!"#$%&#' &()*+,%-&.$#/0""01&+#"#)$&2+3.4&55678& Pousette-Dart pictured the supernal ,3$9#*%&#' &.,0&:(,0$0:&/;.,&3"9#:.& Phileban geometries fig. and Smith’s <=)>;?&!"03901&/;.,&";!,.-&.0@.)$0&3*1& #(0**0::&A&:.)$1%&93.0$;3"&(#$.3":&#*.#& ')$.,0$&90.3(,%:;+3"&($#:(0+.:&2+3.4&55B74& C0$,3(:&9#:.&9#D;*!"%-&E):.#*&>$#)!,.& .,0&/,00"&')""&+;$+"0&>%&$0.)$*;*!&;*&5BFG& to the existential figuration and loaded 90.3(,#$:&/;.,&/,;+,&.,0&3$.;:.:&,31& >0!)*&:#90&.,;$.%&%03$:&>0'#$0&2+3.4&56G74& H*&,;:&Low Tide the hobnail shoe sole soul ;*&The Porch&$0.)$*:-IJ&3!!$3*1;:01-&3:&3& shifting signifier. It mimics the ultimate Greek letter ‘omega’, a nascent hair10+K01&,031-&/,;+,&;*&3*#.,0$&/#$K&'$#9&
.,0&:390&%03$&>0+#90:&.,3.&#' &.,0&3$.;:.?:& /;'0-&L):3-&3*1&3&:)*&$;:;*!&#$&:0..;*!&#*& the blood-red swell of the horizon. Thus, 0:+,3.#"#!%&3*1&*0/&>0!;**;*!:-&'03$&3*1& ,#(0-&+#*.0*14&H*&'3+.-&.,0:0&$0D0*3*.:&0D0*& 9)".;("%&3+$#::&.,0&(;+.)$0&3:&.,#)!,&!;D;*!& >;$.,&.#&.,09:0"D0:-&3*&;9(;:,&.0:.390*.& to the inherent fecundity of image-making /,0$0>%&3&:.$#K0&#$&./#&#' &(3;*.&>0!0.:& fresh forms out of flatness. Howsoever, & 3:&.,0&.;."0&;9(";0:-&.,0%&/;""&*#.&>0&0$3:01& >%&.;90&#$&.;104& M*1&>%&.,0&.;90&M>:.$3+.&N@($0::;#*;:9?:& "3:.&93O#$&0@(#*0*.-&10&P##*;*!-&1;01& ;*&5BBF-&C#""#+K&Q&=#4&,31&(3::01&;*.#& .,0&:.)' ' &#' &"0!0*1-&R3$,#"&,31&+$03.01& his savvy machine-made ripostes to
Jackson’s auratic, hand-crafted traceries fig. 5 ,IF Brazilian-born Vik Muniz had ./;+0&$09#D01&.,;:&:0"':390&:)>O0+.&'$#9& $03";.%&>%&.$3*:"3.;*!&S39).,?:&<3+.;#*?& (,#.#!$3(,:&;*.#&;''%&+,#+#"3.0&:%$)(& 3*1&T#)+3)".&,31&"#*!&:;*+0&($#+"3;901& 3&*;,;";:.;+&(#:.9#10$*&0$3&;*&/,;+,&.,0& <,)93*?&/#)"1&>0&0$3:01-&<";K0&3&'3+0& 1$3/*&;*&:3*1&3.&.,0&01!0&#' &.,0&:03?4II U#/0D0$-&M>:.$3+.&N@($0::;#*;:9&;:& )*";K0"%&0D0$&.#&>0&0$3:01&3:&"#*!&3:&.,0$0& ;:&3&,;:.#$%&#' &3$.4&H*1001-&!;D0*&;.:&311$0::& .#&.,0&,)93*&+#*1;.;#*-&;.:&#*!#;*!&"0!3+%-& the flow of new interpretations and its :,00$&,0'.&3*1&:($031-&#)$&(,0*#90*#*& "##K:&";K0&3*&0V)3.;#*&3.&#*+0&)*$)"%&& 3*1&)*0*1;*!4
Fig. 2 4 Richard Pousette≠Da rt, T ime Is t h e Min d of Space, Space Is t h e B ody of T ime , 1979ñ82 . A cryl ic on l inen, three panel s, each 227.3 x 158 .8 cm. P rivate colle ction Fig. 2 5 Andy Warhol, Y ar n P ain t in g , 1983 . Acr ylic and silk screen ink on canvas, 137 x 523 cm. K unsthalle B ielefeld ñ P ermanent loan of S TAF Stiftung Lem g o
!"#$%&#' &()*+,%-&.$#/0""01&+#"#)$&2+3.4&55678& Pousette-Dart pictured the supernal ,3$9#*%&#' &.,0&:(,0$0:&/;.,&3"9#:.& Phileban geometries fig. and Smith’s <=)>;?&!"03901&/;.,&";!,.-&.0@.)$0&3*1& #(0**0::&A&:.)$1%&93.0$;3"&(#$.3":&#*.#& ')$.,0$&90.3(,%:;+3"&($#:(0+.:&2+3.4&55B74& C0$,3(:&9#:.&9#D;*!"%-&E):.#*&>$#)!,.& .,0&/,00"&')""&+;$+"0&>%&$0.)$*;*!&;*&5BFG& to the existential figuration and loaded 90.3(,#$:&/;.,&/,;+,&.,0&3$.;:.:&,31& >0!)*&:#90&.,;$.%&%03$:&>0'#$0&2+3.4&56G74& H*&,;:&Low Tide the hobnail shoe sole soul ;*&The Porch&$0.)$*:-IJ&3!!$3*1;:01-&3:&3& shifting signifier. It mimics the ultimate Greek letter ‘omega’, a nascent hair10+K01&,031-&/,;+,&;*&3*#.,0$&/#$K&'$#9&
