DEPARTMENT OF PEDIATRICS ALBERTA CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL 2888 Shaganappi Trail NW Calgary, AB, Canada T3B 6A8 Tel: 403-955-7551 December 10, 2013
To: All Off-Service Residents & Visiting Residents and Clerks
Welcome to the Pediatric Emergency Medicine Rotation. PRIOR TO THE BEGINNING OF YOUR ROTATION, it is important that you prepare yourself by completing the following: 1. Carefully review this rotation introduction letter and the supporting rotation documents found on the website (see below for list of all of these documents) 2. Watch the orientation video found on the PEM website at: 3. Obtain access/training for SCM/SEC computer systems (RESIDENTS ONLY ***see below for details). 4. Review your rotation schedule as sent out by the PEM Chief Fellow 5. Confirm your attendance at your Human Patient Simulation teaching session(s) and Junior Resident Teaching sessions with Gaye Kavanagh (RESIDENTS AND VISITING STUDENTS ONLY** details of teaching rounds below) 6. Pick up your computer access card (aka Sunray card) from Luisa Steen prior to your first shift 7. Review the Advanced Pediatric Life Support presentation and other emergency pre-reading found on the website. Contact information for this rotation: 1. Gaye Kavanagh Program Administrator, Pediatric Emergency Medicine Phone: 403-955-7551 Fax: 403-955-7552
2. Luisa Steen Administrative Support, Pediatric Emergency Medicine Phone: 403-955-2924 Fax: 403-955-7552 3. PEM Chief Fellow (Shift scheduling) James Leung 4. ACH Emergency Department Phone: 403-955-7070 For U of C clinical clerks only 5. Manjari (Manu) Shukla Administrative Support Phone: 403-955-2462 Supporting documents for this rotation are found on the PEM website and include: 1. Orientation documents: a. Rotation learning objectives b. Guidelines for graded responsibility c. Human patient simulation introduction letter d. Trauma system orientation letter 2. Information on SCM/SEC training (*mandatory to be complete before the beginning of your rotation) 3. Link to rotation ED shift schedule 4. Rotation teaching/academic rounds schedule 5. Sample daily evaluation form, interim evaluation, and patient log form 6. Rotation reading: a. Approach to the critically ill child (Powerpoint presentation) b. Articles on respiratory distress, shock, lacerations Computer access (SCM/SEC) – FOR RESIDENTS ONLY **Prior to your rotation It is critical that prior to your rotation you call the access office for our electronic medical record and ordering system (Sunrise Clinical Manager and Sunrise Emergency Care) at (403) 943-6840. There is an online tutorial and certification that you must pass prior to starting your first shift. If you do not complete this certification, you will not be able to order labs or sign up for patients. If you are not from the University of Calgary, please contact this office once you receive your Memo of Recognition as otherwise IT will be unable to help you. Once you receive this Memo of Recognition, all your paperwork is complete. A Sunray card is required to be able to use most of the computers in the department. This smart card provides a personalized virtual desktop on any computer in the ED when used by any particular individual. The card can be “rented” from Luisa for a deposit of $20 and is yours to use for the duration of your rotation but will need to be returned to Luisa after your last shift (at which point your deposit will be given back to you).
Orientation Session There will be no on-site orientation session at the beginning of your rotation. This has been replaced by a comprehensive video orientation which you should watch on your own time prior to the rotation, and includes a tour of the department as well as other vital information. Your preceptors will expect that you have completed this orientation prior to your first shift. The video is found on the PEM website under the Education section. Getting Around A tour of the ED is included in the orientation video so review it prior to your first shift. Below is a map of the 4th floor of the ACH which you will need to be familiar with to find teaching/conference rooms, the new Simulation Centre (if applicable to your HPS sessions), and administration offices. A description of how to get to Luisa and Gaye’s offices is also provided. Map of 4th Floor
Conference room/ teaching room area New Simulation Centre Main Elevators
Administration offices
Luisa’s office: • Turn right from the main elevators and go down the hallway to the right all the way to the end where you will go through the green outlined doors into the “Kinsmen Research Centre” • Veer to the left and down the hallway past a series of cubicle (which will be on your right) • At the end of that hallway, turn left and her cubicle is the last one on your right side Gaye’s office • Once you are in the Kinsmen Research Centre (through two green outlined doors), turn right all the way down past a series of offices which will be on your left side • At the end of that hallway make another right by the windows. Her cubicle is the 4th on your right side. During your rotation Pagers are in use in the ED for communication so if you have one, please carry your pager with you and let the unit clerks know of your pager number at the beginning of each shift. What to do when you show up for a shift: • Introduce yourself to the doctors, nurses, and unit clerk on duty • Sign into the SEC program on any computer using your Sunray card • Sign up for the next patient to be seen (or next interesting case as per your preceptor) o If the patient is a CTAS 2 or a potential child abuse victim – make sure you discuss with your preceptor prior to seeing the patient • Perform a focused history and physical exam (you may document this on the chart but leave room for your preceptor to do a little writing too please!) • Review the case with your preceptor • Please check with preceptor first before ordering investigations Scheduling issues Questions/concerns regarding the shift schedule should be addressed to the chief fellow via email as well as to Gaye. The rotation ED shift schedule can be accessed for updates on the google docs website provided by email from the chief fellow: TejdWYkE&usp=sharing User name: calgarypemfellows Password: rockymountains If you are unable to come for a shift last minute (due to illness, family emergency etc), call the ED at 955-7070 to notify your assigned attending physician AND contact the chief fellow and Gaye Kavanagh via email.
