to lead to advance to empower
Contents 3
Executive Leadership Letter
Centennial Celebration
Council for Higher Education Accreditation Recognition
U.S. Department of Education Compliance Report
Advancing Student Achievement Standards
16 Technology Enhancements 17 Interaction with States 18 Changes to Council Composition 20 Evaluators of the Year 21 Honor Roll Institutions 23 Financial Statements
Dear Colleagues,
Roger Swartzwelder, Chair (standing) Albert C. Gray, PhD, Executive Director and CEO
In 2012, ACICS proudly marked its Centennial Anniversary, celebrating the passion, enthusiasm, and drive for excellence that’s been the hallmark of the organization. For 100 years, the organization has committed itself to advancing educational excellence at independent, career schools and colleges in the United States and abroad. Understanding that with historic leadership comes enormous responsibility, the Council advanced the agency and schools ACICS accredits to even higher achievements. ACICS understands that the current demands facing our nation underscore the need and timeliness of quality education and a skilled workforce. This is what inspired those who gathered and formed the organization in 1912 and is what continues to fuel the agency today. This annual report, and the year it reflects, is a testament to ACICS’ strong foundation and serves as a road map for its future.
The need for ACICS is greater now than at its inception. While celebrating the past, ACICS continued to advance the quality of career education by elevating a new set of expectations for member institutions, specifically in the areas of student success outcomes. ACICS reviewed, revised, and ratified higher standards and we are planning to add additional verification protocols and requirements to ensure the veracity of self-reported data. ACICS enhanced its site-review accreditation program to ensure that every member institution receiving federal student financial aid is subject to a review of the elements of the education program that a school uses to assign academic credit to coursework. Other criteria changes included the monitoring of excessive substantive changes, the transfer of credit, federal credit hour definition and more as this agency strives to maintain its leadership role in educational quality asssurance.
Driving the conversation
Career colleges and their accreditors continue to face increased scrutiny and expectations expressed by policy makers, regulatory authorities and the media. Last year we met and exceeded expectations by strengthening our commitment to continuous quality improvement and answered critics with well-informed and analytical narrative. “The Quality Assurance at Career Colleges and Schools” report, sent to Congressional offices and the Department of Education, responded to a report by the Senate HELP Committee that lacked a thorough review of the sector. As an industry leader, ACICS used it as an opportunity to provide a more complete record of how specific education quality issues are addressed by ACICS.
Looking forward The challenges in 2013 will be defined by the forces and waves of changes that the organization confronted during 2012. Supported by a 100-year history of quality standards and results, thousands of volunteers, and education professionals, ACICS stands ready to address these seemingly difficult challenges with great purpose. To that end, we remain committed to providing the foundation of educational excellence to those seeking education as a path to success. This success is measured by the vast number of students empowered with greater skills to lead fulfilled lives and to help bolster our nation’s economy. We are inspired by and grateful to the thousands of faculty, staff, and volunteers who make it their career to help people live better lives. Your knowledge, skills, and time celebrate everything ACICS represents: leadership, advancement, and empowerment. Thank you.
For 100 years, the organization has committed itself to advancing educational excellence at independent, career schools and colleges
” 3
Celebrating100 Years of Leading, Advancing, and Empowering
For 100 years ACICS has advanced the quality of independent career colleges in the nation and abroad. Formed by 23 Midwestern business school owners in Chicago on December 12, 1912, ACICS today is the oldest and largest accreditor of degree-granting, independent career colleges and schools. Over the course of the year, we shared our story more clearly and more confidently than ever. The Centennial also served as an opportunity to recommit ACICS to the quality and integrity of workforce development and to initiate a research project targeting “underemployment� and the generation of Americans most affected by the phenomenon. Over the course of the year, our commitment was expressed with several notable events. (continued on page 6)
Thought Leadership Event
1912 The National Association of Accredited Commercial Schools (NAACS), comprised of 23 private career schools, NAACS Founder, founded to Benjamin Franklin Williams establish and advance quality of education and standards of excellence at private business schools and colleges.
The NAACS code of ethics and educational policies developed in 1914 becomes mandatory in 1920. NAACS develops standards of practice, creates system of inspection for new members and schools with financial, managerial or educational hardship. Membership grows to 228.
