TERM1 2015
From Certificate III to degree
Here’s How Sheryl Did It
Take me, I’m free!
LISMORE | CASINO wwww.acecolleges.edu.au w w. a c e c o l l e g e s . e d u . a u
WELCOME CONTENTS Full Qualifications
Short Courses for Work
Care Services
Computers and IT
Industry Compliance
First Aid
Workplace Communication
Aboriginal Programs
Leisure and Lifestyle Courses 20
/AceCommunityColleges Twitter @AceColleges
Happy New Year! Thank you for picking up a copy of our brand new course guide for Term 1 2015 – it is packed full of carefully selected courses that will help you take your career to the next level, or enable you to upskill in your area of work so that you can shoot for that promotion you’ve been eyeing up for a while now. We know that getting qualified takes an extra financial investment above the usual expenses of day-to-day living. To assist with this, we have a Pay-As-You-Go payment scheme so that, unlike VET Fee Help, you can pay a small amount each week as you study to pay off the actual amount (interest-free), and not be saddled with an enormous debt upon finishing. Give our friendly team a call to find out more information about how this can work for you: 02 6622 1903. Having been in Lismore serving the Lismore and surrounds’ communities for nearly 40 years, we thank you for your unerring and continued support into the new year. Please note new opening hours: Lismore College: Monday- Friday 9am-5pm Casino College: Contact Lismore College.
Yours faithfully, Kerry Johnson ACE Community Colleges Ltd RTO 90032
Join our mailing list at acecolleges.edu.au
ACE Community Colleges acknowledges the support of the NSW Department of Education and Training.
ACE Community Colleges acknowledges the Bundjalung, Arakwal, Gumbainggir and Yaegl peoples who are the traditional custodians of the land that comprises the Northern Rivers.
Education & Training
Ways to Enrol Changes to Enrolment Process
Accredited training From January 2015, it is a legal requirement for all students enrolling in accredited training to have a Unique Student Identifier (USI). If you wish to enrol in an accredited short course or full qualification, please submit an application for enrolment, either online or in hard copy. The college will then verify your USI, if you already have one, or assist you to obtain a USI. The college cannot accept your enrolment in accredited training until it can verify your USI. Go to acecolleges.edu.au or usi.gov.au for details on how to obtain a USI.
Non-Accredited training You can enrol online at acecolleges.edu.au or by phone, fax or in person. Once you have paid for your course you will be issued with a confirmation receipt and all relevant information. No further contact will be made by us unless the class is cancelled.
E: lismore@acecolleges.edu.au E: casino@acecolleges.edu.au
Call Lismore: 02 6622 1903
59 Magellan Street, Lismore, NSW 2480
Call Casino: 02 6662 3777
All ACE Community Colleges full qualifications are nationally recognised
Study with us and pay a little every week and avoid getting saddled with VET Fee Help debt
Study with us and pay a little every week Full qualification price list (includes learner guides)
Certificate II
Certificate III
$2800 - $3000
Certificate IV (Except TAE)
We are an approved Smart and Skilled provider.
Get in touch to find out more about our subsidised training. This training is subsidised by the NSW Government. ACE Community Colleges Ltd RTO 90032.
BUSINESS Qualify yourself for a career in business, or sharpen the skills you already have. Whether you want to run your own business, be a successful manager, work in general administration or a specialised area such as marketing, finance, HR or project management, understanding the business environment and having a sound knowledge base and the right skills is vital to success.
• Office Administration Assistant • Data Entry Operator • Small Business Manager
• Front Line Manager • Office Manager • Team Leader
Certificate I in Business (BSB10112) J Certificate II in Business (BSB20112) J Certificate III in Business Administration (BSB30412) Jk R Certificate III in Business Administration [Medical] (BSB31112) k R Certificate IV in Small Business Management (BSB40407) kR Certificate IV in Business Administration (BSB40507) k R Certificate IV in Frontline Management (BSB40812) k R Diploma of Management (BSB51107) k R
Bookkeeping With these qualifications you can gain new skills and knowledge, start your own business, or sharpen your skills and widen your career prospects in the financial and bookkeeping industries.
• Finance Manager • Accounts Payable Officer • Accounts Receivable Officer
• Payroll Officer • BAS Agent
Certificate III in Accounts Administration (FNS30311) Jk R Certificate IV in Bookkeeping (FNS40211) k R
TRAINING AND ASSESSMENT This course will ensure you have the skills and knowledge to prepare, teach and assess accredited courses in your field of expertise. Certificate IV in Training and Assessment (TAE40110) [In Class] J Trainer: Linda Woodrow
This option is suitable for people with vocational experience but no previous training experience or for those with training experience who prefer to study in a face to face classroom environment rather than online. LOCATION: Lismore DURATION: 16 weeks DATES: Mon 9 Feb TIME: 9.00am - 5.00pm
Certificate IV in Training and Assessment (TAE40110) [Online] @ Trainer: Linda Woodrow
This course is designed for people who do not have TAA 40104 but have training experience and wish to upgrade to the current qualification for VET training TAE40110. It is an online class that will fill in the gaps, in particular those relating to the VET systems and enable you to share your experience, reflections and ideas with other trainers. This course is conducted online, so there are no attendance requirements, but is facilitated so there is a real live trainer at the end of the internet connection. In the process of participating in discussion forums, responding to questions, researching information about the VET Quality Framework, and critiquing training and assessment strategies along with the peers, you will build up a portfolio of evidence that will be used to assess you for the Certificate IV in Training and Assessment. LOCATION: Lismore DURATION: 12 weeks DATES: Course starts monthly
Certificate IV in Training and Assessment (TAE40110) TAE to TAA holders [Online] @ Trainer: Linda Woodrow This course is an online Professional Development opportunity for people who hold TAA40104 and have current experience teaching within the VET system. It will give you an opportunity to get up to date with all the recent changes to the VET environment, develop and fine tune your skills in training delivery, validate your assessment processes, and update your Certificate. LOCATION: Lismore DURATION: 3 weeks DATES: Anytime
Address Adult Language, Literacy and Numeracy Skills (TAELLN411) [Online] @ Trainer: Linda Woodrow
This is an online Professional Development Opportunity for people who hold TAE40110 or TAA40104 to add this unit to their qualification. This course will be delivered online as three modules, delivered over three weeks. This online course provides an opportunity for trainers to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to recognise the core LLN demands of training and assessment and to tailor VET practice to suit the LLN skills of individual students. LOCATION: Lismore DURATION: 3 weeks DATES: Anytime
Design and Deliver eLearning [Online] @ Trainer: Linda Woodrow
If you are a qualified, practicing VET trainer and you would like to add the competency of facilitating e-learning to your CV, this online course will suit you. It will equip you with the units TAEDEL501A Facilitate e-learning and TAEDES503A Design and develop e-learning resources, both of which are electives in the Diploma of Vocational Education and Training. You could be considering using e-learning to provide online support or enrich the learning resources for your face to face students, or to deliver a full course via a learning management system or webinars. Through the eight weeks of the course, you will be guided to set up an e-learning project of your own. A certain level of geekiness and confidence using computers is required, but you don’t need to be an IT expert. LOCATION: Lismore DURATION: 8 weeks DATES: Mon 23 Feb
COMMUNITY/ CARE SERVICES The community services sector assists and supports individuals, families and communities in need, contributing to their well-being and quality of life. A career in community services is a great chance to make a positive difference to people’s lives. Why not consider one of these great courses to set you on track for success in the sector?
