Achs intake assessment personal statement guidelines

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ACHS Assessment: Personal Essay Guidelines

ACHS is committed to your success and considers a holistic review of your experience, background, and skills when recommending your admission to the College. All prospective students applying to ACHS must submit a personal essay. At the top of your essay, be sure to include: • Full name • Phone number • Email address • Street address • City • State/Region • Postal code • Country • Program applying for Please ensure you use complete sentences and appropriate punctuation and grammar. The ACHS Admissions Committee will review your personal essay along with other application materials including your official transcripts when making a decision on your acceptance to the College. Answer the following questions in your personal essay: • Your Goals and Interests: How did you become interested in the field of holistic health? What is your primary reason for applying for admission now? How do you see yourself applying what you would learn? How does this program align with your goals? • Profession: Who/What is your current employer/employment status and what are your future professional goals? • Time Available to Study: How many hours a week do you work? What about family or volunteer obligations? Do you want to study full time or part time? Can you participate in your class(es) each week? • Past Education: Note any degrees, certificates, or other credentials started or earned. What other institutions have you attended? When? If you didn’t complete your prior enrolled program, why not and how will this be different? What is your highest degree or credential currently? Do you have college credits but have not American College of Healthcare Sciences © 2016 800-487-8839

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earned a degree? What was your most recent cumulative GPA? Does this reflect your usual commitment to your studies? Handling and Overcoming Challenges: Tell us about any challenges you’ve dealt with: Did you solve them? What steps did you take? What did you learn? Conclusion: Anything else you’d like ACHS to consider as part of your application?

Your responses should: • Highlight your accomplishments, perspectives, experiences, talents, and achievements within the context of your social and personal circumstances. • Demonstrate participation in activities that develop academic, intellectual, and leadership abilities. • Share how you will contribute to the integrative health industry and be an asset to the ACHS worldwide holistic health community. Your personal essay should be typed in 12 point, legible font (Times New Roman, Arial, etc.). Then, upload your essay as a Microsoft Word, rich text, or PDF to this page:

American College of Healthcare Sciences © 2016 800-487-8839

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