Student Handbook (for courses commencing after 1 April 2012)

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REPUBLIC POLYTECHNIC Continuing Education & Training Student Handbook




Page 1- 2

a. Admission and Enrolment b. Candidature c. Cancellation d. Student Card e. Class Attendance



Page 3 - 7

a. Examination Rules and Regulations b. Breach of Assessment Regulations c. Attendance for Examination/ Assessment d. Module Grade e. Review of Module Grade f. Repeat Modules g. Graduation Criteria



Page 8 - 9

a. Withdrawal b. Deferment c. Removal



Page 10



Page 11 – 13

a. Mode of Payment b. Course Fee Subsidy c. RP Bursary Application



Page 14 - 15

a. Membership b. Library e-resources c. Library e-resources Access (within RP) d. Library e-resources Access (outside RP)



Page 16 - 24

a. Campus Map & Directional Instruction for Drivers b. Travelling to Republic Polytechnic c. Car Parks d. Wheel Clamp Policy e. Taxi Call Point f. Food and Beverage Outlets/Services in Campus g. RP Lightning Detection System h. Location of First Aid Boxes and Sick Bay i.

Lost and Found



k. Fire Safety l.

Pandemic Flu Crisis

m. Updates of Personal Particulars n. Student Insurance



Page 25



a. Admission and Enrolment A student will be called upon to produce his/her original Degree/Diploma, certificates, results slips and other relevant documents on the first day of the programme for verification of his/her fulfillment of the course entry criteria. Students who knowingly violate the course entry criteria shall be withdrawn from the programme with no refund of course fee.

b. Candidature A student is allowed a maximum period of twice the length of the normal duration of the course, to complete all the requirements of his/her course of study.

c. Cancellation The Polytechnic reserves the right to make changes to the course curriculum, course fee or any other relevant content or information as necessary. The Polytechnic will endeavour to provide as early a notice as possible in the event of course cancellation with a full refund of the course fee.

d. Student Card i. Your CET student card allows you to access the library, swimming pool and student gym. You may also book RP facilities at discounted rates with the card. ii. The Club Republic invites you to join us as Alumni upon the completion of your course. Please visit our website at for details on the membership. iii. If the card is lost, a police report is to be lodged and an application fee of $15.00 shall apply. Please bring along the following documents to OneStop Centre, Counter 3 for your card replacement. – NRIC – Police Report – Replacement Form

1 Student Handbook v10 .4 (as of 22 May 2014)

iv. Terms and Conditions Governing the Use of the CET Student Card - The card holder shall carry his/her CET Student Card when on campus and produce the card upon request for inspection by Security Officers. - The card holder shall produce the card for inspection upon request by the staff on duty to access RP facilities. - The card is intended for personal use only and the student is responsible for the card. - The card is not transferable and it shall not be loaned to or used by other persons. - The card holder is responsible for any security breach resulting from the use of the card. - The card’s accompanying privileges is extended to the card holder only and shall cease upon the expiry of its validity date. - The card holder who withdraws from the programme enrolled shall return the card to the One-Stop Centre within 14 days of withdrawal. - The card holder who defers from the programme enrolled may retain the card for the duration of the deferment. - The card holder shall submit a Form for Replacement of Continuing Education Training Student Card and attach a Police Report and receipt for payment of the prevailing replacement fee to the One-Stop Centre for replacement in case of card loss. - The Republic Polytechnic reserves the right to amend or withdraw the Terms and Conditions governing the use of the CET Student Card without prior notice.

e. Class Attendance i. Students must fulfill at least 50% attendance for each module. Leave of Absence (LOA) is not allowed for class attendance. ii. Students who fail to meet the 50% attendance will be given a Fail grade for the module. iii.

In lieu of the minimum 50% attendance rate, students need to be responsible to achieve this minimum attendance despite absenteeism due to work commitment, medical conditions, overseas leave etc.

2 Student Handbook v10 .4 (as of 22 May 2014)



a. Examination Rules and Regulations Warning: Any student caught infringing any of the Examination Rules and Regulations in any way is liable to disciplinary action including, but not limited to, an outright failure for the Examination and downgrading of the Module Grade. More severe penalties which can be imposed on a student caught cheating in an Examination include suspension or even dismissal from the Polytechnic. i.

