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MID SOUTH WEST REGION Northern Ireland’s Economic Engine

Delivering new and better jobs, greater investment and inclusive economic growth is the focus of a new Regional Economic Strategy developed by Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council, Fermanagh and Omagh District Council and Mid Ulster District Council.

The Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council, Fermanagh and Omagh District Council and Mid Ulster District Council areas make up the Mid South West Region.

With a commitment of £252m growth deal funding from the NI Executive and Westminster Government, the Mid South West Regional Economic Strategy charts a course for significant investment across the three council areas, collectively known as the Mid South West Region.

Representing a quarter of the NI population and a third of all businesses, the region has sectoral strengths in manufacturing, engineering, agri-food, health and life sciences, tourism and construction.

The strategy was developed following a detailed analysis and consultation with industry, government departments and agencies, Invest NI, skills bodies, business representative groups and educational institutions and universities.

What will the strategy do?

By harnessing the growth deal funding and other funding streams, the Mid South West Regional Economic Strategy will address everything from infrastructure to tourism and is based on four broad economic pillars:

Future-proofing the skills base

Enabling infrastructure

Boosting innovation and digital capacity

Building a high-performing tourism economy

These strategic pillars will guide effective and responsible investment across a range of initiatives, which will help achieve the economic ambition and long-term resilience of the region, improving prosperity for all citizens.

Transforming Dromore Town Centre

Transformative public realm projects continue to make a positive impact, with Dromore town centre benefiting from an ambitious, £1.4m programme of improvements.

£1.4m public realm scheme in Dromore, (L-R) Communities Minister Minister Carál Ní Chuilín, Eddie Quinn Chair of the Dromore Traders Association and Lord Mayor of Armagh City, Banbridge & Craigavon, Councillor Kevin Savage. Building on the regeneration schemes already achieved in Lurgan, Richhill, Keady and Portadown, these environmental improvements are important to ensure the future vitality of our towns and villages.

Work began in March 2020 to deliver a dynamic regeneration scheme to develop and enrich the historic Dromore Town Centre, thanks to funding from the Department for Communities and Department for Infrastructure. This impressive scheme will improve the quality and physical appearance of the urban town centre, creating an environment to reconnect communities while enhancing the town’s rich built heritage.

Work is currently underway in the Market Square, Church Street and Bridge Street areas of the town. The scheme includes resurfacing footways in natural stone, upgraded street lighting with the installation of street furniture, tree planting and bespoke features to complement and reflect the historic fabric of Dromore town centre. A public liaison officer is available on site to assist businesses and residents with any queries - located at the former Ulster Bank building.

With the works expected to complete by spring 2021, we are delighted to work in partnership with local traders and businesses to transform the town.

For more information contact the regeneration team by emailing regen@armaghbanbridgecraigavon.gov.uk

Pictured at the Village Renewal Scheme in Magheralin: Vice Chair of SOAR ABC, Roisin McAliskey; Chair of SOAR ABC, Councillor Kyle Savage; DAERA Minister, Edwin Poots MLA; Chair of Magheralin Community Association, Caitriona Hughes and Lord Mayor of Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon, Councillor Kevin Savage.

£6m Investment Bolsters Rural Areas

Rural regeneration recap

Rural Business Investment Scheme • Invested £2.8m • Supported 66 businesses • Created 114 new jobs

Rural Basic Services • Invested £1.4m • Supported 15 community groups

Village Renewal Scheme • Invested £1.6m • Supported nine village plans

Cooperation Scheme • Invested almost £500,000 • Supported three collaborative initiatives

Rural villages and communities reap the benefits of over £6m investment since the introduction of the NI Rural Development Programme.

With nearly 100 villages and small settlements across our borough, these important areas represent a huge part of our identity, community and economy - and supporting their ongoing development through this programme’s funding is the sole mission of local action group, SOAR ABC. Playing a pivotal role in enhancing and enriching the lives of our rural communities, SOAR ABC has helped deliver a diverse range of rural initiatives, from environmental improvement works, enhanced community centres to supporting business innovation and growth projects as well as driving co-operation projects with neighbouring local action groups. With their support, many rural communities for example now benefit from inclusive and accessible recreation facilities, helping support their physical and mental wellbeing as well as helping combat loneliness and social isolation in these areas. Moreover, they have also helped stimulate the creation of 114 new local jobs, helping ensure a sustainable and viable rural economy.

For more information email info@soarni.org or visit soarni.org

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