Philanthropy Impact
Nantucket Cottage Hospital has been recognized as a Top 100 Rural & Community Hospital for the third consecutive year. Compiled by The Chartis Center for Rural Health, this annual recognition program honors outstanding performance among the nation’s rural hospitals.

Mail checks payable to: Nantucket Cottage Hospital Attn: Development Office 57 Prospect Street Nantucket, MA 02554
Donate online or scan QR code: nantuckethospital.org/donate
Or call us: 508-825-8250

By the Numbers
Fast Facts About Healthcare at NCH (Calendar Year 2023)
Median length of stay in Emergency Department, from check-in to discharge home
Under 2 hours

I trust this message finds you in good health and high spirits as we embark on the remainder of 2024. On behalf of the Nantucket Cottage Hospital Board of Trustees, I want to convey our heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering support and generosity to the Nantucket Cottage Hospital.
The challenges of 2023 were felt across the nation, and your support proved indispensable in ensuring our hospital not only weathered unprecedented circumstances, but thrived in the face of adversity. Your contributions enabled us to address critical issues, including the surge in patient volume and inflationary pressures, with resilience and resourcefulness.
We are particularly excited about the strides we’ve made in optimizing our capacity, thanks to the collaborative efforts of our NCH team and the support of Mass General Brigham. The new Patient Transfer Access
Craig Muhlhauser, Chair
Catherine S. Ward, Vice Chair
Gerry Keneally, Vice Chair
Amy E. Lee, MBA, MBHA, MJ, FACMPE, President and Chief Operating Officer
Derek Andelloux, MD, President of the Medical Staff
Jeanine Borthwick
Lisa Clarey-Lawler
Jeffrey M. Drazen, MD
Chad Gifford
Matthew Hutter, MD, MPH, MBA
Jeanette Ives Erickson, RN, DNP
Center (PTAC) is a testament to our commitment to providing timely and compassionate care, even on an island 30 miles out to sea.
The remarkable $625,000 gift from the Hospital Thrift Shop is a clear demonstration of our community’s dedication. Amy Lee’s words echo our sentiments, and we’re grateful for the meaningful impact this contribution will have, especially in addressing our crucial capital needs.
As we look ahead, we recognize that challenges will persist, but with your steadfast support, we are confident in our ability to meet them head-on and continue serving as the preferred healthcare provider for the Nantucket community.
Thank you for being an integral part of our extended Nantucket Cottage Hospital family. Wishing you a prosperous, safe, and healthy year ahead.
With deepest gratitude,

Craig Muhlhauser Chair, NCH Board of Trustees
Ronald J. Levy
Timothy Mullen
Heather O’Sullivan
Elisabeth Schadae Percelay
Melissa Philbrick
Melanie Sabelhaus
Roberto Santamaria
Beth Tilney
David Volpi, MD, FACS
Elizabeth Wright
Stephen C. Anderson, Honorary Trustee
Margaretta Andrews, Honorary Trustee
For more than 100 years, the island community has generously supported Nantucket Cottage Hospital and allowed us to fulfill our mission to provide compassionate, high-quality care with a community focus. This year, I have had the pleasure of witnessing firsthand that generosity, and I am so truly grateful to all of you.
Your support has enabled us to make great strides in 2023. We enjoyed a record-breaking Boston Pops on Nantucket in August with an astounding $2.8 million raised net of expenses to support the hospital’s yearround operations. Also, due to an extremely generous anonymous donor, we were able to upgrade our lab with two new state-of-the art Roche lab analyzers. These analyzers expand our on-island capabilities and shorten the turnaround time for some tests from days to hours. The hospital also received record levels of support from the Hospital Thrift Shop and Swim Across America in 2023 to support services and our team.
Thanks to the generosity of you, our donors, we continue to invest in expanding access to care on the island. This past month, Dr. Steven Kohler joined NCH as our first full-time Medical Director for Urgent Access. Throughout 2024, we will be expanding the footprint to add patient space and exam rooms. This will allow NCH to expand the number of appointments to meet the growing demand.
In addition, philanthropy is helping us to address the critical need for employee housing. Over the past two years, the hospital has acquired or built ten new housing units thanks to the capital campaign and two large bequests. This housing provides greater flexibility in helping new employees transition to the island. Still, it is only scratching the surface of the need for affordable housing solutions, and in 2024 we will bring forth our most ambitious employee housing plans yet.
I could happily continue to list the accomplishments and milestones enabled by the important funding of
our donors whose generosity and commitment enable us to be the leader of our community support system. Your assistance is crucial to our mission, just as Nantucket Cottage Hospital is essential to the island community. island residents and visitors rely on us for quality care, we rely on our donors to help make it possible. Your trust and investment in us fuel our dedication to excellence.
Thank you for your partnership in our journey to advance healthcare on Nantucket. help, we aim to expand and refine our services even more to meet the unique needs of our island community and strengthen our role as a vital resource.
On a personal note, I also would like to express my gratitude for the opportunity to lead this remarkable organization. Since taking the leap to start this adventure, my appreciation for all of you devoted to our mission has only grown, and I continue to be awed by your dedication, selflessness, and unrelenting spirit. Thank you for the privilege of partnering with you as we continue to work together to benefit our patients and our special island community.