ACICS launched the research project, “Workforce Skills Reality Check,” which revealed that many hiring decision-makers believe the post-secondary education system could do a better job preparing students for the workplace. Results of the survey were unveiled at the National Press Club on December 5, 2011 and were shared with audiences across the country throughout the year. In support of contemporary workforce development, ACICS is launching its second major research project. The study will survey the dimensions and expectations of the “underemployed” generation through a series of interviews and discussions. The research will inform ACICS’ development and modification of standards for independent career colleges and schools.
Poster Contest To help set the tone of the year, ACICS invited students to submit designs for the agency’s commemorative Centennial poster competition. More than 80 entries were submitted from students across the nation. The First Place entry - 100 Years of Quality: Making the Transition Between Education and the Workforce – was designed by Clayton Stewart, a student from Westwood College, Houston South Campus. Stewart earned $1,000 cash prize plus and was recognized at the ACICS centennial gala in Las Vegas.
Community Service Week During the week of May 21, roughly 3,100 ACICS students and faculty volunteered more than 14,000 hours in their communities during the We SERVE (Students Empowered to Respond and Volunteer Everywhere) Community Service Week. In San Antonio, Texas, students and faculty of Career Point College mobilized and organized a project to raise money, canned food, clothing, and daily necessities for the nearby city of Devine which was hit by a devastating tornado. Twenty homes were demolished leaving families without
shelter. Career Point met and surpassed the challenge of the WeSERVE objectives. The volunteers from Career Point College expended a significant number of hours, achieved their stated goal, and demonstrated creativity and a lasting impact on their community. As the First Place Winner, the school was honored at the Centennial Gala in Las Vegas.
Century of Excellence, A Future of Promise ACICS’ first 100 years is captured in a minidocumentary produced with original artwork and historic materials from the ACICS archives. The six-minute video covers the migration from farm to city, the Great Depression, post WWII, and the transformation of the workplace through technology.
Setting Standards for Career Education: A 100-Year Perspective To celebrate the Centennial, ACICS published Setting Standards: 100 Years of Accredited Career Education, a newly illustrated volume by Virginia author Bob Cohen. Setting Standards illustrates the motivation behind self-governance and voluntary quality assurance of private, independent career colleges and schools. While the history describes many aspects of an evolving, national organization with many functions related to membership, the core enterprise was and is the assurance of educational quality and the preservation of institutional integrity.
Gala The Centennial year culminated with more than 300 invited guests, including ACICS school representatives, current and former commissioners, evaluators, and friends gathered for an evening celebration at the Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas. It was a celebration truly worthy of an occasion that comes around only once every 100 years.
1949 NAACS merges with National Council of Business Schools (NCBS), renamed the National Association and Council of Business Schools (NACBS).
Mid-Century Student
1950s NACBS becomes Accrediting Commission of Business Schools (ACBS). Commission adopts new policies, standards of practice, including general requirements for entrance to private career schools, catalogs and minimum degree requirements. Standards become the ACICS Accreditation Criteria. Commission is recognized by the Department of Health, Education and Welfare (now the U.S. Department of Education) only four years after recognition process is established. Agency is continuously recognized through present day.
(continued on page 8)
1960s ACBS becomes United Business Schools Association (UBSA). Federal Higher Education Act signed into law. UBSA accredited institutions fulfill all requirements and regulations under Act. 150,000 students enrolled in accredited member institutions.
1972 ACBS changes name to the Association of Independent Colleges and Schools (AICS) to better reflect increased diversity of member institutions.
2012 ACICS scope: assuring the quality of institutions providing applied professional, technical and occupational education. ACICS’ standards among strongest in career education accreditation. Agency accredits more than 950 institutions, serving more than 880,000 students in 46 states and 10 countries.
1991 AICS is renamed the Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools (ACICS). The Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) is formed; ACICS is one of only two national accreditors recognized by both the U.S. Department of Education and CHEA.
ACICS celebrates its Centennial Anniversary.
