Enrol in courses and programs that are designed to advance you in your current position, help you change careers as well as have you enjoy a new culinary experience, explore your creative side or improve personal wellness. Continuing Studies offers courses both on and off campus during the daytime, evenings and weekends. Courses are offered in Brandon as well as Dauphin, Carberry, Neepawa, Russell and Winnipeg. Visit our website to see what courses we are offering at our other locations. If you don’t find what you’re looking for, contact our office to share your ideas.
Course Index .. .................................................................................... 2 Agriculture AgExpert............................................................................................ 4 Prairie Horticulture ............................................................................... 3 Business Human Resource Management .............................................................. 5 Leadership Development ...................................................................... 6 Management Skills .............................................................................. 8 Business Workshops .............................................................................9 Cooking Demonstration Series ..........................................................................10 Hands-on Courses .............................................................................11 Fitness and Wellness Fitness and Wellness Courses .............................................................. 12 Gardening Master Gardener ...............................................................................13 Health Applied Counselling Skills ................................................................... 15 Nursing Foot Care ............................................................................ 16 Palliative Care ................................................................................. 17 Postgraduate Offerings for LPNs ........................................................... 18 Practical Nursing Bridging .................................................................. 19 Prerequisites for Practical Nursing Program ............................................. 24 First Aid Courses ............................................................................... 24 Postgraduate Courses for LPNs ............................................................ 24 Anatomy and Physiology 1 and 2 ........................................................ 25 Job Specific ..................................................................................... 26 Languages American Sign Language ................................................................... 27 Languages Document of Achievement ................................................... 28 IELTS .............................................................................................. 29 Personal Interest Personal Interest Courses .................................................................... 30 Photography .................................................................................... 31 Taxidermy ....................................................................................... 32 Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) TESOL ............................................................................................ 33 Technology Technology Courses .......................................................................... 34 Trades Trades Courses ................................................................................ 37 Administrative Policies ........................................................................ 38 How to Register ................................................................................ 39 Registration Form .............................................................................. 40
Front Cover:
Andrew was born and raised in Clanwilliam, MB and currently resides in Erickson with his wife, Alyse and children, Georgia and Dawson. He is employed as the Bulk Petroleum Manager for Heritage Co-op and is working on completing his Management Skills certificate through Continuing Studies in the evenings. In Andrew’s free time he enjoys Baseball and Curling. Andrew is a firm believer that knowledge is power and you can never learn too much.
COURSE INDEX A Taste of Greece ........................... 10 High Risk Feet – Clinical ................... 17 Safe Pesticides & Alternatives ............. 14 AgExpert Level 1 ............................... 4 High Risk Feet – Theory .................... 16 Scones and Such ............................ 11 AgExpert Level 2 ............................... 4 Hormones & Weight Loss .................. 12 Security Guard Training .................... 37 Air Brush Painting ............................ 32 Human Resource Legislation ............. 6,8 Sensational Seafood ........................ 10 American Sign Language .................. 27 Identifying Insects ............................ 14 Sociology ...................................... 19 Anatomy & Physiology 1 ................... 25 IELTS Test Preparation ....................... 29 Stained Glass Workshop .................. 30 Anatomy & Physiology 2 ................... 25 Internship for Master Gardener ........... 14 Starting Your Own Business ................. 9 Basic Computer Skills ....................... 34 Intravenous & Medications ................ 24 Sugar Myths & Super Foods .............. 12 Beef Demystified ............................. 10 Introduction to Taxidermy .................. 32 Tantalizing Thai .............................. 11 Beginners Photography Workshop ...... 30 Managing Pain and Symptoms .......... 18 TESOL Teacher Training .................... 33 Botanical Latin ................................ 14 Master Gardener Theory Exam .......... 14 The Cajun Experience ...................... 10 Coaching ........................................ 7 Math for Nurses .............................. 24 Time Management Workshop ............. 9 Common Plant Diseases ................... 14 Mediation ....................................... 7 Tree & Shrub Identification ................ 14 Communications – Leadership .............. 7 Medical Microbiology ..................... 19 Walk a Mile in My Moccasins ............. 7 Communications – Master Gardener ... 14 Medical Terminology 1 .................... 26 Word Basics 2013 Workshop .......... 35 Conversational Chinese .................... 28 Mosaic Bird House .......................... 30 Conversational French ...................... 28 Mosaic Stepping Stones ................... 30 Conversational Spanish .................... 28 Motivating and Inspiring Teams ............ 7 CPR/AED Level HCP ....................... 24 Natural Light Photography ................. 31 CPR/AED Level HCP Recert ............... 24 Night Photography .......................... 31 Customer Service Workshop ............... 9 Nursing Foot Care Introduction .......... 16 Diabetic Feet – Clinical .................... 17 Nutrition ........................................ 19 Diabetic Feet – Theory ...................... 17 One Smart World 4-D-i ...................... 7 East Coast Swing Dance .................. 12 Organizational Behaviour ................ 6,8 Easter Treats ................................... 11 Palliative Care Communication .......... 18 Effective Supervision .......................... 8 Palliative Care Intro ......................... 18 Excel Basics Workshop .................... 34 Photography 1 ................................ 31 Excel Formulas Workshop ................. 34 Photography 2 ................................ 31 FoodSafe 1 ................................... 26 Power Up ...................................... 34 FoodSafe 1 Recertification ................ 26 Power Engineering .......................... 37 Foot Assessment & Intervention ........... 16 QuickBooks 1 ................................ 34 Foot Care – Small Business ................ 17 QuickBooks 2 ................................ 35 Garden Fundamentals ...................... 14 Rug Making Demonstration ............... 32 204 725 8725
AGRICULTURE PRAIRIE HORTICULTURE DISTANCE Four western Canadian educational institutions - Assiniboine Community College, the University of Manitoba, the University of Saskatchewan and Olds College, have partnered to develop and deliver this program. Courses in the program can be used for certification purposes with the International Society of Arborists, Flowers Canada and the Horticulture Apprenticeship program in Saskatchewan.
2014-15 SCHEDULE Sep 22, 2014 Jan 19, 2015 Mar 30, 2015
You can select one course to broaden your knowledge, or earn your Prairie Horticulture certificate by completing 36 required and elective credits. Certificates are awarded by specialization, which include Fruit and Vegetable Production, Greenhouse Crop Production, Landscapes and Agriculture, and Nursery Crop Production.
FOR MORE INFORMATION Contact us at 800.862.6307 ext 6968 or for a copy of the information package.
Start of term one* Start of term two* Start of term three*
*Registration deadline is 10 days prior to start of term date.
AGRC-0017 AGRC-0029 AGRC-0033 AGRC-0069 AGRC-0022 AGRC-0024 AGRC-0025 AGRC-0028 BUSN-0124 MKTG-0049 HRMG-0018 AGRC-0026 AGRC-0019 AGRC-0031 AGRC-0030 AGRC-0070 AGRC-0071 AGRC-0072 AGRC-0023 AGRC-0020 AGRC-0018 AGRC-0032 AGRC-0021 AGRC-0027
Applied Botany Arboriculture Field Production/Floral Crops Floral Design* Fruit Production* Greenhouse Crop Production Greenhouse Environments Herbaceous Landscape Plants* Horticulture Business Mgmt* Horticulture Marketing* Human Resource Management* Indoor Landscaping* Integrated Plant Management Landscape Construction Landscape Design* Medicinal and Aromatic Plants* Nursery Crop Production* Post-Harvest Handling of Crops Propagation* Safe Work/Pesticides* Soils for Horticulture Turfgrass Management* Vegetable Production* Woody Landscape Plants
6 3 3 3 3 6 3 3 3 3 3 6 6 3 6 3 3 3 6 3 6 6 3 3
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$613 $475 $475 $464 $464 $525 $475 $475 $475 $475 $475 $613 $595 $495 $640 $464 $475 $475 $565 $475 $613 $595 $475 $475
*Additional textbook(s) and/or supplies are required. All fees are subject to change without notice. Contact the ACC Bookstore at 204.725.8700 ext 6788 or for detailed costs related to course materials.
AgExpert Level 1 AGRC-0172 Must have: Basic computer and bookkeeping skills
A hands-on course designed to enable you to set up a complete set of farm books using AgExpert Analyst software. Participants will enter financial and inventory transactions for a full fiscal year. Reports will be printed for both management (cash/accrual) and regulatory reporting (government program participation) purposes. • Manual is included in cost of tuition. • Please bring a USB to class. Tuition: $299 (plus GST) Instructor: Catharine M. Gijsbers, CGA Duration: 2 weeks/12 hours Start: Jan 10, 2015 Sat 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
AgExpert Level 2 AGRC-0173 Prerequisite: AGRC-0172 AgExpert - Level 1
Students must have the most up-to-date software and are encouraged to contact Farm Credit Canada at 306.775.4114 to purchase the required software.
A hands-on course designed to enable you to take advantage of advanced features in AgExpert Analyst software. Topics include: Getting More with AgExpert; Receivables and Payables; Management Tools; Year End; Bank Reconciliations; Payroll and AgriStability. Emphasis is placed on evaluating integrity of data reported from the database to government programs. You will have an opportunity to identify features to use in your own operations and to establish a plan for further skills enhancement. • Manual is included in cost of tuition. • Please bring a USB to class. Tuition: $299 (plus GST) Instructor: Catharine M. Gijsbers, CGA Duration: 2 weeks/12 hours Start: Mar 14, 2015 Sat 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
INTERESTED IN GARDENING? Learn more about gardening on page 13.
204 725 8725
BUSINESS HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT CERTIFICATE WHAT IT’S ALL ABOUT This program provides students with a good grounding in the human resource field. People wanting to obtain their Certified Human Resource Professional (CHRP) designation administered through the Human Resource Management Association of Manitoba (HRMAM) will gain many of the skills necessary to successfully complete the Knowledge Exam. Courses in this program are credit courses in the college’s Business Administration diploma program.
• Special admissions consideration may be requested from the Centre of Continuing Studies. This process includes a thorough review of previous education and relevant experience. • Students must obtain a minimum grade of C in all courses to complete the program.
PROGRAM CONTENT ACC will award a certificate to students completing a minimum of 27 credits. Planning to achieve this certificate? Please call 204.725.8725 to make an appointment with the Administrative Officer.
• You should possess a minimum of Grade 12 or GED equivalency. • Appropriate reading and writing skills are necessary as much of the course work involves written assignments. COURSE NAME
Managing the HR Function Organizational Behaviour Collective Bargaining Compensation Computer Systems Human Resource Legislation Labour Relations Staffing Training and Development Workplace Health and Safety
HRMG-0007 PSSY-0004
40 80
3 6
HRMG-0008 HRMG-0005 COMP-0006 HRMG-0003 HRMG-0010 HRMG-0006 HRMG-0034 WKRP-0020
40 40 40 40 40 40 80 40
3 3 3 3 3 3 6 3
● ●
Jan 27/15
● ● ● ● Jan 12/15 $399 ● ● ● ●
All fees are subject to change without notice. Costs do not include textbook(s) or course material(s). Contact the ACC Bookstore at 204.725.8700 ext 6788 or for detailed costs related to course materials.
WAIT A MINUTE... why was my course cancelled? Sometimes a great class is cancelled because people wait until the last minute to register. Sign up early – ten days before the course starts is ideal! If you change your mind, get busy at work, or your schedule changes, just give us a call at least five business days before the course starts, and we will be happy to give you a refund, less a $25 administrative fee. Sign up today!
Organizational Behaviour
Employees and employers alike benefit from knowing the laws that affect their working relationships. This course covers the laws affecting employer/employee and union/ management relationships. Topics include hiring, firing, vacations, wages, compensation and time for holidays, hours of work, overtime, sexual and other forms of harassment and discrimination as defined in the Human Rights Code, Employment Standards Code, Labour Relations Act and other labour/ management legislation. • Textbook required Tuition: $399 Instructor: Jill Watt Duration: 11 weeks/40 hours Start: Jan 12, 2015 Mon 6 - 10 p.m.
This course develops the students knowledge of behaviour science theory and concepts useful in organizations. Topics include perception, values and attitudes, foundations of group behaviour, teamwork, leadership, organizational culture and organizational change. • Textbook required Tuition: $619 Instructor: Eric Dowsett Duration: 14 weeks/80 hours Start: Jan 27, 2015 Tue/Thu 6:30 - 9:30 p.m.
