Department of pediatrics innovation award 2013

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2nd Department of Pediatrics Innovation Award Competition Application Form for 2013 Competition A. Overview and Eligibility Anyone who is a primary member of the academic (U of C) and/or clinical (AHS) Department of Pediatrics is eligible and invited to apply to this competition. Successful Principal Applicants from the 2012 competition are not eligible to be Principal Applicants in the 2013 competition. Trainees may be Co-Applicants or Collaborators but not Principal Applicants (nor Co-PA). The intent of the award is to provide operating funds to support an individual or group engaged in innovative projects related to provision of clinical care, education or research within the Department of Pediatrics. There are no program or topic priorities for this competition. The only requirement is that the project relates to an innovation in any aspect of clinical care, education or research that may improve health in children. Two or more awards of up to $25,000 are available to be awarded in the competition. In addition to the award(s), a plaque will be presented to the winners. In 2012, there were 7 successful projects and more than $125,000 in funding was awarded.

B. Instructions B. 1. Components of the Application The application must consist of the following components. Please note that although the application procedures are adapted from research formats, this format is readily adaptable to projects that are primarily clinical or educational. a. Project Title b. Project Type – Primary type – Clinical Care, Education, Research; Secondary type – any of Clinical Care, Education, Research c. Applicants – Principal Applicant (PA), co-PA, co-A, Collaborator or Staff. Please see “Requirements for Applicant, Collaborator and Staff Status” for definitions. d. Role of each applicant (in no more than 5 words per applicant). e. Project Summary – 150 words or less. f. Project Description (adapted from CIHR application format ( i. What you want to do (central hypothesis, research or project question, specific objectives). ii. Why this is a reasonable thing to do (review of previous work done on the subject matter, rationale). iii. Why this is important (new knowledge to be obtained, improvements to health which will result). iv. How you are going to do it (work plan, timelines, detailed descriptions of methods, analysis and discussion/interpretation of results, pitfalls, ways around the pitfalls, alternatives). v. Why you/your group should do it (relevant prior experience and skills, collaborators for technical gaps, preliminary data showing feasibility). vi. References. 1


Plans for dissemination or translation of results and plans for next steps in study of topic. For applications related to pilot or bridge studies, the applicants must state what their next steps will be to seek funding for further studies. g. Budget – the maximum budget per application is $25,000. All budget items must be justified. Travel will not be considered, unless it is related to the project, or for student/trainee travel (maximum $1000) to a meeting to present results of the project. Computers, software and other equipment readily available elsewhere will not be considered. There must be no budget overlap with existing projects. B. 2. Format of the Application The application must use the template provided in the accompanying document. The length of each section may be variable but the entire application must not exceed 5 pages in length, using margins of no less than 0.75 inches and font size of no less than 10 point. The first page, signed by all investigators, must be submitted on paper. The complete application must be submitted electronically. B. 3. Timelines, Submission and Application Review Procedures All applicants must submit a one sentence “email of intent” by Friday November 2, 2013. The sentence should state the following, “I/My colleagues and I intend to submit an application to the 2013 Department of Pediatrics Innovation Award Competition and the working title for the application will be…” The electronic submission deadline for electronic submission of the completed application is 11:59 PM, Friday December 6, 2013. (The deadline for submission of the signed, first page is 3:59 PM, Monday November 9.) The electronic submission must be sent to Dr. Jim Kellner ( and Karen Croucher ( The signed, first page must be sent to Karen Croucher. The applications will be reviewed by an Advisory Committee, chaired by the Department Head of Pediatrics. The awardees will be announced in January 2014.

C. Requirements for Applicant, Collaborator and Staff Status Adapted from, “Ethical Considerations in the Conduct and Reporting of Research: Authorship and Contributorship” ( Listing for applicants, collaborators or staff should be based on: a. Substantial contributions to conception and design, acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data, b. Drafting the application or report or revising it critically for important intellectual content, and c. Final approval of the version of the application to be submitted. Applicants/authors should meet conditions a and b and c. Listing for collaborators or project staff should be based on the following: a. All contributors who do not meet the criteria for authorship/investigatorship should be listed as collaborators or staff. b. A collaborator will, for example, provides purely technical advice, writing assistance, or general support. c. A project staff member will, for example, be involved only in conduct of the study procedures. 2

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