Career education at the dawn of the 20th Century: Students attending Ohio Valley Business College
ACICS Value Confirmed by Council for Higher Education Accreditation
In 1991, the Association of Independent Colleges and Schools was renamed the Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools. That same year, another organization which subsequently became the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) was founded in order to serve as a national advocate and institutional voice for academic quality through accreditation. ACICS became one of only two national institutional accrediting agencies to be recognized by CHEA. As part of CHEA’s on-going review, ACICS submitted an application for continued recognition and appeared before the Committee on Recognition to defend its compliance with CHEA standards. One focus was the degree to which ACICS member institutions were demonstrably and currently compliant with ACICS Standard 3-1-704, Performance Information. ACICS conducted an audit of member web sites in March 2012 and presented a summary of compliance data to the committee. At its meeting in September 2012, the CHEA Board of Directors reviewed the recom-
...recognition by CHEA is an important element of ACICS’ ongoing capacity in assuring the quality and integrity of career colleges...
recognizes 60 institutional and programmatic accrediting organizations. CHEA recognition requires rigorous scrutiny and affirmation of the quality of accrediting organizations. It is the only nongovernmental higher education organization in the United States that applies such scrutiny. Continued recognition by CHEA is an important element of ACICS’ ongoing capacity in assuring the quality and integrity of career colleges and schools throughout the U.S. and internationally. ACICS member institutions derive great benefit from the re-recognition that has been afforded by CHEA.
mendation of the Committee on Recognition regarding the ACICS recognition application and granted continuing recognition to ACICS through 2015. Today, CHEA is an association of 3,000 degree-granting colleges and universities and
Assuring the Quality of ACICS Quality Assurance
ACICS’ effort to achieve rerecognition was in no small part supported by the diligence, hard work and good faith of its more than 970 member institutions.
Every five years the standards and performance of each accreditor recognized by the U.S. Department of Education is subject to review and authorization. Achieving recognition means that an accrediting agency retains the Department’s endorsement as a reliable authority on institutional quality and integrity. In 2011, ACICS began the substantial process of re-recognition, submitting volumes of documents and other evidence to inform the Department’s review of its compliance with accrediting regulations and expectations. A result of that initial review was a finding by the Department’s advisory committee (The National Advisory Committee on Institutional Quality and Integrity or NACIQI) that ACICS was deficient in its program of accreditation in certain areas, including the application of student achievement standards at the institutional and program levels.
The Council and executive leadership engaged member institutions and other key stakeholders in a series of discussions – through workshops, webinars, email blasts, responses to field memos and other devices – about the appropriate level of student achievement to expect as a minimum qualification for
accreditation. Those expectations were codified as new standards at the institutional and program levels, communicated to colleges and schools and applied beginning with 2012 performance data. The detail of that process of enhancing student achievement standards was the substance of a lengthy compliance report the Department received from ACICS in 2012. The Department’s analysis of that report, as well as a subsequent response from ACICS if appropriate, will go to NACIQI in mid-2013 for final disposition. ACICS’ effort to achieve rerecognition was in no small part supported by the diligence, hard work and good faith of its more than 970 member institutions. Likewise, the affirmation of ACICS’ standards and program of quality assurance will reflect favorably on the quality of the institutions bearing the ACICS imprimatur.
Advancing Student Achievement Standards ACICS adopted and consolidated more than 50 changes to standards in 2012 after listening to and reflecting on expectations expressed by a wide array of stakeholders. The substantial enhancements to the agency’s program of quality assurance all directly target the priority of greater student success and achievement. They include higher standards for placement, retention and licensure, independent verification of metrics and greater transparency through disclosure of outcome measures. For the first time, ACICS set and applied these standards not only at the campus or institutional level, but also at the program level in 2012. The Council’s expectations now apply not only to an institution’s aggregate performance, as is the case of a multi-program institution, but as well to each and every program. (Continued on page 14)
Student Achievement Standards (continued from page 13) The Council established and implemented a stronger set of expectations for member institutions, manifest as benchmark standards to remain in good standing, and compliance standards to retain accreditation. ACICS also revisited the content and context for the application of qualitative and mitigating factors to institutions that may struggle to meet compliance standards for student achievement, recognizing that economic cycles and other factors are worthy of consideration in the accreditation process, such as the satisfaction of students, student learning outcomes, and the preparation of students for careers. The new standards were applied to the 2012 reporting year and an enhanced form of the standards will be applied to Campus Accountability Report (CAR) data beginning with the 2013 reporting year.
