2022 Annual Report

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2022 Annual Report
YOU! Focused on

Our Mission

Achieva advocates for, empowers, and supports people with disabilities and their families throughout their lives.

Our Vision

Achieva envisions a community where all people with disabilities lead lives of personal significance.

Our Core Values

Respect: Value and celebrate everyone.

Passion: Be dedicated to Achieva’s mission and vision.

Ethics: Infuse integrity, quality and best practices in everything we do.

Change: Embrace and drive innovation toward inclusive person-centered practices.

Team: Inspire, challenge and support each other.

Cover Photos:

Phillip Saulsberry, left, enjoying his job at Caliente Pizza & Drafthouse.

Tim Salopek, top right, cast his ballot.

Ashley Fisher and Alycia Lazur, bottom right, enjoyed a day at Disney World.

Mary Lou Gegick Chair, Achieva Board of Trustees Stephen H. Suroviec President & CEO

Dear Friends,

“Focus” is the word that comes to mind as we reflect on Achieva’s 2021-2022 fiscal year. As pandemic-related needs waned, directing attention to efforts that helped us to reach or draw nearer to our goals was revitalizing!

The progression of Achieva’s strategic initiatives aided efforts to offer expanded and improved supports with the person-centered goals of each stakeholder in mind.

We focused on

• The infant who needed a Strong StartTM via early intervention

• The young woman who, for the first time, was asked for her vision of a good life

• The parents who worried about their son’s future

• The donor who longed to make a positive impact in someone’s life

• The trustee who selflessly offered some of their limited time

Everything Achieva does is for each of these people (and countless more)!

Working with the disability community has given us an understanding of the issues often faced and the knowledge to help people navigate their options.

Achieva’s comprehensive services are a lifelong resource for the people we support and their families. None of our achievements would be possible without the tireless efforts of our employees, our trustees, and the people who focus on leading a life of personal significance.

It’s an honor and a privilege to make those goals a reality and the central point of the Achieva family in the coming year.



July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2022

Strategic Vision

Implementation continued on seven strategic priorities

Person-Centered: Create and nurture a culture throughout Achieva that promotes personcentered thinking and planning in how we provide support.

Advocacy: Ensure that advocacy remains a foundational part of the organization, is supported by sustainable funding and staffing, and focuses on individual advocacy and important system advocacy issues.

Impact: Identify, develop and pursue new and innovative initiatives that stretch Achieva’s abilities to fulfill its vision and mission.

Staff: Implement enhanced strategies to attract, develop and retain the highest quality staff.

Diversity: Develop and pursue a diverse and inclusive culture throughout the organization.

Technology: Leverage technology to enhance all aspects of the organization and services/supports.

Advancement: Develop and pursue an advancement agenda that enhances Achieva’s financial position, community presence and leadership.

Highlights FISCAL

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)

• Developed & began implementation of a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Plan.

• Inaugural Employee Engagement Survey conducted.

• DEI Trustee Committee made permanent.

8 DEI Episodes

Assigned eight training modules to employees to increase diversity and inclusion awareness and magnify their impact on the people we support and staff.



For people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families

The Arc of Greater Pittsburgh & The Arc Erie County Pennsylvania help to navigate the educational, medical, government, and adult service systems.

4,096 Total Advocacy Calls

940 New Callers

• Answered 4,096 calls for information, resources, referrals, or technical assistance, and 940 of those calls were from new callers.

• Resolved 796 educational advocacy cases and 291 cases on behalf of adults with disabilities; attended 476 Individual Education Plan (IEP), mediation, appeal meetings, and 225 Individual Support Plan (ISP) meetings.

Our growing Family

Achieva affiliated with The Arc Erie County on January 1, 2022. Katherine Reim accepted the role of Executive Director, and Wendi Wojtecki was hired as a disability advocate. The Arc Erie County supports the greater Erie area.

Focused on...
® Erie County Pennsylvania A Member of the Achieva Family of Organizations

101 Visits

With State Legislators & Legislative Staff

Worked with The Arc of Pennsylvania and The Provider Alliance to urge state legislators to authorize additional funding for the direct support professional shortage, early intervention and special education, and support of the closure of two state-run institutions.


Disability Healthcare Initiative Funding

The National CareQuest Foundation funded work on policies and legislation to increase access to medical, dental, and behavioral health care for people with disabilities.



“Never A Boring Day”

Ask any of the advocates

at The Arc of Greater Pittsburgh or The Arc Erie County, and they will all say the same thing, “We never have a boring day.” Nor a boring year.

As the numbers on the preceding pages show, the advocates make a significant impact in the lives of children and adults through phone calls, meetings, hearings, and referrals, as well as through general emotional support as someone who can genuinely empathize.

They dealt with issues from A to Z, including Adult Protective Services, complex needs planning, COVID-19, domestic violence, employment, government benefits, health care, home and communitybased services, housing, mental/behavioral health, the justice system, transition to adulthood, transportation, truancy, voting, and waivers.

During their twice-monthly virtual meetings, the advocates mentored the Empowered Voices Leadership Group of selfadvocates. Advocates continued working on systemic problems, and Achieva was a leading voice on multiple issues. Achieva prominently advocated

throughout Pennsylvania for increased home and community-based service rates. Due to insufficient rates set by the Office of Developmental

This leadership group is comprised of local self-advocates.

Learn more at achieva.info/ advocacy/empoweredvoices


Programs (ODP), providers of intellectual disability and autism services, including Achieva, cannot recruit and retain a sufficient workforce of Direct Support Professionals to support people with disabilities. Achieva advocates and families were featured in dozens of media articles and interviews. At the same time, Achieva advocated for increased state funding for the 12,000 people on the waiting list for services, including the 5,000 people on the emergency list. Although they advocated for more people to receive home and community supports rather than being transported to another institution, Achieva continues to

watch as ODP finally closes Polk and White Haven State Centers.

Achieva Advocacy worked with the House Majority Leader to create the Home and Community-Based Services for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities Augmentation Fund to ensure that money from the closure of state centers remains with the Department of Human Services to provide for people on the emergency waiting list.

The Arc of Greater Pittsburgh’s Disability Healthcare Initiative staff conducted research and developed a network of healthcare attorneys, disability and healthcare advocates, and policy staff to begin to

Achieva advocated for increased state funding for the 12,000 people on the waiting list for services, including the 5,000 people on the emergency list.

advocate for the designation of people with disabilities as a Medically Underserved Population (MUA) on both the state and federal levels.

So, now you may agree that it is never a boring day for Achieva’s advocates!


Focused on...

Innovation & Influence

Through Person-Centered Planning

• Provided local, statewide, and nationwide training to influence the system by sharing why person-centered thinking, planning, and action are essential in helping all people live lives of personal significance.

• Engaged in innovation groups across the commonwealth, modeling how using the LifeCourse framework can help people live everyday lives and assist people with disabilities, families, and system collaboration.

Charting the LifeCourse Ambassadors

George Sabota living his best life at the Abba Mania Tribute Concert

Achieva identified and coordinated an introductory Charting the LifeCourse (CTLC) training.

Eleven cross-program employees graduated from the initial series and another group of five completed a second series in October 2022.

Learn more about how we help people lead a life of personal significance at achieva.info/personcentered


Strong Starts

For Our Littlest Learners

Early Intervention successfully adapted to constantly changing service provision requirements resulting from COVID-19 while continuing to provide innovative, high-quality early intervention service plans and evaluation services across nine counties in southwestern PA (in-person and virtual).

WQED Partnership

“Ask the Expert ”

Through continued partnership with WQED Education, videos featuring Achieva Early Intervention child development experts provide tips on Tummy Time and Speech Development.



Developmental Milestone Cards For New Parents

Achieva and WQED Education created a series of ring-bound cards featuring developmental milestones from birth to 18 months for distribution at “Babies in the Burgh” showers through a partnership with Beverly’s Birthdays.

Above: PittServes volunteers helped to assemble developmental milestone cards at Achieva
Focused on...

Paid Employment

For everyone who wants to work

150 Competitive-Integrated Employment Intakes

104 Job Placements


Revenue Generated by Achieva Business Operations

Achieva competitive-integrated employment (CIE) and Achieva Business Services gather information about each person supported and use that information to reach the employment goal. We believe everyone who wants to contribute through paid employment should receive the opportunity to do so!

This fiscal year, our job placements increased by 22%!

Achieva is dedicated to helping people with disabilities become employed in work that matches their skills, interests, and talents. Through internal and external job placements, we make competitive-integrated employment happen. achieva.info/employment

From cleaning and maintenance to pallet manufacturing and packaging, Achieva Business Operations provided quality and reliability while employing people with and without disabilities.



Focused on...

A Place To Call Home

The comfort, safety, and security of a home is the first step in a fulfilled life

Achieva works to support people with disabilities in community living, creating natural supports, and stronger neighborhoods through shared experiences.

120 People Living in Community Homes

During fiscal year 2021-22 Achieva operated over 50 licensed community homes throughout Allegheny and Westmoreland counties providing a comfortable home and community setting.

153 People GreaterGainingIndependence

Achieva’s “A Home of My Own,” Supported Living, and Life Sharing programs supported 153 people living on their own or beginning the journey to greater independence during the 2021-22 fiscal year.

James Clemens and Stephen Molnar

Focused on...

Organizational Progress

• Expanded opportunities for minority, disadvantaged, and veteran-owned businesses to bid for Achieva’s facility projects.

• Completed clean audits for the Achieva Family of Organizations.

• Developed & distributed six customized employee training modules on person-centered planning, individual rights, abuse, protective services, complaint practices, and positive behavior practices.

