
14 minute read
Fotografije / Photos: Petar Fabijan
prim. Vlasta Brozičević, dr. med. spec.
Čuvari zdravlja tijela i duha Guardians of Health, Body and Mind
Suosnivačica i suvlasnica Poliklinike Terme u Selcu i Rijeci, jedna od vodećih stručnjakinja na području fizikalne medicine i rehabilitacije, reumatologije. Prisustvovala je na šest Olimpijskih igara, a kao sportska liječnica brinula je o karijerama brojnih vrhunskih sportaša, od kojih 120 olimpijaca.
Co-founder and co-owner of the Terme Polyclinic in Selce and Rijeka, one of the leading experts in the field of physical medicine and rehabilitation, and rheumatology. She has been at six Olympic Games and, as a sports doctor, looked after the careers of many top athletes, among them 120 Olympians

Još od starih Rimljana vrijedi poslovica: 'Zdrav duh u zdravom tijelu'. Tim motom se vodi i prim. Vlasta Brozičević, voditeljica odjela fizikalne medicine i rehabilitacije te članica Uprave Poliklinike Terme koja je u više od 30 godina postojanja i rada ostavila značajan trag u 130 godina dugoj povijesti zdravstvenog turizma crikveničke rivijere. The phrase ‘a healthy mind in a healthy body’ has been valid since Roman times. It is also the motto of Primarius Dr Vlasta Brozičević, the head of the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and a member of the Management Board of the Terme Polyclinic, which has, in its work spanning over 30 years, left a significant mark in the 130-year-long history of health tourism on the Crikvenica Riviera.

Poliklinika Terme u Selcu prva je privatna poliklinika za fizikalnu medicinu i rehabilitaciju u Hrvatskoj s više od tri desetljeća tradicije. Možete li navesti nekoliko ključnih događaja u radu poliklinike?
Nakon nekoliko godina rada u javnom sektoru uvidjela sam da mogu više i bolje te da mi treba više prostora za kreativnost u radu s pacijentima. Ideja o pokretanju privatne prakse sve je bila jasnija i s njom je san o tome postajao sve veći. Veliki poticaj sam imala od supruga prim. Ivana Brozičevića, koji me je ohrabrio: 'Ne brini, svijet će doći k tebi.' Upravo to se i dogodilo. Krenuli smo s puno entuzijazma! Značajan uspjeh kreće s dolaskom sportaša - prvo su to bili nogometaši iz NK Croatia, pa skijaši Janica i Ivica Kostelić, te olimpijci iz svih sportova. Znala sam da želim svakom pacijentu dati više nego li očekuje. Tako smo uspješno liječiti preko 45.000 klijenata. U tome su sudjelovali i članovi obitelji, 2 kćerke i zet, koji su s nama preko 20 godina, naš tim i suradnici, koji su naša šira obitelj.
Na što ste najponosniji u svojoj karijeri?
Teško je to izdvojiti, ali svakako sam ponosna na našu upornost, jer i kada je bilo teško nismo odustajali. Također na cijelu obitelj i naš tim preko 30 djelatnika, jer stalno testiram svoje i njihove granice podižući ljestvicu kvalitete. Zato, u svom osnovnom habitusu liječnica, često preuzimam slučajeve od kojih su drugi odustali. Odluka ostati ovdje, u malom mjestu Selcu, opstati 30 godina u svim uvjeThe Terme Polyclinic in Selce was the first private polyclinic specialised in physical medicine and rehabilitation in Croatia; it now has a tradition more than three decades long. Can you name a few key events in its history?
After a few years of working in the public sector, I realised that I could do more and better and that I needed more room for creativity in working with patients. The idea of starting a private practice was becoming clearer and so was the dream of it. I was strongly supported and encouraged by my husband Primarius Dr Ivan Brozičević, who told me: 'Don't worry, the world will come to you.' And that's exactly what happened. We started with a lot of enthusiasm. Our first notable success came when the athletes started coming – first they were footballers from Football Club Croatia, then the skiers Janica and Ivica Kostelić, followed by various Olympic athletes. I knew I wanted to give each patient more than they expected. In this way, we have successfully treated over 45,000 clients. Family members, two daughters and a son-in-law, who have been with us for over 20 years, our team and associates, who are our extended family, participated in this success.