Students should report to the examination centre at least 15 minutes before the commencement of the examinations. No candidate will be allowed to sit for the examination later than thirty (30) minutes after the commencement of the examination and no candidate will be allowed to leave the examination venue until thirty (30) minutes have elapsed after the commencement of the examination. A student must stop writing when the invigilator declares that the examination has ended.


Students may be allowed to leave the examination venue not less than fifteen (15) minutes before the end of an examination after they have submitted their answer scripts and other materials to the invigilators.


No books, paper, documents or pictures maybe taken by any students into or out of an examination venue; nor may a student receive any book, paper, document or picture from any other person while he/she is in the examination venue except from the invigilator or as authorised by the Programme Coordinator (PCr). Students must observe silence at all times while the examination is in progress. Students must not make any noise or otherwise distract any student who is taking the examinations.

b. Breach of Assessment Regulations i.

Any student suspected of cheating will be reported to the Programme Head (PH), who will initiate disciplinary proceedings against the student. Any student helping or attempting to help another student to cheat will be deemed to have cheated.


If a candidate is found to have breached any of the assessment regulations, the Examination Board will take any appropriate action it deems fit against such a candidate.

3 Student Handbook v10 .4 (as of 22 May 2014)


Any student guilty of cheating in any of the many different forms, will be deemed to fail in part of or the whole module or examinations or any other graded work.


Forms of cheating include but may not be limited to the following: a. Plagiarism b. Forgery c. Copying another student’s coursework assessment or examination answers d. Submitting another student’s work as their own e. Medical certificate fraud f. Any act of fraud


Should the Academy for Continuing Education @RP (ACE@RP) have reason to believe that the nature or substance of any question or the content of any examination paper may have made known to any individuals other than the PH and PCr of that paper before the date and time of the examination, the Examination Committee of the Schools or Centres will report the matter to the Head of Department for further investigation, who may order the setting of a new paper, cancellation or postponement of an examination, or administration of another examination.

c. Attendance for Examination / Assessment i.

Leave of Absence (LOA) is only applicable to Coursework Assessment and Final Examination


For coursework assessment that requires students’ presence for the test (written test, practical test or presentation) and Final Examination, the following procedures apply: - The application for Leave of Absence (LOA) should be made through the Online Academic Student Integrated System (OASIS). ACE@RP administrative officer will apply the LOA on behalf of the student. - Students shall have to notify ACE@RP via email to apply for LOA at least ten (10) working days before the test date. If students are on medical or hospitalization leave, they have to apply for LOA by the next working day based on the last day of the medical certificate. - Valid reason(s) for LOA are limited to the following reasons listed below. The approval of LOA is subjected to approval by the Director of Schools/Centres and Director/ACE. 4 Student Handbook v10 .4 (as of 22 May 2014)

    

Hospitalization leave Medical certificate by approved medical board Compassionate reasons in relation to immediate family members* National service notification Overseas work assignment

*Compassionate reasons following the death of an immediate family member. Immediate family members include the following: grandparents, parents and siblings (for students who are single); grandparents, parents, siblings, parents-in-law, spouse and children (for married students).

- With approved LOA, students are required to attend a make-up test/ make-up examination within the time frame specified by the PCr/ PH. If students fail to attend the make-up assessment within the specified time frame, they will be allotted zero mark for the assessment. - Students who are absent from the make-up test with the reason listed below have to apply for LOA by the next working day based on the last day of the medical certificate  iii.

Hospitalization leave

For assignment-based coursework assessments, the following procedures apply: - Valid reason(s) for LOA of assignment-based coursework assessments are limited to medical or hospitalization leave only. With approved LOA, students will be granted extension of deadline based on the number of days indicated in the medical certificate by approved medical board. Students have to submit their assignment by the next working day based on the last day of the medical certificate or as approved by the PCr/ PH. - Late submissions of assignment-based coursework component without LOA for the module will be subjected to the following late penalty:

Time after submission deadline Percentage of total marks deducted by

Between 0 and < 24 hours

Between 24 and <48 hours

Between 48 and <72 hours

After 72 hours





5 Student Handbook v10 .4 (as of 22 May 2014)

d. Module Grade i.