Our President’s Circle includes donors who made one or more outright donations of $5,000 or greater to NCH’s annual fund or Boston Pops on Nantucket between January 1, 2023 and December 31, 2023.
FOUNDER: $100,000+
Jeanine & Alastair Borthwick
Fidelity Investments
Mr. & Mrs. Aristedes Georgantas
Karp Family Foundation
Bonnie J. Sacerdote
CHAMPION: $50,000 - $99,999
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Atchinson
Bank of America
Ritchie, Westray & Katie Battle
Josh & Anita Bekenstein
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Bogle, Jr.
Anne Marie & Douglas Bratton
Paula S. Butler
Laurie & Bob Champion
The Donovan-Chien Family
Mr. John L. Colton & Ms. Jamie Sherr
The Cox Foundation
Mary Jane & Glenn Creamer
Eric & Lori Dannheim
Ann & Stephen Davis
Michelle & Raj Dhanda
Lucy S. Dillon
Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Goodwin
Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander D. Hanson
Mr. & Mrs. Jeremiah J. Harris
Kim & Alan Hartman & Family
Hearst Corporation
Debbie & Rick Hohlt
Barbara & Amos Hostetter
Kimberly & Dennis Kozlowski
Diane v.S. & Robert M. Levy
Mr. & Mrs. S. Craig Lindner
Richard & Nancy Lubin
Samuel P. Mandell Foundation/ Miriam Mandell
Elizabeth Milias
Ann & Craig Muhlhauser
Mullen Family Foundation
The Nantucket Hotel
The Reilly Family
Bob & Laura Reynolds
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne L. Rogers
Eric & Wendy Schmidt
David & Vickie Smick
Mr. & Mrs. Marshall Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Stuart
Chris & Karen Watkins
Robin & Marc Wolpow
BENEFACTOR: $25,000 - $49,999
Anonymous (2)
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Appleby
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Arrix
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Axilrod
Mr. & Mrs.† John J. Beni
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Blanco
Maureen & Edward Bousa
The H. L. Brown, Jr. Family Foundation
Mrs. Owsley Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond J. Callahan, Jr.
Mr. Alan Chapple & Ms. Katherine Krill
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Cooleen
Marvin Davidson
Dr. Susan & Mr. Francis DeCoste, South Coast Dermatology
Mrs. Susan M. Doughan
Bruce & Deborah Duncan Foundation
Barbara & Michael Eisenson
Michael & Catherine Farello
Barbara J. Fife
Michele & Marc Flaster
Bob & Barbara Friedman
Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Gailliot
John & Cindi Galiher
Elizabeth Galvin
Paul Galvin Memorial Foundation
Nan Geschke
Bruce & Nancy Gottwald
Mark Gottwald
Lauren & Paul Gudonis
The Hagedorn-Littlefield Family
Ed & Barbara Hajim
Ned & Kate Hentz
Elin Hilderbrand
Ann† & Peter Holmes
Jacobson Family Foundation
Mr. Robert Jenner & Ms. M. Elizabeth Graham
Mr. & Mrs. Charles B. Johnson
Martha Dippell & Daniel Korengold
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Lang
Mr. & Mrs. Allan Levine
Ian & Isabelle Loring
Robert & Heather Lyons
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Massie
Mr. & Mrs. Barry McCarthy, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. William S. McKiernan
Richard & Ronay Menschel
Marlin & Ginger Miller
Una & William M. Murphy
The Newhouse Family
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Nolen IV
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher C. Quick
Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Rubenstein
Mr. & Mrs. John Samuels
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Saul
Burwell & Chip Schorr
Janet & Rick Sherlund
Warren & Harriet Stephens
Mr. & Mrs. Mayo S. Stuntz, Jr.
Richard Swain Trust
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Swartz
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce E. Toll
John & Mary West
PATRON: $10,000 - $24,999
Anonymous (2)
Carrie & Leigh Abramson
Mr. & Mrs. Lee S. Ainslie
PATRON: $10,000 - $24,999 continued
Mr. John J. Albrecht & Ms. Jennifer J. Jordan
Janet & Sam Bailey
Eileen Gebrian & Tim Barberich
Mr. & Mrs. C. Marshall Beale
Geoff Beattie
The Bednar Family
James S. Bennett, Bennett Family Foundation
Peter & Kay Bernon
Pamela & Max N. Berry
Larry & Nancy † Bossidy
Robert & Karen Buckley
James Burruss & Mary Fontaine
Dr. Heather McHold & Mr. Stephen P. Campbell
Ms. Adrienne Cannella
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Coffey
Berry R. Cox Family Foundation
Heidi Cox
Christina Craighead
Mr. Matthew Cribbins
Theodore Cross Family
Charitable Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Cummings
Mr. John M. DeCiccio & Mr. Ron Hoffman
Christopher Drake & William Steele
James Flaws & Marcia Weber
The Frisbie Family
Mrs. Sharon Fruit
Mr. Robert I. Gease† & Mr. Peter A. Barresi
Anne & Chad Gifford
The Glynn Family Trust
Mr. & Mrs. Rodney L. Goldstein
Mr. & Mrs. Justin Green
Bart A. Grenier & Leslie King Grenier
Mr. & Mrs. James Hagedorn
Mr. Peter E. Halle & Ms. Carolyn B. Lamm
Joan & Gene Hill
Gloria Jarecki, The Brightwater Fund
Ken Jarin & Robin Wiessmann
The Jetter-Brucato Family
The Jockey Hollow Foundation
Barbara Jones Memorial Fund
Roy & Manisha Kapani
Mr. Robert Kennedy & Ms. Robin Rednor
The Ketterer Family Foundation
Doris Gray Kynett Trust
Dr. & Mrs. Peter J. Linden
Mr. & Mrs. David H. Long
Mr. & Mrs. John Loose
Frank & Sharon Lorenzo
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Matthews
The McCausland Foundation, Bonnie & Peter McCausland
Carla & Jack McDonald
William C. Miller IV & Katharine Miller
Herb & Miriam Mittenthal
Beth Mooney
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Murchison
The Nahmad Family
Philip A. Nardone, Jr. & Scott E. Peltier & Family
Jeffrey Newton
Mr. Peter Palandjian & Ms. Eliza Dushku Palandjian
Mr. & Mrs. William C. Paley
Mr. & Mrs. Ivan A. Pirzada
Mr. & Mrs. Dickon Pownall-Gray
Mr. Thomas L. Rich & Ms. Suzanne M. VanNostrand
Mr. & Mrs. Duncan W. Richardson
Kennedy P. & Susan M. Richardson
George & Maria Roach
Joyce & Russell Robinson
John Rosenwald & Mary McDonald Davidson
Linda Saligman
Penny Scheerer & John Schwanbeck
Alan Schwartz & Nancy Seaman
Ms. Laurie M. Scott
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Siebold
H. C. Bowen Smith
Laura & Greg Spivy
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Starley
Mr.† & Mrs. Carlo Vittorini
Mr. & Mrs. Chandler K. Willett
Wolff Family Foundation
Joseph & Elizabeth Wright
Peter & Kirsten Zaffino
Mr. Paul A. Zevnik & Ms. Virginia Grenham
SUSTAINER: $5,000 - $9,999
Anonymous (2)
Mr. Mark Abbott & Ms. Mareta Hamre
Mr. & Mrs. Nathan R. Allen, Jr.
Nora & Edgar Ancona
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Andrews III
Armstrong Angel Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Armstrong
Mr. Anthony August & Ms. Hilary Keates
Mr. & Mrs. Merrick Axel
Mr. & Mrs. William G. Becker
Bill Belichick
Mitch Bell
Marlene J. Benson
Sandra & Malcolm Berman
Bob Bettacchi
The Bierly - Boasley Family
Meryl & Michael Bralower
William & Margaret Brenizer
Thomas & Anne Broadus
C.C. Construction
Katie Grover & Mike Campbell
Anne DeLaney & Chip Carver
Ellen MacNeille Charles
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Charpie
Rick & Dee Dee Chesley
The Chisholm Family
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher B. Cowie
Ms. Hilary H. Cunniff
Mr. Hugh O. Davis & Ms. Amy Baldwin
Robyn & John Davis
James G. Dinan & Elizabeth Miller
SUSTAINER: $5,000 - $9,999 continued
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Dodge
Dr. Nanette LaShay & David Douglass
Robert & Marsha Egan
Mr. Frank Fasanella & Ms. Trudy Dujardin
Mark & Lynn Filipski
Mr. & Mrs. Randall Fojtasek
Mr. & Mrs. Tom P. Forman
Roni & Jonathan Foster
Phyllis & Stuart Freilich
Robin & Lou Gerstner
Carl & Nancy Gewirz Fund
Dr. Elliot R. Goldberg & Ms. Jeri Werner Goldberg
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur A. Gosnell
Susan & Edward Greenberg
Mark & Tami Greenberg
Robert Grinberg & Debbie Lewis
Mr. & Mrs. Philip G. Gulley
Robert & Mary Haft Foundation
Lucile W. Hays
Mr. & Mrs. John Hendricks
Richard & Catherine Herbst
John A. & Julia H. Hilton, Jr.
Andrea & Fred Hoff
Mr. & Mrs. Christian M. Hoffman
Mr. & Mrs. Zenas W. Hutcheson III
Sarah & Christopher Irwin
Jeanette Ives Erickson, RN, DNP
Ali & Peter Jennison
The Judy Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. David G. Kaytes
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Keith, Jr.
Gerry & Patty Keneally
Thomas A. Kershaw
Mr. & Mrs. Arie L. Kopelman
Michael A. Kovner & Jean Doyen de Montaillou
William & Jacqueline† Kupper
Kurtz Family Foundation
Ms. Michelle L. LeMay
Ron & Susan Levy
Mr. & Mrs. David M. Lilly, Jr.
Richard Lowry
Mr. & Mrs. Russell R. MacDonnell
Mr. & Mrs. David Marcus
Ms. Sherie Marek
Elisabeth & Mark Massey
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce R. McBrearty
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. McCarthy
Mr. & Mrs. Terry McGovern
Toni B. & Martin McKerrow
Bill & Katie McNabb
Gregg Meyer, MD & Bonnie Blanchfield, ScD
John Moller & Elizabeth von Summer
Laurie & Bob Monahan
Ms. Elizabeth Montgomery
Mr. & Mrs. Franklin Montross IV
George & Barbara Mrkonic
Ms. Franci Neely
Caroline Bergman Gottschalk & Allen W. Nelson
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Nelson
Patricia L. Newton
Ms. Mina T. Nguyen
Olivela Inc.
Ann & Hardy Oliver
Liz & Jeff Peek
Bruce A. & Elisabeth J. M. Percelay
Carrie & Matthews Powers
Mrs. Ella W. Prichard
Peggy Wolff & Chuck Prince
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Purcell
Mrs. Phyllis E. Rappaport
Harry & Susan Rein
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence J. Restieri, Jr.
Mr. Marcus Ribka & Ms. Pamela Alexander
Susan & Jeffrey Rimland
Virginia & Joseph Ripp
Mr. & Mrs. K. Keith Roe
Ellen† & Kenneth Roman
Ellen & David Ross
Melanie Sabelhaus & Jim Guidera
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew B. Schecter
Mr. Michael Schulder & Ms. Nancy E. Field
Mrs. Judith F. Lee & Mr. Robert B. Schwarzenback
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Scott
Mary Cowell-Sharpe & David Sharpe
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin M. Silva
Mike & Mary Silverman
Rev. Georgia Ann Snell
Grace C. Stebbins Trust
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Strauss
Brendan & Kerry Swords
Ms. Beth Terrana
Beth & Schuyler Tilney
Ms. Lisa M. Todd
Tupancy-Harris Foundation
Susan & Bill Vareschi
Mr. & Mrs. Reymond K. Wallace
Bruce & Margie Warwick
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Waterman III
Susan & Carl Webster
Ron & Terri Weinberg
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Weiss
Mr. & Mrs. Tyler Wolfram
Lisa & Tom Wroe
Mr. & Mrs. Sam Younes
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Zervas

resource for New York Times best-selling author Elin Hilderbrand.
“I have lived on Nantucket year-round for thirty years, and I’ve been blessed with a relatively healthy and injury-free life. That said, the four most important moments of my life have all taken place at Nantucket Cottage Hospital. The first moment was the birth of my son, Maxwell, in the fall of 1999. This took place in the ‘old’ maternity ward. The second and third moments were the births of my children, Dawson and Shelby, in 2002 and 2005, respectively. These were in the much lovelier ‘new’ maternity ward. It was popular even as recently as 2005 for islanders to choose to have their babies off island – on the Cape, or even Boston – but I was determined to give birth to Nantucket natives. My first pregnancy didn’t proceed as seamlessly as the nurses and doctor wanted, and so we decided on a C-section performed by Dr. Lepore. This meant that both Dawson and Shelby also were born by C-sections performed by Dr. Lepore. I can now say that not only are my kids Nantucket natives, they were delivered by an island legend.
“The fourth important moment of my life was, alas, not a cheerful one. I found a lump in my left breast in the spring of 2014, and thanks to speedy and effective imaging at NCH, I was diagnosed with Stage One breast cancer. Although this diagnosis was nothing short of devastating, I was impressed with the ease that I was set up with an incredible surgical team at Mass General. The transition to care at Mass General – which included a double mastectomy – was seamless, and at a time of tremendous anxiety, the health professionals at NCH made my life easier.
“I am not a frequent visitor to the hospital these days, thank goodness, but I am one of its biggest and most vocal champions. In times of celebration and in times of crisis, Nantucket Cottage Hospital has been a professional, safe and reliable resource for me and my family.”
– Elin HilderbrandCancer Patients at Nantucket Cottage Hospital Receive Highly Specialized Care through Mass General Cancer Center Partnership
If you’re a cancer patient who calls Nantucket home, even for just a few weeks during the year, you’ll be both amazed and comforted by the Cancer Care and Infusion Center at Nantucket Cottage Hospital. NCH is extremely fortunate to be part of Mass General Brigham and have Mass General Cancer Center oncology specialists rotate on a weekly basis to Nantucket. Their collaboration has become even stronger over the past few years.

