ACL Summer Discover Magazine

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ommunity future c t en m p o el ev d wellbeing Your... creativity

Green Space Happy Place Photography competition p20

Issue 2: Summer 2021

Career Pathways p24

Let’s focus on family wellbeing p40

welcome From Katherine Burns Principal, Adult Community Learning Essex

Welcome to the Summer issue of the ACL Discover Magazine, which once again brings you inspirational stories from our staff and learners, creative craft ideas for all the family to enjoy, lots of competitions, wellbeing tips and career pathway guidance. We hope the stories and articles in our magazine inspire you to try something new, to get involved, make friends with others with similar interests or gain skills to take a new direction. At ACL, we take pride in being friendly and welcoming. So, if you have never joined us before, we look forward to meeting you in 2021!

About us ACL Essex is the largest provider of adult education in the county. We’re at the heart of our communities across Essex making a difference to residents and businesses, so everyone has the chance to make a difference for themselves, those around them, and the places that they live in.

Sign up to our newsletter


IN THIS ISSUE... Crafts Art Creative writing Photography Spanish recipes

4 8 14 17 22

Careers & pathways Financial support Hairdressing

24 26 28

Digital Skills English & Maths English as a Foreign Language

30 32 34



Family Wellbeing


Supporting our community


Learn more about our courses


Learning h g u ro Th es v Li g in v o pr Im Happy learners

We love hearing about how our learners are benefiting from their studies and reaching their learning goals. If you have a story to tell or would like to know more about our courses and what you could achieve, please get in touch.

ave urses h “The co nce e guida given m lp ls to he and too now myself t r o p p su re.” he futu and in t & l Health – Menta er g learn Wellbein

“I would like to send out a Big Fat Thank you to Adult Community Learning. The ACL in Essex have put on many free classes, tutorials and courses throughout lock down, and they have really helped me to keep my sanity whilst furloughed. I have taken classes in Philosophy, Mindfulness, History, Photography, Floristry, the NHS and Self Confidence. It’s been a pleasure to dip into so many varied topics, some of which I knew nothing about, and to have something to keep my brain ticking over. Free learning is a wonderful thing. Long may it continue.” - Sarah

IG gain B say a o ve t h d te ou a “I wan r all y o f U py I K YO m hap a I THAN . s . I for u exams e h done t ll d a rt the passe have to sta d r a efully orw d hop n look f a e – cours again.” IELTS then u o y eet rner will m ills lea k S l a Digit

“I joined the course just for an interest and to brush up my maths skills bu t to the end of the course I fall in love with maths and couldn’t imagine a day witho ut solving some maths problem s on MyMaths website. Now I am thinking about doing some private tutoring in order to develop my skills fu rther and to practice the sk ills I have already gained.” – Ta nya

“I would recomm end an appr entices hip to other p eople a s it is a great opportu nity to get in to the workpla ce and develop invaluab le skills, gaining qualifica tions an d earning a wage at the same tim e.” – Amy, A pprentic e

+ eted over 20 “I have compl s, th on e last few m courses in th , ly ve are so lo all the tutors ey d friendly. Th an le approachab in jo to sy for you make it so ea e Th s. u are nervou in even if yo on ry great and ve courses are I cannot ily life today. point to fam r what am enough fo praise the te have ey how much th they do and rent. pa a nfidence as given me co !!!” L team Thank you AC

r o hea glad t o s il sk ls “I am riting w y d. It that m prove im e v ha ion to otivat m e m glish. gives ing En y d u t ue s lass contin our c y g in d and I Atten a lot e m d ough” helpe ou en y k n tha can’t

“I joined this course to learn digital skills. I’ve only had the internet at home for a week so it’s still really new. I still have a little trouble finding

my way around my smartphone, but everything is moving online like banking and shopping. You know, all the sorts of things we need especially as an older person. It was 95-year-old father who brought me into the 21st century with my first smartphone!” – Audrey


Fashion & textiles

Online Fashion and Textiles course is a hit! r

ion & Textiles Tuto

ACL Fash Written by Debra, The online Fashion & Textiles Award Creative Craft Level 1 Course has been a great success at ACL, teaching learners new eco-friendly ways to reuse old materials and clothing. The class included a mix of abilities, some complete beginners and some with previous knowledge. They all learnt a range of sewing techniques and completed their first project a basic top. They went on to develop techniques,

get creative with their own ideas, and produce a textile piece and clothing, as well as a portfolio. As a tutor, I adapted my teaching style to deliver the course. I had to tackle technology whilst teaching learners how to use the sewing machine. Learners have really embraced learning online’ we’ve explored new ways to be sustainable, and discussed many wonderful ideas - it has been such a rewarding experience.

Having never taken a course like this before, I was unsure if I could keep up, but I shouldn’t have worried. Everything is explained thoroughly, and nothing is rushed. It’s been great to be able to develop my skills and perfect techniques that I wouldn’t have attempted before. Being part of a class where everyone has similar interests has done so much to inspire me and keep me motivated to push myself with projects. I would recommend the course to anyone with an interest in sewing. It has completely exceeded my expectations and I have enjoyed every minute of it! Jasmine


Fashion & textiles

When I started the Fashion Textiles Clothes making course, I couldn’t thread the sewing machine! Since being on the course, Debra has enabled me to grow in confidence. I now have a new passion. I have made clothing, bags, and soft furnishings. Additionally, it has improved my emotional wellbeing. As a mental health practitioner, I talk to all my clients about the course. I believe in supporting your mental health and wellbeing through being active & creative. Melanie

My lack of confidence in the technology led to a shaky start, but with support from the ACL IT team, Debra, and fellow online classmates I persevered, and it has turned out to be very successful. The weekly online lessons and videos, that can be viewed again post lesson if necessary, took us through basic sewing skills and techniques. We were then able to use those skills to make a garment to our own personal measurements with support and advice from our tutor.

View all upcoming Fashion & Textiles courses on our website:

We have also learned about decorative techniques such as embroidery, applique, and an introduction to fabric construction and types. As a class we are all ages with various skills and experience. It has been a pleasure to listen to and share tips with each other as a friendly group, united in our enthusiasm for the subject, but each with our own special interests. The combination of thorough grounding in the basics, and encouragement to release our creative spirits in practical projects, has been stimulating and inspiring. I look forward to continuing to learn and create in the Level 2 course next year. Christine


New courses!

Traditional & Thrift Crafts ts Traditional Craf

Thrift Crafts

Discover the wonderful world of traditional crafts that have undergone a significant makeover throughout recent times.

Start making a difference to our environment by engaging in a thrift craft where we focus on recycling, re-purposing and repairing to give old items a new lease of life.

There is a huge joy in producing hand crafted objects, each with a unique quality that harks back to a previous era steeped in nostalgia. The wider benefits of crafting include developing and maintaining high manual dexterity, gaining understanding of design and creating something from raw, basic materials either for personal use, as gifts or to sell and gain new income.