Mandatory educational events Please note that the following events are mandatory (unless otherwise specified) for successful completion of your rotation. The only exceptions are if you have a scheduled shift the night prior or are on previously approved vacation/conference/sick leave. For the specific schedule for your rotation, refer to the attached teaching/academic calendar. Attendance will be taken at all events and absences will be reflected on your final evaluation. 1. Human patient simulation (HPS) sessions RESIDENTS – 2 during a 4 week rotation • You will be assigned to either Junior or Senior sessions depending on your level of training • If you are on a shift during an HPS session, you are to be excused to attend • These will take place in the Simulation Centre on the 4th floor unless otherwise specified. CLERKS • Held on Wednesdays from 9am to 11:30am 2. Junior resident teaching sessions – Wednesdays 12pm-2pm. Refer to the schedule for rooms • These sessions are only mandatory for all junior residents (R1 and R2) as well as R3 CCFP EM residents • Sessions are based on a curriculum of cases and presentations deemed to be important to round out your learning objectives for this rotation • If you are on a shift during a session, let your preceptor know and you will be excused to attend unless of course you are dealing with an interesting case in the ED 3. Thursday PEM rounds – Thursday mornings • These sessions are mandatory for ALL core residents and elective students/residents (attendance will be taken) • PEM rounds occur every Thursday 10:30-11:30am and are located typically in Conference Room 3 or 4 (4th floor in the conference room area) • On the 4th Thursday of each month we hold “Super Thursday Rounds” which start at 0700 and continue until 1130 am. They will include Trauma, City-wide Pediatric Emergency Grand Rounds and variety of different types of rounds including the weekly Pediatric Emergency Rounds. Please refer to the rotation specific academic rounds/teaching schedule as the schedule varies per week • (Note that on the attached teaching/academic rounds calendar, there is also Fellow teaching, but this is only attended for PEM fellows and R4/5 emerg residents) 4. Procedural skills orientation – PGY1 General Pediatric Residents ONLY ** • First time General Pediatric residents to Pediatric Emergency please ensure that you have arranged your procedural skills orientation with the Nurse Educator – Kida Sewall. If you have any questions about this orientation, please contact your Program Director. Kida should be contacted directly prior to the rotation. It is desirable that this teaching takes place on the first day of orientation. Kida can be contacted at
Daily evaluations/patient log At the end of each shift you will be required to have your preceptor fill out a shift evaluation form for you (see sample evaluation). Print off a copy from the website after each shift as you will not be provided with paper copies. Please also provide timely feedback to your preceptor, as they are always keen to improve as teachers! Make sure that mid-way through your rotation that you have an interim evaluation completed by one of your preceptors. You will also need to track patients seen per shift (see sample patient log form). At the end of your rotation, submit all your daily evaluations and patient log forms in an envelope into the ED mailbox of Dr. Pat Mihalicz. Please make sure your program sends Dr. Mihalicz the ITER on ONE45, or leave him a hard copy of your ITER in his mailbox. Also make sure to have your name, resident/clerk level and program clearly written on each form. Staple together before putting it his mailbox. Visiting Clerks – please do not put your daily evaluation in the box for the U of C clerks. Follow the instructions for daily evaluations.
~ Enjoy your experience in the ACH Pediatric ED!