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Community Support

COVID-19 Community Support We’re here to help you!

Good Morning Scheme 60 new referrals Emergency Covid Community Grant Scheme

£147,894 issued in Letters of Offer to 158 groups to date

Online community support directory 100 groups registered their support services on our online directory

Online Community Hub

5,844 visits

Food Parcels

Covid-19 Support Hub

At the peak of the pandemic 15 advisors handling up to 70 calls per day almost 500 queries per month from 9am-5pm 7 days per week

Top 5 queries 1. Food Banks 2. Prescriptions 3. Transport 4. Good Morning Scheme 5. Home Energy


Department for Communities Food Parcels delivered (approx. 1,200 per week )

COVID-19 Community Support Hub

During the Covid-19 pandemic, our Community Support Hub was a lifeline to people experiencing difficulties.

Below is an anonymised account of a typical afternoon working with the community and voluntary sector.

“A referral came in to the community hub one afternoon, requesting help with food for an individual with specific health needs. When our helpline advisor spoke to the individual, it became apparent that the individual was in urgent need. Without furniture or cooking equipment, a food parcel was of limited benefit to them and the budget for takeaway food had run out.

“The support officer immediately contacted the local St Vincent De Paul branch who provided vouchers for electric, gas and food. Arrangements were made to have a hot lunch delivered for the next few days while a community care grant was being processed. The officer then got in touch with a local church community and, by working together, they sourced almost everything the individual needed and even enlisted the help of the local foodbank so they were finally able to cook their own food.

“This all happened over the course of a few hours - never underestimate how much impact a few people can make in such a short space of time!”

For assistance or more information free phone 0808 802 0020, email abccommunitysupport@ armaghbanbridgecraigavon.gov.uk or visit armaghbanbridgecraigavon.gov.uk/ communitysupporthub

Would you like to live in a Neighbourhood Watch area?

Everyone deserves to feel safe at home, and living in a neighbourhood watch area is a great way of giving you and your neighbours peace of mind.

If you don’t have one in your area, why not set one up? Maybe you volunteered during the Covid-19 pandemic and enjoyed meeting others and helping those more vulnerable in your community, or maybe you had to shield or self-isolate and understand how important it is to have someone looking out for you. Either way, it’s a great way of fostering community spirit and helping make our areas safer.

Neighbourhood Watch (NHW) is a partnership between local communities, the Police and the Policing and Community Safety Partnership (PCSP). Its aim is to help people protect themselves and their property, and to reduce the fear of crime.

There are currently over 200 NHW schemes with 240 NHW co-ordinators throughout the borough, with three new schemes starting during the Covid-19 pandemic.

For more information contact Annette Blaney on 028 3831 3607 or annette.blaney@ armaghbanbridgecraigavon.gov.uk

Contribute to ABC Seniors Network Recipe Book

Age-Friendly Officer Stephanie Rock is working with ABC Seniors Network to develop a recipe book capturing traditional recipes to give our loved local recipes a new lease of life!

We would love you to share your own (or a handeddown) recipe and story with us so they can be part of the book. If you would like to know more about the recipe book or any of our services for older people, contact Stephanie Rock, AgeFriendly Officer on 078 2501 0630 stephanie.rock@ armaghbanbridgecraigavon.gov.uk or ABC Seniors Network on 078 7333 9423.

The project was inspired by ABC Seniors Network member Margaret’s story of how her traditional scones became ‘celebrities’:

“When we semi-retired, my husband Ronnie and I went on an Alaskan cruise, the Celebrity Princess. It was a trip of a lifetime and the food was exceptional apart from one thing - the scones! When the waiter asked if there was something wrong, Ronnie replied “Yes, you’d need my wife to show you how to make scones!”

“A few hours later I received an invitation to meet the Head Chef and Pastry Chef in the kitchen. After making a small batch, they were so delighted with my scones that they asked me to work out the ingredients for a batch of 100 there and then.

“The following morning we were guests at the Captain’s table where they served my fresh scones, cream and strawberries on a silver platter. After thanking me again, they asked what I’d like in return for my delicious recipe. I replied, “Just enjoy the scones and let your passengers enjoy them too.”

“At breakfast from then on, we enjoyed the sight of a tray with fresh scones and a notice saying ‘Try Margaret’s Traditional Irish Scones’.

“I hope you all give my ‘Celebrity’ scones a try and if you have a recipe that never fails, share it and let others enjoy it too!”

Margaret’s ‘Celebrity’ Traditional Irish Scones

INGREDIENTS 12oz (340g) soda bread flour 2 tablespoons caster sugar (optional) 2 medium eggs beaten 1-2 tablespoons sunflower oil 7oz (200ml) or 180-200g buttermilk Optional: 4oz (113g) dried or fresh fruit

METHOD 1. Combine dry ingredients together in a bowl, then combine eggs, sunflower oil and half of the buttermilk. 2. Mix all together with metal spoon, then add remaining buttermilk. 3. You should have a soft consistency (wetter than the normal scone mixture). 4. Put mixtur e out onto a lightly floured board and knead lightly. 5. Cut int o scones (depending on the size of the cutter you should get 20 small, 14 medium or 9 large). 6. Plac e scones on a floured baking tin close together (this will help them keep their shape). 7. Bak e on middle shelf at 200c for 12-14 minutes. 8. Lift sc ones off baking tray onto cooling rack. 9. If y ou want a soft-top scone, place a damp clean drying cloth on top.

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