Raw materials are becoming more precious and therefore making use of what you already own to produce a beautiful craft object is more relevant than ever before. The benefits are far reaching including reducing objects going to landfill, keeping resource costs in producing crafts low, personal wellbeing in making a difference to the sustainability of our planet, raising awareness of ecology and the small steps everyone can take to conserve.



• • • •

Floristry Model Aviation Pottery Print Making

• • • •

Silversmithing Stained Glass Woodturning Woodworking

• • • •

Applique Art Silk Painting Embroidery Fashion Clothes Making

• Floristry • Textiles • Upholstery

Courses start September 2021 - Book your place today! visit: email: call: 03330 600 111 6

Wonderful woodwork

Woodwork returns to the Basildon Craft Studios Written by Mike, ACL Woodwork Tutor Onsite woodwork classes are back in the Basildon Craft Studios, after over a year away. It has been a great pleasure as a tutor to meet students face to face. Much hilarity has occurred when they discover how tall I am (just one of the distortions of teaching online). It has also been good to catch up with other colleagues and be able to support one another in person rather than virtually. A number of significant changes had taken place in order to accommodate the various Covid-19 restrictions. Class sizes of just four students, with each bench having a glass screen between those facing one another, and individual toolboxes to avoid cross-contamination. At present the students are having to put up with me shouting instructions from a distance when they are engaged in their individual work. My often repeated ‘point your finger’ to students learning to saw straight has been heard ringing out of the studio door on several occasions since classes begun. But as always, the students take it all in good part. Class demonstrations and teaching generally have been greatly assisted by digital technology. The students are able to watch close demonstrations captured by a visualiser and displayed on the large approximately 8’ x 4’ tablet at the front of the studio, which has replaced both white and smart boards, giving a significantly improved experience.

ACL learners are able to gain traditional craft skills with dedicated tutor support. In the lessons, learners explore their creativity that could support them in work or for personal development.

In normal times, up to 10 students can write on the tablet at once. For left-handed students the visualiser has the facility of flipping the image so they can see how it would look to do the activity from their perspective too. Students have happily adapted to earlier end times for teaching and the cleaning regimes necessary to ensure one another’s safety. Well done to all academic, site and student services staff who have made it all possible and very many thanks. I am very happy, as are my students, to be back in the studio! 7

Creative headspace

Improve your wellbeing with

Arts & Crafts Research shows that participating in creative arts and craft activities can improve your mental health and wellbeing, reduce stress and help you regain focus in an often challenging world.

Increases happiness and reduces anxiety When your mind is focused on a task or activity, it is less likely to be focusing on the things that cause you stress and anxiety in day-to-day life. According to BUPA, “Repetitive activities like drawing, knitting and painting can help to flood your brain with dopamine, the feel-good chemical that helps to motivate us.”

Engage with others Some of the most common feedback we get from learners is that our courses have enabled them to meet like-minded people and make friends for life. Being surrounded by people who share a common passion and encourage your creativity, enables you to connect with people and form relationships. The social element of our creative classes is also very important for some of our learners. Whether it’s an online class or in one of our centres, being able to communicate and engage with people reduces isolation and loneliness.

Increases creative confidence and self-esteem One of the reasons that many of us don’t take part in creative activities is because we feel we lack artistic flare. But that’s not true! We all have creativity within us, and our tutors will encourage you to embrace your own artistic styles and create artwork that showcases the artist within.


Creative headspace

Before starting my pottery course, I believed that I wasn’t an artistic person. For the first few weeks, I would criticise my own work and pick faults in it. But week after week, the encouragement and compliments from other learners changed my opinion I had on my own artistic talents. I learned to embrace my work and appreciate my own individual style.

We have lots of interesting Art & Crafts courses starting all year round. Found out more and enrol on a course by visiting our website.


Let’s get creative

My Creative Experience Over the past year, many of our classes moved online. Our creative learners were able to explore their talents in the comfort of their own homes. Level 1 Creative Art & Design learner, Claire recently shared her experiences with us. “Each week my tutor, Abbie, delivered carefully planned lessons which incorporated many different art and design skills in a fun and practical way. Abbie made us feel at ease with her friendly nature from the initial assessment, through to the last lesson. There were lots of opportunities to develop your own ideas and if you were struggling then Abbie and the other learners on the course were happy to share ideas. The learners on the course were very friendly too and often came up with tips, ideas, and artists that I had never thought of myself. Even though part of this course was during lockdown, Abbie adapted the resources we needed to things that we had available at home. This made the course very cost effective. A few of the skills we learnt were line drawing, implied texture, experimenting with textures, using watercolours and pastels, 3D work, working with shapes, looking at artists, sculpture, colour mixing and many more. I really enjoyed pointillism, painting to different music and blind drawing which were all things I had never tried before. We used these skills to develop our final outcomes. I really enjoyed this course and would thoroughly recommend it to anyone who would like to develop their creativeness.”

To view our full range of art and creative courses, please visit the ACL website: 10

Let’s get creative

I really enjoyed this course and would thoroughly recommend it to anyone who would like to develop their creativeness. 11

Creative competition

Summer Scenes ART Competition

What comes to mind when you think of Summer? Beaches, ice cream, warm evenings with friends or even the smell of freshly cut grass. We want you to turn these thoughts and feeling into artwork that is inspired by Summer and submit them in our Summer Scenes Art Competition. It could be a watercolour painting, a doodle on a notepad or even a mini sculpture made from things in your garden. We want to see them all!

You could win a £100 art voucher for equipment and a creative course. To be in with a chance of winning these prizes, we’re asking you to embrace all things Summer and create a masterpiece that portrays how it makes you feel.

To enter, simply post your photos on social media using #ACLSummerScenes and tag us using the handles below or email us your pictures:




The competition closes 23rd August. We look forward to seeing your inspir ing and brigh t artworks!



The Infinity Forest ‘One in a million’ Infinity Forest art installation by INSTAR is now available for the public to visit at Danbury Country Park.

The Explore Essex Arts Commission 2020 was created to raise public awareness about our environment and as part of the Essex Forest Initiative which is Essex County Council’s commitment to planting 375,000 trees throughout the county’s parks and green spaces over the next five years. The Arts Commission was awarded to INSTAR - a partnership featuring artists Trish Evans and Nick Humphreys - who have previously worked with The Wildlife Trust, The National Forests and The National Trust. INSTAR have created the ‘Infinity Forest’ at Danbury Country Park which now forms part of the areas landscape. It examines people’s connections with the natural world through contemporary art and promotes the significance and importance of trees in helping to combat climate change, as well as providing a positive legacy. The installation is an immersive three-metretall, upright ‘kaleidoscope’ of reflective surfaces which surround a Scots Pine tree sapling to create an internal ‘Infinity Forest’. The sapling was planted in March to help it establish itself ahead of the full installation in mid-April.

