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1,325 graduates from across 72 certificate, diploma, apprenticeship and advanced diploma programs were recognized as graduates from Assiniboine Community College this June. After two years of postponed and modified events, the college offered traditional in-person graduation ceremonies this June.
“I feel very proud of the hard Worker at Willard Munson House work and dedication I put into in Ste. Rose. She plans to continue graduating. My children are able her studies in the Social Service to watch their mother succeeding Worker program next year. and thriving, and that is something “To pursue and complete an I hope to inspire more Indigenous “I have wanted to be a part of education journey takes a youth to do,” said Cinq-Mars. “I the health care system of caring significant effort. The adversity believe that by holding this space for people and their needs. I did of the past two years makes this as an Indigenous valedictorian, I try to work in other parts of that even more remarkable,” said am honouring those who never system but did not quite fit with Assiniboine president Mark had the chance to graduate in them until now. It took a long time Frison. “To persevere and succeed my family and plant the seeds of to get here. I have a wealth of in this environment speaks to the success to grow strong roots for experience and now the required resiliency and determination of my children.” knowledge. Thanks to Assiniboine, this graduating class. It’s an honour that door has been opened,” said to be returning to traditional This year’s graduation ceremony Renshaw, a Mature Student High graduation exercises where all in Brandon celebrated graduates School graduate. graduates, their families, friends completing programs at the and communities can celebrate college’s Victoria Avenue East and Renshaw is the first Mature these accomplishments together. North Hill campuses in Brandon, Student High School graduate to I look forward to the bright future Winnipeg campus, Portage la be named valedictorian, and joined ahead for the Class of ‘22.” Prairie campus, various community more than 40 graduates from sites, and those enrolled in Assiniboine’s Mature Student Valedictorian for the Brandon distance education. A second High School program celebrating ceremony, Alexis Cinq-Mars, ceremony in Dauphin saw 43 the completion of their studies this graduated from the Social Service students officially graduate from academic year. Worker diploma program and was seven programs delivered at engaged in many facets of college Parkland campus. The college also saw nearly 250 International students graduate life, including serving various roles with the Students’ Association and Parkland campus valedictorian, this year. being an Indigenous Peer Mentor. Karen Renshaw, says that since graduating she is working in her Assiniboine’s most recent dream job as a Resident Care Graduate Satisfaction and 20
Employment Survey shows that 92 per cent of graduates have jobs within nine months of completing their studies and make on average a gross annual salary of $46,000, with 93 per cent remaining in Manitoba. Each year, the Province of Manitoba awards a Governor General’s Medal to the student who has achieved the highest overall average in a diploma program. This year’s recipient is Fangshu Ma, a Social Service Worker graduate. The province also awards two Lieutenant Governor’s Silver Medals to students who have achieved outstanding academic performance and contributed in significant ways to the college and their community. This year’s recipients are Trevor Wilson, a Business Administration graduate and Sara Madill, a Land & Water Management graduate. Brandon's June 3 event also officially recognized Honorary Diploma recipients, Sylvia Mitchell and Paul Crane, who were announced in 2020.