Human Resource Legislation
DROPPING A COURSE When dropping a course you must contact Admissions and Registration by phone or in person. Emails will not be accepted. Please call 204.725.8701 or toll free at 800.862.6307 ext 4032.
LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT DOCUMENT OF ACHIEVEMENT WHAT IT’S ALL ABOUT The Leadership Development program intends to develop future leaders in order to achieve and maintain organizational excellence, respond quickly and effectively to change, and plan for succession through the creation of a talent pool. This program has six core elements.
• Special admissions consideration may be requested from the Centre of Continuing Studies. This process includes a thorough review of previous education and relevant experience.
PROGRAM CONTENT Assiniboine Community College will award a Document of Achievement to students completing all courses (48 hours of credits).
• You should possess a minimum Grade 12 high school diploma or GED equivalency. COURSE NAME
Coaching Communications – Leadership Mediation Motivating and Inspiring Teams One Smart World 4-D-i Profile Walk a Mile in My Moccasins
PEDV-0237 12 COMM-0318 6 PEDV-0240 12 PEDV-0239 6 PEDV-0238 6 ABOR-0018 6
● ● ● ● ● ●
Fall 2015 Fall 2015 Feb 18/15 Mar 05/15 TBA Apr 21/15
$399 $249 $399 $249 $249 $249
All fees are subject to change without notice. Costs do not include textbook(s) or course material(s). Contact the ACC Bookstore at 204.725.8700 ext 6788 or for detailed costs related to course materials.
204 725 8725
Motivating and Inspiring Teams
Stop managing tasks and start coaching people. This workshop will cover different aspects of coaching to create a culture that motivates employees, develops trust and rapport, and focuses on the intended outcomes. Tuition: $399 Instructor: Cec Hanec Duration: 12 hours Start: Fall 2015
Understand personal behavioural style in relation to working with and influencing others, dealing with change, as well as what motivates self and others. Appreciate, respect, hear, and empathize with others and understand the value that people of diverse strengths and viewpoints bring to the team. Look for mutual wins to motivate commitment and effective collaboration. Tuition: $249 Instructor: Karen Ridd Duration: 6 hours Start: Mar 05, 2015 Thu 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Communications – Leadership COMM-0318
Learn to catch problems early and resolve disagreements candidly and respectfully, even in the face of arguments and misunderstandings. Maximize input from people closest to the work (even those who have difficulty sharing information). Express the best ideas in a way that builds acceptance rather than resistance—including challenging the way things are currently being done. Make better decisions and take more committed action. Tuition: $249 Instructor: Bill Noyes Duration: 6 hours Start:
Fall 2015
Mediation PEDV-0240
Managers, supervisors and community leaders are faced with managing and helping people in conflict every day. When coaching individuals to address conflict on their own has not been successful, facilitating a mediation session between them is often the next best step. This workshop is specifically designed to teach a model that provides leaders with frameworks and skills to facilitate a mediation session between two people with whom they have a relationship and where there is vested interest in the outcome of the conflict. This course is essential professional development training for middle managers, human resource professionals, and natural born leaders. Tuition: $399 Instructor: David Dyck Duration: 12 hours Start: Feb 18, 2015 Wed/Thu 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
One Smart World 4-D-i PEDV-0238
The 4-D-i assessment delivers an all-in-one profile and self coaching system that integrates four key dimensions of high performance: creativity, understanding, decision making and personal spirit. Participants will use it as a fresh, powerful solution for self development, leadership and management development programs, performance coaching, team building, team selection and career management. • Materials are included in cost of tuition Tuition: $249 Instructor: Judy Pilling Duration: 6 hours Start: TBA
Walk a Mile in My Moccasins ABOR-0018
This is an Aboriginal awareness workshop that both public and private sector employees can benefit from. The workshop discusses Aboriginal history, Aboriginal culture and values, protocol and residential schools and its impact on the workplace. It is only by understanding Aboriginal people and who they are can we begin to build better relationships. This is an experiential workshop that allows the participants to understand, feel and imagine what it feels like to be an Aboriginal person in today’s society. It is a process of understanding why and how Aboriginal are where they are. Tuition: $249 Instructors: Louise Chippeway and Dan Highway Duration: 6 hours Start: Apr 21, 2015 Tue 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Learn about some of the instructors in this program: Bill Noyes
Bill’s 34-year career in education ranged from teaching high school English to primary French, and being Principal of three different schools including a K-6 French immersion school. As a school leader, his schools were known for innovation, happy students and happy teachers. Bill was involved in presenting P.D. workshops for 25 of those years, and in the pursuit of his own development completed an M.A. at the Leadership Institute of Seattle.
Cec Hanec
Cec Hanec, President, Owner of Cec Hanec and Associates Inc., is an acknowledged leader in innovative solutions and processes that energize and inspire businesses, organizations, government and individuals to be productive and successful drawing on her experience and expertise as a Leadership Coach, Personal Business Coach, Facilitator, Presenter and Trainer. Cec is certified as a Behavioural Analyst, (CBA), Values Analyst (CVA), TriMetrix™ HD Analyst (CPTA), Professional DNA™ Analyst (CPDA) for Talent Management, Job Benchmarking and Performance Coaching.
Karen Ridd
Karen Ridd is a mediator and educator with experience overseas and throughout North America. Karen has worked in the field of conflict resolution for 18 years, including the position of Training Coordinator for Mediation Services of Winnipeg. She has received numerous awards for her work, including the 1992 Governor-General’s Award, Government of Canada 125th Anniversary of Canadian Confederation Medal, the 1990 Canada YM/YWCA Peace Medal and the 1989 Manitoba International Human Rights Achievement Award.
David Dyck
David Dyck has been working and studying in the fields of conflict resolution and restorative justice for 20 years. David holds a Bachelor of Arts (1991) and Master of Arts (1999) in Conflict Resolution Studies and a Diploma in Mediation Skills. He has taught at the University of Prince Edward Island’s Centre for Conflict Resolution Studies and Eastern Mennonite University’s Summer Peacebuilding Institute.
MANAGEMENT SKILLS CERTIFICATE This program equips students with the practical knowledge and skills necessary for a successful career in business. Students will acquire the basic practical skills needed to perform competently as a manager in today’s business world.
• You should possess a minimum of Grade 12 or GED equivalency. • Appropriate reading and writing skills are necessary as much of the course work involves written assignments. COURSE NUMBER
• Students must obtain a minimum grade of C in all courses to complete the program.
• Special admissions consideration may be requested from the Centre of Continuing Studies. This process includes a thorough review of previous education and relevant experience.
ACC will award a certificate to students completing a minimum of 27 credits. Planning to achieve this certificate? Please call 204.725.8725 to make an appointment with the Administrative Officer.
Communications COMM-0006 80 6 Computer Systems COMP-0006 40 3 *Human Resource Legislation or HRMG-0003 40 3 Managing the HR Function HRMG-0007 40 3 Management Skill Development BUSN-0019 80 6
● ● ● Jan 12/15 ● ●
*NOTE: Labour Relations (HRMG-0010) will also be accepted, however this course has Managing the HR Function (HRMG-0007) as a prerequisite.
Effective Supervision Financial Accounting 1 Organizational Behaviour Recruitment and Selection Research and Report Writing Staffing
PEDV-0077 40 3 ACCT-0003 80 6 PSSY-0004 80 6 HRMG-0012 40 3 COMM-0232 40 3 HRMG-0006 40 3
● May 12/15 $399 ● ● Jan 27/15 $619 ● ● ●
All fees are subject to change without notice. Costs do not include textbook(s) or course material(s). Contact the ACC Bookstore at 204.725.8700 ext 6788 or for detailed costs related to course materials.
Human Resource Legislation
Effective Supervision
Organizational Behaviour
Employees and employers alike benefit from knowing the laws that affect their working relationship. This course covers the laws affecting employer/employee and union/ management relationships. Topics include: hiring, firing, vacations, wages, compensation and time for holidays, hours of work, overtime, sexual and other forms of harassment and discrimination as defined in the Human Rights Code, Employment Standards Code, Labour Relations Act and other labour/ management legislation. • Textbook required Tuition: $399 Instructor: Jill Watt Duration: 14 weeks/40 hours Start: Jan 12, 2015 Mon 6 - 10 p.m.
Newly appointed supervisors and those already in a middle management position develop constructive skills and techniques in employee relations, problem solving, attitudes, motivation and delegation. Students also learn skills to develop confidence in their role as supervisors. • Textbook required Tuition: $399 Instructor: Eric Dowsett Duration: 7 weeks/40 hours Start: May 12, 2015 Tue/Thu 6:30 - 9:30 p.m.
This course develops students’ knowledge of behaviour science theory and concepts useful in organizations. Topics include perception, values and attitudes, foundations of group behaviour, teamwork, leadership, organizational culture and organizational change. • Textbook required Tuition: $619 Instructor: Eric Dowsett Duration: 14 weeks/80 hours Start: Jan 27, 2015 Tue/Thu 6:30 - 9:30 p.m.
AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT Register at least 10 days early to ensure a seat in the class for you and for the class to not be cancelled.
REGISTER TODAY! 204 725 8725
Customer Service Workshop
Starting Your Own Business
Time Management Workshop
Learn the importance of customer service in establishing and maintaining customer relationships internally and externally. Topics include meeting customer needs and expectations, appreciating how the operating environment of an organization affects customer satisfaction, and managing for customer satisfaction. Tuition: $69 (plus GST) Instructor: Hailey Williamson Duration: 3 hours Start: Apr 08, 2015 Wed 6:30 - 9:30 p.m.
This workshop will help you determine whether entrepreneurship is right for you. Participants will be walked through the steps of starting their own business. The focus will be on choosing the right business structure, creating a business plan, licence and registration requirements and understanding the government reporting responsibilities (i.e. setting up GST and PST, taxation and financial records). Tuition: $69 (plus GST) Instructor: Tania Neufeld, CGA Duration: 3 hours Start: May 07, 2015 Thu 6:30 - 9:30 p.m.
Are you managing your time efficiently? Assess your current time demands and time management practices and identify strategies and techniques to improve your approach. Tuition: $69 (plus GST) Instructor: Hailey Williamson Duration: 3 hours Start: Feb 12, 2015 Thu 6:30 - 9:30 p.m.
Looking For Microsoft Office Training? Check Out Page 34!
Coming in 2015...
A CONFERENCE FOR MANAGERS AND SUPERVISORS! Take a break from the office and spend an uninterrupted day with your fellow professionals. This will be a full day of training that will enhance your leadership skills and increase your success in your management or supervisory role. Join us on March 12, 2015 Visit often for updates.
These courses are for those students who want to sit back and relax while learning and being entertained. The courses will be offered in the state-of-the-art Manitoba Canola Growers Culinary Theatre at the Manitoba Institute of Culinary Arts (MICA). Students will be trying all of the dishes that our Chef prepares. Skip dinner and spend the evening with us!
A Taste of Greece
Beef Demystified
Sensational Seafood
A trip to Greece may not be in the stars for you right now, but A Taste of Greece is right around the corner. The Greek diet is the perfect example of traditional Mediterranean eating which is based around a variety of colorful and flavorful foods that are nutritious and healthy. Tuition: $75 (plus GST) Instructor: Ben Hernandez of Remington’s Seafood and Steakhouse Duration: 2 hours Start: Apr 22, 2015 Wed 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Understand the red meat you purchase as well as determine which cut is best suited to the dish you are preparing. Join us in the culinary theatre as our chef demonstrates how to easily prepare a number of beef inspired dishes. Tuition: $75 (plus GST) Instructor: Derek May Duration: 2 hours Start: Mar 12, 2015 Thu 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Experience fish and seafood recipes that are big on flavour and easy on your budget. Our chef will teach you techniques that you will be able to use to create impressive dishes. Tuition: $75 (plus GST) Instructor: Derek May Duration: 2 hours Start: Apr 09, 2015 Thu 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
The Cajun Experience COOK-0247
Our chef will be sharing his secrets on preparing delicious Cajun dishes. When thinking of Cajun or Creole cuisine, the spice should be second, flavor is always first. Tuition: $75 (plus GST) Instructor: Derek May Duration: 2 hours Start: Feb 18, 2015 Wed 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
REFUND POLICY Get to know our Refund Policy before you register! Find it on page 38.