The following mark range and letter grade and grade points, as indicated in the table below will apply: Mark Range


Grade Point




≥ 80%



75% to <80%



70% to <75%



65% to <70%



60% to <65%



55% to <60%



50% to <55%






Pass in a Module which has no grade point



Fail in a Module which has no grade point




Students are to note that all published grades of interim assessment components via CETLMS served as feedback to students’ progress in the module, and may be subjected to changes upon final verification.


The final module grade for each module is subjected to approval and finalization following the Board of Examiners’ meeting.

e. Review of Module Grade i.

All students who wish to lodge an academic appeal for review of their module results must submit an appeal online through the OASIS via under Applications & Forms > Apply for Module Grade Appeal within three (3) working days from and inclusive of the date of release of results for that semester. Alternatively, students may also approach RP’s One-Stop Centre (OSC) to lodge an academic appeal for review of their module result. Late appeals will not be entertained.


An administrative fee of $25 (excluding GST) per module would be charged to the student, payable via OASIS or at One-Stop Centre. Only applications that are duly completed with all required information and payments made will be processed. 6 Student Handbook v10 .4 (as of 22 May 2014)


Once the module grade is reviewed, the student must accept the review findings, even if it is found to be lower than the original grade. No further appeals will be entertained thereafter.

f. Repeat Modules A student who fails any module(s) will be required to repeat the module, subjected to the availability of a subsequent intake for the module, and provided student is able to complete within the stipulated maximum duration of the course. Module fee will be charged for each repeat module. MOE subsidy will not be available for repeat module.

g. Graduation Criteria i.

Minimum Attendance Criteria • Punctuality needs to be observed by all RP students. In our classes, punctuality helps the class to start off smoothly, while latecomers hold back the entire team by slowing them down. Students should make allowances for heavy traffic and other causes of delay so as to ensure that they arrive at class on time. • To ensure the rigor of the program is adequately applied, a minimum attendance of 50% per module is compulsory, failing which the student is ineligible to be awarded the relevant certification. • It is the responsibility of student to ensure that the minimum attendance requirement is met.


Award of Credit • Full credit of the module is earned when a student obtains grade D or better or grade P in the overall assessment for a registered module.

7 Student Handbook v10 .4 (as of 22 May 2014)



a. Withdrawal i.

The application for withdrawal should be made through the OASIS via under Applications & Forms > Apply for Def/With(CET).


Students shall settle all outstanding bills with the Polytechnic prior to withdrawal.


Applicants/Students who withdraw at least two (2) weeks before course commencement shall receive a full refund of the course fee less $50 administrative charges payable upon submission of the Withdrawal Application Form. There is strictly no refund to persons who withdraw less than two (2) weeks before course commencement.


Students who withdraw after commencement of the module will be deemed to have failed the module.

b. Deferment i.

The application for deferment should be made through the OASIS via - Applications & Forms > Apply for Module Deferment for module deferment - Applications & Forms > Apply for Def/With(CET) for course deferment


Students are to submit the Deferment Application Form before the midpoint of a module


Students who submit his/her Deferment Application Form after the midpoint based on the total duration of the module will not be accepted, and he/she will be deemed to have failed the module


Approval of deferment: - Shall be due to valid reasons (only overseas work assignment or on long-term medical grounds) with supporting documents 8 Student Handbook v10 .4 (as of 22 May 2014)

- Subjected to approval by the Director, Academy for Continuing Education @RP v.

Payment for deferment: – Subjected to the availability of a subsequent intake of the course/module - Students who submit the Deferment Application Form on or after course/module commencement shall pay an administrative charge of $50 payable upon approval of deferment and shall pay the full course/module fee (without MOE Funding) at the time of re-admission. - Should there be an increase in the course fee for the new intake, a student is required to top up the difference at the time of re-admission. - Unless a student has received an official notification from ACE@RP approving his/her intended deferment/withdrawal, the student will not be considered as withdrawn/deferred. He/she is still deemed to be a CET student in RP and is subject to all rules and regulations governing his/her conduct in the Polytechnic. He/she is still required to meet the attendance requirement of his/her course, if any.

c. Removal Students who are unable to complete their course of study within the stipulated maximum duration will be notified that they will be removed from the course.

