FY 16
athens-clarke county athens-clarke county leisure services a nleisure n u a lservices r e p odepartment rt FY 16
annual report
FY 16
FY 16
athens clarke county leisure services department
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THE ATHENS-CLARKE COUNTY LEISURE SERVICES DEPARTMENT: SO MUCH MORE THAN PARKS AND RECREATION What’s in a name? Webster’s Dictionary defines the term “leisure” as “freedom provided by the cessation of activities, especially time free from work or duties.” Staff often find themselves having to explain the Leisure Services Department name. Most people are more familiar with the Parks and Recreation name, but that moniker falls well short describing what this Department offers. In Athens-Clarke County, Leisure Services means EVERYTHING that inspires a community to learn, create, play. This annual report will highlight the many accomplishments and achievements of this award-winning Department. The impressive list of facilities and programs, the extensive selection of summer camps, and the overall experience of the past year in one of the Unified Government’s largest departments. It’s called Leisure Services and not “parks and recreation” for a reason…learn why…keep reading.
ACC Leisure Services builds a healthier and more livable community by providing opportunities to learn, to create, and to play in quality parks, programs, and facilities that are valued by our citizens.
Photo Credit: Bear Hollow Zoo, Ella Ferguson, Cathy Padgett, Sandy Creek Nature Center, Mike Wharton, and Shannon Williams
Bear Hollow Zoo · Ben Burton Park · Bishop Park· Boulevard Woods Park· Dudley Park · East Athens Community Center· East Athens E
growing a nd expanding
ONLINE REGISTRATION! Facebook comments posted in response to the inaugural summer camp online registration process “We love ACC Leisure Services and especially all the amazing summer camps they run. The new online registration system worked so smoothly. It took me all of 4 minutes to get my 2 kids registered for all their summer camps.” “Kudos, Athens-Clarke County Leisure Services!!! I just signed my child up for camp and it only took 4 minutes! Thank you for developing the online registration! Hope it goes smoothly for all.” “Thank you ACC Leisure Services for giving us online camp registrations. Took me just 6 minutes to sign up for 7 camps--all from the comfort of my home.” “So easy and only one glitch! I could only sign up for a total of 4 weeks of SC camp between my two kids when I tried to sign up for a total of 5 between them. Not a problem, but thought I’d let you know. So much easier than in the past. Thank you!”
In the past year, the Department officially opened its newest park – the 1.8 acre Boulevard Woods located on Barber Street. Additionally, the ribbon cutting for the Ben Burton Park boat launch was held in June. The newly constructed parterre style garden and front walk at the Ware-Lyndon House officially opened in May.
“I actually got my kid into Zoo Camp, a week of Gymnastics camp, AND ACT. I’m stunned! I figured we wouldn’t be able to get them all with everyone registering at once. YAY!!”
Educational Dance Center· Greenway· Holland Youth Sports Complex· Lay Park· Lyndon House Arts Center· Memorial Park· Morton Theatre·
The numbers 35
acres of forest were burned to create better habitat as part of the Sandy Creek Nature Center managed forest project.
9 7% of camp survey respondents would recommend leisure services camps to another family.
$30,662 spent to provide additional support and program modifications for individuals with disabilities enrolled in programs.
rats and mice were fed to exhibit/educational animals at the Sandy Creek Nature Center.
1 0, 0 0 0
spectators attended the annual Downtown Parade of Lights. More than 1,300 people participated in the parade.
1 8,8 1 6 patrons enjoyed performances at the Morton Theatre.
1,295 scholarship applications were processed.
$34,045 generated in special events revenue.
people visited the East Athens Community Center and Lay Park library branches.
people participated in the new adult soccer program.
$4 7 0,0 0 0 was the total value in personnel savings as a result of the service of 1,110 volunteers who contributed approximately 20,000 hours of volunteer service.
school field trip requests were processed for more than 2,000 children to visit parks as part of a shared user agreement with the Clarke County School District.
6,0 5 8 summer camp slots were filled.
...for another awa
add up... 49,806 total views on the www.athensclarkecounty. com/leisure homepage.
$ 1,1 0 6,1 3 4 in revenue was generated from fees and charges.
497 $2,953
parents completed the Department’s summer camp parent survey.
Ath Fest Educates Fall Art Grant to fund “A Rose that Grew in a Concrete Jungle” art program at East Athens Community Center.
works of art, in a wide variety of media, from 366 Athens area artists were submitted for the annual “Juried Exhibition” at Lyndon House Arts Center.
of the Southern United States’ most accomplished youth tennis players for the annual McDonald’s Bulldog Championships.