204 725 8725
The following participatory courses are for those individuals who want to learn how to prepare food first-hand and would like to participate in a fun and relaxing evening with our experienced chefs.
Easter Treats
Tantalizing Thai
Impress your friends and family with an Easter inspired cake and other themed treats. • Please bring an apron and 2 8” or 9” round cakes of your choice (for best results bring frozen). Tuition: $89 (plus GST) Instructor: Sharon Alexander of Sweet Temptations Duration: 3 hours Start: Mar 11, 2015 Wed 6:30 - 9:30 p.m.
Thailand’s food needs little introduction. It’s abundance of exotic flavours and fragrances make it among the most coveted of international cuisines. In this hands-on course our chef will lead you in preparing several Thai recipes. Tuition: $89 (plus GST) Instructor: Tim Taylor Duration: 3 hours Start: Feb 25, 2015 Wed 6:30 - 9:30 p.m.
Scones and Such COOK-0254
The culinary cousin to the muffin, scones can be a terrific breakfast or teatime snack. Learn techniques for sweet or savory scones as well as other delectable treats. • Please bring an apron and containers to take home your treats. Tuition: $79 (plus GST) Instructor: Sharon Alexander of Sweet Tempations Duration: 2 hours Start: Feb 19, 2015 Thu 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Meet Sharon: Sharon started Sweet Temptations Bakery in 1987 and has just closed her storefront this year. She is well known for her made from scratch baking with delicious results. Sharon has experience in and enjoys all aspects of baking and cake decorating and is looking forward to semi-retirement and spending extra time with her family.
DROPPING A COURSE When dropping a course you must contact Admissions and Registration by phone or in person. Emails will not be accepted. Please call 204.725.8701 or toll free at 800.862.6307 ext 4032. 11
Hormones & Weight Loss
Sugar Myths & Super Foods
Learn to lead and learn to spin. It’s a great way to stay in shape, have fun with your partner, and increase your enjoyment of social events. East Coast Swing is a lively upbeat dance that is quite easy to learn. It can be danced to many types of music such as country, swing, rock and roll, and current top 40 hits. All skill levels welcome. • Priced per person, please register in pairs. Tuition: $109 (plus GST) Instructors: David Long and Robyn Long Duration: 8 weeks/8 hours Start: Jan 20, 2015 Tue 7 - 8 p.m.
Hormones are the chief executives of the body that govern our sex lives, stress lives and immune response. Research has implicated hormonal imbalance in everything from breast cancer to short-term memory loss as well as what we eat, why we eat it and what happens to the body once the food is ingested. When you picked up that doughnut you weren’t just having a weak moment; you were obeying your team of internal managers. Learn how hormones affect health and weight loss and how to balance them. Tuition: $55 (plus GST) Instructor: Louise Hersak Duration: 2 hours Start: Jan 28, 2015 Wed 7 - 9 p.m.
Do you often crave sweets? Binge on carbs? Sugar is the new controlled substance, over eating can simply add extra unnecessary calories to your day or even lead to diabetes, obesity, or inflammation. Learn blood sugar balancing super foods, proper consumption of carbohydrates, debunk common sugar myths and how to safely and effectively detox from a diet high in sugar. Tuition: $55 (plus GST) Instructor: Louise Hersak Duration: 2 hours Start: Feb 18, 2015 Wed 7 - 9 p.m.
Learning lots of dance moves with lots of practice time – good balance! — Lyndsey (Dance classes with David & Robyn Long)
Meet Louise: Louise Hersak has been working in the natural health industry for 7 years. Natural health with a focus on dietary changes and proper nutrition has always made sense to her since she began to learn about it over the past few years. Louise studied through the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition. Working as a Holistic Nutritionist, she currently runs a nutritional consulting practice in Brandon, MB. The body has the ability to heal itself. With a focus on body, mind and soul we can promote healing and restore balance through diet and simple lifestyle changes.
204 725 8725
MASTER GARDENER DOCUMENT OF ACHIEVEMENT WHAT IT’S ALL ABOUT The Master Gardener program is open to anyone with an interest in gardening. It is an opportunity to learn, share gardening experience and develop friendships through community volunteerism. Master Gardeners take pride in achieving their certification and continue to share their knowledge with others in their community.
HOW IT WORKS Students begin by paying an application fee of $99. The application fee includes a program text (Sustainable Gardening), all administrative and final examination fees. Students must then register and complete all seven courses that are listed in the table below. An internship of 40 hours of volunteer time must be completed before students are permitted to write the final exam. Students may begin accumulating COURSE NAME
hours any time after they pay their application fee. These hours can be acquired in many ways, including but not limited to, volunteering in a community garden, delivering presentations and writing articles. Mail your completed log sheet to the Centre of Continuing Studies; these hours must be approved in order to write your exam. After you complete all seven courses and your internship you may write the Master Gardener Theory Exam. This is a take-home, open book exam based on material from the program text and core courses.
PROGRAM CONTENT Assiniboine Community College will award a Document of Achievement to students completing the program. Students must complete all courses, including an internship of 40 hours and a final exam. For more information please call 204.725.8700 ext. 6028 or 800.862.6307 ext 6028. LOCATION
Garden Fundamentals Winnipeg $219 Gerald Dieleman AGRC-0229 (12 hrs) Garden Fundamentals Brandon $219 Lord Abbey AGRC-0229 (12 hrs) Botanical Latin Winnipeg $99 Warren Otto AGRC-0165 (3 hrs) Botanical Latin Brandon $99 Katherine Buckley AGRC-0165 (3 hrs) Common Plant Diseases Winnipeg $99 Andy TeKayz AGRC-0230 (3 hrs) Common Plant Diseases Brandon $99 Marci Bomford AGRC-0230 (3 hrs) Identifying Insects Winnipeg $139 Carla Zelmer AGRC-0163 (6 hrs) Identifying Insects Brandon $139 Danielle Tichet AGRC-0163 (6 hrs) Safe Use of Pesticides Jan 17, 2015 Winnipeg $99 Taz Stuart AGRC-0231 (3 hrs) 1 - 4 p.m. Safe Use of Pesticides Brandon $99 Danielle Tichit AGRC-0231 (3 hrs) Communications Feb 07, 2015 Winnipeg $139 Lilian Tankard COMM-0202 (6 hrs) 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Communications Brandon $139 Rick Baker COMM-0202 (6 hrs) Tree & Shrub ID Mar 07, 2015 Winnipeg $139 Michael Allen AGRC-0160 (6 hrs) 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Tree & Shrub ID Brandon $139 Marci Bomford AGRC-0160 (6 hrs) All fees are subject to change without notice.
Botanical Latin
Garden Fundamentals
Master Gardener Theory Exam
Note: This course is a prerequisite for other core
Note: This course is a prerequisite for other core
Prerequisites: All Master Gardener courses
Botanical Latin is the language developed for the naming and description of plants. This workshop is designed for those who have no knowledge of classic Latin. Understanding botanical Latin will assist you with selecting plants for your landscape.
Learn the science of gardening. Understanding basic horticulture will help answer many common gardening problems and help you to become a better gardener. Learn the basics of soils, climate, plant nutrition, botany, mulches and watering. This course include lectures, discussions, slide shows, and hands-on activities to aid understanding and give practical skills to use outside of the classroom.
After a period of self-directed study, students write an open book exam based on ACC’s reference textbook for Master Gardener, Sustainable Gardening and the material covered in the courses.
Learn how to identify common diseases found in the landscape. Disease life cycles, prevention and control will be discussed.
Communications – Master Gardener AGRC-0202
As Master Gardeners, we’re often visible in the community sharing our horticultural knowledge with other gardening enthusiasts. This Master Gardener core course will give you the tools to hone your verbal and written communication skills.
WHAT DID YOU LIKE MOST ABOUT THIS COURSE? The slideshow, videos and Warrren’s ability to provide a historical perspective. — Krystee (Botanical Latin)
Identifying Insects AGRC-0163
Learn how to differentiate one insect from another and to determine which insects are beneficial and which are potentially harmful.
Internship for Master Gardener AGRC-0232
This internship provides students with hands-on experience to develop skills acquired through the course workshop series. Credit is based on successful completion of a minimum of 40 hours of relevant volunteer work experience. The volunteer hours can be started at any time during the program. After your hours have been approved you will be required to pay your internship fee.
Safe and intelligent pesticide practices minimize harm to you and the environment. This three hour course covers pesticide formulations, toxicity, persistence, labelling and safety practices. Prevention is always the best defence so alternatives to pesticide use are also discussed.
Tree and Shrub Identification AGRC-0160
This course focuses on trees and shrubs commonly used in landscape design. Students will be taught how to use a dichotomous key and will observe specialized plant features that help distinguish each species.
Convenient, Affordable, and Effective. Take ed2go courses from the comfort of your home or office at the times that are most convenient for you. We offer you hundreds of engaging online courses for adults, covering every topic from A-Z Grantwriting to Web Design. Each ed2go course comes equipped with a patient and caring instructor, lively discussions with your fellow students, and plenty of practical information that you can put to immediate use. 204 725 8725
Common Plant Diseases
Safe Pesticides and Alternatives
WHAT IT’S ALL ABOUT This program enables students to develop proficiency in basic counselling skills as well as provide the knowledge to aid others in their search for personal growth and healthy relationships. Students will develop basic counselling skills in areas that include general counselling, cross-cultural communication, and family and youth issues. This program has a September intake.
• You should possess a minimum of Grade 12 or GED equivalency. • Appropriate reading and writing skills are necessary as much of the course work involves written assignments. Some courses require students to write and research assignments, term papers and projects. • It is recommended that applicants have prior experience (minimum of 75 hours) in a counselling-related field. • Students must obtain a minimum grade of C+ in all courses to continue and complete the program.
• Special selection program requirements: applicants must provide the Centre of Continuing Studies with a package containing a resumé, two personal references, a Criminal Record Check, a Child Abuse Registry Check and a hand written application essay. Visit our website for more information
ACC will award a certificate to students completing 27 credits of classroom theory and a 120 hour (3 credit) practicum. Courses in the chart are shown in the order in which they must be taken. Contact the Centre of Continuing Studies office at 204.725.8725 or email to receive an information package.
Communications Skills Counselling Skills Theory Legal & Ethical Issues Assessment & Intervention Cultural Adaption & Counselling Family Counselling Skills Counselling Children & Youth Aboriginal Counselling Group Facilitation Counselling Practicum
COMM-0132 PSSY-0031 LAWG-0024 PSSY-0045 PSSY-0033 PSSY-0034 PSSY-0032 PSSY-0053 PRAC-0069 PRAC-0057
50 50 25 40 40 50 40 40 40 120
$499 $499 $279 $399 $399 $499 $399 $399 $399 $599
* Tuition is subject to change All fees are subject to change without notice. Costs do not include textbook(s) or course material(s). Contact the ACC Bookstore at 204.725.8700 ext 6788 or for detailed costs related to course materials.
Meet Applied Counselling Skills Graduate, Barry French: Attending Applied Counselling Skills had a dual purpose for me. I found the theory and classroom discussions guided my practical application of counselling skills over time and gave me both confidence and competence in working with offenders and staff. The other element was in choosing to take this course with my wife as a classmate. Not only did we turn our attendance into a date night of sorts, but it gave us the opportunity to grow in understanding and ability together and to practice on the kids (but don’t tell them!). As I will be retiring soon, we have started planning on how we can actually work together in offering program delivery and counselling/life skills coaching and have found some good potential opportunities. Being in the company of so many other adult learners was also empowering. After the initial getting to know you phase, we all coalesced into a positive working group which enhanced the learning and made it a lot of fun at the same time. It also helped that our instructors tended to be leaders rather than directors in our learning. 15
NURSING FOOT CARE DOCUMENT OF ACHIEVEMENT This program introduces the principles and practices of foot care as defined and established by the College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Manitoba (CLPNM), Nursing Foot Care Standards. Participants will be introduced to anatomy, structure and function of the lower extremities. Nursing assessment of the lower extremities, common foot afflictions, tools and the interventions necessary for safe and effective basic nursing foot care will be explored. Assessment and use of foot care instruments and products, gait differentiations, footwear, consultation and referral of clients, and evaluating the effectiveness of foot care, footwear and client education are included.
Students will have the opportunity for supervised application of foot care theory and skills in both the classroom and the clinical area.