.,0&:390&%03$&>0+#90:&.,3.&#' &.,0&3$.;:.?:& /;'0-&L):3-&3*1&3&:)*&$;:;*!&#$&:0..;*!&#*& the blood-red swell of the horizon. Thus, 0:+,3.#"#!%&3*1&*0/&>0!;**;*!:-&'03$&3*1& ,#(0-&+#*.0*14&H*&'3+.-&.,0:0&$0D0*3*.:&0D0*& 9)".;("%&3+$#::&.,0&(;+.)$0&3:&.,#)!,&!;D;*!& >;$.,&.#&.,09:0"D0:-&3*&;9(;:,&.0:.390*.& to the inherent fecundity of image-making /,0$0>%&3&:.$#K0&#$&./#&#' &(3;*.&>0!0.:& fresh forms out of flatness. Howsoever, & 3:&.,0&.;."0&;9(";0:-&.,0%&/;""&*#.&>0&0$3:01& >%&.;90&#$&.;104& M*1&>%&.,0&.;90&M>:.$3+.&N@($0::;#*;:9?:& "3:.&93O#$&0@(#*0*.-&10&P##*;*!-&1;01& ;*&5BBF-&C#""#+K&Q&=#4&,31&(3::01&;*.#& .,0&:.)' ' &#' &"0!0*1-&R3$,#"&,31&+$03.01& his savvy machine-made ripostes to
Jackson’s auratic, hand-crafted traceries fig. 5 ,IF Brazilian-born Vik Muniz had ./;+0&$09#D01&.,;:&:0"':390&:)>O0+.&'$#9& $03";.%&>%&.$3*:"3.;*!&S39).,?:&<3+.;#*?& (,#.#!$3(,:&;*.#&;''%&+,#+#"3.0&:%$)(& 3*1&T#)+3)".&,31&"#*!&:;*+0&($#+"3;901& 3&*;,;";:.;+&(#:.9#10$*&0$3&;*&/,;+,&.,0& <,)93*?&/#)"1&>0&0$3:01-&<";K0&3&'3+0& 1$3/*&;*&:3*1&3.&.,0&01!0&#' &.,0&:03?4II U#/0D0$-&M>:.$3+.&N@($0::;#*;:9&;:& )*";K0"%&0D0$&.#&>0&0$3:01&3:&"#*!&3:&.,0$0& ;:&3&,;:.#$%&#' &3$.4&H*1001-&!;D0*&;.:&311$0::& .#&.,0&,)93*&+#*1;.;#*-&;.:&#*!#;*!&"0!3+%-& the flow of new interpretations and its :,00$&,0'.&3*1&:($031-&#)$&(,0*#90*#*& "##K:&";K0&3*&0V)3.;#*&3.&#*+0&)*$)"%&& 3*1&)*0*1;*!4
Fig. 2 4 Richard Pousette≠Da rt, T ime Is t h e Min d of Space, Space Is t h e B ody of T ime , 1979ñ82 . A cryl ic on l inen, three panel s, each 227.3 x 158 .8 cm. P rivate colle ction Fig. 2 5 Andy Warhol, Y ar n P ain t in g , 1983 . Acr ylic and silk screen ink on canvas, 137 x 523 cm. K unsthalle B ielefeld ñ P ermanent loan of S TAF Stiftung Lem g o
4 Mark Rothko, Sel f â&#x2030; p o r t r ait , 1936
5 Mark Rothko, I n t er i o r , 1936
Oil on can
Oil on har dboard, 6 0.6 x 46 .4 cm. National G al l ery of Art, W ashing ton DC. Gi ft of the Mark R othko F oundation, Inc., 1986 .43.26
13 2
vas, 8 1.9 x 6 5.4 cm. C olle ction of Chris topher R othko
13 3
4 Mark Rothko, Sel f â&#x2030; p o r t r ait , 1936
5 Mark Rothko, I n t er i o r , 1936
Oil on can
Oil on har dboard, 6 0.6 x 46 .4 cm. National G al l ery of Art, W ashing ton DC. Gi ft of the Mark R othko F oundation, Inc., 1986 .43.26
13 2
vas, 8 1.9 x 6 5.4 cm. C olle ction of Chris topher R othko
13 3
3 4 Jackson Pollock, Su m m er t im Oil, enam
e: N u m b er 9 A , 1948
el and commercial paint on can vas, 8 4.8 x 555 cm. Tate, Lond on. P urchased 1988
3 4 Jackson Pollock, Su m m er t im Oil, enam
e: N u m b er 9 A , 1948
el and commercial paint on can vas, 8 4.8 x 555 cm. Tate, Lond on. P urchased 1988
59 Barnett Newman, Her e I ( T o M ar c i a) , 1950 B ronze, 243 x 6 9.5 x 71.5 cm. Mo derna Mu seet, Stockholm . Donation from Annale
60 David Smith, F o r g in g VI