6,0 0 0 Clarke County School District elementary children received environmental science education from Sandy Creek Nature Center Staff.
background checks conducted on Department volunteers.
of camp survey respondents stated that camp was worth the fee charged.
items were checked out at the East Athens Community Center and Lay Park library branches.
$ 5 9,5 3 9 was generated in revenue for 965 picnic shelter rentals.
infinity Traveled millions of miles in the planetarium at Sandy Creek Nature Center.
rd winning year!
ALL OVER TOWN Leisure Services manages more than 3.5 percent of the county’s land; • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Approximately 2,000 acres of park land 85 bridges across the trails system spanning more than 1.5 miles 40 miles of trails 35 athletic fields 33 tennis courts 23 pavilions 20 acres of dog parks 16 playgrounds 15 outdoor basketball courts 5 pools 2 splash pads 2 theatres 1 art center 1 dance center 1 nature center 1 skate park 1 zoo
2,285 work orders completed 131,600 ml of liquid soap 12,000 60 gal trash bags 2,064 9’ rolls of toilet paper 486 rolls of paper towels 250 dead trees removed 187 certified playground inspections performed 78 bridge/board walks inventory assessment completed 999 staff hours were used to complete program animal enclosure construction at Bear Hollow Zoo 2,500 Recreation Division staff hours in athletic field preparation for Youth Sports Organizations
service highlights Throughout the year, Athenians had the opportunity to learn, create, and play with a variety of Department programming. Learn: Athenians love to learn and broaden their horizons! The Department provided opportunities to experience and learn something new – through the arts, natural resources, recreation, and sports. Perhaps summer camp is the department’s most recognizable seasonal program. Summer Camp isn’t just for fun, it is a tremendous classroom—sometimes inside, sometimes outside— where participants learned new skills, discovered new interests, and experienced memory making moments. Whether on stage, in a studio, in a zoo, a gym, or on the lake—camp took participants to new places and new experiences. Programming did not just take place within the Department facilities, as Sandy Creek Nature Center (SCNC) staff provided environmental science education to Clarke County School District elementary school students at school and at SCNC. Create: Athenians love their arts—on stage, in an exhibition, or in a class. Through Department programming and events, citizens had the opportunity to step in the spotlight on stage and create a character, take their place at an easel or pottery wheel to create a masterpiece, or create new choreography in a dance studio. Athenians took their seats at the historic Morton Theatre—quite literally—as patrons enjoyed many local and traveling performances at this historic landmark. Play: Athenians love to go outside! Whether they are kayaking, paddle-boarding, or picnicing at Sandy Creek Park or walking the miles of trails. The community uses its parks not just to play, but to help others. The park hosted 5Ks throughout the year with thousands of runners and walkers raising money for area non-profit organizations. Athenians enjoy making a splash! The five public pools and two splash pads kept Athenians cooler in the dog days of summer. Athenians enjoy a good game! Basketball, gymnastics, pickleball, softball, soccer, and tennis kept citizens moving throughout the year. The Department keeps the ball in the air or on the field through its partnerships with a variety of youth sports organizations including Athens Little League, Athens United Soccer, East Athens Little League, and Northeast Georgia Youth Football Conference, who played and practiced across the Department. So, for this upcoming year, decide where, when, and how you want to learn, create, and play with the Leisure Services Department… the choice is yours.
AWARDS The Envelope, Please…
FY16 Actual Expenditures
Utilities 11%
Non Capital 1% PR & Marketing 1%
Programming 53%
Vehicles 2% Indirects 2% Administration 17%
Maintenance 13%
In the past fiscal year, the Leisure Services Department was honored on the state and national levels with awards recognizing publications, staff, and volunteers. Georgia Recreation and Park Association’s State Publication Award: 40th Juried Exhibition Catalog (Lyndon House Arts Center) Georgia Recreation and Park Association’s District 7 Volunteer Award – Green Acres Baptist Church (East Athens Community Center) National Association for Interpretation: Outstanding Interpreter for Region 3 (southeastern United States and Puerto Rico) awarded to Michelle Cash, Sandy Creek Nature Center Naturalist
FY16 Actual Revenues
State of Georgia’s Adopt a Stream program: Recognized as a government agency for continued support of the state’s water quality monitoring program (Sandy Creek Nature Center)
Rental Fees 29% Camp Fees 15%
Program Fees 31%
Entrance Fees 23%
Donations & Merchandise Sales 2%
create play a t h e n s c l a r ke c o u n t y. c o m / l e i s u re ACC Leisure Services 205 Old Commerce Road Athens GA 30607