• Aged Care Worker • Personal Care Assistant • Activities Officer • Disability Support Worker
• Home and Community Care Support Worker • Direct Care Worker • Care Manager/Co-ordinator
Certificate II in Community Services (CHC20112) J Certificate III in Community Services Work (CHC30112) J R Certificate III in Disability (CHC30408) JR Certificate IV in Leisure and Health (CHC40608) k R Certificate IV in Community Services Work (CHC40708) kR Certificate IV in Aged Care (CHC40108) k R Certificate IV in Home and Community Care (CHC40212) kR Certificate IV in Disability (CHC40312) k R Diploma of Community Services Co-ordination (CHC52212) kR Diploma of Community Services (Case Management) (CHC52008) kR Diploma of Community Services Work (CHC50612) kR
two qualifications FOR the price of one! Certificate III in Aged Care (CHC30212) J R Certificate III in Home and Community Care (CHC30312) J R Trainer: Judy Boag LOCATION: Lismore DURATION: 16 weeks DATES: Tue 17 Feb TIME: 9.30am – 3.30pm
see our website details on start dates and venues: www.acecolleges.edu.au www.acecolleges.edu.au
EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION & CARE New South Wales has a vibrant and diverse early childhood sector, offering meaningful careers across a range of settings from preschools and long day care centres to family day care and mobile services. With the proper qualifications, you can be a part of this growing sector with a strong sense of purpose and commitment to providing children with a happy, positive start on their life’s journey.
• Pre School Worker • Long Day Care Worker • Family Day Care Worker Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care (CHC30113) J LOCATION: Lismore DURATION: 22 weeks DATES: Tue 17 Feb TIME: 9.30am – 3.30pm
Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care (CHC50113) k R
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Arts This qualification enables Aboriginal learners to develop the basic art-making skills that underpin visual arts and craft practice, and to use a range of skills and techniques to produce arts and craft works. Certificate III in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Arts (CUV30211) J
Trainer: Luke Close (See Luke’s full profile on page 18) This course allows learners working within the context of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander culture and customs to continue to develop the basic art-making skills that underpin visual arts and craft practice.
LOCATION: Lismore DURATION: 2 days (Tue/Wed) per week over 26 weeks DATES: Tue 17 Feb TIME: 10.00 am – 3.00pm This training is subsidised by the NSW Government.
Foundation Skills These courses are designed to assist participants develop the skills and gain the confidence to prepare for a vocational pathway qualification. Certificate I in Access to Vocational Pathways (FSK10113) Certificate I in Skills for Vocational Pathways (FSK10213) Certificate II in Skills for Work and Vocational Pathways (FSK20113)
Study with us and pay a little every week and avoid getting saddled with VET Fee Help debt
Study with us and pay a little every week 7
From Cert 3 to Degree “I was given an opportunity to retrain in the Community Services sector in 2009. There were 15 of us enrolled in the course, some in Disabilities, others in Children’s Services and others, myself included, in Community Services Work. Little did I know what this would lead to! I was in my fifties, unemployed, with not many prospects at that stage and reliant on a Centrelink payment. My course required me to undertake a work placement which was arranged by my Job services Provider with a service in my local town. The employment agency went on to fund eight hours a week of employment for six months. I also volunteered for another six hours which led to me being offered a permanent position. From here, I went on and completed my Certificate IV in Community Services Work with ACE Community Colleges. During this time some amazing opportunities came my way. I was nominated, and selected, to research and identify vulnerabilities in early childhood for the Australian Early Development Index in my community. I also sat on the NSW State Advisory Board for No Interest Loans, been a member of the Tenancy Support Program group for at-risk tenancies, have attended state and national conferences and much more. The courses offered an in-depth knowledge and understanding of all aspects of Community Services Work. The ACE tutors have many years of industry experience, and I was blessed with having a very passionate tutor, Maureen McDermott, whose passion inspired us all to achieve more than we ever thought possible. This year I completed my Diploma in Community Services Work with ACE. The face-to-face classroom environment and relevant course material allowed me to achieve this. Academically, I had always doubted myself however, the support given to all of us both by our tutor and ACE made it all possible. I have found a vocation that makes me know that I am doing something that matters every working day. I am now employed as a Family Worker/Project Officer with an NGO. As well as performing all aspects of case management, I also write funding submissions, that are often successful, for identified projects in my community. This takes a high level of understanding of the community’s demographics and sociological issues. I would not be capable of doing this without the education and training I have received through ACE. The most exciting part of my journey will start next year where I have been accepted into university to do a Degree in Social Welfare. But, there is more! Because of my study with ACE I have been granted eight units by Advanced Standing and a further two because of my industry experience. 10 units all up. Almost half of my degree completed and I haven’t even stepped foot on campus! I will have completed my Degree before turning sixty.You are never too old to learn! Thank you ACE Lismore. I am doing more with my life now than I could have ever dreamed possible five years ago.” Sheryl Graham