9 Student Handbook v10 .4 (as of 22 May 2014)



All students are to comply with all standing regulations in the RP Student Code of Conduct, ALL Academic Regulations found in the Student Handbook and any other rules, regulations and instructions that are issued from time to time. Enquiries on rules and regulations concerning student activity can be directed to All students should carry their Polytechnic Student Card at all times and produce the card when requested for identification by any RP staff. Students are encouraged to behave with propriety at all times and to demonstrate mutual respect. Disrespectful behaviour or insubordination to lecturers or any other officers of the Polytechnic (including security officers) will NOT be tolerated. In addition, all students should not: 

Smoke within RP premises, Admiralty Park and other public areas where smoking is prohibited by Singapore Law. More information on these smoke free areas can be found at

Drink or eat in the class / laboratory / workshop / library.


Consume drugs or alcohol.

Ride or carry a pillion rider without wearing a crash helmet on campus.


Fight or commit acts of disturbance.

Remove books from the library without permission.

Enter Republic Polytechnic's premises without authorization.

Steal Polytechnic property or belongings of other students.

Damage, vandalise or lose any Polytechnic property.

Forge medical certificates or other official documents.

Rent projectors for screening of movies during and after school hours.

Commit criminal offences punishable by Singapore Law.

*For more details on RP Student Code of Conduct and the penalties and measures meted out for offences committed, please refer to this link 10 Student Handbook v10 .4 (as of 22 May 2014)



a. Mode of Payment Payment can be made via NETS or Cheque at Republic Polytechnic OneStop Centre. For Cheque payment, please made payable to “Republic Polytechnic” The Opening Hours of our One-Stop Centre are as follow: 8am - 8pm (Only General Enquiries Counter is open from 6pm - 8pm)


8am - 5pm on eve of Major Public Holidays (i.e. New Year's Day, Chinese New Year & Christmas Day)


8am - 1pm (Only General Enquiries Counter is open)

Sundays & Public holidays


Alternatively, payment can be made via credit cards through our online system at

b. Course Fee Subsidy* MOE Subsidy

Please refer to the table below for the different subsidies available. Subsidy

1st Advanced Dip/ Programme Specialist Dip Subsequent (AD/SD) (after 5 years)1

Singapore Citizens (SC)


SMESponsored SCs







No Subsidy



– No subsidy for subsequent AD/SD programmes within 5 years of graduation of the previous one. 1

11 Student Handbook v10 .4 (as of 22 May 2014)


No FT Dip Possesses FT Part-Time Diploma (PTD) Dip or higher



SMESponsored SCs







No Subsidy



No Subsidy

No Subsidy

Subsequent No Subsidy No Subsidy PTDs *Correct as of June 2012. May be subject to change by MOE

c. RP Bursary Application Bursaries are available to help defray living expenses for financially needy part-time diploma students who are Singapore Citizens and pursuing their first diploma courses in RP. To be eligible, the student applying for bursary should have gross monthly household per capita income (PCI)* of $1,700 and below. * PCI =

Total Gross Monthly Income of Family ------------------------------------------------------------------------No. of family members living together with student

i. Application Windows & Instruction

Semester 1 Bursary Application Window

Window Opening Period

Once every Semester, in June and November Email announcement will be sent to students email to inform on bursary application submission dates


Applicants will be required to submit hardcopy application form with supporting documents to Bursary Staff. More details will be provided in email announcement.

12 Student Handbook v10 .4 (as of 22 May 2014)

ii. Recommended Bursaries & Quantum RP will recommend most suitable bursary based on income situation assessed on student’s application.


Bursary Recommended (Based on PCI)

Quantum Per Semester

$0 ≤ PCI ≤ $1200

MOE Bursary Tier 1


$1201 ≤ PCI ≤ $1700

MOE Bursary Tier 2


Enquiry: For enquiries, please email

13 Student Handbook v10 .4 (as of 22 May 2014)



a. Membership i. ii. iii.