The Infinity Forest will be open to the public from 24 April 2021 and visitors to the park are being encouraged to view the ‘one in a million’ sapling by using the observation holes to gain a unique perspective of the Scots Pine inside.

lore Summer of Tree Art - help Exp Forest ity fin Essex create a virtual #In Inspired by the wonder of trees, INSTAR have created a series of downloadable art packs suitable for all ages and abilities. New art packs are released each month! Take time out to wander beneath the branches, look a little closer at the leaves and indulge in the magnitude trees grant us. From tree-tracing, capturing canopies to tree lines, take a look and get creative! Visit the Explore Essex website for artistic ideas and inspiration, and to download the packs. culture/infinity-forest

Forest competition

Enter the virtual #Infinity

To celebrate the opening of the Infinity Forest Art Installation at Danbury Country Park, Explore Essex are also launching a competition to win an Explore Essex Family Summer Garden Goody Bag - worth over £100!

Simply post your artwork on social media using #InfinityForest and tag @exploressex on Facebook and Instagram and @ExploreEssex on Twitter. You can also email your pictures to:

To be in with a chance of winning this fantastic family prize, they’re asking you to share your tree inspired art with them to create a virtual #InfinityForest.

The competition closes at 23:59 on 18 July 2021. Full t&cs available on their website! 13

Short Story competition 2021

y r o t S t r o h S L C A : 1 2 0 2 n io it t e comp ‘awakening’ We asked you to submit a short story, no more than 500 words, to win some fabulous prizes in our writing competition... and they did not disappoint! This year, the theme of the competition was ‘Awakening’. After reading over 70 amazing tales, we have selected the ACL Choice winner (chosen by our Creative Writing Tutors),, a truly captivating story! We will reveal the Author’s Choice winner (chosen by local Essex Author Sarah Armstrong) and People’s Choice winner (chosen by our community) on our social media and website very soon.

ACL’s Choice Winner Written by Gemma Gargrave

“Pop your finger against the pad to get you signed in.. that’s it. You have admin functionality but we would always recommend contacting our team if you want to make any big changes to your account.” “Of course. How do we wake her up?” “Go on the app home screen. See the black circle, top left? Give it a tap and it should turn white. The cog is where you go to make alterations. You can only access that when the base is offline.” “The base?” “Your daughter.” “Tia.” 14

“Yes, Tia. Anyway, that’s me all done. There are lots of tutorials and tips for getting the most out of the system. All that sort of stuff is accessible via the brain icon.” “Right. Thank you so much for your help.” “My pleasure. If you get a moment to review the service online it will be much appreciated.” Frank saw the installer out. Shelley’s finger hovered over the black circle until she heard the door click shut. She tapped. *** The sleep functionality was everything Shelley and Frank could have hoped for.

A little too calm. Shelley clicked on the brain and typed “fun” and “playful” into the search bar. “What do you think, Frank?” “I don’t know, do you really want to change who she is?” “Of course not. You’re not here with her all day though, you don’t see how bored she looks. I’m not talking about a drastic change, just helping her along.” “I guess. But just a little bit, yeah?.” She tapped the cog and made her selections. In six clicks it was done. *** Turning up the fun was tiring, but that was fine. Shelley just gave Tia more sleep-time during the day. It was during one such sleep that Shelley saw a video of her neighbour’s kid reading a book. I wonder…

“You did what?!” “I just helped her on her way! Isn’t she clever?”

Short Story competition 2021

For the first time in four years, they were all actually sleeping through the night. Tia was well-rested and calm.

“I don’t know, is she?” Frank’s face crumpled a little as he looked over at his daughter. The conversation grew more heated. Tia began to cry, louder and louder until her wails drowned out her parents’ voices. “Just be quiet, both of you!” Shelley screamed, reaching for the app and switching Tia to sleep without even realising. The silence made the thud seem louder. She was even silent when her head hit the table edge. Silent still, when her father rushed over to cradle her body. Silent despite her mother’s screams at the silent stream of blood escaping her skull. An ear-splitting screech came from the phone. “Base disabled, unit offline. Dialling technical support.” “George speaking. Can I help?” “My daughter!” Shelley screamed down the line. “What have I done?”

When Tia woke up, Shelley handed her “The Cat in the Hat”. Ten books later and Shelley couldn’t believe how easy parenting could be. Until Frank came home.


petit Illustration Com

Submit your artwork inspired by our winning story! We were delighted by the number of stories we received as part of our Short Story competition this year. We hope you’ve all had a chance to read these fantastic stories and we would like to thank our community for sharing their talent with us. We are now launching our Illustration Competition 2021! We want you to submit your artwork which has been inspired by our ACL Choice winning story. It could be a piece of art directly illustrating the story or you could think out the box and create a piece which has been inspired by what you have read.

The artwork will be judged by a panel of creative tutors as well as he authors of the winning stories! There are a range of prizes to be won. How to submit your artwork Visit our website, complete the entry form and attach an image of your artwork. You can submit an entry as an individual or as a group effort with your family or friends. We’re looking forward to seeing your entry! Entries must be submitted by 23rd August 2021 15

The wonder of writing

Finding the joy in writing Each of us is born with a unique way of looking at the world and making sense of what we see. Writing enables us to explore this, to awaken an identity and discover a creative voice. It is a way to understand our thoughts and ideas, become more focused and resilient, and even to create new worlds to explore. Many of us feel that we have too many pressures and time constraints in our lives, and so are drawn to more passive ways of exploring our creativity, through other people’s creative thinking - eg. TV, books, music, film and games. This is isn’t a bad thing at all, it can stimulate a positive frame of mind and motivate us to seek happiness. However, it is healthy to devote a portion of our time to delve into our own creative thinking, even if we put pen to paper to just acknowledge our thoughts. If you don’t do this already, why not try it? It could help you gain a deeper appreciation of the people and world around you and relieve some of those pressures that could be holding you back.

Writing is a powerful way to find answers to difficult questions. It allows us to become more self-aware, helping us make better decisions and deal with difficult situations and feelings. Throughout our lives we are taught to focus on the future, to keep moving forward and keep achieving. It is good to slow down and take a breath occasionally and appreciate where we are right now. Writing allows us to do this, it gives us a safe place to reflect on our experiences, to gain a fuller perspective on life and to have our say about the world we live in. Sharing ideas and learning with others can be extremely beneficial. It could help you connect with others, open your mind to new ideas and give you the support network you need.

try our Creative Learning and English classes. visit: email: call: 03330 600 111 16

Tackling food waste

Tackling food waste, one photo at a time Written by Rachel, ACL Photography Learner I have been passionate about eco concerns for a few years now, and as a result I have been learning about the need to reduce the amount of resources we waste. Food waste is recognised as a key contributor to climate change, so combined with heightened demand on food banks and significant changes still required to end worldwide poverty it remains a contentious topic all round. I wanted to provide captivating images to accompany social media content or articles on the subject, with a view that photographing food waste in a way that showed the quality of what was being discarded would help to attract a new audience, who possibly had not given it much thought previously. I hope that my images have provoked intrigue and encouraged people to rethink their own choices, while also giving them the tools to invite others into this important conversation.

