ACCESSline, The Heartland's LGBT+ Newspaper, April 2012 Issue, Volume 26 No 4

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Dr Joe Discusses LGBT One Iowa Speakers Healthcare at FFP Bureau Program

Kate Clinton

Interview by Angela Geno-Stumme Interview by Angela Geno-Stumme Franklin Family Practice is a fullservice medical practice specializing in accessible, holistic care for all individuals and their family members. The clinic shares space with, and is a whollyowned subsidiary of, United Community Services, Inc. UCS provides quality care in a recovery focused system. The goal of the Franklin Family Practice is to provide patients with individualized and personal health care, while equipping them with the information they need to be respon-

I had the chance to speak with Molly Tafoya, One Iowa Communications Director, about the new Speakers Bureau Program with One Iowa. One Iowa’s mission is to support full equality for LGBT individuals living in Iowa through grassroots efforts and education. Formed in 2005, the organization has been an effective advocate for the community. In coalition with progressive and political allies, recent achievements include civil rights legislation to protect the LGBT community against employment and housing discrimination, safe schools legislation establishing anti-bullying policies in Iowa’s schools, and defeating anti-marriage legislation. What is the Speakers Bureau? The goal of the Speakers Bureau is to equip supporters with the tools they need to effectively communicate the importance of marriage equality to Iowans. We are trying to reach Iowans in every corner of the state and have a real conversation about why marriage matters. We do

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Sharon Needles— Iowa’s HIV Exposure The Queen of Shock Law and CHAIN Interview by Seven Love Interview by Angela Geno-Stumme TTDR JOE continued page 4

Virginia Tonelli discusses Community HIV and Hepatitis Advocates of Iowa Network

Could you tell me about Community HIV and Hepatitis Advocates of Iowa Network (CHAIN)? The Community HIV/Hepatitis Advocates of Iowa Network (CHAIN) is a non partisan organization that provides strategic leadership in the fight against HIV and Hepatitis. CHAIN has approximately 150 active members throughout the state of Iowa from a variety of different groups including individuals living with HIV and viral hepatitis, health care professionals, industry representatives, and academics. What does it do? We advocate for the prevention of HIV and viral hepatitis, and for access to quality care to ensure positive health outcomes for all infected and affected Iowans. Where is it based out of? We are a state-wide, volunteer organization. We have

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Now (in)famous for her unique style on RuPaul’s Drag Race, Sharon Needles is coming to The Garden in Des Moines on April 20th. What has been yo u r inspiration as the Queen of Shock? My favorite form of entertainment is shock art. I love to push things as far to the edge as possible for the sake of attention. Sometimes it’s social commentary, and sometimes I just like to be a brat. You say that you are an example of current social anxieties, what concerns does Sharon Needles have about society? I see our culture going backwards. The irony in that is we can do such great things and have groundbreaking technology, but our social tolerance, sense of humor, and all around

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What’s Inside:

Section 1: News & Politics

Advertising rates Letter to the Editor Rape Victim Advocacy Program by Angela Geno-Stumme Club CO2-The New GLBTQA Night Club Out Networking Women & LGBT People Under Attack by Blumenfeld Remarkables by Jonathan Wilson Time for a Third (and more) Party by Tony E. Hansen Minor Details by Robert N Minor Just Sayin’ by Beau Fodor Inside Out:The Price of Gender by Ellen Krug Nebraska: Ron Brown by Cyd Zeigler jr. Creep of the Week by D’Anne Witkowski Know Yourself, Know Your Status, Get Tested

Section 2: Fun Guide

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Entertainment Picks for the Month 11 Kate Clinton - Interview by Chris Azzopardi 11 Wired This Way by Rachel Eliason 12 Day of Silence Promotional Ad 13 Time Again for Paul Revere By Jonathan Wilson 14 Cocktail Chatter by Ed Sikov 14 From The Heart by Rev. Kathy Love, D.D. 16 Your Iowa Wedding Awaits:Celebration 18 Out of Town: Memphis and Nashville by Andrew Collins 21 One of the tallest trees in our forest By Rev. Monroe 22 Deep Inside Hollywood by Romeo San Vicente 22 Hear Me Out by Chris Azzopardi 23 The Bookworm Sez by Terri Schlichenmeyer 24 Comics and Crossword Puzzle 24-25 ACCESSline’s STATEWIDE Recurring Events List 25

Section 3: Community

FFBC: Ellen Brings Mind Bending to FFBC by Bruce Carr 27 Council Bluffs Community Alliance 27 Gender and Sexual Orientation Agency at UNO 27 The Project of the Quad Cities Calender 27 From the Pastor’s Pen by Rev. Jonathan Page 28 Ask Lambda Lega by Scott Schoettes 29 Project HIM, Healthy Iowa Men 30 Love Responsibly Silent Auction a Success 31 Diversity Focus Appoints Chad Simmons 31 PITCH hosting 2012 Wellness Summit 32 Business Directory 33-34

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APRIL 2012

PUBLICATION INFORMATION Copyright © 2012, All rights reserved. ACCESSline

P.O. Box 2666

Cedar Rapids, IA 52406-2666 (319) 550-0957

ACCESSline is a monthly publication by

Breur Media Corporation. The paper was

founded in 1986 by the non-profit organi-

zation ACCESS (A Concerned Community for Education, Safer-sex and Support) in Northeast Iowa.

Arthur Breur, Editor in Chief Angela Geno-Stumme, Managing Editor

Publication of the name, photograph or

likeness of any person, business or organization in ACCESSline is not to be construed as any indication of sexual orientation. Opinions

expressed by columnists do not necessarily

reflect the opinions of ACCESSline or the LGBT+ community. Letters to the editor may

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We welcome the submission of origi-

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Section 1: News & Politics

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The ACCESSline celebrates… April 2012 is a month of celebrations. For Iowa, it is the third year of legal marriage. April 3, 2009, the Iowa Supreme Court announced its ruling that—according to the Iowa State Constitution, exactly the way it is written—denying same-gender couples the right of civil marriage was in fact denying them equal protection under the law. Despite what some people say, there was no “re-writing the Constitution” needed for them to come to this conclusion. Oppositegender couples were treated one way, and same-gender couples were being treated another way. Things just weren’t equal. So Happy Anniversary, Iowa, on stepping forward for civil rights ahead of 90% of the rest of the country. In a coincidence of timing, April 2012 begins my fourth year as editor-in-chief for The ACCESSline. In the past three years we have made some notable changes. First, we changed the tagline from “Iowa’s Gay Newspaper” to “Iowa’s LGBT Newspaper” in an effort to be more inclusive. I was soon told that I had not been inclusive enough. Over brunch (with the Queer Guerilla Brunch group based out of Iowa City) I was told in no uncertain terms that my brunchmate did not consider themselves to be any of the letters I had chosen. Another person at the table was a straight ally, and therefore didn’t fit into the “LGBT” grouping either. Shortly after this, I was reminded that the paper started out because of the AIDS crisis in the 1980s, and that part of our mission is to continue educating and informing about HIV—and to be an advocate for the HIV+ community as much as we were advocating for LGBTs and others. So that was when the second major change happened: we added the “+” to our tagline. Perhaps it was a bit lazy of me, but

I didn’t feel like adding “Q” or “A” or “QA” to the end of LGBT, and the larger acronyms out there (I kid you not, one of them is “FABGLITTER”) were less well know and a bit like alphabet soup. The “+” therefore stood for both “HIV-positive” and “plus everybody else”—everybody else being everyone who is connected to our community and interested in the events, news, humor, culture, and entertainment provided by The ACCESSline, but who doesn’t fit into L, G, B, or T. The third major change in the masthead content was adding the Iowa State Motto: Editor-in-Chief, Arthur Breur “Our liberties we prize and our rights we will maintain.” With all the fuss in Iowa by The FAMiLY Leader about how people should have We have likewise changed the paper’s a right to vote away other peoples’ rights, the website to, state motto seemed quite appropriate for our and will be changing the site’s format to little advocacy newspaper. Iowa same-sex better serve our growing readership. couples had gained the right to have their So with all of this reflection on the marriages recognized by civil law. We intend paper’s changes and growth for the past three to maintain that right. (And for now, it looks years, I can only be excited wondering what like the right is safe for at least another four changes we will see in the years to come. years, thanks to the courageous stance of Iowa’s Senate Majority Leader, Mike Gronstal.) So now I am proud to announce our most significant change yet: Thanks to our continued growth in readership in Nebraska, as well as on the Illinois side of the Quad Cities, The ACCESSline is changing its tagline again. We are Special thanks to Kathy’s Pies in Cedar Rapids for creating this now “The Heartland’s sweet version of our logo! LGBT+ Newspaper!”

ACCESSline Wants To Hear From You!

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Please send us information on any of the following: Corrections to articles • Stories of LGBT or HIV+ interest • Letters to the editor Editorials or opinion pieces • Engagement and wedding ceremony announcements or photos • Questions on any topic we print • Photos and writeups about shows, events, pageants, and fundraisers

Please email us at You may also contact us at our regular address, ACCESSline, PO Box 2666, Cedar Rapids, IA 52406-2666 ACCESSline reserves the right to print letters to the editor and other feedback at the editor’s discretion.

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Thank you for reading ACCESSline, the Heartland’s LGBT+ monthly newspaper. Our goal continues to be to keep the community informed about gay organizations, events, HIV/AIDS news, politics, national and international news, and other critical issues. Don’t miss it! $36 for 12 issues. Subscribe at: Send this completed form with check or money order for $36 for a one year subscription (12 issues) or RENEW for $30. Send to:

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CHAIN advocates from across the state. I live in the Des Moines area and we hold most of our meetings in Des Moines. Does it have any events or groups? CHAIN’s biggest event is our annual Day on the Hill, which typically takes place in February. The day consists of advocacy training in the morning followed by a luncheon with legislators at the State Capitol. This gives advocates an opportunity to have a one-on-one conversation with their legislators while they wait in line for lunch. By design, we have a captive audience. Iowa is very fortunate in that our state legislators are very accessible to their constituents. Last fall, CHAIN held two different advocacy trainings that were focused on federal advocacy efforts. What part do you play in CHAIN? My official title is “Advocacy Coordinator.” I wear many different hats, to say the least. I do everything from meeting planning to grassroots organizing. I work on CHAIN’s social media strategies. CHAIN has a Steering Committee that also plays an integral role in making sure things go smoothly. As I understand it, Iowa’s HIV Transmission Law allows for the imprisonment of HIV-infected people if they do not reveal their condition before having sex with another person. Is this accurate? Please, elaborate. Iowa Code 709C says that a person commits criminal transmission of the human immunodeficiency virus if the person, knowing their HIV status is positive, engages in intimate contact with another person. Exposing someone to HIV, whether or not the virus is transmitted, is a class “B” felony with sentences of up to 25 years in prison. Iowa’s law is not a transmission law, but an exposure law. The virus need not be transmitted for someone to be charged with the Criminal Transmission of HIV. Why is Iowa’s HIV Transmission Law controversial?

Section 1: News & Politics Iowa’s Criminal Transmission statute is considered one of the most stringent in the country. If convicted, an individual may be sentenced for up to 25 years in prison and be required to register as a sex offender. In many ways, the punishment does not fit the crime. To begin with, the risk of transmission of HIV is much lower than people realize. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that the risk of transmission during heterosexual intercourse is 1 per 1,000 exposures. Most persons convicted of HIV transmission did not actually transmit HIV, but a conviction is punishable by up to 25 years in prison. On the other hand, the sentence for causing injury when operating a vehicle while intoxicated is only one year in jail. Iowa’s law is also a blatant misuse of the sex offender registry. This registry was designed for persons convicted or adjudicated of a criminal offense against a minor, sexual exploitation, or a sexually violent crime. Almost all criminal transmission cases take place between two consenting adults. Iowa’s current law doesn’t include intent. Someone maliciously trying to infect others with HIV should be punished differently than someone who simply did not disclose their status. However, in Iowa this hasn’t been the case. This is also the same standard we have for every other infectious disease. Inadvertent transmission or nondisclosure of positive status is not punishable by law for any other infectious disease in Iowa. Are there other States that have laws that taken intent into account? Thirty-six (36) states and two (2) U.S. territories explicitly criminalize HIV exposure through sex, shared needles or, in some states, exposure to “bodily fluids” that can include saliva. These laws are not uniformly defined or enforced. Punishment for HIV specific laws range from misdemeanors and in some cases felonies, depending on the state. Some states take intent into consider-

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SHARON NEEDLES acceptance of bad taste is dwindling. How has your life changed since being on Season 4 of RuPaul’s Drag Race? Everything behind the closed door of my home and personal life is the same. I live a simple family life with my partner and elderly cat. But everywhere I go outside of my home, I’m recognized and fame-raped until exhaustion. I love it. Being recognized is better than a paycheck. What did you think of the other contestants? We are all sisters in a very dysfunctional family. And like any family, you don’t have to like them in order to love them. Tell us about the episode when you had to lip sync for your life against Phi Phi O’Hara, but then Willam was eliminated instead you or Phi Phi. I would have rather seen Phi Phi sashay away than see Willam go home. Would I have won that lip sync for your life? I’ll let you be the judge. Google it. Lady Gaga has tweeted about you. (Sharon Needles looks FABULOUS 2night on drag race. Very Born This Way

APRIL 2012 outfit/fame monster wig. Any rentals for my tour. #needthatbodysuit - Mon 26 Mar 21:51) What do you think about that? Shocking, I guess. I wonder why she finds the time. You are on tour at present, Whats been you’re favorite club to perform at? I’ve enjoyed every venue I’ve been at and every fan I’ve met. But if I HAD to pick, my home bar, The Blue Moon in Pittsburgh because that’s where my family is at, and it’s been my spot before all of this insanity. A quick Google search of your name brings up the following statement: “Birth certificates and arrest warrants alike indicate that Sharon Needles is from IOWA.” Would you care to comment on that? Accurate. What can Iowans expect from Sharon Needles performance at The Garden in Des Moines? I’m working on something special for my home sweet home. The show is on 4/20, which may influence the theme of the show. And I can’t wait to see my parents.

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DR JOE sible for their overall health and wellness. They seek to be their patients’ medical home – providing primary care and coordination of all health care needs between the patient, their physicians and, when appropriate, the patient’s family. Franklin Family Practice being under United Community Services makes Dr Joe and his staff addiction informed. Franklin Family Clinic with Dr. Joe Freund is located at 4908 Franklin Ave, Des Moines. How does being a gay man help you with your LGBT patients? I think it’s important for people to see themselves in places where they get service and so in that way, being I am an out gay man

helps people feel more comfort. For me, the story goes back to—I didn’t come out till I was about 40. It was at that point that I started learning about some of this stuff out of just pure selfish reasons. Because I had gotten no training on anything for lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender health care at all. So, I had to learn about this stuff myself. To do that, I went to a few conferences especially from the Gay and Lesbian Medical Association, which has an annual conference that’s great. Then I discovered that there were a lot of gay men that were trying to find where I was in order to come see me. Just because they felt more comfortable talking about things with me. So, over time that has really just sort of expanded out and I

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ONE IOWA this by having one-on-one conversations, hosting house parties, and by speaking publicly, either through the media or with public groups who don’t necessarily have a stance on LGBT equality in the state. The Speakers Bureau program is a way to work with supporters to become public speaking ambassadors and talk to new communities about the importance of equality. We encourage participants to bring with them ideas of opportunities to speak publicly within their own circles—through these networks we can have more conversations with more Iowans. When was the Speakers Bureau program started? Why was it started? The Speakers Bureau program was started in 2011 with the purpose of equipping One Iowa supporters with the tools and messages they need to be effective public speakers. The program arose out of a new public education effort to reach Iowans across the state and have a real conversation about the importance of marriage equality: Why Marriage Matters Iowa. The Speakers Bureaus are an opportunity for supporters who worked with One Iowa to take their involvement to the next level. We are looking for outspoken and engaged supporters who are interested in taking our message of equality for all Iowans to a public audience—whether that includes the media, or public speaking engagements in their own circles. What type of response have you had, for those interested in the program?

Section 1: News & Politics We have had really positive responses to folks just learning about the program, and from those who have been through our initial sessions. For the most part, One Iowa supporters are on the lookout for new ways to get involved with the organization and this is a unique and interesting way to learn more. Past participants have said that the trainings were useful in learning about messaging and the most effective ways to communicate the importance of LGBT equality. For many participants, it was the first time they learned the rationale behind effectively communicating with Iowans. For others, it was an opportunity to ask questions about the best ways to respond and engage with people on this issue. Who is eligible? Do you have to be gay or married? Do you have to be from Iowa or speak in Iowa? Anyone is eligible! You do not need to be LGBT, straight, married, or single—you just need to have a desire to speak publicly about the importance of marriage equality. Our sessions are not limited to Iowans, however, we will be travelling to cities in Iowa as we are a statewide organization. We encourage people to attend who are interested in learning about how to effectively communicate the importance of marriage equality to Iowans. What training/information does One Iowa give a speaker? Attendees will receive information about the current state of LGBT equality with a focus on marriage as background information before we dive into the best practices and powerful messages that we can use to engage with people who are undecided or are conflicted on the issue of equality. Attendees

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Club CO2-The New GLBTQA Night Club in Cedar Rapids Gay owned and operated, Club CO2 has opened their doors in Cedar Rapids. The owners, Jim Lehner, Rick Platte, and Scott Alt, state that patrons of the Club can expect a clean environment, great entertainment, along with great nightly specials. And that statement has proven true at Club CO2! Why Club CO2? Because when the dance floor gets too hot, Club CO2 cools it down with their CO2 canon! It drops the dance floor 20 degrees and fogs up the dance floor. Club CO2 is open 7 days a week from 4PM - 2AM, with the dance floor open Friday and Saturday nights. The daily happy hour is from 4 PM 8 pm and Wednesday is always Karaoke Night from 8-Midnight. Nightly specials include $2 wells, $2 pints, $3 ~ 24 oz tall boys, and $4 ~ 32 oz tumblers of domestic beer. Club CO2 serves compli-

mentary freshly popped popcorn all day every day! A giant 12 foot by 7 foot high definition TV dominates the Club, and is hooked up with satellite signal. Two more flat screen TVs are available at the bar, and yes they will have the LOGO channel! At Club CO2 you will hear a great stereo sound with booming bass and you will see a HIGH energy eye popping DMX controlled lightshow. The owner’s and staff invite you to come check out Club CO2 and “Have A Blast”! An ATM machine is on site. The club also accepts: Master Card, Visa, Discover, and American Express! For more information and updated specials visit or Club CO2 on Facebook for details. Club CO2 is located at 616 2nd Avenue SE in Cedar Rapids. Club CO2 Phone Number: 319-365-0225

Please join Out Networking on April 11th for a networking event! This event is hosted at the Kirkwood Lounge the new location of The Des Moines Social Club located at the Kirkwood Lounge at 400 Walnut Street, Des Moines. Out Networking is a social, business, and philanthropic networking organization for anyone who is lesbian, gay, bisexual,

transgendered, questioning or supportive. This group meets every second Wednesday of every month at 5:30 PM at the Des Moines Social Club (400 Walnut Street, Des Moines).

Out Networking


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Rape Victim Advocacy Program Interview by Angela Geno-Stumme Karen Siler Discusses Transgender Sexual Violence and the FBI Rape Redefinition The Rape Victim Advocacy Program (RVAP) provides confidential, accessible support and advocacy to victim/survivors of sexual abuse and their partners, friends, and family members; and works to create a community free from sexual violence by providing education and prevention strategies and by promoting social change. RVAP was chosen as one of the sites to participate with FORGE to improve the ability of critical public service agencies to reach and appropriately serve transgender and gender non-conforming people. FORGE, a 17-year-old national transgender and SOFFA (Significant Others, Friends, Family and Allies) organization. Could you give a general overview of what services you provide? We provide counseling services for anyone who has been affected by sexual abuse. All our services are free and confidential. We have confidential counseling services. We have our local 24 hour crisis hotline. We also have the Iowa sexual abuse hotline, which is the state hotline for sexual abuse survivors. We also provide advocacy which includes support to individuals who have been affected by sexual abuse and other types of interpersonal violence, to the hospital, to the court, and to meet with law enforcement. Then we have educational programming. We are trained professionals, we provide awareness information, and training for other agencies in the community that we serve. And also there’s a school based risk reduction and prevention education which we provide to different school systems across our service area. Because we work with the University of Iowa and their judicial processes, we’ll provide advocacy to them through that as well. We do not have the skill or the training to provide advocacy and counseling to children 12 and under. We have referral information that we can make for those though. And you have specific services for the LGBT community as well? We have been making effort into that community to provide more comprehensive assistance to make ourselves more accessible to that community. And that’s with the help of the Forge project that we are looking to expand our services and see who accesses our services. I wouldn’t say that we have specific services for LGBT, but we are really working on making ourselves more accessible. And that all our services are available to everyone.

Since you mentioned the Forge project, that’s the transgender sexual violence project. Could you discuss a little bit about that? Forge is an organization in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and they received funding from the U.S. Department of Justice to pick four sites nationally, to establish community teams to work on response to violence against transgendered individuals. We’ve done serviceprovider surveys to all our community agents. And then also surveys for transgendered individuals in gathering information about attitudes and beliefs. We know is that these folks are at higher risk for sexual assault and have a higher rate of sexual violence. And that our numbers do not match what that should be. We know that these individuals are a part of our community and not accepting our services. So, what is the barrier? Is it our barrier? What is it that we can do to remove that? We had our first meeting with FORGE for RVAP training, and brainstorming where the community wants to go next. We have identified two areas of concentration: creating safe space/cultural competencies. From those initial meetings planning has gone forward towards reaching these goals, and to discuss how they can work together and collaborate. Recently the FBI redefined its definition of rape. How do you feel that will impact the LGBT community, and how do you think it will impact RVAP itself? First of all, I think it is a fantastic step. What this means now is that everyone who experiences some type of sexual violence will be counted, if acknowledged by the FBI in the uniform crime report. What has been reported under national statistics is that sexual abuse was by force and was a penis assaulting a vagina. And only women victims of male perpetrators. And we know that sexual assaults have a much broader spectrum and our law in Iowa provides for that broad spectrum. But that was not reported for national statistics, and now that has changed with the FBI redefinition. This will help people define sexual assault better and sexual assault in same-sex relationships is now being counted and is considered federally. In Iowa, it’s not going to change how things are charged. It’s just about what is being reported now. So, there’ll probably be an uptake in the national statistics of sexual assault reporting. How do you get in contact with RVAP? Our website is Our office hours are 9-5 Monday through Friday. Our hotlines are 24/7. And Advocacy is available 24 hours as well.

Living with HIV A case management program serving those living with HIV/AIDS in north-central Iowa.

226 SE 16th Street Ames, Iowa 50010 515-956-3312

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Section 1: News & Politics

APRIL 2012

Women & LGBT People Under Attack: 1930s & Now by Warren J. Blumenfeld In my continuing quest to understand and make meaning of current political, economic, and social realities, I constantly glance back into historical eras looking for similarities and parallels from which I can draw conclusions and possibly learn from past mistakes we as humans have made. While each era unquestionably poses unique conditions and challenges in many respects, I believe history has enumerable lessons to teach if we are willing to learn. Though I rarely offer comparisons between events transpiring before and during the ascension to power of the German Third Reich with resemblances to contemporary United States—since to do so could result in trivializing one of the most horrific episodes in human history—nonetheless, I am haunted by certain parallels that demand expression. I am troubled by multiple similarities between that time not so very long ago with the discourses expressed and events transpiring today, though I want to highlight, in particular, the parallels I see in Nazi portrayals and understandings of sex, sexuality, gender, and gender expression: a divisive and brutal program that was anti-feminist, anti-women’s equality, anti-women’s reproductive freedoms (anti-family planning, anti-contraception,

anti-abortion), anti-lesbian, anti-gay, antibisexual, anti-transgender, anti-gender nonconforming, anti-sexuality education in schools.

On Women

Alfred Rosenberg, one of the Nazi’s chief ideologues, directed his misogynist outrage against women: “The emancipation of women from the women’s emancipation movement is the first demand of a female generation trying to rescue nation and race, the eternally unconscious, the foundation of all civilization, from decline…. A woman should have every opportunity to realize her potential, but one thing must be made clear: Only a man must be and remain judge, soldier, and politician.” Englebert Huber, a Nazi propagandist, dictated the “proper” place of women in the Third Reich, figuratively (and literally as well) beneath men: “In the ideology of National Socialism, there is no room for the political woman….[Our] movement places woman in her natural sphere of the family and stresses her duties as wife and mother. The political, that post-war creature, who rarely ‘cut a good figure’ in parliamentary debates, represents the denigration of women. The German uprising is a male phenomenon.”

Englebert Huber, a Nazi propagandist, dictated the “proper” place of women in the Third Reich, figuratively (and literally as well) beneath men.

The Nazis added Paragraph 218 of the German Penal Code to outlaw abortions and establish a national file on women who had undergone and doctors who had performed abortions.

On “Indecency”

In their increasing obsession with “purifying” the social sphere, Nazi leadership enacted the “Decree for Combating Public Indecency,” which included such provisions as working to eliminate prostitution; closing all bars and clubs that “are misused for the furtherance of public indecency” including “public houses solely or mainly frequented by persons engaging in unnatural sex acts” (a.k.a. homosexuals); closing kiosks and magazine stands in libraries and bookshops “whether because they include nude illustrations or because of their title or contents, are liable to produce erotic effects in the beholder.” Though Pope Pius XII maintained a position of neutrality and rarely spoke out against the atrocities perpetrated by the Nazi regime, of which he was roundly criticized in some circles, The Vatican, on April 3, 1933, praised the Reich on this policy: “The Vatican welcomes the struggle of National Germany against obscene material. The strong measures that Prussia’s Minister of the Interior Göring has ordered for the combating of obscene writings and pictures…have received serious attention in Vatican circles. It will be recalled that Pius XII, in his recent encyclicals, has repeatedly and vigorously stressed that defensive actions against obscene material are of fundamental importance for the bodily and spiritual health of family and nation, and he most warmly welcomes the type and manner…with which this struggle has been undertaken in the new Germany.”

