Department of Pediatrics Mentorship Program Celebration June 7, 2013
“There will be wine, there will be cheese!” 4:00-4:30 – Wine and cheese begins 4:30-5:30 – Welcome by Dr. Val Kirk Followed by Mentee presentations Moderator – Dr. Gemma Vomiero Acknowledgments – Dr. Val Kirk 5:30-7:00 – Wine and cheese celebration continues
Department of Pediatrics Mentorship Program
Mentorship Planning Committee The Planning Committee for the 2012-13 Mentorship program was:
The Department of Pediatrics Mentorship program is one of the innovative initiatives developed by Dr. Val Kirk in her role as Deputy Department Head, Professional Affairs. A committee was struck in Fall 2011 to design the program, and it was launched in Fall 2012 with its first intake of participants. The mentorship begins with coaching mentee participants to define a project that they are passionate about, is part of their usual job activities in one of the clinical, education, service or research domains, is achievable within the program time-frame and will result in a defined scholarly output. There are two components to the program: a structured curriculum and a formal mentee-mentor pairing to facilitate the project completion. The curriculum in 2012-2013 consisted of 8 monthly half-day sessions on a wide variety of topics presented by speakers both external and internal to the department (see later in this program for details). Mentees and mentors also met regularly throughout the program to ensure support and progress on the projects. Two sessions following monthly curriculum meetings provided mentees an opportunity to present their plans and progress updates to receive feedback, input and support from the larger group. We are excited to announce that we are now inviting expressions of interest to participate in next year's Mentorship program. If you are interested in participating, or have questions about the program, please contact Dr. Val Kirk.
“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.� Benjamin Franklin
Dr. Val Kirk (Chair) Dr. Ron Anderson Dr. Mark Anselmo Dr. Gillian Currie Dr. Taj Jadavi Dr. Vincent Grant Dr. Marli Robertson Dr. MacGregor Steele Dr. Gemma Vomiero The curriculum sub-committee was Drs. Currie, Robertson and Vomiero, and the evaluation sub-committed was Drs. Kirk, Currie and Steele. The committee would like to thank Claire Trojan for all her work throughout the year to help make the mentorship program possible.
Introduction to the Mentorship Program
Val Kirk
Project Management: How to be productive and move projects to completion
Chad Saunders
The Who/What/How of the Department of Paediatrics and Faculty of Medicine ACH Mission Statement and Strategic Plan
Jim Kellner
Faculty of Medicine Overview
Jim Kellner
Research Resources: ACHRI and RMT
Brent Scott & Gillian Currie
Promotion and Merit, Annual Reports
Jim Kellner
Teaching dossier
Jean-Francois Lemay
Personal and Professional Effectiveness Mamta Gautam
Principles for effective writing
Laura Herpeger
Writing exercise: re-writing your short bio-sketch
Gillian Currie
Grant funding opportunities
Gillian Currie
Panel Discussion – Writing: Challenges and Tips/Tricks for both the practice and process of writing
Brent Hagel, David Johnson, Susan Kuhn and Susan Samuel
Communication/Knowledge Dissemination: Oral presentations Using powerpoint effectively to support oral presentations
Heather Ginez
Speaking to mixed/non-specialist audiences: Challenges and lessons learned
Michelle Bailey
Professional Communication Skills How to get ‘buy-in’ for your projects
Susan Bannister and David Keegan
The Educator (A)
Personal and Professional Effectiveness Career Development/ Leading Change and Innovation
Communication/Knowledge Dissemination: Writing Skills
Introduction to the Mentorship Program & Project Management
Resilience training Tips for a Healthy Life in Medicine
Mamta Gautam
Minding the gap: Teaching across generations
Kevin Busche Office of Faculty Development
The Educator (B) Small Group Teaching
Kevin Busche Office of Faculty Development
2012-2013 Mentors and Mentees Mentors
2012-2013 Mentors and Mentees Mentors
Project Title
Project Title
Dr. Suzette Cooke
Dr. Leonie Herx
Developing & validating a set of entrustable professional activities for palliative medicine: Phase One in designing a summative postgraduate learner assessment
Dr. Pam Veale
Dr. Doan Le
Mission Possible: Teaching students CanMEDS usingmissions sent from website or iPhone App
Dr. Deb Dewey
Dr. Tony Truong
Predictive factors for Stem Cell Infusion Reactions in Pediatric Patients Undergoing Stem Cell Transplantation
Dr. Karen Barlow
Dr. Rebecca Sparkes
Development of a proposal & business case for a newborn metabolic screening follow-up clinic at ACH
Dr. Steve Martin
Communicating Infection Control Data Effectively Are We Meeting the Needs of ACH Staff?
Dr. Ellie Vyver
Planning and development of a proposal for a new Sexual Health Clinic for ACH
Dr. Barlow also Mentored
Dr. Doug Strother
Dr. Adam Spencer
Joseph Vayalumkal
Validation of sonographic assessment of gastric volume in the pediatric patient by gastroscopic examination
With special thanks to Claire Trojan and Clara Wang for help with the Mentee/Mentor Event Program layout by Nick Heazell and Dr. Gillain Currie