e Newman, 198 8
, 1955
V arnished steel, 2 01.3 x 22.9 x 22.9 cm. P rivate colle ction, courtesy The Estate of David Smith and Hauser & Wirth
61 David Smith, Hu ds o n R i v er L an ds c ap e, 1951 Weld ed painted steel and stainles s steel, 1 23.8 x 183 .2 x 44 cm. Whitney Mu seum of Am erican Ar t, New York. P urchase
19 3
59 Barnett Newman, Her e I ( T o M ar c i a) , 1950 B ronze, 243 x 6 9.5 x 71.5 cm. Mo derna Mu seet, Stockholm . Donation from Annale
60 David Smith, F o r g in g VI
e Newman, 198 8
, 1955
V arnished steel, 2 01.3 x 22.9 x 22.9 cm. P rivate colle ction, courtesy The Estate of David Smith and Hauser & Wirth
61 David Smith, Hu ds o n R i v er L an ds c ap e, 1951 Weld ed painted steel and stainles s steel, 1 23.8 x 183 .2 x 44 cm. Whitney Mu seum of Am erican Ar t, New York. P urchase
19 3
9 5 Louise Nevelson, Sk y Ca t h edr al Ăą
M o o n G ar den + O n e, 1957Ăą 6 0
P ainted wood, 276 .9 x 330.2 x 48. 3 cm. P rivate colle ction, courtesy P ace Galer
23 6
9 5 Louise Nevelson, Sk y Ca t h edr al Ăą
M o o n G ar den + O n e, 1957Ăą 6 0
P ainted wood, 276 .9 x 330.2 x 48. 3 cm. P rivate colle ction, courtesy P ace Galer
23 6
128 Willem de K ooning, . . . W h o s e N am e W as W r it Oil on can
W at er , 1975
vas, 195 x 223 cm. Solom on R . Gu g g enheim Mu seum, New York
129 Willem de K ooning, U n t i t l ed V , 1976 Oil on can
vas, 195.6 x 223.5 cm. P rivate colle ction
128 Willem de K ooning, . . . W h o s e N am e W as W r it Oil on can
W at er , 1975
vas, 195 x 223 cm. Solom on R . Gu g g enheim Mu seum, New York
129 Willem de K ooning, U n t i t l ed V , 1976 Oil on can
vas, 195.6 x 223.5 cm. P rivate colle ction
148 Robert Motherwell, N ew Y o r k Cit Co l l ag e, 1959 y
Oil paint and collag e on board, 71.1 x 55.9 cm. Denver Art Mu seum
149 Willem de K ooning, U n t i t l ed ( W o m an in F o r es t ) , c . 196 3Ăą 6 4 Oil on pap er, mounted on Mas onite, 73.7 x 86 P rivate colle ction
.4 cm.
150 Mark Rothko, U n t i t l ed, 196 8 Acr ylic on pap er, 152.1 x 107 cm. National Galer y of Art, W ashing ton DC. Gi ft of The Mark R othko F oundation Inc., 1986
29 4
29 5
148 Robert Motherwell, N ew Y o r k Cit Co l l ag e, 1959 y
Oil paint and collag e on board, 71.1 x 55.9 cm. Denver Art Mu seum
149 Willem de K ooning, U n t i t l ed ( W o m an in F o r es t ) , c . 196 3Ăą 6 4 Oil on pap er, mounted on Mas onite, 73.7 x 86 P rivate colle ction
.4 cm.
150 Mark Rothko, U n t i t l ed, 196 8 Acr ylic on pap er, 152.1 x 107 cm. National Galer y of Art, W ashing ton DC. Gi ft of The Mark R othko F oundation Inc., 1986
29 4
29 5
163 Minor White, R es u r r ec t io n ( P eel ed P ai n t o n W i n do ws , J ac k s o n St r eet , P r o du c e A r ea, San F r an c is c o ) , 1951 Vintag e g elatin s ilv er print, 18. 4 x 23.5 cm. C ourtesy Gitterm an Galer y, New York
164 Minor White, 7 2 N . U n i o n St r eet , R o c h es t er , 1958 Silv er g elatin print, 2 1 x 25.8 cm . C olle ction R oy O oms
3 04