POTATO This subject was rejected due to its small size and irregular shape, however they say beauty is in the eye of the beholder and given the right treatment it is striking. The undulations and divots make it akin to a gold nugget, ironic considering it was otherwise destined for the compost heap!

APPLE This subject was part of a crop that had been caught in a hailstorm in the early stages of growth, leaving it with the blemish highlighted here. This may have left a small dent in the fruit, but it has also created an interesting pattern surrounding it. The size, shape and taste of the fruit was also unhindered by the hailstorm, so for it to be rejected for a small, singular scar was quite shocking to me.

Enrol on a photography course wit h ACL to learn a range of techniques and topics that you cou ld use to inspire others!



Focus on photography

Our First Virtual

PHOTOGRAPHY Exhibition Written by Julie, ACL Creative Curriculum Lead This year, ACL held its very first virtual photography presentation evening. The event was hosted by learners completing their Level 2 creative qualification using photography. Over 30 people attended and watched seven excellent presentations that showcased learner’s photography evidencing their journey throughout the course. Each learner told their story while presenting their images, with genres including dramatic cinematic photography, touching documentary photography, dynamic street photography and beautiful flowers using macro. A huge congratulations to all learners involved and a big thank you to ACL tutor Judy, for her wonderful support and commitment. Well done to: Alan – ‘The Journey’ Graham – ‘Cinematic Photography’ Rachel – ‘Food Photography’ Gemma – ‘Macro Photography’ graham

“Trees and Reflections - A Landscape image taken on the banks of the River Stour.”


Mike – ‘Objects’ Emma – ‘Documentary Photography’ – On the Farm Lisa – ‘Street Photography’

Focus on photography


“Always making the most of ambient lighting available to create something a little different.”

“Absolutely brilliant and inspiring - the whole lot!!”


“This abstract image makes me think of the creation of the Universe - the Big Bang” 19

Photography competition

Green Space, Happy Place n Photography Competitio To promote the positive impacts that being outside has on our mental health and wellbeing, we are launching the Your Green Space, Happy Place Photography Competition in partnership with Explore Essex. Spending time in nature has been found to help with mental health problems including anxiety and depression. To be in with a chance of winning these prizes, we’re asking you to get outside, connect with nature and capture something that makes you happy. It could be a pond that brings you peace, a tree that captures your interest or even a single flower!


According to Mind, “Research into ecotherapy (a type of formal treatment which involves doing activities outside in nature) has shown it can help with mild to moderate depression. This might be due to combining regular physical activity and social contact with being outside in nature. Being outside in natural light can also be helpful if you experience seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a type of depression that affects people during particular seasons or times of year.”

Photography competition

You could win a £100 photography voucher for equipment, Photography course and Explore Essex goody bag.

To enter, simply post your photos on social media using #HappyGreenPlaceEssex and tag us using the handles below or email us your pictures:




The competition closes 23rd August. We look forward to seeing your photographs! 21

let’s eat!

Tastes of Spain

Spanish Picnic Recipes Written by Vanesa, ACL Spanish Tutor The sun is out, lockdown is slowly lifting and we’re all looking forward to brighter times ahead. How about trying some healthy but delicious Spanish recipes that you could enjoy at your next picnic. This is a brilliant recipe for those who grow their own vegetables, which has been a very popular past-time over the past year. We hope you enjoy!

Gazpacho Andaluz (Spanish cold tomato soup)

When enjoying a picnic, a cold soup makes a great starter. When carrying the soup, we recommend to use a plastic container that seals tightly or an insulated thermos, serving in glasses.

Ingredients 3 pounds very ripe tomatoes (peeled, seeded and coarsely chopped) Optional: the insides (not the crusts) of a large, day-old white baguette 2 cucumbers (peeled, seeded, coarsely chopped)

Prep: 30 mins | Cook: 0 mins | Ready in: 30 mins 1. The easiest way to peel tomatoes is to boil water in a medium saucepan. As soon as the water boils, turn off heat and place the tomatoes in the hot water for 1 minute. Carefully remove hot tomatoes. The skin will rub off easily. 2. Soak the bread in a few tablespoons of water. Gently remove and squeeze dry. 3. Place the tomatoes, bread, cucumbers, onions, garlic, and pepper in a blender. Blend until the mixture is smooth. All the ingredients may not fit at one time, so you may have to fill the blender several times. 4. Add the vinegar and pulse until it is completely incorporated. Optionally, you can strain the gazpacho at this step. This will give it a smoother texture. Some people prefer their gazpacho slightly chunky—it’s a matter of personal taste.

1 small sweet onion (coarsely chopped)

5. Add the extra virgin olive oil little by little, while the blender is running until completely incorporated.

3 cloves garlic (minced)

6. Once the gazpacho is completely blended, pour it into a large non-metallic bowl.

1 red bell pepper 1 to 2 tablespoons sherry vinegar (or red-wine vinegar) 1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil Dash of salt or and pepper (or to taste)



7. Season with additional vinegar and add salt and pepper to taste. 8. Mix well, cover and refrigerate for at least 1 hour. 9. Garnish each serving with the chopped vegetables, croutons and egg if desired. 10. Serve the gazpacho chilled. Enjoy!

Tastes of Spain

Tortilla de patatas (Spanish omelette)

This recipe may be slightly more challenging, however the end result is definitely worth it. You could get your whole family involved and cook together, cooking can be a great way of spending quality time together, whilst picking up essential skills.

method Prep: 15 mins | Cook: 15 mins | Ready in: 30 mins 1. Turn deep fat fryer on to 150 degrees C. 2. Put 4 tablespoons of olive oil in the frying pan and onions over a medium heat until they soften. 3. Place potatoes in the basket of deep fat fryer and gently lower basket into hot oil. Allow potatoes to cook for around 8 minutes (until sliced potatoes are soft but not crispy). 4. Empty onions and potatoes into a large bowl. Whisk the 3 eggs and add a good pinch of salt and pepper. Pour eggs into bowl and mix with a fork to ensure both onions and potatoes are well coated with egg. It doesn’t matter if potatoes break up at all.

Ingredients Oil for deep frying 4 tablespoons olive oil 2 large onions, thinly sliced 2 large potatoes, thinly sliced 3 eggs Salt and pepper to taste

5. Empty the bowl into the frying pan (no need to add oil). Pat down potatoes and egg mixture and allow to fry over a medium heat for around 7 minutes. 6. Take dinner plate and place over frying pan. Flip onto plate and place the uncooked side face down back in to frying pan. Again, cook for 5 -7 minutes over medium heat 7. For a vegan version, substitute the eggs by chickpea flour mixed with water. 8. Serve and enjoy!