• Upgraded Achieva’s phone system to Avaya cloud-based phone services system and enhanced technology tools to increase efficiency and ability to operate in a hybrid environment.

Talent Recruitment and Retention

Implemented enhanced strategies to attract and retain the highest quality employees, a multi-channel recruitment campaign, increased wages, and multiple bonuses.

Opened the renovated Westmoreland office along Route 30 in Greensburg.

247k Website Visitors

Launched a redesigned, Web Content Accessibility Guideline (WCAG) AA level website that includes translation capabilities for the region’s six most commonly used languages and achieved an 8.7% increase in website visitors.

Trustee Portal

Established a secure Board Portal providing Trustees with a webpage on Achieva’s website to find board meeting materials, organizational information such as financial statements, board training information, and committee materials.

Donations of almost $2M

The return to an in-person Pittsburgh Promenade was a success raising over $152,000 with 230 guests. Golf outing attendance was up to 160, raising over $87,000. A consultant was selected to conduct a feasibility study for Achieva’s next capital campaign.

Achieva employees took a break from volunteering at the Pittsburgh Promenade for a photo opportunity. From left are Patti Stetz, Cindy Short, and Barb Cartiff.

Being A Lifeline

Providing support, information, and advocacy for families and adults

Autism Connection staff understand your perspective. In addition to support, they provide autism news, sensory-friendly activities, training, and support groups.

Health Disparities Equity Project 250

Disability is Not a Crime

Help Requests Averaged Per Month

The staff at Autism Connection of Pennsylvania are all parents who understand autism and related disorders both personally and professionally. Help is just a phone call or email away.

Together with Social Justice Fellow Dr. Daniel Wilkenfeld (University of Pittsburgh School of the Health Sciences), and Dr. Joe McAllister (Autism Services Pittsburgh), we built a partnership to train graduating nurse practitioners to conduct a low-barrier autism evaluation for families in minority communities.

Awarded statewide police training grant for 2023-2025 to bring autism awareness training to law enforcement. The grant includes teaching about hidden disabilities across the justice system, in police departments, and in schools for resource officers.

Contact Autism Connection of Pennsylvania with any autism concerns: 412.781.4116 autismofpa.org

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Protecting Futures

For trust beneficiaries and people with a demonstrated need

Achieva Family Trust offers expert social service support and trust management. Assets under management exceeded $200 million in fiscal year 2021 - 2022.

2,493 Total Trust Accounts

Special needs trusts allow you to protect your assets while remaining eligible for Medicaid, Waiver Services and Supplemental Security Income (SSI). Achieva Family Trust offers three types of special needs trusts. Each allows you to preserve your funds so that you are able to pay for necessities - like home modifications, adapted vehicles and specialized treatments or medications - while preserving eligibility for lifelong supports and services.

Protecting Futures. Enhancing Lives.

183 New Accounts Opened


Distributed by the Charitable Residual Program

The Charitable Residual Program considers a wide range of requests from iPads, camp and recreational activities to medical equipment and home and vehicle modifications.

Focused on... achieva.info/family-trust/charitable-residual


Elevating the Status of Direct Support Professionals

Achieva partnered with The National Alliance for Direct Support Professionals (NADSP) to develop a credentialing program for DSPs

What is NADSP?

In concert with our efforts to infuse person-centered thinking, planning, and action into the hearts and minds of all Achieva stakeholders, the vision of the National Alliance for Direct Support Professionals (NADSP) is a world with a highly qualified and professional direct support workforce that partners with, supports, and empowers people with disabilities to lead a life of their choosing. NADSP works to elevate the status of direct support professionals by improving practice standards, promoting system reform, and advancing their knowledge, skills and values, through certification, credentialing, training, professional development, and accreditation services.

Front L to R: Leslie Myers and Cindy Payne Back L to R: Ariel Holmes, Jeana Slutter, Monica Sims

NADSP Benefits:

• Timely, relevant, and reliable news about the work of DSPs, particularly on topics like turnover, wages, benefits, opportunities for career advancement, and more.

• Live and archived “Let’s Talk” webinars which explore timely and critical topics.

• DSP events, presentations, resources and webinars on DSP best practices.

• The E-Badge Academy provides DSPs the ability to earn national certification through stackable electronic badges to demonstrate a DSPs knowledge, skills, and values.

• Certification provides national recognition for the contributions and competence of staff who meet the NADSP certification standards.

By becoming a NADSP member, Achieva is taking steps to invest in staff development and allocate resources to elevate the status of Direct Support Professionals, by providing the tools needed for success in their work.

19 “ ”

Around Achieva

David Schiro celebrated his birthday in his new home. Achieva’s first employee appreciation banquet in three years was held at the Rivers Casino. L to R: Monica Sims, Candice Jackson, Diana Kieta, Imelda Wilkinson. Harold Brothers, Padraig Burke, and Tim Poppick wear their finest attire for a night out.

GlobalPittsburgh arranged for guests from Kyrgyzstan to visit Achieva for a discussion about the programs and laws that enrich the lives of people with disabilities in the United States.

Front L to R: Visitors Aiperi Aralbaeva and Askar Turdugulov hold their native flag. Back L to R: Nancy Murray, President, The Arc of Greater Pittsburgh; visitor Aliia Kashkaraeva; Shayne Roos, Senior Vice President, Achieva; Steve Suroviec, President and CEO, Achieva; and visitor Nazira Soronbaeva.

Sarah Fenton found a job, built independence and moved to her own home.

Lisa Molter showed off her first garden-grown tomato.


For this Community Living Supervisor, her work is ‘the happiest place on earth’

For Ashley Fisher, self-care is a yearly trip to Orlando all by herself.

She walks through SeaWorld and Disney parks at her own pace, doing only what she wants to do. It’s an important chance to recharge for Ashley, one of Achieva’s Community Living supervisors, who’s spent years as a direct support professional.

If you ask how she thinks about her work, she’ll direct you to a song written about the profession with lines like, “I sometimes wonder who’s supporting who,” and, “I’m lucky, I’m blessed it’s you I get to see,” which might explain why, last September, she even made her yearly trip to Orlando about one of the people she formerly supported.

During Ashley’s first gig as a community home supervisor, she supported a woman named Alycia Lazur, who always dreamed of a trip to Walt Disney World.

Ashley says she has a “special bond” with all of those who lived in her first house, but the connection with Alycia was made stronger by their mutual fascination with all things Disney and chatting over the photos from Ashley’s trips.

They remained friends after Ashley’s role evolved, and last year, they realized they’d both be in Florida at the same time in September 2022, Ashley for her yearly pilgrimage and Alycia to visit her mother.


To Ashley, this wasn’t just a coincidence. It was an opportunity to change a life.

She gained permission from Alycia’s parents to bring her to Magic Kingdom, and adding even more enchantment to the experience, it would be a surprise.

Ashley and Alycia planned to meet at a Disney hotel just for lunch, but on her way there, the Epcot “ball” caught her eye. She

started asking questions and soon learned that a ticket to “the happiest place on earth” was waiting for her, along with her friend Ashley.

The pair enjoyed dinner at the Be Our Guest restaurant in Beast’s Castle and attended “Mickey’s Not-So-Scary Halloween Party.” For Alycia, meeting Minnie Mouse and riding Splash Mountain stood out as favorites from the adventure.

With the glitz and awe of costumes and world-class rides, Alycia’s dream was fulfilled that day, but in a more subtle way, so was Ashley’s.

“It’s important for me to be able to support the dreams of the people I support,” she said. “If there’s a way, I will work to find it.”

“If I am having a bad day, I just need to hear that one laugh or see that one smile!”

“ ”
... the connection with Alycia was made stronger by their mutual fascination with all things Disney ...
Left Photo: Ashley Fisher and Alycia Lazur on Splash Mountain. Top Right: Alycia Lazur

Achieva In The News

Highlights from the fiscal year July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2022

Browse all news, blog posts, stories and press releases. Visit www.achieva.info/blog/inthe-news or scan the QR code.

‘We’re beginning to see the collapse of the system’: agencies that serve people with disabilities call for more funds to pay staff

90.5 WESA | By Kate Giammarise | 10.7.21

Pittsburgh artist Maggie Kambic has ‘a following overseas.’

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette | By Abby Mackey | 12.3.21

Low pay is causing a staffing crisis for disability care. Advocates say Pa.’s plan to raise wages isn’t enough.

On A Positive Note: Lesson In Kindness From Mt. Lebanon School District Students

CBS Pittsburgh | 3.18.22

College programs for students with disabilities are growing in Western PA, but some have faced challenges

| 4.27.22

Juliette Rihl for PublicSource and Colin Deppen of Spotlight PA | 12.21.21

Achieva Announces Partnership Between Erie and Pittsburgh Sites

Erie News Now | 1.7.22

We’re the Pa. moms of disabled kids. We have some questions for Gov. Wolf. We are exhausted and we need your help.

Opinion | Pennsylvania Capital Star | 1.14.22

Advocates push for more state funds for disability services and higher wages for workers

90.5 WESA | By Kate Giammarise | 5.2.22

Achieva Support Community Supported Living Early Intervention Employment Supports Home and Community Supports PENNSYLVANIA OHIO WEST VIRGINIA The Arc of Greater Pittsburgh The Arc Erie County Advocacy & Family Supports Autism Connection of Pennsylvania (Statewide) Achieva Family Trust ERIE
Geographic Reach

Board of Trustees July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2024

Achieva Officers

Mary Lou Gegick, Chair

Jeremy Shapira, Chair Elect

Jillian F. Zacks, Esq., Vice Chair

Chaz R. Kellem, Immediate Past Chair


Tom Balzer

Dr. Nina Butler

Steve Crane, CFA

Michael L. Dever, Esq.

