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Chapter 4: How are different populations affected by Long Covid?


How are different populations affected by Long Covid?

Am I at high risk for Long Covid because I have a weak or damaged immune system?

Immunocompromisedpeoplehaveahigherriskofdeveloping severe symptoms during an initial Covid-19 infection. This may increase the chance of Long Covid and of chronic COVID becauseoftheircompromisedimmuneresponse.

If I have had severe Covid-19 symptoms, am I more likely to have Long Covid?

Yes, the more severe the symptoms during Covid-19 infection, themorelikelyyouwilldevelopLongCovid.

Is Long Covid more common in women or men?

Women are more likely to develop Long Covid-related health consequencesmonthsafterinfectioncomparedtomen.70 A review published in June 2022 aggregating data from 35 studiesfoundthatincidenceofLongCovidsymptomsinwomen was 22% higher than in men.71 The authors called for more research that can provide insight into the disparity, which has

70 Sex-Related Differences in Long-COVID-19 Syndrome | Journal of Women's Health 71 Sex differences in sequelae from COVID-19 infection and in long COVID syndrome: a review

also been observed in chronic fatigue syndrome, autoimmune disorders,andothercomplexchronicconditions.72

How does Long Covid impact disadvantaged communities?

SevereinstancesofLongCovidrequiresignificantcare,eitherat home or at the hospital. Disadvantaged families face income limitations,lackofaccesstoaffordablehospitals,twoworkingparenthomes,andmore. RacialminoritiesmaybeparticularlyimpactedbyLongCovidin referencetocaregiving.Onein310Blackchildrenexperienced thelossofaparentorcaregiverinthefirstyearofthepandemic comparedto1in738whitechildren.73 Poor families may experience similar difficulties. Among married-couple families, 62.3% had both parents employed in 2021.74 Mostofthesearebynecessitytopayrent,bills,foodand educationcosts,andsoon.

TheCovid-19pandemicalsocatalyzedeconomicdownturnsthat particularlyaffectedlowandmiddle-income families.Manyinperson workers were furloughed or lost their jobs entirely in 2020.In2022,asmanyastwo-thirdsofAmericanfamilieslive paycheck to paycheck and many millions are uninsured or underinsured.75 Extended hospitalizations can cost tens of thousands and upwards of millions of dollars. In-home care is similarlyunaffordable.

72 How Long Covid Is Shaping Up To Be A Feminist Fight

73 Long Covid Could Do Serious Damage in the Black Community - The Sacramento Observer 74 Employment Characteristics of Families - 2021 75 As inflation heats up, 64% of Americans are now living paycheck to paycheck

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