Skills Sets for Industry Ask us about group discounts! Medication Skill Set
Trainer: Stephanie Foster/Pam Mitchell
This skill set provides a set of skills for assisting with medication administration, which must be applied strictly in accordance with legislation, regulations, government policy and industry guidelines. On successful completion participants will receive a Statement of Attainment for the units CHCCS305C Assist clients with medication and HLTAP301B Recognise healthy body systems in a health care context. This skill set may be part of CHC40108 Certificate IV in Aged Care. LOCATION: Lismore DURATION: 4 Weeks DATES: 2 Mar TIME: 5.30pm – 8.30pm
Leisure and Health
Trainer: Stephanie Foster/Pam Mitchell
Trainer: Stephanie Foster/Pam Mitchell
This skill set provides the skills and knowledge required to plan and coordinate support to people with dementia. On successful completion participants will receive a Statement of Attainment for the units CHCAC416A Facilitate support responsive to the specific nature of dementia, CHCCS401C Facilitate responsible behaviour, CHCICS404B Plan and provide advanced behaviour support, HLTCSD306D Respond effectively to behaviours of concern. This skill set may be part of CHC40108 Certificate IV in Aged Care.
This program provides a set of skills for planning and delivery of programs to support people to meet their leisure and recreational needs. On successful completion of this course participants will receive a statement of attainment for the units CHCRH406A. Apply knowledge of human behaviour in leisure activity programs, CHCRH405B Plan leisure and health programs for clients with complex needs, CHCRH404B Plan, implement and monitor leisure and health programs, CHCCS401C Facilitate responsible behaviour. This skill set leads to CHC40608 Certificate IV in Leisure and Health.
LOCATION: Lismore DURATION: 4 weeks DATES: 3 Mar TIME: 5.30pm – 8.30pm
LOCATION: Lismore DURATION: 4 weeks DATES: 4 Mar TIME: 5.30pm – 8.30pm
Skill Sets for Industry Skill sets are not qualifications.They are groupings of units of competency which are combined to provide a clearly defined statement of the skills and knowledge required by an individual to meet industry needs. Industry consultation has highlighted a high demand for the following courses.You must be currently working in the industry as workplace assessment is a requirement of many of these units.
Steph Foster
Steph has 20 years experience in the aged care sector, with a Bachelor of Health Science (Leisure and Health), Certificate IV in Aged Care. Steph specialises in delivering Certificate IV in Leisure and Health, and Certificates III in Aged Care and Home and Community Care. Steph has been teaching with ACE for four years. “I enjoy being able to share the knowledge of human behaviour in leisure and health through an interactive and purposeful manner.”
Judy Boag
Certificate III Aged Care, Certificate III Home and Community Care, Certificate III Disability
Judy is an Enrolled Nurse with a Bachelor of Indigenous Studies from Southern Cross University. She has considerable experience in the Aged Care and Disability Services sector and has delivered Certificate III Aged Care with ACE for the past eight years. “I love seeing students engage with the learning and with each other. I enjoy watching students become more confident and empowered to work in their area of interest, or to improve on their current knowledge base, and be able to apply their new knowledge and skills across a range of areas�.
Palliative Care
Child Protection
Trainer: Judy Boag/Pam Mitchell
Trainer: Kate Curtin
Having the skills to provide care using a palliative approach is important when working in the aged care sector. This short course will assist you in gaining an understanding of how to plan care services and provide support to those you are caring for. On successful completion participants will receive a statement of attainment for the units CHCCS422B Respond wholistically to client issues and refer appropriately, CHCCS426B Provide support and care relating to loss and grief and CHCPA402B Plan for and provide care services using a palliative approach. This skill set leads to CHC40108 Certificate IV in Aged Care.
Are all your staff fully informed of the child protection legislation? Do they understand how they need to respond to child protection issues? This course will assist staff in your workplace to create a risk management approach and a harm free environment for the children you are caring for. Successful participants will receive a statement of attainment for the unit CHCPRT001 Identify and Respond to Children and Young People at Risk. We can customise this course to suit the needs of your workplace. Contact us for details.
LOCATION: Lismore DURATION: 4 Weeks DATES: 5 Mar TIME: 5.30pm - 8.30pm
We can customise this course to suit the needs of your workplace. Contact us for details.
Pam Mitchell
Pam has been teaching a mixture of Community Services and Business courses with ACE for a number of years. She works with our external students and trainees as well as running face to face classes. Pam is very connected within the Community Services sector in the Northern Rivers. She has gained extensive and current industry experience through being the Chair of two management boards of local not-for-profit organisations, as well as working with a number of clients in a wide range of roles. She is also an authorised foster carer.
Bookkeeping Fundamentals
MYOB Accounting and Fundamentals
Trainer: Katrina Jefferies
Trainer: Katrina Jefferies
In this course you will learn bookkeeping terminology and GST concepts. You will also learn the rules of grouping accounts, analysing transactions, preparing a trial balance and reconciling a bank account.
Learn how to perform common bookkeeping tasks using this popular program. Prerequisite: Bookkeeping Fundamentals or evidence of bookkeeping experience. On successful completion students will receive a statement of attainment for the units FNSACC302A Administer subsidiary accounts and ledgers and BSBFIA302A Process Payroll.