Nurse Practitioner person directing the coordination between NCH, Mass General,
island providers to care for Nantucket cancer patients and their families. This collaboration ensures state-of-the-art treatment. Aleknaite noted, “Thanks to our partnership with the Mass General Hospital Cancer Center, we are able to connect our patients to highly subspecialized cancer care at the academic medical center in Boston, as well as deliver world class cancer care right
During any given month, four oncology specialists rotate down to NCH once a week. These specialists serve patients as if they were living in the Boston area. They provide in-person and virtual visits throughout a patient’s
our sub-specialists treat breast cancer, gynecological
cancer, and blood disorders. NCH also has a visiting hematologist who treats patients with or without cancer. “I’m proud of our ability to provide cuttingedge oncology care and resources to patients in Nantucket through close collaborations with specialists throughout the MGH Cancer Center,” said Dr. Andrew R. Branagan, MD, PhD, Medical Director, MGH Cancer Center at Nantucket Cottage Hospital.
With the collaboration between the MGH Cancer Center and NCH’s Oncology Department, patients receive top tier level of care in a rural community hospital. This is one of the many reasons that Nantucket Cottage Hospital has been recognized as one of America’s Top 100 Rural and Community Hospitals for the past 2 years.
If a patient requires a higher level or care, or a specialty service, the care team can seamlessly transfer them to the MGH Cancer Center. The patient’s oncologist stays with them during this transition because of the unique department structure of the NCH Oncology Department.
In addition, chemotherapy is made even more effective with the oversight of an MGH oncology specialist. NCH can accommodate patients needing chemotherapy here on-island instead of having to travel during their course of treatment. Over the last few years, patients have opted to stay on-island much more for their therapies, which underscores our commitment to provide patients with high quality care close to home.
Ugne Aleknaite, ACPCNP-BC, WHNP-BCOur chemotherapy/infusion center is also unique because patients receive treatment in private rooms, and if needed, our chef will prepare specialty meals. According to Ugne Aleknaite, “In a general oncology setting, you have bays and curtains and multiple chairs, so this type of privacy is virtually unheard of. It also allows us to further develop these wonderful, personal relationships with patients.” She continued, “Cancer care on Nantucket would not be possible without the highly trained, compassionate, and knowledgeable infusion nursing team.”
Being part of Mass General Brigham also brings access to breakthrough and state-of-the-art technology and drug therapies that would not be available to a typical rural community hospital. Any new innovations that result from research being conducted at the Mass General Cancer Center are available to patients at NCH, including clinical trials.
With Palliative and Supportive Care of Nantucket (PASCON), NCH provides a high level of clinical care that addresses the person as a whole, not just their disease. The goal is to prevent or treat, as early as possible, the symptoms and side effects of the disease and its treatment, in addition to any related psychological, social,
and spiritual problems. Without the collaboration with PASCON, NCH’s oncology department would not be able to operate as the comprehensive program for patients and their families that it is today.
The largest fundraising event of the year dedicated to on-island cancer care and oncology research is the “Nantucket Open Water Swim” presented by Swim Across America. On July 22, 2023, hundreds of swimmers, volunteers, friends, and family took over Jetties Beach for the most successful “Swim Across America – Nantucket” event in its 11-year history. Over $675,000 was raised to support cancer treatment, patient care, and research. The previous record was $525,000. Those funds were donated to Nantucket Cottage Hospital, PASCON and the Mass General Hospital Cancer Center. We are so appreciative to everyone involved with Swim Across America, as their efforts have a huge impact on our community.
Through the continued support of our donors, the NCH oncology department aims to maintain this level of care and expand to bring in more oncology specialists as well as nurse practitioners. Our mission is to continue to provide seamless, compassionate care to the patient more deeply at an even more personal level.

need to continue to invest in housing, and in 2024, we will bring forth our most ambitious housing plans yet.
The Meadowview buildings were made possible through a bequest of the land from the estate of the late James R. Dennis, and with the help of a generous cash bequest from the estate of the late Patricia P. Griffin, for whom one of the houses is named. In the spring of 2024, NCH added three new buildings in the Sandpiper II development to the portfolio, bringing the total of new housing added in the last three years to 35 bedrooms and baths across 10 units.
New buildings are not the only investments NCH has made in employee housing. The hospital has added the innovative full-time position of Housing Coordinator to the staff. Jack Bulger, a long-time veteran of the Nantucket real estate industry, works individually with existing, new, and perspective employees to help them navigate the Nantucket real estate market. Where applicable, Jack connects employees with the subsidized affordable housing opportunities on the island, and he has been particularly successful in connecting employees with the “Lease to Locals” program. We are grateful to all of the landlords who have reached out to Jack to give hospital employees a first look at year-round housing opportunities.
The investments in housing have been a huge help, but they have only scratched the surface of the need. With 300 employees, NCH is the second largest employer on Nantucket next to the town/school system. With median home prices on the island now exceeding $3 million,

This listing includes all donors who made one or more outright donations to NCH, including gifts to the annual fund, event sponsorships, pledge payments, and cash gifts between January 1, 2023 and December 31, 2023.

Bruce A. & Elisabeth J. M. Percelay
The Patricia P. Griffin 2019 Trust
$500,000 - $999,999
Hospital Thrift Shop
Diane v.S. & Robert M. Levy
$250,000 - $499,999
Karp Family Foundation
Swim Across America Nantucket
$100,000 - $249,999
Jeanine & Alastair Borthwick
Fidelity Investments
Mr. & Mrs. Aristedes Georgantas
J. Graham Goldsmith, Sr. & Katherine P. Goldsmith
The Gordon & Llura Gund
1993 Foundation
Patrick Healy
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Pallotta
Mr. & Mrs. James V. Reyes
Bonnie J. Sacerdote
The Arbour Way Foundation & the Wolpow/Rosborough Family
$50,000 - $99,999
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Atchinson
Bank of America
Ritchie, Westray & Katie Battle
Josh & Anita Bekenstein
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Bogle, Jr.
Anne Marie & Douglas Bratton
The H. L. Brown, Jr. Family Foundation
Paula S. Butler
Laurie & Bob Champion
The Donovan-Chien Family
Mr. John L. Colton & Ms. Jamie Sherr
The Cox Foundation
Mary Jane & Glenn Creamer
Eric & Lori Dannheim
Ann & Stephen Davis
Michelle & Raj Dhanda
Bob & Jennifer Diamond
Lucy S. Dillon
Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Goodwin
Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander D. Hanson
Mr. & Mrs. Jeremiah J. Harris
Kim & Alan Hartman & Family
Hearst Corporation
Debbie & Rick Hohlt
Barbara & Amos Hostetter
Kimberly & Dennis Kozlowski
Mr. & Mrs. S. Craig Lindner
Richard & Nancy Lubin
Samuel P. Mandell Foundation/ Miriam Mandell
Elizabeth Milias
Ann & Craig Muhlhauser
Mullen Family Foundation
The Nantucket Hotel & Resort
The Reilly Family
Bob & Laura Reynolds
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne L. Rogers
John Salmanowitz
Wendy & Eric Schmidt
David & Vickie Smick
Mr. & Mrs. Marshall Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Stuart
Chris & Karen Watkins
$25,000 - $49,999
Anonymous (2)
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Appleby
Mariann Berg (Hundahl) Appley
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Arrix
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Axilrod
Beattie Family
Mr. & Mrs.† John J. Beni
Bob Bettacchi
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Blanco
Maureen & Edward Bousa
Mrs. Owsley Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond J. Callahan, Jr.
Mr. Alan Chapple & Ms. Katherine Krill
Catherine R. & Anthony A. Clifton
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Cooleen
Marvin Davidson
Dr. Susan & Mr. Francis DeCoste, South Coast Dermatology
Mrs. Susan M. Doughan
Bruce & Deborah Duncan Foundation
Barbara & Michael Eisenson
Michael & Catherine Farello
Barbara J. Fife
Michele & Marc Flaster
Bob & Barbara Friedman
John & Cindi Galiher
Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Gailliot
Elizabeth Galvin
Paul Galvin Memorial Foundation
Nan Geschke
Anne & Chad Gifford
Bruce & Nancy Gottwald
Mark Gottwald
Lauren & Paul Gudonis
The Hagedorn-Littlefield Family
Ed & Barbara Hajim
Ned & Kate Hentz
Elin Hilderbrand
Ann† & Peter Holmes
Jacobson Family Foundation
Mr. Robert Jenner & Ms. M. Elizabeth Graham
Henry & Savannah Helgeson
Island Energy Services
Mike & Tina Jemison
Mr. & Mrs. Charles B. Johnson
Roy & Manisha Kapani
Martha Dippell & Daniel Korengold
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Lang
Mr. & Mrs. Allan Levine
Martha & Bob Lipp
Ian & Isabelle Loring
Robert & Heather Lyons
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Massie
Mr. & Mrs. Barry McCarthy, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. William S. McKiernan
Richard & Ronay Menschel
Marlin & Ginger Miller
Una & William M. Murphy
The Newhouse Family
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Nolen IV
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher C. Quick
George E. Roach & Maria Roach
Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Rubenstein
Mr. & Mrs. John Samuels
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Saul
Burwell & Chip Schorr
Janet & Rick Sherlund
Warren & Harriet Stephens
Mr. & Mrs. Mayo S. Stuntz, Jr.
Richard Swain Trust
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Swartz
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce E. Toll
John & Mary West
$10,000 - $24,999
Anonymous (2)
Carrie & Leigh Abramson
Mr. & Mrs. Lee S. Ainslie
Mr. John J. Albrecht & Ms. Jennifer J. Jordan
Janet & Sam Bailey
Eileen Gebrian & Tim Barberich
Mr. & Mrs. C. Marshall Beale
$10,000 - $24,999 continued
The Bednar Family
James S. Bennett, Bennett Family Foundation
Peter & Kay Bernon
Pamela & Max N. Berry
Larry & Nancy † Bossidy
Meryl & Michael Bralower
Gloria Jarecki, The Brightwater Fund
Robert & Karen Buckley
James Burruss & Mary Fontaine
Don & Lisa Callahan
Dr. Heather McHold & Mr. Stephen P. Campbell
Ms. Adrienne Cannella
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Coffey
Berry R. Cox Family Foundation
Heidi Cox
Christina Craighead
Mr. Matthew Cribbins
Theodore Cross Family Charitable Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Cummings
Mr. John M. DeCiccio & Mr. Ron Hoffman
Christopher Drake & William Steele
James Flaws & Marcia Weber
Irene & Richard Frary
The Frisbie Family
Mrs. Sharon Fruit
Mr. Robert I. Gease† & Mr. Peter A. Barresi
The Glynn Family Trust
Mr. & Mrs. Rodney L. Goldstein
Mr. & Mrs. Justin Green
Bart A. Grenier & Leslie King Grenier
Hackett Family
Robert & Mary Haft Foundation

