The Stonehaven School

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Learning to Live. Learning to Love.

The Stonehaven School exists to glorify God by cultivating truth, goodness, and beauty in students through a distinctly Christ-centered classical education.

The foundational commitments of The Stonehaven School distinguish it as an institution and are the standards against which all new ideas and practices are tested. Christian Worldview: We believe that every aspect of our children’s education must be intentionally founded upon biblical truth.

Classical Liberal Arts: We are committed to the traditional and long established, exemplary forms and standards in education handed down from ancient and medieval educators.

Wisdom and Virtue: We believe that true education culminates in wise and virtuous students who are being conformed to the image of Christ.

God-Honoring Excellence: We are dedicated to teaching and learning with excellence as unto the Lord.

Appropriate Forms and Habits: We believe that true education recognizes that hearts and minds are shaped not only by ideas and knowledge, but also by practices, habits, routines, and liturgies.

In Loco Parentis: We seek to assist parents in their God-given task of educating their children in the Lord.

Engaged and Committed School Community: We believe parents should actively participate in the life and community of the school.

“I am thankful for the quality education my children receive at Stonehaven. Not only are my children exposed to the Word of God in a holistic and integrated manner, but they also receive a rigorous and challenging education in all subjects.� - Stonehaven Parent

tonehaven aims to graduate young men and women who: Love God with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength; Evaluate all human knowledge and experience in light of the Scriptures; Are equipped to engage and shape the culture with the Truth of the Gospel; Listen carefully, reason soundly, speak precisely, and articulate persuasively; Have mastered a core body of knowledge and are capable of discussing great ideas; Possess a life-long passion for learning and know how to apply the tools of learning; Lead and serve with humility, gratitude, and grace.


“We have been very blessed by Stonehaven. We, as parents, could not have even imagined a better school environment for our children to grow, thrive and learn.� - Stonehaven Parent

tonehaven strives to be the premier classical Christian school in the greater Atlanta area with a reputation for Christian virtue and academic excellence. Stonehaven aims to: Create a spiritual and physical haven for students to learn without hindrance; Teach using the systematic tools of the trivium; Provide a fine arts program where students thrive through creative expression; Develop a culture of health and wellness through extracurricular enrichment programs; Encourage spiritual growth within a loving community of like-minded families; Cultivate in students, parents and staff a love for learning.



PHASE 3 - RHETORIC Sayers described the rhetoric phase of a child’s development as “self-centered; it yearns to express itself; it rather specializes in being misunderstood; it is restless and tries to achieve independence…a reaching-out towards a synthesis of what it already knows.” A classical education trains a child to adorn the facts and logic of their education with goodness and beauty. Stonehaven students learn the rhetoric of all subjects helping them to write, speak and behave in an articulate, winsome and persuasive manner. The ultimate end of a classical Christian education is to prepare a child to discern God’s call for their life in service to God and others.

PHASE 2 - LOGIC As children mature into the middle school years their natural curiosity shifts from “what” to “why.” Why must I learn this? Why is this important? Why is that true? Sayers says this phase “is characterized by contradicting, answering-back, liking to ‘catch people out’, and the propounding of conundrums.” This provides a unique opportunity to teach with the grain of a child and lean into their natural desire to understand the logic behind what they are learning. The child is learning not just what to think but how to think. By integrating logical thinking into all aspects of the curriculum, the Stonehaven student is learning the ordered relationship of all knowledge.

PHASE 1 - GRAMMAR The classical Christian education at Stonehaven recognizes that the formative years of a child’s education can be divided into three phases of learning; grammar, logic, and rhetoric. Dorothy Sayers said that a child in the grammar phase, “readily memorizes the shapes and appearances of things…one rejoices in the chanting of rhymes and the rumble and thunder of unintelligible polysyllables; one enjoys the mere accumulation of things.” Stonehaven’s grammar education immerses a child in lessons catered toward their nature, including songs, sound-offs, stories, poetry, nature studies, and games. Stonehaven students acquire a strong foundation for the demands of the logic and rhetoric phases of their education.

tonehaven aspires to share the hope of the Gospel to families both near and far. Stonehaven aims to: Serve the community with all of our heart, mind and strength; Promote the truth, goodness and beauty of a classical Christian education; Assist and equip parents in the Christian nurture of their children; Advance God’s kingdom by sending graduates with a heart for the lost to the four corners of the earth; Share our gifts, resources and fine arts with the community at large; Reflect God’s Kingdom through our racial, ethnic and economic diversity.

“Stonehaven is truly an awesome, loving, Christlike family. Yes, the academics are rigorous, challenging our children in healthy ways. But I love most the commitment of the whole community to helping raise them up to be men and women after God’s own heart.” - Stonehaven Parent




he task of education continues beyond the walls of a traditional classroom. To cultivate wisdom and virtue

in our children we must train them how to honor God in every area of their lives. This could happen on the basketball court, on a field trip to the Botanical gardens or during a visit to the symphony. Students cannot learn everything they need to know by achieving good grades and high test scores. Classical Christian education realizes that children have souls. These souls are yearning to be nourished by that which is true, good and beautiful. Stonehaven endeavors to train children in various extracurricular disciplines including art, music, athletics and travel. Virtues such as integrity, diligence and teamwork can be embodied through athletic participation. Through artistic expression, children are learning to reflect the beauty, order and harmony of God. Treating one another with respect, love and kindness are tested when traveling. As students participate in these activities, teachers, coaches and parents embrace another opportunity to teach them how to bring glory to God. Surrounded with a Biblical worldview and Godly mentors, the children at Stonehaven are taught how to live and love with joy, patience, kindness, prudence, faithfulness, diligence and self-control.

Second and sixth grade field trip to the Monastery of the Holy Spirit

Learning to Live.

Learning to Love.

Marietta, Georgia (770) 874-8885

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