LOCATION: Lismore DURATION: 1 Session DATES: Tues 10 Feb TIME: 9.30am - 4.30pm
LOCATION: Lismore DURATION: 8 Sessions DATES: Tue 17 Feb TIME: 9.30am - 12.30pm
New Year New Budget
Trainer: Larissa Zimmerman
Did your New Year resolutions include getting out of debt or saving for a goal? Did you know at age 45 you only have 520 fortnightly pays until age 65? Do you live each day with no financial stress, meaning time and money can be spent how you like? If you’d like to get out of debt and achieve your goals (financial and otherwise), come along and learn how to have financial fitness. LOCATION: Lismore DURATION: 3 Sessions DATES: Wed 18 Feb TIME: 5.30pm -7.30pm
Customer Service and Maintaining Customer Relations Trainer: Nigel Smith
Do you have a strategy to build customer relations in your business? Meet and exceed your customer’s expectations and compete for business at a service level, not price. Find out what is behind good customer service and devise a strategy for your business that will drive customer loyalty.Take your customer service to the next level by developing strong customer relationships. Learn how to get your customers excited about your business.This workshop will cover relevant communication skills, getting your staff involved, developing customer communication and translating this into exceptional customer service. LOCATION: Lismore DURATION: 1 Session DATES: Wed 25 Feb TIME: 9.00am - 4.00pm
Impress With Your Facebook Marketing
Trainer: Max Haim
This is a workshop for small business operators who are short of time and need a process to maximise social media results. The workshop aims to establish goals for marketing returns using social media e.g. Facebook, twitter, LinkedIn overviews. We will work out which are the best media for your business, design your ad set to hit your target market, design the advertisement, measure the results of your campaign, ensure you are measuring the right variables and implement marketing forecasting and dashboard that convey accurate results. LOCATION: Lismore DURATION: 1 Session DATES: Fri 20 Feb TIME: 9.30am - 4.00pm
Enrol in any three of these courses and receive a 20% discount* Ask us for more details * One discount per person Build a Website Build a $65 With Wix WordPress.com site $65 Trainer: Dave Julian
Trainer: Dave Julian
LOCATION: Lismore DURATION: 1 Session DATES: Tue 24 Feb TIME: 6.00pm - 8.00pm
LOCATION: Lismore DURATION: 1 Session DATES: Mon 23 Feb TIME: 6.00pm - 8.00pm
LOCATION: Casino DURATION: 1 Session DATES: Tue 17 Feb TIME: 6.00pm - 8.00pm
LOCATION: Casino DURATION: 1 Session DATES: Mon 16 Feb TIME: 6.00pm - 8.00pm
Wix is a free online web site building tool and is one of the easiest ways to build an impressive website. It is very easy to use and in this 2 hour session you will build and publish your own customized site.You can choose from hundreds of professional templates and arrange your content, including menus, images and animation, exactly how you want it. Only very basic computer knowledge is required. This session will take you through all the steps necessary including selecting your template, customizing fonts, images and backgrounds, creating menus, linking content and publishing your site.
iPad/iPhone For Mobile Office/Small Business
Wordpress.com is an online version of the server WordPress (wordpress.org). It has the advantage of not requiring you to set up a server (it is hosted on wordpress.com) and greatly simplifies the process of creating a WordPress site.WordPress is, by far, the most used content management system on the web. It is free, very easy to use and allows you to develop a feature rich professional website very quickly.WordPress is particularly suited to blogging style sites and is focused on allowing you to easily add and manage your content. In this session you will build and publish a wordpress.com site. I will take you through the process of setting up your site, adding menus and uploading content such as text and images. Only very basic computer knowledge is required.
Email Newsletter/ Marketing
Trainer: Katrina Jefferies
Trainer: Nigel Smith
LOCATION: Lismore DURATION: 1 Session DATES: Mon 2 Mar TIME: 9.30am - 4.00pm
LOCATION: Lismore DURATION: 1 Session DATES: Wed 4 Mar TIME: 9.00am - 4.00pm
The iPhone and iPad have brought portable computing to a whole new level, allowing so many computer applications we use in the office to be at our fingertips anywhere we go. For small business this is a giant step forward allowing us to be connected to what we need all the time. In this workshop we will look at uses of powerful business tools such as calendars, email management and MS Office applications (word, excel and powerpoint). We will cover working with PDF documents, using Siri and dictation, synchronising and iCloud. Never feel like you have left something behind in the office again! Participants will need to have the free apps Microsoft Word, Excel and Powerpoint for iPad or iPhone on their device before the class.
This workshop is suitable for small business owners, organisations and clubs. Whether you’re running a business or organising club members. Communicate with the customers or members who want your news with an email newsletter. In this one day workshop you will learn how to manage complex email lists while complying with anti-spam legislation, how to design and construct an email newsletter, design a newsletter campaign to maximise engagement with your customers or members and gather important information for your business. This is a hands on workshop and participants will leave with a newsletter ready to go.
Business Surveys To Power Your Marketing
Creative Spreadsheeting $95 for Small Business
Trainer: Nigel Smith
Trainer: Nigel Smith
LOCATION: Lismore DURATION: 1 Session DATES: Wed 11 Mar TIME: 9.00am - 4.00pm
LOCATION: Lismore DURATION: 1 Session DATES: Wed 18 Mar TIME: 9.00am - 4.00pm
This workshop is suitable for small business owners, organisations and clubs.Would you like to know what your customers are really thinking? Just asking a few questions is not always the best way to go about it. In this workshop you will learn how to determine what information your business needs, how to collect that information while engaging your customers and gaining new contacts, how to write effective survey questions and how to analyse the information you collect to make informed business decisions. This is a hands on workshop and participants will leave with a survey ready to go.