WHAT YOU NEED TO SUCCEED • Nursing diploma or certificate (current registration with CLPNM, CRNM, CRPN) and relevant experience. • Students must obtain a minimum grade of A in all courses to complete the program.
PROGRAM CONTENT ACC will award a Document of Achievement to students completing all seven courses outlined in the chart below, in the order as shown.
HLTH-0218 HLTH-0219 HLTH-0228 HLTH-0229 HLTH-0230 HLTH-0231 HLTH-0232
24 32 20 16 20 16 20
1.5 3 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
Nursing Foot Care Introduction Foot Assessment and Intervention High Risk Feet - Theory High Risk Feet - Clinical Diabetic Feet - Theory Diabetic Feet - Clinical Foot Care - Small Business
● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Feb 17/15 Mar 31/15 May 26/15 Jun 27/15 Sep 15/15 Oct 17/15 Fall 2015
$339 $409 $289 $249 $289 $249 $289
All fees are subject to change without notice. Costs do not include textbook(s) or course material(s). Contact the ACC Bookstore at 204.725.8700 ext 6788 or for detailed costs related to course materials.
Nursing Foot Care Introduction
Foot Assessment and Intervention
High Risk Feet – Theory
Prerequisite: Nursing diploma or certificate (current registration with CLPNM, CRNM, CRPN) and relevant experience. Please submit copy of active licence at time of registration and be prepared to present original licence on first day of course
Prerequisite: HLTH-0218 Nursing Foot Care Introduction
Prerequisite: HLTH-0219 Foot Assessment and Intervention
Foot Assessment and Intervention introduces students to the assessment techniques as well as the nursing interventions commonly used in foot care. This course will build on knowledge acquired in course one. Tuition: $409 Instructor: Susan Johnston Duration: 4 weeks/32 hours Start: Mar 31, 2015 Tue 6 - 9 p.m.
This course will provide an advanced understanding of intrinsic conditions which place an individual at risk for developing foot complications. Students will develop an understanding of the principles of padding/off-loading to prevent pressure and/or relieve pain. Indications and contraindications of nail packing will be discussed as well as applying the technique. This course will build on the information learned in Foot Assessment and Intervention. Recognizing existing and potential problems beyond one’s nursing scope of practice will be revisited. Tuition: $289 Instructor: Susan Johnston Duration: 2 weeks/20 hours Start: May 26, 2015 Tue 6 - 9 p.m.
Nursing Foot Care Introduction provides an overview of the general principles of foot care. This course focuses on anatomy and physiology of the lower limb, common foot care pathologies, as well as documentation practices. Tuition: $339 Instructors: Susan Johnston Duration: 3 weeks/24 hours Start: Feb 17, 2015 Tue 6 - 9 p.m.
ATTENTION EMPLOYERS Need safety training in the workplace? • See First Aid courses on page 24 • Check out Foodsafe 1 on page 26
Can’t find the safety training you are looking for? Call us at 204.725.8725 and we can set up customized training for your staff. 204 725 8725
Diabetic Feet – Theory
Foot Care – Small Business
Prerequisite: HLTH-0228 High Risk Feet - Theory
Prerequisite: HLTH-0229 High Risk Feet - Clinical
Prerequisite: HLTH-0231 Diabetic Feet - Clinical
Students will have the opportunity to implement the theory learned in High Risk Feet - Theory to a clinical practicum. • Times may change Tuition: $249 Instructor: Susan Johnston Duration: 16 hours Start: Jun 27, 2015 Sat/Sun 7:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
This course provides an advanced understanding of how this systemic disease affects the entire body. Of all the systemic diseases, diabetes causes more non-traumatic amputations than any other. Peripheral Vascular Disease, neuropathy, increased risk of infection, ulcers and Charcot Foot can have a devastating effect on the person with diabetes. Although all persons with diabetes are at risk for foot ulcers, this course takes a close look at some key factors that increase the likelihood of diabetic foot ulcers including diabetic foot screening and risk level evaluation. Tuition: $289 Instructor: Susan Johnston Duration: 2 weeks/20 hours Start: Sep 15, 2015 Tue 6 - 9 p.m.
This course will prepare the learner to develop an appreciation of entrepreneurship and learn what it takes to launch your own business. Starting a business is an exciting and rewarding undertaking. Gain an understanding of management and business topics ranging from computerized accounting to organizational skills. The presence of nursing practice safeguards, such as policies and procedures for the specific nursing service being offered (ie: foot care services) must be in place. Nurses in independent practice are guided by nursing legislation; provincial standard of nursing practice and the professions code of ethics. Tuition: $289 Instructors: Tania Neufeld Susan Johnston Duration: 2 weeks/20 hours Start: Fall 2015
High Risk Feet – Clinical
Diabetic Feet – Clinical HLTH-0231
Prerequisite: HLTH-0230 Diabetic Feet - Theory
When dropping a course you must contact Admissions and Registration by phone or in person. Emails will not be accepted. Please call 204.725.8701 or toll free at 800.862.6307 ext 4032.
Students will have the opportunity to implement the theory learned in Diabetic Feet – Theory to a clinical practicum. Tuition: $249 Instructor: Susan Johnston Duration: 16 hours Start: Oct 17, 2015 Sat/Sun 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Hospice palliative care is both challenging and rewarding for the care provider who plays a critically important role in facilitating quality care for those living with a terminal illness – the patient, and his or her family and loved ones. A holistic approach to the study of care at the end of life enables graduates to consider the physical, psychological, practical, social, cultural and spiritual aspects of the dying and death experience and support therapeutic interventions.
This is a post-graduate certification. Students must be a graduate with a recognized certificate, diploma, or degree in a related health field. To apply to the program, applicants must submit a Centre of Continuing Studies Registration Form, with copies of health-related credentials to
PROGRAM CONTENT ACC will award a Certificate of Achievement to students completing 18 credits. Note that Palliative Care Intro must be taken first, and the Palliative Care Practicum can only be taken once all other courses have been completed.
Palliative Care Intro Caring for the Whole Person Dying – Grief – Bereavement Ethics in Palliative Care Managing Pain and Symptoms Palliative Care Communication Palliative Care Practicum
HLTH-0233 HLTH-0213 HLTH-0211 HLTH-0212 HLTH-0217 HLTH-0210 HLTH-0216
40 40 40 40 40 40 120
3 ● 3 ● 3 ● 3 ● 3 ● 3 ● 3 ●
Feb 01/15
Feb 01/15 Feb 01/15
$495 $495
All fees are subject to change without notice. Costs do not include textbook(s) or course material(s). Contact the ACC Bookstore at 204.725.8700 ext 6788 or for detailed costs related to course materials.
Palliative Care Communication
Palliative Care Intro
Prerequisite: HLTH-0233 Palliative Care Intro
Prerequisite: HLTH-0233 Palliative Care Intro
This course will examine patients’ needs in pain control and symptom management within the context of a multidisciplinary team. Basic pharmacology and clinical aspects of pain/ symptom management will be explored using current research approaches. The phenomena and classification of pain will be investigated and incorporated into history taking and pain assessment frameworks. Holistic and complementary therapies will be examined. • Textbook required Tuition: $495 Instructor: Tracey Hanson Duration: 4 months Start date Feb 01, 2015 End date: May 31, 2015 Register by: Jan 20, 2015
This course studies the methods and skills for promoting effective communication in hospice/palliative care. Communication within the provider-patient relationship is fully explored. Recognizing that the patient and family is the unit of care, learners examine ways of supporting family members through active, non-judgmental listening. Communication on the multidisciplinary-team is also reviewed with the goal being to foster good team practice. • Textbook required Tuition: $495 Instructor: Melissa Peters Duration: 4 months Start: Feb 01, 2015 End: May 31, 2015
Must have: This is a post-graduate certification. Students must be a graduate of a recognized certificate, diploma, or degree in a related health field. Submit these documents with your application to Admissions and Registration.
Register by: Jan 20, 2015
This web-based course will provide learners with a historical overview of palliative care and examine death in Canadian society. The values, principles, philosophies and goals of palliative care will be fully explored. Current approaches, trends and models of service delivery will be reviewed with consideration given to cultural/religious factors. Resources, including current research and other learning materials, will be examined with the goal being to improve learner awareness and access to relevant information. • Textbook required Tuition: $495 Instructor: Melissa Peters Duration: 4 months Start: Feb 01, 2015 End: May 31, 2015 Register by: Jan 20, 2015
POSTGRADUATE OFFERINGS FOR LPNS DISTANCE EDUCATION These post grad courses provide LPN’s the opportunity to upgrade in one or more areas. Students must have proof of current active/practicing license.
FOR MORE INFORMATION 800.862.6307 ext 6022 or 204.725.8700 ext 6022
HLTH-0255 PRAC-0059 HLTH-0224 HLTH-0253 PRAC-0058 HLTH-0254 HLTH-0257 PRAC-0060 HLTH-0256 PRAC-0061 PRAC-0070 HLTH-0096 HLTH-0174 HLTH-0011
Community Nursing Community Setting Clinical Ethics in Nursing Health Care System Health Prevention Clinical Health Prevention/Promotion Maternal and Newborn Mother and Newborn Clinical Pediatric Nursing Pediatric Clinical Pharmacology Clinical Pharmacology Lab Pharmacology Theory Physical Health Assessment
7 2 3 8 4 8 7 1 7 1 1 2 3 3
Jan/May/Sept Jan/May/Sept Jan/May/Sept Jan/May/Sept Jan/May/Sept Jan/May/Sept Jan/May/Sept Jan/May/Sept Jan/May/Sept Jan/May/Sept Jan/May/Sept Jan/May/Sept Jan/May/Sept Jan/May/Sept
4 2 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 1 2 4 4
months weeks/80 hours months months weeks/60 hours months months week/40 hours months week/40 hours week/40 hours days/15 hours months months
$495 $325 $495 $595 $495 $595 $495 $285 $495 $285 $285 $429 $495 $650
All fees are subject to change without notice. Costs do not include textbook(s) or course material(s). Contact the ACC Bookstore at 204.725.8700 ext 6788 or for detailed costs related to course materials.
204 725 8725
Managing Pain and Symptoms
As the Practical Nursing program at ACC is now a two-year diploma program, the Centre of Continuing Studies is offering three courses that will bridge a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) with a certificate to a diploma. Students must meet the following two requirements:
Get a head start on the Practical Nursing program offered at ACC. These courses can be taken now and applied to the Practical Nursing diploma. For more information about the Practical Nursing Bridging program, please call the School of Health and Human Services at 204.725.8730 or toll free at 1.800.862.6307 ext 6228.
1. Active practicing licence from the College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Manitoba (CLPNM) PROGRAM CONTENT 2. Graduate of the Practical Nursing certificate program at ACC ACC will award a diploma to students completing all three courses (Brandon, Winnipeg, or any ACC rotating site) outlined in the chart below and who have met the two requirements previously stated. HEALTH
Medical Microbiology Nutrition (Online Delivery) Sociology (Online Delivery)
SCIE-0073 HLTH-0236 PSSY-0079
60 40 40
3 3 3
TBA $599 Feb 01/15 $495 Mar 01/15 $495
● ● ●
All fees are subject to change without notice. Costs do not include textbook(s) or course material(s). Contact the ACC Bookstore at 204.725.8700 ext 6788 or for detailed costs related to course materials.
Medical Microbiology
This course focuses on the types of microbes and their interactions with humans. Emphasis is given to the physiology of microorganisms, body responses to disease and the effects of microbes on organ systems. Labs consist of hands on experience with microscopes, animations and videos of microbiology lab techniques and results, sample collections and virtual lab experiences. • Textbook required
Explore the relationship between food and its use by the body for energy, structure, and optimal health. Study the body’s normal nutritional needs and recommended daily dietary allowances for calories, carbohydrates, protein, fats, vitamins and minerals. Engage in course theory to consider concepts related to medical conditions evaluate nutrition throughout the lifespan and in prevention of diseases. • Textbook required
This course explores the process of socialization, and discusses how culture affects the totality of our lives. Learners examine social deviance and social control and look at the social dynamics of racial, ethnic, and minority groups in our society. The processes and effects of social stratification are discussed. • Textbook required
In the Classroom Tuition: Instructor: Duration: Start:
$599 TBA 15 weeks/60 hours TBA
By Distance
Tuition: $495 Instructor: Sharon Demers Duration: 3 months Start: Feb 01, 2015 End: Apr 30, 2015 Register by: Jan 20, 2015
Your welcome letter will be emailed to your ACC student email account before the start date.