Mr. & Mrs. James Hagedorn
Mr. Peter E. Halle & Ms. Carolyn B. Lamm
Joan & Gene Hill
Wendy Hubbell
The Inquirer & Mirror
Ken Jarin & Robin Wiessmann
The Jetter-Brucato Family
The Jockey Hollow Foundation
Barbara Jones Memorial Fund
Mr. Robert Kennedy & Ms. Robin Rednor
The Ketterer Family Foundation
Doris Gray Kynett Trust
Marcia & Alan Lazowski
Dr. & Mrs. Peter J. Linden
Mr. & Mrs. David H. Long
Mr. & Mrs. John Loose
Michael S. Lorber
Frank & Sharon Lorenzo
Marine Home Center
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Matthews
The McCausland Foundation, Bonnie & Peter McCausland
Carla & Jack McDonald
William C. Miller IV & Katharine Miller
Herb & Miriam Mittenthal
Laurie & Bob Monahan
Beth Mooney
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Murchison
The Nahmad Family
Philip A. Nardone, Jr. & Scott E. Peltier & Family
Jeffrey Newton
Ann & Hardy Oliver
Mr. Peter Palandjian & Ms. Eliza Dushku Palandjian
Mr. & Mrs. William C. Paley
Mr. & Mrs. Ivan A. Pirzada
Dr. Tim Lepore
Dr. Tim Lepore received the inaugural Fred Rogers Good Neighbor award at the 2023 Dreamland Foundation’s DreamBIG gala. The award recognizes individuals who have demonstrated exceptional dedication and selflessness in making Nantucket a better place through their unwavering commitment to the community. The Dreamland’s board of directors and community leaders chose Dr. Lepore because he “exemplifies the compassion and service fostered by Fred Rogers throughout his life. With his unparalleled contributions and tireless efforts, Lepore has left an indelible impact on the lives of countless people on Nantucket.”
Mr. & Mrs. Dickon Pownall-Gray
Mr. Thomas L. Rich & Ms. Suzanne M. VanNostrand
Mr. & Mrs. Duncan W. Richardson
Kennedy P. & Susan M. Richardson
Joyce & Russell Robinson
John Rosenwald & Mary McDonald Davidson
Melanie Sabelhaus & Jim Guidera
Linda Saligman
Penny Scheerer & John Schwanbeck
Alan Schwartz & Nancy Seaman
Ms. Laurie M. Scott
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Sebulsky
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Siebold
H. C. Bowen Smith
Laura & Greg Spivy
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Starley
Beth & Schuyler Tilney
Mr.† & Mrs. Carlo Vittorini
Dr. David Volpi & Dr. Deborah Pilla
Mr. & Mrs. Chandler K. Willett
Wolff Family Foundation
Joseph & Elizabeth Wright
Peter & Kirsten Zaffino
Mr. Paul A. Zevnik & Ms. Virginia Grenham
$5,000 - $9,999
Mr. Mark Abbott & Ms. Mareta Hamre
Mr. & Mrs. Nathan R. Allen, Jr.
Nora & Edgar Ancona
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Andrews III
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Armstrong
Armstrong Angel Foundation
Mr. Anthony August & Ms. Hilary Keates
Mr. & Mrs. Merrick Axel
Mr. & Mrs. Barry Barksdale
Mr. & Mrs. William G. Becker
Bill Belichick
Mitch Bell
Marlene J. Benson
Sandra & Malcolm Berman
The Bierly - Boasley Family
William & Margaret Brenizer
Thomas & Anne Broadus
C.C. Construction
Monica & Peter Campanella
Katie Grover & Mike Campbell
Anne DeLaney & Chip Carver
Ellen MacNeille Charles
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Charpie
Rick & Dee Dee Chesley
The Chisholm Family
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Coffey
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher B. Cowie
Ms. Hilary H. Cunniff
Mr. Hugh O. Davis & Ms. Amy Baldwin
Robyn & John Davis
$5,000 - $9,999 continued
James G. Dinan & Elizabeth Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Dodge
Dr. Nanette LaShay & David Douglass
Robert & Marsha Egan
Mr. Frank Fasanella & Ms. Trudy Dujardin
Mark & Lynn Filipski
Mr. & Mrs. Randall Fojtasek
Mr. & Mrs. Tom P. Forman
Roni & Jonathan Foster
Phyllis & Stuart Freilich
Robin & Lou Gerstner
Carl & Nancy Gewirz Fund
Dr. Elliot R. Goldberg & Ms. Jeri Werner Goldberg
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur A. Gosnell
Susan & Edward Greenberg
Mark & Tami Greenberg
Robert Grinberg & Debbie Lewis
Mr. & Mrs. Philip G. Gulley
Lucile W. Hays
Mr. & Mrs. John Hendricks
Richard & Catherine Herbst
John A. & Julia H. Hilton, Jr.
Andrea & Fred Hoff
Mr. & Mrs. Christian M. Hoffman
Emily & Steve Hollister
Huron Helping Hands
Mr. & Mrs. Zenas W. Hutcheson III
Sarah & Christopher Irwin
Jeanette Ives Erickson, RN, DNP
Ali & Peter Jennison
The Judy Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. David G. Kaytes
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Keith, Jr.
Brian & Robin Kelly
Gerry & Patty Keneally
Thomas A. Kershaw
Mr. & Mrs. Arie L. Kopelman
Michael A. Kovner & Jean Doyen de Montaillou
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Kubick
William & Jacqueline† Kupper
Kurtz Family Foundation
Mr. Bruce D. Lawler & Ms. Lisa Clarey-Lawler
Ms. Michelle L. LeMay
Ron & Susan Levy
Mr. & Mrs. David M. Lilly, Jr.
Richard Lowry
Mr. & Mrs. Russell R. MacDonnell
Mr. & Mrs. David Marcus
Ms. Sherie Marek
Elisabeth & Mark Massey
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce R. McBrearty
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. McCarthy
Mr. & Mrs. Terry McGovern
Toni B. & Martin McKerrow
Bill & Katie McNabb
Gregg Meyer, MD & Bonnie Blanchfield, ScD
John Moller & Elizabeth von Summer
Ms. Elizabeth Montgomery
Mr. & Mrs. Franklin Montross IV
George & Barbara Mrkonic
Murray’s Toggery Shop, Inc.
Ms. Franci Neely
Caroline Bergman Gottschalk & Allen W. Nelson
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Nelson
Patricia L. Newton
Ms. Mina T. Nguyen
Olivela Inc.
The Osceola Foundation
Liz & Jeff Peek
Mr. & Mrs. Max S. Perkins
Carrie & Matthews Powers
Mrs. Ella W. Prichard
Peggy Wolff & Chuck Prince
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Purcell

Mrs. Phyllis E. Rappaport
Harry & Susan Rein
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence J. Restieri, Jr.
Mr. Marcus Ribka & Ms. Pamela Alexander
Susan & Jeffrey Rimland
Virginia & Joseph Ripp
Mr. & Mrs. K. Keith Roe
Ellen† & Kenneth Roman
Ellen & David Ross
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew B. Schecter
Mr. Michael Schulder & Ms. Nancy E. Field
Mrs. Judith F. Lee & Mr. Robert B. Schwarzenback
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Scott
Mary Cowell-Sharpe & David Sharpe
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin M. Silva
Mike & Mary Silverman
Rev. Georgia Ann Snell
Barbara B. & David Spitler
Grace C. Stebbins Trust
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Strauss
Brendan & Kerry Swords
Ms. Beth Terrana
Ms. Lisa M. Todd
Tupancy-Harris Foundation
Susan & Bill Vareschi
Mr. & Mrs. Kent Wallace
Bruce & Margie Warwick
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Waterman III
Susan & Carl Webster
Ron & Terri Weinberg
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Weiss
Mr. & Mrs. Tyler Wolfram
Lisa & Tom Wroe
Mr. & Mrs. Sam Younes
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Zervas
$2,500 - $4,999
George Albrecht
Janice Ellsworth & Drew Arent
Carol A. Atkinson
John & Carole Bartholdson
Shelley & Grant Behrman
Deborah C. Belichick
Gary & Carole Beller
Ms. Jennifer L. Benzie
Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Bewkes, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. William Birch
Mr. Bernard J. Brennan IV
Tom & Mimi Brome
Mr. John Callies
Constance & David Cheever
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Choma
Meredith & Eugene Clapp
Kevin & Michelle Clark
Maureen J. Dunphy & Anthony J. Colella
Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. Congdon
$2,500 - $4,999 continued
William Crispin & Maureen Mahoney
Amanda B. Cross
Robert & Monique Currie
Mr. & Mrs. Dwight J. Davis
Ms. Amanda Dearborn
Bob & Caron Dockerty
Mr. Aaron Edison
EMWIGA Foundation
Fall Family
Bob Felch
Mr. & Mrs. Todd B. Finard
Mr. & Mrs. Johan Firmenich
Jane & Charles Forman
Mr. & Mrs. Ernst H. Frank
Florence & Michael Frascati
Joseph & Cynthia Freeman
Robert & Kim Frisbie
Michelle & David Gee
The Genderson Family
Ms. Mary H. Gilmour
Mr. & Mrs. Martin G. Glavin
Joan & John Goodwin
Ellie Gottwald & Dave Morris
Great Point Properties
Greenwald Family Foundation
Karen & Doug Grip
Lucia Gumaer
Mrs. Katie Harrington
Robin & Steve Hauck
Mr. John F. Heaps, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Henry
Mason & Candice Heydt
Tom & Diane Hollister
Humphrey Construction Co.
J Pepper Frazier Real Estate
JNC Fund of the Saint Paul Foundation
Ms. Hannah Judy
Harriet & Paul Krupp
Amy & Frank Linde
Ms. Susan L. Locke
Mr. & Mrs. David H. Lombardi
M. Steinert & Sons Company Inc.
Barry & Robin MacTaggart
Paul & Barbara Malone
The McAleer Family
Mr. & Mrs. John K. Means
Mr. Dennis J. Meehan
Liz Ann Sonders & Bob Meier
Mrs. Kathy Menzione
Lisa Michel & Family
John Moy & Sonya Keene
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Muldoon
Mr. Michael A. Mustillo & Ms. Victoria Hight
Ambassador & Mrs. Jim Nicholson
Dr. & Mrs. Leif R. Norenberg, Briarpatch Pediatrics
Dr. & Mrs. Francis X. O’Connor
Heather O’Sullivan