Gary Grysiak

John Haynes

Holly Hoff

Stephan P. Hubbard, CLU, ChFC

Kimberly Jackson

Thomas M. Lee

Leslie Malloy

Lisa A. Martinelli, Ph.D., JD, MA

Ted Meyer

Jennifer Modell, Esq.

Mary D. Richter, CPA

Josh Scott

David Tilstone

Rob Unkovic

Achieva Resource


Mary Lou Gegick, Chair

Jeremy Shapira, Chair Elect

Jillian F. Zacks, Esq., Vice Chair

Chaz R. Kellem, Immediate Past Chair

Achieva Support


Josh Scott, Chair

Jerry Goodrick, Chair Elect

Joanne Christopher, Vice Chair

Thomas M. Lee, Immediate Past Chair


Meghan Gannon Anderson

Nancy Hill

Antoinette Luchini, Esq.

John S. Lynch

Joseph G. Piccini, CPM

Gary Scalise

David Tilstone

Tess Wilson

Achieva Family Trust


Kimberly Jackson, Chair

Jeffrey Hantz, Esq., Chair Elect

Michael Dudkowski, Vice Chair

Holly Hoff, Immediate Past Chair


James Calhoun

Greg Fajt, CPA, Esq.

Beth Fulena

David Graf

Stephan P. Hubbard, CLU, ChFC

Elizabeth Hughes, Esq.

Jennifer C. Johnson, Esq.

Joseph Lantz, CFA, CAIA

Kelly Lovato

Leslie Malloy

Robert McDowell

Lee D. Moffatt

Mike Pearce

Robert Karl Schweitzer, Esq.

Stephen B. Spolar, Esq.

Rebecca Tyers Brown

James C. Woll


The Arc of Greater Pittsburgh


Ted Meyer, Chair

Tina Calabro, Chair Elect

Elizabeth Humphrey, Vice Chair

Dr. Nina Butler, Immediate Past Chair


Melissa Girty

Todd Hollis, Esq.

Melanie Hoover

Carly Koza, Esq.

Michael G. Meyer

Michael Milch, JD

Hanifa Nakiryowa, MA, MID

Nancy E. Potter, Esq.

Rhonda Schember

Lisa Silverman, Esq.

Jillian F. Zacks, Esq.

Apply to Join an Achieva Board

The Arc Erie County Officers

Rhonda Schember, Chair

Melanie Hoover, Chair Elect

Shawn Miller, Vice Chair

N/A, Immediate Past Chair


Imarii Anderson Dr. Sean Carroll

Kayla Quick

Kim Serafin

Paul Vallimont

Jerry Wegley, Esq.

Autism Connection of PA


Steve Crane, CFA, Chair

Jennifer Modell, Esq., Chair Elect

Beth Rom, Vice Chair

William F. Ward, Esq. Immediate Past Chair


Janice Bollman, MA, CCC/SLP, BCBA, LBS

Karen Markle

Dave McMaster, Esq.

Ian Michael, Esq.

The Honorable Tiffany Sizemore

Joseph Smith

Michelle Walker

Thomas Ward

Volunteering as a Trustee for the Achieva Family of Organizations provides an opportunity to make a difference while helping to fulfill Achieva’s mission and vision. Submit an interest form at achieva.info/trustee-interest-form


Financial Review for the Fiscal Year 2021-2022

Expenses by Services

Home and Community Supports ....... 3,597,944 Community Supported Living ............ 20,951,176 Employment/CPS.................................... 5,097,812 Early Intervention ................................... 4,292,476 Representative Payee ............................. 240,806 Business Operations .............................. 3,413,438 Depreciation .............................................. 570,623 The Family Trust .................................... 2,985,259 Advocacy .................................................. 1,082,232 Achieva Resource......................................... 50,971 Development/Fundraising ...................... 570,541 $42,853,278
Audited Figures from Fiscal Year July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2022
29 Governmental ........................................ 32,281,584 Business Operations Revenue ............. 2,820,884 Other Program Revenue ........................ 2,881,105 Contributions ............................................. 1,824,019 Fundraising ................................................... 371,269 Investment Income ..................................... 518,535 Rental Income ............................................ 844,869 Fees ............................................................ 2,947,247 Net Appreciation on Investments ..... (4,648,525) Miscellaneous Revenue ........................... 334,906 Net Assets Released from Restrictions .. 647,449 $40,823,342 Revenue
1, 2021
June 30, 2022
Audited Figures from Fiscal Year July

Thank You To Our Generous Donors

All listed donor names are for gifts made between July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2022

Individual, Organization and Foundation



CareQuest Institute for Oral Health Foundation

Carrie Graham Bauer Charitable Trust

Comcast Foundation

Cornelia Fund of The Pittsburgh Foundation

The David S. and Karen A. Shapira Foundation

Bill Demchak

Edith L. Trees Charitable Trust *

FISA Foundation * Giant Eagle Foundation

Jack Buncher Foundation *

McDowell Family Fund of The Pittsburgh Foundation

PNC Foundation/PNC Bank

Robert & Susan Randolph

The Rosenthal Family

Sanofi-Aventis U.S. Charitable Trust Account

Seubert and Associates, Inc.

Suzanne Droz Trust

Ginny Thornburgh United Way of Beaver County

United Way of Southwestern Pennsylvania

UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh & UPMC Community Care Behavioral Health *

$5,000 - 9,999

Achieva Family Trust Active Aging, Inc. ** AMCOM Office Systems


Perry K. Blatz

Capital Group

Child Health Association of Sewickley

Children’s Aid Society of Jewish Women Endowment Fund

Darlington Charitable Trust through the PNC Charitable Trusts Grant Committee

Michael & Julie Dever + Divers Family Foundation Fund of The Pittsburgh Foundation

Elderton Youth Wrestling *

Enterprise Holdings Foundation

Giant Eagle

JB Finley Charitable Trust through the PNC Charitable Trusts Grant Committee

Mutual of America

Leslie Offer

Robert Otto

The Pittsburgh Cultural Trust *

Mary & Bill Richter

Steve & Sherry Suroviec +

UniqueSource Products & Services

UPMC Health Plan/UPMC Health System

Kitty Williams

*Has donated to Autism Connection of PA. **Has donated to The Arc Erie County. + Monthly Recurring Donors


$2,500 - 4,999

Melissa Anderson


Beacon Health Options *

Marsha & Alan Blanco

Community Foundation of Westmoreland County

Carolyn D. Duronio, Esq.

Mary Lou & Gary Gegick +

Geiser Acuff Charitable Fund of The Pittsburgh Foundation

Gingerbread Man

Running Company *

Julia Heinnickel

Gary & Sharon Horner


Kathleen Lee

Thomas M. Lee

Lisa A. Martinelli, Ph.D.,

JD, MA, & David Patosky

Matcon Diamond Inc.

Julie Mounts *


PNC Financial Services


Jeff & Linda Poholsky *

Bette Rom *

Shannock Valley Elementary School *

Jeremy Shapira +

F. Shevey & Anne Westbrook

Steve & Jody Spolar

Rebecca Tyers Brown +

Western Pennsylvania School for the Deaf

$1,000 - 2,499

84 Lumber Company

Achieva Development

Achieva Early Intervention Dept.

Advent Communication Systems

Regina Aldisert

Anonymous (2)


Tom Balzer +

Randall Baumann

Blackburn’s Pharmacy

Brenda Bonafair

Mark A. Brown

Buchanan Ingersoll and Rooney, PC

Walter & Nancy Bunt

Caltronics National

Carmody and Ging, Attorneys at Law

Charles & Yvonne Carroll

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania *

Steve & MJ Crane

DG Group Architecture


William & Jamie Dixon

Michael Dudkowski

Duquesne University

Gregory Fajt

Family Links *

First National Bank

Martha Frech

G. Whitney Snyder

Charitable Fund

Mike & Lori George *

Glenn Charitable Trust Fund of The Pittsburgh Foundation

Jerry & Lisa Goodrick

Gary & Janet Grysiak +

Stan Hasselbusch *

Holly & Jared Hoff +

Geralyn Holt

Wendy Hosking & Steven Sternberger

J.P. Morgan Private Bank

Michael & Lynn Karasik *

Edward & Suzanne


WP Andrew & Teresa Lee

Robert & Wendy Lent

Leonard A. & Mary Jane Schafer Foundation *

Brian & Julie Long

LuLu A. Pool Health and Education Trust

Joseph & Denise Lumarda

Maher Duessel

Marilyn and Robert Funari Family Foundation

Linda & Al Marino *

Dave McMaster

Nancy & Joe Murray

Jamie Patterson *

Pittsburgh Pirates Alumni Association *

Pittsburgh Steelers

Porter Wright Morris & Arthur LLP

Presbyterian Women of Third Presbyterian Church

Sharon Richards

River Pediatric Therapies

Daniel Romanow

Sam’s Club

Joshua & Kathryn Scott

Michael & Patricia Sherry

John & Beth Shimshock

Dmitri Shiry


Smithfield Foods, Inc

George Tedesco

The Duckworth Haggerty

Group at Merrill Lynch

The Welcome Club of Erie

Pennsylvania **

David & Kim Tilstone

Dave Tinker +

Tucker Arensberg, PC


Rob Unkovic

Verland Foundation, Inc.