By Distance
Tuition: $495 Instructor: Sharon Demers Duration: 3 months Start: Mar 01, 2015 End: May 31, 2015 Register by: Feb 20, 2015
In the Classroom Tuition: Instructor: Duration: Start:
$399 Eric Dowsett 14 weeks/40 hours Feb 23, 2015 Mon 6:30 - 9:30 p.m.
CUSTOMIZED TRAINING For more information on customized training for your employees contact us today. Phone: 204.725.8725 Toll-free: 800.862.6307 ext. 6002
The Centre of Continuing Studies can offer your organization the opportunity to design training that suits the unique needs of your business. If one of your employees attended a workshop at one of our campuses and thought it would be perfect to bring back to their co-workers or employees, we can bring that training to you or customize it to your specific business, non-profit organization or industry.
and offer your employees professional training in an educational setting.
Our team is experienced in adult education and we deliver results. We can organize a half or fullday session or longer. We can provide the training at your workplace or you can come to the college
We also offer team building opportunities in the kitchen with our Corporate Culinary Team Building packages. For more information on these, please flip to page 4 of this brochure.
Our experienced facilitators who are experts in their fields will cater to your industry and company’s needs for training. Whether you are looking for a specific skill set or a team building session, we will customize training for your group that fits your schedule.
Some examples of training sessions that we have done include: • • • • • • • • • • • •
Social Media CPR/First Aid/Standard First Aid/ Emergency First Aid FoodSafe 1 Conflict Management Corporate Culinary Challenge (see next page) WHMIS Customer Service Training Time Management Canvas Painting Ethics in the Workplace Microsoft Office 2010: Access / Word / Excel / MS Project Trades Qualification Training: Welding / Plumbing / Carpentry / Truck / Transport Mechanic
• • • • • • • • • • • • •
Applied Building Construction Heavy Duty Mechanic Communication at Work Belly Dancing Generations in the Workplace Effective Business Meetings Blueprint Reading Attitudes in the Workplace Serving it Safe Web Page Design Dealing with Difficult People Effective Meetings Balancing Work and Home
WHAT DID YOU LIKE MOST ABOUT THE COURSE? We covered little things that we can use every day that will save time. — Randy (Customized Training - Computer Skills)
Build your skills and your team’s with Continuing Studies at ACC!
CULINARY TEAM BUILDING EXPERIENCE MANITOBA INSTITUTE OF CULINARY ARTS (MICA) We offer a unique team building, networking experience for your group at our North Hill Campus. The Manitoba Institute of Culinary Arts is listed as a Manitoba historic building. The large state of the art kitchen coupled with the Manitoba Canola Growers Culinary Theatre will be sure to impress visitors. We invite you to engage employees or teams in a unique rewarding experience that will build lasting memories. Choose from our course options or create your own custom experience. Dates are dependent on availability of the facility.
Demonstration Style
If your group is pressed for time - or if they don’t care to get their hands dirty - schedule a cooking demonstration. Our instructor will prepare a meal in our Manitoba Canola Growers Culinary Theatre while participants sit back, relax and enjoy samplings. Up to 25 people
Wow, what a night! To say the least we were impressed and had a great time. The staff was awesome. — MNP
Pasta Palooza
Teams will be challenged to create their own special pasta including various sauces and add-ons. You will love this event for its simplicity and flavour! Up to 20 people
Cupcake Challenge
Who doesn’t love cupcakes? Bake your team’s cupcakes from scratch, creating your own unique flavour profile. Decorate and design your finished cupcakes for the judging panel. Up to 20 people
These are a sample of our most popular offerings. Please call for more details on the culinary team building and to customize your package. Jodi Madill Centre of Continuing Studies 204.725.8700 ext. 6028 4
This course provides an overview of CPR and AED skills needed to recognize and react to airway, breathing and circulation emergencies and to understand the importance of early CPR and early defibrillation. • Textbook included in cost of tuition For course details, see First Aid courses on this page.
Math for Nurses MATH-0014
This 15-hour course prepares individuals with the basic mathematical skills that are required for the pharmacology courses in the Practical Nursing diploma program. Topics include fractions, decimals, ratios and metric conversion; students learn how to apply these core math skills to specific nursing situations. A passing mark of 95% must be achieved. • Course pack included in cost of tuition.
In the Classroom Tuition: Instructor: Duration: Start:
$169 (plus GST) Steven Miller 3 weeks/15 hours Apr 15, 2015 Mon/Wed 6:30 - 9:30 p.m.
May 11, 2015 Mon/Wed 6:30 - 9:30 p.m.
Jun 08, 2015 Mon/Wed 6:30 - 9:30 p.m.
For healthcare professionals and students (nurses, paramedics, emergency medical responder, allied healthcare providers and physicians, etc.) who require CPR as a prerequisite through Workplace Safety and Health regulations. This course provides an overview of CPR and AED skills needed to recognize and react to airway, breathing and circulation emergencies and to understand the importance of early CPR and early defibrillation. • Textbook included in the cost of tuition Tuition: $109 Instructor: TBA For upcoming dates visit our website or call 204.725.8725.
CPR/AED Level HCP Recert. HLTH-0053 Prerequisite: Proof of attendance at a CPR/AED level HCP course or recertification within approximately the previous 12 months
This Canadian Red Cross course is designed for those who are required to renew their skills annually to fulfill Workplace Safety and Health regulations. • Review material prior to course start Tuition: $69 Instructor: TBA For upcoming dates visit our website or call 204.725.8725.
Intravenous and Medications HLTH-0086 Must have: Proof of current active/practicing registration from one of the following professional organizations: LPN, RN or RPN.
This course teaches the principles of intravenous therapy. Anatomy and physiology of underlying structures are reviewed. Various routes of access are covered. Initiation of IV is practiced along with medication and blood administration. Skills and techniques are practiced in a lab setting. Tuition: $259 Instructor: Melissa Peters Duration: 2 weeks/16 hours Start: TBA
WHAT DID YOU LIKE MOST ABOUT THIS COURSE? It was thorough and easy to understand. — Julianna (CPR/AED Level HCP)
By Distance
Tuition: $169 (plus GST) Instructor: Steven Miller Duration: 3 months Start: Monthly Register by: The 20th of the month before
Check for updates or course changes at Follow the link to Recently Added.
204 725 8725
Your welcome letter will be emailed to your ACC student email account before the start date.
ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY 1 and 2 DISTANCE DELIVERY Although this course was originally developed for use in the Practical Nursing program at ACC, it is credited for use by several institutions in their science and/or nursing degree programs. These courses are offered at a university level and follow the approved Health Education Alliance Core Curriculum used by colleges and universities in Manitoba. The online distance education format enables students to complete these courses without leaving their community and without attending classes full-time. Students log onto an internet classroom called Moodle.
Students interact with each other and their instructor through email, moodle, discussion boards, and online conferences. Students perform actual dissections at home, using step-by-step instruction and videos as a guide. Dissection kits and specimens are available through the ACC Bookstore. All tests are provided online. Because of the nature of online delivery, students are expected to have strong literacy skills and good computer skills before enrolling in online learning.
FOR MORE INFORMATION 800.862.6307 ext 6002 or 204.725.8725
SCIE-0005 SCIE-0006
Anatomy and Physiology 1 Anatomy and Physiology 2
6 6
Sep/Jan Sep/Jan
4 months 4 months
$749 $749
All fees are subject to change without notice. Costs do not include textbook(s) or course material(s). Contact the ACC Bookstore at 204.725.8700 ext 6788 or for detailed costs related to course materials.
Anatomy and Physiology 1
Anatomy and Physiology 2
Learners need to comprehend normal body structure and function in order to provide safe and competent care to the client. The structure of the human body and the physiology of the various systems are examined and discussed. Pathologies are explored. • Textbook required
Prerequisite: SCIE-0005 Anatomy and Physiology 1
Online Delivery
Tuition: $749 Instructor: Bruce Palmer Duration: 4 months Start: Jan 01, 2015 End: Apr 30, 2015 Register by: Dec 20, 2014
This is a continuation of Anatomy and Physiology 1, where various systems are discussed concurrently with the study of structure. • Textbook required
Online Delivery
Tuition: $749 Instructor: Bruce Palmer Duration: 4 months Start: Jan 01, 2015 End: Apr 30, 2015 Register by: Dec 20, 2014
DISTANCE DELIVERY REFUND POLICY Full tuition minus a $25 administration fee will be refunded if the course is dropped before the course start date. If the college cancels the course, students will receive a full refund. The course will be deleted from the student’s record and will not appear on the transcript. 80% of tuition will be refunded if the course is dropped by day 10. The course will be marked with a VW on the student’s transcript, indicating voluntary withdrawal. No credit for any fees will be granted for any courses dropped between day 11 and 50% of the course schedule. The course will be marked with a VW on the student’s transcript, indicating voluntary withdrawal. Courses cannot be dropped after 51% of the course has elapsed. The course will appear on the student’s transcript with a non-passing grade. 25
FoodSafe 1
Medical Terminology 1
This seminar, delivered by Manitoba Health, is a must for owners, managers, supervisors, chefs, cooks and other personnel responsible for purchasing, handling, preparing, and serving food. It is a nationally-recognized seminar that addresses the relationship between microbiology and food-borne illness, safe food handling, personal hygiene habits, effective cleaning and sanitizing of equipment and utensils, and measures to ensure a clean, safe food service operation. Participants who pass the examination receive a certificate which is valid for five years. Textbook included in cost of tuition. Tuition: $89
This course is of interest to people wishing to acquire basic medical terminology for use in a variety of medical clinics, hospitals, workers compensation or insurance claims offices. This is a systems approach to learning medical terms related to the body and associated pathological conditions. • Textbook required Tuition: $399 Instructor: Melissa Peters Duration: 13 weeks/40 hours Start: Jan 22, 2015 Thu 7 - 10 p.m.
FoodSafe 1 Recertification COOK-0152
This session is for people who require recertification in FoodSafe 1. Registrants will write the exam during a one-hour time slot. A valid FoodSafe 1 Certificate must be presented on the day of recertification. Tuition: $59
WHAT DID YOU LIKE MOST ABOUT THIS COURSE? It was very Informative. — Valerie (FoodSafe 1)
COURSES Date Course Location
Jan 15, 2015
FoodSafe 1
Brandon Provincial Building (340 - 9th Street)
9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Victoria Ly
Feb 02, 2015
FoodSafe 1
Brandon Provincial Building (340 - 9th Street)
9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Kathleen Martin
Feb 24, 2015
FoodSafe 1
Russell ACC (404 Russell St. E. - Major Pratt School)
9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Stephen Yeo
Feb 24, 2015
FoodSafe 1 Recert. Brandon ACC (1430 Victoria Ave. E.)
7 - 9 p.m.
Brad Kelso
Mar 04, 2015 FoodSafe 1 Recert. MB Telehealth Session* (150 McTavish Ave. E. - 1 - 3 p.m. Brandon Regional Health Centre in the Nurses Residence)
April Gravelle
Mar 05, 2015 FoodSafe 1
MB Telehealth Session* (150 McTavish Ave. E. - Brandon Regional Health Centre in the Nurses Residence)
9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
April Gravelle
Apr 09, 2015 FoodSafe 1
Killarney Mall (530 Williams Ave. - Blarney Stone Conf. Room)
9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Bine Ramsden
Apr 16, 2015
FoodSafe 1
Dauphin ACC (520 Whitmore Ave. E.)
9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Stephen Yeo
Apr 16, 2015
FoodSafe 1
Brandon Provincial Building (340 - 9th Street)
9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Kathleen Martin
Apr 20, 2015
FoodSafe 1 Recert. Brandon ACC (1430 Victoria Ave. E.)
7 - 9 p.m.
Brad Kelso
May 07, 2015 FoodSafe 1
Neepawa ACC (Location is TBA)
9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Kathleen Martin
May 09, 2015 FoodSafe 1
Brandon ACC (1430 Victoria Ave. E.)
9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Brad Kelso
Jun 11, 2015 FoodSafe 1 Recert. MB Telehealth Session* (150 McTavish Ave. E. - Brandon Regional Health Centre in the Nurses Residence)
1 - 3 p.m.