Warren J. Blumenfeld is associate professor in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at Iowa State University in Ames, Iowa. He is editor of Homophobia: How We All Pay the Price (Beacon Press), and co-editor of Readings for Diversity and Social Justice (Routledge) and Investigating Christian Privilege and Religious Oppression in the United States (Sense). which emasculates our people and makes it a plaything for our enemies, for we know that life is a fight, and it is madness to think that men will ever embrace fraternally. Natural history teaches us the opposite. Might makes right. The strong will always win over the weak. Let us see to it that we once again become the strong. But this we can achieve only in one way — the German people must once again learn how to exercise discipline. We, therefore, reject any sexual deviation, particularly between man and man, because it robs us of the last possibility of freeing our people from the slave-chains in which it is now forced to toil.” While Nazi ideology and practice rejected lesbianism as well, they did not criminalize same sex sexuality between women, as they had in Germany’s Paragraph 175 of the Penal Code, because they believed that so-called “Aryan” lesbians could produce children for the “New Germany.” On the other hand, Heinrich Himmler, Gestapo head and chief architect of the Reich’s anti-homosexual campaign, justified his actions by arguing that male homosexuals were “like women” and therefore, could not fight in any German war effort. Subsequently, he conducted surveillance operations on an estimated 90,000 suspected homosexuals, arrested approximately 50,000, and transported somewhere between 10,000 and 15,000 to a number of concentration camps throughout the Nazi dominion. Very few survived. Upon coming to power in 1933, under their Youth Leader, Baldur von Shirach, the Nazis took over all youth groups converting them into Hitler Youth groups. One action taken following consolidation was to eliminate all signs of “homosexual corrosion,” because it allegedly posed a threat to state control by “fostering political conspiracies.” Nazi leaders purged all boys suspected of “homosexual tendencies.” They tried and convicted an estimated 6,000 youth under Paragraph 175 between 1933 and 1943. Hitler also proposed eliminating all

Nazi ideology rested on the assessment that homosexual (males)...are “potential oppositionists” and enemies of respectable society.

On Homosexuality

The Nazis acted on and eventually extended Paragraph 175, the section of the German Penal Code dating back to 1871 with the unification of Germany: “Unnatural vice committed by two persons of the male sex or by people with animals is to be punished by imprisonment; the verdict may also include the loss of civil rights.” Nazi ideology rested on the assessment that homosexual (males) lowered the German birth rate; they endangered, recruited, enticed, and corrupted youth; that a possible homosexual epidemic could spread; that homosexuals are “potential oppositionists” and enemies of respectable society; and that sexual relations between people of the same sex impairs their “sense of shame” and undermines morality, which inevitably will bring about the “decline of social community.” Even before taking power, appearing in their daily newspaper, Völkischer Beobachter 14 May 1928, the Nazi party argued: “Anyone who thinks of homosexual love is our enemy. We reject anything

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Section 1: News & Politics

APRIL 2012

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Remarkables by Jonathan Wilson Collectively, We Are A Silly People

We purport to be having a serious political debate over “marriage,” and whether or not that historically often-changing institution will be hurt by permitting law-abiding same-sex couples to marry. Whatever else you may think, encouraging people who are gay, or who think they are or think they may be, to marry unsuspecting straight people, will not bode well for a successful, long-term marriage. I know that from personal experience and so does my former spouse of twenty-five years with whom I share two children and three grandchildren. That there are those who argue otherwise, and that the rest of us even give them the time-of-day, are evidence that we are collectively a silly people. The fact is there is lots more such evidence. The fact is there are far more important issues we should be discussing and for which we desperately need thoughtful solutions. We are part of a global economy. There are tectonic economic forces at play in the world as labor and capital seek equilibrium

by exportation of manufacturing plants or “importation” of undocumented, but very productive, workers. We have a fragile economy, made the more so by an even more fragile global economy. More than 8% of a productive workforce in this country alone is unemployed. It’s worse elsewhere. We are undeniably polluting every aspect of our environment— air, soil, and water. We live in a sewer, a sewer of our own making. Acquiring property is increasingly risky because of the potential for the later discovery of contamination. We’re giving ourselves cancer and other diseases from ingesting pollutants from known sources like Coke and Pepsi, and others unimaginable. We are afflicted by a healthcare system that rations care based on the ability to pay and a profit-based insurance system. Such a system requires that every claim be examined in the hope of finding a lawful basis for denial. Claim denial will increase profits. We are in denial of global warming, whatever the cause, and our coastal population centers are at risk from rising sea levels in a time-horizon of merely a decade or two.

Thirty billion dollars of property is at risk on the east coast of Florida alone. Some island countries are going to disappear entirely. We are over-populating the earth at an alarming, accelerating, and unsustainable rate, quickly outstripping readily available energy and natural resources. We are deepsea drilling for fossil fuels after proving to ourselves how that jeopardizes the oceans. We are building more nuclear power plants despite our experience in Japan, Chernobyl, and Three Mile Island, and the fact that we haven’t figured out what to do with waste that will be radioactive for thousands of years. We’re sending lubricant and explosives deep into bed rock and are what— surprised when it causes earthquakes? We have crumbling infrastructure, literally, with interstate highway bridges collapsing into rivers, and countless other bridges known as a matter of public record to be unsafe. More figuratively, we eat our seed corn by continuing to underfund quality, public education, and seem mystified by declining outcomes and increasing numbers of “educated” folks who can’t or won’t think critically. And all the while we allow ourselves to be distracted by silly people who want to debate the pros and cons of gay marriage. It reminds me of my time on the Des Moines

TTREMARKABLES cont’d page 30

Jonathan Wilson is an attorney at the Davis Brown Law Firm in Des Moines, and chairs the First Friday Breakfast Club (, an educational, non-profit corporation for gay men in Iowa who gather on the first Friday of every month to provide mutual support, to be educated on community affairs, and to further educate community opinion leaders with more positive images of gay men. It is the largest breakfast club in the state of Iowa. He can be contacted at

For most of the post-World War era, a two-party frame has plagued our political system with useless politics and posturing. Yet as the comic, Lewis Black, explains, the system “is a bowl of sh!t looking in the mirror at itself.” Democrats and Republicans are slivers of the same mold that cater to the corporate elite that have little interest in preserving middle class integrity. We are accosted during election cycles by political pundits and parties with tired, worn, and partisan rhetoric that do nothing to solve the real issues. Anyone brave enough to try to run against this machine will be squashed by these powerful interests and disregarded as inconsequential (or unworthy to be on the same stage as the party clones). Neither party has proposed serious and substantial policy directions in Congress, yet they keep getting to go back to office. The time has come to rid us of this outdated framework that inhibits innovative and productive public policy. The current political debate is more about personality, the tired rhetoric, and being able to drink with someone rather than substantive policy questions. Rhetoric is a nice-to-have feature, but we need to focus upon the issues if we mean to solve crisis. Otherwise, we continue to kick the proverbial can as has been done for the past few decades. Whether we have President Romney or President Obama, we need voices from the middle class that are tired of rhetoric and more interested in solutions. (In municipal elections for Des Moines, the parties are not declared as part of the election process and the policies that

are instituted are far more constructive than the policies and regulations coming from Washington or the statehouse.) Democrats and Republicans claim to have enough room in their “Big Tops” without actually representing anyone. The primary elections of the past Presidential elections prove there are vast differences between factions within the parties. Why do these factions have to conform to a “big top” while masking their real intentions? Lewis Black is correct in that the two parties tend to be mirrors of each other because they have big powers in both pockets, and thus, the two parties have a vested interested in keeping the current power structure intact. As long as we maintain this ridiculous system, we may never see real progress in favor of maintaining the status quo politics. A coalition (similar to European parliamentary systems) has the potential to yield the actual voices of people without masking those real and innovative opinions. Progressives, libertarians, socialists, greens, social conservatives, and others have distinct and interesting opinions that easily get ignored by the establishment as “irrelevant.” Consider the television series Star Trek: Deep Space 9 where there is a fictional race called Ferengi (FER-engee) whose motives are the acquisition of wealth and profit. They often quote set of “Rules of Acquisition” (ROA). For one, ROA 239 is quoted, “Never be afraid to mislabel a product.” This is marketing to customers to buy inflated values or outright false claims. That is what the Democrats and Republi-

cans do to Americans about their brand of politics “being good for America.” Just think of the real issues here. We must rid ourselves of the foreign oil dependency or major shockwaves will hit our economy. Until then, our military and economic security will be tied to hostile supply chains. We need to build and to revitalize infrastructure that supports this goal. We should not be rewarding companies for shipping jobs overseas, but instead reward business for creating local jobs by building locally. We need to promote local businesses rather than the big-box chains because they are the cornerstones to thriving communities. They are likely to keep their products, services, and jobs here. We need to recognize the worth of all individuals in America (e.g. white, black, Latino, gay, or non-Christian). We need a responsible immigration policy that does not reward illegal immigration or company recruitment of illegal workers and punish the firms that do. For immigration, do not reward those who came here illegally, but of those who did not, give them a fair path to citizenship equivalent to the many people have paid the price to be here legally. We need a tax structure that is simpler and fair. Ensure that Social Security and Medicare are available for the next generations. Protect the rights of workers and their savings by limiting how much destruction the upper elite can impose upon us with their reckless investing mechanisms. Stabilize the market by putting a moratorium on trading for a period of 30 days because the current reckless volatility is destroying savings and retirement accounts. Put the focus back on science and math rather than athletics, and reward the teachers that show progress in their classes. Buy

back federal student loans and reduce cost of college educations instead of giving the banks bailout money. All of these are real substantive policy issues that require tackling hard issues. For these, I would vote and like to see the votes for the interests of Iowans rather than party line vote. We must focus upon the policy issues rather than towing rhetoric that serves to stalemate progress or promotes a popularity contest. I know what it is like to live paycheck-to-paycheck, and I know what it is like to save money in investments to watch the fickle Wall Street bozos ruin nest eggs. I know what it is like to lose precious people in life and have government intervene where it should not. I have studied political science for years, and we need something better than this antiquated system of corrupt politics in America that shows the wealth of American interests and American innovation.

And all the while we allow ourselves to be distracted by silly people who want to debate the pros and cons of gay marriage.

Time for a Third (and more) Party by Tony E. Hansen

Democrats and Republicans claim to have enough room in their “Big Tops” without actually representing anyone.

APRIL 2012 Section 1: News & Politics Minor Details: What Do We Learn from Rush’s Latest Offense? by Robert N Minor ACCESSline Page 8

Anyone paying the slightest attention has heard of right-wing talker Rush Limbaugh’s three-day rant against a female Georgetown University law student whom Republicans refused to allow to testify at a congressional birth control hearing. It wasn’t about one or two words Rush said but about days of misogyny and crazymaking bloviating. What did we learn from this latest display of Limbaugh? (1) Absolutely nothing new about Rush. If we’re shocked, we’ve been living under a rock. From his beginnings on national radio, he’s been caught, lying, distorting, and misrepresenting anything and anyone that doesn’t sound right-wing enough for him, and calling it entertainment. Al Franken said at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner back in April 1994: “Most of us here in the media are what I consider infotainers…Rush Limbaugh is what I call a disinfotainer. He entertains by spreading disinformation.” A year later the media watchdog group, FAIR, published the 128 page paperback The Way Things Aren’t: Rush Limbaugh’s Reign of Error: Over 100 Outrageously False and Foolish Statements from America’s Most Powerful Radio and TV Commentator, which chronicled his lies only until 1995. Lie after lie after lie have been identified since. And as for anti-women talk? Remember in 1993 when on TV he showed a picture of 13 year old Chelsea Clinton as “the White

House dog?” I remember tuning in briefly in curiosity even before then, concluding: this guy must be on drugs. And, sure enough, he was. (2) To stay in the news, be outrageous. The media declares something “old news” quickly. The Fred Phelps cult of Topeka, Kansas discovered this long ago. In order to get the attention they needed for their tiny, insignificant family-church, they’d have to act outrageously, and, to keep getting attention, to become progressively more outrageous. Their protests lost the attention of locals and the regional press. So the Phelps clan painted even more vile slogans on their signs. Their protests against those who died of complications from AIDS were old news. So they decided to picket memorials of the famous and soldiers and put their money in travel around the country to hit wellpublicized funerals. The best thing one can do to a Phelps’ picket is to ignore it. However, when they show up in a new place, the media won’t. We can’t know what’s really in the head of someone who talks like a sociopath with a microphone, but as an entertainer Rush knows he can get the psychological attention celebrities crave by being in the center of things. Rush needs that. So he practices: “it doesn’t matter what people are saying about you, as long as they’re talking about you.” Sure, he might lose some sponsors for

now. But how many people who don’t agree with him will tune in waiting for the next crazy thing he’ll say? And how many will do that because, they tell us, we have to know what the “other side” is saying, even though the gist of it all never changes? (3) How to “apologize” without apologizing. In a 191-word statement on his website mostly explaining how he was right on the issue, he did what most leaders do that’s called an “apology.” “My choice of words was not the best and in the attempt to be humorous, I created a national stir,” he wrote. “I sincerely apologize to Ms. Fluke for the insulting word choices.” Even regularly offensive right-wing talker Don Imus called this “lame,” and referred to Limbaugh as an “insincere pig.” It probably takes one to know one. But this is the nature of most responses that are called apologies today. They actually place the blame on the offended party. Stephen Pastis captured this in his popular comic strip, “Pearls Before Swine.” Rat told Pig: “I’m going to start apologizing to all the people I’ve insulted by telling them ‘I’m sorry that you were offended.’” Pig questioned whether that was a real apology. So Rat responded: “No. That’s what’s so great. It allows me to retain the impact of the original insult while taking on the implied bonus insult of ‘You are an oversensitive ninny.’” To that Pig observed: “But that’s kinda rude cause it’s sorta saying the guy is too dumb to realize that.” Rat, of course, replied

I am humbled and excited to bring my viewpoints, perceptions, and personal experiences ofcurrentsocialandtopicalissuestolight in our States’ LGBT cutting-edge newspaper. For this first new column, and since we celebrate the 3rd anniversary of the historic “Varnum vs. Brien” ruling, which legalized Gay Marriage in Iowa, I’d like to discuss recent events I witnessed last week at the Capitol. The anti-same-sex marriage hate group, the Family Leader, brought hundreds of people to the Iowa statehouse Tuesday, March 20th. They were unfriendly, and extremely mean-spirited, to say the least. Personally, I felt “bullied.” As I entered the statehouse, a place of relative safety and cultural acceptance, I once again found myself surrounded by people who placed fear where strength had previously been, although only momentarily. The mood was macabre and morbid, as all of The Family Leaders members were loudly singing “Amazing Grace”. And when they were done, the words “Praise Jesus” filled the room. It was as if I was in high school where people portrayed a lack of integrity and judged you on premises that they truly knew little about. They created a fear that even as a proud and out man for over 35 years, instilled in me a discomfort and almost a sense of shame. This feeling, as if we were second class citizens who did not deserve the pursuit of happiness and the American dream, would be briefly felt. These people were there to create an elemental inequal-

ity and promote, even if inadvertently, hate and fear. Their presence was striking and disheartening to not just me but to us as a community, who has come so far in our quest to be equal under the law. The group’s CEO, Bob Vander Plaats warned if lawmakers didn’t vote this session to let Iowans vote on same-sex marriage, then those lawmakers could get voted out. After their rally, those with the Family Leader moved upstairs to lobby lawmakers face-to-face for a public vote. Minutes later, outside on the statehouse steps, supporters of same-sex marriage ONE IOWA and Senator Matt McCoy held their own event. They wanted Iowans to remember the people behind this debate, the neighbors who want to share their lives with a member of the same-sex. And the senate’s only openly gay member, Democrat from Des Moines Matt McCoy, also had words for Vander Plaat’s rally. He said, “Bob Vander Plaats is making another desperate attempt to regain his lost political influence in today’s stunt. The truth needs to be told. Bob Vander Plaats needs to get a real job instead of working on spreading a message of hate and discrimination.” Reverend Matt Mardis-Lecroy of the Interfaith Alliance of Iowa, who also spoke, called on lawmakers to uphold separation of church and state and not interfere with the Supreme Court’s ruling legalizing same-sex marriage nearly three years ago. I also personally overheard conversa-

tions that same day, about bitter Republicans introducing a new resolution. That would begin impeachment proceedings for the four remaining Supreme Court Judges who unanimously ruled on the legalization of gay marriage three years ago. We have all fought this battle and this fight must go on... because of the ignorance and hate that still continues. These thoughts to attack the remaining Supreme Court Judges prove that. It is only through open hearts and minds that we as people of the same blood can walk together. Placing a focus on differences only furthers the divide of humanity. The Family Leader says that their message is based on family values, love, unity, friendship, fellowship, and a general foundation of morality. But, I ask you which of these values is being represented when they make people feel disregarded and less than human? When they strike fear into the minds of each individual that might be just a little bit different or love someone of the same-sex? The true message of leaders in this country needs to be unanimous, like the Supreme Court’s decision three years ago; finding it only right and truly moral to show compassion to all people and show them respect even when their core values are in conflict. Being the owner of Gay Weddings with PANACHE and being part of over 50 samesex weddings here in Iowa, I cannot begin to express my dismay and aggravation. For these Legislators wasting such precious

This guy must be on drugs. And, sure enough, he was.

Just Sayin’ by Beau Fodor

“I’m sorry that you were offended.” And

Robert N. Minor, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of Religious Studies at the University of Kansas, is author of When Religion Is an Addiction; Scared Straight: Why It’s So Hard to Accept Gay People and Why It’s So Hard to Be Human and Gay & Healthy in a Sick Society. Contact him at clueless Pig said: “Apology accepted.” A real apology would be: “I apologize. I should not have said that. I was wrong. Will you forgive me?” But as long as a nonapology is accepted as an apology, no one has to take responsibility for what they’ve said. (4) There is no free speech issue in sponsor boycotts. Boycotting sponsors is capitalism at work. Journalist A.J Liebling, who said “People everywhere confuse what they

TTMINOR DETAILS continued page 28

Beau Fodor, owner of Gay Weddings with PANACHE, is an Iowa wedding planner who focuses specifically on weddings for the LGBT community. or time and trying to take away our basic civil rights. I keep in very close contact with the couples I’ve helped to marry, and they are saddened by this news, as well. But they have asked for me to continue to lift my voice in protest, as I’m asking you to do now. Before it’s too late…for those of you who believe in an independent Judiciary, well, you should be prepared to fight for that principle for a very LONG time. What more can we ask than to love and be loved in returned?

Section 1: News & Politics

APRIL 2012

ACCESSline Page 9

Inside Out: The Price of Gender by Ellen Krug Why is it that men want to control women? My favorite recent book, Half the Sky, by Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn, discusses the consequences of a world where men dominate. It documents women in Africa and Asia surviving unbelievable horrors—sex trafficking, female genital mutilation, starvation of daughters in poor families so that boys can eat, forced marriages, and horribly abusive husbands. The book includes the quote, “More than 100 million women are missing” worldwide due to infanticide, abortion (because the fetus was female), and honor killings. I read the book while recovering from male-to-female sex reassignment surgery, not something that I’d particularly recommend, given that it cemented my role in the oppressed class. Still, it didn’t matter. I eagerly embraced womanhood. And since much of what Half the Sky documents is how women not only survived abject brutality, but prospered despite it, I found tremendous inspiration to live genuinely as a woman. I consider the book the most important of the millennium—a century that some have termed the “Century of Women.” Thanks to Kristoff and WuDunn, my new awareness about how men treat women soon spawned into something else. Several weeks after my surgery, I walked home from the grocery store on a chipper Saturday afternoon. Off in the distance, I saw a man and a woman in a parking lot. Both were barely twenty years old and probably students at the nearby University of Minnesota. From a block away, I watched the woman yank her hand out of the man’s hand and then bee-line to the sidewalk. Undaunted, the man followed. As the woman

walked briskly, the man repeatedly reached for her; she resisted every touch. I picked up my pace because I suspected the man might not simply take no for an answer. The woman stopped at a corner for a traffic light, her arms folded. Once more, the man reached for her. Once again, the woman shrugged him off. I got within fifteen feet of them. Even with both hands weighed down by grocery bags, I wasn’t deterred from yelling, “Leave her alone,” with a notso-feminine pitch. The man’s head yanked back; his focus shifted to me, a crazy bag lady. “This is none of your business, sir,” the man said, incensed. His look stopped me cold; it was the old rule I had learned when living as male—you don’t fool with a man wanting a woman. But even though my feet had suddenly gone solid, my mouth still worked. Unfortunately—or possibly fortunately depending on how you look at it—I forgot every speech therapy rule about breathiness and feminine pitch. Everything came out in my old man voice. I yelled again. “I said, ‘Leave her alone.’ If she doesn’t want to be touched, stop touching her.” “She’s my girlfriend!” the man screamed back. “Stop bothering us!” As if that’s all the license he needed. The woman seemed both embarrassed and appalled that someone would speak up for her. Incredibly, she grabbed the man’s hand and off they went down the street. The man looked back once more, this time with a victory glare. It took a block and a half for my heart to approach a regular beat. I couldn’t believe what I had just done. Seeing that woman

triggered something out of left field, some sense of sisterhood. What the hell? Back in my living-as-a-man days, I would have veered off at the first corner before getting to that couple; the man that I’d been would never stick his nose into some other man’s business that involved a woman. But Ellen Krug would? Oh wow. Somehow, I understood: if I was going to be in this new club named Womanhood, I wasn’t going to be a wallflower, nor would I idly stand by as a man tried to control a woman. What kind of trouble are you going to get yourself into, Girl? I didn’t know what all this meant, not then. What I did know: I had to live it and own it. I was grateful to have this new feminine life, even if everything had been turned upside down and that now, instead of being the dominator, I was subject to domination simply because of my gender. Fast forward to the last few weeks. Once more, powerful men (aka presidential candidates Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich) lecture about how women should return to “traditional” values and roles. In other words, women should use their bodies only in ways that men dictate. Congress (dominated by men) now threatens to cut funding for Planned Parenthood. A Congressional committee selected a group of men— along with a token woman named Sandra Fluke—to testify about requiring health insurers to pay for women’s birth control. Shortly after that, a man whom many would call the most powerful male in America— Rush Limbaugh—called Sandra Fluke a slut because she bravely testified that health insurance coverage should include contraceptive prescriptions and devices. Thankfully, the media and many in society (including some of Limbaugh’s advertisers) reacted viscerally to Limbaugh’s comments. Still, that’s not the point. Instead,

This policy protects Brown’s religion as much as it protects my sexual orientation. But this isn’t about a man’s religion or his politics. This is about using that religion to discriminate against others and build an environment on the Cornhusker football team that prohibits gay athletes and allies from achieving their goals. Both of these contradict the university’s non-discrimination policy. There are lots of things Brown could say that wouldn’t necessitate his firing. Isolated, general statements about homosexuality as a sin or opposing same-sex marriage would be hard to fire someone for. The problem is, Brown has gone much further. On March 6, he traveled to Omaha to argue against a bill that would protect gay people from discrimination. In his arguments, Brown suggested it is God’s will to discriminate against gay people, even saying those who voted to protect gay people bill would be held to “great accountability” by God. Most importantly, he has linked these discriminatory views to his coaching job. When testifying before the Omaha City Council, some of the first words out of his mouth conveyed that he is a football coach at the University of Nebraska. Chancellor Harvey

Perlman has publicly wagged his finger at Brown for making that connection, but that “reprimand” doesn’t undo the truth beneath the words: Brown brings his discrimination into his work at the university, and he uses his job to spread his anti-gay beliefs. Brown has said his purpose in coaching football at Nebraska is to “bring honor and glory to God.” Notice he doesn’t say it’s to prepare young men for adulthood or win football games; Those are secondary to his religious goals. From a 1997 interview: “I realize football enables me to do the two, in my opinion, most important things in my life, and that is one, to know Christ more intimately and number two, is to make him known. And that’s why I’m here in Nebraska, that’s why I’m a part of football.” Notice again he did not include any of the three stated missions from Nebraska’s nondiscrimination policy: Education, research and service. He puts the University’s stated missions behind his own religious dogma. Over the last week I’ve watched over two hours of Ron Brown speaking via YouTube videos. In many of them, Brown is seen on the field just after a Nebraska football game. He looks into the camera and uses his position

If I was going to be in this new club named Womanhood, I wasn’t going to be a wallflower.

Ellen Krug, writer, lawyer, human, is presently completing her memoir, “Getting to Ellen: Crossing the Great Gender Divide,” which will be published in 2012. She lives in Minneapolis and works as the executive director of a nonprofit serving the underrepresented. She welcomes your comments at men continue to believe they have to right to say and do anything they please when it comes to women. This chauvinistic, misogynistic, pathetic way of thinking has to change. Until it does, we’ll be mired in a world where women will always be second-class citizens, sometimes paying the ultimate price simply because they happen to be born into the wrong gender. Only a relative few of us male-to-female people exist in the world. We have a tremendously different perspective about gender and the unique role of women. We know how men think, and we can use it against them as we champion women’s rights. Certainly, that’s one of my new life’s primary goals. Women should be respected for who they are: human beings. It’s not for men to dictate whether they live or die or prosper or not. Kristof and WuDunn understand this. All of us must understand it, too.

Nebraska: Fire assistant football coach Ron Brown by Cyd Zeigler jr. Ron Brown

For over 20 years, University of Nebraska assistant football coach Ron Brown has used his position in the university to preach his discriminatory anti-gay brand of Christianity. His latest crusade to fight for discrimination against the LGBT community finally warrants his termination from the school’s football program. The University has a clear, inclusive non-discrimination policy that contradicts the words and actions of Brown on various levels: “The University of Nebraska-Lincoln is a public university committed to providing a quality education to a diverse student body. One aspect of this commitment is to foster a climate of inclusion and mutual support that will enhance our ability to achieve our overall goals … while allowing all of us to focus our energies and talents on our important missions of education, research and service. To this end, it is the policy of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln not to discriminate based upon age, race, ethnicity, color, national origin, gender, sex, pregnancy, disability, sexual orientation, genetic information, veteran’s status marital status, religion and political affiliation.”