Watson Institute *

Michelle Wilden

Willis Towers Watson US


Jim & Kathy Woll

$500 - 999

Achieva Community

Supported Living

Helen Aldisert

Alliance Health

Wraparound, Inc. *

Anonymous *

Peter & Kari Ashcroft

Cindy & Vincent Barsotti

Judith Bass

Margaret Bertrand *

Sharon Bible +

Biel Charitable Fund

Community Foundation of Westmoreland County

Blue Sky Sign Co.

BNY Mellon Corporation’s Community Partnership

Jeff Bragdon

Terrie Cable

Al, Pat & Doug Cambridge

Alyson Chittister

Richard Collet

Louis Cosentino

Andrea Curtin

Dean Behavioral Consulting, LLC *

Clara J. DeNardis

Robert & Marta Dimarcantonio

DJM Fund of The Pittsburgh Foundation

Amy Dolan Strano, Esq. * +

Duquesne Light

Marcie Eberhart *

Enterprise Fleet Services

EQT Foundation *

FedEx Corporation *

Kerry Frech

George & Muriel L. Fritsch

Beth Fulena

LeeAnn Fulena, Esq.

Meghan GannonAnderson

Gannon Family

Nicole Garcia

John Paul Gilmartin

The Giving Block

Linda and Foster S.

Goldman, Jr., Esq.

Irene Grysiak & Basil Dixon

Susan Reese Hartzell

Richard & Susan Herchenroether

Nat & Bettina Hess

Nancy Hill

Cynthia Hirsh

Gary Horwitz *

Stephan Hubbard, CLU, ChFC

John & Kathleen Kasel *

Andrew Kelly

Dahlia G. Smith Kofsky & Melvin Kofsky

Sarah Koski *

Lang Krayer

William E. Kroll *

Catherine Lalonde * +

Margot Latchem *

Leech Tishman Fuscaldo and Lampl, LLC.

Mark & Catherine Loevner

John G. Lovelace *

Leslie Malloy

Carla Mazefsky

Dr. Edward J. McClain

John & Kate McGrady

Matt McGrath

Louis & Kristin Montanti

Lisa Moser *

Mutual of America Foundation

Dr. Farida Nasr

Network for Good *

Amanda Nikolich

Marte Novak *

Christina Perry *

Philadelphia Insurance Company

Alfonso Provenzano *

Range Resources *

Cherie River

Shayne Roos +

Lindsay Ruggeri

David & Sue Rzepecki

Gary Scalise

Robert Schweitzer, Esq.

Service Coordination


Uzma & Wagar Shah


*Has donated to Autism Connection of PA. **Has donated to The Arc Erie County. + Monthly Recurring Donors

Joan O. Shoemaker, Esq.

Cynthia L. Short +

T. Rowe Price Program for Charitable Giving

Jodie Tabano +

Tarentum Eagle Riders *

Temple University

Thermo Fisher

Scientific *

Three Rivers

Corvette Club


Thomas & Bonnie


James & Mary Beth Veri

Susie Wellner

David Williams

Phil Wobrak +

John Brucker & Lori


Jillian Zacks, Esq. +

Ronald Zolkowski +

$250 - 499

AmazonSmile Program *

Anonymous (2)

Jay Aronson


Bank of America

Charitable Gift Fund

Tracy Barber

Barber National Institute

Dr. Jane Breck

Victoria Broniscer * +

Brunner’s Garage and Company

Burke’s Heating and Cooling, Inc.

James & Joyce Calhoun

Dennis Ceccarelli

Joanne Christopher

Floyd & Tera Clutter

Roma Constantine

Molly Curran

Eugene & Cynthia DeFrank

Jean Dick

Virginia Ditmars *

Rodney & Sun Ye Dobish

Nancy Draftina *

David & Linda Duessel

Duquesne University

Facilities Management


Lodge Free & Accepted

Masons #731 *

Janelle Eger

Gary Euler

Midway Financial

Madeline Frech

Maureen Frew *

Craig Frischman

Jamie & Nicole Frischolz

Rose Ann Fulena

Dr. Mark & Marian Gannon

Martin Gannon

Lisa L. Garrett

Barbara Giarrusso

Gleason Family Charitable Fund

Joel B. Gold

Danielle Goodrick

David & Cynthia Graf

David Harvey

Emily & Dave Hayburn

Elisabeth Healey

Mike Hochendoner

Jill Hollingshead

Jamie Hudzik & Peter Coughlin

Ryan Jackson

Jennifer & Nathan Johnson

Carol Kasnevich

Robert & Linda Kelley

Susan Kelly

Marianne KennedyEvans

David A. Knorr

Louis & Sherri Kostante

Dan Krauth

Sandra & Don Kremer *

Joshua Lachini *

Joseph Lantz

Marilyn & Frank Limbacher *

Emily Anne Lippert

Leslee L. Locket Keenan +

Paul & Nancy Long

Antoinette Luchini, Esq.

Allison Luptak *

John S. Lynch

Mahla Office Furniture

Gail Mangold *

Karen Markle

Brian McCormick *

Dianne & James McMaster *

Theodore Meyer

Jennifer Moores

Ashley Mross *

Nathan Speech Services, LLC *

Novartis US Foundation

Philip Orlando *

Michael Page +

Suzanne L. Parks

Matthew Perkins

Eric Perz

Lucianna Petrella

James Price

Heather Purpura

Luciana Randall *

Melissa Richards

Jeffrey Riggs


Robert Wholey & Co., Inc.

Linda Santee *

Dolores Schmitt

Michael Scott *

Lauren Shapiro *

Dr. Ron Shapiro & Mary Austin

Jim Shaver

Mark & Carole Shepard

Silhol Builders Supply

Lisa & Steve Silverman

Cheryl Simchak

Debra & Vernon Smith

Raytheon Technologies

Bill Tomlinson

Theodore M. Trbovich, Esq.

Dan & Lorraine Turkall

United Health Group *

Catherine Urso

Vision Benefits of America

Kathleen Wallach *

Bill & Joan Ward

Rosanne Warman

Maureen Welsh *

Mary Whalen

Antenor Willems

Stephen Willing

X-Tile LLC DBA Dillon


Ann Yeager

Up to $250

6AMRun.com *

Rebecca Abrams *

Laura Adams

Dorothy Adams Burns

Joseph & Lisa Alfonsi

Paula Allan *

Allegheny Records Destruction

Jon & Mary Beth


Lori Allen

Myra Alperson

American Water *

Elise Anderchak *

Michele Anderson

Joseph Angelo

Tracy Ann

Anonymous (23)

Anonymous (24) *

The Arc of Beaver County

Karen Ashby

Gena Ashe *

Lois & Thomas Aurila

Erin Austin *

Melanie Babusci *

Arshad Bachelani *

Thomas & Karen Backus

Cynthia Baker

Jaime Baker

Jarod Baker

George G. Balderose

Margaret Ballantyne *

Stella Balzli *

Stephanie Barbero *

John & Lisa Anne Barbour

John Bardwell & Kathleen Conaboy

John & Sue Baron *

Mike Bartlebaugh

Carol Barvinchak

George Basara

Wendy Batman

Paul & Kristen Bauer

Bayer USA Foundation

Joyce Beasom

Lesley Beasom

David M. Bechtold

David Becker

Alan & Nancy Bedell

Michael Begolly

Margaret Beldecos *

Michele Bellisario

Sean Belowich *

Leslie Benedetto

Joy Berenfield

Paul Berger & Billie Weill

Deborah & Sam Berkovitz

Matthew Berwick *

Janet Betke

Richard Betsch

Joan Biasucci

Linda Bier

Constance Biondo *

Jamie Black

Paul & Susan Blake

Bruce Blanchard

Nick Boeggeman

Tamara Bogan *

Terri Bohn

Janice Bollman

Bonnell’s Auto Group **

Nathan Book *

Kathleen Borgese

Jim & Karen Boston

Patricia Bowman

Rebecca Boyce *

Eric Boylan *

Kaitlyn Boylan *

Maxine Boylan *

Doreen Braun *

William Brazelton

Matthew Bridge *

Lynn Brimmeier * +

Amanda & William


Laura Brookfield

Aeisha Brown

Ashley Brown

James Bruce

Robie Bruesewitz

Christine Bryant

Alex & Rhoda Bubien *

Lindsay Buchanan

Tim Buffone *


*Has donated to Autism Connection of PA. **Has donated to The Arc Erie County. + Monthly Recurring Donors

Sabrina Buhagiar *

Buncher Company

Kassandra Burger *

Grace Burick

Gloria & Robert Burlando

Paul Bush

Jack Butler +

Nina Butler

Thomas Byers *

Tina Calabro

Vicki Caldart *

Ray & LeeAnn Caliendo

Krystal Camacho *

Nicole Cannon *

Paulette Cantwell

CardWorks Servicing, LLC

Patrick Carfagna *

Hazel Carr Leroy

Andrew & Debra Carrozza *

Guy Caruso

Marguerite CastleChristy

Deb Cavrak *

Louise Cessna

Tim Chalus

Becky Chambers


Raymond & Joann


Charles Chasler


Jerry & Nancy Childs *

James Chirdon *

Rebecca Chirdon *

Sara Chon *

Bob Chuey *

Steven Cieslik *

Doug Clark *

Stacey Cleary *

Juanita Clemens

Christine Clevenger

Elizabeth Cochran *

Rosemary Coffey

Susan Cohen

Mark Coley

Suzanne & Mark Colvin

Deborah Comay

Complete Learning Academy

Drew Conlon *

Ryan Conti

Rory Cooper

Laurel Coppersmith

Gail Corgiat

Melissa Cornelius *

Marc Crimboli

Andrea Croft *

Rachel Croitoru *

James & JoAnne Cunningham

Custom Ink LLC *

Chris Daley *

Dan Thimons Painting

Elaine Davis

Paula Davis *

Jeanne DeAngelo

Anthony Decarbo *

Eric & Teresa Del Piero

Kristen Del Sole-Eberle

Dan & Dee Delaney

Joe Delp

Marie Demchak

Rick DeNunzio

DePalma Flooring, LLC

Kevin Depew *

Detroit Switch, Inc.

