ACCESS November 2020 Digital edition:
We’re in the Business of Travel
Forge cruising - caravans rule My firs experience caravanning was one o remember n DALLAS SHERRINGHAM E have all made solemn vows no o some hing, only o break i one day and have he ime o our lives when nally, did ry i . Such was my dismissal o caravanning as a holiday - I ried i once as a eenager, crowded in o a iny amily caravan a errigal while i poured rain – and I vowed never o do i again. Te onse o he COVID-19 Pandemic changed all ha or me and million o her Aussies who normally go cruising every year. Suddenly our yearly adrenaline rush was cu of and we sa around gloomily con empla ing li e wi hou Deck Chairs, Island Nigh , Gourme Meals and Days Ashore. My wi e Sharon came up wi h he ligh bulb idea o hiring a mo orhome and heading of around Aus ralia. We arranged a Jayco model rom Le s Go Mo orhomes, he new s ar up company which is atrac ing a lo o business due o very compe iive long erm ra es. I cos us a bi over $5000 o ren a mo orhome or seven weeks, which was compa ible wi h our cruise ares each year. Mo orhome and caravan ren als and purchases in Aus ralia have boomed in recen mon hs as he na ion con empla es a u ure wi hou in erna ional ravel and cruising. We packed i up wi h ar oo many clo hes and lo s o ex ras we really didn’ need and headed nor h, scraping in o Queensland wo days be ore hey shu he border. Our des ina ion was Broome, bu daily checks o he news old us WA was ou and he erri ory was unlikely. So, we changed direc ion a Win on and headed or Palm Cove or hree nigh s. I was so much un, we s ayed nearly weeks a he N MA Caravan Park, righ on he beach. I was a real learning experience. Caravanning, like cruising, is a social experience where people mix reely wi h no pre ensions. We made a lo o riends along he way and i you are hinking o aking up
Australia is taking to the road in record numbers.
caravanning and s aying in van parks, you need o be able o mix socially. Now, a warning: some caravan owners love no hing beter han discussing heir la es adven ures over an hour or wo and o hers like o discuss he “mechanical” side o caravans and will ell you wi h your Jayco has he wrong yre pressure or he “bol s o he andangle need atached o he bomboogle”. I ’s all gobblygook o me, bu I jus agreed wi h wha ever hey said and go on wi h i . Free camping is all he rage a he momen which means nigh s ou in he wilderness wi h no power or oile s, bu
Our Jayco Motorhome at stunning Camp Kanga, Proserpine.
we decided o s ay in van parks and he powered si es ranged rom $30 o $60 per nigh . We booked ahead on he phone, jus like booking a mo el room and never had a problem. Te wo bes van parks were Palm Cove or i s loca ion and Big Four a Cannonvale which has Aus ralia’s bigges wa er park in a campground. Te mo orhome seemed res ric ed in size when we rs s ar ed ou , bu a er a ew days we were used o he se up and he annex made i so much easier. Le ’s Go Mo orhomes supplied wo oldup chairs and a able and hey made our holiday so much more enjoyable.
Seting up each day involved connec ing he elec rici y o he mains, he wa er inle on o a ap and he was ewa er ou le in o a pipe. We had i down o abou wo minu es a he end a er a ridiculously silly s ar on he rs day a Gunnedah. Now I am a caravanning conver , and I should have been enjoying i all hese years. And o op i all of, I came back o he Cen ral Coas and bough mysel a secondhand caravan and booked a mon h in Palm Cove nex year.
Sitting round the campfire.
T ravel INTO THE LAND OF THE NEVER NEVER n DALLAS SHERRINGHAM REALLY GOES OUTBACK HE E is a legendary area sou h o Darwin known as he “Never Never” which is now los in he ever-changing mis s o ime. In he early 1900s a lady wro e a book abou li e in his par o he Nor hern erri ory and i wen on o sell more han one million copies worldwide. Such was he power o Jeannie Gunn’s “We o he Never Never” ha i became s andard reading or every young Aus ralian. I was made in o a movie in 1982 s arring Angela Punch McGregor. Te Never Never was ha region sou h o Ka herine ha con ained jus a hand ul o people and no whi e women. I is s ill possible o walk in he oo s eps o Ms Gunn, who lived o he ripe old age o 91 and became a champion o s ruggling re urned servicemen rom he Grea War. She was no ordinary lady: she ma ricula ed rom Melbourne Universi y and became a eacher be ore marrying Aeneas Gunn. Aeneas, boss o he 5000 square kilomeer Elsey S a ion was known as Te Maluka by he Aboriginals who worked or him as s ockmen and servan s. Te book is amous or i s charac eriza ions and i s depic ion o li e in wha was essen ially a wilderness area. Charac ers such as he Dandy, he Fizzer, he Quie S ockman and Cheon he Chinese cook all leap rom he pages and were based on real people. Te book la er became
Historical photo of Elsey Station.
con roversial because o he depic ion and rea men o Aboriginals. ecen ly I wen o he Never Never in search o remnan s rom he book and he ex raordinary li e o he only whi e women sou h o Ka herine in 1900. In he book, Ms Gunn describes he journey be ween Darwin and Pine Creek by rain. Te s a ion where she was conron ed by chauvinis ic bushmen rying o Continued on page 25
Don’t put the FREEZE on your business meetings.
Portrait of Jeannie Gunn.