Spreadsheets are a vital tool for processing information outside normal accounting procedures. In this workshop, you will be introduced to some of the many uses for spreadsheets within a small business context.You will learn basic skills to create and format a spreadsheet, basic formulas and ‘functions’ and charting. Then the fun begins. Learn to set up a basic Excel data base for inventory or customers, price calculation and business financial calculators such as break-even analysis and cash flow forecasting. Also covered will be importing and exporting data to and from other programs.
Mobile Computing for Small Business
Trainer: Nigel Smith
This workshop is suitable for anyone who wants to get organised with an Android mobile smartphone or tablet Are you regularly away from your office and need to run your small business on-the-go? In this course you will learn to manage a range of office tasks using your Android tablet and smartphone. Topics covered include essential security issues, creating and managing office word and spreadsheet documents, working with PDF’s, more effectively manage your email, set-up and manage your appointments diary, synchronise data between your devices, connect peripheral devices for increased productivity. This course focuses on productivity and multi-tasking features of Android mobile computing. Bring your own Android Tablet, Flash drive, USB cable and charger. LOCATION: Lismore DURATION: 1 Session DATES: Wed 25 Mar TIME: 9.00am - 4.00pm
Computer Basics
Trainers: John Shurmer and Brian Nolan
An introduction to the very basics of getting around a computer. Learn how to open, save, find and print your files, how to use the internet, emails and other social networking tools and work with images. LOCATION: Lismore DURATION: 4 Sessions DATES: Sat 7 Feb TIME: 9.30am - 12.30pm LOCATION: Casino DURATION: 4 Sessions DATES: Wed 18 Feb TIME: 9.30am - 12.30pm
Trainer: John Shurmer
Create stunning presentations and engaging slideshows that include words, diagrams, pictures, charts and movie or sound clips as well as note pages and audience handouts. On successful completion students will be issued with a Statement of Attainment for BSBITU302B Create electronic presentations.. LOCATION: Lismore DURATION: 2 Sessions DATES: Wed 18 Mar TIME: 9.30am - 12.30pm LOCATION: Casino DURATION: 2 Sessions DATES: Wed 4 Feb TIME: 9.30am - 12.30pm
Excel Level 1 Trainer: John Shurmer
Learn the basics of Microsoft Excel spreadsheet software for the workplace. Learn how to open, save, edit and format a workbook. Use basic formulae and functions, work with graphs and charts, and sort data. A basic understanding of computing concepts is required for this course. On successful completion students will be issued with a Statement of Attainment for BSBITU202A Create and use spreadsheets. LOCATION: Lismore DURATION: 2 Sessions DATES: Thu 5 Mar TIME: 9.30am - 12.30pm LOCATION: Casino DURATION: 2 Sessions DATES: Tue 3 Mar TIME: 9.30am - 12.30pm
Word Level 1 Trainer: John Shurmer
This course covers the basic features of Word for the workplace; learn about creating, formatting, navigating and editing documents. Learn about inserting tables and pictures in a document. On successful completion students will be issued with a Statement of Attainment for BSBITU101A Operate a personal computer.
LOCATION: Lismore DURATION: 2 Sessions DATES: Thu 19 Feb TIME: 9.30am - 12.30pm
Excel Level 2 Trainer: John Shurmer
This course covers advanced features of Excel for the workplace. Learn how to use some complex formulae, create conditional formatting to highlight data, Pivot Tables to summarise data, create complex charts and how to protect a worksheet. On successful completion students will be issued with a Statement of Attainment for BSBITU304A Produce spreadsheets.
Keyboarding Trainer: John Shurmer
This course is aimed at providing participants with touch typing skills with an emphasis on speed and accuracy. Upon successful completion, students will be issued with a Statement of Attainment for BSBITU307A Develop keyboarding speed and accuracy and a statement of speed and accuracy in accordance with the Australian Standard 2708:2001.This is an Australia wide recognised statement of achievement and is often arequirement for many job applications.
LOCATION: Lismore DURATION: 2 Sessions DATES: Thu 19 Mar TIME: 9.30am - 12.30pm
LOCATION: Lismore DURATION: 4 Sessions DATES: Thu 19 Feb TIME: 1.30pm - 3.30pm
See our website for details on start dates and venues: www.acecolleges.edu.au
Word Level 2 Trainer: John Shurmer
This course covers the advanced features of Word for use in the workplace; cover functions such as modifying Word options using a range of formatting techniques to position text, define and modify lists, create and use various types of tables, build blocks, templates and section breaks, create and apply styles, perform mail merges, and advanced table and graphics features. On successful completion students will be issued with a Statement of Attainment for BSBITU306A Design and produce business documents. LOCATION: Lismore DURATION: 1 Session DATES: Tue 17 Mar TIME: 9.30am - 4.30pm
LOCATION: Casino DURATION: 2 Sessions DATES: Tue 17 Feb TIME: 9.30am - 12.30pm
Enrol in any three of these courses and receive a
20% discount * Ask us for more details * One discount per person
tech savy seniors
Trainer: Brian Nolan Are you having problems getting around your computer? Learn how to open, save, find and print your files, how to use the internet, emails, Facebook and other social networking tools. In this course you will also have the opportunity to work with you own photos and other images. Bring your own laptop or mobile device for weeks three and four.This course is funded for people 60 and over. LOCATION: Lismore DURATION: 4 Sessions DATES: Mon 2 Mar TIME: 9.30am - 12.30pm
Industry Compliance Electrical Testing and Tagging
Trainer: Tony Holz
This training is aimed at providing students with the skills, knowledge and understanding to demonstrate competence against the industry standards defined in Australian Standard 3760 and 3012, WHS regulations and industry codes of practice for managing electrical risks and construction work. No concessions available on this course.