Cyd Zeigler jr graduated from Stanford University (B.A., Communication, 1995). In 1999, Zeigler and Jim Buzinski founded They co-authored “The Outsports Revolution: Truth & Myth in the World of Gay Sports.” He can be contacted at as a coach to preach the gospel and promote FreedMen Nebraska, his organization dedicated to “making the God connection in every realm.” In almost all of his videos he connects his religious doctrine to his job in football at

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Section 1: News & Politics

APRIL 2012

Creep of the Week by D’Anne Witkowski Kirk Cameron

On March 2 Kirk Cameron was on CNN’s Piers Morgan Tonight for some reason. To many viewers it must have come as quite a shock that he was still alive (that was Corey Haim, folks). But if you want to get people talking about you again, your best bet is to go on TV and say something crazy. And that’s just what Cameron did. Now, Cameron’s extreme right beliefs are no secret. He’s a pin-up boy for zealous Christianity these days. But usually the stuff that comes out of his mouth has a limited audience. Not so this time. During the interview, Morgan asked Cameron about gay marriage. Cameron responded, “I believe that marriage was defined by God a long time ago. Marriage is almost as old as dirt and it was defined in the garden between Adam and Eve, one man one woman for life, ‘til death do you part. So I would never attempt to redefine marriage and I don’t think anyone else should either. So do I support the idea of gay marriage? No, I don’t.” Now, someone who believed in evolution obviously wouldn’t be making the argument that marriage was older than dirt. Certainly if we turn to science we

would find otherwise. But facts are for the godless. I also think it’s important to point out that the Bible says a lot of stuff about marriage, and it isn’t all “one man one woman for life.” Some crazy sh-- happens in the Bible, people. Morgan then asks if homosexuality is a sin. “I think that it’s unnatural,” Cameron says. “I think that it’s detrimental and ultimately destructive to so many of the foundations of our civilization.” How does Cameron know what will “ultimately” be “destructive to so many of the foundations of our civilization,” you ask? Because he’s seen the future. He starred in the low budget movie based on Tim LaHaye’s Left Behind series, a zany Armegeddon-Rapture rom-com. He’s no doubt read the whole series. He knows the Truth. But what if one of Cameron’s six kids ended up gay? “I’d sit down and I’d have a heart to heart with them,” Cameron says. “Just like you would with your kids.” Morgan interrupts: “But it one of my sons said that I’d say, ‘That’s great son, as long as you’re happy.’ What would you say?” “Well, I wouldn’t say that’s great son as long as you’re happy,” Cameron responds. “I’m gonna say there’s all sorts of issues that we need to wrestle through in our life and just because you feel one way doesn’t mean we should act on everything that we feel.” Hoo boy. Here’s hoping that none of the Cameron kids are gay. And here’s hoping that if they are they’re strong enough to break away from Daddy’s homophobic stronghold and misguided sense of morality. Cameron’s comments caused quite a stir, needless to say. Morgan even said that Cameron was “brave” for saying these

Here’s hoping that none of the Cameron kids are gay. And here’s hoping that if they are they’re strong enough to break away from Daddy’s homophobic stronghold and misguided sense of morality.

things. I don’t think “brave” is the right word. “Tone deaf” and “ignorant” feel more accurate to me. And that’s the Truth.

Utah Legislature

Yes! Utah is on a fast track to becoming the first sex-free state in the country. I know, I know, a lot of people already thought it was. But the status was never official. Thanks to Utah’s legislators (dominated by Republicans. Surprise!), the dream could become reality. The Senate and House passed a bill that dismantles sex education in the state. It’s an incredible, groundbreaking bill that, among other things, absolutely forbids any discussion of homosexuality, premarital sex, or contraception, even if kids ask about it. Teachers are not allowed to talk about such horrible, horrible, things. It also allows schools to choose an abstinence only sex education program, or to just say, “F--k sex education,” and not teach it at all, leaving it up to parents. “I recognize that some parents do not take the opportunity to teach in their own homes, but we as a society should not be teaching or advocating homosexuality or sex outside marriage or different forms of contraceptives for premarital sex,” Sen. John Valentine (R-Orem) told the Salt Lake Tribune. Damn straight (pun totally intended). For some reason, a lot of people are upset and are urging Gov. Gary Herbert to veto the bill. Will he or won’t he? Only his hairdresser knows for sure. For now, he’s saying his signature or veto depends on whether it’s “good policy for the state of Utah.” Uh, listen Herbert. The choice is obvious. The bill makes perfect 100% no sh Sherlock sense. Sign it! Everyone knows sex is a menace to society (especially the gay kind). It’s something that should not be happening under any circumstances besides a man married to

a woman making a baby (not trying to make a baby, folks, but life-begins-at-conception making only. Anything else is cheating. No freebies!). And yet, somehow, as the wise members of the early 90s group LaTour once lamented, “People are still having sex.” And that was over 20 years ago! Why won’t sex just crawl back into its hole (or any other inappropriate metaphor)? The answer is deceptively simple: people be talkin’. That’s right. The Sex Problem in America is due to the Talkin’ About Sex Problem in America (Salt-N-Pepa, I’m looking at you). The key to solving any and all problems is to stop talking about them. If you don’t talk about it, it doesn’t exist. Wa la! It’s genius, really. Not everybody sees the wisdom, however. “What this bill is, is a mandate against reality,” Sen. Pat Jones (D-Salt Lake County) told her fellow lawmakers. Clearly she has never had an unintended pregnancy that she just pretended wasn’t happening so it would just go away. Other naysayers include the Utah Education Association. “Frankly, we see… this as a need to protect children who may not have the opportunity to get the needed information on critical issues that are life saving in some cases,” the UEA’s Kory Holdaway told the Salt Lake Tribune. Ugh, that old “protecting children” argument. You know what we need to protect children from? Their evil sex-parts. Other forces also seem to be conspiring against Utah’s wise lawmakers, too: “If the goal is to prevent teen sex, however, Utah lawmakers may be working against their own ends. Research released yesterday by the reproductive health research organization The Guttmacher Institute found that receiving sex education actually delays teen sex.” The source for this info? LiveScience. com. Boo! The Utah legislature is already working on an abstinence-only science education bill.

Everyone knows sex is a menace to society (especially the gay kind).

Know Yourself, Know Your Status, Get Tested by Jenna Carlson, Planned Parenthood of the Heartland Health Educator April is National STI (Sexually Transmitted Infection) Awareness Month. It’s a great time to get talking about the importance of GYT—getting yourself tested! The rate of sexually transmitted infections continues to rise. Although few people talk about STIs, they are the nation’s most common types of infection. Nationally, around 19 million STIs occur every year, and reported rates of Chlamydia and Gonorrhea continue to increase. While it may not always be easy to talk about sex, STIs or testing, it’s important to have an open and honest discussion with your partner. Testing is simply an essential part of staying healthy. Many

STIs are curable, and all are treatable. The sooner you know your status, the sooner you can get treatment and take steps to prevent passing an infection on. Leaving an STI untreated can have very significant consequences, including infertility, cancer and an increased risk for HIV (human immunodeficiency virus). STIs can be spread through intercourse or skin-to-skin contact. If you’re sexually active, using condoms consistently and correctly is one of the best ways to help prevent STIs. Many sexually transmitted infections have few or no symptoms, so a person may not know if they’re infected. Anyone who has unprotected sex, regardless of their number of partners, is at risk for an STI, including HIV. Young people are at the highest

risk for contracting HIV and STIs. New statistics show one in two sexually active young people will contract an STI by the age of 25. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that men who are involved with men, and transgender communities, also are at a higher risk for HIV. Lack of information, misconceptions or social stigma may keep some people from getting tested, but it’s important to know that testing is easier than ever before. Your doctor will help you determine what tests you may need, so it’s important to be open and honest with your health care provider about your sexual history. Your provider is there to help you, not judge you.

Certain STIs are so common that your provider may suggest you be tested regularly for them. Testing may include a urine sample, finger prick or physical exam. Rapid HIV testing is just a simple swab inside the mouth, with results provided as quickly as just 20 minutes. Use GYT Month as an opportunity to get yourself talking about the importance of testing. For more information on testing and how to start the conversation, visit If you need to be tested, Planned Parenthood has more than 20 health centers across the state that offer confidential services. Spread the word—GYT. Get yourself tested this month, and any time you’ve been unprotected. Know your status.

Testing is simply an essential part of staying healthy.

ACCESSline’s fun guide

Our Picks for April

Kate Clinton Interview by Chris Azzopardi

4/6, Englert Theatre, Iowa City, Mason Jennings. 4/10, North Iowa Auditorium, Mason City, North Iowa Symphony Spring Concert, 4/12, Iowa Events Center, Des Moines, Barry Manilow, 4/14, The Grand River Center, Dubuque,

A Spring Market at the Grand River Center, 4/14-21, Clear Lake, Clear Lake Earth Days, 4/14, NIACC Auditorium, Mason City, River City Chorus:Spring Show, 4/19-23, Iowa State Fairgrounds, Des Moines,

Planned Parenthood of the Heartland Book Fair,

4/20, Gallagher-Bluedorn, Cedar Falls, The Midtown Men, 4/21, New Bohemia Arts and Entertainment District, Cedar Rapids, Eco-Arts Fest 2012, 4/24-29, Civic Center of Des Moines, Des Moines, Memphis, 4, 24-29, Orpheum Theatre, Omaha, Fiddler on the Roof, 4/26-29, Englert Theatre, Iowa City, Romeo and Juliet, 4/27-29, Riverside Theatre, Riverside, Working Group Theatre:Mayberry, 4/27-5/27, Omaha Community Playhouse, Omaha, A Streetcar Named Desire, 4/28, Fairfield Convention Center, Fairfield, Golden Dragon Acrobats,

...and May

5/1, Iowa State Center, Iowa City, Chanticleer, 5/4, Gallagher-Bluedorn, Cedar Falls, Crème de la Crème 12, 5/13, Gallagher-Bluedorn, Cedar Falls, Burn the Floor, 5/15-16, Civic Center of Des Moines, Des Moines, Rain:A Tribute to the Beatles, 5/19-20, Iowa Events Center, Des Moines, Celebration Talent Competition,

Kate Clinton. Photo credit Jurek Wajdowicz.

Comedian talks election, pissing off right-wingers and her responsibility to be political

Times like this—election years, when politics are a comedian’s punching-bag— were made for Kate Clinton, who has hilariously riffed on 30 years of stupid presidents and right-winged morons. In the midst of her All Fracked Up Tour, we caught up with Clinton to talk about the presidential race, progress made in the LGBT community and how comedy is a great tool for creating change. What’s the focus of the All Fracked Up Tour? Isn’t that a great title? It’s not easy to be thinking in November what will work in February, because everything changes so fast. My topics are always political and I’m barely keeping up with what’s going on. (Laughs) I can’t believe that anyone ever said, “What will we do without George Bush?” Like, are you kidding me? That got very boring because it was always the same: He’s bad. Oh, yep. He’s bad. Now you have Santorum.

Kate Clinton. Photo credit David Rodgers.

Ah, it’s a comedy gift. People drop off. Michele Bachmann drops off, but Rick Santorum, for some bizarre reason, is rising to the top. A friend of mine says, “Cream rises but scum floats.” What are your thoughts on the changes and progress within the LGBT community? For a 40-year movement, we’ve made incredible changes. And it’s state-by-state levels, so that means there’s conversation about LGBT rights in all the states—and that’s great. The great Mae West said, “It’s better to be looked over than to be overlooked,” and we’ve been really looked over. But you can see the poll number changes on America’s belief about marriage equality, so I think we’ve done our work. I think we still have a lot of work to do. I sometimes worry that people will just kick back and go, “Well, excellent, we got that,” but we still have a lot of work to do about race in our community and poverty issues and violence and bullying. Does that mean you have to work harder and be even more political? Oh yes, absolutely. I feel like the longer I’ve performed, the more political I’ve gotten. The difference is that when I began the mainstream community was really quite homo ignorant, but now, whether they like it or not, they know there are gay people—they’ve met gay people—so that’s a big change. How does comedy help you get your point across? People let their guard down and become more open when they’re laughing. They let things in I don’t think they ordinarily would. I love my shows when a straight couple comes out and goes, “We’re Republicans but we laughed.” I’ve done my job then. What are your thoughts on the One Million Moms who rallied against J.C. Penney because they chose an out lesbian, Ellen DeGeneres, as their spokesperson? And what do you think of Ellen’s reaction? I’m always happy when she speaks out because I love to hear her take on anything, whether it’s toilet paper or it’s to give her take on what J.C. Penney did and her sly humor that (One Million Moms) only has 48,000

TTKATE CLINTON cont’d page 23

the fun guide

ACCESSline Page 12

APRIL 2012

Wired This Way by Rachel Eliason

Cyberbbullying part one

What is cyberbullying? Cyberbullying is use of electronic media to deliver insults, taunts, slurs, attacks or threats. It can also include the use of media to spread malicious gossip or rumors or to share personal information about another without their knowledge or consent. In short any form of bullying that can be done on the school grounds or in person can most likely be done online as well. A new generation of technically skilled kids have found new and unusual ways of harassing each other. There are so many forms of cyberbullying that before we begin discussing them it is easier to start with what is not cyberbullying. What is not cyberbullying? Cyberbullying is not a single incident, but a pattern. A single incident, no matter how hurtful isn’t cyberbullying. (The exception is threats, see below.) People say and do hurtful and rude things online every day. Cyberbullying on the other hand is a pattern of harassing and attacking the same individual. Cyberbullying by definition only occurs between kids. If there is an adult involved it’s cyber-harassment. This is no minor distinction since harassment is a crime. Depending on the nature of the harassment it can include some pretty stiff penalties too. If you have evidence that a cyberbully is being assisted or egged on by an adult in their life it’s time to go to the authorities. By the same token if there is an immediate and credible threat of violence against you, it’s cyber-harassment. Death threats and threats of physical harm are not okay. You should never threaten anyone, online or off. Nobody should threaten you either. If you receive threats you should speak to the appropriate authorities. Finally cyberbullying does not include soliciting sex nor does it include sexually explicit pictures or language. Sexual exploitation and soliciting sex from a minor are both serious crimes. Many teens today think ‘sexting’—texting explicit pictures or dialogue—is a fun and acceptable way to flirt. However sharing those pictures or texts can result in severe legal consequences, including being placed on the sex offenders registry. Who Cyberbullies? There are as many reasons for cyberbullying as there are methods to do it. Sometimes cyberbullying is an extension of real life bullying. The bully uses a cellphone or more often, the internet to continue his or her harassment outside of school hours. More often it is a separate thing. According to there are four common patterns. Mean Girls: Like the 2004 movie, mean girls are aggressive cliques that exclude, belittle and harass those they perceive as different or lesser. They are often, but not always, girls. Unlike the other forms of cyberbullies, they work in groups. They may set up internet polls for things like “Who’s the ugliest girl in school?” or they may post embarassing pictures of their victims (without permission of course) and

comment on how they look, what they are wearing, etc. Vengeful bullies: Cyberbullying is often a two way street. The bully may have originally been a victim and feel their actions are justified. They may post vicious comments under a blog that they perceive as attacking them. They may ‘flag’ posts as inappropriate in order to get the person in trouble with the ISP (Internet Service Provider). They might post their own blog counter attacking their bully/victim. Revenge of the Nerds: Sometimes the cyberbully is a real life victim. Smart but quirky kids are often picked on and harassed at school. They strike back from a safe distance. These kids can attack their victims in devious ways. They download and send viruses or other malware to screw up their victims’ computer. They hack passwords and lock their victims out of their own account. Or worse, they impersonate their victim online either through a stolen account or a fake one. Inadvertent bullies: Can you inadvertently bully someone? Online the answer is yes, definitely. If you haven’t accidentally offended someone online, you probably haven’t been online much. Upset about a break up, a girl records a rant on youtube about the relationship, revealing things about her ex. The video is viewed and shared by other kids around the school. A student vents about a fellow student on facebook not realizing the information is being shared with friends, friends of friends and likely, the person being vented about. Inadvertent bullying is often bullying by proxy; the real bully is a third party that shares the link or brings the comments to the victim’s attention. How do Cyberbullies bully? Cyberbullies have many ways to attack their victim. Different types of bullies use different means. New technologies are constantly giving rise to new ways to harass and bully. Here are just a few of the common ways cyberbullies work. Direct attacks are the simplest and most direct form of cyberbullying. Someone texts an insult or racist/homophobic slur to your cellphone. They post hateful messages to your facebook wall. They send emails or instant messages harassing you. Blogs and Vlogs are common outlets for the younger generation. (For the older generation a blog is a web log, or online log and a Vlog is a video log.) Both can be a platform for cyberbullying in a number of ways. Sometimes we forget while writing or recording the blog that the end result will be accessible to the public and we may inadvertently give our attackers ammunition. They may share or put up links to a painful personal TMI. (Again for the older generation, TMI—Too Much Information.) We may take down the offending post only to find it’s already been copied somewhere else outside of our control. We may also find our blog being used to harass someone else as we have already discussed. Cyberbullies may purposefully misconstrue or misquote something we say in our blog to make it appear that we are the

Cyberbullying by definition only occurs between kids.

ones attacking their victims. Cyberbullies may use their own blog to attack you or someone else. Most websites have specific rules about hate speech and personal attacks, which can be found in the Terms of Service. They also often have an easy way to flag offensive posts or comments with a single click. Cyberbullies may goad their victims into over reacting and then flag the comment. While the site’s monitors can usually sort out what really happened, the victim may find themselves locked out of their account for the time being. For example the bully might attack their victim through IM, which isn’t permanently logged, and then refuse to respond. The victim posts an angry response on Facebook. The bully then flags the response as inappropriate. The victim appears to be the aggressor and has their account suspended. Instant Messaging, or IM, is a favorite medium for bullies. There are a number of reasons. Instant Messages aren’t permanently recorded or logged the way facebook posts are, so it’s easier to deny later. IM names aren’t permanent either and attackers can switch aliases regularly, making it look like the attack is coming from multiple sources. They can choose aliases that make the victim think they are chatting with a friend (like using the friend’s name as their screen name), tricking them into revealing something personal or doing something stupid. Kids who are into IM often have multiple screens going at any one time. They don’t pay a lot of attention to what’s going on in any one screen and the ‘revenge of the nerds’ bullies use this fact to send viruses or malware to their victim’s computer. Social media sites like facebook allow the user to create their own online polls. For adults they are a fun way to get know friends. For cyberbullies they are easy tools to bully with. “Do you think Justin is gay?” “Which girl is the fattest, ugliest, dumbest?” Just as they can launch direct attacks, cyberbullies often bully by proxy, that is they can use others to do their dirty work. While sometimes the others are in on the bullying, often they are unwitting accomplices. There are many ways they can do that. Some, like the vengeful cyberbullies may use FB posts or comments to make it look like they are the victims, getting friends and even adults to side with them in a war against their victims. Even the authorities can be dragged into the fray through ‘flag wars’ as we have seen. Cyberbullies may borrow cellphones to text negative messages. They may hack facebook accounts to make it look like the comments are coming from another person. While they are using a hacked account they may change relationship status, like pages that embarrass the victim, etc. They might enter the victims email on various websites, resulting in a steady stream of spam email. Web based services from emails to social media sites are easily obtained and therefore easily faked. Bullies may maintain multiple accounts in order to make it look like multiple people are saying the same

Rachel Eliason is a forty two year old Transsexual woman. She was given her first computer, a Commodore Vic-20 when she was twelve and she has been fascinated by technology ever since. In the thirty years since that first computer she has watched in awe as the Internet has transformed the LGBT community. Her collumn, Wired That Way discusses how technology has fueled and propelled the LGBT community. In addition to her column, Rachel has published a collection of short stories, Tales the Wind Told Me and is currently working on her debut novel, Run, Clarissa, Run. Rachel can be found all over the web, including on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Goodreads. thing. They may create profiles that mimic another person. They purposefully misspell one letter or two and use stolen pictures. Such tricks might fool the victim into thinking someone else is doing the attacking. Cyberbullies can use fake profiles in other ways as well. They may trick their victim into revealing personal information by posing as a real life friend. They may use a profile that is close to the victims name in order to attack the victim’s friends and make it look like it’s the victim’s site. They may post embarrassing pictures and make outrageous statement on these fake accounts. Cyberbullies even use online games. They get friends to team up on multiplayer games. They use hacking to lock kids out of their online games and profiles. They post derogatory comments attacking their victim’s online identity. Many online games allow players to chat, either through text or sometimes through headsets. Bullies can jump onto an online multiplayer game with their victim and then “trash talk” them, delivering the same insults they may have used at school early in the day. For those unfamiliar with the online environment it is easy to underestimate the damage of cyberbullying. Adults may discredit the threats since the bully is not physically present. In other cases they may advise kids to ignore the attacks. (That might be a valid adult response to harassment, but school age children may have no choice but to continue to go to school with and interact

Web based services from emails to social media sites are easily obtained and therefore easily faked.

TTWIRED THIS WAY cont’d page 32

APRIL 2012

the fun guide

ACCESSline Page 13

ACCESSline Page 14

the fun guide

APRIL 2012

Time Again for Paul Revere By Jonathan Wilson Enlightened, progressive people have a collection of problems in the political arena. We are organized in various groups with overlapping, but not identical, missions. Predominantly, One Iowa has supporters who also support Planned Parenthood, and vice versa. The ACLU has a predominance of supporters among those who are members of Americans United For Separation of Church and State, and who give to One Iowa and Planned Parenthood, and vice versa. Librarians, in their comfortable, soft-soled shoes, are tenacious in opposing censorship and, among them, tend to support individual liberty against government intrusion that is also on the agendas of One Iowa, Planned Parenthood, and the ACLU. The Interfaith Alliance counts among its supporters a predominance of those who support One Iowa and those who cling to the notion of church-state separation. FFBC and the NAACP share a mission enunciated by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The Iowa State Education Association (teachers) supports quality public education as a primary focus but, among its members, also is predominantly aligned with unions generally and the plight of people rather than corporations. Supporters of Justice Not Politics are likewise kindred spirits. And there is a growing number of gay-welcoming congregations among all faith traditions who also believe in the strict separation of church and state. I know the mission-overlap phenomenon exists because I’m often made to feel

like a common denominator when I receive funding solicitations from every one of them, or see the same folks at their respective fundraising functions. So I know I am not alone. Organizationally, these groups tend to be fairly independent. Understandably, such groups don’t want to share the names of contributors or their membership mailing lists. And they shouldn’t. We like not to offend, and we like the idea of collaboration. We just haven’t figured out how to do it. We don’t tend to march in lock-step like our detractors have been more successfully done. We have preferred to strive for unanimity before taking collective action, or go it alone. That, obviously, stifles collaboration among these natural allies and minimizes their political effectiveness. There is an organizational solution; it is modeled after the familiar story of Paul Revere’s midnight ride. We all recall that, having determined the British plans thanks to a signal from a church steeple, Paul Revere made his ride, warned the colonists, and called to arms those willing and able. “We’re taking on our oppressors at Lexington and Concord. If you’re with us, be there, and come willing to fight.” No one was required to participate and many doubtless chose not to do so for a variety of reasons: they didn’t agree with having a revolution in the first place; they didn’t feel like fighting that particular night; they thought it would be better to fight the British closer to Pittsburgh or Valley Forge;

they couldn’t find their musket or their ammunition; they were simply cowardly; whatever. But because of Revere’s call to action, a formidable group did assemble at Lexington and Concord, a shot was heard ‘round the world, and the rest—as they say—is history. It’s time for a Paul Revere Progressives’ Project. It’s time for getting serious. It’s time for some real collaboration in the political arena among like-minded folks. It’s simple enough to organize. Any group, large or small, that shares some element(s) of the progressive “agenda” can participate by naming one representative to a Paul Revere Steering Committee. That group will “meet” on call by telephone to prioritize issues and formulate responsive strategies. By a majority vote, agreement can be achieved on both. That concurrence will be communicated to the cooperating organizations. None will be bound by the action of the Steering Committee or the vote of their respective representatives. But those that do agree will communicate the understood issue and strategy to their respective members/supporters. Like those early patriots, no one will be required or

even expected by this minimal participation to do anything. The only requirements will be to name a representative to the Paul Revere Steering Committee and consider its decisions. Individual supporters will not be required to lift a finger. But, like those colonists, the word will be out there, a plan will be announced, larger numbers will be put onto the proverbial battlefield than any one group could hope to muster, and we can revisit Lexington and Concord with like results. Some of these organizations are constrained by tax laws; some are not. All would appear to retain the complete prerogative to communicate with their members and supporters both the actions of their enemies and their friends; the actions of their detractors and the actions of the Paul Revere Steering Committee. None of their individual members and supporters would be so constrained. If you’re a part of a progressive organization and it would be amenable to participating in the Paul Revere Progressives’ Project, let me know. (515-288-2500) Together, we can do this.

Cocktail Chatter by Ed Sikov

The Salty Dog It was with a toxic mix of boredom, curiosity, invigoration and the pathetic devilishness particular to the elderly that I called Kyle and asked him what he was doing Friday night. “The usual,” he said, as though I’d stalked him and knew his routine. (OK, there was a brief period when I had stalked him, but let’s leave that aside.) “What’s that?” I asked. “Get home around 7, shower, change, meet Robbie for drinks and dinner, and then see what develops. Wanna join us?” In more ways than one, I thought lecherously, but answered, “Sure.” Dan was in Duluth—in February!—at an Alzheimer’s conference. “Don’t forget to come home!” I cried after he shut the door on the way out, knowing he wouldn’t deign to unlock the door to reprimand me for my bad taste. I was in the mood to hang out with youth because I’d picked up a copy of GQ and was shocked to find that I’d heard of none of the people whose handsome faces and superb bodies graced its pages; I knew nothing of the products being touted and advertised; and the recommended hot spots in New York City were as foreign to me as the best places to get grilled yak in Ulan Bator. Where once were my favorite blocks of sleazy sex clubs now stand the showrooms of Stella McCartney and Alexander McQueen. (That particular neighborhood’s name, the Meatpacking District, has remained relevant, however. First it was Manhattan’s slaughterhouse neighborhood, then a place where men inserted themselves into other men, and now it’s where oversized rich women go to squeeze into clothes one size too small.) Kyle told me to meet him at Naval, a relatively new bar in the far west Hell’s Kitchen. I remembered the block as a wasteland of bus parking lots; now it’s ablaze with soaring rental apartment buildings, thriving restaurants and showy bars, including Naval, with its double theme of sailors and treasure trails, all

depicted in giant close-up murals on the walls. By the time Robbie got there it was almost 9 p.m. I was yawning. “Here,” said Kyle. “Drink this.” He handed me something he’d gotten from the bartender. I looked at the can. “What’s a Blue Ox?” “It’s an energy drink,” Robbie shouted. I took a mouthful and—because it tasted like artificially sweetened crankcase oil pretending to be cola—promptly spat it out on the floor, much to the consternation of the idiot next to me who was wearing shorts and flip flops on a frigid February night and ended up with spat-out Blue Ox all over his shins and feet. “Moron!” he squealed. I tend to get belligerent when I’m not drunk, so I shoved his shoulders back with both hands and said, “No, you’re the moron for dressing like you’re in Barbados when in fact you’re in New Friggin’ York in February. Now go poof or I’ll beat the crap out of you, you asinine little twink.” He spun around and ran away. Kyle and Robbie stood in silent amazement for a moment then broke into applause. “Butch!” said Kyle admiringly. “Take me home, Daddy,” Robbie mewed. “Just buy me a drink,” I replied. “A real one. How about a Salty Dog? You think Louise here knows how to make one?” He didn’t. I instructed him. Commanded is a better word.