Benchmark Standards Benchmarks are intended to encourage campuses and programs whose student achievement rates fall below average to improve their performance and to avoid falling out of compliance. A campus whose rates fall below the benchmark must
develop and implement a Campus Improvement Plan and fulfill certain reporting requirements. A program whose rates fall below the Benchmark standard must develop and implement a Program Improvement Plan.
Compliance Standards Compliance standards are intended to ensure that a substantial majority of students at ACICS-accredited campuses are retained, pass licensure exams where applicable, and find employment related to their fields. A campus whose rates fall below compliance must come into compliance within established timeframes or face loss of accreditation. A program whose rates fall below compliance must come into compliance within established timeframes or face removal of the program from the campus’s grant of accreditation.
Independent Verification Placement data reported by member institutions through the annual Campus Accountability Report helps inform the Council’s deliberations regarding compliance with standards and quality of education. ACICS has initiated a new program of independent verification of placement data to ensure the
information reviewed by Council is verifiable and accurate. The program will be implemented in 2013.
Public Disclosures ACICS’ aspirations to make accreditation outcomes completely transparent may aid students in making informed choices based on student-learning data. ACICS now requires institutions to disclose key indicators to the public such as retention, graduation and placement rates. The requirement was memorialized as a formal standard and all member institutions were audited for compliance in 2012. Secondly, ACICS posts on its website annual disclosures of key indicators of school performance and pushes out the information via social media to schools and students.
Using Technology to Advance Accreditation Improvement of the accreditation process requires investment in and deployment of current information technology. ACICS-accredited institutions now have better ability to initiate an application on line, upload one document for multiple locations (cloning), track multiple applications, and access automatic invoicing when the purchase exceeds a certain threshold. The technology platform supporting the accreditation program was strengthened through an improved student survey, enhancements to the Campus Accountability and Annual Financial reporting systems, enhancements to the visit management module of our database management system, Personify, and a new module to manage and track complaints and adverse information.
Like us on Facebook C Continuing to find new ways to connect and communicate with various stakeholders, ACICS established a presence on Facebook at the beginning of 2012. Our goal to keep member schools upto-date on ACICS news and events is done with status updates, photos, videos, and future events announcements. Join the 300 fans who like our page: www.facebook.com/ACICSaccredits. Follow us on Twitter: twitter.com/acicsaccredits.
State Relations Summary Interpretations of quality in post-secondary education are developed and applied by a variety of sources, including state governments, programmatic (specialized) accreditors and professional licensure and registry authorities. As member institutions expand the geographic footprint of their education enterprises, and diversify the professional, career and occupational programs offered, ACICS encounters more opportunities to explain and inform a broader quality assurance community about the rigor and appropriateness of the agency’s standards and operations. In 2012, the advocacy for and defense of ACICS quality standards encountered policy forums in Texas, Kentucky, New Jersey, Rhode Island and the professional registry board of the radiologic technologists.
The discussion in Texas focused on state policy to encourage transfer of academic credit between institutions; a Senate higher education panel heard testimony from ACICS regarding the comparability and value of national accreditation in general, and ACICS accreditation in particular. Kentucky’s legislature passed and the governor signed into law a new structure for the oversight of career colleges and schools without denying nationally-accredited institutions access to degree granting authority. ACICS worked in collaboration with the state association and member institutions to accomplish reforms that omitted punitive provisions contained in reform legislation in 2011. In New Jersey, ACICS collaborated with other national accreditors, the state associa-
tion and member institutions to gain clarity regarding the ability of graduates from ACICS-accredited colleges and schools to lawfully include their academic credentials on resumes and job applications when applying for employment in the state. A member institution seeking authority to offer degrees in Rhode Island enlisted assistance from ACICS to overcome regulatory obstacles at the state level based on source of accreditation. Information provided by the agency, along with other policy advocacy, enabled the institution to achieve authority to establish a degree-granting campus in Rhode Island. Member institutions with existing programs in radiologic technology (RT) or aspirations to offer such programs have been deemed eligible to participate in the national professional certification and registry program. ACICS gained clarification that graduates of member institutions offering RT programs that are programmatically accredited by an authority recognized by the national registry may sit for the certification exam and subsequently apply for admission to the registry. Previous policy had limited eligibility to only graduates of regionally accredited colleges and schools. 17
Faculty and Public Participation Strengthen 2013 Council The composition of the Council, ACICS’ policy and decision making-body, changed substantially due to term expirations of four members. The 15-member Council, which includes public members, representatives from member institutions, faculty and administrators, is responsible for developing accreditation standards, making accreditation decisions and associated actions. Members of the Council may be either elected or appointed. The new Council includes four members representing the public (not affiliated with ACICS member institutions) and five with relevant faculty experience. Commissioner Brian Stewart, President and CEO of Bryan College in Springfield, Missouri assumed the position of chair. He has served on the Council since 2009; his current term runs through 2013. Commissioner Jeanne Herrmann, Chief Operating Officer for Globe University/Minnesota School of Business in Woodbury, Minnesota was elected chair-elect; she will assume the chair in 2014. She has served on the Council since 2009; her term runs through 2015. Four new members are joining the Council in 2013:
Dr. Thomas B. Duff No stranger to ACICS, Dr. Thomas B. Duff has previously served as Board Chair, Commissioner and Interim Executive Director, as well as evaluator and team chair. Dr. Duff has served as a public member on more than 100 site review teams on behalf of ACICS. He was honored with the ACICS Lifetime Achievement Award during the Centennial Gala. His experience in accreditation extends to the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association and the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business. Dr. Duff earned both MA and PhD degrees in education, with management and economics collateral fields, from the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities campus.