Gary Deutsch *

Gerald Deutsch

Dave DeWitt

Debra Dicarlo

Frank Dickson *

Paul DiDomenico

Victoria DiDomenico *

Louis Dinardo

Donna DiPaolo *

James DiPerna

Shirine DiSanto *

Jacqui Ditmars *

Youcef Djedid

Rosemary Dolan

Michele & Bruce


Alicia Donner

Lawrence Doperak *

Judith Dorian

Leanne Dresmich

Raj DSouza *

Cindy Duch *

Tanya Dvorchak *

Jackie & Roy Dye *

Rachel Dye *

Randee Eberhardt

Lisa Eccles *

Jane Eck

Diane Edgar *

Marcy Edington

Lisa Egeland

Marylou Einloth *

Elder Law Offices of Shields and Boris

Jeremy Elias *

Mandy Elizabeth Meyer

Jane Elliott

Kenneth Elliott

Carol Epps Obrien *

Essential Foundation

Stephen Evans

Robert Fabery *

Kaitlin Fagan *

Michele Fallon

Laura & Robert Farmer *

Steven Farmer

Ferraco Landscaping, Inc.

Natalie Ferrenberg

Tara Finau *

Susan S. Fineman


Erin Flanagan

Mark & Tamara Fleck *

Kim & Jake Fleischer

Rita Flynn *

Fluor Corporation

Rick & Amy Fogle *

Daniel Fohl

Amanda Foley *

Marcie Fortun

Kim Frazer

Brian Freyvogel & Catherine VescoFreyvogel

Allison Fromm

Elizabeth Fromm

Robert & Ann Fronduti

Thomas Frost

Justine Frye *

Jamie Furr +

William E. Gabella

Joy Gaetano

Glenn Galante

Charlotte Galm *

Thomas & Anna Mae


Cheryl Garber

Robert & Jeannet Garber

Garrett Gates *

Timothy Gaus

Louis Gaussa

Geico Philanthropic Foundation

Joshua & Dana George

Nancy Geraci *

Suzanne Gibbs *

Michelle Gil-Montero *

Patrick & Catherine Gillespie

Michael Gioia *

Girl Scouts of Western PA

Troup 26808 *

Emily Gold *

Beth Goldstein

David Goodrick

John Goodrick

Scooter Goodrick

Marcia Gordon *

Christine Gove

Dianna Grace *

Rachelle Graham *

Karen Grasso *

Stephanie Gray *

Thomas Gray *

Josh Greenberg

Rhonda Greenstone


Terri Greenwood *

Barbara Gregory

Cindy Grimm *

Shannon Groark

Conroy *

Christina Gross *

Martina Grossi

Gary & Janet Grysiak

G. S. Jones Restoration and Consultation

Joe Guthrie

Walter Haglund

Amy Halloran *

Susan Hamilton

Thomas Hammons

Katie Hanks *

Ronald Hannan

Christian Hanson

Jeffrey Hantz

Erin Harrington *

Christopher Harris & Therese Giglia

Katie Hart

Randy Hartsock

Blair & Gianine Haubrick

Phil Hayes & Louise

Kaczmarek *

Merrill Hays

Leo Heasley

Carol & Greg Heilman *

Thomas & Susan

Heinricher *

Cornelius Henke

Amy Hersh

Nova Heydinger

Melissa Hill

Sheila Hill

Marylou Hillier

Michael Hills & Kimberly Phillips

John & Valerie


Stuart & Joanne


Gail Hoak *

Karen Hoesch & Kenneth Jaros

Holly & Jared Hoff +

Kiersten Hoffman *

Lorraine Holliday *

Holmes-Falk Family

Bonnie Holmes *

Keith & Katie Horner

Lindsay Howard

Darren L. Hucko

Brendan Hunt *

Jennifer Hunt

Jno Hunt *

Teresa Hunt *

Aunalee Hunter

Bob & Cindy Hurley

Stacy Hurt

Melissa Husenits *

Foster & Mindy Hutchinson

IBM Employee Services Center *

Evan Indianer

Kimberly Jackson

Kristen Jackson *

Mia Jackson *

Theresa Jacobs


*Has donated to Autism Connection of PA. **Has donated to The Arc Erie County. + Monthly Recurring Donors

Dorothy Jannelli

Sharon Janosik *

Vanessa Jean

Susan & Mike Jennings *

Carrie Johns

Jill & Tony Johns

Catherine Johnson *

Rosalind Johnson *

James Johnsrud

John & Angela Johnston

Tom & Betty Jolly

Kirk Jones *

Elizabeth Joyce *

Hannah Kahwash

Kevin & Mary L. Kambic

Carrie Kaplack

Richard B. Kasdan

Deidre Katz *

Chaz Kellem

Jackie Keller

Ann Kelly

Erin Kelly

Gretchen Kelly

John Kelly *

Mark & Cathleen Kelly *

Robyn Kelly

Lindi & Ron Kendal

Laura Kennedy & Dan Chavas

Jeff Kent

Eileen M. Keough

Robert Kerr *

Lisa Kerrighen

Philip Kerstetter

Keystone Environmental Solutions, LLC

Lowell King

Lyricc King *

Carol Kinney

Brad Kirkpatrick

David Kleinhandler

Judith Klick

Knights of Columbus #2648

Dr. Mark & Ginny A. Koenig

Michael Komo

Dolores Komora *

Kari Kosin *

Mary Koski *

Nicholas Koski *

Chris & Amanda Kotts *

Sally Kovacs

Edward & Dolores Krall *

Elliott Kramer

Nathan Kramm

Deborah Kraus

Grant & Nicole Kraus

Joe Kraus

John Kresek *

Brian Kress *

Kress Brothers Builders *

Haley Kriebel *

Claudia Kronk

Andrea Kruppa

Kelly Kuczinski

Donald Kuehn

Grier & Linda Kuehn

June Kuhn

Katie Kulbieda

Michelle H. Lally, Attorney at Law

Khee Poh Lam

Sherri Landis

Jonathan Landon *

Eric Lantzman & Maggie


Elena LaQuatra

Sarah Larkin

Shea Laura *

George & Sally Lawry

Brian Lawson *

Stacey Lawson *

Chris & Anna Leatherow

Marta Leinberger

John & Lisa Lemmex

Terry Lerman *

Ursula Lesic *

Kurt Lesker

Robert Lesko

Roy & Pamela Leukhardt

Linda Levitt

Melissa Lewis

Robert Lewis *

Emily Lippert

Allan & Kristin Liska

Nicole Liu

Audrey Lott *

Erica & Doug Loughner

Stacie Lowery

Steve & Sue Lynch

Karen Lynskey

Michelle Lynskey

M.C. Enterprises

Construction, Inc.

Anne Madarasz

Mary Jo & Alex Maggio

Debbie & Charles Malanowski

Donald & Eva Malecki

Bridget Malley

Kimberly Mangan *

Rick & Mary Beth Marchionda *

Karen Markle *

Julia Marple Layton

Judy & Randy Marquis

Kevin Marsh

John Marshall *

Nicole Martin

Anita Martinelli-Land

JP Matychak *

Amy Mauk *

Jenn Mazza

Merrily McCann *

Robert McColly

Gina McCoy *

Patricia McCullough


Diane McDaniel *

Elaine & Tim McDermott *

Shawn McDermott *

Brendan McDonald

Steve & Diana McDonell

Kevin McDonough

Jennifer McDowell

Robert T. McDowell

Martin McElligott

Samantha McElroy *

Shannon & Ray


Maureen McGowan *

John & Kate McGrady

Darlene McGregor *

Rose & Robert McKee

Debi McKeever

Nicole McKinley *

Sandra McMarlin

Jodi McVay *

Kevin Meacham

Alison Meadows

Carol Meissner *

James Mellett

Tom Merhaut *

Bev Mermelstein

Gretchen Meyer

Magdalena Meyer

Michael & Bridget Meyer

Microsoft Corporation *

Chris & Katie Mielo

Suzzann Millar

Carol Miller

Ernie & Eileen Miller

Jo Miller

Harvey & Jacqueline Mills *

Jennifer Modell

Michael Monaco *

Maria & Ryan Moncheck

Evelyn Montileone

Tyler Morelli *

Mary Morgan

Lorraine Morris

Tammi Morton *

Elizabeth Moser *

Sanjay Motwani

Carol Moye

Josh Munz *

Joan & David Murdoch *

Kathleen Murphy *

Robert Murray

Mary W. Murrin

Robert Myers *

Kimberly NaggyOConnell

Hanifa Nakiryowa, MA, MID

Audrey Nash *

Michael Nestasie

Clayton Nestler *

Michael & Jan Neuschatz

Lisa & Stan Nevola *

Jennifer & Cameron Nix *

Douglas Noble

Dolores Nolan *

Jennifer Nolan

Ann Notovitz

Debbie Nuttall *

Maureen O’Brien

Manning & Rebecca


Thomas & Jennifer


Timothy O’Connor

Dennis O’Donnell *

Kristen O’Donnell

Alanna O’Dean *

Kenneth ODonnell *

Dianne Oesterling

Chibuike Okoro *

Ginny O’Leary

Dana Olsen

Dustin Ondo *

Alexander & Linda Orbach

Chelsea Orcutt

Kim Orcutt

Matthew & Melissa


Doug & Anne Orr

Liz & Jeffrey Oskin

Luann Oziemblowsky

Joan Palajsa *

Raymond & JoAnn Parish

Stephen Parker

Sarah Parks *

Janice Patz *

Lisa Paul

Melissa Pavlovich *

Stephanie Pawlowski *

Nathan Payne

Sheila Pearlman Hirt

Pittsburgh Penguins

Michelle Penn-Nored

Nicklaus Perri *

Gerald B. Peszko

Yvette Peterson

Thomas & Miriam Petrini

Michael & Brigitte


Abby Phillips

Joseph Piccini

Allison Piper *

Chelsey Pisarchick *

Debra Pool

Alexandra Porterfield

Jordon Potter *

Laurence Mike Poulin *

Edward Prada *

Barbara Pratt

Mary Sue Preissner

Claudia & David Presser

Frank Pribilovich

James Prosenjak *

Rosa Provoste Vallejos *

Joseph Puglisi


*Has donated to Autism Connection of PA. **Has donated to The Arc Erie County. + Monthly Recurring Donors