The Salty Dog

• 3 oz. grapefruit juice • 3 oz. Absolut vodka • Cut lemon • Salt • Ice, cubes or crushed Rub the cut edge of the lemon on the rim of a glass, then dip the glass in a plate full of flaked salt. Put the ice in the glass, then add the juice and vodka and stir gently, so as not to disturb the salt on the rim. If the drink is too strong for you, cut it with more grapefruit juice.

APRIL 2012 SScontinued from page 4

CHAIN ation. Louisiana, Maryland, South Dakota, and Idaho are 4 states that have an element of intent (I’m not sure how many total actually include intent). You mentioned that there are other laws for infectious diseases in Iowa that persecute based on intent, what are some of those infectious diseases? Section 139A.20 of the Iowa Code addresses the intentional transmission of contagious diseases. 139A.20 states: “Contagious or infectious disease” means hepatitis in any form, meningococcal disease, tuberculosis and any other disease, with the exception of AIDS or HIV infection as defined in section 141A.1, determined to be life-threatening to a person exposed to the disease as established by rules adopted by the department, based upon a determination by the state epidemiologist and in accordance with guidelines of the centers for disease control and prevention of the United States department of health and human services.” You mention statistics from the CDC

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DR JOE think going through the process of coming out and being part of the LGBT community myself, makes me more understanding. Especially with some of the stresses that people face and some of the particular issues that LGBT patients face. It’s really sad that our medical education system is lacking and behind in awareness. Often people only get one lecture through their entire medical training about LGBT issues, if they even get that. It’s really important for people to be able to speak up about their own health care needs. Because often the consumer themselves have to help train their own medical providers on some of the issues they might be facing. So, I really enjoy the comfort that people bring. That they’re able to tell me anything and they’re not worried about how I would be affected by it or how I’ll respond. You are considered an expert in LGBT health care. I’m wondering how your experience led you to your expertise. It really was self-interest to begin with. But then I realized there really was no training at all. So, what I did really was start with the Gay and Lesbian Medical Association. I am a member of the organization, and we have a three to four day conference that includes continuing education and training medical professionals on the latest issues, the latest treatments, especially pertaining to LGBT folk. The other thing is that “expert” is really a relative term. When you start speaking up about issues, you become sort of the spokesperson or the expert on it. I was that point person, bringing some of that stuff over to the medical community. I was out and willing to say, ‘Hey we’ve got LGBT health issues here that we should be addressing—and if we’re not even identifying or addressing our LGBT patients, how can we focus our care towards particular issues that may be more prevalent there?’ So, one of the things that I also do, is speak at medical schools. I just did some lectures at the P.A. school at DMU, and have done invitation type of things that I go every year to the University of Iowa. To speak to one of the medical classes specifically on LGBT issues. Also, I speak on the national level. I’ve done

the fun guide for the risk of transmission of HIV during heterosexual intercourse, are there statistics for homosexual intercourse? If so, what is the estimated exposure? Routes and Risks of Transmission Infection rate per sexual exposure to HIV: Receptive vaginal intercourse: 0.10% Insertive vaginal intercourse: 0.05% Receptive oral intercourse: 0.000.04% Insertive oral intercourse: ~0.00% Receptive anal intercourse: 1.40% Insertive anal intercourse: 0.065% Fox J, et al. Quantifying sexual exposure to HIV within an HIV-serodiscordant relationship: development of an algorithm. AIDS, 2011; 25:1065. How does Iowa’s HIV Transmission Law stigmatize HIV-positive Iowans? Stigma faced by those living with HIV and AIDS is still very high, despite the advances in modern medicine. Stigma undermines efforts to encourage all people to learn their HIV status, and it makes it harder for people to disclose their HIV status to their medical providers, their sex partners, and even clergy and others from whom they may a lot of different places; I’ve been invited to speak at the American Academy of Family Physicians every year in the recent past. Specifically addressing LGBT health care and how family practice docs can improve their care for this part of the population. What are some of the other topics that you’ve spoken on that you find are important within the LGBT community when it comes to health care? That’s a never ending thing. We can break it down into a lot of different things. One of them is the barriers that keep people from getting medical care. The lack of insurance or the exclusion of health care for transgendered/transsexual people that is written into almost every health care policy. Things like, the results of society’s discrimination and stigma itself. The resulting depression or post-traumatic stress disorder anxiety that’s created. I’ve talked about specific issues. The old STD, STI sexually transmitted infection lecture is always a big one. Everyone always jumps on that one for men who have sex with men, or gay men. But that’s just a little bit of it, because there’s some much in there. What is transmitted from one to another? And how is man to man sex different than woman to woman. So, there a lot of issues about that, that I think one of the big things is helping health care providers see how our system is not set up to identify LGBT folk, and how that results in ignoring health care issues around that. Things like health insurance access. Can you get access through your partner, or your spouse? We still have problems, even though we have same-sex marriage in Iowa, it is not recognized on a national level. So, federally, we are not married. Once you cross the state line, or even on a national level—that affects health care. Talking about some of the stigma and discrimination and how that keeps people finically unable to get their healthcare, or even get access to it. The other thing is, we still have a tremendous amount of discrimination and stigma associated with coming out. People are still afraid about losing families, losing jobs—even though we have protective laws in Iowa. So, those concerns are still there. And that keeps

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seek understanding and support. Applying criminal law to HIV exposure or transmission reinforces the stereotype that people living with HIV are immoral and dangerous criminals, rather than, like everyone else, people endowed with responsibility, dignity, and human rights. Iowa’s Criminal Transmission law discourages individuals from getting tested and knowing their HIV status. The fear of prosecution and persecution undermines all public health efforts that we have put in place. If people aren’t getting tested, they aren’t getting linked to appropriate medical care. If they aren’t linked to medical care, their viral load will likely go up, which increases the chance of transmission. What is CHAIN doing in regards to Iowa’s HIV Transmission Law? HIV Criminalization laws are complex, and it’s not easy to educate individuals on key components of the law. This was the second year CHAIN discussed Iowa’s statute with lawmakers. Each year, we learn more about educating policy makers and other stakeholders about this law. Going into it, we knew it would be a long process. After the 2012 session concludes, advocates will

ACCESSline Page 15 follow up with legislators they made contact with at Day on the Hill. We also plan to engage other groups around the state that would possibly support this effort. Educating policy makers and even members of the community is one of our biggest goals. Senator Matt McCoy has sponsored a bill that would affect this law, please discuss the details of the bill and how it would impact/change Iowa’s HIV Transmission Law? Senator McCoy did introduce a bill this year in an attempt to update and modernize Iowa’s antiquated law. Unfortunately, this bill did not make it out of committee. Senator McCoy’s bill required the element of intent to transmit, as well as a “tiered” sentencing depending whether or not transmission occurred. Senator McCoy’s bill also struck the provision requiring a person convicted of Criminal Transmission to register as a sex offender. Even though the bill was not one that was debated by the legislature this year, we did receive a significant amount of support for our work and were encouraged to keep working on this very important health issue.

"The strategic goal of this project is to drive a wedge between gays and blacks— two key Democratic constituencies. We aim to find, equip, energize and connect African-American spokespeople for marriage; to develop a media campaign around their objections to gay marriage as a civil right; and to provoke the gay marriage base into responding by denouncing these spokesmen and women as bigots." — National Organization for Marriage (“NOM”), 2009, from documents newly unsealed due to NOM’s loss in the Maine lawsuit in which they were fighting the state law that requires they identify their donors.

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From The Heart by Rev. Kathy Love, D.D. I have to say that I am thrilled to have been asked to do a monthly column for this great publication! My husband, James, and I own The Wedding Chapel in Des Moines. It’s a small and intimate location for up to 30 guests, but we are available to perform weddings at other locations in the area as well. We’ve always supported marriage equality and have performed many commitment ceremonies prior to it being legalized. We’ve been in business over 12 years and have done over 1000 weddings, so I have a lot of fun stories and information that I will be sharing with you in this column. My spiritual background is a mixed bag. I grew up Presbyterian, and then in my rebellious days I decided I was atheist. As I grew older, I decided to be agnostic—not saying there is, not saying there isn’t, but keeping my options open! I even converted to Judaism at one point. Over that last 30 years I became interested in angels, meditation, and various forms of holistic healing. One day I attended a group meditation where I had one of those magic awakenings. I actually felt God’s presence and had that inner sense of knowing in my heart that this was real! Fast forward to the year 2000 when my husband and I opened up The Wedding Chapel. I found a divinity that was love based, The Essene New Life Church, and it was a natural next step for me to become an interfaith minister. I now consider myself a spiritual

person, however especially because of all that I went through, I respect and support each individual’s right to make their own decision for themselves on this topic. I have performed traditional Christian weddings, civil ceremonies, and various types in between. Locations vary from our small chapel to large halls. I even did a wedding on a large Indian blanket in a park with their massive Mastiff as a ring bearer. He literally took up half the blanket! This might sound odd coming from someone in the business of selling wedding packages, but I truly believe that the most important thing is not the wedding, but the love that a couple shares and how they live their life together. It doesn’t make sense to me when people judge who should love who. We did a wedding for a same sex couple who had been together for 37 years. Now THAT is commitment! A little over a year ago we married a couple from the south. Dennis was from upper Florida, and Sonny from Atlanta. They had been together for 11 years, but had never lived in the same city, or even the same state. I asked them how they kept a long distance relationship alive for so long, and they told me that they actually saw each other every single weekend that entire time. They never missed a weekend—amazing! Since they traveled so far, they weren’t able to bring any guests with them. As an FYI, Iowa law requires two witnesses be

Sonny and Dennis. Photo with permission and courtesy of Rev. Kathy Love, D.D.

present for the wedding. This dilemma comes up frequently for couples, so this is one of the services that we offer. Sonny was from India, and although he wanted to be married in his tux, he wanted photos in his traditional Indian attire. We met in the lobby of their hotel, and found many photoops for them throughout the property. His garment was cream and gold, with a gorgeous head piece, and brilliant gold shoes. I don’t think it is wrong to say that Sonny and Dennis. Photo with permission and courtesy of he looked beautiful. They Rev. Kathy Love, D.D. did a small Bindi Ceremony, where Sonny put a red dot on Dennis’s fore- Sonny into the family by giving him Dennis’s head and presented him with a floral lei. I father’s wedding ring. That touched my learned that traditionally, this represents heart. And I was very happy to learn that love, honor and prosperity. finally, as of May—and after all of these years, They had a small wedding cake and we Dennis and Sonny are now living together have pictures of cutting the cake. I’m happy in one place! to report that they were polite and loving My tip for this month: Plan your when feeding it to each other. (One of my wedding around what you want to do, not pet peeves!) what you think that you should do or what He changed for the wedding, that took you think that you are expected to do. For place at our Chapel, and we had a very mean- some reason, when it comes to weddings, ingful and lovely ceremony. They couldn’t everyone has an opinion. It’s great to collect take their eyes off each other, it was sooo information and ideas, but ultimately it’s romantic. Then they were off to Biaggi’s your wedding, and your decisions. My for dinner, with great food and intimate suggestion is to do only what gives you joy. atmosphere. If you’re stressing over some small detail, The next day they drove to Minnesota remember that you have choice. If it doesn’t to be with Dennis’s Mom. She welcomed give you joy, you can just drop it.

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Out of Town: Memphis and Nashville by Andrew Collins Although they’re the two largest cities of a decidedly conservative state, Memphis ( and especially Nashville ( have developed into popular destinations among gay and lesbian travelers in recent years. Both cities have sizable GLBT communities, are steeped in American music lore, and have noteworthy restaurant scenes—not just barbecue and Southern fare, which is legitimately outstanding in these parts, but sophisticated contemporary cuisine. In both cities, fans of dancing and clubbing will also find a nice range of gay nightlife options. Here are some key exploring, dining, nightlife, and hotel highlights in these two cities just 215 miles apart via Interstate 40.


There’s much to keep visitors busy this city famous for blues, Elvis, and the tragic assassination in 1968 that Dr. Martin Luther King. Today the Lorraine Motel, where King was shot, is the home of the National Civil Rights Museum, whose collections to the story of America’s Civil Rights history. The surrounding South Main Street neighborhood is a good spot for a stroll, with several cool shops and cafes. A short drive south, you’ll find the one of the city’s lesserknown cultural gems, the National Museum of Ornamental Metal, whose galleries and outdoor sculpture garden sit on a hilltop overlooking a scenic bend in the Mississippi River. Along with King, the name most associated with Memphis these days is Elvis Presley, whose palatial - and decidedly kitschy—mansion, Graceland, is a must-see—allow at least two hours to tour the home, his custom jets, the car museum, and the several other exhibits that make up this impressive compound a 15-minute drive south of downtown Memphis. Downtown Memphis, where W.C. Handy helped to turn Beale Street into the nation’s blue capital, abounds with live-music clubs, lively restaurants, and a number of excellent hotels. Beale Street’s vibe is fairly touristy, and you won’t find any gay hangouts here, but the city’s Mid-South Gay Pride festival does take place here in October. You can tour the outstanding Memphis Rock & Soul Museum, which traces the region’s vibrant music heritage, as well as the Gibson Guitar Factory. Other attractions that music buffs should check out include Sun Studio, where Elvis cut the early demo tape that launched his career, and Stax Museum of American Soul Music. Memphis extends well east from downtown, toward Midtown, which has many of the area businesses most popular with gay visitors. In the Overton Park section, you can tour the excellent Memphis Zoo and the acclaimed Memphis Brooks Museum of Art. A short drive south, the hip and funky CooperYoung neighborhood abounds with distinctive restaurants and quirky shops, including Inz & Outz, which carries Pride gifts, underwear, erotica, and the like. Cooper-Young is home to one of the

best barbecue joints in town, Central BBQ (, which turns out fiendishly delicious ribs and pulled pork. Other neighborhood hot spots, all with a fairly strong gay following, include Tsunami ( for Asian-fusion cooking; Alchemy (, with its tasty tapas and well-crafted cocktails; Sweet Grass (, known for inventive regional American cuisine; and the campy Beauty Shop ( and neighboring Do Sushi Bar and Noodle Shop. For great coffee and plenty of room to socialize or curl up with book, Otherlands ( is one of the best indie coffeehouses in town. In downtown Memphis, Local Gastropub ( and—for fantastic soul food—Lunch Box Eats ( both serve excellent edibles, and the swanky and historic Peabody Hotel ( is home to a pair of celebrated restaurants, Chez Philippe and Capriccio Grill. South of downtown, the 901 Complex is one of the largest gay clubs catering primarily to African-American patrons in the country—the club also hosts Memphis Black Pride in June. Other gay favorites fairly close to downtown include elegant Mollie Fontaine (molliefontainelounge. com), a trendy, mixed gay-straight lounge set in a historic house in the city’s Victorian Village Historic District; and a massive dance club called Club Spectrum (thespectrummemphis. com). Most of the city’s gay bars are in Midtown, where you’ll find several locals-oriented neighborhood bars, clustered mostly around the 1300 to 1500 blocks of Madison and Poplar avenues—these include the Pumping Station (, lesbianpopular Dru’s Place (, and Crossroads Bar. Many visitors to Memphis would never think of staying anywhere but that classy downtown grande dame, The Peabody (, which has luxurious rooms, a fine spa and fitness center, and a lobby in which ducks famously parade to and from a gurgling fountain each day. A more intimate but no-less pleasing option is the River Inn of Harbor Town (riverinnmemphis. com), a charming 28-room property on pretty (don’t let the name fool you) Mud Island—just a short drive from downtown. Other reliable options include the gay-friendly Talbot Heirs Guesthouse (, the smartly furnished and centrally location Westin Memphis (, and the reasonably priced Hampton Inn at Beale Street (

One of the great must-see attractions for fans of music and pop culture, Graceland— the home of Elvis Presley - is a 15-minute drive south of downtown Memphis.


The most progressive city in the so-called Bible Belt, Nashville has developed into one of the South’s gay-friendliest destinations over the past decade, as it now buzzes with diverting retail and entertainment districts, several energetic gay nightspots, and a wealth of cultural attractions.

Graceland, downtown Memphis. Supplied photo: By Andrew Collins Downtown Nashville is set around the courtly Greek Revival-style Capitol, which is perched atop the highest hill in the city. You can learn a thing or two about the state’s history at the nearby Tennessee State Museum. A block over, 5th Avenue was the site throughout the ‘60s of Civil Rights demonstrations, the success of which inspired similar protests throughout the South. These days, 5th Avenue has become rather artsy - it’s the site of several excellent galleries and the nearby Frist Center for the Visual Arts, which occupies a handsomely restored, art deco post office building. A few blocks east, toward the Cumberland River, you’ll come to Nashville’s old Market Street, now 2nd Avenue, where a long row of redbrick Victorian warehouses converted into restaurants, music clubs, and brew pubs. Downtown’s most impressive attraction is the Country Music Hall of Fame, a handsome, modern structure whose exhibits not only honor dozens of legendary musicians (Patsy Cline, Johnny Cash, and Dolly Parton among them). The nearby Ryman Auditorium is one of the grand music icons of downtown, often hosting Grand Ole Opry shows. It’s a short drive from downtown to reach Midtown and its main drag, West End Avenue—you’ll pass several of the city’s schools and medical facilities, including Vanderbilt University, as well as an art-filled, full-scale replica of the Parthenon. A few blocks from here is the city’s gay nightlife strip, along Church Street. West End Avenue eventually leads into ritzy Belle Meade, home to Belle Meade Plantation, once the site of a 5,300-acre Thoroughbred breeding farm, and Cheekwood, a 1925 Georgian-style house that’s home to the Tennessee Botanical Gardens & Museum. Nashville’s dining scene is earning plenty of kudos these days. Downtown has plenty of options, from long-running Merchants (, which is set inside a masterfully restored 1892 brick building, to trendy Watermark (, which offers the most extensive wine list in the city. But it’s best to venture a bit outside of downtown for some of the most interesting— and gay-popular—dining. The hip 12th Avenue South neighborhood is a great food destination, home to the trendy Burger Up (, known for bison, lamb, and salmon burgers; and Las Paletas, which sells refreshing and oddly flavored popsicles (chai

tea, cucumber-pepper, chocolate-wasabi). East Nashville is another cool neighborhood for eating and exploring. It’s home to lesbian-owned Margot (, which turns out delicious French bistro fare— the same owners run the nearby coffeehouse and bakery, Marche (marcheartisanfoods. com), which serves up all sorts of tasty snacks. The inviting Rumours Wine Bar ( is great for sipping and dining, and Ugly Mugs (uglymugsnashville. com) is a terrific coffeehouse. For gay nightlife, head to Church Street in the West End. Arguably the neighborhood’s hottest gay bar, Tribe ( is a hip spot with a full restaurant, an open-air deck, and a decent-size dance floor. If you’re seeking a more high-energy experience, venture next door to Play (, a sprawling dance club that packs in huge crowds on weekends. Just down the street is Blue Gene’s, a relaxed neighborhood joint. Over in East Nashville you’ll find one of the liveliest lesbian bars in the South, Lipstick Lounge (, set inside a brightly colored and attractively furnished old house. On the main level there’s a small dance bar, and live music is often featured. A couple of gay neighborhood bars worth going out of your way for are Trax, a hard-to-find little dive bar in a somewhat industrial neighborhood south of downtown; and the nearby Stirrup (, a warm and welcoming bar that caters to a diverse crowd. Nashville’s hotel selection has become increasingly interesting over the years, thanks in part to the open of the stylish and contemporary Hutton Hotel (, a couple of blocks from the West End gay bars. It’s quickly become a favorite address of visiting celebs and musicians. The nearby Hotel Indigo ( is a gay-friendly, moderately priced, and sleekly designed midrise. Another favorite of design-minded, hip travelers is the Hotel Preston (hotelpreston. com) - just keep in mind that it’s 10 miles southeast of downtown, by the airport. If you’d rather be downtown, consider the gracious Union Station Hotel (, which adjoins turn-of-the-20thcentury Union Station and has a gorgeous lobby and warmly furnished rooms. Andrew Collins covers gay travel for the New York Times-owned website GayTravel. and is the author of Fodor’s Gay Guide to the USA. He can be reached care of this publication or at

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One of the tallest trees in our forest: Bayard Rustin By Rev. Irene Monroe This month around the country LGBTQ communities will be celebrating Bayard Rustin’s 100th birthday anniversary. Next month, AIDS Action Committee of Massachusetts will have their annual Bayard Rustin Breakfast. And, last month, “State of the Re:Union,” a nationally aired radio show distributed by NPR and PRX was awarded first place in the Excellence in Radio category from the National Lesbian & Gay Journalists Association for the Black History Month special they did on Bayard Rustin, titled “Bayard Rustin—Who Is This Man?” To date, he’s still largely an unknown because of the heterosexism that has canonized the history of last century’s black civil rights movement. Born March 17, 1912 in the Quakersettled area of West Chester Pennsylvania, one of the stops on the Underground Railroad, is Bayard Rustin’s beginning. A handsome six-footer who possessed both athletic and academic prowess is most noted as the strategist and chief organizer of the 1963 March on Washington that catapulted the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King onto a world stage. Rustin also played a key role in helping King develop the strategy of nonviolence in the Montgomery Bus Boycott (1955-1956), which successfully dismantled the long-standing Jim Crow ordinance of segregated seating on public conveyances in Alabama. One of my favorite quotes by Rustin is this: “When an individual is protesting society’s refusal to acknowledge his dignity as a human being, his very act of protest confers dignity on him.” For LGBTQ African Americans Rustin is the only openly gay hero we have, and for many of us his work and words give us courage to fight homophobia in ourselves and in our communities. In a letter to a friend explaining his predilection toward gay sex Rustin wrote, “I must pray, trust, experience, dream, hope and all else possible until I know clearly in my own mind and spirit that I have failed to become heterosexual, if I must fail, not because of a

faint heart, or for lack of confidence in my true self, or for pride, or for emotional instability, or for moral lethargy, or any other character fault, but rather, because I come to see after the most complete searching that the best for me lies elsewhere.” During the Civil Rights movement Bayard Rustin was always the man behind the scene, and a large part of that had to due with the fact that he was gay. As Albert Shanker, then president of the American Federation of Teachers and friend of Rustin stated in a review on Jervis Anderson’s biography Bayard Rustin: The Troubles I’ve Seen that Rustin “...was the quintessential outsider—a black man, a Quaker, a one-time pacifist, a political, social dissident, and a homosexual.” African American ministers involved in the Civil Right movement would have nothing to do with Rustin, and they intentionally rumored throughout the movement that King was gay because of his close friendship with Rustin. In a spring 1987 interview with Rustin in Open Hands, a resource for ministries affirming the diversity of human sexuality, Rustin recalls that difficult period quite vividly. Rustin stated, “Martin Luther King, with whom I worked very closely, became very distressed when a number of the ministers working for him wanted him to dismiss me from his staff because of my homosexuality. Martin set up a committee to discover what he should do. They said that, despite the fact that I had contributed tremendously to the organization…they thought I should separate myself from Dr. King. This was the time when [Rev. Adam Clayton] Powell threatened to expose my so-called homosexual relationship with Dr. King.” When Rustin pushed him on the issue to speak up on his behalf King did not. In John D’Emilo’s book Lost Prophet: The Life and times of Bayard Rustin he wrote the following on the matter: “Rustin offered to resign in the hope that his would force the issue. Much to his chagrin,

King did not reject the offer. At the time, King was also involved in a major challenge to the conservative leadership of the National Baptist convention, and one of his ministerial lieutenants in the fight was also gay. ‘Basically King said I can’t take on two queers at one time,’ one of Rustin’s associated recollected later.” When Rustin was asked about MLK’s views on gays in a March 1987 interview with Redvers Jean Marie he stated, “It is difficult for me to know what Dr. King felt about gayness…” As a March on Washington volunteer in 1963 Bayard Rustin was Eleanor Holmes Norton’s boss. The renowned Congresswoman of D.C. recalls the kerfuffle concerning Rustin’s sexuality. “I was sure the attacks would come because I knew what they could attack Bayard for,” Norton stated to Steve Hendrix in a 2011 interview. “It flared up and then flared right back down,” Norton stated. “Thank God, because there was no substitute for Bayard.” The association of Rustin to the March was inseparable to those who worked closely with him. “The 53-year-old known at the time as “Mr. March-on-Washington” was a lanky, cane-swinging, poetry-quoting black Quaker intellectual who wore his hair in a graying pompadour, “ Hendrix wrote in Bayard Rustin: Organizer of the March on Washington. “When the anniversary comes around, frankly I think of Bayard as much as I think of King,” stated Norton. “King could hardly have given the speech if the march had not been so well attended and so well organized. If there had been any kind of disturbance, that would have been the story.” Rustin was a complex man and often times seemingly a contrarian. To the surprise of many, Rustin was an opponent to “identity politics,” and most likely would not have been waving a rainbow flag or approve of queer studies departments at colleges and universities. To many conservative African Americans

the upcoming Rock of Ages, and Mission: Impossible—Ghost Protocol was a gigantic hit. That means the megastar’s once-softas-an-easy-chair box office moment has firmed up again and he could conceivably open an event film like this is surely going to be. Make them duet on “Evergreen,” Clint!

who’ll take on the roles of Teen Charlotte or Teen Miranda. We hear that Teen Samantha will be motion-captured by Andy Serkis but that might be just a very cool rumor.

Deep Inside Hollywood by Romeo San Vicente Clint wants Cruise for Beyonce. Can you blame him?