April Gravelle
Jun 12, 2015 FoodSafe 1
MB Telehealth Session* (150 McTavish Ave. E. - Brandon Regional Health Centre in the Nurses Residence)
9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
April Gravelle
Jun 23, 2015
Brandon ACC (1430 Victoria Ave. E.)
9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Brad Kelso
FoodSafe 1
*Note: MB Telehealth sessions use video-conferencing facilities located at 21 different community sites across the region on a rotating basis: Baldur, Brandon, CFB Shilo, Dauphin, Deloraine, Grandview, Hamiota, Killarney, McCreary, Neepawa, Rivers, Roblin, Russell, Shoal Lake, Ste. Rose du Lac, Swan River, Virden and Winnipegosis. Please visit our website for information on what sites are for what date. Schedule is under Industrial Certification. 204 725 8725
The Vista Signing Naturally program prepares students to converse in American Sign Language (ASL), a visual-spatial language used extensively throughout English-speaking North America by members of the deaf community. This is a standardized curriculum that teaches signing and grammar, and provides information on the deaf culture. The program consists of two levels, each level consisting of three 40 hour courses. Each level is progressively more demanding and will require increasing degrees of skill.
• Students must obtain a minimum grade of C in all courses to complete the program.
American American American American American American
Sign Sign Sign Sign Sign Sign
Language Language Language Language Language Language
ASL101 ASL102 ASL103 ASL201 ASL202 ASL203
COMM-0047 COMM-0048 COMM-0049 COMM-0050 COMM-0051 COMM-0052
40 40 40 40 40 40
PROGRAM CONTENT ACC will award a Document of Achievement to students completing the first three courses (120 hours/9 credits) and a Certificate of Achievement to students completing all six courses (240 hours/18 credits). Courses in the chart are shown in the order in which they must be taken.
3 3 3 3 3 3
● ● ● ● ● ●
Fall 2015 Fall 2015 Mar 09/15 Fall 2015 Fall 2015 Winter 2016
$399 $399 $399 $399 $399 $399
All fees are subject to change without notice. Costs do not include textbook(s) or course material(s). Contact the ACC Bookstore at 204.725.8700 ext 6788 or for detailed costs related to course materials.
American Sign Language ASL 103 COMM-0049 Prerequisite: COMM-0048 American Sign Language ASL102
Students at this level are able to increase their fluency and to critically self-evaluate their conversation with additional practice in confirming and clarifying conversation strategies. They also practice descriptive and locative classifiers along with the correct specialization and eye gaze. Students use the same textbook as American Sign Language ASL101. Tuition: $399 Instructor: Lorie Beaney Duration: 8 weeks/40 hours Start: Mar 09, 2015 Mon/Wed 6:30 - 9 p.m.
DROPPING A COURSE When dropping a course you must contact Admissions and Registration by phone or in person. Emails will not be accepted. Please call 204.725.8701 or toll free at 800.862.6307 ext 4032.
The languages Document of Achievements are for anyone wanting to learn all three levels of a specific language whether for personal interest or professional. The Document of Achievements are available for Chinese, French and Spanish.
• Students must obtain a minimum grade of C in all courses to receive a Document of Achievement.
PROGRAM CONTENT ACC will award a Document of Achievement to students completing the first three courses (90 hours of credit) of French, Spanish or Chinese.
Conversational Chinese 1 Conversational Chinese 2 Conversational Chinese 3
COMM-0241 COMM-0261 COMM-0288
30 30 30
$319 $319 $319
Conversational French 1 Conversational French 2 Conversational French 3
COMM-0059 COMM-0060 COMM-0061
30 30 30
$319 $319 $319
Conversational Spanish 1 Conversational Spanish 2 Conversational Spanish 3
COMM-0067 COMM-0068 COMM-0069
30 30 30
$319 $319 $319
All fees are subject to change without notice. Costs do not include textbook(s) or course material(s). Contact the ACC Bookstore at 204.725.8700 ext 6788 or for detailed costs related to course materials.
MAILING LIST Sign up for our email list and be the first to hear about newly scheduled courses! Email us at to be added to the list. Live in or near Neepawa, Russell or Dauphin? Let us know and we will add you to your local mailing list.
204 725 8725
Please call us with your bright ideas. 204.725.8725
LANGUAGE COURSES EAL for Canadian Citizens This course improves developing English learners’ command of the language with equal emphasis on listening, speaking, reading and writing. Lessons in grammar, pronunciation, Canadian culture, reading and writing are exercised in this course through individual and group activities. English skills in this course help students to communicate outside of the classroom in their workplace and within the community. • Textbook required Please call 204.725.8725 to be put on an interest list. We will contact the interest list once dates are scheduled.
Test Dates 2014/2015 The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is the world’s most popular and secure English proficiency test. It assesses all of your English skills - reading, writing, listening and speaking. ACC is proud to be an official testing centre for IELTS. IELTS is jointly owned by The British Council, IDP: IELTS Australia and University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations. IELTS tests are available on up to 48 dates a year. Tests are normally taken on Saturdays, with some sessions on Thursdays. If you are interested in Thursday testing, please email The Listening, Reading and Writing tests are all taken on the same day. The Speaking test can take place up to seven days before or after the other papers; this is determined by the Centre. The following test dates are available at Assiniboine Community College in Brandon or Winnipeg. To register for an IELTS test, it is preferred that you complete your online application at least 5 weeks before the test date. Refunds and transfers will only be permitted prior to 5 weeks before the test date. Online registration can be completed at http://ielts.britishcouncil. org/assiniboine. The application deadline with submitted payment and identification is one week prior to the test. The test centre will confirm your IELTS test date and time. If the speaking test is to be on a different day, the centre will tell you this.
IELTS Test Preparation COMM-0326
Improve your score on the International English Language Testing System (IELTS). Become familiar with the structure of the test, learn test-taking strategies specific to the IELTS and practice with an instructor. The course will review all four components: listening, reading, writing and speaking. Special emphasis will be given to the grammar structures, vocabulary items and sentence patterns important to the IELTS. Students will also get the opportunity to have an instructor give individualized feedback on student performance for the tested skills. • Textbook required Please call 204.725.8725 to be put on an interest list
For more information email or visit our web site
Registration Deadline
10th | *31st
January 3rd | January 24th
*14th | 28th
February 7th | February 21st
March 7th
April 11th
May 23rd
Test dates bolded are held at the Winnipeg Campus Unit 87 - 1313 Border Street Winnipeg MB. * Indicates Academic only tests. Tests that are not bolded will be held at 1430 Victoria Avenue East Brandon MB IELTS is jointly owned by: The British Council, IDP: IELTS Australia and University of Cambridge ESOL examinations
Beginners Photography Workshop
Mosaic Bird House
Mosaic Stepping Stones
Learn how to create a pretty new home for birds. Using a wooden birdhouse, you will adhere china and stained glass to the house and finish with the grouting process. • Please bring your lunch. Supplies to be purchased from instructor at the start of class for $15.00. Tuition: $69 (plus GST) Instructor: Chrisy Rempel Duration: 3.5 hours Start: May 23, 2015 Sat 10 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Create a simple mosaic design on a concrete stepping stone using stained glass, small tiles, glass baubles and mirrors or any combination. Once the glue is set, the project will be finished with the grouting process. • Supplies to be purchased from instructor at the start of class for $15.00. Tuition: $69 (plus GST) Instructor: Chrisy Rempel Duration: 3.5 hours Start: Apr 18, 2015 Sat 10 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Learn how to take better pictures in this fun course. Understand your DSLR camera’s features and learn some basic composition techniques. Master your camera settings, be inspired with creative techniques and explore the potential of your flash. Students will complete assignments during the class. • Bring your DSLR camera and its manual. Be sure your camera battery is fully charged as you will be using it. Tuition: $69 (plus GST) Instructor: Jamie Lynn Willey Duration: 3 hours Start: Apr 07, 2015 Tue 6:30 - 9:30 p.m.
Stained Glass Workshop CRAF-0153
Example of a Stained Glass Window that you could make in the Stained Glass Workshop.
Learn a new hobby with this stained glass workshop for beginners. Students will learn how to cut, grind, foil and solder a stained glass window approximately 6.5” x 11”. This is a great way to learn the art of this colourful hobby. All materials and use of tools are included in the tuition. Students who have previous experience can arrange with the instructor to work on advanced projects. Tuition: $190 (plus GST) Instructor: Prairie Stained Glass Duration: 8 hours Start: Mar 21, 2015 Sat 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Sun 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
ATTENTION EMPLOYERS Learn how many of our workshops and classes can be customized and delivered at your site. Call 204.725.8725 for information on Customized Training.
204 725 8725
These photography courses will expose students to a variety of techniques that will stimulate their curiosity and imagination. Students will gain knowledge of the basic technological aspects of photography as well as more advanced techniques employing computer imaging.
ACC will award a Document of Achievement to students completing 110 hours of credit.
Photography 1 Photography 2 Photoshop 1 Photoshop 2
CRAF-0013 CRAF-0060 CRAF-0152 CRAF-0181
18 18 18 18
Baby and Newborn Photography Flower Photography Landscape Photography Natural Light Photography Night Photography Photoshop 3 Photography and Design Photography and Design 2 Studio Lighting Wedding Photography
CRAF-0278 CRAF-0252 CRAF-0230 CRAF-0256 CRAF-0299 CRAF-0194 CRAF-0255 CRAF-0280 CRAF-0279 CRAF-0274
4 8 8 3 2.5 18 6 6 12 7.5
● Jan 28, 2015 ● April 2015 ● Fall 2015 ●
$219 $219 $219 $219
● ● ● ● Mar 24, 2015 $69 ● Mar 14, 2015 $59 ● ● ● ● ●
All fees are subject to change without notice.
Beginners Photography Workshop CRAF-0232
Learn how to take better pictures in this fun course. Understand your DSLR camera’s features and learn some basic composition techniques. Master your camera settings, be inspired with creative techniques and explore the potential of your flash. Students will complete assignments during the class. • Please note this course is not included in the Photography Document of Achievement. • Bring your DSLR camera and its manual. Be sure your camera battery is fully charged as you will be using it. Tuition: $69 (plus GST) Instructor: Jamie Lynn Willey Duration: 3 hours Start: Apr 07, 2015 Tue 6:30 - 9:30 p.m.
Natural Light Photography CRAF-0256
Transform your outdoor photos into a work of art. Enhance your skills in this hands-on, outdoor course that focuses on using natural light to your benefit in portrait photography and how to find the best light. Bring your cameras, lenses and any other photography equipment you may have. Students will be on location to shoot for 1.5 hours or as daylight allows, followed by a review of the images. Tuition: $69 Instructor: Jamie Lynn Willey Location: Carberry Duration: 3 hours Start: Mar 24, 2015 Tue 6 - 9 p.m. 31
Night Photography
Photography 2
You will learn how light affects everything, especially for night photography. Know how to prep for a low light shoot including shooting in a dimly lit room. Other topics will include light painting and manipulating long shutter speeds. Please bring your camera and tripod. Tuition: $59 Instructor: Jamie Lynn Willey Duration: 2.5 hours Start: Mar 14, 2015 Sat 7:30 - 10 p.m.
Prerequisite: CRAF-0013 Photography 1
Photography 1 CRAF-0013
This course is designed for people who have limited knowledge of the 35 mm camera and how to use it. Your 35 mm camera (film or digital SLR) must have interchangeable lenses or have settings you can change to manual mode. The course covers camera controls, how to get the proper exposure, auto focus, lenses, composition, filters, special effects, close-up photography, matting and flash. Tuition: $219 Instructors: Jim Atkinson/TBA Duration: 6 weeks/18 hours Start: Jan 28, 2015 Wed 7 - 10 p.m.
This course is designed to explore photographic topics with a hands-on approach. Some of the topics to be covered include quality and type of light, texture, macro photography, selective focus, action photography and portrait lighting. Students are encouraged to share their work and to discuss constructively the work of fellow classmates. Shoots are arranged according to the wishes of participants. • This course is held at Crocus Plains Secondary School, north doors on the west side. Bring your tripod to the first class. Tuition: $219 Instructor: Jim Atkinson and Darlene Perkin Duration: 6 weeks/18 hours Start: April 2015 Watch for dates in our Spring/Summer guide.