Renata & Spence Patterson
Jonathan & Linda Penn
Martha & Dennis Perry
Melissa & Nat Philbrick
Lori & Kim Preston
Dr. Faith Frable
Dr. Faith Frable, pictured with her daughters, received the Maurice E. Gibbs Commendation Award at Egan Maritime Institute’s Lifesavers Recognition Day in September. Earlier in the summer, Dr. Frable was driving home on Polpis Road with one of her children in the car when she encountered a man who fell off his bicycle, likely due to a medical event. She quickly started CPR and called 911. If it weren’t for Dr. Frable’s rapid response and heroic measures, this incident could have had a different outcome.
Anne D. Bailliere
Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Baldock
VADM & Mrs. J. A. Baldwin
Mrs. Walter F. Ballinger
Curtis L. Barnes
Bob & Nancy Puff through the Indian River Community Foundation
The Racemaker Charitable Fund at The Chicago Community Foundation
Mr. Don Randall & Ms. Pamela J. Norley
Andres Recoder
Mr. & Mrs. Jay Riley
SAKS Incorporated
James & Lenore Schilling
Jill & Sam Sheppard
Mr. & Mrs. James Siminoff
Ms. Nancy Snell
Kenneth Stanley & Sarah Barrett
John & Marianne Stanton
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Stolz
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Stroka
Mrs. Hans Tausig
Dr. Howard Tiszenkel & Dr. Nancy Coughlin
Ms. Alexandra R. Todd
Ms. Lara Trafelet
Tom & Kathy Tyree
Bob & Missy Veghte
Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Verney
Mr. & Mrs. Howard F. Ward
Denise & Bill Welsh
Wetherbee Plumbing Co.
Elizabeth & Todd Winship
Yellow Productions
$1,000 - $2,499
Anonymous (4)
Douglas & Nancy Abbey
Marcia & Stephen Anderson
Dr. Joseph & Mrs. Kathy Arvay
Jane Beasley
Ms. Laura Bench
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce W. Benedict
Lawrence & Kimberly Berger
Martha Berlin
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Berman
Mr. & Mrs. Walter W. Birge III
Veronica & Michael Bonnet
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Bortz
Allison & Chris Bovard
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Branca
Gene & Susan Briskman
Lissy Bryan
Julie Jensen & Robert Bryan
Jack Burke & Barbara Stern
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher E. Burns
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Campaniello
Simon & Jane Canning
Ray Castro & Janice Rutkowski
Steve & Joanne Caulfield
Andrew & Chrissy Chaban
Peter & Sharron Chalke
David & Kathleen Champoux
Pamela & Jim Chapman
Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Charron
Dr. Gregory C. Chotkowski & Ms. Maribeth A. Maloney
Mr. William P. Collatos
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Collins
Darcy S. Cors Foundation
Dr. & Mrs. Delos M. Cosgrove
Aisling Glynn & Billy Cowzer
Carolyn & Woody Cullen
Mr. Linwood E. Dame
Dan’s Good Neighbor Pharmacy
Sarah & George deMenocal
$1,000 - $2,499 continued
Dick & Barbara Detwiler
Mr. & Mrs. James Didden
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Dineen
Mrs. Lisa T. Donovan
Dr. & Mrs.† Jeffrey M. Drazen
Ms. Nicola Drew
Mrs. Barbara G. Duffy
Richard & Clementina Durkes
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew P. Dwyer, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy G. Fallon
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas V. Farrell
Rob & Sheri Femia
Mr. & Mrs. David Ferrera
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Fey
Sue & Norman Fidel
Dr. & Mrs. Richard E. Fleming, Jr.
Ms. Danielle Fortunato
Jeannette Fowlkes
Frances Frisbie Criddle
Ms. Michaela Frisbie Facchinei
Mr. & Mrs. Francis Gannon
Barbara & Elliot Gerwirtz
Mr. Benjamin G. Gifford & Ms. Jane Carlin
Mrs. Peter Gilfoy
Glidden & Brescher, PC
Joe & Maria Grause
Kurt Grazewski & Maura McInerney
Dr. & Mrs. James Greelish
Mr. Robert F. Greenhill
Richard & Sabine Griffin
Wendy & Ben Griswold
Charles & Kaaren Hale
Barbara & Jerry Hamelburg
Bernadette & Jim Harrison
Mr. & Mrs. Charles T. Haydock
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan D. Heneke
Seth & Diane Hochman
Maureen Phillips & Douglas Horst, MD
Joy Ingham
Mr. James Javaras
Ms. Tania H. Jones
Diane H. Karper
Andrea & Jon Katz
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Kelly
Mr. & Mrs. John Kilgallon
Carol Kindler
Nancy & Michael Kizilbash
Ms. Matina Koronis
Mr. & Mrs. Mark N. Kozak
Roger & Lisa Krakoff
Christopher Larsen
Mr. & Mrs. John Lasko
Laurence Lebowitz & Naomi Aberly
Jill Lentowski
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Letarte
Tamra & Joseph Lhota
Biff & Mary Jane MacLean
Mr. Kevin Maguire

Laura Davison
Laura Davison’s passion for gardening led to an unexpected and life-threatening encounter after a bee sting triggered an allergic reaction. By a stroke of luck, Laura found herself at Nantucket Cottage Hospital under the care of emergency physician Brandon Giberson, DO, a familiar face from their University of Maine days.
Read the full story by Nantucket Magazine’s Robert Cocuzzo by visiting: n-magazine.com/lucky-to-bee-alive
Mr. Walter C. Maloney & Ms. Julie A. Christopher
Mr. Ken Manget & Ms. Susan Watt
Sam Manske
Monica & Tom McCasland
Ms. Loretta McClary
Rosemary & Richard McCready
Mr. Gerry McGowan & Ms. Susan Brophy
Barbara McInerney
James Meehan & Patricia White
Gresham & Stephen Meek
Ken Mehlman
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Meyers
Mr. & Mrs. G. Nicholas Miller
Michael A. Molinar
Monomoy Civic Association
Mr. Jeffrey Moor & Ms. Nancy Kubilus
Mr. & Mrs. Neville Morcom
Mr. & Mrs. James Morgan
Leo Mullen & Helene Patterson
Nantucket Electrical Contractors, Inc.
Nantucket Looms
Nantucket Oral Surgery PLLC
Margharet & Frank Nash
Netflix Productions, LLC
Douglas Nigen
Sharon & David Northrup
Mary & Al Novissimo
Mr. & Mrs. John R. O’Callaghan
Michael & Deane O’Donnell
Michelle Toll & William O’Flanagan
Mrs. Marie J. Palandjian
Stephen & Jennifer Paradis
Ms. Lindy L. Paull
William & Nancy Pittman
Martha & Charley Polachi
Jackie & Jake Powell
The Ralys Family
Brad Roberts
Kurt & Susan Saraceno
John & Ruth Sayer
Robert & Amy Schlager
Donna & Karl Schulz
Mr. & Mrs. William C. Schwab
Elaine & Cary Schwartz
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Schwarzman
Mrs. Michele J. Seass
Judith Greenberg Seinfeld
Mr. & Mrs. Seth Shortlidge
Joseph & Deidre Smialowski
Mr. & Mrs. Steven R. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. John G. Snyder
Deirdre & Skip Snyder
Ms. Elizabeth H. Star
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Stevens
Joly W. Stewart
Lydia Sussek & John Sussek III
Robert I. Sylvia
Eric Tanenblatt & Mary Burns, MD
$1,000 - $2,499 continued
Mr. John J. Tegan, Jr.
Gary & Ellen Tratt
Deborah & Don Van Dyke
Sandra Van Gundy, EdD
Pamela Van Hoven Clark
Elinor & James Vaughter
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Veysey
Lynda S. Vickers-Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas T. Voulgaris
Catherine S. Ward
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Wein
Welch & Forbes LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Welsh
Mr. Walter D. Wick
Randy & Ned Wight
Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Wilson
Mr. Bradley Winer
Linda C. Wisnewski
Patty & Russell Wolff
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Wytrzes
Sue E. & Michael F. Young
Jon & Carlyn Zehner
Susan Zises Green
$500 - $999
Dr. & Mrs. Cary W. Akins
Mr. DeWitt L. Alexandre & Ms. Ilia Menocal
Dr. & Mrs. Nadeem S. Ali
Barbara & Bob Bailey
Ann Balas
Ms. Jane Condon & Mr. Kenneth G. Bartels
Allan Bell & Dennie Doran
Michael Bell, MD
Ms. Kelly D. Bendiksen
Ruthie & Robi Blumenstein
Ann Bond
Mr. & Mrs. Solomon Boucai
Deane & Ken Brasfield
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C.T. Brokaw
Ginny & Bud Carrey
Mr. Ryan J. Colella
Mr. John Connelly
Prudence S. Crozier
Dr. David Dalury
Ms. Laura Davenport
Dan & Linda deMenocal
Ms. Paula J. DeGiacomo
Mr. Robert Dobbin
Connie & Dan Driscoll
John P. Emert & Mary Ellen Gaw
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Falk
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Fink
Judy Foley
Joan Goldberg
Mr. & Mrs. Donald M. Gray
Norene & Laurence Green
Garth & Jean Grimmer
Mrs. Margo M. Grodsky
The Harrington Family
Mr. & Mrs. David L. Henle
Mr. & Mrs. William P. Hourihan, Jr.
Jean Hughes
Marge & Ward Ives
Maryann & Bardwell Jones
Mr. Andrew Kagan
Jane & Woody Kay
Dr. Adam Kaye
Mr. & Mrs. Marshall T. Keys
Mr. Robert B. Lang
Mr. Eliot J. Lees & Ms. Lisa Winn
Mr. Nathaniel Leeson
Jill L. Leinbach
Linden & Madeleine White Fund
John & Judith Lochtefeld
Reece & Sandy McDonnell
Betsey & Gerry Minihan
Dr. Jay & Mrs. Christine Mullen
Virginia & Alan D. Nathan
Gary & Susan Nichols
Dr. Guy Nuki
Ms. Jane O’Connell
Anne P. Olsen
Karen & John Palmer
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence I. Pollock
Jack & Karen Rigney
Sam Edelman
Mrs. Lois K. Shapiro
Ed & Sandy Sheehy
Chuck & Merle Shoneman
Ozzie & Nancy Small
Dr. & Mrs. Eric P. Suan
Steve & Ann Sullivan
Scott Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Tisi
Hannah & Bill Wallace Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Watson
Mr. & Mrs. Jay M. Wilson
Sears & Barbara Wullschleger
Thomas & Susan Young
$100 - $499
Anonymous (5)
Amazon Smile Foundation
Ms. Brenda B. Anderson
Kristyn & Maureen Anderson
Ms. Kristyn Anderson
Mrs. Clarice Assuncao
Alan F. Atwood
Dr. & Mrs. Carl Backer
Joan Badie
Ms. Katharine A. Barnes
Mr. Andrew Bartley & Ms. Jill Herscot
Anthony & Ann P. Beale
Dr. Buzz & Linda Berger
Ms. Candy Bernier, NP
Susan Clark Blackburn
Ken & Cindy Blackshaw
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Blaney
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Boynton
Alice & Jharry Breed
Suzy & John Brennan
Mr. & Mrs. Louis A. Breskman
Dr. & Mrs. David C. Brewster
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Brewster
Josh & Bernadette Brown
Susan & David Brownlee
Joseph & Mary Ellen Budny
Mr. William T. Buice III
Ms. Katherine B. Burton
Mr. & Mrs. Gary S. Bush