Portrait of Aeneas Gunn, the Maluka.
$60 per person
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T ravel
The emotionally moving Elsey cemetery.
alk her ou o con inuing her epic rip is s ill here and is now on he Na ional rus regis er. From Pine Creek, she headed sou h on horseback o “ he Ka herine� which was iny setlemen o jus our people. She even ually made i o he ron ga e o he s a ion which was 70km rom he homes ead. oday, he Elsey s a ion s ill exis s, in par . I is owned and managed by he Nor hern Land Council as a working catle proper y and a ouris atrac ion. We know he region more amously as Ma aranka, a own ha group up alongside he Nor hern Aus ralia railway. Te nearby ho springs draw housands o visi ors ravelling along he S uar Hwy. In he cen re o own are s a ues o Aeneas and Jeannie and some o he s ree s are named a er charac ers rom he book.
I drove for several kilometres ravelling sou h rom Ma aranka here is a urnof o Elsey Ceme ery. I drove or several kilome ers along a sealed road and even ually came o he impressive homes ead burial ground. Walking around he si e, i is very moving o see he heads ones o charac ers
Stone cairn on the site of Elsey homestead.
Statue of the Gunns in Mataranka.
Pine Creek railway station.
rom We o he Never Never, including he Maluka, and o realize ha hey never le his wild par o Aus ralia. Aeneas Gunn died o malarial dysen ery a er jus a year a he Elsey and he broken hear ed Ms Gunn re urned sou h o live ou her li e in he suburbs o Melbourne, never o re urn o he Never Never and never o marry again. A shor drive rom he ceme ery is he original homes ead si e. A s one cairn and some old pho os depic he si e bu here is no sign o he homes ead. Buil o wood, i
would have been ea en ou by ermi es many decades ago. I have o admi i was a desola e, uninspiring place. How people made a li e here is beyond comprehension in hese days o air condi ioners and re rigera ors. Te old homes ead comprised o several wooden shacks, a cookhouse and a s orage shed. Once a year a wagon load o supplies was delivered a he homes ead. Ye , people were happy in ha wild, un amed place. And hrough he book hey ge o live on orever.
oday, he erm Never Never has los much o i s meaning. Te S uar Hwy, once jus a rack hrough he bush beside he overland elegraph is now packed wi h huge hree railer road rains and housands o caravans. I you are ravelling he Nor h Coun ry, please ake he ime o visi he Elsey. S anding here surrounded by gian ermi e mounds wi h only he sigh o he breeze in he s un ed rees and shrubs and he wa er shimmering in he billabong, you will ge a sense o wha i was like o live in he Never Never. (No e: A ree copy o he book can be downloaded a Words and images: Dallas Sherringham. Feature supplied by:
T ravel Time o explore NSW Plen y of op ions o our your own backyard HE NSW Governmen is calling on all Sydneysiders and NSW residen s o be a COVID sa e ouris in heir own backyard and suppor local businesses by booking ours and visi ing atrac ions. Minis er or Jobs, Inves men , ourism and Wes ern Sydney S uar Ayres said NSW residen s could help reboo he s a e’s visi or economy by hiting he road or a shor break, aking a Sydney ‘playca ion’, or even making he mos o a day rip. “Tere’s some hing special abou being a ouris and giving yoursel permission o enjoy experiences ha we usually reserve or holidays,” Minis er Ayres said. “ rea yoursel o a ‘playca ion’ around Sydney and NSW – ake a guided our, book a ho el s ay, dine a a special res auran , or visi a local atrac ion. “We all wan o make a diference by s aying and spending locally, so le ’s enjoy all corners o NSW and jam-pack our i ineraries wi h NSW’s nes experiences. “You’ll be rewarded wi h he diversi y and beau y o our s a e and make a huge diference o our ourism businesses ha are doing i ough.” Te NSW Governmen is releasing wo new ools o inspire holidaymakers and help hem ‘value-add’ o heir s ay: • An in erac ive ‘Love NSW’ map ha allows ravellers o search or and iden i y ourism experiences based on heme. Users can also nd experiences wi hin hree hours’ drive o a selec ed loca ion, or zoom in o s ree level o see links o even more ourism businesses (
Popular Terrigal Beach.
• A series o new Sydney ‘playca ion’ i ineraries highligh ing he luxury, amily, ou door adven ure, oodie, cul ure, romance and wellness experiences on ofer across he CBD and Grea er Sydney ( com) rends in holiday planning show ha he op hree ypes o holiday Aus ralians will ake in he nex 12 mon hs are a road rip (68%), a rip o visi riends and amily (66%) and a rip o he coun ryside (65%). “ ecen research shows ha , compared
o pre-COVID, ravellers are 76% more likely o suppor local businesses and communi ies, and 68% more likely o visi par s o Aus ralia hey haven’ been o be ore,” Mr Ayres said. “We’ve all had our lives on hold or six mon hs or more, now’s he ime o ge ou here, enjoy our NSW s ories, landscapes and experiences and urn 2020 around oge her. “Now’s he ime o suppor our local ourism opera ors bu i ’s no a ime o be complacen .”
Visi ors, locals and businesses are reminded o s ay COVID sa e during he school holidays by main aining social dis ancing, good hygiene and s aying home i unwell. Holidaymakers are encouraged o phone ahead o con rm bookings and check local condi ions wi h business opera ors. For more in orma ion covid-19
For travel inspiration: and