WHAT DID YOU LIKE MOST ABOUT THIS COURSE? Easy to follow and excellent instruction. — Bruce (Photography 1) Opened my eyes on the whole process. Awesome learning experience. — Kylee (Photography 1)
What It’s All About
Program Content
Taxidermy can be done on all types of animals, including mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, and amphibians. This program provides students with the practical knowledge and skills required for a career in taxidermy.
Assiniboine Community College will award a certificate to students completing the required 304 hours of credit. Planning to achieve this certificate? Please call 204.725.8725 to make an appointment with the Administrative Officer.
What You Need to Succeed • Students must obtain a minimum grade of C in all courses to complete the program. COURSE NAME
Air Brush Painting Finishing Work Guide Training Introduction to Taxidermy Operating a Taxidermy Business Rug Making Demonstration The Art of Bird Mounting The Art of Fish Mounting The Art of Game Head Mounting The Art of Horn Mounting The Art of Large Animal Mounting The Art of Small Animal Mounting
CRAF-0295 16 CRAF-0293 8 CRAF-0297 16 CRAF-0276 8 CRAF-0296 CRAF-0294 28 CRAF-0292 36 CRAF-0291 40 CRAF-0290 40 CRAF-0287 28 CRAF-0289 48 CRAF-0288 32
● Mar 14, 2015 ● ● ● Jan 24, 2015 ● ● Jan 31, 2015 ● ● ● ● ● ●
$99 $459
Air Brush Painting
Introduction to Taxidermy
Rug Making Demonstration
Students will learn the basics in airbrush painting in relation to taxidermy. Tuition: $265 Instructor: Terry Ledoux Duration: 16 hours Start: Mar 14, 2015 Sat/Sun 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
This course will give an overview of what The student will learn how to prepare and will be learned in the program, as well as a measure; skin, flesh, salt and tan; stretch, tack, history, definition and description of taxidermy, mark and trim the hide; attach felt and finish a summary of those species most often the mount. mounted; the care and handling of specimens; Tuition: $459 the use of forms, tools and other materials; Instructor: Terry Ledoux suppliers; provincial and federal standards and regulations; resource materials, texts, and Duration: 2 weeks/28 hours Jan 31, 2015 associations. Students will be graded on their Start: participation. Sat/Sun 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Tuition: $99 Instructor: Terry Ledoux Duration: 8 hours WHAT DID YOU LIKE MOST ABOUT THIS COURSE? Start: Jan 24, 2015 It was really good knowledge and the Sat 10 a.m. - 6 p.m
instructor is great. —Wade (Intro to Taxidermy)
READY TO GRADUATE? Ready to graduate? Are you finished all of your courses in your certificate program? You can log on to MyACC at any time to look at your course history. If you are finished your program call 204.725.8725 or email us at to receive your Application to Graduate form today!
204 725 8725
TESOL Teacher Training
The number of TESOL opportunities continues to increase as the use of English as the language of business, science and technology spreads globally. There are opportunities worldwide in private language schools, elementary and secondary schools and post-secondary education. The countries with TESOL opportunities include Japan, Korea, Taiwan, China, Latin America, Europe and the Middle East as well as in Canada.
WHAT YOU NEED TO SUCCEED • Schools look for candidates who enjoy people, have good communication skills and want to learn about different cultures. A TESOL certificate and a Bachelor’s degree* are also generally required.
This course is an introductory English as a Second Language (ESL) teacher training course that will provide you with the tools, strategies and knowledge to be successful as an English language teacher. The course places a strong emphasis on practical teaching skills and uses pair work, small group work, class discussions and teaching demonstrations to enhance each participant’s learning experience. This classroom experience, combined with a 20-hour practicum, will provide you with an ACE TESOL certificate that is a professional, internationally recognized ESL teaching credential. • Textbooks required • Course pack included in the cost of tuition. Call to be added to an interest list to be notified of upcoming dates.
*Not all opportunities require a Bachelor’s degree.
Obtain the qualifications and skills to teach English abroad or in Canada Over 700 teacher graduates from around the world since 2001 in this program 98% student satisfaction on course evaluations since 2008 An affordable ESL teaching credential A strong focus on practical teaching skills Learn the most current teaching methodologies Recognized by TESL Canada, the national body for ESL teaching
Do you have a passion that you would like to share others in the Westman area? If yes, then we could love to hear from you about becoming an instructor in the Centre of Continuing Studies. We are currently seeking instructors in many areas and have had specific requests for bartending, do-it-yourself home improvements, AutoCAD and language courses. If you desire to share your expertise with others, have good communication skills and are able to speak in front of groups, then we would like to hear from you. Previous experience instructing adults or facilitating groups would be an asset. If you are interested in joining our team of talented instructors, please forward your resume, including your area(s) of interest and qualifications to 33
Basic Computer Skills
Excel Basics Workshop
Power Up
Learn basic computers skills! This course is great if you have very limited knowledge of computers. You will learn how to use a computer as well as some of the applications. Topics will include but are not limited to Windows, Word, Internet and email. Tuition: $109 (plus GST) Instructor: Deanna Wolfe Duration: 6 hours Start: Apr 11, 2015 Sat 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
This workshop examines basic functions of Excel 2010. This includes navigation in the worksheet, entering, editing and formatting data, using Autofill and rearranging the workbook. Tuition: $59 (plus GST) Instructor: Deanna Wolfe Duration: 2.5 hours Start: Mar 19, 2015 Thu 7 - 9:30 p.m.
Assiniboine Community College is pleased to partner with the Manitoba Women’s Directorate to offer Power Up. This is an introductory computer course for Manitoba women designed to teach the basics of word processing, Windows, Internet and e-mail. Course consists of 15 hours of training with an instructor in a computer lab. Tuition: FREE (Registration still required) Instructor: Deanna Wolfe Duration: 4 weeks/15 hours Start: Feb 26, 2015 Mon/Thu 7 - 9:30 p.m.
Meet Deanna Wolfe: Deanna Wolfe has been working with Microsoft Office programs for over 15 years. Even after graduating with a Computer Applications Honours diploma she felt the need to learn more. She received her Microsoft Certified Trainer and Microsoft Office Masters Specialist Certificate in 2013. She is enthusiastic, full of energy and enjoys sharing her tips and tricks with everyone she can, Deanna continues to learn through her role at the Centre for Learning and Innovation at Assiniboine Community College.
Apr 28, 2015 Tue 7 - 9:30 p.m.
Excel Formulas Workshop
QuickBooks 1
Learn the how to create formulas and have Excel do the work for you. Topics include basic formulas, rules, more advanced formulas such as conditional, reference, math, trigonometry and statistical. Our experienced instructor will explain the various formula combinations and help evaluate which types will work best for you. Tuition: $59 (plus GST) Instructors: Deanna Wolfe Duration: 2.5 hours Start: Mar 25, 2015 Wed 7 - 9:30 p.m.
Must have: computer experience and a basic understanding of bookkeeping
Students learn how to set up a company file, enter opening balances, cash accounting, set up for accounts payable and accounts receivable. • Course pack included in cost of tuition Tuition: $229 Instructor: Tania Neufeld, CGA Duration: 5 weeks/20 hours Start: Jan 13, 2015 Tue 6 - 10 p.m.
WHAT DID YOU LIKE MOST ABOUT THIS COURSE? I use this program at work and this course is very helpful! Instructor has practical hints! — Karolina (Quickbooks) Interactive, informative and pertinent to my workplace! — Susan (Excel Basics Workshop)
204 725 8725
QuickBooks 2 COMP-0193 Prerequisite: COMP-0159 QuickBooks 1
This level of QuickBooks looks at the more advanced features of using this computerized accounting program. Topics include managing and tracking inventory, handling NSF cheques, bad debt, sales taxes and GST, remitting taxes to the government, tracking credit card transactions and cash flow, and working capital. • Students use the same text as QuickBooks 1 Tuition: $229 Instructor: Tania Neufeld, CGA Duration: 5 weeks/20 hours Start: Mar 03, 2015 Tue 6 - 10 p.m.
Word 2013 Basics Workshop COMP-0162
COMPUTER KEYBOARDING Do you want to improve your computer keryboarding skills? Call 204.725.8725 to be added to an interest list. If we have enough people we will schedule a Computer Keyboarding course.
Learn the basics of using Word 2013. You will be introduced to the basic commands, functions, and capabilities of this version of Word or have recently upgraded to 2013. This is designed for computer users who are new to word processing or have recently upgraded to 2013. • Basic computer keyboarding required. Tuition: $59 (plus GST) Instructor: Deanna Wolfe Duration: 2.5 hours Start: May 27, 2015 Wed 7 - 9:30 p.m.
Step into the spotlight! Mark May 12, 13 or 15th, 2015 on your calendar! (Each day will be the same. It is repeated over three days to allow for front line staff to attend one day) More information available soon! 35
Plan A Girl’s Night Out!
Enjoy the evening out with your friends and family learning something new. Here are a few suggestions: • Mosaics • Cooking courses • Communicating with Angels • Photography • Canvas Painting • Learn to Meditate If you have an idea, we’ll make it happen! Call 204.725.8725 for more information or suggestions to make your next girls night fabulous!
If you desire to share your expertise with others, have good communication skills and are able to speak in front of groups, then we would like to hear from you. Previous experience instructing adults or facilitating groups would be an asset. If you are interested in joining our team of talented instructors, please forward your resume, including your area(s) of interest and qualifications to
Convenient, Affordable, and Effective. Take ed2go courses from the comfort of your home or office at the times that are most convenient for you. We offer you hundreds of engaging online courses for adults, covering every topic from A-Z Grantwriting to Web Design. Each ed2go course comes equipped with a patient and caring instructor, lively discussions with your fellow students, and plenty of practical information that you can put to immediate use.
204 725 8725
Do you have a passion that you would like to share others in the Westman area? If yes, then we could love to hear from you about becoming an instructor in the Centre of Continuing Studies. We are currently seeking instructors in many areas and have had specific requests for bartending, do-it-yourself home improvements, languages and AutoCAD.
TRADES Security Guard Training With Marc Alain WRKP-0022
Prerequisites: A current and favourable Adult Criminal Record/Vulnerable Sector Check and Provincial Child Abuse Registry Check submitted the first night of class as well as Grade 12 (Senior 4) or GED equivalency or special admissions
This course is designed for those who are entering the security profession. It will provide the core skills and training for those who will be involved in special event security, building security, or those wishing to further their studies in law enforcement and/or criminology. This course follows the training requirements of the Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB) and includes topics such as professionalism, legal authorities, report writing, self-defence, and associated legislation. Students must attain a minimum grade of B in order to complete the course. • Course material included in cost of tuition. Tuition: $465 Instructor: Marc Alain
Duration: Start:
10 weeks/40 hours Feb 04, 2015 Wed 6 - 10 p.m.
Power Engineering Power Engineers are in high demand in Manitoba, and if you’re self-motivated, responsible, and enjoy the technical challenge then this may be the career for you. As a power engineer, you’ll be responsible for efficiency, operation and safety for all sorts of industrial equipment, like steam engines, air compressors, boilers and turbines. Our program focuses on the operation and maintenance of this equipment, as well as mathematics, mechanics, combustion, thermodynamics and instrumentation. Our part-time program is designed to prepare you to take the Standardized Power Engineering Examination. Grads are ready to work in building or industrial complexes, with responsibilities for heating and air conditioning, refrigeration and fire systems. There are positions in hospitals, government agencies, school divisions, regional health authorities and manufacturing plants—anywhere that maintains complex industrial systems. Call 204.725.8725 or toll free 800.862.6307 ext. 6002 for more information 37
ADMINISTRATIVE POLICIES For further information, contact the Centre of Continuing Studies at 204.725.8725 or 800.862.6307 ext 6002
Courses offered through the Centre of Continuing Studies at Assiniboine Community College are designed to assist adults in improving their vocational skills, learning new skills and facilitating personal growth and development.
