Better Breathing for Asthma Sufferers the Natural Way

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Deryl Gulliford RRT, MHA, FACCA

ACHS Instructor – Nat 302 - Holistic Pathophysiology Licensed Respiratory Care Practitioner - OK Respiratory Consultant to Community Hospitals

For many Americans, difficulty breathing is part of daily life due to Asthma. But Natural Health can make a positive difference!

“Dyspnea” – hallmark symptom, difficult or labored breathing Primarily

due to inflammation of the airways and bronchospasm (reduction in the size of air passages due to smooth muscle spasm) All of us in the Natural Health community have a tremendous amount of work to do in educating the public about Asthma, and about positive steps which can be taken to reduce its impact on health and quality of life!

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC), between 2000 and 2009, the total number of U.S. patients with asthma diagnoses increased 75%. And among children younger than four, the increase was 160%. The CDC estimates that the number of American asthma sufferers will double by the year 2020. The total economic impact for treating asthma in the U.S.? Roughly $18 billion annually[1]!

Air pollution and second hand smoke

definitely top the list. Asthma rates in urbanized areas are simply skyrocketing. More and more cars, worse and worse air, and much more asthma as a result. Tragically, black children in America have asthma rates nearly three times those of white children. And that is not genetics, it is location. Many more black children are raised in the larger American cities, urban areas where air quality is now terrible. Early exposure to so much toxic load shows up clinically as asthma, which may continue through life[1].

Much of Asthma is about inflammation! Well in Natural Health we know a lot about “deflaming.� Staying clear of saturated fats and sugars, which promote inflammation, can definitely help. Also dairy products tend to be mucus producing and may not be a good choice for sufferers. Adding whole grains and more fruits and vegetables to the diet can reduce asthma symptoms. Raw foods in particular are extremely beneficial to asthmatics. And of course, cleansing the body of inflammatory substances can help. A well-planned and safe detoxification program can have positive results for breathing. Drinking plenty of water makes good sense, and organic is definitely the way to go for asthma sufferers to avoid toxins which may trigger inflammatory responses.


Breathing Retraining – diaphragmatic and pursed lip breathing (ask for patient education sheet)


Light strength training

No substitute for a well planned, nutritious diet! 

High-quality multivitamin

Antioxidants such as vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamins B1, B6 and B12

B12 energy level boost can make exercise easier to accomplish. So there is a double benefit.

The most helpful minerals are zinc, selenium, and magnesium.

Asthmatics may also benefit from the omega-3 fish oils.

Boosting immunity for the Asthmatic patient may make the difference between multiple trips to the hospital over the holidays or being home to enjoy them with family.    

Zinc Flaxseed oil Echinacea Garlic

As attendees may know, a 2007 research study at the University of Connecticut concluded that echinacea can reduce the incidence of common viral illness by more than half. It also reduces the duration of viral symptoms by several days when the patient does become infected(2).

Probiotics are useful in Asthma to repair weakened or imbalanced intestinal flora, also boosting immunity.

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Pets – only you can make the tough decision. Change your furnace air filters more often so that they remove more dust from the air. Place ionic or HEPA filter air cleaning systems in your primary living area and your bedroom. Insist that any family member or guest in the home who smokes….. goes outside to do it.

For some patients, the reality is that they will always be on some form of Asthma medication. So be sure to follow physician advice in that regard. But it definitely behooves Asthma sufferers to also visit a Natural Health professional to discuss things like homeopathic medications, herbals, and botanicals. For some patients these can result in a decision, made with your physician of course, to reduce medications.

Anecdotally, I have had several Asthmatic patients who greatly benefitted from acupuncture. And the OM approach to things may also bring in dietary changes and supplementation, which would not have otherwise been considered. Oriental Medicine is worth considering for Asthmatics.

The reality for most patients is that once you receive the asthma diagnosis, you will always be living with asthma. So the question becomes‌How well will you live with asthma? ` In this presentation, I have tried to point out some practical natural health approaches to improving quality of life for Asthmatics. I would be happy to discuss any or all of these further with ACHS students and graduates. I can be reached on MyACHS Connect at

1. American Academy of Asthma, Allergy and Immunology. Retrieved from 2. Shah S, Sander S, White M, Rinaldi M, Coleman C. (2007). Evaluation of Echinacea for the Prevention and Treatment of the Common Cold: A Meta-Analysis. The Lancet Infectious Diseases 7(7), 473–480.

These statements are for educational purposes only and have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

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