Daniel Quinn

Sridhar Raghavendra Rao *

Vanessa & Milos Rastović

Stephen Rau & Lynn Kotys *

Michael & Alyshia Ravida

Brooke Rawls

Marsha Ray

Lisa & Dennis Razza

Brianne Reed *

Lori Reese

Amanda Reeve *

Samuel Reeve *

Concetta Reilsono

Casey Reinig

Kurt Reinmiller

Chelsea Retter *

Debbie Reynolds

Kelly Reynolds

Miranda Richards

Jennifer Riley

Monica Rios

Eric Ritter *

Danielle Roberts *

Rolling Hills Ranch

Terri Roper

Natalie Rosborough

Judith Roscow & Stephen


Joshua Rosenblum *

Joyce Rosenblum

Peter & Sabina Rosenfeld

Ralph & Dolores Roskies

Mark & Carol Roth

Christine Rudock

Austin Russell *

Joseph C. Rynn

David & Sue Rzepecki

Jennifer Salamon *

Marian Salopek

Kasie Sansonetti *

Erin Sarosi *

Bob & Ruth Sattler

Sheryl Saunders *

Helen Schaefers

Emerson Scherer *

Cheryl Scherfel *

Abigayle Schlesinger *

Rodney Schmidt

David Schmitt

Linda Schober *

Candace Schoenig

Christine A. Schopf

Clare Schuler

Jill Sciulli *

Regina Sciullo

Neal Scoratow

Andrew Selby

Jay Sellers

Jennifer Seman *

Todd Seman

Jim & Maxine Senge

Michelle Serafini *

Victoria Settino

James & Catherine Shea *

Jeff Shearman *

Ballard & Betty Jane Shelton *

Brian Sherer

Emily Shire

Paul Siebert

Barbara Sieck Taylor

Christopher Sieg *

Daniel & Karon Siewiorek

Carol Sikov Gross

Seth & Annina Silverman

Melissa Simmons *

Vernon Simmons

Eda Simonsen

Natalie Simonson *

Kelly Singer *

Michelle & Bob Sipple

Joe & Eileen Sisca

Amy Sivley *

Kenneth Sivley *

Tiffany Sizemore

Erin Skaros *

Cristen Slovacek *

Anita Smith

Curtis Smith

Leslie Smith

Maria & Bob Smith

Emily Smolak

Lauren Snider *

Susan Snider

Mark Snover

Dana Snyder

Eric Sparks *

Stuart & Muriel Spitz

Patricia Sprague

Squirrel Hill Flower Shop

Beth Stafura

Chantal Starr *

Lori Stebler *

Steel City Plastering

Carolyn Steglich

Barry & Yvonne Stein

Patti Stetz

Janelle Stevenson

Kayla Stevenson

Kelly Stillwell

Susan Stith

Michelle Stockunas

Daniel Stofan

Donna Stolz

Bo & Frannie Stone

William & Karen Stotler

Nick Stupakis

Kathleen Stuparitz *

Carolyn Suarez

Sun Life Financial

Lindsay Surmacz *

Robert & Valerie Swaskoski *

Delaine Swearman *

Joann Swearman *

Joseph Swearman *


Michael Swearman *

Ann Szeerba

Tammy Szramowski *

Carol L. Tabas

Lynne M. Taiclet, DMD

Linda Tashbook

The Techs

Morgan Templar

Gary Teti

Hanna Theile *

Arun Thomas

Lori Thomas

Rob & Tina Thomas *

Joanne Thornburg

John & Sharon


Donald & Hope Tinker

Abigayle Tobia

Sarah Tomiczek

Cynthia Toney

William E. Torbich

James Tortella

Nathan Tovornik

Patricia Towle

Autumn Townsend *

Transportation Solutions

Julie Trbovich

Tresco Paving Corp.

Matthew Trott

Roberta Troy *

Trust-Franklin Press Company

Maureen Turo

Amanda Tuscan *

Stephanie Twigg *

Rochelle Tyler

Dorcas Tyson *

United Way of Greater Cleveland

United Way of Mon Valley *

United Way of the National Capital Area

Jamie Upshaw *

Curtis Upsher, Jr. *

Randy Uram

Flora Vaccarelli *

Rick Vaccarelli *

Sybil V. Veeder

Tiffany Vesci *


Karen Vilchis

Dolores Voll *

Ilan Volow *

Wabtec Pittsburgh

LeeAnn Wagner Cica *

Shaina Walker

Angie Walter *

Barbara K. Wang & Bill


Jean Ward

Rachel Warnick *

LaToya Warren

Ed & Kathy Watson

Peggie Watson

Stacy Wawrzynski *

Eric & Becky Welsh

Russell & Nancy Werme

Jo-Catherine Westcott *

James White

Joel White

Justine & Samuel Whitehouse

Adam Whitlinger

Patick & Kelly Wiethorn

Amy Wilden

Janet Wilden

Imelda M. Wilkinson

Tobi & Jonathan Williams

Tracey Williams *

Gary Wobb

Melinda Wolfe *

Theresa & Doug Worst *

Mary Wotherspoon *

Holly Wright *

James Wright

Mary Wright

Jared Xiong *

Mary Grace Yochum

Alvin Yu *

Zyprian & Sue Yusavage

Susan Zacks

Glenn Zahn and Karin Family

Kathleen Zant *

Martha A. Zatezalo, Esq.

Linda Zaun *

Michael & Jan Zebert

Michele L. Zerr +

William Zilcosky

Claire Zugec



In Honor

In Honor of Helen Aldisert

Regina Aldisert

Lang Krayer

Linda Levitt

In Honor of Janel Arillotta

Dorothy Jannelli

In Honor of Bobby Baratta

Monica Rios

In Honor of Brendon


June Kuhn


*Has donated to Autism Connection of PA. **Has donated to The Arc Erie County. + Monthly Recurring Donors

In Honor of Marsha Blanco

Rebecca Tyers Brown

In Honor of Aiden Clute

Michele & Bruce Dongweck

In Honor of Communications and Development Staff

Dave Tinker

In Honor of Erin Gannon

Meghan Gannon Anderson

In Honor of David Gerber’s Birthday

Dahlia Gerber Smith


Melvin Kofsky

In Honor of Foster S. Goldman, Jr.

Mark Loevner & Catherine Loevner

Family Foundation

In Honor of Goldstein/ Goldman Family & Girls Dinner

Erin Flanagan

In Honor of Benjamin Grysiak

Gary Grysiak

In Honor of Amy Guthrie and all Achieva Advocates

Roseanne Warman

In Honor of Ben Guthrie

George G. Balderose

In Honor of A Home of My Own Staff

The Cornelia Fund of The Pittsburgh Foundation

In Honor of Clifford Drischler

Michael & Jan Zebert

In Honor of Kate Efkeman

Dolores Schmitt

In Honor of Joshua Gerber’s 59th Birthday

Melvin Kofsky

Dahlia G. Smith Kofsky

In Honor of Emmett Hurt

Stacy Hurt

In Honor of Michelle Jacobs

Theresa L. Jacobs

In Honor of Bill Kennedy, Jr.

Mary Lou and Gary Gegick

In Honor of Genevieve, Bill & Pat Kennedy

Marianne KennedyEvans

In Honor of the Ladies at 2806 McCully Rd.

Laurel Coppersmith

In Honor of Nancy Murray

Paulette Cantwell

In Honor of Richard “Dickey” Lauth

Stacie Lowery

In Honor of Mr. & Mrs. Mark Loevner’s new great grandchild

Linda & Foster S. Goldman, Jr., Esq.

In Honor of Caroline Lynch

George L. and Muriel Fritsch

In Honor of Daniel Morgan

Patick & Kelly Wiethorn

In Honor of Abby Phillips

Jodie Tabano

In Honor of Bill & Patrick Neiderber

Judith Klick

In Honor of Phyllis Noble

Douglas Noble


In Honor of Aidan, Collin, & Tristan


Thomas & Jennifer


In Honor of Gregory Peszko

Gerald B Peszko

In Honor of Chris Petruccelli

Michael & Brigitte Petruccelli

In Honor of Katherine Reim

Richard Collet

In Honor of Cathleen & Mark Roberts

Mark & Carole Shepard

In Honor of Alicia Rose

Elizabeth Fromm

In Honor of Joy & Elie Rosenthal

Sheila Pearlman Hirt

Marcia Uram

Arlene Wolk

In Honor of Michele Rosenthal

Mary W. Murrin

DJM Fund of The Pittsburgh Foundation

In Honor of Anthony Ryan

Rose Ann Fuler

In Honor of Tim Salopek

Marian Salopek

In Honor of Donald Schiele Anonymous

In Honor of Amy Dolan Strano, Esq.

