Alberta Children♥s Hospital Medical Staff Association
Thursday, March 21st 2013 12:00 - 13:00 Physicians’ Lounge, 2nd Fl. ACH
1) Introductions 2) Additions to agenda 3) Approval of agenda 4) Approval of minutes from meeting November 15, 2012 5) New business a. ACH MSA executive change over. i. Welcome: Dr. Deepak Kaura, incoming MSA President ii. Welcome: Dr. Sharron Spicer, incoming MSA Vice-President b. Proposal for food services in physicians’ lounge, members vote re: capital funds - Dr. D. Kaura 6) Old business a. Cell phone reception at ACH – Dr. Beaudry b. Physicians’ lounge updates – Dr. Bjornson c. ACH MSA physician of the year – trophy and plaque update. Choosing time for award presentation to this year’s winner. 7) MSA member questions or concerns – open discussion