Ruth Tonico, Rose Klein, Sophie Civitarese, Lisa Lacoursiere, Meghan Corcoran, Suzanne Carroll, Molly Harding, and Pam James were among the nominees for NCH’s DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nursing in January 2023. STAFF SPOTLIGHT Daisy
$100-$499 continued
Martha H. Butler
Mrs. Myrna B. Butler
Ms. Simone S. Campbell
Maria E. Carey, PA-C
Mr. Douglas Carlson
Ms. Charlene Carroll
Mrs. Hannah Carter
David Caton
Mr. & Mrs. Leonildo D. Cavaler
Benjamin Champoux & Carolyn Durand
Stephen Chase, MD
Carol & Erik Christensen
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Cirulli
Jeff Coakley & Gregg Tivnan
Mr. & Mrs. Edward R. Coffin, Jr.
Louis D. & Danielle D. Coffin
Jane E. Collins
Mr. Brian M. Conlon
Gretchen & Gordon Cooney
Mr. James E. Crowder
Mr. Frank Daily
Mr. Taumi S. Daniels & Ms. René S. Cabral-Daniels
Dr. & Mrs. John F. D’Avella
Mr. Jack David & Ms. Melanie M. Kirkpatrick
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel M. Day
Ms. Donna C. Dean
Tim & Susan Dee
Luba DeWitt
Mr. Cameron Dias
Mr. & Mrs. Carmine DiSibio
Peter & Miriam Dow
Dragonfly Donor Advised Fund
Lois & Bill Druckemiller
Ms. Hannah Duus
Ms. Kilby Dwyer
Mrs. Ann M. Egan
Paul & Marion Eklund
Tish Emerson
Mr. & Mrs. James Eppel
Ms. Victoria P. Ewing
Ms. Nellie Fain
Fay & Ned Fawcett
Dr. & Mrs. John W. Feuerbach
William Fordyce
Emory & Ellen Freeman
Ms. Linda Friedman
Dr. & Mrs. Michael H. Friedman
Paul & Dianne Friel
Mr. Edward F. Fritsch
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Fuhrman
Dottie & Lou Gennaro
Russ Gessner & Mary Avery Gessner
Mr. Jason Gettinger
Chris Glowacki & Kristin Campbell
Maureen Glowacki
Steve & Peggi Godwin
Mr. & Mrs. Lionel Goldfrank III
Sam & Amanda Goldworm

Mr. & Mrs. Clyde W. Gordon, Jr.
Mrs. Barbara Grande
Ms. Eliane Guerdert
Drs Fred Gustavson & Doris Wall
Robert & Valerie Hall
Mr. & Mrs. John L. Halliwell
Jean & Hugh Halsell
The Edward A. Hansen Family
Ms. Victoria Hansen
Karen & Peter Hanson
Ms. Susan S. Harding
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Harvey
Mr. & Mrs. Khaled S. Hashem
Jane & Paul Heintz
Don & Kate Heyda
Greg & Judi Hill
Sarah Hindle
Mr. C. Clarkson Hine
Grace S. Hinkley
Linda † & Peter Hoey
Sandra R. Holland
Mr. & Mrs. Warren Holland
Ms. Sharon K. Horne
William & Juliet Hunter
Mr. & Mrs. Peter T. Kaizer
Ms. Caitlin M. Kaplan
Mr. Robert M. Kaye
Connie & Dennis Keller
Mrs. Georgianne Kent
Mrs. Linda B. King
Bobbie Kodeck
Ms. Marsha A. Kotalac
Eliot & Judy Krause
Peter & Carol Krogh
Harvey & Barbara Kurzweil
Mrs. Carolynn La Pierre
Mr. Michael Leavitt
Dr. Richard & Jill Lesko
The R. Liddle & E. Sibley Family
Karyn S. Lindsay
Joseph P. LiPuma & Victoria E. Girvan LiPuma
Pamela Lohmann
Beth & Tom Lowy
Mr. Danno Lynch
Shaylyn & Neil Maguire
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin B. Mahoney
The Majernik Family
Rosalie Maloney
Mrs. Rachel Mandle
Ms. Colleen Marocco
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Marsh
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Maryanski
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen D. Maury
Cynthia Crowley McClintock
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas McGarvey
Mr. John F. McGrady, Jr.
Susan J. McMaster
Mr. & Mrs. Warren Meehan
Mr. & Mrs. Kristopher Megna
Ms. Lin Mei
Wendy Greenberg & Simon Mikhailovich
Maria Zodda & John Millar
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Molta, PA-C
$100 - $499 continued
Robert & Mary Moran
Peter Morrison & Mary Wawro
Jean & David Nathan
Joan & Michael Nelson
Katharine S. O’Brien
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Ochsner
Nannette Foss Orr
Ellen & Gerard O’Shea
Margaret & David Owens
Mrs. Nancy L. Pasley
Mrs. Patrice A. Passaro
Abby & Steve Perelman
Mr. Carmine Petrone
Sueanne Pfifferling
Judith & Richard Phelan
Mr. Fervon Phillips & Ms. Samantha H. Stewart
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Pincince
Gloria Grimshaw & Bruce Poor
Mr. John Prather
Janet & David Prill
Mr. David Raim
Mr. & Mrs. David Richards
Dorothea M. Riley
William H. Roberts & Deborah B. Rogers
Ms. Nancy Rodriguez
Jill & Steve Roethke
Wendee & Sims Rogers
Robin Roncari
Dr. & Mrs. Nicholas Rorick
Joyce Rosenfeld, MD
Ms. Kyan A. Samuels-Roberts
Mr. Philip J. Santarelli & Ms. Katherine K. Anselmi
John & Catherine Saynor
Robert & Denise Schwed
Ms. Theresa Sciarappa
Jack & Brook Scott
Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Seclow
Ms. Susan F. Sekulow
Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Shaw
Ms. C. Patricia Sheehy
Dorothy Shepherd
Lisa Sherwood
Ms. Jane C. Silva
Mr. Sidinei Silvério de Freitas
Ms. Clarissa B. Simone
Ms. Amy L. Skladanowski
Ozzie & Nanette Small
Mr. Karl M. Smith
Dr. & Mrs. Robert S. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Snow
Penny F. Snow
Ms. Lisa P. Soeder
Ms. Judith Spelke
Mr. Robert W. Spurck
Ms. Raydene St. Clair
Dr. Robert Stanton
Mr. & Mrs. William W. Staudt
Mrs. John E. Stauffer
Stop & Shop
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest T. Strang
Mrs. Kate Sullivan
Anne Sweidel
Merrielou Symes
Mr. & Mrs. Volney Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. Kiran Thapamagar
Mr. & Mrs. J. Barry Thurston
Mrs. Meghan R. Tormay
Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy B. Trottier
Peter & Vicky † Tulloch
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey A. Turner
Sandy Tuttle
Clara Urbahn
Mr. & Mrs. Karl H. Velde, Jr.
Mrs. Gayle Vittorini
Clark & Andrea Wagner
Samuel & Mary Ann B. Wagner
Mr. Dylan H. Wallace & Ms. Caroline F. Borrelli
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Weeks, Jr.
Dr. Joel & Judith Weinstein
Dr. & Mrs. Francis M. Weld
Mark & Rosanne Welshimer
Crosby & Gussie Willet
Robert & Sheila Wilner
Mr. William P. Winkler & Ms. Kathryn Kubie
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Withrow
Ms. Laura Witt
Michael & Judith Wodynski
Thomas & Virginia Wright
Peter & Melanie Zschau
Up to $99
Pedro & Joni Amaral
Mr. Mark Arbesfeld
Ms. Elizabeth Baratta
Lee & Rob Bowen
Richard & Janet Brannigan
Patricia Murray Bridier
Anita T. Dazzo
Barry & Ruth Ehrlich
Ms. Eileen M. Ford
Ronald L. Friis Family
Mr. & Mrs. Brian S. Harris
Susan Heard
Robert T. Hoyt, Jr.
Mr. Robert F. Hull
Sandra Jackson
Ms. Samantha Kalman
Ms. Carol A. Landess
Ruth Hodges & John LeClaire
Molly Macy Lentowski
Ms. Rani Mathura
Col. & Mrs. Richard McCrary
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Parrotto
Gerald & Rebecca Pfund
Wilma B. Pitman
Diane Ryder
John & Paula Spero
Robert & Karen Swenson
Ms. Sunita Thapa-Magar
Stacy Toporoff
David & Enid Wise
Gifts in Kind
Elizabeth Almodobar
Barbara Clarke Photography
Island Lumber Company, Inc.
Cary Hazlegrove
Michael Molinar
Nantucket Island Tours
Nantucket Looms
Susan Fairgrieve Design, LLC
Zofia Photography
† = deceased

