ACE Corporate Brochure

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academy for


republic polytechnic Republic Polytechnic (RP) is an innovative and dynamic institution of higher learning in Singapore.



stablished in 2002, we currently have over 14,000 students and 900 staff, with six schools and two centres offering 39 holistic and broad-based diploma programmes in the following fields:

• Applied science • Arts management • Communications • Consumer research • Engineering • Hospitality • Infocomm technology • Media and design • Sports, health and leisure In addition, our Academy for Continuing Education @RP (ACE@RP) offers continuing education and training programmes in academic, executive and workforce skills qualifications to provide lifelong learning opportunities.


ace@rp ACE@RP is the continuing education and training arm of RP. We promote lifelong learning amongst working adults so that they can remain valuable participants in a knowledge-based economy.


t ACE@RP, we recognise the importance of continuing education and training (CET) at both the personal and national level. For individuals, CET offers opportunities to strive for excellence in both their professional and personal lives. For Singapore, CET plays a crucial role in ensuring that both our workforce and our economy remain relevant, resilient, and future-focused. An acronym for Academy for Continuing Education, ACE also represents adult learners’ learning and development values: • Aspire to be a lifelong learner • Commit to personal growth • Excel in every aspect of your profession

“MOE will do even more to grow the current CET training capacity in our post-secondary educational institutions. We will increase the number of training places in part-time diplomas, advanced diplomas and specialist diplomas at the polytechnics from 6,400 to 10,100 by 2015.” Mr S Iswaran Senior Minister of State, Ministry of Education and Ministry of Trade and Industry Quote from speech in March 2011


the ace@rp


Whether you are seeking to develop new skills or boost your organisation’s productivity, ACE@RP can help you achieve your goals.

organisational development

Executive and Leadership Programmes

Academic Programmes


workforce Skills Qualifi cations (wSQ)

Customised Training


e offer a suite of CET programmes ranging from personal interest and self-improvement to job-specific training. As a student at ACE@RP, you will benefit from:

• Learner-centred curricula and learning approaches • Industry-relevant learning as a result of rP’s strong industry ties • Hands-on exposure to the latest technologies and thinking • work-friendly class schedules In addition to CET programmes, we actively work with corporate clients to understand their organisation’s training needs. We partner you to develop customised training solutions as you strive to achieve your business objectives.

“Besides giving Singaporeans the opportunity to progress in their careers, CET will help us raise productivity as we seek to build globally competitive companies and a world-class workforce.” Mr TAn CHuAn-JIn Minister of State, Ministry of Manpower and Ministry of national development Quote from speech in March 2012


academic programmes


Whether you are driven by personal interest or striving for career progression, you can progress in your quest for academic excellence with ACE@RP.


ffering a variety of academic programme formats, you can choose a course that best suits your needs and objectives:

dIPLoMAS Part-time diplomas enable you to upgrade yourself and add more value in your workplace. These programmes focus on skills in core industry domains that are in demand amongst employers. Each part-time diploma programme can be completed within 2.5 to 5 years, giving you the flexibility to customise the pace of your learning. PoST-dIPLoMAS If you are an existing diploma or degree holder, ACE@RP offers post-diploma programmes for knowledge-deepening and/or career switching.

case study Providing a Boost for Sports Professionals ACE@RP launched the part-time Diploma in Sports (Coaching) on 30 April 2012 to strengthen the local sports community through specialised training in sports coaching. Comprising five separate certificates on topics such as coaching pedagogy, applied sports sciences, and sports team development, the diploma enables participants to upgrade their skills and knowledge in sports coaching. The modular format of the course is designed with the needs of busy coaches and sports professionals in mind.


• Advanced diplomas and Specialist diplomas Advanced diploma and specialist diploma qualifications are a great way to develop a specialisation or acquire further knowledge and skills within your profession. Advanced diploma courses can be completed in about 1.5 to 2 years, while specialist diploma courses can be completed in about a year. • diploma (Conversion) Diploma (conversion) courses enable you to achieve a smooth transition if you are switching careers. These programmes will equip you with the requisite knowledge and skills to undertake a diploma-level job in a different discipline or industry. Diploma (conversion) courses typically take between eight months and one year to complete.


Strong teams and knowledgeable employees are key drivers behind every successful organisation.

case study Harnessing the Power of Teamwork Seeking to improve workplace performance by reinforcing a sense of camaraderie amongst its employees, Fraser & Neave (F&N) Group turned to ACE@RP. Through a hands-on teambuilding programme at RP’s Adventure Learning Centre, staff from F&N Group learnt to step outside their comfort zone, trust their colleagues, and work together as a team. “The state-of-the-art outdoor learning facility and professional trainers made it an unforgettable learning experience.” Mr TrEVor CHuA Head Coach - iTAL/HR Manager, F&N Group


ith ACE@RP, you can strengthen your organisation by equipping staff with the skills and capabilities needed to raise performance to new heights.