Membership to the RP library has been subscribed for the period of your programme. Library website Please bring along your CET Student Card when you visit the library The library has different operation hours during school term and vacation:

Mondays – Fridays Saturdays Sundays and Public Holidays

TERM 8.00 am – 9.00 pm 8.30 am – 1.00 pm

VACATION 8.30 am – 5.30 pm 8.30 am – 12.30 pm



Please note that the library counters will close at 7.30 pm on weekdays and 1.00 pm on Saturdays. *Borrowing services will not be available after 7.30pm for CET Students

b. Library eResources i.

Library eResources can only be accessed when you logon to RP domain. If you need to logon to Library eResource outside of RP, a VPN (Virtual Private Network) needs to be downloaded to connect to our domain.


Your login ID and password for Library eResources can be found in the pre-course briefing sheet given to you during document verification.


Please refer below for instruction on how to access Library eResouces.

c. Library eResource Access (within RP) i. Step 1: Please go to the Library website at You will find the link as highlighted in the box and click on it.

14 Student Handbook v10 .4 (as of 22 May 2014)

ii. Step 2: You will be prompted for your user ID and Password given to you. Please be reminded to keep it confidential as there is no change of password.

iii. Step 3: You are now logged on to the Library’s E-Resource portal to do your search.

d. Library eResource Access (outside RP) i.

Step 1: a. Connect to RP VPN.

iii. Step 2: Once the VPN is connected, you can go to the Republic Polytechnic Library website at and follow the instructions provided for eResource Access within RP.

15 Student Handbook v10 .4 (as of 22 May 2014)


General RP information

a. Campus Map & Directional Instruction for Drivers

CET Centre (Republic Polytechnic Centre, Level 2)

b. Travelling to Republic Polytechnic For maps and information on transportation to Republic Polytechnic, please visit our webpage at By MRT Woodlands Station

16 Student Handbook v10 .4 (as of 22 May 2014)

By Car (Shortest Route) PIE (Jurong)

Exit onto BKE(Woodlands) (Exit 24)


Exit onto SLE (Exit 8)


Exit via Woodlands Ave 2 (Exit 10) Turn right into Woodlands Ave 9 at the 4th junction (after you see Woodlands MRT on your left) Turn left into Republic Polytechnic (dropoff/pick-up point & basement carpark)

Woodlands Ave 2 Woodlands Ave 9 By Bus TO Woodlands Interchange FROM Woodlands Interchange TO Woodlands Ave 9 FROM Woodlands Interchange TO Woodlands Ave 2

168 169 178 187 856 858 900 901 903 911 912 913 925 926 960 961 962 964 925C 169


c. Car Parks Kindly note there are car parks available on our campus. Please refer to our webpage at Period

Car Park Tariff

Day Parking

S$0.80 per hour with per-minute charging.

0601-2230 hrs

Maximum $3.00 cap for multiple entries and exits from different car parks within the campus.

Night Parking

S$0.80 per hour with per-minute charging

2231-0600 hrs

Maximum $2.00 cap for multiple entries and exits from different car parks within the campus.

*Notes: a) Your vehicle should have an IU installed to facilitate payment. b) The above rates are inclusive of GST and applicable to staff, students and public. c) Charges apply 365 days a year, regardless of Public Holidays and weekends. d) Car parks shall operate on a pay-as-you-park basis, with no season parking arrangement. e) Motorcyclists can park for free at our P1-TRCC car park and P3-multi-storey car park. Motorcycles found parked at unauthorised car parks and areas will be subject to wheel-clamp and offenders will face disciplinary action. 17 Student Handbook v10 .4 (as of 22 May 2014)

d. Wheel Clamp Policy i.