Audrey B. Kaplan Ms. Kaplan is vice president of compliance for the Education Corporation of America (ECA). Ms. Kaplan has served in her current role with ECA since June 2012, with responsibility for company compliance in all major areas. Her prior experience in career education includes positions such as regulatory affairs officer with Florida Career Colleges and Kaplan Higher Education. Ms. Kaplan earned a Juris Doctorate from the Shepard Broad Law Center of Nova Southeastern University, and a baccalaureate degree from American University in Washington, D.C. She has also served on the board of the Florida Association of Private Schools and Colleges.
Dr. Mary Anne Ramirez
Dr. Mary Anne Ramirez is dean of Stratford University, Glenn Allen, Virginia. She has extensive experience with the quality assurance process involving national, regional, and programmatic accreditors. Dr. Ramirez has served in her current role at Stratford since 2010, providing leadership for colleges offering business administration, information technology, health sciences, and culinary arts. Simultaneously, she serves in an adjunct faculty role for Walden University and Excelsior University. She has experience teaching and developing on-line curriculum for Western Governors University, and has developed interactive, multimedia middle-school science curricula at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Dr. Ramirez earned her doctoral and master’s degrees in education from the University of Massachusetts, and her baccalaureate degree in nursing from the Medical College of Virginia, VCU.
The Council... is responsible for developing accreditation standards, making accreditation decisions and associated actions.
Dr. Tamara Rozhon Dr. Rozhon is president of Carrington College. Dr. Rozhon has served as Carrington President since August 2012. Previously she served as chief operating officer and senior vice president of administration of TCS Education System, which included The Chicago School of Professional Psychology, Pacific Oaks College and the Santa Barbara and Ventura Colleges of Law. She also served in executive capacities at Alta Colleges, Argosy University, American Schools of Professional Psychology. Dr. Rozhon earned her PhD in higher education management at the University of Pennsylvania, a master’s degree in adult education from National-Louis University, and a baccalaureate degree from Northern Illinois University.
Dedicated Evaluators Remain Essential to Accreditation Process The Council recognized three outstanding volunteer peer evaluators at the 2012 Annual Meeting. The Evaluators of the Year reflect the endorsements and accolades of their peer evaluators, site team chairs, and ACICS staff.
Evaluator of the Year David Teneyuca David Teneyuca is an education, writer, and visionary leader with 21 years of experience instructing graduate and undergraduate students, securing resources, and implementing effective programs. He has twelve years of experience as a computer security specialist and is currently with DXT Consultants, LLC. He is a frequent presenter at management and information technology conferences and was awarded the 2012 Best Instructor at the University of Texas at San Antonio, Information Systems Department. He joined the pool of ACICS evaluators in 2009.
Chair of the Year Rogena Kyles After finishing a degree in political science from The Ohio State University, Rogena Kyles moved to the Washington, DC area and spent 3½ years as a program coordinator at Northern Virginia Community College’s Extended Learning Institute. After NVCC she worked for the U.S. Department of Education (ED) as an educational program specialist. Rogena became CEO and president of Ramírez College in San Juan, Puerto Rico where she served for 14 years. To better understand the review process, she became an evaluator in 1997. Upon returning to Virginia, she opened a law office in 2007 where she practices immigration law.