The Carrie Diaries finally finds a Carrie Beyonce in “Obsessed”. Photo courtesy of Screen Gems. If you want to get strict about it, there’s nothing gay about A Star Is Born except for, you know, everything, especially when you consider its two most recent and famous versions starred Judy Garland and Barbra Streisand and the new one from director Clint Eastwood is going to star Beyonce. And now Clint is after big game, chasing Tom Cruise to star as the career-in-decline counterpoint to Beyonce’s rising ingénue. This would work perfectly: Cruise is already getting decent buzz for his role in

First they said it might be Blake Lively, then it was Emma Roberts, but now it’s official: The Carrie Diaries pilot will star respected teen actor Anna Sophia Robb. Here’s a young woman whose alreadysolid film career includes acclaimed performances in serious-minded kid dramas like Bridge to Terabithia, blockbusters like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and last year’s sleeper hit Soul Surfer, so her presence can only elevate what hopefully won’t turn into just another flashy teen soap opera. Robb will take on the role of Carrie in the 1980s as she navigates school, sex and, of course, the city, but no word yet on

Go Fish director gives you a Concussion

Rose Troche, filmmaker behind the classic ’90s lesbian indie Go Fish, is currently wearing her producer hat, hard at work helping her friend, writer-director Stacie Passon, get an unusual lesbian film to the big screen. It’s called Concussion and, yes, it’s about a head injury. Weirder, it’s about a lesbian in a longterm relationship who, after the title’s accident, decides to become a prostitute for women (look, if women will pay for sex in the fictional lands of Hung and Gigolos, then they’ll do it in this movie, too, OK?). The film stars Robin Weigert, an actor who’s already fueled butch lesbian crushes such as Calamity Jane on HBO’s Deadwood, but here she’ll be considerably less dustcovered. And when that’s all said and done, Troche is considered reteaming with Go Fish collaborator Guinevere Turner for the

Rev. Irene Monroe is a graduate from Wellesley College and Union Theological Seminary at Columbia University, and she has served as a pastor at an AfricanAmerican church before coming to Harvard Divinity School for her doctorate as Ford Fellow. She is a syndicated queer religion columnist who tries to inform the public of the role religion plays in discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer people. Her website is Rustin wasn’t only “queer” in the literal sense but was perceived also as one who didn’t have any of the approved and appropriate black sensibilities. “Rustin’s steadfast opposition to identity politics also came under criticism by exponents of the developing Black Power movement. His critical stance toward affirmative action programs and black studies departments in American universities was not a popular viewpoint among many of his fellow Afro-Americans, and as at various other times of his life Rustin found himself to a certain extent isolated,” Buzz Haughton wrote in his article “Bayard Rustin Civil Rights Leader,” in the Fall 1999 issue of Quaker Studies. As we comb through the annals of history more of us are learning that Rustin was also one of the tallest trees in our forest.

20-years-later sequel. Who do we have to hit on the head to make that a reality?

Who’s excited for Gnomeo & Juliet 2? Elton John, that’s who.

It was inevitable. Rocket Pictures’ Gnomeo & Juliet raked in almost $200 million worldwide and that means it’s franchise time for Elton John, who will not rest until previously inanimate garden decorations have 3D-danced-and-sung their way into the consciousness of every moviegoer on the planet. The sequel to the kid-friendly smash is already underway and its title is Gnomeo & Juliet: Sherlock Gnomes, which will see a very small yard-dwelling incarnation of the famous sleuth hot on the case of disappearing garden gnomes. John is currently penning songs for the film and all you have to do is wait for the marketing onslaught to begin. You know a tie-in breakfast cereal can’t be far behind. Romeo San Vicente has electric boots and a mohair suit. He can be reached care of this publication or at

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Hear Me Out by Chris Azzopardi Lana Del Rey, Born to Die

ear ecstasy. As for Lana Del Rey herself? The 25-year-old’s been called “fake” and “manufactured,” but the insecurities and fears and heartache she exposes are all very real. Grade: A-

Kellie Pickler, 100 Proof

Focus on Lana Del Rey’s enigmatic image and you miss the point: Her majorlabel debut, Born to Die, is an intoxicating hit of theatrical trip-hop from the seductress of song. Unfairly trashed for a one-off SNL blunder and controversially questioned for her authenticity, the New York chick-turned-polarizing pop star— and self-proclaimed “gangster Nancy Sinatra”—casts a hypnotic spell on the album, a thrilling, death-obsessed sound fever that’s maddening and masochistic. That chill was first realized on throwback “Video Games,” turning her boyfriend’s Nintendo habits into a haunting, and painfully sad, portrait of unrequited love. Darkness doesn’t let up as Born to Die shakes out: The title track, a favorite, uses morality as an excuse for reckless abandon while her American Dream is crushed on “Blue Jeans,” moving from the art-chic edginess of David Lynch melodramatics to a frantic spin-out climax. Ironically now, she relishes in newfound acceptance (“Radio”), and then has a weakness for a bad boy (“Million Dollar Man”), throws caution to the wind (“Summertime Sadness”) and dreams of a lost love (“Dark Paradise”). The voice that carries them all, a retro lounge sound that cradles an alluring lower register, is like

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KATE CLINTON people on their Facebook site. That’s a great example to people. Years ago, I met a young guy at a fundraiser meeting and we were talking and he said things like “What’s ACT UP?” “Who’s Larry Kramer?” And finally I said to him, “Where are you from?” (Laughs) He was from Ohio and newly out and thought he was the only gay person in the world. I said, “What made you come out?” And he said it was Ellen. It was the first time he realized he wasn’t the only one. Oh god, he was so funny. It was the season she came out on her show and he said, “It took me a season, too!” You must hear similar stories, right? Mm-hmm. The stories people tell me are wonderful: they had their first date at my show, they brought their mom. “We had some talking to do after, but she liked it.” (Laughs) But it’s great. I feel very blessed to have this job. By now most people must know what they’re in for when they go to a Kate Clinton show. But have you had angry right-wingers at your shows? People have gotten up to leave and I

sive balance of hard-hitters (“Unlock the Honky Tonk,” doing just that) and earnest ballads. One of them, “Mother’s Day,” is a sad rumination on Pickler’s own real-life mom who abandoned her as a kid (for dad: “The Letter”); another, “Long as I Never See You Again,” is emoted with great sensitivity in her pinched vocal style, as a song about post-breakup healing should be. Her greatest vocal turn, however, is on the loveby-comparison title track, further proof that Pickler isn’t just another reality show write-off. She’s done Tammy proud. Grade: B+

Sinead O’Connor, How About I Be Me (And You Be You)?

For how strong Kellie Pickler comes on with the traditionalist country of her third album, the 100 Proof title does more than befit the switch. Effectively capable of lingering like a potent liquor, the word-challenged reality star ditches her Shania Twain post-Idol roots for Tammy Wynette (Pickler’s not making that serious face on the cover for nothing). And that’s not just because she name-drops her—to wonderful effect, in fact, on a feisty homage to the legendary lady, who plays her spiritual guide of sorts—but Pickler has never sounded so in her zone as the anti-Carrie Underwood of country. Pseudo-genre songs never fit the North Carolina native’s obvious accent, so she’s right at home channeling Wynonna grit on “Tough” and doing a classic-sounding porch-song, “Rockaway (The Rockin’ Chair Song).” On her career best, Pickler has a hand from producers Frank Liddell and Luke Wooten, pulling together an impresjust pretend they’re going to the bathroom. One time I was doing a show and these two couples just huffed out and made a big stink in the lobby and security said they wanted to go back there and teach me a lesson. I said, “Thank you for protecting me.” And they were like, “We weren’t protecting you. We were protecting them. We knew you’d turn the audience on them.” (Laughs) What are your thoughts and predictions on the presidential race this year? It’s going to get uglier, and it’s going to be a fight, but I think that President Obama is getting his message out and reenergizing people. I think it’ll be four more years, which I’m very excited about. He started a lot of wonderful things and I really think the first couple of years of his administration were like cleanup on aisle five—they were going into different departments and cabinets, and it was just a mess. A lot of it was rebuilding, and they have wonderful people working; LGBT people are placed everywhere in agencies across the government and they’ve really just started to crank it out, and it’s good news. I hope we get four more years of being able to move things forward. Do you think that once he secures four more years he’ll be more open to discussing LGBT issues?

abilities, refreshing frankness and a big set of balls. “Queen of Denmark,” swinging from schizophrenic highs and lows, is so self-deprecating and hilariously fuming with bitter rage that, even though it’s a cover of a John Grant song, it mingles seamlessly within a set that confounds with the quirkiness of O’Connor’s own narratives: child abandonment darkens the disturbing “I Had a Baby”; “4th and Vine,” the albumlaunching hoedown, joyously recalls her wedding day; “Old Lady,” building into a classic rocker, has her holding out for someone who will “make me laugh like an idiot, not be so serious.” But when she’s cold sober, there’s no denying she’s at her most powerful. She sings junkie confessional “Reason With Me” like she’s exhausted every other option, her voice weary and breathless. “Back Where You Belong” is even more heartbreakingly beautiful. So fine. Be you, Sinead. We wouldn’t want it any other way. Grade: B+

Also Out

Does nothing compare to Sinead O’Connor? On her ninth album, and first since the Irish self-proclaimed “quartergay” released Theology in 2007, that could very well be true, and for many reasons. That sterling voice, in full glorious effect on How About I Be Me, has been overshadowed with headline-hogging antics: a suicide attempt, marital trouble and Twitter outbursts. Her latest album—released 25 years after her debut—reaffirms her as a gifted singer with breathtaking Absolutely. It’s politics. But I think that he’s got plenty of sort of surrogates who are speaking up for him. I don’t get the sense that LGBT people are as impatient as they were. I do think with the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell and the justice department’s commitment not to defend DOMA because parts of it are unconstitutional—and states like Washington and New York with marriage equality—the LGBT community, while still impatient, and that’s good, are getting more of the real politic of what he’s up against. Republicans are just the opposing-only party—everything’s no, now. If you don’t like government, go golfing. That’s what I think. Tell me about your cameo on Smash. Wasn’t that great? Apparently NBC was showing trailers on American Airlines and people were screaming on the plane, “Kaaate!” Lesbians like to fly American Airlines, huh? Oh, they do. What was that like? Just a complete pleasure. The scene that I’m in, I had to act very non-impressed and not at all excited by this incredible girl singing in front of me, just belting out “Over

Ingrid Michaelson, Human Again Boy drama fuels Ingrid Michaelson’s fifth album with references to relationships as a blazing abyss and a battle of hearts. “I won’t surrender,” declares the 32-year-old modern-day Lilith lady. And she doesn’t, giving it her all on 15 tracks— released independently on her own record label—of chin-up mantras (“Do It Now”), being universally human (“Blood Brothers”) and the faceted feelings of romance (“How We Love”). Rarely does Michaelson, who goes for a grander sound of walloping pop melodies and a refined finish, fall into the coffeehouse vibe she built her career on. Still, she manages to capture that intimacy even when her songs are bursting at the seams. Chris Azzopardi can be reach online at the Rainbow” time after time—and it was staggering—but I had to act like it wasn’t that great. That was a challenge? Yeah. But it’s wonderful to be around such talented young people and to know that—hello!—Angelica Houston is anywhere on the set. Would you like to do more TV? I hope so. It’s so much fun and you reach so many people without having to go to their town! (Laughs) How do you feel about your friend Cynthia Nixon’s brouhaha, where she told a reporter she “chose” to be lesbian? I’m profoundly pro-choice. I love what she said. I thought it was great. And she’s very thoughtful and very outspoken, and she was probably talking along and having a little piece of celery and the whole room blew up. But she’s the real deal. It could be that we were born this way, but that really shouldn’t be our question. Our question should be, “Why is it so stigmatized?” “Why are we still fighting for LGBT rights?” “What is your problem?” Chris Azzopardi is the editor of Q Syndicate, the international LGBT wire service. Reach him via his website at

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The Bookworm Sez by Terri Schlichenmeyer “The Man Who Quit Money” by Mark Sundeen, c.2012, Riverhead Books, $15.00/$17.50 Canada, 272 pages Just about fifteen cents. That’s all you ever find between the sofa cushions. It’s never a huge amount of money but for some silly reason, it makes you inordinately happy. Same thing when you find a fiver stashed in last winter’s jacket, or a couple Washingtons in an old forgotten purse or wallet. It’s as if you just won the micro-lottery. You feel strangely rich. Now imagine never finding money. Imagine never wanting it at all. In the new

Across 1 With 32-Across, portrayer of one of Rachel’s dads 5 Take down a peg 10 Bone of the leg 14 Trucker’s rod 15 Runway walker 16 Go in only partway, at the beach 17 “It’s a while” 18 Big name in Chinese history 19 Mail carriers at Hogwarts 20 Suntan spoiler 21 With 45-Across, portrayer of one of Rachel’s dads 23 Cruising, maybe 25 Cozy corners 26 Pull a boa behind you? 28 Least taxing 32 See 1-Across 36 Beginning to come? 37 Piglet’s pal 38 Taters 41 Kind of will 42 Seminal computer 45 See 21-Across 48 Classified rectangles 51 Part played by Nabors 52 Unexpected pleasures 54 Tickle a funny bone 58 Duet sung by Rachel’s two daddies 62 Current events in Corinth? 63 Poet Gidlow 64 Stay home for supper 65 State, in St. Lô 66 Actor Mapa

book “The Man Who Quit Money” by Mark Sundeen, you’ll read about the author’s friend, who’s penniless on purpose. Back in the days before Mark Sundeen had a mortgage and a successful writing career, back when most of his possessions fit in the bed of a pickup, Sundeen lived a carefree life as an itinerant river guide, sleeping in his truck and eking out a living in Moab, Utah. He wasn’t alone in that unbothered existence. Many people, discouraged by government actions or corporate greed, left the grid to live in Moab. One of them was Sundeen’s friend, Daniel Suelo. Born into an ultra-conservative funda-

mentalist family, Daniel Suelo was a sensitive child who took his faith extremely seriously. Still, during college, he re-examined his beliefs and began to hypothesize about certain aspects of God. After a stint with the Peace Corps, he started questioning the validity of organized religion. He’d noticed the wide chasm between The Haves and The Have-Nots and how money seemed to change everything, which seemed unchristian-like and wrong. Further muddling his deeply introspective thoughts on religion, Suelo realized he was gay. Finding a community where eccentricity was barely noticed and tolerance is expected was, therefore, a godsend for Suelo. In 2000, after a stay in the Canada wilderness, he left his last

Q-PUZZLE: “Rachel Has Two Daddies”

67 “I Got a Name” singer Jim 68 It was gauche, for Debussy 69 The Bridge poet Crane 70 Patton’s vehicles 71 Rachel’s TV show Down 1 “Star Wars” villain with a big tongue

2 Bring to bear 3 They bother bitches 4 Low boggy land 5 Pt. of USA 6 Sex with the top on bottom? 7 Ike’s opponent 8 Medium meeting

$30 in a phone booth and moved to Moab. There, Sundeen says, Suelo lives with few possessions in whatever shelter he can find. He dines from a Dumpster, volunteers, and enjoys an active social life. There, he lives “abundantly” with zero money. Could I do it? That’s the question you’ll ask yourself over and over as you’re reading “The Man Who Quit Money.” It’s a tantalizing thought, this chuck-it-all life, and author Mark Sundeen lets his readers ponder it as he tells the life story of his friend, Daniel Suelo. But this isn’t just your run-of-the-mill biography. Sundeen lends his readers a good sense of who Suelo really is, while still preserving the enigmatic aspects. He lets us scoff a little, then he pulls us back into wholeheartedly agreeing with Suelo, almost to the point of wanting to live in a cave, too. Notice I said “almost.” Sundeen is stingy with romanticism and freely relates hardships while he also examines the morals behind money and why most of us chase it. I think that if you’ve ever seriously considered your cash and wondered if you could really live without it, here’s your chance to reflect. For you, “The Man Who Quit Money” is a book to take to the sofa. 9 Inventor Otis 10 Kurtz of More Tales of the City 11 Overhead predator 12 Spamalot writer Eric 13 Monster’s loch 21 Streisand, for short 22 New Ager John 24 TV announcer Hall 27 Gore and Green 29 Canal traveled by New York ferries 30 Bear market order 31 Work the land 32 What the fruits did in the orchard 33 Sometime Capote associate Chaplin 34 Tender ender? 35 Elton John’s mother 39 Crankcase rod, or slang for your rod 40 Porking place? 43 What drawers do 44 Serious attention 46 Encourage the cast 47 Line of Todd Oldham dresses? 49 Do a private eye’s job 50 1943 Bogart film 53 Range of the Rockies 55 “ we meet again” 56 Like a metrosexual 57 Makeup maker Lauder 58 Positive reply 59 Stew in Sitges 60 Friendly opening 61 Wallet wad 65 Piece of work


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ACCESSline’s STATEWIDE Recurring Events List

The following list is provided by—and corrected by—ACCESSline readers like you. If you would like to add an event, or if you notice a mistake in this list, please email

Interest Group Abbreviations: L: Lesbian B: Bisexual +: HIV-related A: General Interest W: General Women’s Interest


G: Gay T: Transgender D: Drag K: Kids and Family M: General Men’s Interest

Every Sunday, GLBT AA, 5-6 PM, at First Baptist Church at 500 N. Clinton St., Iowa City. For more info about Intergroup and Alcoholics Anonymous call the 24-Hour Answering Service at 319-338-9111 or visit the AA-IC website: [ L GBTMWA] Every Sunday, L WORD LIVES: L NIGHT, 7PM, at the Firewater Saloon, 347 South Gilbert St., Iowa City, 319-321-5895. The night will start with Season 1, Episode 1 of the L Word... because a good thing should never die. FoLLowing the L Word wiLL be a Drag King show at 9:30 p.m. No cover. Tel, 319-321-5895. [ L B T W D ] Every Sunday, THE QUIRE: EASTERN IOWA’S GLBT CHORUS REHEARSALS, 6-8:30 PM, at Zion Lutheran Church, 310 N. Johnson St., Iowa City. Membership is open to all GLBT folks, as well as allies who support the community. There are no auditions; you only need to be willing to attend rehearsals regularly and learn your music. The Quire prepares two full concerts each year in the winter and spring, and occasionally performs shorter programs at events in the Iowa City/Cedar Rapids area. The Quire is a member of Gay and Lesbian Association of Choruses (GALA), and has developed a reputation for excellence and variety in its concert programs. For more info, visit [ L G B T M W A ] Every Sunday, QUEER GUERRILLA BRUNCH, Locations around Iowa City to be announced each week. LGBTQIs & Allies gather for Sunday brunch to celebrate community and create visibility. Sign up for future brunches on Facebook at http:// [ L G B T MWA] Every Sunday, RAINBOW AND ALLIED YOUTH, 8:00pm11:00pm, The Center, 1300 Locust, Des Moines, IA 50309. Social group for Queer youth 25 years and under [ L G B T ] Every Sunday, OMAHA FRONTRUNNERS/WALLKERS, 10 AM. For more information call 402-804-8720. [ L G B T M W A ] Second Sunday, GAY MEN’S MEDITATION GROUP, 2 pm, Iowa City/Corridor Area, 319-354-3285 for more information. [GBTM] Second Sunday, LGBT MOVIE NIGHT, 2 p.m., Johnson County Senior Center, 28 S. Linn St., room 202 , Iowa City, IA 52240. A series of narrative and documentary movies focusing on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender issues with informal discussions afterward. An encore screening and discussion of each movie will be offered on the following evenings to accommodate more participants. The selections will share with the audience some of the traumas and successes experienced by the LGBT community throughout history, as well as center around gay love stories and the universal search for meaningful relationships. For more information, or to request a favorite title, contact the series organizer, Elsie Gauley Vega, at 319-337-4487 or jgvega@hotmail. com. [ L G B T ] Every Sunday, LESBIAN READING GROUP, 5:00 p.m., WRAC, 130 N. Madison Street, The Lesbian Reading Group will be starting their Spring group on Sundays. The group is designed to offer lesbians a safe, comfortable environment to have interesting discussions about good books. Space is limited and you must preregister. To sign up for the group, call WRAC at (319) 335-1486 or register online at: [ L ]


1st 2nd Monday of the Month, IOWA PFLAG NORTH IOWA CHAPTER MEETING, 7 PM, at First Presbyterian Church, 100 S. Pierce St., Mason City. Meetings are held the First and Second Monday (alternating) of the month. For more info, call 641-5832848. [ L G B T M W A K ] 1st Monday of the Month, IOWA PFLAG QUAD CITIES CHAPTER MEETING, 6:30 PM, at Eldridge United Methodist Church, 604 S. 2nd St., Eldridge. For more info, call 563-285-4173. [LGBTMWAK] 3rd Monday of the Month, SOUTH CENTRAL NEBRASK (HASTINGS) PFLAG, 7 p.m., First Congregational United Church of Christ, 2810 W. 7th, Hastings, [ L G B T M W A ] 4th Monday of the Month, PFLAG WAUKON/DECORAH (NORTHEAST IOWA) CHAPTER MEETING, 7 PM, (Decorah) Peace and Justice Center, 119 Winnebago St., Decorah, IA 52101. No December meeting. [ L G B T M W A ] Every Monday, DES MOINES GAY MEN’S CHORUS REHEARSALS, 7pm-9:30pm, Plymouth Congregational Church, 4126

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EVENTS Ingersoll Avenue, Des Moines, IA . For more information about singing with the Chorus, contact Rebecca Gruber at 515-865-9557. The Des Moines Gay Men’s Chorus does not discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation. [ G M A ] Every Monday Wednesday Thursday Saturday, GLBT ONLY AA MEETINGS IN DES MOINES, 6 PM - SAT 5 PM, at 945 19th St. (east side of building, south door). [ L G B T M W A ] Monday, DIVERSITY CHORUS REHEARSALS, 7:00 - 8:30 p.m., Westminster Presbyterian Church, 4114 Allison Ave., Des Moines, IA 50310. Des Moines Diversity Chorus welcomes new singers, begins 02/07/2011. No audition required. Singing with meaning since 1997! Call Julie Murphy at 515-255-3576 for more information. No cost to members. Rehearsals continue on Monday evenings through 5/2/11. [LGBTMWAD]


1st Tuesday of Every Month, OUT, 6:30-7:30 PM, Monarch Therapy Services, Waterloo Office 3356 Kimball Ave Ste. 5, Free Support Group for the LGBTQ Community in the Cedar Valley! [L G BTDAWM] 2nd Tuesday of the Month, IOWA PFLAG AMES CHAPTER MEETING, 7 PM, Youth and Shelter Services Offices, 420 Kellogg Ave., 1st Floor, Ames, IA 50010. Meets in the Paul Room of Youth and Shelter Services at 420 Kellogg Avenue, Ames. For more info, call 515-291-3607. [LGBTMWAK] 2nd Tuesday of the Month, CEDAR RAPIDS UNITY BOARD MEETING, 6:30-8 PM, Cedar Rapids, IA . at 6300 Rockwell Dr, Cedar Rapids. Meetings are open to the general public. For more info, call 319-415-1511 or visit: http://www. [ L G B T M W A ] 2nd Tuesday of the Month, SPIRITUAL SEEKERS, 7-8:30 PM, Iowa City, IA . at Trinity Episcopal Church, 320 E. College St, Iowa City. Spiritual Seekers is a group for people of all faiths, or of little faith, who wish to make deeper connections between their sexual identities and the spiritual dimension in their lives. Meetings include discussion of specialized topics, telling of pieces of our faith journeys, and occasional prayer and meditation. (On the 4th Tuesday of each month, the group gathers at a local restaurant for food and fellowship.) For more info, contact Tom Stevenson: tbstevenson@mchsi. com or 319.354.1784. [ L G B T M W A ] Every Tuesday, OUT (OUR UNITED TRUTH): A GLBT SUPPORT GROUP, 7-8:30 PM, Peoples Church Unitarian Universalist, 600 3rd Avenue Southeast, Cedar Rapids, IA 52401. For more info, call 563-359-0816. [ L G B T M WA] Every Tuesday, ACE INCLUSIVE BALLROOM, 7-8:30 PM, Old Brick, 26 East Market Street, Iowa City, IA 52245. All skill levels are welcome. American social dance, Latin, a mix of dance from the last 100 years. For more info, contact Mark McCusker at iowadancefest@gmail. com, 319-621-8530 or Nora Garda at 319-4004695, or visit http://iowadancefest.blogspot. com/. [ L G B T M W A ] Every Tuesday, ARGENTINE TANGO, 7:309:30 PM, Iowacity/Johnson Co Senior Center, 28 South Linn Street, Iowa City, IA 52240. Practice and open dance. A donation of $1-2 per person is requested for use of the Senior Center. For more info, contact Karen Jackson at 319-4471445 or e-mail [ L G BTMWA] Every Tuesday, KARAOKE IDOL, 9 PM, Studio 13, 13 South Linn Street, Iowa City, IA 52240. Drink specials and great competition! Visit [ L G B T M W A ] Every Tuesday, ACE HAS FACE THE MUSIC & DANCE, 7-9pm, 26 E Market St, Iowa City, IA 52245. All skill levels are welcome. Tango, Waltz, Disco, Country, American social dance, Latin, a mix from the last 100 years. Join on Facebook at php?gid=372454708295. For more info, contact ACE experiment at 319-853-8223. [ L G B T M WA]

First and Third Tuesday, YOUTH FOR EQUALITY, 4-6pm, The CENTER, 1300 W Locust St, Des Moines, IA 50309. A service and action group for youth who identify as LGBTQI and their allies. Open to all students in grades 5 through 12. [ L G B T M W A ] Second Tuesday of the Month, PITCH HIV+ PEER-TO-PEER SUPPORT GROUP, 6-8pm, The CENTER, 1300 Locust St, Des Moines, IA . Contact John at 515.284.3358 with questions. [ + ] Fourth Tuesday, LINCOLN NEBRASKA PFLAG, 7 PM, Unitarian Church, 6300 A Street, [LGBTMWA]