Memorial gifts include donations made in memory of friends and loved ones. The following is a list of our donors who made one or more contributions between January 1, 2023 and December 31, 2023.
Kristin Alexandre
Ilia Menocal & DeWitt Alexandre
Carol A. Barrett
Patricia Murray Bridier
Ms. Rachel A. Parrotto Budzynski
Linda & Tony Parrotto
Richard Carney
John & Paula Spero
Joan Clarke
Karen & Peter Hanson
Erica Drazen
Lin Mei
Theresa Sciarappa
Mr. Kevin T. Dugan
Elizabeth Baratta
Marianne Felch
Bob Felch
Albert S. Glowacki
Maureen Glowacki
William H. Hays III
Lucile W. Hays
Phyllis Hoadley
Robin Roncari
Mr. Richard D. Irwin
Sarah & Christopher Irwin
Shanti K. C.
Debaki and Kiran Thapamagar
Mrs. Jacqueline S. Kupper
Greg and Judi Hill
Mrs. Bonnee Larsen
Jane Beasley
Sue Leonard
Dr. & Mrs. Nicholas Rorick
Jim Lentowski
Jill Lentowski
Mr. Gardner F. MacDonald
Catherine S. Ward
Ben & Ruth Margolin
David & Enid Wise
Claude H. & Jean F. McMaster
Susan J. McMaster
Jared E. Nemnich
Sharon Fruit
Ellen Roman
Brenda Anderson
Mark Arbesfeld
Mrs. Walter F. Ballinger
Pamela & Max N. Berry
Ken & Cindy Blackshaw
Natalie & John Blaney
William Buice III
Debbie & Gary Bush
Charlene Carroll
Carol & Erik Christensen
Melanie Kirkpatrick & Jack David
Dragonfly Donor Advised Fund
Irene & Richard Frary
Linda Friedman
Donna & Edward Fuhrman
Jason Gettinger
Dotty & Lionel Goldfrank III
Ed & Barbara Hajim
Mr. C. Clarkson Hine
Georgianne Kent
Carol Landess
Monomoy Civic Association
Franci Neely
Jane O’Connell
David Raim
John Rosenwald & Mary McDonald Davidson
Rita & Richard Seclow
Susan Sekulow
Judith Spelke
Merrielou Symes
Nancy Vittorini
Susan & Charles Wilson
Tom Ryder
Bob Sabelhaus
Melanie Sabelhaus & Jim Guidera
Suzanne Zibelli Schuck
Susan Clark Blackburn
Dr. Robert Shapiro
Mrs. Lois K. Shapiro
Katie Kubie & Bill Winkler
Laird Stabler & Kathryn Applegate
Lee & Rob Bowen
Mrs. Karli M. Stahl
James Crowder
Barbara & James Eppel
Debby Stanton
Dr. Robert Stanton
Nadège M. Sylvia
Robert I. Sylvia
Edward S. Toole
Jean & David Nathan
Carlo Vittorini
Robert Dobbin
Judy Foley
Kathy & Donald Gray
Susan Harding
Joan & David Henle
Samantha Kalman
Linda King
Carolynn La Pierre
Rani Mathura
William H. Roberts & Deborah B. Rogers
Ellen† & Kenneth Roman
Karl Smith
Robert Spurck
Raydene St. Clair
Tina & Bill Staudt
Kathleen & Volney Taylor
Barb & Charles Tisi
Nancy Vittorini
Mimi & Robert Wein
Bob & Elena Wolfe
Ronald L. Friis Family
Honor gifts include donations made in honor of people and special events. The following is a list of our donors who made one or more contributions between January 1, 2023 and December 31, 2023.
Ashley Sanford Music Therapy Program
Janet & Neville Morcom
Dr. Jeffrey A. Barnes, MD, PhD
Elizabeth & Ari Georgantas
Jeanine Borthwick
Ali & Peter Jennison
Mr. & Mrs. James Matthews
Patty & Russell Wolff
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Bratton
Maggie & Robert Murchison
Mr. & Mrs. G. Brown
Joan Goldberg
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Chan
Nellie Fain
Mr. Marshall Cohen & Dr. Ellen J. Brooks
Liz & Mike Stuntz, Jr.
Mary Davidson & John Rosenwald
Mrs. Walter F. Ballinger
Eric S. Holch
Mr. & Mrs. Clyde W. Gordon, Jr.
Diana Hull
H. C. Bowen Smith
Carol Kindler
Luba DeWitt
Katy & Jeff Krupa
Ellen & Warren Holland
Mrs. Frances Lindner’s birthday
Mary Jane & Glenn Creamer
Dr. Timothy J. Lepore
H. C. Bowen Smith
Dr. Rocco Monto
Jill & Sam Sheppard
Craig H. Muhlhauser
Dr. & Mrs. Richard E. Fleming, Jr.
John & Ruth Sayer
Michele Seass
Nantucket Cottage Hospital
Emergency Department Staff
Kathy & Paul Charron
Jill & Sam Sheppard
Nantucket Cottage Hospital Staff
Robert & Karen Swenson
Pillars of Excellence Awards

NCH’s Food Services Department was honored with a Pillars of Excellence Award from Mass General Brigham for providing great service through delicious and healthy meals for patients, visitors and staff. Pictured: Amy Lee, Neil Hudson, Cheryl Gregorich, Orlando Fowler, Kittipat Bunpom, Chai Sophonwattana, and Evelyn Dwyer.
Ms. Tracy L. Nichols
Gary & Susan Nichols
Dr. Diane Pearl
Steve & Peggi Godwin
Ms. Hannah Judy
Peter Morrison & Mary Wawro
Mr. Arthur I. Reade, Jr.
Ms. Jane Condon & Mr. Kenneth G. Bartels
Ms. Joan Rosenberg
Jill Herscot & Andrew Bartley
Melanie Sabelhaus & Jim Guidera
Trisha Passaro
John Prather
Ethel L. Small
Ozzie & Nanette Small
Mrs. Nancy Vittorini
Gayle Vittorini
Barbara C. West
Wendee & Sims Rogers
Mimi Young
Mr. & Mrs. J. Barry Thurston

Judy Ramsure, a member of the Environmental Services team, was awarded a Pillars of Excellence Award from Mass General Brigham for her commitment and dedication to NCH. In 2023, Judy celebrated her 40-year anniversary working at NCH.

Boston Pops on Nantucket Raises Record $2.8 Million
The 26th annual Boston Pops on Nantucket, co-chaired by Anne Marie and Doug Bratton, featured Conductor Keith Lockhart and the Boston Pops on Tour, joined by special guest Michael Cavanaugh, who performed the music of
Presented by Jill and Stephen Karp and White Elephant Resorts, Nantucket’s biggest and most beloved summer fundraiser took place at Jetties Beach on August 12, 2023, with a sold-out crowd of 5,000 guests.

The Brattons were joined on stage to host the evening by journalist and author, David Gregory. Emmy Awardwinning actor John Shea hosted pre-show interviews with the General Admission crowd. The National Anthem was performed by American opera singer Greta Feeney, which was followed by a flyover from a U.S. Navy helicopter from Sea Combat Squadron 26 based out of Norfolk, Virginia.
For the first time since 2019, fireworks capped off the show with a display launching from an offshore barge following the orchestra’s rendition of the 1812 Overture
The concert delivered on its promise as the hospital’s most important fundraiser, bringing in a record net $2.8 million that directly supports patient care and medical improvements at Nantucket Cottage Hospital.

Visit nantuckethospital.org/pops to learn more about this summer’s event and watch a recap video of 2023.

Scenes from the 2023 Boston Pops on Nantucket

Honoring President’s Circle Donors
NCH hosted members of our President’s Circle for a brunch reception at Great Harbor Yacht Club on June 25, 2023. Our President’s Circle celebrates donors who annually contribute $5,000 or more to NCH. Guests enjoyed brunch while listening to two featured speakers – Aimee Carew-Lyons, PhD, RN, NCH’s Chief Nursing Officer and Vice President of Patient Care, who discussed training staff in real-life, high-risk situations, and Anders Knutzen, MD, FACR, NCH’s Medical Director of Radiology, who discussed community hospital radiology and ties to Mass General Brigham.

Thrift Shop Donates $625,000 for Employee Housing
Wrapping up its 94th year in business, the Hospital Thrift Shop presented a check to Nantucket Cottage Hospital, totaling $625,000 – a new record.
“This donation is a remarkable reminder of what we can do as a community. Thank you to everyone involved with the Thrift Shop – the staff, volunteers, shoppers, and donors – for creating something so meaningful for our hospital and our community,” said Amy Lee, President of NCH. “Employee housing is the hospital’s most important capital need for the foreseeable future, and this gift will make a meaningful impact.”
The Thrift Shop has now donated over $7.5 million to Nantucket Cottage Hospital since 1929.

Another Record-Breaking Year for Swim Across America
Since its inception 10 years ago, Swim Across America – Nantucket has raised more than $4.7 million to support cancer treatment and patient care for our friends and neighbors battling cancer. Each year, over 400 swimmers, volunteers, spectators, and supporters gather at Jetties Beach for an inspirational morning to raise money for Nantucket Cottage Hospital and Palliative and Supportive Care of Nantucket, as well as research efforts at the Mass General Cancer Center.
Annually, NCH provides over 1,500 cancer treatments and oncology visits, and PASCON provides nearly 300 palliative care visits, always free of charge.
Co-Event Directors Jill Roethke and Jim Pignato, together with a committee of dedicated volunteers, proudly raised a record-breaking $730,000 in 2023.

Swing for a Cause
Over 120 golfers teed off at Nantucket Cottage Hospital’s 33rd annual Sankaty Swing Golf Tournament on September 11, 2023. The tournament was sponsored by Marine Home Center and chaired by Bill Kupper to raise money for NCH’s general operations. The longstanding and beloved tournament features a luncheon, afternoon round of golf, and cocktail reception at the Sankaty Head Golf Club.

Hackett Family
The Inquirer and Mirror
Putnam Investments
Birdie Sponsors
Charter Diligence Group
Grey Lady Property Management
Murray’s Toggery Shop
Hole-in-One Sponsor
Don Allen Auto Center
Thank you to Sankaty Head Golf Club for hosting this event and contributing to its success.
Women + Wellness Hosts Renowned Cardiac Expert
Women+Wellness is an education-focused lecture series geared toward topics of interest to women. Founded in 2017 by three dedicated volunteers, Jeanine Borthwick, Meryl Bralower, and Melanie Sabelhaus, this event has featured both on- and off-island medical professionals sharing resources and information.
The sixth annual event was Chaired by Lisa Clarey-Lawler and featured renowned cardiac expert Colleen M. Harrington, MD. Dr. Harrington discussed various topics related to cardiac health for people of all ages, including preventative measures and the gender-specific risk factors for heart diseases. Primary Care Practitioners from NCH joined the conversation to share valuable information about on-island resources for cardiac screening, services, and care.

Heart Sponsors – Jeanine Borthwick, Michael and Meryl Bralower, Maureen Hackett, Lisa Clarey-Lawler

Soul Sponsors – Carole Beller, Amanda Dearborn, The Inquirer and Mirror
Care Sponsors – Camille Branca, Cathy Bortz, Anita Cosgrove, Dawn Didden, Caron Dockerty, Meg Dwyer, Robin Hammer, Joan Hill, Minou Palandjian, Maria Roach, Hinda Snyder, John and Marianne Stanton, Alison Townsend, Leslie Wytrzes
Mindful Sponsors – Kim Hartman, Ginny Ripp, Nancy Vittorini, Kim Younes
Peace Sponsors – Jane Condon, Jennifer Pincince, Lisa Soeder
Learn more about Women+Wellness at nantuckethospital.org/womenandwellness
Jasmine Cruz

Due to the potential severity of her condition, she was transported to Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. While at Mass General, doctors confirmed this experience, and I continue to lean on the Nantucket professionals to help me in my recovery.”
– Jasmine Cruz112TH Annual Meeting Honors Community Leaders
NCH hosted its 112 th Annual Meeting in August 2023, led by Craig Muhlhauser, Chair of the Board of Trustees, and Amy Lee, President and Chief Operating Officer. Following their remarks on the state of the hospital, Muhlhauser and Lee recognized members of the community who have made a particular impact at NCH or within the community.