It is illegal to park your vehicles at other than the designated lots demarcated by white paint. Please be reminded that it is illegal to park your vehicles at Handicap Lots & RED Reserved Lots in RP car parks as these lots are reserved for: - Handicapped Drivers - Directors of Schools and Centers & above - Covering HODs


Vehicles that are wheel-clamped will have to pay a release fee of $50.00 (inclusive of GST) to have their vehicle unclamped. This fee shall exclude any parking charges that the vehicle may have incurred subsequently. Payment shall be made by NETS only at One-Stop Centre (OSC) at Republic Polytechnic Centre (RPC) during office hours OR at the Fire Command Centre (FCC) after office hours. Upon payment approval from NETS, security will record the NETS receipt no. for reference and release the wheel clamp.

e. Taxi Call Point i.

Taxi call point (as shown in the picture below) that is available at the existing Taxi Waiting Point outside RPC. You can use this service to speed up your waiting time for the arrival of the taxis. Once pressed on the call point, the taxi signage will be lighted up at RP Guard House.

f. Food and Beverage Outlets/Services in Campus i.


There are 3 food courts, 3 cafes, 2 “fast food� outlets, 1 restaurant outlet in RP. Location and details of these eating places can be found in this link under Food Amenities: After eating, please clear your food tray and eating utensils to the designated collection corner

18 Student Handbook v10 .4 (as of 22 May 2014)


Drinks, snacks, pasteurized items (e.g: milk, yogurt) and bread vending machines are also located at strategic parts of the Campus for your convenience.

g. RP Lightning Detection System RP has installed the strike guard detector to safeguard all Republicans from lightning strikes. i. ii. iii. iv. v.

The strike guard detector is located at the sports complex and is capable of detecting lightning from as far as 32km away. The strike guard detector has two sirens located at two points: the rooftop of staff housing block no. 19 and at W2. In the event of High Lightning Risk (CAT 1), you will hear a siren with an intermittent high pitch. PLEASE STOP ALL OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES AND TAKE SHELTER When it is safe to go out and resume outdoor activity you will hear a repeating low pitch siren.

h. Location of First Aid Boxes and Sick Bay As part of our Quality, Environmental, Health and Safety (QEHS) requirements, first aid boxes have been provided in all the following areas for your use: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi.

All laboratories All pantries at Republic Polytechnic Centre (RPC) Library Counters First aid room in the sports complex Fire Command Centre (FCC) at Republic Polytechnic Centre (RPC) In addition, please note that sick bays fully equipped with a hospital bed, stretchers and medical boxes have been set up next to the Booking Office on Level 1 of the Sports Complex, and also at the Nursing Room next to One-Stop Centre at RPC Level 1.

i. Lost and Found i.

In the event you have lost your items, please follow the steps below: - Fill up the online form located at

19 Student Handbook v10 .4 (as of 22 May 2014)


iii. iv.

If the Item is found, it will be published in OSC website link Kindly retrieve your items at the following location: - One-Stop Centre (located at Republic Polytechnic Centre Level 1) 9 Woodlands Ave 9, Singapore 738964 Email: Tel: 6510 3000 If the Items found remain unclaimed for more than 3 months, items that are in good condition will be donated to charitable organizations. In the event that students or staff find/pick up any lost items, the following procedures are as follows: - Kindly contact One-Stop Centre at 6510 3000 or email to for help

j. Security During your stay in the Republic Polytechnic, the Office of Estates seeks your co-operation to abide by the rules and regulations. The Do’s and Don’ts are as follows: i.

DOs - Do approach our Security Officer/Staff if there are any queries. E.g. to ask for directions etc - Do park your motorcycles in P3-Multi-storey Carpark and P1-The Republic Cultural Centre (TRCC) Carpark only. - Do park your vehicles in the designated lots as illegal parking will be wheel clamped. - Do call Fire Command Centre (FCC) Hotline at 6697 1515 or 6376 8222 during times of EMERGENCY. - Do walk in the orderly manner to the nearest fire escape staircase when the Fire Alarm sounds.

ii. DON’Ts - Smoking is strictly prohibited in Republic Polytechnic and Admiralty Park. - Republic Polytechnic is a smoke-free campus. Please note that smoking is not allowed within the area marked in red below. This includes the Polytechnic and in Admiralty Park. Anyone caught smoking will be asked to leave the campus. 20 Student Handbook v10 .4 (as of 22 May 2014)