Michelle H. Lally, Attorney at Law

In Honor of Terri Szeerba

Ann Szeerba

In Honor of Jodie Tabano

Kelly Reynolds

In Honor of WeeAm Tarabishi

Dr. Farida Nasr

In Honor of Peter Thornburgh

John & Sharon Thornburgh

In Honor of Dave Tinker

The Greater New Orleans Chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals

In Honor of Julie Trbovich

Theodore M. Trbovich, Esq.

In Honor of Beth Trolle

Marylou Hillier

In Honor of Marcia Uram

Randy Uram

In Honor of Judy Vojtaskovic

Carol Kasnevich

In Honor of Individuals formerly involved in the Weekend Excursions Program

Toni Gohean

In Honor of Allison Whitney

Dave Tinker

In Honor of Jillian Zacks

Susan Zacks

Shore/Whitehill Endowment Fund of the Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Pittsburgh

In Memory

In Memory of Stuart Adelkoff

Flo & Art Sonnenklar

In Memory of Earl Ausenberg

Linda & Foster S. Goldman, Jr., Esq.


*Has donated to Autism Connection of PA. **Has donated to The Arc Erie County. + Monthly Recurring Donors

In Memory of Alma Balter

Linda & Foster S. Goldman, Jr., Esq.

In Memory of Betty Bayless

Carol Kasnevich

In Memory of Elizabeth Bright

Rachel Hortert

In Memory of Ronnie Chiurazzi

Gerard & Maureen Bigley

In Memory of Raye Coffey

Elie & Joy Rosenthal

In Memory of Patricia Clapp

Sierra Green

The McGonigle Family

In Memory of John Conty

Romaine & Mary

Catherine Janicki

In Memory of Tom Cross

Steve & Diana McDonell

Shayne Roos

In Memory of Lawrence Milton Cunningham

John & Angela Johnston

In Memory of Mark Cunningham

First Evangelical Lutheran Church

In Memory of Brian C. Demchak

Marie Demchak

In Memory of Albert DeNardis

Clara J. DeNardis

Eda D. Simonsen

In Memory of Sharon Kane

Susan Reese Hartzell

In Memory of Sharon DiGangi

Carol Kasnevich

In Memory of Matthew Durham

Joel & Carol T. Durham

In Memory of Nancy Eisenfeld

Linda & Foster S. Goldman, Jr., Esq.

In Memory of Elsa T. Ellis

Laura Ellis

In Memory of Alexander Fallon

Michele Fallon

In Memory of Julia Flood

Timothy O’Connor

In Memory of Jack Fussenegger

Linda & Foster S. Goldman, Jr., Esq.

In Memory of Marge Gardetto

Carol Kasnevich

In Memory of Phyllis Genszler

Linda & Foster S. Goldman, Jr., Esq.

In Memory of Laura Gibson

DG Group Architecture PLLC

In Memory of Rochelle “Shelly” Glick Gryfe

Elie & Joy Rosenthal

In Memory of Carolyn Goldberg

Linda & Foster S. Goldman, Jr., Esq.

In Memory of Eraline Goldstein

Elie & Joy Rosenthal

In Memory of Noreen Greeno

Linda & Foster S.

Goldman, Jr., Esq.

In Memory of Matthew Griffin, Jr.

Linda & Foster S.

Goldman, Jr., Esq.


In Memory of Mimi Hayes

Charles Haver

In Memory of Anne Hazlett

Ryan Smith

In Memory of Chevon


David & Monica


In Memory of Leslie Holt


In Memory of The Honorable Justin Johnson

Linda & Foster S. Goldman, Jr., Esq.

In Memory of Jackie Kelly

Terri Bohn

In Memory of Mary Pat

Kennedy | The Pat

Kennedy Open

Thomas D. & Carol Frost

Margaret Gegick & Nicholas Levergood

Mary Lou & Gary Gegick

Christopher Harris & Therese Giglia

Andrew Kelly

Laura Kennedy & Dan Chvas

Marianne KennedyEvans & Michael Evans

Colleen Lindow

Ryan Patrick

Elizabeth Reidler & Kevin Morelock

Joseph C. Rynn

James & MaryBeth Veri

Barbara Wang & Bill


Brendan Winkler

In Memory of Lawrence Kubey

Barbara L. McKenna

Daniel Stofan

In Memory of Barbara


Carol Kasnevich

In Memory of Anthony Lannuzzi

John & Angela Johnston

In Memory of Gordon Lawrence

Linda & Foster S. Goldman, Jr., Esq.

In Memory of Beverly Lebovitz

Robin & Jeff Lebovitz

Elie & Joy Rosenthal

In Memory of Dr. Bob & Maria Lee

Kathleen Lee

In Memory of Maria Lee

Tom Lee

In Memory of Al Marino

Rosalind, Veronica & John

Wallace Pacella

From Neighbors and Friends

In Memory of Cathy Martin

Victoria A. Furmanek

In Memory of Toni & John McGonigle’s loved ones

Dr. Martin & Michelle J. Lubetsky

In Memory of Kathy McMarlin

Sandi McMarlin

In Memory of Gertrude Mellett

James Mellett

In Memory of Dan Morgan

Louis Cosentino

Leanne Dresmich

Robyn Kelly

In Memory of Jacqueline

Vicki Morgan

Linda & Foster S. Goldman, Jr., Esq.

In Memory of Patty Page

Clipped Wings

In Memory of Antonette Paradiso

Ronald Tambellini

In Memory of Frank & Anna Piccinini



*Has donated to Autism Connection of PA. **Has donated to The Arc Erie County. + Monthly Recurring Donors

In Memory of Zhivka Rastović

Milos and Vanessa Rastović

In Memory of Jeff Ray

Randi Starr

In Memory of George Reis, Jr.

Mark Dudek

In Memory of Cecil Rosenthal


In Memory of Cecil and David | Cecil and David Rosenthal Memorial Fund

Meryl Ainsman

Helen Aldisert


Alan & Susan Apter

Mike Apollonio

Keith Bailey

Bank of America

Charitable Gift Fund

The Barmen Moser Charitable Fund of the Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Pittsburgh

Judith Bass

Randall Baumann

Glenn Berger

Robin J. Bernstein

Lawrence Bier

Paul and Susan Blake

Terri Bohn

Lisa Burke

Steve Burton

Rina Carmel

Alicia Caufield

Susan Chait

Helen Chamberlin

Complete Learning Academy

Judy and Robert Danenberg

Stanford and Marian Davis

Lou DiNardo

Amy Dolan Strano, Esq.

Jim Dondlinger

Joshua Donner

Ann Dorman

Jane A. Eck

Howard and Mary Edington

Laura Ellsworth

Gary Euler

Kathleen Euler

Lisa and Blair Faber

Federated Investors Foundation, Inc.

Robin & Jerome Friedman

Cheryl Garber

Fund of the Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Pittsburgh

Patrick and Catherine Gillespie

David Gilman

Gleason Family Charitable Fund

Debra Gold

Sharon & Danny Greenfield

Lawrence and Ina Gumberg

Grace Gurman Chan

Lynn Guzzi Gagne

Margaret Hardon

Nicole Henshaw

Maureen & Jeff Hirt

Gary Horner

Elliott Joseph

Todd Kart

Richard B. Kasdan

Carole Katz

Chris and Charlotte


Rabbi Cheryl & Mark Klein

Andrea Kline

David Alan Knorr

Grant and Nicole Kraus

Jason Kushner

Louis B. and Sandra R. Kushner Philanthropic

Joseph Lantz

Heidi Lehman

Sue Linzer

Paul and Nancy Long

LPL Financial Foundation

Juan and Cecilia Lora

Michelle and Martin J. Lubetsky, MD

Judith Marks

David Matter

Robert McCaughan

Steve and Diana McDonell

Becky and Tom McGough

Jess Nock


Marte Novak

Novartis US Foundation

Alexander & Linda


Michael and Anne Osborn

Carol Ostrow


Mary Pearson

Sandra Pearson

Michelle Penn-Nored

Harriet Perlman

Debbie and David Pill

Pittsburgh Penguins, Kevin Acklin, Mario Lemieux, & David Morehouse

Theodora Polamalu

Valerie Porter

Libby Powers

Lisa & Dennis Razza

Kelly Reynolds

Sharon Richards

The Rosenthal Family

Jim, Linda, Chad, & Jenna Rosenbloom

Kim Sachse and Joseph Grimes

Sue Schaefer

Anna Shchupak

Howard Shear Family

Emily Shire

Buddy Shively

Neil Shutzberg

Paula & Vincent Silvestri

Florita Sonnenklar

Jodie Spagnoli

Squirrel Hill Flower Shop

Sarah Stefaniak

Barry and Yvonne Stein

Aaron & Lisa Steinfeld

Jerry and Janet Stephenson

Marcia Stewart

Adam Strosberg

Rhonda Greenstone Strosberg

John and Mary Tarka

Thermo Fisher Scientific

Frederick W. and Christine Thieman

Ginny Thornburgh

Dave Tinker

Heidi Toursie

Trust-Franklin Press Company

Tommy Turcovsky

James & Mary Beth Veri

Mary Walton

Sally Wiggin

Ronald & Andrea Wedner

Arlene Wolk

In Memory of Rae


Linda & Foster S.

Goldman, Jr., Esq.