Margaretta Andrews
Recipient of the Sandy Craig Leadership Award
Margaretta served as Chair of the NCH Board of Trustees from 2001-2008, is currently an honorary member, and serves on many committees, such as Advisory Council and Beinecke Scholarship. She was an instrumental leader in bringing the Boston Pops on Nantucket concert to fruition in the 90’s. Under Margaretta’s leadership as Executive Director of the Community Foundation for Nantucket, CFNan awarded more than $10 million in grants to island nonprofits, started a COVID-19 response fund for emergency relief, and stewarded the Community Health Initiative process to distribute $4.5 million into the community as part of the construction project for the new hospital.
Fairwinds Counseling Center
Recipient of the Phil Murray Business Award

NCH collaborated with Fairwinds Counseling Center to launch a new integrated community-wide mental health crisis response system. The collaboration grew out of the work of the Nantucket Community Behavioral Health Initiative, which identified the fragmented system of mental health crisis response to be one of the key gaps on the island. In addition to addressing crisis calls in the community and in the schools, Fairwinds clinicians provide crisis evaluations in the hospital emergency department and provide consultation for treatment of patients waiting for discharge to on-island outpatient services or transfer to an off-island in-patient facility.
Bill Kupper
Recipient of the Bruce A. Percelay Philanthropy Award
Bill has Chaired NCH’s Sankaty Swing Golf Tournament for the past several years, keeping a 30+ year old tradition running as a fundraiser, friend-raiser, and key event for the hospital. When Bill began Chairing the event in 2019, net profit totaled less than $20,000. In 2023, net profit reached over $80,000 thanks to Bill’s creativity and perseverance. Bill was also a dedicated member of the Development Committee, lending valuable insight on marketing and communications initiatives.
Toby Greenberg, Ann Oliver, and Randy Wight
Recipients of the Myrt Eldridge Volunteer of the Year Award
Toby, Ann, and Randy volunteer hundreds of hours to NCH year-round as BlueCoat volunteers. Whether it’s pushing a patient in a wheelchair to their appointment or guiding visitors to the appropriate area of the hospital, our volunteers are an incredible asset to our staff. Toby, Ann, and Randy have each volunteered within the hospital for many years and put their skills to use in various departments. Their familiar and smiling faces put patients at ease, and they serve a critical role by assisting staff when patient volume is high.
NCH Awards 38 Beinecke Scholarships in 2023
NCH awarded 38 Beinecke Scholarships totaling $50,000 to island students and residents pursuing education and training in medical and healthcare fields.
Open to graduates of Nantucket High School, residents of the island, and employees of Nantucket Cottage Hospital, this scholarship fund was created by the late Nantucket businessman and civic leader Walter Beinecke, Jr. in the 1950s. Beinecke, the man who founded Sherburne Associates and is credited with transforming Nantucket into a modern destination resort town, was a life member of Nantucket Cottage Hospital’s Board of Trustees. The Beinecke Scholarship Fund’s origins date back to the early 1950s when his father, Walter Beinecke, Sr., made annual gifts through the hospital to Nantucket High School graduates to help them pay for nursing school. After his father’s death in 1958, Walter Beinecke, Jr. formally established the scholarship fund in his memory.
2023 Scholarship Recipients:

Christian Ashelford, Melanie Bamber, Ciara Barnett, Tianna Barrett, K’sha Bloise, Juilana Bouchard, Brooke Campbell, Cole Campbell, Isabella Cutone, Kate Daniels, Emma Davis, Sabin Dhamala, Emily Dussault, Edwin Alexis Mancia Castro, Leticia Duval Camilo, Candace Ferguson, Heather Francis, Pamela Gardner, Sophie Gerardi, Madison Iller, Ioana Kalpazanova, Diane Sophia King, Caroline Knutti, Tatiana Quijada Lemus, Adriana Lopez, Robin Manning, Maria Silva Marchi, Sara Marshall, Sue Mynttinen, Adisson Masiel Pineda Perez, Andrea Planzer, Stephanie Ryder, Kyan Samuels-Roberts, Teresa Erin Schrader, Nathalia Elizabeth Tobar Tejada, Ruth Tonico, Chevelle Williams, Adele Yelverton
Marissa Teramae, Ultrasound Technician

Marissa, an ultrasound technician, was presented the Compassionate Care Prize by one of its founders, Judy Greenberg Seinfeld. Marissa was nominated for the prize by a grateful patient who praised her respect, integrity, empathy, and communications skills. Marissa’s nominator wrote, “I had experienced several pregnancy losses in a row and was pregnant again and feeling pretty afraid and anxious.
“Marissa showed empathy through her actions and words throughout our time working together. She understood what I was going through, and she made every effort to make it easier for me. She was my absolute rock during that time and made me feel so safe and supported through an extremely anxious time. She made me feel like she cared about me and the outcome of my pregnancy, and that felt really good.”
Expanding Urgent Access Care
Nantucket Cottage Hospital is expanding Urgent Access ahead of the 2024 summer season. The expansion plans include reconfiguring the Anderson Building on the hospital campus to accommodate additional exam rooms and treatment space. “We took the feedback from the community very seriously and are investing in this expansion,” said Amy Lee, NCH’s President. In 2023, Urgent Access provided over 8,600 visits to island residents and visitors.
Local resident Steven Kohler, MD, joined the team in January 2024 as the Medical Director of Urgent Access, a brand new position, to lead the popular clinic. A graduate of Temple Medical School, Dr. Kohler’s background includes a transitional internship and Internal Medicine Residency at Cambridge Hospital, a Harvard Medical School program, as well as an Emergency Medicine Residency at University Hospital, Jacksonville, University of Florida.
Dr. Kohler brings a wealth of experience to his new role having served as an Emergency Medicine Physician at Cape Cod Hospital since 1996. He has lived on Nantucket full-time since then and has been doing the “reverse commute” to Cape Cod during that time. While at Cape Cod Hospital, he experienced over 125,000 emergency room and urgent care patient encounters.

Island Health Fair Welcomes Hundreds
In September, NCH administered 300 flu shots in three hours at the Island Health Fair. More than 20 island organizations and several hundred attendees came together for this community event.
Attendees were able to receive a flu shot, blood pressure screening, rehab demonstrations, and learned to make Chef Neil Hudson’s legendary roasted carrot soup.
The Health Fair was free of charge and was a partnership between NCH, the Nantucket Council on Aging, the Nantucket Center for Elder Affairs, and the Knights of Columbus.
Karp Family Improves Patient Experience with $100,000 Gift

Thanks to a generous donation from the Karp Family Foundation, Nantucket Cottage Hospital recently installed touchscreen TVs in the Emergency Department treatment rooms. With the donation, NCH purchased eight individualized touchscreen TVs, two fully mounted TVs, and two rolling touchscreens that will allow for personalized entertainment for all patients in the Emergency Department.
“This donation will make a huge impact on our patient’s experience,” said Amy Beaton, Emergency Department Nurse Director. “TVs in our emergency rooms are a way to provide some comfort and pass the time. This gift allowed us to purchase and install 12 TVs that give patients a home-like, high-quality, entertainment experience.”

I extend my sincere gratitude to everyone whose name appears in this report.
Given the seasonal fluctuations in volume and the substantial fixed costs associated with operating on-island, patient revenue alone cannot cover the cost of delivering high-quality healthcare at Nantucket Cottage Hospital. As a long-time supporter, Trustee, and Chair of the Development Committee, I assure you that your donations play a pivotal role in enhancing patient care.
There are many additional compelling reasons why we support the hospital:
• We appreciate the local community’s essential role, which we rely on for numerous reasons, and understand their need for excellent year-round medical services.
• We want our family and friends to have access to the best care possible if they need it – particularly in a place where weather can make travel impossible for days at a time.

• The ongoing investment in NCH’s staff has allowed the hospital to accomplish so much with collaboration, planning, and follow-through that is only possible with a stable team of employees.
• We rely on our unparalleled Emergency Room for quality, timely urgent care. The average time to be seen in the peak summer season was 14 minutes, and the average stay until discharge was under two hours. Not surprisingly, these are the shortest times in the entire Mass General Brigham system.
• We are fortunate to be able to utilize the hospital for a range of services, including quick and convenient tests, lab work, and procedures.
We rely on Nantucket Cottage Hospital to deliver excellent medical services 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. No not-for-profit, business, or household can thrive without its presence. Thank you for recognizing that the Hospital is the most important cause on Nantucket.
Jeanine Borthwick Development Chair, Board of Trustees, Nantucket Cottage HospitalNANTUCKET COTTAGE HOSPITAL DEVELOPMENT OFFICE
The Nantucket Cottage Hospital Development Office advances the mission and programs of the hospital and aims to secure its future for the next generation of Nantucketers. Working closely with volunteers, NCH staff, and the Board of Trustees, the Development Office encourages participation through fundraising, events, community outreach, and communications.
Nantucket Cottage Hospital Development Office
57 Prospect Street
Nantucket, MA 02554
Phone: 508-825-8250
Please contact one of the members of the team to learn how you can be more involved or to answer any questions.

Community Health and Chief Development Officer
Mail checks payable to:
Nantucket Cottage Hospital
Attn: Development Office
57 Prospect Street
Nantucket, MA 02554
Donate online or scan QR code: nantuckethospital.org/donate
Or call us: 508-825-8250

Chris Glowacki, CFRE, Vice President, Strategy, Community Health and Chief Development Officer | cglowacki@mgb.org
Molly Lentowski, Senior Development Officer | mlentowski@mgb.org
Shay Maguire, Senior Development Officer | slmaguire@mgb.org
Olivia Vlahos, Donor Relations Officer | ovlahos@mgb.org
Jeff Coakley, Communications Program Manager | jpcoakley@mgb.org
57 Prospect Street
Nantucket, MA 02554
Development Office: 508-825-8250
• nantuckethospital.org

If you do not wish to receive certain or all fundraising communications from NCH, please call us at 508-825-8250.
Photography: Barbara Clarke Photography, Bill Hoenk Photography, Kit Noble Photography, Yellow Productions
Cover illustration: David Sharpe Design & Layout: Lance Kelly - Moor Studio