21 Student Handbook v10 .4 (as of 22 May 2014)

- Please do not leave your belongings unattended. • If you need to make a report on lost item/s or have any information that wish to report suspicious person(s) loitering in the campus, please kindly contact Fire Command Centre (FCC) at 6697 1515 for RP Security assistance in order to get the FIRST LEVEL of response prior to informing the Authority. - No eating and drinking is allowed in the Library. • The RP Library does not allow the consumption of food and drinks outside the designated café area. For our Continuing Education Training (CET) students, the action taken when caught violating the policy is as follows:  1st Offence : Verbal warning and confiscation of consumables  2nd Offence : Suspension of borrowing privileges for ONE WEEK  3rd Offence : Fine of S$20 and Suspension of borrowing privileges for ONE MONTH

k. Fire Safety i.

Action taken in the event of fire - Activate Fire Alarm • Any staff/student/trainer who discovers Fire or Smoke shall: • Stay calm and shout “Fire” • Activate the Fire Alarm by breaking the nearest Break-Glass Call Point. • Remove anyone threatened by the Fire immediately - Contact the Fire Command Centre at 6697 1515 with: • Your name and contact no. • Exact location of fire • Type and extent of fire - Attempt to extinguish the fire with the nearest fire extinguisher without taking personal risk. - Emergency Evacuation • •

Specific staircase route for evacuation in the event of fire is indicated in each classroom Please be familiarised with the escape route nearest to your classroom

22 Student Handbook v10 .4 (as of 22 May 2014)


Assembly Areas Those inside RPC, pods W1, W2 and W3 will assemble at Area 1. Those inside TRCC will assemble at Area 2. Those inside ECMC will assemble at Area 3. Those inside pods E1, E2 E3, E4, E5 and E6 will assemble at Area 4. Those inside Campus Heights Block 1 and 19 will assemble at Area 5. Those inside pods W4, W5 and W6 will assemble at Area 6

l. Pandemic Flu Crisis In the event of Pandemic Flu outbreak, students will be screened via RP planned screening modes, i.e. thermal scanners or handheld thermometers. Students will be required to bring their own thermometers to class. In serious situations, courses can be cancelled or postponed to ensure that cross contamination is eliminated. RP will inform students based on advice from Ministry of Health or Ministry of Education.

23 Student Handbook v10 .4 (as of 22 May 2014)

m. Updates on Personal Particulars All communications by ACE@RP administration to students will be via the email account you use during your application for course. As such, students are expected to check this account regularly. Students are also expected to be aware of the latest notices/circulars that may be announced via the email. Throughout their candidature, students are responsible for keeping their personal particulars (including official/legal name, permanent and correspondence contact details) updated in the Polytechnic’s records in a timely manner. The Polytechnic will not be accountable for delayed or lost mail due to incorrect or obsolete students’ addresses and contacts. For changes on particulars, students are to write in to with their supporting document. For students with official name changes, in order to ensure that such name changes are reflected on their academic transcript and diploma certificate, the students must ensure that they have submitted the details to before the end of the programme that they expect to complete their studies. Thereafter, no further changes to the student’s name will be accepted for the Polytechnic’s records.

n. Student Insurance All part-time enrolled students of Republic Polytechnic (RP) are covered under the Group Personal Accident (GPA) Insurance Scheme. For more information, please refer to

24 Student Handbook v10 .4 (as of 22 May 2014)






One-Stop Centre

6510 3000


Academy for Continuing Education

6697 1699


IT Helpdesk

6697 1500


Security (24 Hours)

6697 1515


Building Fault

6697 1700


Library Assistance

6697 1212


RP Booking Facilities

6697 1400


Sports Complex Booking Facilities

6369 8900


Republic Polytechnic 9 Woodlands Avenue 9 Singapore 738964 Website:

For Life Please call Fire Engine/Ambulance: 995 threatening emergencies

25 Student Handbook v10 .4 (as of 22 May 2014)

aspire commit excel

9 Woodlands Avenue 9, Singapore 738964

Tel: 6510 3000

All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. Information is correct at time of print.


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