TEXTBOOKS AND SUPPLIES All students should expect that courses require a textbook, supplies or appropriate safety equipment. The bookstore hours are Monday to Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. For information on textbooks, call 204.725.8721 or visit TRANSCRIPTS Students who achieve a document of achievement, certificate of achievement or certificate will receive a transcript. Transcripts reflect your official academic record. Marks can be viewed online at The college also maintains a permanent computer file. Additional transcripts can be purchased online. FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE Students enrolled in some certificate programs may be eligible for loans and grants through the government Student Aid Program. For more information, contact the Awards Office at 204.725.8700 ext 6020. CERTIFICATION Documents of achievement (less than 240 hours), certificates of achievement (more than 240 hours) and certificates (360 hours) may be issued upon successful completion of all courses in a program of studies. These certifications are not issued automatically. Students must submit an Application to Graduate to the Centre of Continuing Studies stating which certification they are applying for. CAFETERIA HOURS Full meals and snacks: Monday – Friday 7:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. DROPPING COURSES/REFUNDS Requests for refunds of tuition received prior to the day of the second scheduled class will be granted, less a $25 administration fee plus applicable taxes. No refunds will be granted for requests received after the second scheduled class. Requests for refunds of tuition for short one or two-day courses will be granted, less a $25 administration fee plus applicable taxes, only if received five or more working days prior to course start date. Students registering for one or two-day courses less than five working days prior to course start date will not be granted refunds. Students dropping a course or requesting a refund must notify the Admissions and Registration office in person or by telephone (Appropriate identification will be required if by telephone). Business hours are Monday to Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Any course changes will be charged a $25 administration fee plus applicable taxes. Students wishing to register for a course after the start date must receive permission from the Centre of Continuing Studies office. No additional fees will be charged for late registration, but full tuition and Students’ Association fees are due on the date of registration; no refunds will be granted unless the student drops prior to the start of the second scheduled class. For distance courses, please see Policy A20. Courses $25 and less are non-refundable. Full refunds will be made if the college cancels the course.
Monday - Thursday 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. / Friday 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Summer hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Note: the college reserves the right to cancel or postpone any class, limit enrolment for any class, split or combine classes, change instructors and class locations, change class days or dates and restrict admission on the basis of admission criteria.
AUDITING Students can audit courses with prior approval from the Centre of Continuing Studies, however, there will be no credit given. Students auditing any course will be charged a fee equal to the fee normally charged for the course. Students need to consult with the Centre of Continuing Studies before registering to audit a course. COMPUTER STATIONS There are a number of computer stations in the Library for students to use at no cost. Computer accounts are valid for the duration of the course you have registered for. Contact Computer Help for more information at 204.725.8700 ext 6765. INCLEMENT WEATHER In the event that inclement weather causes course cancellations, every attempt will be made to contact students prior to course start time. Please ensure you check your email and retrieve voicemail messages before venturing to class. Phone or email your instructor if you have not been contacted and weather conditions make it unsafe for you to travel to class. Your instructor will advise you of the date and time of rescheduled classes by telephone or at the next scheduled class. COURSE ADVISING The Student Services Centre offers counselling, information and advice regarding courses for the Centre of Continuing Studies students. If you require information or would like to make an appointment to speak with an advisor, contact the Student Services Centre at 204.725.8723. The office is open 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday. SERVICES FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES Assiniboine Community College is committed to serving students with disabilities. Students who may need assistance or accommodations to participate fully in the Centre of Continuing Studies courses are encouraged to contact the Students Services Centre at 204.725.8723 to discuss their needs prior to enrolling in courses. PARKING Victoria Avenue East Campus Student parking is available on a scramble basis in the lot south of the college for evening and weekend classes only. For weekday classes, signs will be posted. North Hill Campus Student parking is available on a scramble basis in the lot north of the college for evening and weekend classes only. For weekday classes, signs will be posted. SPONSORSHIP Students may be sponsored by their employer. To be sponsored, they must complete the sponsorship section of the Registration Form located at the end of this guide. Sponsored students will not be able to enrol online. SMOKING POLICY Smoking is not permitted in the college.
204 725 8725
All students are expected to be familiar with general information and policies pertaining to the programs including admissions, registration and class cancellation. It is the responsibility of all students registered at Assiniboine Community College to be familiar with the specific academic and attendance requirements of the diploma, certificate or document of achievement they plan to pursue.
or Admissions and Registration at 204.725.8701 or 800.862.6307 ext. 4032.
REGISTRATION INFORMATION Be one of the nearly 5,000 people who register in continuing studies courses each year.
- Tuition is due at time of Registration.
PHONE Call 204.725.8701 or toll free 800.862.6307 ext 4032. You will need to provide your VISA or MasterCard number along with the expiry date.
Visit Admissions and Registration at 1430 Victoria Avenue East in Brandon. You may pay by cash, personal cheque (sorry, no post-dated cheques), money order, VISA, MasterCard or debit card. Office hours: Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., except Wednesday 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
MAIL Complete a registration form. Pay your tuition by personal cheque (sorry, no post-dated cheques) or money order to: Assiniboine Community College. Or complete the VISA or MasterCard section of your registration form. Mail your registration form and fee to: Assiniboine Community College Admissions and Registration 1430 Victoria Avenue East, Brandon, MB R7A 2A9
ONLINE/EMAIL Go to and select Register Online. Be sure to print a copy of your registration confirmation; no other correspondence will be sent. Email a completed registration form to:
FAX Complete the registration form with complete VISA or MasterCard information. Fax your registration to: Assiniboine Community College at 204.726.7110.
BY SPONSORSHIP Have your sponsor fax or mail your registration form along with authorization. The college will invoice the company/agency or apply charges to a VISA or MasterCard.
REGISTER EARLY! 10 days before the beginning of class is ideal. 39
(if you have previously attended ACC)
Course Name
Course Number
Start Date
*Please include 5% GST, if applicable (refer to course descriptions).
Please fill out all fields in this section.
Use full, legal name.
Last Name
First Name
Middle Name
Preferred First Name
Previous Last Name (if applicable)
Date of Birth (YYYY/MM/DD)
Mailing Address
PO or Box Number and Street
City or Town
Postal Code
Telephone: Home
Email Address:
Permanent Resident
Study Permit
Refugee Claimant
Study permit students please use the International Student Application Guide.
If you wish to declare you are an aboriginal, please specify: Status Non-Status Métis Inuit
Visible Minority
(Persons in a visible minority group in Canada are defined as persons other than Aboriginal Peoples who are non-caucasian.)
English Language Proficiency English is the language of instruction and communication at ACC.
What is your first language (language first spoken and still understood). Would you like information about services and accommodations for students with disabilities or medical needs?
How did you hear about ACC?
College Representative
Career Symposium
College Publication
204 725 8725
Cheque/Money Order (Payable to Assiniboine Community College)
Expiry date
Credit Card #
Cardholder Name Cardholder Signature SPONSORSHIP Note: This form must be signed by an authorized company/agency representative. Receipts will be issued in the company/agency name. Refunds will be issued to the company/agency, in the event of cancellation of the course. For information about textbooks, please call the ACC bookstore at 204.725.8721.
Student Name
Please invoice the following company/agency: Company/Agency Mailing Address*
PO or Box Number and Street
City or Town Province Postal Code Country REGISTRATION
Email Address
Agency Contact
Authorized Signature
ADDING AND DROPPING COURSES/REFUNDS Requests for refunds received prior to the day before the second scheduled class will be granted, less a $25 administration fee plus applicable taxes. No refunds will be granted for requests received after the second scheduled class. Requests for refunds of tuition for short one or two-day courses will be granted, less a $25 administration fee plus applicable taxes, only if received five or more working days prior to course start date. Students registering for one or two-day courses less than five working days prior to course start date will not be granted refunds. Students dropping a course or requesting a refund must notify the Admissions and Registration office in person or by telephone (Appropriate identification will be required if by telephone). Business hours are Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Wednesday 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Any course changes will be charged a $25 administration fee plus applicable taxes. Students wishing to register for a course after the start date must receive permission from the Centre of Continuing Studies office. No additional fees will be charged for late registration, but full tuition and Students’ Association fees are due on the date of registration; no refunds will be granted unless the student drops prior to the start of the second scheduled class. For distance courses, please see Policy A20. Courses $25 and less are non-refundable. Full refunds will be made if the college cancels the course.
Signatur e Date *The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and The Personal Health Information Act at Assiniboine Community College The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) and The Personal Health Information Act (PHIA) both apply to Assiniboine Community College. Should any of the college’s policies conflict with FIPPA or PHIA, the provisions of FIPPA or PHIA shall prevail unless otherwise expressly provided for at law. Notice Regarding Collection, Use and Disclosure of Personal Information by the College The college collects personal information in the course of admission, registration and related activities. This personal information is collected under the authority of the Colleges Act. It may be disclosed to other educational institutions, government departments, co-sponsoring organizations, Assiniboine Community College Alumni Association and Assiniboine Community College Students’ Association. Information regarding graduation and awards may be made public. Upon graduation, the student’s name, address and credential information will be provided to and maintained by the ACC Foundation and the Alumni Association, in order to assist the college’s advancement and development efforts. Application data may also be used to conduct research into college enrolment and related statistical profiling and reporting activities. The Protection of Privacy provisions of The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act protect all personal information. If you have any questions about the collection of this information contact the FIPPA/PHIA Coordinator’s Office, 1430 Victoria Avenue East, Brandon, Manitoba, Canada, R7A 2A9 204.725.8700 ext 6199. Declaration of Waiver The information in this application is accurate as of September 2013.The college does its best to update program information regularly so applicants are not inconvenienced. However, on occasion, changes do occur. Therefore, after September 2013, the college reserves the right to modify or cancel any program, option, course, program objective, articulation agreement, fee, timetable, or campus location without notice or prejudice. Please visit our website for complete and up-to-date program information. Notice of Disclosure of Personal Information to Statistics Canada Statistics Canada is the national statistical agency. As such, Statistics Canada carries out hundreds of surveys each year on a wide range of matters, including education. It is essential to follow students across time and institutions to understand, for example, the factors affecting enrolment demand at post-secondary institutions. The increased emphasis on accountability for public investment means that it is also important to understand ‘outcomes’. In order to carry out such studies, Statistics Canada asks all colleges and universities to provide data on students and graduates. Institutions collect and provide to Statistics Canada student identification information (student’s name, student ID number, Social Insurance Number), student contact information (address and telephone number), student demographic characteristics, enrolment information, previous education and labour force activity. Under the Federal Privacy Act, individuals can request access to their own, individual information held in federal information banks, including those held by Statistics Canada. The Federal Statistics Act provides the legal authority for Statistics Canada to obtain access to personal information held by educational institutions. The information may be used only for statistical purposes, and the confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act prevent the information from being released in any way that would identify the student. Students who do not wish to have their information used are able to ask Statistics Canada to remove their identifying information from the national database. Further information on the use of this information can be obtained from Statistics Canada’s web site: or by writing to the Post-Secondary Section, Centre for Education Statistics, 17th Floor, R.H. Coats Building, Tunney’s Pasture, Ottawa, Canada, K1A 0T6.
MASTER GARDENER Do you love gardening? Amateur or professional, this program is for you!
The Master Gardener program is open to anyone with an interest in gardening. It is an opportunity to learn about growing plants, pruning techniques, diagnosis of plant problems, vegetable and fruit gardening, soils, plant identification, natural pest control strategies and much more! Share gardening experience and develop friendships through community volunteerism. Master Gardeners take pride in achieving their certification and continue to share their knowledge with others in their community. This program is offered in Brandon and Winnipeg and begins every fall! An authentic certification designed to provide up-to-date information on all gardening basics and combines home study, classroom instruction and an exam. For more information or to register for the Master Gardener program please call 204.725.8700 ext. 6028 or 800.862.6307 ext 6028 or email
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NEW THIS WINTER: • • • • • • • • • •
Night Photography Basic Computer Skills Workshop Time Management Workshop Sensational Seafood (Demonstration Cooking Course) Sugar Myths & Super Foods Tantalizing Thai (Hands on Cooking Course) East Coast Swing Dance IELTS Mosaic Bird House Word 2013 Basics Workshop
WATCH FOR SPRING/SUMMER 2015 GUIDE COMING IN MARCH! Build Your Skills with one of our many Certificate Programs: • Prairie Horticulture • Human Resource Management • Leadership Development • Management Skills • Master Gardener • Applied Counselling Skills • Nursing Foot Care • Palliative Care
Centre of Continuing Studies
• Practical Nursing Bridging • American Sign Language • Languages – Chinese, French and Spanish • Photography • Taxidermy • TESOL
Call 204.725.8725 or Toll Free 800.862.6307 ext 6002 Email