Trying out these Spanish dishes? Don’t forget to take a picture and share with us on social media. @aclessex



If you want to learn more about Spanish cuisine or all about Spanish culture, why not to enrol on a Spanish course! 23

Courses that lead to careers

Career Pathways Foundation Skills & Qualifications Technology, Digital & Media Foundation - Level 2

Essential Digital Skills • IT Microsoft Office Skills • Creative Video Editing • Photography and Photo Editing • Art Blogging • Principles of Cyber Security •

Business, Management & Finance Foundation - Level 2

Finance Assistant (Apprenticeship) • Customer Service Practitioner (Apprenticeship) • Principles of Customer Service Level 2 • Principles of Team Leading Level 2 • Information, Advice & Guidance Level 2 • Business Administration Level 2 • AAT Level 1/2 • Lean Organisation Management Techniques Level 2 • Marketing your own Business • Running your own Business • Starting your own Business •

Beauty, Complementary Therapies & Hairdressing Foundation - Level 2

Barbering Level 2 Beauty Introductory Courses • Beauty Therapy Level 2 • Hairdressing Level 2 • •

Level 3+

Assistant Accountant (Apprenticeship) Associate Project Manager (Apprenticeship) • Customer Service Specialist (Apprenticeship) • Customer Service Level 3 • Departmental Manager (Apprenticeship) • Business Administrator (Apprenticeship) • Business Administrator Level 3/4 • AAT Level 3 • •

Level 3+

Digital Marketer (Apprenticeship) • Junior Content Producer (Apprenticeship) • I.T. Solutions Technician (Apprenticeship) •

POSSIBLE CareerS I.T. Technician Digital Marketing Specialist • Video Editing Specialist • Administration Assistant • I.T Manager • Security Systems Administrator


Bookkeeping Level 3

POSSIBLE CareerS Project Management Accountant • Business Administrator • Business Owner • Customer Service Specialist • Finance Officer

Level 3+

Barbering Level 2 Beauty Therapy Level 3 • Hairdressing Level 3 • •

POSSIBLE CareerS Hairdresser/Barber Hair Salon Manager • Beauty Therapist • Image consultant • Special effects makeup artist

• Functional skills English • Functional skills Maths • English, Maths & Science GCSEs

• IT/Digital • Employability • Family Learning

Early Years & Education Foundation - Level 2

Early Year’s Practitioner Level 2 (Apprenticeship) • Supporting Teaching & Learning in Schools • Understanding Adverse Childhood Experiences • Common Childhood Illnesses • Support Young People with Mental Health • Support Young People with Maths Skills • Support Work in Schools • Supporting Pupils with Autism Introduction • Supporting Pupils with SEND Introduction • Working in a Preschool •

Level 3+

Early Year’s Educator Level 3 (Apprenticeship) • Teaching Assistant Level 3 (Apprenticeship) • Learning Mentor Level 3 (Apprenticeship) • Assessor/Coach Level 4 (Apprenticeship) • Children, Young People and Families Practitioner Level 4 (Apprenticeship) • Advance Practice in Schools & Colleges • Supporting Teaching & Learning in Schools • Residential Childcare • Early Year’s Workforce • Leadership & Management for Residential Childcare • Leadership For The Children & Young People’s Workforce - Early Years • Specialist Support For Teaching & Learning In Schools •

POSSIBLE CareerS Teaching Assistant • Early years teacher • Education consultant • Family support worker • Learning mentor • Primary school teacher •

• English for Speakers of Other Languages • Mental wellbeing • Supported Learning

CREATIVE INDUSTRIES Foundation - Level 2 • Art & Design Award • Comic Art • Floristry • Silversmithing • Art & Design • Fashion/Textiles • Photography

Courses that lead to careers

Our courses and apprenticeships are designed to give you the best possible chance to achieve your learning and career goals. Discover where our courses could take you…

Science, Health, Medical & Care Foundation - Level 2 • Access to Higher Education Social Science • Access to Higher Education Science • Adult Care Worker (Apprenticeship) • Healthcare Science Assistant Level 2 (Apprenticeship) • Healthcare Support Worker (Apprenticeship) • Healthcare Cleaning Operative (Apprenticeship) • Counselling Skills Introduction • Counselling Skills Level 2 • Cleaning Principles Level 2 • Common Health Conditions Level 2 • Customer Service for Health & Social Care settings Level 2 • Falls Prevention Awareness Level 2 • Infection Control Level 2 • Preparing to Work in Adult Care Level 2 • Principles of Care Planning Level 2 • Principles of End of Life care Level 2 • Understanding Autism Level 2 • Understanding Care & Management of Diabetes Level 2 • Understanding Dignity & Safeguarding in Adult Social Care Level 2 • Understand Technology Supports Person Centred Care Level 2 • Understanding Safe Handling Of Medication In Adult Care Level 2 • Housekeeping Level 2 • Kitchen Services Level 2 • You Can scheme for Health & Care Level 3+ • Lead Adult Care Worker (Apprenticeship) • Senior Healthcare Support Worker Level 3 (Apprenticeship) • Lead Practitioner in Adult Care Level 4 (Apprenticeship) • Leader in Adult Care Level 5 (Apprenticeship) • Counselling Skills Level 3 • Leadership for Health & Social Care Level 5

POSSIBLE CareerS Graphic Designer • Freelance Photographer • Florist • Art Teacher • Fashion designer • Technical Illustrator •

POSSIBLE CareerS Healthcare Support Worker Adult Care Management • Biomedical Scientist • Ambulance care assistant • Emergency Medical Dispatcher • Hospital Chef • Care Assistant • Counsellor • •


Making ACL affordable

Paying for e s r u o c r u o y There are several options available to help reduce financial barriers to learning. Our teams are always on hand to answer any questions you may have. ACL receives funding from the Education and Skills Funding Agency to deliver courses to Essex residents. This funding could cover some or all the costs of your course depending on your circumstances or prior achievements. A few examples are below but please come and talk to us so we can see what you may be entitled to. • Maths and English courses including GCSEs could be free if you don’t already have a C/4 grade or equivalent • Essential Digital Skills programmes could be free for those with basic IT skills assessed below level 1 • If you are unemployed or earning a gross annual income of £17, 374.50 or less you could be eligible to complete a level 2 accredited course without charge • The new level 3 entitlement means that adults without a full level 3 qualification like a Diploma or A-Levels could undertake an accredited course that’s fully funded from the National Skills Fund • Advanced Learner Loans are available for courses at levels 3 to 6 and are only paid back once you start earning £27,295 a year (before tax and other deductions) • Support with travel costs, childcare and course materials including books, laptop loan and WiFi could be available whilst you study if you have either a gross household income of less than £30,000k per annum 26

(not including house shares, or where rent is paid separately) or a personal gross income of less than £17,374.50 per annum. • If you are in receipt of certain benefits or earning a gross salary of less than £17.374.50 you could receive a 50% discount on nonaccredited courses • In addition to the above we have a dedicated team that provide financial advice and guidance to learners during their course should they need it.