What are the proudest moments of your career?
It's hard to say, but I'm certainly proud of our persistence, because we didn’t give up even when it was hard. I’m also proud of the whole family and our team of over 30 employees, because I constantly test my limits and theirs by raising the bar on quality. That's why, being primarily a doctor, I often take on cases that others
Puno puta smo dokazali da je i nemoguće moguće, a upravo je zbog posljedica pandemije COVID-19 vrhunska briga o zdravlju od vitalne važnosti. Zato je cjelogodišnji medicinski turizam najbolji model razvoja, posebice u regijama s prirodnim klimatskim blagodatima za zdravlje.
We have proven many times that the impossible is also possible, and it is precisely because of the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic that top health care is vital. That is why year-round health tourism is the best model of development, especially in places with climate conditions beneficial for health.

tima i okolnostima, radeći 365 dana u godini, vjerujem da je razlog za ponos.
U Poliklinici spajate medicinu, sport i umjetnost. Kakva su iskustva pacijenata?
Medicina, sport, umjetnost, uz brigu o zdravlju pacijenata, su nedjeljive cjeline u mom radu. Rehabilitacija je često složen i dugotrajan psihofizički proces za koji treba dodatni poticaj i ugođaj. Zato imamo galeriju, jer i boje umjetničkih slika utječu na raspoloženje. Uz razna događanja i mediteranske delicije, pacijenti su motiviraniji. Rođena sam u Opatiji, a odrasla u hotelu Miramare u Crikvenici iz kojeg pamtim mnoge fantastične trenutke kada je gost bio kralj. Što sam tada naučila primjenjujem u svom radu. Moj svaki klijent je 'kralj' i sva njegova osjetila moraju biti zadovoljena. Naši najbolji ambasadori su naši pacijenti, zato stvaramo takav ugođaj i doživljaj da se požele vratiti. Akademik Ivan Golub napisao je da smo čuvari zdravlja, a ja volim dodati da smo čuvari zdravlja, tijela i duha.
Članica ste brojnih međunarodnih organizacija. Na čemu vama zavide strani kolege, a u kojim biste se segmentima vi mijenjali s njima?
Kao članica Zdravstvene komisije HOO-a i FIS-a imam složenu ulogu savjetovanja i liječenja sportaša prilikom ozljeda. Liječnica sam CRO SKI tima, preko 20 godina. Od trenutka kada je Janica došla k nama na preporuku kolega iz klinike Bruderholz, Švicarska, te kada je moj mentor iz te klinike kod pregleda Janice ustanovio have given up on. The decision to stay here, in the small place of Selce, to survive for 30 years in all conditions and circumstances, working 365 days a year is, I believe, something to be proud of.
At the Polyclinic, you combine medicine, sports and art. What are the patients’ experiences?
Medicine, sports, art and looking after my patients’ health are indivisible parts of my work. Rehabilitation is often a complex and time-consuming psychophysical process that needs additional stimulation and atmosphere. That is why we have a gallery, because the colours of artistic paintings also affect mood. With various events and Mediterranean delicacies, patients are more motivated. I was born in Opatija and grew up in the Miramare Hotel in Crikvenica, from where I remember many fantastic moments when the guest was king. What I learned then, I have applied in my work. Each of my clients is a 'king' and all their senses must be appealed to. Our patients are our best ambassadors; that's why we try to create the atmosphere and experience that will make them want to come back. The academician Ivan Golub wrote that we are guardians of health, and I like to add that we are guardians of health, body and mind.
You are a member of a number of international organisations. What do your international colleagues envy you, and in what aspects would you change places with them?
As a member of the Health Commission of the CoC and FIS, I have a complex role to play in advising and treating athletes with injuries. I've been a CRO SKI team doctor for over 20 years. The defining moments were when Janica came to us by recommendation from colleagues in the Bruderholz clinic, Switzerland, and when my mentor at that clinic, examining Janica, found that the result was ‘better than expected; this was what opened the door to cooperation with many world-renowned orthopaedists, as well as to other opportunities. One of them were the 2013 Youth Olympics in Utrecht, where I was chief medical coordinator in charge of over 4,000 athletes from about 40 countries. This means that only excellence opens the door to cooperation.