1st Wednesday of the Month, CEDAR RAPIDS CHARTER CHAPTER OF THE AMERICAN BUSINESS WOMEN’S ASSOCIATION, For more info, visit [ LW] 1st Wednesday of the Month, WOMEN’S SACRED CIRCLE, 6:30-8 PM, Prairiewoods Franciscan Spirituality Center, 120 E. Boyson Rd, Hiawatha, IA 52233. This group is for women who are interested in gathering for spiritual growth. The direction and activities of the group are determined by participants. $5 per session. For more info, visit [ L W ] 1st Wednesday of the Month, CONNECTIONS’ RAINBOW READING GROUP, 7 PM, Iowa City Public Library Meeting Room B, 123 South Linn Street, Iowa City, IA 52240. For more info, contact Todd at: [ L GBTMWA] 2nd Wednesday of the Month, STONEWALL DEMOCRATS, THE GLBT CAUCUS OF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY, 6:30-8 PM, For more info, contact Harvey Ross at or call 319-389-0093. [ L G B T M W A ] 2nd Wednesday of the Month, WOMEN FOR PEACE KNITTERS, 7-9 PM, Hiawatha, IA . at Prairiewoods, 120 E. Boyson Rd., Hiawatha. Knitting, crocheting, and discussion. For more info, call 319-377-3252 or go to All ages and levels of needlework skills welcome. Come knit for charities. [ L W ] 2nd Wednesday, OUT NETWORKING, 5:30, Des Moines Social Club, 1408 Locust St, Des Moines, IA 50309. A social, business, and philanthropic networking organization for anyone who is lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered, questioning or supportive. The group presents year-round events focused on business, culture, community, and philanthropic subjects. [ L G B T A ] Every Wednesday, HOT MESS EXPRESS, 8:00pm, Des Moines Social Club, 1408 Locust St., Des Moines, IA . The hottest most messiest citizens of Des Moines providing a comedic look at the hottest most messiest current events around the world. Featuring: Paul Selberg, Rachel C. Johnson, Kelley Robinson & Tyler Reedy [ L GBTA] Every Wednesday, U OF I GAY LESBIAN BISEXUAL TRANSGENDER AND ALLIES UNION MEETINGS, 7-9 PM, Iowa City, IA . at the Penn State Room #337 of the Iowa Memorial Union, U. of Iowa campus, Iowa City. For more info, visit or e-mail These meetings are open to the public. [ L G B T M W A ] Every Wednesday, PRIDE BOWLING LEAGUE FOR GLBT & SUPPORTERS, 7 PM, Des Moines, IA at Air Lanes Bowling Center 4200 Fleur Drive. For more info, email or call 515-650-1725. [L G B T M W A] Every Wednesday, Lez Talk!, 8:30 p.m., Des Moines, IA. Capital City Talk Show hosted by lezzies and made for All people. [L G B T M W A] Every Wednesday, OMAHA FRONTRUNNERS/WALLKERS, 6:30 PM. For more information call 402-804-8720. [ L G B T M W A ] First and Third Wednesday of the Month, PITCH HIV+ PEER-TO-PEER SUPPORT GROUP, Friends and Children’s Council, 500 E 4th St, Ste 414, Waterloo, IA . RSVP to tamih@pitchiowa. org (requested but not required). (First meeting will be January 19, 2011 from 5:30-7:30pm at the CASS office, 2101 Kimball Ave, Ste 401, Waterloo.) [ + ]


1st 3rd Thursday, EVENINGS FOR SPIRIT,

6:30-8:30 PM, West Branch, IA . at SpiritHill Retreat, 604 Cedar Valley Road, West Branch. First, third, and fifth Thursdays of each month. Women gather at SpiritHill (or other locations) to share our spiritual experiences, visions and longings. The evenings include time for sharing and time for silence. Laughter, tears and singing are often shared as well. No specific spiritual practice is followed. This event is always open to newcomers. For more info, call 319-643-2613, or e-mail Calling in advance is highly recommended to confirm the location for the specific month of interest. [ L W ] 2nd Thursday of the Month, OPEN MIC WITH MARY MCADAMS, 7-9 PM, Des Moines, IA . at Ritual Café, on 13th St. between Locust and Grand, downtown Des Moines. Visit www. For more info, e-mail mary@ [ L G B T M W A ] 2nd Thursday of the Month, IOWA PFLAG OMAHA/COUNCIL BLUFFS CHAPTER MEETING, 7 PM (6:30 PM social time), Omaha, IA . at Mead Hall, First United Methodist Church, 7020 Cass St., Omaha. For more info, call 402-291-6781. [ L G B T M W A K ] 3rd Thursday of the Month, OPEN MIC HOSTED BY KIMBERLI, 7-10 PM, Cedar Rapids, IA . at the Blue Strawberry Coffee Company (now open after the flood), 118 2nd St. SE, Downtown Cedar Rapids. Signup at 6:30 p.m. or by e-mailing the week prior to the open mic. [ L G B T M W A ] 3rd Thursday of the Month, LGBTQI YOUTH MOVIE NIGHT AT THE CENTER, 6:30-10pm, The CENTER, 1300 Locust, Des Moines, IA . This is part of the LGBTQI youth program, anyone 24 years old and younger is welcome. Come down spend the evening with your friends and make some new ones. 515-243-0313 [ L G B T + ] 3rd Thursday of the Month, IOWA PFLAG DUBUQUE/TRI-STATE CHAPTER MEETING, 7 PM, Dubuque, IA . at St. John’s Lutheran Church, 1276 White St., Dubuque. For more info, call 563-582-9388. [ L G B T M W A K ] 3rd Thursday of the Month, CONNECTIONS GAME NIGHT, 7-9 PM, Iowa City, IA . at Donnelly’s Pub, 110 E. College St., in downtown Iowa City. [LGBTMWA] 4th Thursday of the Month, PROFESSIONAL WOMEN’S NETWORK (PWN), For more info, visit, e-mail, or call Shelley Woods at 319-981-9887. [ L W ] Every Thursday and Friday, SHANNON JANSSEN, 6-10 PM, Cedar Rapids, IA . Dawn’s Hide and Bead Away, 220 E. Washington St., Iowa City. Shannon performs a variety of music including original songs on the Grand Piano in the hotel’s beautiful atrium. No reservations required. [ L G B T M W A ] Last Thursday of the Month, DRAG KING SHOW, 9:00pm-2pm, Studio 13, 13 S. Linn St, Iowa City, IA 52240. The show starts EARLY at 9pm, so all you fans under 21 (meaning 19 & 20) can come for a jam packed hour of show! Your kings will also have another photo signing with awesome king swag! Plus, a SECOND mini show after the signing!!! $3 Bomb shots, $2 Calls and Domestics, and $1 Wells and shots! Cover is only $3! [ L G B T D ]


1st Friday of the Month, FAIRFIELD ART WALK, For more info, visit [LGBTMWA] 1st Friday of the Month, GUERRILLA QUEER BAR MEETUP!, Tired of the same old bars? Crave the idea of bringing your queer and straight friends together in a fun, new environment? We’re descending upon an unsuspecting straight bar and turning it into a gay bar for the night. To join in: join our Facebook group, Google group or Twitter feed. You’ll receive an email the morning of each event with the name of a classically hetero bar and the meeting time. Call your friends, have them call their friends, show up at the bar and watch as it becomes the new “it” gay bar for one night only. Visit com/group/iowa-city-guerrilla-queer-bar. [ L GBTMWA] 1st Friday of the Month, FIRST FRIDAY BREAKFAST CLUB, Sherman Place, 1501 Woodland Avenue, Des Moines, IA 95030. The First Friday Breakfast Club (FFBC) is an educational, non-profit corporation for gay men who gather on the first Friday of every month to provide mutual support, to be educated on commu-

APRIL 2012 nity affairs, and to further educate community opinion leaders with more positive images of gay men. It is the largest breakfast club in the state of Iowa. Hoyt Sherman Place, 1501 Woodland Avenue, Des Moines, IA 95030. Contact Jonathan Wilson at (515) 288-2500 or email: info@ [ G B ] 1st Friday of the Month, DAWN’S COFFEE HOUSE, 5-8 PM, Iowa City, IA . Dawn’s Hide and Bead Away, 220 E. Washington St., Iowa City. First Friday of every month between February 6 and December 4. Music and light snacks are provided. Proceeds from the door are split between the non-profit of the month and the store (to cover the cost of snacks). Any other donations received go 100% to the non-profit. $3 cover. For more info, phone 319-338-1566. [ L G B T M W A ] 2nd and 4th Friday, DRUMMING CIRCLE, 7 PM, Cedar Rapids, IA . Unity Center of Cedar Rapids, 3791 Blairs Ferry Rd. NE, Cedar Rapids. Every 2nd and 4th Friday of the each month. For more info, call 319-431-7550. [ G M ] 3rd Friday of the Month, OLD-TIME DANCE FOR ALL, 8 PM, Iowa City, IA . A Barn Dance 12 miles east of Iowa City at Scattergood Friends School. A Barn Dance 12 miles east of Iowa City at Scattergood Friends School. Admission is $5.00 per person. Singles and couples, beginners and veterans welcome. The music is live, and all dances are taught and called (that is, prompted while the music is playing). Note: (1) same-sex couples are common at these dances, (2) they’re no-alcohol, no-smoking events, (3) every dance is taught, so beginners are welcome, and (4) people can attend alone or with a partner. People of a variety of ages show up, and the atmosphere is friendly and inclusive. For more info, phone 319-643-7600 or e-mail [LGBTMWA]


4th Saturday of the Month, LESBIAN BOOK CLUB, 7 PM, Davenport, IA . is reading books by or about lesbians. Non-lesbians are welcome to attend. All meetings are held at the Unitarian Universalist Church, 3707 Eastern Ave., Davenport. For more info, call 563-359-0816. [ L ] 4th Saturday of the Month, TANGOVIA, 7:30 PM, Iowa City, IA . join area tango dancers at the Wesley Center, 120 N. Dubuque St., Iowa City. Enjoy a candlelit evening of dance, hors d’oeuvres, and conversation in a relaxed atmosphere. Cost is $5. Partner not necessary. Beginners welcome to come at 7 p.m. for an introductory lesson. For more info, call Gail at 319-325-9630, e-mail, or visit [ L G B T M W A D ] Every Saturday, WOMEN FOR PEACE IOWA, Noon to 1PM, Collins Rd NE & 1st Ave SE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402. hosting Weekly Street Corner Vigils for peace, rain or shine. Meet at the corner of 1st Ave. and Collins Rd. SE (in front of Granite City Brewery), Cedar Rapids. Show your support for our troops by calling for their return from Iraq. For more info, e-mail [ LGBTMWAKD] Every Saturday, BAILE LATINO: SALSA, CHA-CHA, MERENGUE AND BACHATA LESSONS, 3:30 PM to 5:30 PM, Cedar Rapids, IA . taught by Gloria Zmolek, at CSPS, 1103 3rd St. SE, Cedar Rapids. No experience or partner necessary. All ages welcome. No sign-up required. $5 per person requested. For more info, contact Gloria at 319-365-9611 or visit [LGBTMWAKD]

ACCESSline Page 27 Section 3: Community First Friday Breakfast Club: Council Bluffs Community Ellen Brings Mind Bending to Alliance Focused on Winning Allies APRIL 2012

FFBC by Bruce Carr

Ellen Krug. Photo Courtesy of FFBC. Out guest speaker on Friday morning, March 2nd, was Ellen Krug, who was introduced by FFBC member Rick Davis as “a writer, a lawyer, and a human.” Ms. Krug spoke of her journey from “male” to “female” and some of the things she’s learned—and continues to learn—on that journey. Ellen, whose columns are regularly published in ACCESSline, Iowa’s LGBT Newspaper, now lives in Minneapolis, where she works as executive director of a nonprofit serving the underrepresented; her autobiography Getting to Ellen: Crossing the Great Gender Divide will be published later this year. She spoke of her efforts to live as male, when she had what looked like the “American Dream”—a successful 28-year career as a trial lawyer in Cedar Rapids, wife, two daughters, three cars, membership in a country club, etc. Yet there was also that constant “chatter” in her brain, that relentless concern over who she really was.

Krug remembered being acutely aware of Jonathan Wilson as he came out publicly in 1995 while serving on the Des Moines school board. She admired his bravery and at the same time told herself that she could “never have that kind of courage.” But then came the life-changing thoughts and emotions in the wake of the September 11 attacks, when she finally accepted that she could not go on living the way she was for the rest of her life. Years of therapy, and support from wife Lydia (now ex-wife, with whom she is still good friends) resulted in the decision to embark on the road that Krug is still traveling. “Since I’ve come out as transgendered,” Ellen noted, “people say things to me like ‘Oh, you must feel like a teenager, starting all over with a new life.’ And I have to admit that I do feel like a teenager again (even to the point of taking acne medicine), but this is not necessarily a good thing. One of the negatives is that I’m learning things all over—like dating, like being alone, like wondering if I’m cute enough to attract someone other than the guy who’s still there after last call. “I’ve probably gone on 100 dates of one sort or another since 2004. And just to be sure that all of my bases are covered, I have dated both men and women. One would think that this doubles my chances. But I had never thought that finding a quality, durable relationship would be so difficult. Of course, maybe it’s just me, Princess Ellen…I recently returned to dating via various computer sites, and I’m encountering the awkward issue of telling suitors that, historically, my plumbing was a bit opposite of what it is now. Liz, my electrologist, and I have been debating about how best to let potential partners know that I’m a ‘T’ in the LGBT alphabet.” Ellen Krug can be contacted at .

Gender and Sexual Orientation Agency at UNO Day of Action

University of Nebraska-Omaha’s (UNO) Gender and Sexual Orientation Agency is celebrating (in lieu of Day of Silence) Day of Action to celebrate the achievements of LGBTQ Nebraskans of the past, present and future. Games will be played. Food will be served. Date: 4/19 Time: 11am-1pm Location: UNO Milo Bail Student Center, 6001 Dodge Street

The Project of the Quad Cities Calender

Founded in 1986, The Project of the Quad Cities is a non-profit HIV/STI/AIDS Service Organization that provides support to persons living with HIV/STI/AIDS as well as their families and friends in Iowa and Illinois. Symptom Management Group—Every Wednesday from 1-2:30 pm Life Skills Group—Every other Wednesday from 10-11:30 am Coffee Hour—10-11:30 am on Wednesdays when the Life Skills Group does not meet; A relaxed and casual atmosphere Groups meet at our Moline office. We also offer free HIV testing Monday through Thursday from 9 am to 4 pm. For more information call Susie or Mollie at 309-762-5433

As spring arrives in Iowa, the Council Bluffs Community Alliance (CBCA) continues its effort to win allies for the cause of LGBT rights. In 2011 the CBCA became the first LGBT group to join the Chamber of Commerce. We have rejoined the Chamber again in 2012. The CBCA participates in several regular Chamber events, such as ribbon cuttings and the monthly Business After Hours social hour. Earlier this year, the only gay bar in Council Bluffs closed. The CBCA met there twice a month for more than three years. We were faced with a choice of either holding the biweekly events at a gay bar in Omaha or meeting at a straight, gay-friendly bar in Council Bluffs. We decided to meet at Barley’s, a straight bar in Council Bluffs. Barley’s has been very accommodating to us and the biweekly events are more popular than ever with the local gay community. And, Barley’s is a place where local politicos tend to go. It allows us to rub shoulders with the mayor, city council members, county commissioners and local business people. What had started as a sad loss of our local watering hole has lead to another venue for us to assimilate into society and have more opportunities to win allies. Last November, Council Bluffs elected its first openly gay city council member. Previously we already had a very diverse five-member city council, which was made up of four straight women and one straight man. Now, our city council is even more

diverse, being made up of three women, one straight man and one gay man. Last year, for Heartland Pride in Omaha, four of the five city council members marched with the CBCA in the Pride parade. The CBCA hopes to increase that number to five out of five city council members in the Pride parade. Speaking of parades, every year the city of Council Bluffs holds a week-long celebration called Celebrate CB. It culminates with a huge parade through downtown Council Bluffs. This year the city organizers of the parade asked the CBCA to have an entry in the parade. So, for the first time, a GLBT group will march in the straight, Celebrate CB parade. Additionally, the CBCA has partnered with the local newspaper, the Council Bluffs Nonpareil, to provide local interest stories about the volunteer activities of the CBCA. For example, the CBCA volunteered at a local homeless shelter during the winter and the Nonpareil published a positive story about the CBCA, including several pictures. In February, the CBCA volunteered at a local nursing home and the Nonpareil also published a story and a picture of the event. The CBCA is proud to be able to say that State Senator Mike Gronstal is our senator. The GLBT community here, along with the Pottawattamie County Democratic Party, are doing all we can to help get the senator reelected. And the gay population of Council

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MINOR DETAILS read in newspapers with news,” famously observed: “Freedom of the press is guaranteed only to those who own one.” Agreed: Everyone should have the right to express their opinions no matter how offensive. And, at least in theory everyone has the constitutional right to express opinions in public discourse. But speech in corporate media isn’t free or equal. It never has been. It’s bought and paid speech, bought and paid for by media owners and their sponsors. Media corporations are already the arbiters of who gets to speak on their networks. And it takes big money to buy a media megaphone. We are fortunate now to even have some mainstream alternatives with a few liberal talkers and much of the lineup on MSNBC. They’ve changed the whole media landscape. But we must remember that the customers of commercial media aren’t the viewers and listeners. Viewers and listeners are the products whose attention is delivered and sold to the sponsors. I’m unconvinced that boycotts are always the best tactic, but no one has to be an unwilling product sold and used by corporations to spread what offends those being so used. The right-wing shouldn’t be the only group expressing their discontent with their being sold to advertisers.

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RON BROWN the University of Nebraska. Last autumn he shot a video in a Nebraska sweatshirt at a Cornhusker indoor facility for FreedMen. He says in that video that God chose to expose the Penn State pedophilia scandal because Nebraska was Penn State’s next opponent, and Brown could lead a joint pre-game prayer with both teams “before America.” “I believe that God wants the men of Nebraska, us, to stand before the world and to show the world the reality of Jesus Christ, to expose the evil deeds.” Helen Carroll, who heads up the sports project at the National Center for Lesbian Rights, agrees that it’s time for Nebraska to part ways with Brown. “It’s evident that this coach does not fit the philosophy that Nebraska says they want to stand for,” Carroll said. “I think it’s detrimental to the athletic department and the football team to keep this man as a leader of their young men. If they do, it’s going to send a message that certainly gay athletes are not welcome on that campus.” Brown might claim that he would welcome a gay athlete. But the paradox of his message is revealed when asked how a gay athlete in the locker room should be treated: “I think Christians should love a homosexual teammate just like they would any other teammate,” Brown said. “Let me tell you what else is in that locker room. There are thieves, liars, people who lust, people addicted to pornography, even some players who are alcoholics. There are all kinds of sinners in that locker room.” Ah, the age-old tactic of likening gay people to liars and alcoholics. Real welcoming, right?

Section 3: Community

APRIL 2012

From the Pastor’s Pen by Rev. Jonathan Page The Surprisingly Gay Bible

Sadly, these days we face a constant stream of negative LGBT rhetoric coming from people who claim to be religious. Especially during this election season when the GOP is valiantly trying to stir its political base, we hear about the dangers of gay marriage and that being gay is against God’s intention. Reading these comments from the Christian Right you might have the impression that the Bible is a Mein Kampf of anti-gay rhetoric. How disappointed people must be when they open their Bibles to find virtually no mention of gay issues! Intriguingly, a careful reading of certain texts reveals far more support of gays than you might expect. Most scholars date the book of Leviticus to the 6th century BCE during the so-called Babylonian Captivity. With the leaders of the Israelite community forced into exile, it was a period of intense self-reflection and retrenchment. Unfortunately, this turned out to be a bad thing for gays. The newly codified laws condemned men who sleep with men, marking yet one more time when a minority was scapegoated

during hard times (Lev 18:22, 20:13). Interestingly, these texts show that, in the sixth century BCE, people recognized that men were sleeping with other men. Societies do not make laws to prohibit something unless that act is happening. Thankfully, there are several positive references to gay life in the Hebrew Bible. Lesbians have long embraced the book of Ruth and the love between the two main characters, Ruth and her mother-in-law Naomi. After Ruth’s husband dies tragically, Naomi encourages her to leave and start a new life unburdened by the need to care for Naomi. Yet, Ruth “clung to her” and said, “Where you go, I will go; where you lodge, I will lodge; your people shall be my people, and your God my God. Where you die, I will die—there will I be buried. May the LORD do thus and so to me, and more as well, if even death parts me from you!” (Ruth 1:14,1617) What passion! Here are two women “lodging” together and one vowing to kill herself just so she can be buried with her beloved. That is not your standard motherin-law/daughter-in-law relationship. An even more explicit gay relationship is that between Jonathan, the son of Saul, and David, the ancestor of Jesus and

Then: “You put your arms around that person struggling with homosexuality and you help walk him or her to the truth of Jesus Christ, just as you would any other player involved in any other sin.” So while saying he would welcome a gay athlete, he says he would attempt to change that person to fit his Christian vision. The kind of conversion therapy that Brown is advocating here, whether it’s to drive that gay person to a life of celibacy or a heterosexual life, is damaging to the victim and flies in the face of the university’s non-discrimination policy that aims to be a “climate of inclusion and mutual support.” Pat Tetrault runs the LGBTQA resource center at the University of Nebraska. While speaking for herself and not for the University, she said it’s impossible to believe Brown’s views on anti-gay discrimination don’t affect his job with student-athletes: “When you have a non-discrimination policy, and you make your views that a certain segment of the population should be singled out for discrimination, it really is hard to not believe it doesn’t impact the students and the staff who may not believe the same way he does.” Roger Brigham, founder of the Equality Coaching Alliance, agreed with Tetrault, pointing out how Brown’s actions create an environment of intolerance. “Ron Brown’s statement is a statement not of faith but of ignorance,” Brigham said. “It is contrary to the anti-discrimination policies at Nebraska. Such statements of ignorance create a hostile environment for young athletes, drive many would-be athletes away from sports, and engender an ongoing culture of bigotry and malice.” Carroll, who has tackled anti-LGBT discriminatory practices at the University of

Florida, Penn State, San Diego Mesa College and others, says Brown has put Nebraska on notice that he will discriminate against LGBT athletes. That, she says, leaves them susceptible to legal action: “They’re leaving themselves wide open to a lawsuit from a gay athlete, or even a straight athlete if they feel it’s harming the atmosphere on the team and they’re not able to become successful because of this. We would look seriously at a case like that.” One university has already rejected Brown’s discriminatory practices. In 2002 Brown was a candidate for the head coaching position at Stanford University. After Brown’s religious views on gay people came to light, Stanford terminated his candidacy. A Stanford athletic department official said “(His religion) was definitely something that had to be considered. We’re a very diverse community with a diverse alumni.” It defies logic that a public university with a nondiscrimination policy like Nebraska would keep him as a coach. Brown’s FreedMen organization will hold its annual “Conquest” event this weekend, March 24, just one mile from Nebraska’s Memorial Stadium. The aim of the weekend is to inspire and train men in Nebraska to steward the state and its laws toward Christian doctrine. His advocacy against Omaha’s non-discrimination policy was part of his agenda. Despite being an employee of the state of Nebraska, Brown has such contempt for the separation of church and state that last autumn he likened it to the evils of raping a child: “If the ACLU in Nebraska seeks to slowly suppress the gospel message right out of where our kids spend most of their day, a school…is that any less of a sin than what may have happened at Penn State?”

There are several positive references to gay life in the Hebrew Bible.

FFBC member Jonathan Page is senior pastor of the Ames United Church of Christ, 217 6th Street, Ames, Iowa. Sunday service at 10:45. He can be reached at prototypical messiah. For Jonathan, it was love at first sight. The text relates, “When David finished speaking to Saul, the soul of Jonathan was bound to the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul... Jonathan stripped himself of the robe that he was wearing, and gave it to David, and his armor, and even his sword and his bow and his belt.” (1 Sam 18:1,4) Jonathan then

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It’s hard to believe anyone who would say this can be reasoned with; It’s impossible to believe they would ever put their personal religious beliefs on hold to comply with a pesky non-discrimination policy. Some will say termination from his job is too severe. And if I thought there was any way to change this man’s perspective on anti-gay discrimination, I would agree. But to Brown, there is no questioning his interpretation of the Bible; No discussion or compromise can be had. “What god says in his word is dominant,” he told his FreeMen disciples. “There is no question.” There are lots of steps the University should take to combat the exclusionary, discriminatory practices of coach Brown: Invite Athlete Ally’s Hudson Taylor and Changing the Game’s Pat Griffin to speak with the football coaching staff about how to foster a welcoming environment on the team. Encourage the Cornhusker football team to take GLSEN’s Team Respect Challenge to demonstrate a commitment to equality. Record an “It Gets Better” or “You Can Play” video featuring coaches, athletes and administrators taking a proactive step to make the football team inclusive of all people. In addition to these steps, the University of Nebraska should fire coach Ron Brown immediately, based on his discriminatory policies and his efforts to make the University of Nebraska a climate of exclusion. Any action by the university short of removing Brown would be approval for him to continue using the university to espouse his discriminatory version of Christianity. You can support the firing of Ron Brown by signing this petition. You can also email Chancellor Perlman at

APRIL 2012 SScontinued from page 28

PASTOR betrays his own father to save David’s life. Their gay relationship was apparently well known around Saul’s court. At one point, Saul angrily remarked to Jonathan, “You son of a perverse and rebellious woman! Do I not know that you have chosen the son of Jesse [David] to your own shame, and to the shame of your mother’s nakedness?” (1 Sam 20:30) When David and Jonathan were finally forced apart, “they kissed each other, and wept with each other.” (1 Sam 20:41) After Jonathan’s death in battle, David wrote a song out of grief, which concluded with the line, “greatly loved were you to me; your love to me was wonderful, passing the love of women.” (2 Sam 1:26) I wonder what Bob Vander Plaats says about that line. For me, it is both happy and sad to read the stories of Ruth and Naomi and of David and Jonathan. I am delighted that the stories of their love made it into the Hebrew Bible in such an explicit way. They show the power of same-sex love through the centuries and have given inspiration to countless Jewish and Christian gays. At the same time, it is sad that our religious leaders keep taking the path of the writers of Leviticus. In a period when their way of life is threatened, they think that if they can stamp out gay love, maybe the world will be right. I can only pray they will change their minds. We have the advantage over our detractors; we just have to change their minds, while they have to change who we are.

Section 3: Community

ACCESSline Page 29

Ask Lambda Legal:The Affordable Care Act and HIV by Scott Schoettes, HIV Project Director Q: I recently tested positive for HIV, and a friend told me that I might have a hard time keeping health insurance if I changed jobs. What kind of insurance is available for me? A: In 2012, a positive HIV test result is the beginning of a new health regimen— from regular check-ups, to better nutrition, to daily medications—and these new health habits often become a substantial financial adjustment. For many people living with HIV, obtaining quality, affordable health care is of great concern. In March of 2010, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, commonly referred to as the ACA, was signed into law. The law reforms aspects of the private health insurance industry and expands access to health insurance for millions of Americans. The ACA’s interconnected reforms include expanded Medicaid coverage, elimination of pre-existing condition exclusions, and a minimum coverage requirement (or “individual mandate”). These reforms are essential to expanding care and prevention strategies in the fight against the HIV/AIDS epidemic. In June, the U.S. Supreme Court likely will decide the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act. Lambda Legal united national HIV advocates in support of the ACA when we filed a friend-of-the-court brief in the case Dept of HHS V. Florida. When the ACA was enacted, only 17% of Americans with HIV had private health

insurance. In the individual insurance market, people living with HIV are generally considered “uninsurable” and are routinely rejected when they apply for coverage because they have a pre-existing condition. Even when these individuals find an insurance company to cover them, most states have no rating limits, allowing insurers to charge prohibitively expensive premiums. Currently, Medicaid provides health insurance programs for the very poor and people with disabilities, but in most states, a disability determination based on HIV requires an AIDS diagnosis. This has created a “catch-22:” only once a person’s HIV progresses to AIDS does s/he become eligible for the medications that would have prevented AIDS from developing. While the federal government provides funding for some HIV-related services through the Ryan White program, this overburdened system is increasingly unable to provide necessary care to people living with HIV. The ACA is designed to address this problem by eliminating pre-existing condition exclusions and requiring that everyone acquire health insurance. We’ve already seen the benefits of a minimum coverage requirement for people living with HIV. In 2006, Massachusetts enacted health care reform legislation similar to the ACA, and between 2005 and 2008, Massachusetts had a 37% decrease in HIV infections while the nation had an 8% increase.