LOCATION: Lismore DURATION: 1 Session DATES: Thu 26 Feb TIME: 8.30am – 3.30pm
Replace Plugs $110 and Sockets Trainer: Tony Holz
Learn to identify conductor colour codes and how to replace plug sockets, correctly replace a plug and a socket of an extension lead, state the colour code of flexible leads, state the colour code of fixed wiring, perform testing on completion of replacement and complete required documentation.
LOCATION: Lismore DURATION: 1 Session DATES: Thu 26 Feb TIME: 4.30pm – 5.30pm
Provide First Aid HLTAID003
Trainer: Malcolm Whitfield
This one-day course is based on pre-reading and completion of a workbook before attendance at the course. The workbook will either be provided when you enrol or can be completed online; instructions on how to do this will be given upon enrolment. Course fee includes a manual and face shield. Refresher courses are now done within the one-day format. Courses are fully accredited and run in partnership with Allens Training Pty Ltd RTO 90909. Upon successful completion students will receive a Statement of Attainment for HLTAID003 Provide First Aid issued by Allen’s Training Pty Ltd RTO 90909. No concessions available on this course. LOCATION: Lismore DURATION: 1 Session DATES: Sat 24 Jan TIME: 9:30am - 5.30pm
LOCATION: Lismore DURATION: 1 Session DATES: Thu 19 Feb TIME: 9:30am - 5:30pm
LOCATION: Casino DURATION: 1 Session DATES: Sat 7 Feb TIME: 9:30am - 5:30pm
LOCATION: Casino DURATION: 1 Session DATES: Thu 5 Mar TIME: 9:30am - 5:30pm
Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation HLTAID001
LOCATION: Lismore DURATION: 1 Session DATES: Sat 21 Mar TIME: 9:30am - 5:30pm
See our website for details on start dates and venues: www.acecolleges.edu.au
Trainer: Malcolm Whitfield
LOCATION: Casino DURATION: 1 Session DATES: Sat 7 Feb TIME: 9:30am - 12:30pm
This course is delivered in partnership with Allens Training Pty Ltd RTO 90909. Successful participants of this course will receive a Statement of Attainment for HLTAID001 Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation issued by Allen’s Training Pty Ltd RTO 90909. No concessions available on this course.
LOCATION: Casino DURATION: 1 Session DATES: Thu 5 Mar TIME: 9:30am - 12:30pm
LOCATION: Lismore DURATION: 1 Session DATES: Sat 24 Jan TIME: 9:30am - 12.30pm
LOCATION: Lismore DURATION: 1 Session DATES: Sat 21 Mar TIME: 9:30am - 12:30pm
LOCATION: Lismore DURATION: 1 Session DATES: Thu 19 Feb TIME: 9:30am - 12:30pm
Emergency Asthma and Anaphylaxis Management Trainer: Malcolm Whitfield
This course is designed to give you all the confidence, knowledge and skills to manage and provide first aid treatment of asthma and anaphylaxis. Prerequisites: HLTAID001 Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation. This course is delivered in partnership with Parasol EMT RTO 2551. No concessions available for this course. LOCATION: Lismore DURATION: 1 Session DATES: Thu 19 Feb TIME: 6.00pm - 9.00pm
SHORT COURSES FOR WORK Workplace Communication
Wonders of Writing: Plain English Works
Trainer: Michael Bence
Are you wanting to make your workplace writing clearer? This practical workshop will provide you with Plain English writing skills to achieve this.We focus on structure, design and expression, making your workplace writing more readable, concise and effective, without losing your message. LOCATION: Lismore DURATION: 1 Session DATES: Tue 10 Feb or Sat 28 Mar TIME: 9.30am - 4.00pm
Learner Driver Knowledge Course
Trainer: Natalie Hannah
Communication Skills for Community Service Workers
Do you want to get your L Plates? This course will help you to prepare for the NSW RMS Driver Knowledge Test. It will help you to: • prepare your application for your Learner’s licence • improve your confidence by developing effective study strategies • gain basic computing skills to practise the online test • develop your understanding of NSW road rules and regulations. On successful completion of this course participants will receive a Statement of Attainment for the units FSKLRG04 Use basic strategies for work-related learning, FSKRDG02 Read basic workplace signs and symbols, FSKOCM02 Engage in basic spoken exchanges at work.
Trainer: Cass Goudie
LOCATION: Lismore DURATION: 8 Sessions DATES: Fri 6 Feb TIME: 9.30am - 12.00pm
LOCATION: Lismore DURATION: 8 Sessions DATES: Mon 9 Feb TIME: 9.30am - 12.00pm
Do you have a qualification in children’s services, aged care or disability services but have difficulty getting a job? This short course will focus on English speaking and writing skills for workers in these fields including:• Talking to co-workers, clients, parents and carers • Filling in forms at work: rosters, leave, record of care, injury reports • Writing notes and messages for co-workers • Documenting for the workplace: learning stories, progress notes, care plans. On successful completion participants will receive a statement of attainment for the units FSKLRG04 Use basic strategies for work-related learning, FSKWTG03 Write basic workplace information, FSKOCM02 Engage in basic spoken exchanges at work.