Student Relations Expert of the Year Pan Fuchs Pan Fuchs has spent her entire adult life working in postsecondary education helping adults achieve their career goals. For the first ten years she worked at New York City Adult Training Center as a basic education instructor. Subsequently, she was a director of education at a proprietary school in Los Angeles for fifteen years and, finally, has worked in accreditation and licensing for Corinthian Colleges, Inc. for the past seventeen years. Pan has been an ACICS evaluator since 2002. After so many years as a frontline educator, being able to support campuses in their understanding of the importance and the “why” of regulatory compliance is very satisfying to Pan. 20
Acknowledging Honor Roll Institutions Each year the Council recognizes institutions that have demonstrated an excellent understanding of accreditation standards and expectations. The following schools were recognized during the 2012 Leadership Conference and Annual Meeting.
Butler Business School, Bridgeport, Connecticut Colegio Tecnologico y Comercial de Puerto Rico, Aguada, Puerto Rico Detroit Business Institute – Riverview, Michigan Dewey University- Arroyo Campus, Arroyo, Puerto Rico Dewey University- Bayamon Campus, Bayamon, Puerto Rico Dewey University- Farjardo Campus, Fajardo, Puerto Rico Dewey University- Hatillo Campus, Hatillo, Puerto Rico Dewey University- Hato Rey Campus, Hato Rey, Puerto Rico Dewey University- Yabucoa Campus, Yabucoa, Puerto Rico Gem City College, Quincy, Illinois Globe University-Eau Claire, Wisconsin Globe University-La Crosse, Wisconsin Globe University-Madison East, Wisconsin Globe University-Middleton, Wisconsin Globe University-Minneapolis, Minnesota Globe University-Sioux Falls, South Dakota Globe University-Woodbury, Minnesota Golden State College of Court Reporting & Captioning, Dublin, California Harrison College, Columbus, Ohio Harrison College, Grove City, Ohio Harrison College, Lafayette, Indiana Harrison College, Muncie, Indiana Harrison College, Northwest Indianapolis, Indiana Institute of Business and Medical Careers, Cheyenne, Wyoming Institute of Business and Medical Careers, Fort Collins, Colorado Institute of Business and Medical Careers, Greeley, Colorado Premiere Career College, Irwindale, California Sage College, Moreno Valley, California Sage College, San Diego, California Southern Technical College, Auburndale, Florida Southern Technical College, Orlando, Florida Southern Technical College, Sanford, Florida StenoTech Career Institute, Piscataway, New Jersey
2012 Council Mr. Roger Swartzwelder, Chair Executive Vice President, General Counsel and Chief Compliance Officer Education Corporation of America Mr. Brian Stewart, Chair-Elect Bryan University President/CEO Dr. John Kushner, Treasurer Vice President for Academic Affairs Detroit College of Business (Retired)
Dr. Jane Legacy Associate Professor - Technology, Leadership Arizona State University Dr. Lawrence Leak Former Title: Interim Provost and Chief Academic Officer (Retired) Previous Affiliation: University of Maryland University College Mr. Luis LLerena Executive Director CBT College
Ms. Linda Blair Dean and Chief Academic Officer Spencerian College
Mr. David M. Luce Assistant Vice President, Accreditation and Licensing Corinthian Colleges, Inc.
Mr. Edwin Col贸n Campus Director ITT Technical Institute
Dr. Jamie Morley Education Consulting Solutions, LLC.
Mr. John Euliano Senior Vice President of Institutional Development Southern Technical College
Dr. Ruth Shafer Lindenwood University Adjunct Professor, Master of Education and Administration Programs
Mr. Francis Giglio Vice President of Compliance and Regulatory Services Lincoln Educational Services
Dr. Edward G. Thomas Cleveland State University Professor of Marketing, Emeritus
Ms. Jeanne Herrmann Chief Operating Officer Globe University/Minnesota School of Business
Dr. Albert C. Gray, Executive Director & CEO, Secretary Ex officio
Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools 750 First Street, NE, Suite 980 | Washington, DC 20002-4223 phone 202.336.6780 | fax 202.842.2593