All of us care about and need affordable health care—especially those who have preexisting conditions and often fall through the cracks of our current broken system—like people with HIV. It is for that reason all eyes are on the nation’s high court as it reviews this historic piece of legislation this term.

Scott Schoettes

Scott Schoettes is the HIV Project Director for Lambda Legal, the oldest and largest national legal organization committed to achieving full recognition of the civil rights of lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, transgender people and people with HIV.

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REMARKABLES School Board; if the issue was the price of green beans for the lunch program, everyone had something to say and the debate took forever. If the issue were the budget of hundreds of millions of dollars, there was almost no discussion. Ultimately, our only hope will be in free, quality public education. That’s what differentiates us from societies living in mud huts. Even if there were the collective will to support public education, in the near term it would not protect us from potentially crossing a variety of thresholds of “no return.” The issue of gay marriage should be relegated to the trash heap of trivial concerns that continue to divide the thousands of religions like: how many angels can fit on the head of a pin; should baptism be by sprinkling or emersion; should communion be an exclusive or inclusive sacrament; is Mormonism a Christian faith or a cult; is the creator of all things male or female; is reproduction through surrogacy a good or bad thing (the first recorded example being the birth of Jesus). In a secular society, none of those things matters. Everyone is welcome to believe what they please about them and separate themselves on Sunday mornings from those who disagree, and it matters not a whit. Those harping on banning gay marriage are truly “fiddling while Rome burns,” and more enlightened folks are, sadly, dancing to the tune.

Section 3: Community

Project HIM, Healthy Iowa Men The Central Iowa AIDs Project, through a grant originating with the CDC, has been reviewing prevention strategies in Iowa and identifying new strategies. Under the direction of two staff researchers, countless interviews with MISM (Men who have sex with men and use the Internet to meet sexual partners), and in consultation with recognized experts in several fields will be introducing Project HIM, Healthy Iowa Men at the end of March. Twenty on-line sites ( such as Manhunt, Facebook, Adam4 Adam, Craigslist) or mobile applications (Grindr, Growlr, Scruff) were identified that MISM use in Iowa with more than 4,000 Iowa users in just one site. Interviews, statistics, and experts agree that Iowa, as well as most prevention programs, have for the past seven years used a condom centric based prevention strategy which has either failed or reached its maximum impact. HIV testing has been used mostly for a “damage control” perspective. Findings: 77% of most guys go to gay bars/dance clubs less than once a month or never Men in rural areas are coming to larger areas to socialize. Over 60% are going online to meet partners. It is more than sex. 70% of Guys often use these sites for purposes other than sex. 57% of guys report sex when they were drunk on alcohol in the past 12 month Drug use is not a main issue, less that 20% report sex when high in past 12

month 70% had not been STD tested in the last year 28% had never tested for HIV and of that 50% had never been tested 44% of guys test every 3-6 months Condom use: about 50% have had unprotected Sex with one or more casual partners in the last year 60% report getting no information about HIV in the last year. These findings, interviews and review of strategies have lead to the creation of a new model using HIV testing as behavior to prevent HIV not just identify. When a person incorporates regular testing as part of their behavior it leads to multiple impacts. This model will be non-judgmental and geared toward helping the guy do (fetishes, bareback) whatever they do in a safer way. Discussion of HIV status, discussion with doctors, and STD testing can be incorporated easily into the focus on routine HIV testing. Using HIV testing as a behavior is also useful to provide individualized risk-reduction counseling and referrals during the test. Focusing on creating a regular behavior of HIV Testing will likely produce a self-monitoring effect by which guys are more aware of their behaviors and the relation to STDs in general as well as HIV. Targeting website and real-life locations can be done using experience already gained with the full knowledge that MISM do not want to be interrupted if they are on a mission. Research points to the need for increased interventions that are

APRIL 2012

technology-based and engage MISM online. You don’t need research to tell you that. Project HIM will address these points by having a real world presence with supplies and outreach testing, multimedia advertising, engaging events, online character outreach as well as Real Life videos that address common issues, on the ground teams and respected community leaders on the ground and in the virtual world. It is strategy that is exciting, relative and geared toward today’s world. HIM will be looking for participants that could spread the word on HIV and STD Testing and incorporating this as part of your life. It rolls out at the end of March.

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CBCA Bluffs is growing. That’s because gays and lesbians in Omaha are moving to Council Bluffs and enjoy the legal protections that they get in Iowa, but they can keep their jobs in Omaha. This is an especially attractive option since the city of Omaha has now added sexual orientation and gender identity to its protected classes in employment. The city of Council Bluffs had a public relations campaign that called Council Bluffs “Iowa’s Leading Edge”. And Council Bluffs continues to lead Iowa in civil rights for LGBT folks. It is truly a very gay-friendly city. If you haven’t been her lately, come check us out. We would venture to say that Council Bluffs is the most progressive city in Iowa.

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BLUMENFELD sexual education from the German school system and encouraged parents to take on the primary responsibilities for sexuality instruction within the home. While the Catholic Church spoke out then and today against same-sex sexuality, their own policies actually boomeranged and hit them in their own faces. Used primarily to silence any potential resistance from the Church, the Nazis conducted their so-called “Cloister Trials” in which they dissolved Catholic youth fraternities, arrested and incarcerated a large number of priests, religious brothers, and Catholic laity in prisons and concentration camps accusing them of being “threats to the state” on fabricated charges of homosexuality. For example, prison guards at Dachau concentration camp murdered Catholic priest, Fr. Alois Abdritzki, one of a number of fatalities from the “Cloister Trials.”

The Patriarchal Connecting Strand

The Nazi regime connected multiple forms of oppression when Heinrich Himmler reorganized the Reich Criminal Police Bureau to centralize operations by creating a national file on male homosexuals, transgender people, what they referred to as “wage abortionists” (women and their doctors), and to monitor the production and ban the use of contraceptives to “Aryan” women. Within this Bureau, they established The Reich Office for Combatting Homosexuality and Abortion, which in the single year of 1938 alone, conducted 28,366 arrests for abortion, and 28, 882 arrests of male homosexuals.

Section 3: Community

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Love Responsibly Silent Auction a Success

The common thread running through Nazi ideology regarding gender, gender expression, and sexuality was their intense campaign to control individuals’ bodies and the bodies of members of entire communities in the attempts to control their minds. Throughout history, examples abound of patriarchal domination over the rights and lives of women and LGBT people. Men denied women the right to join political organizations and the vote until women fought hard and demanded the rights of political enfranchisement; strictly enforced gender-based social roles mandated without choice that women’s only option was to remain in the home to undertake housekeeping and childcare duties; women and LGBT people were and continue to be by far the primary target of harassment, abuse, and physical assault; women and LGBT people were and continue to be locked out of many professions; rules required that women teachers relinquish their jobs after marriage; in fact, the instituJanelle Durlin & Jim Wilson (event emcee). Photo courtesy of Greg Gilgen. tion of marriage itself was structured on a foundation of male domination with men serving as the so-called “head of the organizations, and individuals who donated household” and taking on sole ownership items for the auction, the volunteers who of all property, thereby taking away these gave their time to create this special evening, rights from women. the musicians and performers who provided In other words, women and LGBT the entertainment, the brave Living with HIV people have been constructed as secondprogram client who told his story, and the class and even third-class citizens not community members who year-after-year merely in Nazi Germany, but today as the support this important program, the event current political discourse indicates. But raised $8,000! These funds will be used to women and LGBT are certainly not victims offset program expenses and assist Living because through it all, women and LGBT with HIV program clients with emergency Auction donations. people as individuals and as groups have expenses such as the gas needed to make it resisted and challenged the inequities to medical appointments, rent, utilities, or Photo courtesy of Greg Gilgen. and have pushed back against patriarchal Ames is a great place to live for many minor car repairs. constraints. reasons, but one of the best has got to be the The overwhelming community support I hope, though, that we as a society can generous and compassionate spirit of the of events like the Love Responsibly Silent learn from the tyranny of the past. people who call this city home! Auction & Variety Show is one of the many On February 9, the Unitarian Univer- reasons I’m proud to be a member of this salist Fellowship of Ames hosted the Love community, and I thank you all on behalf of Responsibly Silent Auction & Variety Show our clients. as a benefit for Mid-Iowa Community Action, Janelle Durlin Inc.’s Living with HIV program. Thanks to Mid-Iowa Community Action, Inc. the support of UUF, the many businesses, Story County Health Resources Director

Diversity Focus Appoints Chad Simmons as Executive Director Diversity Focus’ Board of Directors announces the appointment of Chad Simmons as Executive Director. Simmons has been leading the six-year old organization on an interim basis since July 2011, after the departure of former Executive Director, Hazel Pegues. “I have enjoyed my tenure as Interim for the past 8 months,” says Simmons. “My goal is to continue to implement initiatives that make diversity a strategic advantage for community growth in Iowa’s Creative Corridor. I hope my past experiences bring organizational continuity and allows us to build momentum as we move from awareness to action.” Simmons served on the Diversity Focus Board of Directors before assuming the role as Interim Executive Director. “The Board of Directors chose Mr. Simmons for the permanent after a very competitive search process,” said Marcella David, Board President, Professor of Law & International Studies and Associate Dean for International & Comparative Law at the University of Iowa. “He has great qualifications in diversity leadership, had already implemented exciting programs and has an excellent vision for the future of Diversity Focus.”

Simmons brings a wide range of corporate experience to his new position, with a special focus on community and organizational development. Simmons graduated from Morehouse College and holds a Master of Business Administration degree from the University of Iowa. His professional experience includes management posts with the Quaker Oats Company in Cedar Rapids, IA, the Amoco Corporation, the Ameritech Corporation, the Citicorp Diners Club, and Kraft’s Foods, all in Chicago, IL, The University of Iowa Health Care in Iowa City, IA as well as The PenDennis Group, a human resources consulting firm in Coralville, IA. Diversity Focus was established in 2005 as a non-profit organization devoted to enhancing the diversity of the Cedar Rapids - Iowa City corridor. Diversity Focus Vision: Diversity is the crucial link to economic, cultural, academic, and technological success. Diversity Focus’ vision is that the Corridor community be the model of inclusion that values, nurtures, attracts, and retains people of diverse backgrounds, cultures and beliefs. For more information about Diversity Focus, please visit

Shawne Goodman (creator of red ribbon). Photo courtesy of Greg Gilgen.

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WIRED THIS WAY with the people bullying them.) Unaware of what is going on at school, or on other websites, parents may see one comment as an isolated incident when it’s not. But cyberbullying can be devastating. Technology is an all pervasive part of our lives and cyberbullying, unlike real world bullying, follows kids home and can be anywhere your child is online. The attacks are on facebook, youtube, on their Xbox live and even their cellphones. It can feel like there is no escape. What can you do? Unfortunately there is no one simple solution to cyberbullying. The different types of bullies and the different types of attacks make a one-size-fits-all solution impossible. However there are as many strategies for fighting cyberbullies as there are attacks. Next month we will look at what kids, parents, schools and concerned adults can do about cyberbullying.

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DR JOE people from being out and open, which may prevent them from getting the healthcare that they deserve. The other thing is, if we don’t have well-trained healthcare professionals in dealing comfortably and competently with healthcare issues for LGBT folk, they won’t even know where to look or to start, and may just be uncomfortable in even knowing how to begin to address things. I had a patient recently who said that they’d been to multiple doctors in the last three months. And no one knew how to start doing hormone therapy to assist them in their transition. So, it was like I was at the end of the line. But, it’s really sad when we can’t find a competent healthcare provider simply because we have not done the training. So, that is one of the things I’d like to do, to help healthcare people who have the best intentions in improving the care of those that are already in their practice. Can you speak a little bit about the protocol you helped develop for transgender healthcare and what that is? That was really sort of an accidental thing that happened. It was in an every five year accreditation review that someone happened on a transgender patient chart that I had. Doing chart reviews, doing quality assurance and that sort of thing. And what that started was questions about, how are you doing this? What are you doing? What I was working with was simply protocol that I had gotten from clinics from across the country. Some of the bigger clinics in the bigger cities that have LGBT healthcare clinics had published protocols on how they do transgender health care. How they prescribe the hormones, what blood test to order, what to look for, and what to advise patients on. What happened was that I was asked to bring these into a reasonable approach for a family practice office. Then what happened was, those protocols were taken and used to develop some national standards that are now available and utilized across the country in different clinics. There was a bunch of other people in that also, but it was simply because somebody noticed what I was doing, which was a little out of the ordinary in the clinic. That really helps to improve the access to health care, especially for trans-folk. Let’s talk a little bit about your new clinic, Franklin Family Practice, in Des Moines. Can you discuss a little bit about how the launch of this new clinic was brought about? It really was one of those episodes of paths crossing at the right time. I was really looking for a change and a new practice opportunity. And at that point, United Community

will also have a chance to review and discuss commonly asked questions. Does One Iowa set up events or is that set up by the speaker? We encourage attendees to bring with them ideas for opportunities to speak in their communities. One of the best ways a supporter can get involved is to help bring our message of equality for all Iowans into their communities that One Iowa doesn’t necessarily reach. Having speakers connect us with their 4H clubs, church groups, alumni networks, or workforce development groups is a great way for us to reach more Iowans. We also work within our networks to identify opportunities and try to match up our speakers with any opportunities close by. Of course, we provide support and information so that our speakers are prepared. What type of responses do speakers get? For the most part, responses have been mainly positive. We know that when we bring stories and have real conversations about the importance of LGBT equality and marriage in Iowa, that we can change hearts and minds. Speakers, when speaking from the heart and share their own stories, are extremely powerful messengers, which is why we are eager to identify more speakers across the state! What is the schedule for your speakers at present, where are they speaking at? We have just launched into a new round of Speakers Bureau trainings across the state; because of this, we have limited speaking engagements with our trained Speakers Bureau participants. Our Speakers Bureau events will be published as we move forward and train more supporters across the state. For more information contact One Iowa This year, PITCH, Positive Iowans Taking on facebook or Charge is pleased to host the spring gathering for people living with HIV in Iowa. This year’s theme is: The Mind-Body Connection. The Wellness Summit is scheduled May 4th – 6th, at Camp Wesley Woods in Indianola, IA. All Iowans living with HIV are encouraged to register for the event. However, participation is limited to 40 people. The Wellness Summit helps people living with HIV/AIDS connect with others to lessen the social isolation often experienced by PLWHA. Participants will be engaged in a series of educational workshops, outdoor

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Services was primarily involved in chemical dependency and chemical abuse evaluations and treatments for a number of years in Des Moines, was in the process of remodeling a building to better address their needs as far as the treatments and the programs they were running. I talked with the CEO, who thought it would be really neat if we could get a family doctor in our facility. Not to do any treatment or to be involved in the chemical dependency or abuse issues directly, because they already have a doctor to do those. But to help provide a medical home for our patients, for our clients. Because they had noticed that some people didn’t have access to a primary care doctor. They didn’t know where to go, or who to go to. So, what really developed was simply by me being in the same facility, we can include the health care for everybody by providing that access. Also, with the sensibility of providing the same pattern of care that United Community Services has. Providing a wholelistic individualized treatment or care plan for people. And that fits perfectly with me, because, one of my goals is really to provide that personal, individualized care. Because everybody is so different, and so has different needs. That this really fit well. We got together and United Community Services is actually my boss, and that really helped to open this clinic. This is just a small family practice clinic run by United Community Services, with me as the physician and we have Nurse Leigh, and out front is our billing specialist. We are able to really provide that personal touch where you’re not just one of 50 people coming in an hour. People come in and know who they are going to see, and I know patients one on one. It was really a neat process somehow for this to happen. In addition to that, chemical abuse addictions are prevalent in a part in the LGBT community. So, I have access to experts in the field here across the hall that I can tap into at any time. It’s not like we’re doing any arm twisting on either side of the hall. It’s just that we’re here to support each other and that really helps to provide a lot better level of care. Can you go over the other services specifically for gay, lesbian, bisexual, and trans-gendered patients? You know, we do absolutely everything at a regular doctor’s office. We do it with increased sensitivity about issues that our patients define who their family is, who is important to them. That is a huge part of the family practice part. I need to understand that about people, to better understand what they’re going through and maybe understand why they are having some of the problems or issues they are. We see people from kids on up to adults and handle everything, except we don’t do obstetrics or prenatal or delivery care. I don’t myself do HIV care because we

have some excellent HIV providers here in the community and I coordinate with them. Keeping up on that all of the time. There are special things that maybe come up that we can provide for LGBT folk. Especially watching for some of the depression and anxiety issues that are a result of how people are treated. A lot of it is just the openness that we provide here in that we can help to coordinate whatever care is needed. Whether it is a specialist, or some type of therapy we can do that as well. You spoke about the importance of family with your patients. Could you discuss a little bit about how you deal with LGBT families whether it’s the parents, or the children, or both who are LGBT in regards to their health care? To me, that’s just that openness. I can’t tell anyone who their family is. What I’d like to do is have them tell me who their family is. It may be a legal family or it may be just family of choice. Some people lose their genetic family when they come out. It’s important for me to understand what that support structure is around a patient. In that way, we can coordinate if the family would want to do some family counseling, we can arrange for that. It’s really absolutely no different than dealing with any family in a day to day practice. We just open it up and have a much wider understanding of what family is, and how that family is important to people. In that way, I think just that openness, that people know their family will be accepted the same way they are accepted, just provides us with a tremendous boost. When people feel real comfortable with health care that they can really confide in their doctor, their healthcare provider, their nurse, they’re much more likely to come in and get better healthcare and follow the advice they are seeking. That confidence that they get in feeling that comfort really does improve health care. And they are much more likely to get that health care. When do the doors open for Franklin Family practice, are they open now? We saw our first patient about two weeks ago. We are open five days a week, Monday through Friday. We try to accommodate people with whatever appointment time they want. Already I’ve got people coming from other parts of the state. It’s really neat. One of the things is that I do help with a lot of transgender health care. People do have to drive sometimes to find someone who is willing to do that. We’re open and ready to go. The nurse Leigh has been an educator, and really a health educator for a long time, is well trained in doing that. And will continue to do some of that and work closely with all our patients. She’s a real asset to our practice. And Jen out in front is really good to with the business side of things. She’s excellent with meeting with people and where they’re at.

activities, relaxation, and opportunities to form friendships with other Iowans living with HIV/AIDS around the state. PITCH strives to make the weekend a comfortable and welcoming event for everyone in the community. Last year we welcomed a record of 8 women to the Summit. We hope to increase the diversity of the summit by having participants coming from across the state. Educational workshops ranged from advocacy, disclosure, how to handle being newly diagnosed, empowerment, dealing with stigma, depression, isolation, and sharing

success stories with other participants at the Wellness Summit. Participants were also involved with stress relief activities like quilt panel designs, card making, yoga, and a scavenger hunt that also encouraged team building skills. Applications are being accepted through April 11th, they can be found on the PITCH website, and PITCH’s facebook page, or you can email Tami Haught at for an application. If you would like to provide support for this important event, please mail it to PITCH, P.O. Box 518, Des Moines, IA 50302.

PITCH hosting 2012 Wellness Summit

APRIL 2012 DIRECTORY NOTICE The ACCESSline community directory is updated each issue. LISTINGS ARE FREE but are limited by space. Free online listings are available at Information about new listings must contain a phone number for publication and a contact (e-mail address, land address, or website) for our records. For more information or to provide corrections, please contact or call (319) 550-0957.

NATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS Please see the list of resources below about HIV, mental health, sexual orientation, and where you may seek help if you’re in crisis. Breur Media Corporation : Website Consultation, Design, Programming, and Hosting. HIV and STD Testing Sites near You, including places where you can get tested for free: Crisis or Suicide National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: or call 1-800-273-TALK Information on Mental Health National Alliance on Mental Illness: Counseling, Information and Resources about Sexual Orientation GLBT National Help Center: http://www. or 1-888-843-4564 Information on Mental Health for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Find_Support/Multicultural_Support/Resources/ GLBT_Resources.htm Information on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Health Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund 1133 15th Street NW, Suite 350, Washington, DC 20005 202-VICTORY [842-8679] Human Rights Campaign National political organization, lobbies congress for lesbian & gay issues, political training state and local 1-800-777-HRCF[4723] Lambda Legal Defense & Education Fund I I E. Adams, Suite 1008, Chicago, IL 60603 312-663-4413 Fax: 312-663-4307 Housing & Mortgages for Gay & Lesbian Couples, National Gay & Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF) 1325 Massachusetts Ave NW, Ste 600, Washington, DC, 20005 / National Organization for Women (NOW) 733 15th ST NW, 2nd Floor Washington, DC 20005 202-628-8669 PFLAG National Offices 1133 15th Street NW, Suite 350, Washington, DC 20005 - 202-467-8180 The Trevor Lifeline The Trevor Project operates the only nationwide, around-the-clock crisis and suicide prevention lifeline for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning youth. Each year, our lifeline fields more than 30,000 calls from LGBTQ youth as well as their families, friends and educators. (866) 4-U-TREVOR - (866) 488-7386 Open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year All calls are toll-free and confidential : Discreet home delivery of adult products.

STATE ORGANIZATIONS Equality Iowa P.O. Box 18, Indianola, IA 50125 515-537-3126 Faithful Voices Interfaith Alliance of Iowa’s marriage equality project. Imperial Court of Iowa Non-profit fundraising & social, statewide organization with members from across the State of Iowa. PO Box 1491, Des Moines, IA 50306-1491 Iowa Chapter of the National Organization for Women (NOW) Janis Bowden, President, IA NOW PO Box 41114, Des Moines, IA 503111

Section 3: Community Iowa Gay Rodeo Association (IAGRA) 921 Diagonal Rd, Malcom, IA 50157 641-990-1411 Iowa PFLAG (Parents, Families & Friends of Lesbians and Gay) State Council PO Box 18, Indianola, IA 50125 aspx?pid=194&srcid=-2 515-537-3126 or 641-583-2024 Iowa Pride Network 777 Third Street, Suite 312, Des Moines, Iowa 50309 Executive Director: 515-471-8062 Outreach Coordinator: 515-471-8063 LGBT Youth in Iowa Schools Task Force PO Box 1997, Des Moines, 50306 515-243-1221 One Iowa 500 East Locust St, Ste 300 Des Moines, IA 50309 515-288-4019 Fax: 515-244-5846 The Quire Eastern Iowa’s GLBT chorus


First United Methodist Church 516 Kellogg Ave, Ames, IA 50010 Contemporary worship Sat. 5:30; Sun at 8:30 and 11:00am. 515-232-2750 ISU LGBTAAlliance GLBT Support, Activism, Social Events, Newsletter L East Student Office Space, 2229 Lincoln Way, Ames, IA 50014-7163 515-344-4478 Living with HIV Program 226 SE 16th Street, Ames, IA 50010 Ask for Janelle (Coordinator) 515-956-3312 ext 106 or I -800-890-8230 Lord of Life Lutheran 2126 Gable Lane, Ames 50014 Services Sundays at 9:00a.m.; Wed. 7:00pm. 515-233-2350 PFLAG Ames Youth and Shelter Services Offices 2328 Bristol Drive, Ames, IA 5001 2nd Tuesday, 7pm 515-291-3607 Romantics Pleasure Palace 117 Kellogg Street, Ames, IA 50010-3315 515-232-7717 United Church of Christ-Congregational 6th & Kellogg, Ames, 50010 Sunday Continental Breakfast, 9:00am; Sunday School, 9:30am; Worship 10:45am. 515-232-9323 Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Ames 1015 Hyland Ave. Services: 9:30 am and 11:30 am, Sunday 515-292-5960 Unity Church of Ames 226 9th St, Ames, IA 50010-6210 Sunday service and Sunday school 10:30am. Wednesday mediation 6:30pm Daily dial-a-blessing 515-233-1613

Arnolds Park, Okoboji, Spencer, Spirit Lake The Royal Wedding Chapel 504 Church Street, Royal, IA 51357 712-933-2223 Wilson Resource Center An Iowa Great Lakes area gay-owned nonprofit community based organization. PO Box 486, 597 W. Okoboji Rd., Arnolds Park IA 51331-0486 712-332-5043

BURLINGTON Arrowhead Motel 2520 Mount Pleasant St Burlington, IA 52601-2118 319-752-6353 Faith Lutheran Church E L C A 3109 Sunnyside Ave Burlington, IA 52601-2341 HIV/AIDS Screening @ Des Moines County Health Department in Burlington 522 N 3rd By appointment between 8:00am to 4:30 319-753-8217 Confidential RISQUES IV (adult store) 421 Dry Creek Ave, West Burlington, IA 52601 (319) 753-5455 Sun - Wed 8am-Midnight Thurs - Sat Open 24 Hours Steve’s Place 852 Washington St, Burlington 319-754-5868

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Services start at 10:30 am 625 N 6th St, Burlington, IA 52601-5032 (319) 753-1895 -

Cedar Falls - Waterloo Adult Cinema 315 E 4th St Waterloo, IA 50703-4703 (319) 234-7459 Black Hawk Co. Health Department Free HIV testing (donations accepted); MW, 1:00pm to 3:00pm; Thurs, 1:00pm to 4:45pm 1407 Independence Ave. (5th fl) Waterloo 50703 319-291 -2413 Cedar AIDS Support System (CASS) Service, support groups & trained volunteers for persons with HIV/AIDS in Waterloo/CF call Elizabeth or Karla, 319-272-AIDS(2437). Cedar Valley Counseling Services Promoting personal growth and development in a strengths-based environment Joan E. Farstad, MA, Director. 319-240-4615 Cedar Valley Episcopal Campus Ministry. In Lutheran Center 2616 College St, Cedar Falls, IA 319-415-5747 Community AIDS Assistance Project (CAAP) Funding for special personal needs, community projects, and small grants that are AIDS related. PO Box 36, Waterloo, IA 50704 LGBTA Support Group at Hawkeye Community College Call Carol at 319-296-4014 for time & location of meeting Iowa Legal Aid Free civil legal service available to low income persons who qualify under income/asset guidelines. 607 Sycamore, #206, Waterloo, IA 50703 1-800-772-0039 or 319-235-7008 Kings & Queens Tap 304 W. 4th St, Waterloo, IA 319-232-3001 Romantix Waterloo (Adult Emporium) 1507 La Porte Rd, Waterloo, IA 50702 319-234-9340 Stellas Guesthouse 324 Summit Ave, Waterloo, IA Private B&B, Overnight accommodations for adults only. 319-232-2122 St. Lukes Episcopal Church 2410 Melrose Dr, Cedar Falls, IA 50613 Services: Sunday 8:00 & 10:15, Thurs 11:30 319-277-8520 St. Timothys United Methodist Church 3220 Terrace Drive, Cedar Falls, 50613, 319-266-0464, info@sttims-umc-org, Contact Rev. Linda Butler “...welcome of all persons, including those of all sexual orientations and gender identities.” Together For Youth 233 Vold Dr, Waterloo, IA 50703 319-274-6768 UNI-LGBTA Alliance-Student Organization 244A Bartlet Hall, University of Northern Iowa Cedar Falls 50613 319-222-0003 United Church of Christ Cedar Falls 9204 University Avenue, Cedar Falls 319-366-9686 Unitarian Universalist Society of Black Hawk County 3912 Cedar Heights Dr, Cedar Falls, IA 319-266-5640

Cedar Rapids/marion Adult Shop 630 66th Ave SW, 319-362-4939 Adult Shop North 5539 Crane Lane, 319-294-5360 Cedar Rapids Unity (formerly GLRC of Cedar Rapids) Support, social activities., or write to PO Box 1643 Cedar Rapids 52406-1643 Call and leave a message—all calls will be returned. 319-415-1511 Christ Episcopal Church “We have a place for you.” 220 40th Street NE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404 319-363-2029 Belle’s Basix Open 5pm to 2am M-F, Sat & Sun 3pm-2am 3916 1st Ave NE, Cedar Rapids 319-363-3194 Club CO2, A GLBTQA Nightclub, 616 2nd Ave SE, 319-365-0225, Open 7 days a week 4-2pm, Happy hour from 4-8 pm,

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Coe Alliance Education, activism & fun for GLBTQ and straight students, staff and people from the community. Coe College 1220 First Ave NE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 For information contact: or Erica Geers, faculty advisor at 319-861-6025

Imperial Court of Nebraska P.O. Box 3772, Omaha, NE 68103 402-556-9907

Community Health Free Clinic 947 14th Avenue SE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52401 319-363-0416 Free Medical Services provided for the uninsured and underserved patients of Cedar Rapids, Marion and the surrounding areas in Eastern Iowa.

