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Message from the Chairs
Elisabeth and Bruce Percelay
Agreat deal has happened since the last Pops concert in 2019, most notably the pandemic. While COVID-19 presented major challenges to us all, it highlighted why having a sophisticated and highly professional hospital on the island is essential. It was a time that also showcased the talent and dedication of the hospital staff for which we are all grateful.
Going back further in time, a simple idea of having a concert to support the hospital was hatched and has evolved into the premier event of the season. Since its inception, over 100,000 people have been entertained by the Pops and the money raised has become a critical part of the funding for the operation of our hospital.
Personally, NCH will always have a special place in our hearts as our sons William and Charlie were born here on island, which was the best decision we made just over 8 and 9 years ago. We are thrilled our boys are here with us tonight for their first Pops!
We are both humbled and honored to be your hosts tonight and we not only celebrate 25 years of the Boston Pops on Nantucket but being on the beach together once again!
Elisabeth and Bruce Percelay Chairs, 25TH Anniversary Boston Pops on Nantucket