Responding to Child Maltreatment: Lessons Learned and Where from Here? Harriet MacMillan, MD, MSc, FRCPC On:
Friday, May 10, 2013 11:30 a.m. – 12:15 pm At:
ACH Auditorium (4th floor) (Part of the ACH Paediatric Update Conference May 10-11, 2013) LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 1. To understand the relationship between exposure to the major types of child maltreatment and impairment. 2. To become familiar with what is known about preventing child maltreatment and intimate partner violence. 3. To understand how health care providers and child protection workers can collaborate to improve care for children. *Physicians - PLEASE make sure you sign in to obtain CME credit. This session is being offered by Telehealth (Videoconference). To register as a participant, and/or to request a Telehealth connection for your location: follow this link to the AHS “Calendar of Upcoming Videoconferences”: On the calendar, scroll down and to the right of this event, click on “Click here to register as a participant”. Complete and submit the online registration and Telehealth location request. Help is also available at: For more information about this and other Child Health Professional Educational Events via Telehealth, visit: Posters, Handouts and Evaluations are posted and can be printed for distribution and individual use. Check back often for updates.