Maths for Medication Administration Trainer: Kirsten Elliott
Get ready. Get smart. Get started on practising maths for medication administration.This short course is relevant for people currently working in community services who are preparing for responsibilities related to medication administration in their job role. Calculation skills will include:Topics include:• Using measurement and calculation tools • Units of time measurement: digital and • Performing accurate calculations using four analogue time, dates operations (+,-,/,x) • Metric measurements: L, mg,kg, mm, cm, m • Recognising equivalent metric measures, and • Temperature measurements equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages • Whole numbers, fractions, decimals and percentages. • Applying basic problem solving skills. On successful completion students will receive a statement of attainment for the units FSKNUM08 Identify and use whole numbers and simple fractions, decimals and percentages for work, FSKNUM09 Identify, measure and estimate familiar quantities for work, FSKLRG08 Use simple strategies for work related learning, FSKDIG01 Use digital technology for work related tasks. LOCATION: Lismore DURATION: 8 Sessions DATES: Thu 12 Feb TIME: 1.00pm - 3.30pm
ABORIGINAL PROGRAMS Our Work with Communities
Luke close
Luke was born in 1962 in Far North Queensland. His family comes from the Githabul area of the Bundjalung Nation, on his father side and Waka Waka through his mother’s line. He holds an Honours Degree in Fine Arts from the Deakin University in Geelong. Luke has travelled extensively in Europe. Since returning to Australia he has lived and worked in the Bundjalung Nation. Luke is an artist and teacher. He currently works for the ACE College in Lismore delivering Certificate II & 111 in Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Cultural Art. Luke has exhibited his work extensively locally and is one of the Brothers of the Bundjalung Nation. He has been applauded for his contributions to local public murals here in Lismore, and for his ongoing work supporting local youth. He is a fine artist who paints the traditional markings of the scar trees and the impressions he receives from the natural world. Certificate III in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Arts (CUV30211) J
Trainer: Luke Close This course allows Aboriginal learners working within the context of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander culture and customs to continue to develop the basic art-making skills that underpin visual arts and craft practice. This course is subsidised by the NSW Government. LOCATION: Lismore DURATION: 2 days (Tue/Wed) per week over 26 weeks DATES: Tue 17 Feb TIME: 10.00 am – 3.00pm
Sisters Walking Tall
Four workshops empowering young Aboriginal women around self confidence. Course held each Monday. Call Jan Levy, Program Co-Ordinator to enrol: 02 6622 1903
ABORIGINAL DRIVER TRAINING ACE Community Colleges has had strong links with the Aboriginal Community for over 10 years. We are dedicated to improving outcomes for Aboriginal people through a range educational programs, including Aboriginal Driver Education. We are currently delivering Aboriginal Driver Education to the following communities: Box Ridge Community Coraki, Cabbage Tree Island Community, Ballina Community, Byron Bay Community, Jubullum Village Tabulam, Lismore area. This Program is funded by Transport NSW and is exclusively for Aboriginal people. Eligibility criteria applies. Our Program Co-ordinator links with the Aboriginal Communities to address educational and training needs by closely working with the Elders of all the communities where training has commenced and also with the Land Councils that service the communities. We currently have an 85% success rate for students taking their driving test for the first time with over 80 people gaining their licences in 2014.
Learner Driver Knowledge Course Learn the language of the driver knowledge test. Develop your understanding of RMS regulations, gain basic computing skills to practise the online Driver Knowledge Test and improve your confidence.
All enrolments start from January 5th 2015. Contact Jan Levy E: jan.l@acecolleges.edu.au T: 02 6621 6777 www.acecolleges.edu.au
Study with us and pay a little every week and avoid getting saddled with VET Fee Help debt
Study with us and pay a little every week ENROL ONLINE
www.acecolleges.edu.au In Person LISMORE 59 Magellan Street, Lismore, NSW 2480
see our website details on start dates and venues: www.acecolleges.edu.au 19
Trainer: Damien Lucas
This course introduces the complete beginner to the fundamentals of traditional sculpture.You can expect to complete a relief sculpture, chosen in consultation with the trainer, which will take you through a complete process of sculpture making whilst developing skills in drawing, clay modelling, plaster mould making, plaster casting and colouring/patination. During the modelling process you will learn about the elements of sculptural design including proportion, form and rhythm The final piece will be suitable for wall hanging. There is an additional fee of $10 to be paid to the trainer on the first night for materials. LOCATION: 112 Terania Street, North Lismore DURATION: 6 Sessions DATES: Sat 21 Feb TIME: 6.00pm - 9.00pm
Essential Drawing
Trainer: Damien Lucas
You will be guided step by step through practical exercises to develop skills in drawing and perception. The method moves away from the academic approach and instead develops a wholistic and intuitive sense of form common in the drawing of sculptors. The focus will be on ‘seeing’ the essence of the subject, whilst learning about proportion, contour, rhythm and form.You will initially learn basic skills whilst making several drawings of still objects before moving on to the more complex form of the human figure using a live model in the last few classes. Suitable for both the beginner and those wishing to extend their drawing experience. A list of materials required by students will be given on enrolment (approx. $20). LOCATION: 112 Terania Street, North Lismore DURATION: 8 Sessions DATES: Mon 16 Feb TIME: 6.00pm - 8.00pm
Introduction to Understanding and Appreciating Contemporary Art
Trainer: Raimond de Weerdt
More often than not when we visit an art gallery we are faced with works of art that we simply do not understand. This short course will equip students with the necessary know-how to more confidently negotiate, understand and appreciate contemporary art.Above all this course will make your next visit to an art gallery a fun and enriching experience. LOCATION: Lismore DURATION: 3 Sessions DATES: Thu 5 Mar TIME: 6.00pm - 8.00pm
Native Stingless Bee Workshop Trainer: Frank Adcock
In this course you will learn about bee nesting biology, bee foraging behaviour, importance of bees in natural systems, stingless beekeeping around the world, using stingless bees for pollination of farms and gardens and the harvesting and properties of stingless bee pot honey.There will also be a practical demonstration where we will propagate a Tetragonula Carbonaria hive using the splitting method. In conclusion we will extract pot-honey from a honey super. LOCATION: Lismore DURATION: 1 Session DATES: Sat 14 Feb TIME: 1.00pm - 5.00pm
Benefits of Keeping Native Bees Trainer: Frank Adcock
This course introduces you to Australian stingless beekeeping and give you the knowledge and confidence to care for these bees.You will be studying the stingless eusocial specieas Tetragonula Carbonaria which is native to our area. These small bees are excellent pollinators of local fruit and nut trees and a great addition to the home garden.A honey hive can produce up to a kilo of ‘sugarbag’ each year. During the course we will discuss the unique characteristics and uses of ‘sugarbag’. LOCATION: Casino DURATION: 1 www.acecolleges.edu.au Session DATES: Sat 28 Feb TIME: 9.30 – 12.00pm
LEISURE AND LIFESTYLE COURSES Mandarin for $190 Beginners
Spanish for Beginners
Trainer: Xi Xia Cao
Trainer:Yenny Tinning
Trainer: Christine Wuhrman
LOCATION: Lismore DURATION: 8 Sessions DATES: Tue 10 Feb TIME: 5:30pm - 7:30pm
LOCATION: Lismore DURATION: 8 Sessions DATES: Wed 11 Feb TIME: 5:30pm - 7.30pm
This course is designed for beginners with little knowledge about Mandarin and Chinese cultures. You will learn the basic features of the language, discuss familiar topics, and may be challenged by the culture. This is an introduction to a new and fascinating world, which may lead to uncovering parts of your own identity. LOCATION: Lismore DURATION: 8 Sessions DATES: Wed 11 Feb TIME: 6.00pm - 8.00pm
Learn the basics of everyday conversation in Spanish. This is an ideal course for would-be travellers to Spanish-speaking countries. It can also form the basis for a more serious study of the language.