The Max 1417 Jackson at 15th, Omaha, NE 68102 6 bars in 1 - 402-346-4110

CSPS Legion Arts Contemporary Arts Center 1103 3rd St. SE 319-364-1580 Eden United Church of Christ 351 8th Ave SW, Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52404 (319) 362-7805 Sunday School 9am - Worship 10:15am Foundation 2 Crisis Counseling 24-hour telephone crisis counseling. or 1540 2nd Ave. SE Cedar Rapids, IA 319-362-2174 or 800-332-4224 Linn County Public Health 501 13th NW Free confidential HIV testing, 319-892-6000 Linn County Stonewall Democrats 2nd Wednesday of every month, 6:30-8 p.m. The LGBT Caucus of the Democratic Party, meets at March 9 we will be at the Kirkwood Hotel Lobby Cafe.After that we may go back to Blue Strawberry downtown, but we need time to check our options. For more info, contact linnstonewall@ People’s Church Unitarian Universalist A welcoming congregation. 4980 Gordon Ave NW, Cedar Rapids, IA 11am Sunday. 319-362-9827 PFLAG CR, Linn Co and Beyond Support Group meets on the 4th Thursday at 7pm except for Nov Dec - call for details. 319-431-0673, The Linn County Stonewall Democrats Meet 2nd Wednesdays, Blue Strawberry, 118 2nd St SE in Cedar Rapids, IA. Contact Harvey S. Ross, Toxic Nightclub 616 Second Ave SE, Cedar Rapids Tri-ess, Iota Kappa Phi Chapter P.O. Box 8605, Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52408 We are a transgendered organization supporting crossdressers, their families, and friends., 319-390-6376 E-mail: Georgia E-mail: Judy Unity Center of Cedar Rapids “A center of positive, practical Christianity.” 4980 Gordon NE, Cedar Rapids - (319) 393-5422

CLINTON Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Clinton 309 30th Avenue North, Clinton, IA 52732 (563) 242-4972 - Sunday services at 10:30 (year-round) Where YOUR spiritual and ethical journey is welcome! Rev. Ruby Nancy, minister

Council Bluffs, Omaha (Ne) AIDS Interfaith Network 100 N. 62nd, Omaha, NE Call Br. Wm. Woeger 402-558-3100 Citizens For Equal Protection 1105 Howard St, Suite #2, Omaha, NE 68102 - 402-398-3027 Council Bluffs NOW Write PO Box 3325, Omaha, NE 68103-0325 DC’s Saloon The Midwest’s hottest GLBT Country & Dance Bar! 610 S. 14th St., Omaha, NE Open everyday 2pm-1am, western/levi/leather 402-344-3103 Front Runners/Front Walkers Walking/jogging club. P.O. Box 4583, Omaha, NE 68104 402-804-8720 GLBT Rainbow Outreach Omaha Serving GLBT community in eastern Nebraska and western Iowa. Excellent message and info. Also office for Imperial court of Nebraska. 1719 Leavenworth St, Omaha, NE - 402-341-0330 Heartland Gay Rodeo Association (HGRA) (Midwest Division of the International Gay Rodeo Association) PO Box 3354, Omaha, NE 68103 - 402-203-4680 HGRA serves both Iowa and Nebraska

Inclusive Life “Religious and Non religious care, services and ceremonies for all!”, 105 S. 49 Street, Suite E, Omaha, NE 68132, (402) 575-7006,

MCC Omaha 819 South 22nd, Omaha, NE 68103 Sun 9 & 11 am Wednesday “ReCharge” Worship, Wed 7pm 402-345-2563 PFLAG Omaha Mead Hall, First United Methodist Church 7020 Cass St. (Omaha) 2nd Thursday, 7, 6:30 Social time 402-291-6781 River City Gender Alliance Peer support, friendship, and understanding for crossdressers, transgenderists, and transsexuals. PO Box 4083 Omaha, NE 68104, 402-291-6781, - River City Mixed Chorus Gay/lesbian chorus PO Box 3267 Omaha, NE 68103 Call Stan Brown, marketing 402-341-7464. Romantix Council Bluffs (North) (Adult Emporium) 3216 1st Ave, Council Bluffs, IA 51501-3353 515-955-9756 Tri-ess Chapter, Kappa Phi Lambda Chapter Omaha, NE 68107 We are a transgendered organization supporting crossdressers, their families, and friends., 402-960-9696 E-mail: Judy Romantix Council Bluffs (South) (Romantix After Dark) 50662 189th St, Council Bluffs, IA 51503 712-366-1764 Youth Support Group for GLBT Youth 13-21, meets twice monthly. Omaha, NE - 402-291- 6781

Decorah Decorah Human Rights Commission Contact: City Clerk 400 Clairborne Dr, Decorah 563-382-3651 Meetings: First Tuesdays, 5:30pm Luther College Student Congregation Contact Office for College Ministry 700 College Dr, Decorah, IA 52101 563-387-1040. Luther College PRIDE, Diversity Center, 700 College Dr, 52101 Contact Charles 563-210-6570 PFLAG Northeast IA (Waukon/Decorah) Beginning May 23rd: meeting at Northeast Iowa Peace and Justice Center, 119 Winnebago Street, Decorah, IA (lower level), corner of Winnebago and Main Street Meetings: 4th Mondays, 7pm-9pm Call Jean @ 563-535-7680 Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Meets alternating Sundays at 10:30am, Decorah Senior Center 806 River St Call Bill at 563-382-3458.

Des Moines AIDS Project of Central Iowa Free HIV testing, prevention supplies, care services, food pantry, information. 711 E. 2nd, Des Moines, IA 50309 515-284-0245 Blazing Saddle 416 E 5th St, Des Moines, IA - 515-246-1299 Buddies Corral 418 E 5th St, Des Moines, IA - 515-244-7140 The CENTER 1300 Locust The new LGBT and progressive place to be. Facebook: The CENTER & Equality Iowa 515-243-0313 Church of the Holy Spirit-MCC Pastor Pat Esperanza Sunday service 10:30am at the 1st Christian Church 2500 University, Des Moines 515-287-9787 Des Moines Diversity Chorus [A gay-friendly mixed chorus] Rehearsals on Mondays at 7 p.m. at Westminster Presbyterian Church, Beaver Ave. at Franklin St., Des Moines. All are welcome, no auditions. PO Box 65312, West Des moines, IA 50265 Julie Murphy, Artistic Director jahmurphy@hotmail. com, 515-255-3576,

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Des Moines Gay Men’s Chorus 515-953-1540 4126 Ingersoll Ave., Des Moines

Family Practice Center Safe, supportive LGBT health care. 200 Army Post Road, Ste 26 515-953-7560 First Friday Breakfast Club Educational breakfast club for gay/bisexual men. Meets first Friday of each month. Contact Jonathan Wilson for meeting topic and place. 515-288-2500 First Unitarian Church 1800 Bell Avenue Services Sundays at 9:30 & 11am 515-244-8603, The Gallery (adult store) 1000 Cherry St Des Moines, IA 50309-4227 (515) 244-2916 Open 24 Hours

Section 3: Community St. John’s Lutheran Church 600 6th Ave “A Church for All People.” Services Sat 5pm, Sun 7:45, 8:45 & 11am. See web page for other services. 515-243-7691 - TransformationsIOWA Monthly meetings for the female to male, male to female, transgender community, cross dressers, gender queer, questioning, and their significant others. For location and info, email at or call 515-979-6959 Trinity United Methodist Church 1548 Eighth Street - 515-288-4056 Services Sundays at 10am,

Counseling Clinic 319-354-6238 Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender sensitive and supportive counseling for individuals, couples, families and groups. Sliding Fee. 505 E Washington St., Iowa City, IA 52240

Women’s Culture Collective (WCC) A lesbian social group. Des Moines, IA -

Gay and Lesbian Issues Committee 4211 Grand Avenue, Level-3 Des Moines, IA 50312 515-277-1117

Word of God Ministries, Sunday service: 3:00pm, at 3120 E 24th Street, Des Moines, Iowa 50317, Gay, lesbian & straight affirmation 515-707-5947. Zanzibar’s Coffee Adventure Open daily. Gay-friendly 2723 Ingersoll, Des Moines, IA 515-244-7694

Dubuque Adult Warehouse 975 Jackson St., Dubuque, IA 563-588-9184.

Liberty Gifts 333 E. Grand Ave., Loft 105, Des Moines, IA Gay owned specialty clothing, jewelry, home decor. 515-508-0825

Dubuque Friends Worship Group (Quakers) Join us at an unprogrammed worship service on Sunday at 10am. Welcoming and Affirming St. Mark’s Community Center 1201 White Street, Dubuque, Iowa 52001 563-582-9388

MINX Show Palace 1510 NE Broadway, Des Moines, IA 50313 Open m-th noon-2 a.m., f noon-3 am., sat 3 p.m.-e a.m. 515-266-2744

PFLAG Dubuque/Tri-State Carnegie Stout Library 3rd Floor Conference Room 360 W. 11th St. 3rd Tuesday, 7pm 563-581-4606

North Star Gay Rodeo Association of IGRA, Iowa Division of North Star or 612-82-RODEO Primary Health Care Inc., David Yurdin, 2353 SE 14th St., Des Moines, 503020, Works with GLBT ages 16 to geriatric, 25 years of experience. 515-248-1427 Rainbow Union, Drake University Ray Perry Law Firm 515-279-2244 Free Initial Consultation PFLAG Des Moines 515-243-0313, 1300 Locust , Des Moines, IA 50312 Plymouth Congregational UCC Church and the Plymouth GLBT Community 4126 Ingersoll Ave. 515-255-3149 Services at 9am & I lam Sunday. Polk County Health Department Free STD, HIV, and Hepatitis B & C testing. HIV. Rapid testing also offered. 1907 Carpenter, Des Moines, IA 515-286-3798. Pride Alliance, AIB College of Business Gay and straight students celebrating diversity Contact: Mike Smith, Advisor Pride Bowling League for GLBT & Supporters Every Wednesday, 7 PM, Air Lanes Bowling Center 4200 Fleur Drive, Des Moines, IA 50321-2389. Email or 515-447-2977. Raccoon River Resort Accommodations for men, women, or mixed in campgrounds, lodge, Teepees or Treehouses. Reservations: 515-996-2829 or 515-279-7312 Ritual Café On 13th between Grand and Locust. Gay owned great music, awesome food and coffee. 515-288-4872 - Romantix North Des Moines Iowa (Bachelor’s Library) 2020 E Euclid Ave, Des Moines, IA 50317 515-266-7992 Spouses of Lesbians & Gays Support group for spouses of gays and lesbians. 515-277-7754

AA (GLBT) 319-338-9111 Meetings Sundays 5 - 6pm at First Baptist Church, 500 North Clinton Street. For more info, call IC Intergroup Answering Service,

Walnut Hills UMC Join us at 8:30 or 10:45am for Sunday worship. Sunday classes and group studies are at 9:30am. 515-270-9226 12321 Hickman Rd, Urbandale, IA 50323

Gay & Lesbian AA & AI-Anonymous Mon. 7 pm; Tues. - Thurs. 6 pm; Sat. 5:30 pm at Drake Ministries in Ed. Bldg. 28th & University

Le Boi Bar 508 Indianola Rd, Des Moines, IA

Iowa City

Congregational Church UCC An Open and Affirming Congregation Sunday Worship 10:15 a.m. 30 N. Clinton St. (across from Ul Pentacrest) 319-337-4301 -

Westminster Presbyterian Church 4114 Allison Ave - Sunday services 8:45 and 11am. Of note is their GAY-LESBIAN-STRAIGHT AFFIRMATION GROUP, GLSA 515-274-1534

Lavender Victory Fund Financial assistance for women in need for medical emergencies.

Crossroads United Church of Christ (UCC) An Open & affirming congregation. Services: Sunday 10:30am, Summer worship: June, July, Aug, @ 9:30 am, worshiping in the Lounge at Smith Chapel, Simpson College, corner of Buxton and Clinton. Mailing address: P.O. Box 811, Indianola, IA 50125 515-961-9370.

Urbandale UCC An open & affirming congregation. 3530 70th St., Urbandale, IA 50322 515-276-0625,

The Garden 112 SE 4th Des Moines, IA 515-243-3965 Wed-Sun. 8pm-2am

Java Joe’s Gay friendly 214 4th St. , 515-288-5282,


Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Dubuque 1699 Iowa St., Dubuque, IA “The uncommon denomination.” general services at 10am. 563-583-9910

ELKADER Bethany Church (ELCA) 307 3rd St NE, Elkader IA 52043 Pastor Jim Klosterboer 563-245-1856 Inclusive. Welcoming. Discover the Difference. Bethany is a Reconciling in Christ congregation of LC/NA Schera’s Restaurant and Bar 107 S Main St, Elkader, IA 52043 563-245-1992 E-mail: Fine dining featuring Algerian & American Cuisine. Voted Best Mediterranean Restaurant in Eastern Iowa on KCRG TV-9’s A*List.

Fort Dodge Romantix Fort Dodge (Mini Cinema) Sun-Thu 10am-12am, Fri & Sat 10am-2am 515955-9756 15 N. 5th St, Fort Dodge, IA 50501-3801

Grinnell, Broad View Wildflower Seed, 428 Hamilton Ave., Grinnell, Iowa 50112, Manager/Owner: John C., Saints Ephrem & Macrina Orthodox Mission. Welcoming worship in the Eastern Christian liturgical tradition. Sunday services at 10am. (Affiliated with the Orthodox-Catholic Church of America.) Divine Liturgy is served Sundays during the College academic year 1:30 p.m., Herrick Chapel, Grinnell College Campus 1226 Broad Street, Grinnell, IA 641-236-0936 Stonewall Resource Center Open 4:30pm to 11:30pm, Sun through Thurs and by Appointment. Grinnell College 1210 Park Street PO Box B-1, Grinnell, IA, 50112 641-269-3327

Counseling and Health Center 319-337-1679 Client-centered therapy. Les-Bi-Gay-Trans always welcome. 616 Bloomington St, Iowa City, IA Crisis Center 319-351-0140 1121 Gilbert Court, Iowa City, 52240 Emma Goldman Clinic 227 N. Dubuque St, Iowa City, IA 52245 319-337-2111or 1-800-848-7684. Faith United Church of Christ An open and affirming congregation. 1609 Deforest Street, Iowa City, 52240 Sunday Worship 9:30 AM 319-338-5238, GLBTAU-U of lA Student support system and resource center, info, activism, events, and other community involvements. 203 IMU, University of IA Iowa City, IA 52242-1317 319-335-3251 (voice mail) Hope United Methodist Church Worship Service at 9:30am. 2929 E. Court St., Iowa City, IA Contact Rev. Sherry Lohman. 319-338-9865 Human Rights Commission (City of Iowa City Human Rights Commission) 319-356-5022; 391-356-5015; 319-356-5014 Fax 319-887-6213 ICARE (Iowa Center for AIDS Resources & Education) Practical & emotional support, youth programs, information, referrals and support groups. 3211 E 1st Iowa City, IA 52240-4703 319-338-2135 Iowa City Free Medical Clinic Free & strictly confidential HIV Testing. 2440 Towncrest Dr Iowa City, Call for appointment 319-337-4459 Iowa City NOW PO Box 2944, Iowa City, IA 52244 for information & meeting times/places Iowa Women’s Music Festival P.O. Box 3411, Iowa City, IA 52244 319-335-1486 Men Supporting Men 319-356-6038, Ext 2 HIV prevention program exploring issues that gay/ bisexual men deal with on a daily basis. Discussion Groups, Educational Series, Safer Sex Workshops, Book Club. Contact Andy Weigel, email: aweigel@

United Action for Youth (UAY) A GLBTQA youth group providing support and counseling for teenagers and young adults processing sexual identity issues. Meets Mondays 7-9pm at UAY 410 Iowa Ave. Iowa City, IA 319-338-7518 or Teen Line, 319-338-0559.

Quad Cities Pride Chorus At the MCC Church in D’port, 7pm Wed. Call Don at 563-324-0215

Vortex Gifts 211 E. Washington, downtown Iowa City 319-337-3434

Rainbow Gifts 309-764-0559

Women’s Resource Action Center (WRAC) Leads & collaborates on projects that serve U of l and the greater community, offers social & support services, including LGBT Coming Out Group. University of Iowa 130 N Madison, Iowa City, IA 52242 319-335-1486

T.R. Video Adult books & video 3727 Hickory Grove Rd, Davenport, IA 563-386-7914

Marshalltown Adult Odyssey (Adult Video Store) 907 Iowa Ave E - 641-752-6550 Domestic Violence Alternatives/ Sexual Assault Center, Inc., 132 W Main St. 24 hour Crisis Line: 641-753-3513 or (instate only) 800-779-3512

MASON CITY Cerro Gordo County Dept. of Public Health 22 N. Georgia Ave, Ste 300 Mason City, IA 50401. Free confidential AIDS testing. 641-421-9321 PFLAG North Iowa Chapter 641-583-2848,, Carlos O’Kelly’s Mexican Cafe @ 7 p.m. Wed.

Mount Vernon Alliance Cornell College 810 Commons Cir # 2035

Pella Common Ground (Central College) Support group for GLBT students and allies. Contact: Brandyn Woodard, Director of Intercultural Life 641-628-5134

Quad Cities AIDS Project Quad Cities Info, education & support. Davenport, IA 52804, www. 319-762-LIFE Black Hawk College Unity Alliance Serving GLBT community at Black Hawk College. 6600 34th Ave, Rock Island, IL 309-716-0542. Connections Nightclub 563-322-1121 822 W 2nd St, Davenport, IA 52802 DeLaCerda House 309-786-7386 Provides housing & supportive services, advocacy and referrals for people living with HIV/AIDS. P.O. Box 4551, Rock Island, Il. 61201 Good Samaritan Free Clinic 602 35th Avenue Moline, IL 309-797-4688 gsfc@ - Provides free primary medical care to patients age 16-64 who are working but have no medical insurance. Patients are seen by volunteer physicians, nurss practicioners, and physician assistants. The Hole-In-The-Wall 309-289-2375 A Private Membership Men’s Club Located 3 miles east of Galesburg, IL just north of I-74 at Exit 51 Holy Spirit Catholic Faith Community Meets one Sunday per month for Mass at 6:30pm at MCC-QC 3019 N. Harrison St, Davenport, IA Mailing: PO Box 192 East Moline, IL 61244 For more info, call 309-278-3359

Pride Committee WRAC 130 N. Madison, Iowa City, IA 52242 Bridget Malone - 319-338-0512 Charles Howes - 319-335-1486.

Lucky Shamrock 313 20th St, Rock Island (IL) 309-788-7426 An Irish Pub open to all types... you don’t have to be rich or poor, young or old, gay or straight... just don’t be a jerk! Know how to be respectful to everyone, or the Shamrock staff will happy to explain it to you.

Studio 13 13 S. Linn St. (in the Alley) Iowa City, IA Open 7pm ‘til 2am, daily 319-338-7145 U of I Lesbian, Gay & Bisexual Staff & Faculty Association c/o WRAC, 130 N Madison, Iowa City, IA 52242, 19-335-1486 Unitarian Universalist Society of Iowa City Inclusive and free religious community nurturing intellectual and spiritual growth and fostering ethical and social responsibility. 10 S. Gilbert, Iowa City, IA Sunday services: 9:30am & 11:15am. 319-337-3443

Quad Citians Affirming Diversity (QCAD) Social & support groups for lesbian, bi, and gay teens, adults, friends & families; newsletter. 309-786-2580 - Community Center located at 1608 2nd Ave, Rock Island.

The Ursine Group Bear Events in the Midwest. PO Box 1143, Iowa City, IA 52244-1143 319-338-5810

New Song Episcopal Church 912 20th Ave, Coralville, IA Sunday services at 10am. Rev. Elizabeth Coulter, Pastor Rev. John Harper, Associate. 319-351-3577

Romantix Iowa City (Pleasure Palace I) 315 Kirkwood Ave, Iowa City, IA 52240-4722 319-351-9444

APRIL 2012

Mary’s On 2nd 563-884-8014 832 W. 2nd St. Davenport, IA MCC Quad Cities - Svcs Sun 11am, Bible study Wed 7pm 563-324-8281 3019 N Harrison, Davenport, IA 52803 Men’s Coming Out/Being Out Group Meets 2nd & 4th Thursdays, 7pm. 309-786-2580 PFLAG Quad Cities 563-285-4173 Eldridge United Methodist Church 604 S.2nd St., Eldridge 1st Monday, 6:30 pm Prism (Augustana College) 309-794-7406 Augustana Gay-Straight Alliance Augustana Library 639 38th St, Rock Island, IL Contact Tom Bengston

Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Quad Cities, Rev Jay Wolin Sunday Service 11am 3707 Eastern Avenue, Davenport, IA 52807 563-359-0816 Venus News (Adult) 902 W 3rd St, Davenport, IA 563-322-7576

Red Oak First Congregational United Church of Christ 608 E Reed St, Red Oak, IA 51566 (712) 623-2794 Rev. Elizabeth Dilley, Pastor Open and affirming.

SHENANDOAH PFLAG Shenandoah 712-899-2743

Sioux City Am. Business & Professional Guild. Gay Businessmen. Meets last Sat. of the month; ABPG P. O. BOX 72, Sioux City, 51102 Grace United Methodist Church 1735 Morningside Avenue 712-276-3452. Jones Street Station (Bar) 712-258-6922 412 Jones St. Nightly 6:00pm to 2:00am. Mayflower Congregational Church. 1407 West 18th Street Call 712-258-8278. Morningside College Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual Alliance 712-274-5208 Contact Professor Gail Dooley, Advisor Morningside College GSA 1501 Morningside Ave. Sioux City, IA 51106-1717 PFLAG Siouxland PO Box 1311, Sioux City, IA 51102 Romantix Sioux City 712-277-8566 (Adult Emporium) 511 Pearl St, Sioux City, IA 51101-1217 St. Thomas Episcopal Church Service Sun 10:30am 406 12th St, Waverly, IA Rev Mary Christopher 712-258-0141 Western Iowa Tech. GSA for info. Zaner’s Bar 712-277-9575 3103 N Hwy 75, Sioux City, IA 51105 Monthly drag shows & events; hometown bar for Imperial Court of Iowa’s Western Chapter

Sioux falls, south dakota Toppers, 1213 N Cliff Ave, Sioux Falls, SD 57103, (605) 339-7686, Su-Tu 7:00pm - Close : We-Sa 3:00pm - 2:00am, Center for Equality, 406 S Second Avenue in Sioux Falls, 605-331-1153,

Waverly Cedar Valley Episcopal Campus Ministry. 717 W. Bremer, (St. Andrew’s Episcopal) Waverly, IA 319-415-5747 Gay, Lesbian Bisexual Student Alliance Wartburg College, Waverly, IA 50677 Contact Susan Vallem 319-352-8250 St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church 717 W. Bremer We welcome all to worship with us on Sunday at 10:30am. Bible discussion Wed. 6:45pm Rev. Maureen Doherty, Pastor 319-352-1489

Section 3: Community

APRIL 2012

A Community Conversation on Embracing GLBT Youth and Family Hosted by City PTA and PFLAG Cedar Rapids (Parents, Friends and Family of Lesbians and Gays)

Please join us Thursday April 12 7pm Roosevelt Middle School 300 13th St NW This meeting is open to the public. Students are welcome, We encourage all members of the community to join the conversation.

Join the event on Facebook

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