reach conclusions and report what took place at the meeting. REASONS There are different reasons for meetings and they take place in a company in order to achieve results. They may involve different departments at different organizational levels.
Information It takes place in order to provide information. For example changes in organization, presentation of new projects or results. Actions It takes also place in order to take actions. For example selection of a candidate, change of business strategy or making a purchase. Here some examples: Problem solving It takes place in order to solve a problem. For example customer complaining, late payments or suppliers’ late delivery. Plans and Opinions It takes place in order to promote new plans. For example ideas for a new product launch, marketing strategy, development. Collecting and Reviewing data It takes place in order to collect or review data about a specific issue. For example outcomes of market research and reports.
Exercise LOOK AT THE EXAMPLE BELOW AND IDENTIFY THE PURPOSE FOR MEETING. Agenda: 2012 SUPPLIERS DELIVERIES Date: 21st January 2013 Time: 11.00 a.m. Place: Purchasing Office Participants: (names of the participants) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Apologies Subjects: SUPPLIERS DELIVERIES Evaluating results for the fourth quarter (October – December 2012). Late Deliveries of Italian Suppliers Promoted changes Implementing the new Suppliers deliveries program Conclusions Next Meeting
The meeting has been held in order to: a) Planning a new product launch b) Giving results of last quarter’s deliveries c) Taking Action to improve a new delivery program ( CORRECT)
Vocabulary Choose the correct synonym Organize a meeting
a) schedule (correct) b) attend c) postpone
Chair a meeting
a) participate b) run (correct) c) present
Participate in a meeting:
a) arrange b) hold c) attend (correct)
ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING (AGM) and EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING (EGM) INTRODUCTION A limited company needs to held an Annual General Meeting (AGM) in order to satisfy legal obligations. This formal meeting is held once a year in compliance with the Law. DESCRIPTION The company presents the Annual Report which includes information, results and strategies of the company during the year. The CEO and Directors (members of the board) take the floor and speak to the shareholders who have the right to vote according to the number of shares owned. Shareholders vote in person by participating in the meeting or by proxy online, mail or telephone. In order to discuss specific and urgent issues an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) may be held to settle questions during the year. In a formal meeting the organization shall include setting priorities, timing and schedule. PLAYERS in a formal meeting. The Secretary who is the personal responsible for the Agenda , the list of the items and the Minutes, the written records, including the follow-up. The Chairperson leads and controls the meeting in order to have effective outcomes. The Speakers report on specific issues.
THE SECRETARY – Role and Responsibilities Planning. Under the control of the chairperson the secretary organizes, provides and makes sure that all participants receive the Agenda and the Minutes of the previous meeting ahead of time. Recording. The secretary records the Minutes during the meeting and provides a copy to all meeting participants. It is very common when opening of a formal meeting the secretary reads the Minutes from the previous meeting in order to be approved by the participants. Follow-up The follow-up is an essential step. After recording and transcribing the Minutes, the secretary submits the document to the chairperson to approve it. It includes speakers’ speeches and duties assigned during the meeting. THE CHAIRPERSON – Role and Responsibilities
The Chairperson has a leading role in the Meeting. The Chair presides over the meeting and controls the proceedings. The responsibilities include: • • •
Introducing the Agenda and the Speakers Running the Meeting and make sure that speakers take part in the meeting Time Keeping
• • •
Reaching of the Meeting objectives Summing up Setting the date of the next meeting if required
VOCABULARY – Exercise 1 Choose the correct word to fill in the gap Meetings, Minutes, Shareholders, Directors, Secretary, Agenda, Chairman, AGM, Apologies, Summarize, Board . Weekly………… are very common in all company departments. (Meetings) The …………… have been sent to all participants last week.
The……………….is responsible for the ………………….. (Secretary / Agenda)
The ………. of……………… is composed by 11 members. They are the most important………….. of the company. (Board / Directors/ Shareholders) A new…………… has been appointed. (chairman) We have received……………….. from Mr. Brown. (apologies)
Can you …………………………….. the decisions taken today? (summarize) The………….. is held once a year
VOCABULARY – Exercise 2 Choose the right combination Meeting, Minutes, Shareholders, Directors, Apologies, Board
……………… (meeting)
= an event where a group of people discuss thing or make decision.
= written records that are discussed or decided.
……………… (shareholders)= persons who own shares in a company ………………. (Directors)
= most senior managers who regularly make important decisions
………………. (Apologies)
= you write in order to tell someone you are sorry
……………. (Board)
= group of people who control and direct a company.
READING EXAMPLE OF MINUTES Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting
REPUBLIC OF ITALY In the year two thousand ten, on Monday, 5th August 2010 at 10.00
in Milan (MI),
For the purpose of the Meeting I, the undersigned secretary record in these minutes the following: Participants: Mr. Tony Brown, Mr. Pat Smith, Ms. Patricia Well, Mr. Antony Black, Ms. Mary Castlewood, Mr. Jerry White in addition to the Chairman, Mr. Frank Roberti born in Milan (Italy) on 6th October 1969, domiciled for purposes of office at the headquarters of the company and hereinafter identified also as the “Chairman of the Meeting�.
1. Apologies. Apologies were received from Sarah Thomson and Mattew Mc Call 2. Minutes. The minutes of the previous meeting have been approved and accepted as true by all members.
3. Matters. Mr. Tony Brown reported on those subjects responsible for management and for the audit. Ms. Patricia Well reported on financial statements of the 2009 year. Ms. Mary Castlewood thanked the Board for the resolutions implemented. The Chairman of the Meeting puts to a vote - point by point - the following: ‌
4. Reports. The reports have been delivered to the Directors and each of them should come to specific conclusions.
The Chairman decides that the meeting should continue with the remaining items on the Agenda next Friday, 9th August 2010 at 11.00 a.m.
I as secretary have recorded these minutes, written on computer by a person whom I know and trust and in part by Myself. This document consists of one written sheet with one page. Signed:
MEETING_3 HOW TO STRUCTURE AND RUN A MEETING? That’s a very good point! In order to achieve the meeting goals it is important learn how to structure and run a meeting. What does it mean an effective meeting? The participants shall follow the schedule and get to the point. People shall be encouraged to take part in the meeting, achieving results and preventing digression. Any Other Business shall be discussed at the end of the meeting.
Here some of useful tips to successfully structure and run a business meeting. OPENING AND STATING GOALS Be clear about the purpose of the meeting. Plan the items before starting and focus on the outcomes. Introduce the Agenda. SETTING PRIORITIES You can effectively plan your meeting if you set priorities. You have to choose among several items and prioritize them. INVOLVING PARTICIPANTS Ask for contributions and bring others in the meeting. Facilitate the conversation about the selected topics. TIMING Take into account timing of the meeting. If you do not consider time limits you will not be able to achieve your goals.