In Memory of Thomas


Linda & Foster S.

Goldman, Jr., Esq.

In Memory of

Regis Short

Arthur & Susan Moncini

James & Elizabeth Richter

Robert & Linda Timko

Ed & Kathy Watson

Jim Woll

In Memory of Leon


Elie & Joy Rosenthal


Charles Both

Jon & Diane Brillman

Bobbi & Berel Broffman

Margery G Burstein

Judy & Robert Danenberg

Ada Davis

Stanford & Marian Davis

Paula & Alan Dunn

Claudia Engel

Alexandra Feinstein

Amy Friedman Doran

Robin & Jerome Friedman


of Marion Simchak

Cheryl Simchak

In Memory of Arthur Sonnenklar

Barbara & Alan Ackerman

Patti Americus

Ruthie Americus

Ronald Angerman

Susan Bails & Howard Wein

Neila Bendas

Paul Berger & Billie Weill

Jane Berkey

Nancy & Bill Berkowitz

Robin J. Bernstein

Lawrence Bier

Marilyn & Rober Funari Family Foundation

Cheryl Garber

Emily & Rich Goldberg

Beth Goldstein

Betsy & Bruce Goldstein

Ruth G. Gondelman

Idy Goodman

Lawrence & Ina Gumberg

Lori Guttman

Susan Persky & Morry Heller

Ted & Anita Heyman

Stuart & Joanne Hirshfield

Jody & Mitch Hoffman

Kathy & Larry Hurwitz

Interchange Capital Partners

Blair & Lynne Jacobson


*Has donated to Autism Connection of PA. **Has donated to The Arc Erie County. + Monthly Recurring Donors

Ellen Kessler

Bruce & Bev Klein

Cary & Kathy Klein

Barbra Kramer

Elliott & Bobbee Kramer

Bruce & Helene Glick


Robin & Jeff Lebovitz

Lynette & Stanley


Patty & Stan Levine

Amy Lowenstein

Annette & Ron Marks

Judith Marks

Peter Mars

Nancy Mervish & Daniel Reisner

Jan & Neil Milestone

Erica & Stephen Miller

Brian & Debra Moidel

Phyllis & Bob Mullen

Judith Roscow & Stephen


Mitchell & Rae-Gayle


Caren & Bryan Perilman

Tricia & Adam Perlman

Frank & Rosemary


Philipson Family

Mark & Jill Portland

Susan & Scott Portnoy

Richard & Barbara Reisner

Carol Robinson & Jeffrey Markel

Sally & Fred Rock

Judith Roscow

Peter & Sabina Rosenfeld

Sheila & Barry Rudin

James & Lousia Rudolph

Ina Sable

Ellen Sue Schall

Steven & Sharon Schwartz

Steven & Linda Siegel

Michael & Randi Sigal

Alan & Patricia Siger

Louise Silk

Audrey & Ralph Silverman

Joanne & Ben Simon

Andrea & Scott Smith

Howard & Joanie Snyder

Solomon Eller Fund

Adele & Robert Sossen

Mr. & Mrs. Dale Spirnak

Aaron & Lisa Steinfel

Audrey Stern

Susie & Mark Tabor

Patricia Tieger

Dawn & Greg Timm

Marcia Uram

Iris Walker

Kenneth M. & Janis R. Wasserman

Gilbert & Ilene Weil

Barbara Wein

Barb Weizenbaum & Bob Gorby

Arielle Welt

Daniel Yoffee

In Memory of Ellis


Annette Marks

In Memory of Stanley Spear

Linda & Foster S.

Goldman, Jr., Esq.

In Memory of Dick Thornburgh

Ginny Thornburgh

In Memory of Peter


Sharon Bible

In Memory of Matthew


Kristi Gruber

In Memory of James Walton & Stephen Oliphant

Elie & Joy Rosenthal

In Memory of Lee Weiss

Linda & Foster S.

Goldman, Jr., Esq.

In Memory of Jane Williams

Kitty Williams

In Memory of David Wisner

Linda & Foster S. Goldman, Jr., Esq.

In Memory of Jim Woeber

Linda & Foster S. Goldman, Jr., Esq.

In Memory of Bob Yeager

Larry H. Byrnes



Connection of Pennsylvania


Gregory Guinto

Patricia Homitz

Brenda & Jon Kloos

Melissa Pavlovich

Michael & Sophia Siget

Alan & Kathleen Younkins

In Honor

In Honor of Steven Adams

Harold Adams

In Honor of Jacqelyn


Gary Horwitz

In Honor of Spencer Crane

Rich & Sharon Papke

In Honor of Dr. Albert

A. DeDominicis, Jr.’s Grandson Charlie


Alex and Rhoda Bubien

Angela Feragonia

CIM Investment Management, Inc.

In Honor of Kevin Dunn

Joy Gaetano

In Honor of Ethan

Bob McMaster

In Honor of David Alan Evans

Susan Piasecki

In Honor of Rebecca

Evans & Grandson


Karen Welsh

In Honor of Steve Groak

Lori Bartlett

Darla Smith

In Honor of Sgt. Steve Groark

Paul Dronsfield

In Honor of Alec Kaylor

David & JoAnne Kaylor

In Honor of Matthew

Raymond Kraemer

Deb Kraemer

In Honor of Jeran Lundy


In Honor of Albert


Gina Gellett

In Honor of Marjorie


Jerry & Mary Babcock

Brent & Carol Houston

In Honor of the McMaster Family

Philip Marcus

In Honor of Thomas


Dr. Lee & Loreen Dreven

In Honor of Amy Petrous

Elizabeth Gilbert

Deb & Tim Miller

Roger Petrous

Wendy Taylor

In Honor of Jeff Poholsky

Ray & Joneen Betler

In Honor of Roman


Gail Mangold

In Honor of Charlotte


Jerry & Nancy Childs

In Honor of Curtis


Drazenka Gataric

In Honor of Jillian Zacks

The Biel Charitable Fund of The Pittsburgh Foundation/ Community Foundation of Westmoreland County


*Has donated to Autism Connection of PA. **Has donated to The Arc Erie County. + Monthly Recurring Donors

In Memory

In Memory of Dr. Albert

A. DeDominicis, Jr.

Alex and Rhoda Bubien

CIM Investment Management, Inc.

Angela Feragonia

Gregory Guinto

Patricia Homitz

Brenda & Jon Kloos

Melissa Pavlovich

Michael & Sophia Siget

Alan & Kathleen Younkins

In Memory of Bettie

Lucille Fitz

John & Angela Johnston

In Memory of Steve Giatroudakis

John and Angela Johnston

In Memory of Stephen


Jacqueline Bowers

Ellen & Robert Greene

James & Karen Mabbott

Vincent & Mary Tedesco

In Memory of Al Marino

Janet Berna

Linda K. Geistman

Nancy Haft

Sandra Marino

Thomas Miller

Carey F. Rupert

Stefanie Small

Mary Ellen Staab

Rosalind, Veronica & John


In Memory of Thomas


William & Denise Brown

Earl Luttner

David & Georgine Marino

Mark Phillips

Bill & Ellen Thomeier

In Memory of Marjorie L.


Donna Grott

Philip Marcus

Stephanie Mills

Mary Sefrit

Tony & Jan Suda

Jamie Tortis

In Memory of the Parry & Lukacs Families

Robert & Rita Parry

In Memory of Amy Petrous

Susan J. Foster

Stacey Glowczewski

Robbie Marcott

Gary, Carole & Scott


Jeffrey Petrous

Sue Rangler

In Memory of Michael


Douglas Cornelius

Kathleen Crabtree

Gary Deutsch

Charlotte Galm

Theresa Ann Newton

Joan Palajsa

Paul & Mary Sokol

Joan & Dave Sterritt

In Memory of Ronald Stephens

John and Angela Johnston

In Memory of Ronald J. Vaccari

John and Angela Johnston

In Memory of Rose Vrana

Eileen Jordan

In Memory of Laura

Zibrat Kurutz

John & Mary Liveratti

We apologize for any omissions or mispellings. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this donor list, please contact Jodie Tabano at 412.995.5000 x526 or jtabano@achieva.info.


The Achieva Legacy Society

The Achieva Legacy Society recognizes people who have included Achieva in their will or estate plans. Everyone who has included Achieva in their will is welcome to join the Legacy Society, regardless of the amount.

By leaving a charitable bequest to Achieva, you could help make sure that Achieva advocacy, supports, and services are around in the future for people with disabilities and their families.

If you have included Achieva in your estate plans, please contact Dave Tinker to join the Legacy Society. Dave is also happy to speak with you or your financial adviser about including Achieva in your estate plans.

412.995.5000 x 436 dtinker@achieva.info

Dave Tinker, CFRE, FAFP
of Advancement
Vice President

Save The Date

September 18, 2023

Achieva’s 24th Annual Million Dollar Golf Outing

Valley Brook Country Club

December 4, 2023

Achieva’s Awards of Excellence

Sheraton Station Square Hotel

Awards of Excellence

Former neighbors James Calhoun and Dan LaVallee were both honored at the 2022
achieva.info/events for current information and event details.

Pittsburgh Office: 412.995.5000

Greensburg Office: 724.837.8159

Achieva News 711 Bingham Street Pittsburgh, PA 15203 Address Service Requested Nonprofit. Org. U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 1983 Pittsburgh, PA Visit achieva.info or call Toll-Free: 1.888.272.7229
Achieva is a 501 (c)(3) not-for-profit corporation United Way Contributor’s Choice Campaign Achieva (161) is a partner agency of the United Way of Southwestern Pennsylvania

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