Making ACL affordable

Find out what you may be entitled to by enquiring about a course on the ACL website, or by contacting us through email or phone. 03330 600 111 27

A cut above the rest

ACL Hairdressing learner

t in o P t o iv P s in w Competition Huge congratulations to Danielle Nolan who won a Pivot Point competition with these gorgeous hair styles. Her entry was amongst others from fully qualified stylist and her natural ability secured her the win. “Our tutor Natalie recommended some great social media hairdressing pages to follow. There was a competition through the Pivot Point Facebook page where we had to recreate a look inspired by Sheree Thompson’s tutorial on a knotted updo. I used styles I had learnt with Natalie during the online classes whilst adding Sheree’s knots into the up do and won the Madi Mannequin competition prize.” Danielle is currently studying Hairdressing NVQ Level 2 at Witham, whilst being a parent/carer to her 2-year-old daughter who has Down Syndrome. “My aim from the course is to be able to work part time in a salon or be a mobile hairdresser, eventually working towards bridal hair. I chose ACL as it gave me the opportunity to gain a level 2 hairdressing qualification in an evening course.” Despite the challenges that COVID presented, Danielle developed her skills during lockdown with support from her tutor Natalie, “I am so super proud of her, her work, her dedication to the course and her ability, even during the time when she contracted COVID-19.” 28

We asked Danielle what words of encouragement and advice she would give to anyone thinking of signing up to a course, “I would recommend ACL and the Hairdressing NVQ Level 2 course to anyone considering signing up. I have a lovely tutor and great group of class mates. As a class we have a couple of social media groups where we can support and help each other. Not only has the course given me the opportunity to learn again, it has enabled me to meet new people, be creative and hopefully find a career which could help me work around family life. I have really enjoyed the course and would say go for it!” What a fantastic result for Danielle and her tutor, Natalie. If you’d like to gain a Hairdressing qualification, our courses take place in working salons within our centres. Whilst learning new skills, you will be introduced to the importance of customer service, client interaction and how to run a successful professional salon.

A cut above the rest

“Not only has the course given me the opportunity to learn again, it has enabled me to meet new people, be creative and hopefully find a career which could help me work around family life. I have really enjoyed the course and would say go for it!”

View all courses: There are also funding options available – don’t let money stand in the way of you fulfilling your career goals. Visit the website for more information.


Success stories


Digital Skills Written by Emma, ACL Science & Digital Curriculum Lead Our new Essential Digital Skills courses (accredited by Gateway Qualifications) are specifically designed for adults with little or no digital skills, who want to join the digital world by learning digital skills for life, their work or for use in further study. I met up with Joanne, Norma, Audrey, Ola and Carolyn who started their course in late March 2021 at ACL Harlow to


find out about their experiences of the course so far. What I found out was that with the help of their tutor Catherine, these learners felt empowered, and were confident and excited about how they will use their newly acquired skills to make accessing the digital world so much easier for them.

What are you enjoying most about the course so far?

Norma: I wanted to feel more confident in using the computer. I was afraid to touch it, afraid to go on the internet to buy something and to research things but now I can buy things and I don’t need to depend on other people to help me. I joined because I was doing English and maths lessons online and it was really hard if I didn’t have my son around me to help but not anymore!

Ola: I’ve enjoyed moving my files around on the USB drive. I’m learning to be a DJ and it’s been really difficult for me to use the USB drive so now I can create a file and move my songs. It’s been so much fun, and I can have all my music on one little device.

Carolyn: I’m a senior citizen and I felt like I needed to brush up on using files and how to manage them. So, I’ve learned how to open, rename, erase, and move files into folders. It’s quite useful for me and if you don’t use it, you lose it! Joanne: I joined because I wanted to get my head around actually going on a computer myself and trying not to use every single family member as my Alexa. I want to be independent and perhaps get a better job and catch up with the rest of the world. I felt like I was stuck in a tower away from everybody else. Everyone around me was buying clothes and new home stuff and I didn’t have a clue. Audrey: I joined this course to learn digital skills. I’ve only had the internet at home for a week so it’s still really new. I still have a little trouble finding my way around my smartphone, but everything is moving online like banking and shopping. You know, all the sorts of things we need especially as an older person. It was 95-year-old father who brought me into the 21st century with my first smartphone!

Success stories

Why did you want to join the Essential Digital Skills course?

What are the more challenging aspects of the course? Joanne: I think finding websites like using WWW and using @ buttons, it’s always scared me but there are easier ways and we are learning how to find something on the internet without having to put the whole address in. Ola: I think it’s about remembering how to go about stuff. For example, I have learnt that you can always use the back button. When I’m stuck and thinking that a search result has disappeared, I remember that I can use the back button. Norma: My challenge was when I needed to move documents from one folder to another or to rename the folder but I’m happy I can do it now. Audrey: We’ve been using LearnMyWay and it’s very good. It’s self-explanatory really and you just follow the instructions. Would you recommend the course to others who would like to develop their digital skills and build their confidence in those skills? A resounding yes from the whole group!

Our Digital Skills courses are great for those looking to navigate the online world, improve work and technical skills, and get the guidance you need to feel more comfortable on your device. We have courses available to enrol on throughout the year. Please enrol online: or call 03330 600 111. 31

English & Maths

Learning that fits into your life Vicky & Sonia, English & Maths Team, ACL Essex “There are so many reasons why someone would enrol on an English and maths course. Whether you’re looking to help your children with homework, strengthen your ability to put forward a well written argument, or gain the confidence to write and present a speech at your daughter’s wedding (yes, this is a real example from one of our past learners) our courses and tutors are here to support you.”

“I signed up for my GCSEs with ACL in my early 40s, not expecting much, and got the highest grade across the board in Maths, Science, English and Psychology.” ACL English & Maths learner

Stephanie’s Story One of our very own tutors, Stephanie, began her journey at ACL by passing her maths GCSE. She then went on to complete her teacher training before coming back to ACL to help others who were in a similar situation to her. “The great thing about our English and Maths courses are that we fit them around YOUR lifestyle. Whether it’s morning, afternoon, evening or online, we have courses at a time and pace that suits you. “Over the years, we have been amazed to see not only the English and Maths skills develop within our learners but also their confidence, friendships and ambition. “We really are proud of the team and learners that we have and can’t wait to see what the next year holds.”


“I am proud of myself for completing the course as it is a quite a big jump from the Level 1 functional skills course that i did just before the GCSE.”

Tanya, ACL Maths learner

learn for free! Whatever your reason to improve your English or Maths, we can help! Our courses could be free* and start from beginners to GCSEs. You can learn in the classroom or online.

English & Maths

“I joined the course just for an interest and to brush up my maths skills but to the end of the course I fall in love with maths and couldn’t imagine a day without solving some maths problems on MyMaths website. Now I am thinking about doing some private tutoring in order to develop my skills further and to practice the skills I have already gained.”

English Entry Level and Levels 1 & 2 My tutor was incredibly committed to make sure we still had the best learning experience we could get giving the circumstance. I am truly grateful for all her effort she put in to allow me to still excel in the subject and not fall behind in any way at all. ACL English & Maths learner

This course is for anyone who needs to improve their English skills in their everyday lives and work. You will improve your reading, writing, speaking and listening skills and work towards a qualification.