How much do you think the potential of health tourism has been exploited in Croatia?
Today, more than ever, health care is vital. That is why year-round health tourism is the best model of development, especially in places with climate conditions beneficial for health. Working on the Crikvenica Riviera, I can highlight it as a model for a faster and better development of health tourism. Tourism started to develop as early as 1888 and a health resort was established in Crikvenica in 1892. The season lasted all year round. With the health consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, recovery programmes will be of great benefit, and MindsetBody Reconditioning can be a good choice for this. The method we use in top athletes – which includes the sun, air and sea in combination with outdoor physical activities under supervision, along with physical therapy and balanced nutrition – gives good results. We can learn from the past and launch a new cycle of development, achieve the image of a trendy European year-round health and wellbeing destination.
da je rezultat „bolji od očekivanog“, otvorila sam vrata suradnji s mnogim slavnim ortopedima u svijetu, ali i drugim prilikama. Jedna od njih su Olimpijske igre mladih 2013. u Utrechtu gdje sam bila glavna liječnica koordinatorica zadužena za preko 4000 sportaša iz 40-ak zemalja. To znači da samo izvrsnost otvara vrata suradnji.
Koliko je, po vama, u Hrvatskoj iskorišten potencijal zdravstvenog turizma?
Danas je više nego ikada briga o zdravlju vitalna. Upravo zato je cjelogodišnji medicinski turizam model razvoja, posebice u regijama s prirodnim klimatskim blagodatima. Djelujući na crikveničkoj rivijeri, mogu je istaknuti kao dragulj za brži i bolji razvoj zdravstvenog turizma. Još 1888. započinje razvoj turizma, uz osnivanje klimatskog lječilišta u Crikvenici 1892. Sezona je trajala cijele godine. Uz posljedice pandemije COVID-19 po zdravlje, programi oporavka bit će od velike koristi, a upravo MindsetBody rekondicioniranje može biti dobar izbor. Metoda koju koristimo na vrhunskim sportašima, uz sunce, zrak i more u kombinaciji s fizičkim aktivnostima na otvorenom pod nadzorom, uz fizikalnu terapiju i balansiranu prehranu, daje rezultate. Iz povijesti možemo učiti i pokrenuti novi ciklus razvoja, postići imidž europske mondene cjelogodišnje destinacije za zdravlje i wellbeing.
Javnost vas, između ostaloga, poznaje i kao liječnicu koja se brinula o Ivici i Janici Kostelić. Osim njih, u vašoj je klinici boravilo preko 100 vrhunskih sportaša. Što ste od njih i o njima naučili?
Svaki sportaš ima cilj – pobijediti. Moj cilj kao liječnice je u što kraćem vremenu vratiti sportaša na teren, a druge pacijente u svakodnevnu aktivnost. Istovremeno, podizanje ljestvice izvrsnosti – kao što rade vrhunski sportaši, olimpijci. To znači stalnu edukaciju, novu tehnologiju, nove metode rada, izvrstan stručni tim. Predanost, konzistentnost u radu – kao što vrhunski sportaš provodi svoj trening. Upornost je glavna osobina vrhunskih sportaša, ali i liječnika. Puno puta smo dokazali da je i nemoguće moguće, kao Sandra Paović koja je nakon 5 mjeseci kod nas prohodala, a potom osvojila zlato na Paraolimpijskim igrama. Among other things, you are known to the public as the doctor who looked after Ivica and Janica Kostelić. In addition to them, there have been over 100 top athletes in your clinic. What did you learn from and about them?

Every athlete has one goal – to win. My goal as a doctor is to get athletes back on the field and other patients back to their daily activities as soon as possible. And, at the same time, to raise the bar on excellence – in the same way that top athletes, Olympic athletes, do. This means constant education, the use of new technology, new methods of work, an excellent professional team, as well as dedication, consistency in work – just like top athletes in their training. Perseverance is the main characteristic of top athletes, but also of doctors. We have proven many times that the impossible is also possible, as with Sandra Paović, who started walking after spending five months with us and then went on to win gold in the Paralympics.
You once stated that the sea is your main source of health, strength, but also a great inspiration. Can you expand on that?
