Physical Activity & Health e4 Chapter 08

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Chapter 8 Achieving and Maintaining a Healthy Weight

Health Risks for Overweight People

Overweight and Obesity Overweight • A weight that exceeds the threshold of a health criterion in relationship to morbidity (disease) and mortality (death).

Obesity • Like overweight, is a weight that exceeds that the threshold of a health criterion, but to a greater degree.

Body Mass Index BMI • Uses weight and height to produce a number that enables health professionals to gauge risk of weight-related diseases.

Body Mass Index Classifications

Body Mass Index and Mortality

Body Fat Distribution Site of Fat • May be as important a risk factor as how much fat you have and perhaps more important.

Visceral Fat

Body Fat Distribution

Waist Circumference Measure

Risk Factors and Conditions to Consider If Overweight or Obese

Body Composition Body Composition Measurement • Allows for the assessment of percentage of fat versus percentage of fat-free tissue.

Body Fatness of a Typical Man and Woman

National Institutes of Health. (2009). Weight management: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia. Online:

Skinfold Technique

Š Jones & Bartlett Learning

Other Body Composition Methods

Maintaining a Healthy Weight

Energy Expenditure: How We Use Calories

Causes of Overweight and Obesity

A Lifestyle Approach to Achieving and Maintaining a Healthy Weight Determining Your Energy Balance Equation • Keep a careful daily food intake record • Keep a careful energy expenditure record Unbalancing the Energy Equation • Create a 3,500-calorie weekly deficit • Decrease intake by 250 calories • Increase expenditure by 250 calories

Physical Activity and Fat Loss •

Burns calories

Ameliorates obesity-related diseases

Leads to “waist loss”

Compensates for RMR decline

Physical Activity and Fat Loss •

Minimizes loss of lean body mass

Suppresses appetite

Can lower set point

Improves psychological well-being

Healthy Eating for Fat Loss

Food intake modification

Eating style modification

Emotional eating

Healthy Eating for Fat Loss

Focus on body fat, not weight

Eat smaller, more frequent meals

Eat slowly

Body Image and Weight

Š Jacob Yuri Wacherhausen/ShutterStock, Inc.

Eating Disorders Anorexia Nervosa • Is characterized by a distorted body image, selfstarvation, and extreme weight loss.

Bulimia Nervosa • Is characterized by uncontrollable cycles of binge eating followed by purging through forced vomiting or the abuse of laxatives and diuretics.

Binge–Purge Cycle of Bulimia

© Jack Star/Photodisc/Getty Images

Eating Disorders Compulsive Overeating • Are similar to those with bulimia nervosa in that they may eat large amounts of food in a short period of time and exhibit a lack of control regarding their eating. • Compulsive eaters do not purge, and thus usually become obese.

Another Behavior Outlet Compulsive Exercising • Symptoms include repeated exercising beyond the requirements of what is considered safe.

The Female Triad

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