Maths Entry Level and Levels 1 & 2 This course is for anyone who needs to improve their Maths skills in their everyday lives and work. You will improve your calculation, fraction, decimal, percentage and graph skills and work towards a qualification.

GCSE English & Maths (including FastTrack, Online and Intensive) “At the beginning I went into this course absolutely loathing maths but have come out with a newfound (I won’t say love) but understanding which I never thought I would ever achieve.”

These fast-paced courses will enable you to achieve a GCSE in your chosen subject. It will support you to improve your career prospects and allow you to build up your own personal skills. It will give you the opportunity to move on to further study, such as Access to Higher Education or university courses.

Gemma, ACL Maths learner

Family Learning If you are a parent, we also offer English and Maths classes as part of our Community & Family Learning Programme. You will receive information on how to gain confidence to support your children’s learning of all things Maths & English for KS1 & KS2. *FREE to those who do not currently hold a qualification at Level 1 or 2, or GCSE grade C or 4 (or above) in this subject.

Courses start September 2021 - Book your place today! visit: email: call: 03330 600 111 33

Have fun learning English

English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)

Learning English is not something which follows a formula; all classes and all learners are different! Moreover, as it is about learning a language – there is a lot to be covered: reading skills, writing practice as well as lots of talking and listening to each other to improve understanding and provide opportunities to gain confidence!

Would you, or do you know someone who would benefit from learning English?

A positive e c n ie r e p x e g in n r lea Having said that – there are some things that you will always experience in an ESOL class – here are my favourite four:

FUN Learning a language is a rewarding experience and while there is lots of hard work, there is also lots of fun to be had. ESOL teachers will have lots of ‘tricks up their sleeves’ to make learning exciting and consolidate the teaching. This could be games such as word jeopardy, speaking snakes and ladders or online / interactive quizzes such as Kahoot and Quizlet. In some classes you will even see the students getting up and active with all-round skills exercises such as a running dictation! 34

ASKING QUESTIONS Tutors will ask questions to engage students with the lesson, encourage participation and increase understanding. But ESOL tutors will also be teaching learners how to ask questions and will expect that learners are able to use their own questions to start and maintain conversations in English.

VALUES ESOL classes are the perfect place to underpin the values the ACL stands for: tolerance, equality and diversity and respect for others. In ESOL classes, alongside grammar, vocabulary, and exam readiness, you will see in practice that Essex as a multicultural region where sharing different life experiences is the key to being part of our community.

EDUCATION In an ESOL classroom we focus on four main skills: reading, writing, speaking and listening. Reading tasks may use real life material such as websites, blogs, letters and emails as well as recognising words and letters in English. Writing is brought to life by using learner experience to write about how they arrived in the UK, or writing about traditions and festivals from other counties; some classes write collaboratively to produce work to display in the classrooms. Speaking and listening practice is a lively affair: there could be role plays, debates, presentations, or job interview practice!

Have fun learning English

MY ESOL teaching journey Written by Carol, ACL ESOL Tutor If you told me that I would end up standing in front of a class, gesticulating animatedly, and exaggerating my pronunciation as recently as five years ago, I would have laughed in earnest disbelief. Yet that is exactly what I do now, and I love it! Teaching ESOL was a wild step in an unknown direction, and it was a huge career change for me. After university, I enjoyed a varied career, from event management and managing a ferry, to project management in London and eventually as a freelance proofreader/copywriter in conjunction with the early motherhood years. When I was offered a job to work on a new coursebook (Top Ten published 2019) that uses songs and song lyrics to teach English as a Foreign Language, I jumped at the idea. So much so I decided that maybe I could get into materials writing/editing, and thus began the English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) journey. I remember my first class vividly; it was a sunny crisp February morning and I was teaching a lovely class of six ladies, all from different parts of the globe – Portugal, Slovakia, India, Vietnam, and Poland. That was how my adventure as an ESOL tutor started and since then and I have started teaching GCSE English and ICT for ESOL learners. Last year there was an explosion of online teaching, for all tutors, and although this was a steep learning curve, it was a thrill. I learnt much about online delivery as well as myself. The decision to teach ESOL is easily one of the most radical things I have done in my life, but it is easily one of the most rewarding. Teaching ESOL isn’t just about teaching a language skill, or life skills to people looking to make a new life in the UK – it is about helping people find their way (again), rebuild confidence, and give them hope to a better life amidst the current challenges that face our society. I wouldn’t trade being animated in front of a class full of learners for any other job in the world.


Amazing Apprentices

My experience as an

apprentice Written by Darcey, ACL Learner

After completing her Level 2 and 3 Business Administration qualification, Darcey was appointed as a Leadership Assistant. Her role involves supporting senior leaders of Essex County Council.

“I have been working for Essex County Council since 2017, during this time I have completed my level 2 and 3 in Business Administration. I have gone from being an Apprentice to a Business Support Assistant and now to a Leadership Assistant. My current role as a Leadership Assistant involves supporting senior leaders of ECC. As their personal support, I am the go-to person to ensure their diary and inboxes are managed effectively, ensuring any urgent issues are flagged to their attention. I also regularly work with internal and external stakeholders, setting up meetings and collating any information that is needed. My role is very varied, and my tasks can differ each day; this role allows me to work independently and use my own professional judgement. When I am not working, one of my biggest passion’s is travelling. I love to experience different cultures and see all the extraordinary sights that the world has to offer. I have been to Japan, Greece, Romania, France, Spain, the Netherlands, Belgium, Scotland, and Ireland. I am looking forward to finally travelling again when it is safe to do so! I also enjoy spending my time reading anything fantasy, supernatural and YA. I am a big fan of fashion and love to create outfits inspired by past and current trends. To add to this, I like to spend my time crafting jewellery, doing yoga, and cuddling my kittens - Indie & Milo! In 2017, I was interested in working in an adminbased role, I had not previously worked in this environment and knew my best option was to look for an apprenticeship. I had looked on a variety of apprenticeship websites and had visited other apprenticeship/career agencies but had not found any roles that I felt were suitable for me. Luckily,


Amazing Apprentices

I came across the government apprenticeship website and found that ACL were offering a Level 2 Business Administration Apprenticeship with ECC. From the start of my application to receiving an offer, I found all the ACL staff involved very helpful and friendly which made the process a lot less nerve-wracking and I felt confident in my choice. Since then I have completed my Level 2 and 3, I secured a role as a Business Support Assistant and I am now on a secondment for a Leadership Assistant role. Without this course I would not have had the confidence and skills to progress in my career as much as I have.

I always felt very supported through my ACL experience, I was very lucky to have the same assessor, Kerry, through my Level 2 and 3. Kerry was a constant positive and helpful influence. She was always there to offer advice and made me feel confident and secure in my work.