We offer a range of programmes in areas such as operations, strategy, and teamwork, all designed to drive organisational excellence: Business Skills Equip your organisation with valuable strategies and tools in areas such as commercialisation, funding, and business continuity. Service Excellence Gain insights into how strategies linked to emotional intelligence can be used to serve customers better and manage feedback more effectively. Productivity development Learn about tools and techniques that can be used to improve processes and drive productivity within your organisation. Supply Chain Management Acquire up-to-date knowledge and skills in the field of supply chain management and logistics to optimise your organisational operations. Teambuilding & Experiential Learning Cultivate strong teams and a sense of camaraderie amongst your organisation’s staff to boost resilience and productivity.


executive and



Ongoing professional development can energise your climb up the career ladder. At ACE@RP, you can empower yourself to add more value in the workplace by gaining new skills and knowledge.


e offer executive and leadership development programmes across myriad fields that enable you to excel, whatever your area of interest or expertise:

Communication Enhance your communication and management skills by gaining an in-depth understanding of the importance of context, audience, purpose, and structure in planning presentations. new Media and Social Media Marketing Harness the power of new media tools such as Facebook and Twitter by learning strategies of using them for marketing and outreach initiatives. Infocomm Technology and digital Media Gain useful knowledge and skills related to systems administration, interactive media, and design and development of IT networks. Health, Sports and wellness Learn about the mechanics of health and wellness and how these can be applied to the promotion of active aging. You can also undertake developmental programmes in sports coaching, sports and leisure management, or sports health sciences.


Creativity, design and Innovation Thinking Skills Explore concepts in design thinking and learn how product design, information architecture, and tangible interaction can impact a business. Events Management Acquire the knowledge and tools needed to organise and manage anything from small community activities to major international events. Problem-Based Learning (PBL) Learn the mechanics of PBL, such as problem-crafting techniques, lesson facilitation, and curriculum development and assessment. This course is particularly useful for educators, trainers and human resource practitioners. Certifi cate and Advanced Certifi cate Programmes Undertake certificate and advanced certificate programmes spanning a variety of industries to develop new skills and boost your credentials.


case study Tuning up in Music and Movement ACE@RP developed the Certificate in Teaching of Music and Movement (Pre-School) programme for the Ministry of Education. Targeted at early childhood educators, this certificate allows participants to upgrade their training in the hands-on aspects of teaching music, dance and movement. The programme focuses on training in music literacy, dance and movement, and music-making skills. “I am very inspired by the course and the facilitators have helped me to be more confident in teaching music to children.” MS JuwAnIZA BInTE ABduL wAHAB Pre-school Teacher, PCf (yew Tee)

workforce skills


For both companies and individuals, training plays a crucial role in boosting productivity and sharpening workplace skills.


hrough Workforce Skills Qualifications (WSQ), you can stay one step ahead of the competition. ACE@RP supports the Singapore Workforce Development Agency in providing certified WSQ programmes that are aligned with international best practices and validated by industries. We offer a wide range of WSQ certifications and qualifications to cater to the diverse training needs of adult workers. For more details on WSQ, please visit

case study Strengthening the workforce by Training the Trainer ACE@RP conducted a WSQ in Hotel and Accommodation Services programme for teachers at Pathlight School. The course was designed to train teachers in hotel housekeeping skills so that they could in turn train their students in hotel backroom operations. Instruction focused on relevant workplace skills such as laundry valet services, linen room operations, and cleaning and servicing of guest rooms. Upon completing the programme, the teachers would be qualified to train their students in these skills. “Good relevant knowledge for participants to gain an insight to the skills needed in the housekeeping industry. Trainer shares and brings in real-life examples into lesson, thereby making lesson more interesting and practical.” MS Loy SHEAu MEI Vice-Principal, Pathlight School





Tell us your training needs and we will work with you to meet them.


t ACE@RP, we can draw upon resources from across RP to build customised training solutions that address your specific business requirements. Backed by the expertise and capabilities of more than 900 staff across RP’s schools and centres, we can develop unique programmes that match your organisational objectives.

case study Tailored Training for Better Presentations ACE@RP worked with the Singapore Sports Council to conduct training programmes for sports coaches to enhance their presentation skills. Through a customised programme, the sports coaches gained a better understanding of how to integrate issues such as context, audience, purpose, structure, and interactivity when teaching or doing demonstrations. This has led to better presentations and, ultimately, better coaching.



Financial support is available for participation in ACE@RP’s various CET programmes.


n line with Singapore’s CET Masterplan, the Ministry of Education has increased subsidies for all advanced diploma and specialist diploma programmes to 85%. Individuals can now enjoy reduced course fees for these academic programmes.

For employers, the Singapore Workforce Development Agency (WDA) has in place the following funding schemes to aid companies that support staff training: SKILLS dEVELoPMEnT fund Employers can enjoy grants of up to 80% of course fees for staff training through the Skills Development Fund (SDF), although the funding rate may differ for various courses. Employers will need to apply online via WDA’s website to obtain course fee support. For enquiries, please contact: Singapore Workforce Development Agency Tel: 6223 0012 Fax: 6512 1333 Email: SKILLS rEdEVELoPMEnT ProgrAMME The Skills Redevelopment Programme (SRP) is a national incentive funding programme that allows a company to claim the salary of its employee while he/she is attending any eligible Workforce Skills Qualifications (WSQ) or National Skills Recognition System (NSRS) courses during work hours, subject to a cap of 80% of the employee’s basic hourly salary. For enquiries, please contact: Singapore Workforce Development Agency Tel: 6243 7229 Fax: 6327 8688 Email:


“Continuing education and training (CET) is one of Singapore’s top priorities. A skilled and productive workforce is one critical advantage that our industries and companies must have in order to compete globally. Having skills relevant to new industries and evolving job opportunities is the worker’s best assurance to staying employed and to have a better life.” Mr gAn KIM yong Minister for Manpower Quote from speech in November 2010


ace@rp acadeMy for continuing education @RP Republic Polytechnic 9 Woodlands Avenue 9 Singapore 738964 Email: Tel: 3100 1699 Fax: 6415 1310 Office hours: 8:30am to 6:00pm (Monday to Friday, except public holidays)


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9 Woodlands Ave 9, Singapore 738964 • Tel 6510 3000 •

All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. Information is correct at time of print. OCC MAY/2012

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