I’d like to remind you that it was Hippocrates who first wrote about treatment by water. The sea is a source of my strength, endurance

Svojedobno ste izjavili kako je more vaš glavni izvor zdravlja, snage, ali i velika inspiracija. Možete li to pojasniti?
Da vas podsjetim, još je Hipokrat prvi pisao o liječenju vodom. More je izvor moje snage, izdržljivosti i inspiracija za nove projekte! Hodanje i vježbanje u moru povećava opću pokretljivost i kondiciju, smanjuje bol i otok, ali i stres te doprinosi relaksaciji što pozitivno utiče na ukupno psihofizičko zdravlje i imunitet. More stvara otpor koji jača mišiće nogu, donji dio leđa i trbuh, a uz hodanje po pijesku trening povećava balans i pokretljivost. Dovoljno je samo 15-ak minuta dnevno. More koristim u rehabilitaciji sportaša i drugih, jer je oporavak kvalitetniji i brži zbog preko 300 oligoelemenata korisnih za zdravlje.
ACI No. 1 je revija koja se bavi izvrsnošću u svim aspektima ljudskog djelovanja, ali isto tako i hedonizmom. Kako izgleda vaša svakodnevica izvan klinike?
Rad liječnice i moje slobodno vrijeme je isprepleteno. No, u proljeće 2020. s pojavom pandemije, krenula sam u avanturu – na let iznad crikveničke rivijere. Odluka učiniti sve što prije nisam stizala, a silno željela, pričati iz zraka o blagodatima rivijere. Tome su se posebno veselili moji unuci, koje vodim na kratka putovanja bar jednom godišnje. A naravno, kako se ne mogu odvojiti od mora, često odlazim u moj mali raj, na plažu Crni molo. Tu sanjam, razmišljam, planiram, promatram. Tu hodam u moru po baršunastom pijesku. Istražujem i razne prelijepe nove kutke, ali vraćajući se na dobro mi znana mjesta Dobrinj, Vinodol i druga gdje promatram zalaske sunca, proučavam oseku i morsko dno prepuno života, neobične prizore domaćih životinja na moru i uz more, uživajući uz morske plodove i čašu vina ili pjenušca, meni najboljih s otoka Krka ili iz Vinodolske doline. and inspiration for new projects. Walking and exercising in the sea increases general mobility and fitness, reduces pain and swelling, as well as stress, and contributes to relaxation, which has a positive effect on overall psychophysical health and immunity. The sea creates resistance that strengthens the muscles of the legs, lower back and abdomen, and training, along with walking on the sand, increases balance and mobility. Only about 15 minutes a day is enough. I use the sea in the rehabilitation of athletes and others, because recovery is better and faster due to over 300 oligoelements beneficial for health.
More je izvor moje snage, izdržljivosti i inspiracija za nove projekte, ali i neizostavan faktor u medicinskom programu MindsetBody rekondicioniranje, koji uz sunce, zrak, fizičku aktivnost i mediteransku prehranu doprinosi oporavku.
The sea is a source of my strength, endurance, and inspiration for new projects, but also an indispensable factor in the MindsetBody Reconditioning health programme, which, combining the sun, air, physical activity and Mediterranean diet, contributes to recovery.

ACI No. 1 is a magazine that deals with excellence in all aspects of human activity, but also with hedonism. What does your everyday life look like outside the clinic?
My work as a doctor and my free time are intertwined. However, in the spring of 2020, when the pandemic started, I embarked on an adventure – flying over the Crikvenica Riviera. I decided to do everything I had always wanted but didn’t have the time for; to talk about the benefits of the Riviera from the air. My grandchildren, whom I take on short trips at least once a year, were especially looking forward to this. And of course, since I can't be away from the sea, I often go to my little paradise, the Crni Molo beach. That's where I dream, think, plan, observe. That's where I walk in the sea on velvety sand. I also explore various beautiful new corners, returning to the places I know very well – Dobrinj, Vinodol and others, where I look at sunsets, observe the ebb and the seabed full of life, as well as unusual scenes of domestic animals at the sea and by the sea, and enjoy seafood and a glass of wine or champagne, the best of which are, in my opinion, from the island of Krk or from the Vinodol Valley.