How to make Fermented and Nutrient Dense Foods
Introduction $190 to German Do you intend to travel to Germany, Austria or Switzerland? Or would you like to surprise your German speaking family or friends with a few new things to say? Then this is the course for you. We have put together a vibrant and fun program that will cater for these needs.
Italian for Beginners
Trainer: Deborah Sharpe
Trainer: Mariagrazia Mazza
Fermented foods are a time honoured traditional way to provide probiotic rich food into your diet for balanced gut health. Most cultures have one or more fermented foods that they have made the same way for thousands of years. In this easy 3 hour course you will learn the background of some of the traditional techniques for making delicious vegetables, drinks and other nutrient dense foods like bone broths that you can easily make at home. Learn how to make sauerkraut, kim chi and other cultured vegetables just using what you have in your kitchen, no need to buy any special equipment. Our trainer Deborah will bring along other fermented goodies for you to taste.You will take home samples of everything you make on the day plus recipes to try for yourself at home. All food for fermenting will be provided and is included in the cost. Please bring a chopping board, sharp knife, 4 x 500 ml (approx.) jars and an apron.
This course is suitable for anyone who has never attended an Italian language course, or has very basic Italian language skills. Over the duration of this course you will learn and understand basic phrases, sentences and frequently used expressions related to the most immediately relevant areas of everyday life. Emphasis will be given to the progressive development of basic listening, speaking, reading and writing skills through the use of various supplementary learning media and materials.
LOCATION: Lismore DURATION: 1 Session DATES: Sat 14 Mar TIME: 1.00pm - 4.00pm LOCATION: Casino DURATION: 1 Session DATES: Sat 28 Mar TIME: 1.00pm - 4.00pm
LOCATION: Lismore DURATION: 8 Sessions DATES: Tue 10 Feb TIME: 5:30pm - 7.30pm
Tai Chi
Trainer: Miles Goosens
Tai Chi is an ancient Chinese system of exercise that consists of slow, graceful, peaceful and flowing movements. One of the aims of Tai Chi is to foster the circulation of Chi (energy) within the body. Improve your strength, flexibility, balance and co-ordination as well as experiencing wonderful emotional, mental and spiritual benefits. This course is suitable for all levels of experience. LOCATION: Lismore DURATION: 8 Sessions DATES: Wed 11 Feb TIME: 6.00pm - 7.30pm
Facebook.com/AceCommunityColleges Twitter@AceColleges Join our mailing list at acecolleges.edu.au PAYMENT
Subject to availability your place is guaranteed once payment is received.You can pay by cash, eftpos, cheque,direct credit, credit card (Visa or Mastercard), PayPal. Ezidebit or money order. Course fees cover the cost of tuition and administration. You may be required to purchase additional materials for some courses and will be advised of this at the time of enrolment. The maximum amount the College can accept prior to course commencement is $1000. Where the course cost is greater, the balance of payments must be received after the course has commenced in instalments no greater than $1500. Payment plans can be tailored to suit your circumstances.
ENROLMENT INFORMATION You can enrol online at acecolleges.edu.au or by phone, fax or in person at any of our college locations. Once you have paid for your course you will be issued with a confirmation receipt and all relevant course information. No further contact will be made by us, unless the class is cancelled. ACE Community Colleges reserves the right to cancel or change details advertised. Unless otherwise stated, courses are available to anyone aged 14 years and 9 months and over.
By us: We aim to keep our courses as affordable as possible. Insufficient enrolments may mean a course is cancelled. If so, we will notify you prior to the course commencement date and arrange a full refund. A full refund will also be issued if the course fills before we process your paperwork. By you: If you wish to cancel, transfer or change an enrolment, please notify us no later than 5 working days prior to your course commencement date. We will then refund, transfer or credit your course fee, less a $15 administration fee. If you withdraw from a course after this deadline, a refund will not be paid and transfers or credits will not be given.
Lismore Mon-Fri 9am-5pm ENROL ONLINE www.acecolleges.edu.au
ACE Community Colleges cannot accept responsibility for any changes to your personal circumstances.
Please advise us in advance if you have a disability requiring special provisions so we may assist you.
Confirmations of Attendance are issued upon request and where a minimum of 80% attendance can be confirmed.
ACE Community Colleges does not accept responsibility for any loss, damage or injury to person or property arising from attendance at a course or travelling to and from course venues.
CONTACT US E: lismore@acecolleges.edu.au E: casino@acecolleges.edu.au
T: Lismore: 02 6622 1903 T: Casino: 02 6662 3777
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