I really enjoyed taking part in both courses and have gained an extensive amount of knowledge in the business administration area. This course enabled me to take part in project management, workshops such as dealing with stress, meditation, effective coaching skills and learning in-depth about how the business sector works. Throughout my Level 3, I was also involved in classroom sessions with my tutor Helen. Helen made each session engaging and I really looked forward to these. She ensured everyone had a clear understanding of the topics discussed before moving to the next and gave very good examples to ensure the knowledge stuck. I passed all my Level 3 knowledge tests the first time and can confidently say Helen’s help and support really contributed to this. If there is anyone interested in starting a Level 2 or 3 Business Administration Apprenticeship with ACL, I would 100% recommend that they try the course out for themselves. This course gives you the vital skills and experience you need for working in the business sector and it allows you to experience work life whilst studying. I found this beneficial for someone who was new to work and helped me adjust to full time working.”

ACL’s apprenticeship offer is available to school and college leavers as well as those seeking a career change or an opportunity to upskill in their current role. Find out more about our programmes by visiting our website. Complete an enquiry form and our dedicated Apprenticeships team will answer all your questions and help you make that next step. 37

Amazing Apprentices

Huge congratulation to Thomas, Project Officer Apprentice at Essex County Council, for being part of the winning team. Thomas recently spoke to us about his Apprenticeship experiences and how it has positively impacted his career.

Earlier this year, more than 100 local government apprentices came together to compete for the title of Local Government Apprentice of the Year 2021. During this national event, apprentices faced six online activities, in teams of people they had never ‘met’ before. The activities were based around a variety of disciplines, such as networking and enterprise. The day was designed to be fast-paced, actionpacked and challenging to observe performance under pressure both individually and within teams.


an Why did you choose to do apprenticeship?

I wasn’t really sure what I wanted to do when I left college, I applied for multiple apprenticeships and even thought about university, I finally found a role in Trading Standards as an Apprentice Intelligence officer, I spent 12 months in this role before moving to a Buy With Confidence Project Officer Apprentice in Trading Standards. nticeship What impact has the appre career? programme had on your

I’ve gained a variety of new skills as well as improving some skills I already feel I had. I’ve also met a great group of people who have supported me throughout my career and taught me a lot of what I need to know within my job role.

Amazing Apprentices

Local Government

apprentice of the year 2021 Why would you recommend people apprenticeships to other ns? looking at career optio

Apprenticeships are a great way for people to get a feel for a workplace and gain experience in a job role that could be a deciding factor in someone’s career. It also gives the apprentice the opportunity to meet people with large amounts of knowledge and experience in certain roles and build up contacts that could be incredibly helpful in the future. ACL Why would you recommend to er vid as an apprenticeship pro other employers?

ACL are a great apprenticeship provider and have multiple ways for apprentices to learn and gain knowledge through college days, blended learning, and enrichment sessions. The support provided by tutors is great and they are always available if needed.

We are continuing to deliver our high-quality apprenticeship programme throughout the Covid-19 pandemic and can help you consider different options for your business and the specific circumstances you are currently working within. Businesses could receive funding of up to £4,000 to support them to take on a new apprentice and we offer apprenticeships at intermediate, advanced and higher levels. To find out more about how an ACL apprenticeship could help your business visit our website.

ght What has been your highli ? as an apprentice so far

Taking part and being a member of the winning team during the apprentice of the year event is a massive highlight and gave me an insight into other apprentices’ situations across the country. Working in Trading Standards is also a massive highlight and is a great place to work with great colleagues.


Mental Health & Wellbeing

Let’s focus on

family wellbeing Written by Melissa, ACL Community & Family Learning Curriculum Lead

Self-care To look after your family, the most important thing is to first look after yourself. We know this might seem unnatural, but it is so important to be a role model to your children on how to self-care. It also has the added benefit of reenergising you so that you can be the most effective parent you can be. It is important to practise the 5 steps to wellbeing: Connect: Spend time connecting with the people around you and developing these relationships. These relationships will support and enrich you on a daily basis. Be active: It is important to discover a physical activity that you enjoy and that suits your mobility and fitness. Exercising has amazing health benefits, it releases chemicals called endorphins that trigger positive responses in your brain. Take notice: There is so much beauty around us that a lot of us miss, normally whilst we are glued to our phones. Awareness of the world around us and how it makes us feel is important. It helps us reflect on experiences and truly appreciate what matters to us. Keep learning: There are so many ways to expand our knowledge of the world around us, and fun ways to do it! Set yourself a challenge and try something new, rediscover a hobby or sign up for a course. You never know, it may take you in a previously unexplored and exciting new direction. 40

Give: Over the past year we have seen so many examples of people supporting their community and those around them. It can be incredibly rewarding to do something nice for a friend or stranger, and it may influence them to give to others. The beauty of it is that your small act of kindness could positively impact countless lives. These steps are equally important in supporting children. What might seem trivial to you can be a huge worry to your child. Telling them not to be silly is a sure-fire way to stop them sharing their worries with you in the future.

The final say Listening and offering advice but giving your child(ren) the final say for how they handle the issue is always good practice. Acknowledging their feelings is so important too. Telling them “I can see you are feeling anxious, frustrated, or angry about this. How do you think we can solve it?” is far better than saying “oh, don’t worry about it, it’ll all work itself out”. You’re not expected to have all the answers, the idea is for you to facilitate them to work out their own plan of action.

Expressing emotions Sometimes children can have feelings that they can’t explain or don’t have a name for. For example, they know they have butterflies in their tummy but can’t put that feeling into words. This is where it is good to help them name those feelings.

Mental Health & Wellbeing

top 5 tips for parents 1. Stay well fuelled. No one can run on an empty tank so make sure you and your family are eating healthily & drinking enough water.

There are books out there that explain emotions very well. For younger children I love ‘The Colour Monster’ by Anna Llenas or ‘My body sends a signal’ by Natalia Maguire. Mood cards (available online) can be good too as children can simply pick the card from the pack that has the face on that corresponds most closely to how they are feeling and then you can discuss the feeling this represents. Generally, the cards have information on the reverse to help you have a conversation with your child and often include questions for you to ask if you’re stuck. A ‘Feelings Wheel’ is a good tool to have too. You can find these online by simply typing in ‘feelings wheel’ into a search engine. They show the eight main emotions that everything else stems from and can be helpful with older children. Alternatively, give the film ‘Inside Out’ another watch. It is a lovely reminder of dealing with emotions, which could also be a great end of week treat!

If you have found this article interesting, why not join one of our free Family Learning workshops. To view all upcoming courses and workshops, please visit our website.

2. Practice gratitude. You’ve come this far, think about all that you and your children have achieved in this time, all the things you are grateful for and reflect on how you have changed as a family in positive ways, especially over the last 18 months. 3. Be kind to yourself. We’ve all been thrust into a huge, unwanted change to our lives. Give yourself a pat on the back and know that it is almost over (as long as we all keep sticking to the guidelines of course!) Celebrate the small wins and give yourself credit for getting through this huge moment in history. 4. Having something to look forward to. How about organise a picnic outside? Decide on a suitable spot and get discussing who is bringing the salad, cricket set and cakes! 5. For the next week, EAT THAT FROG! This doesn’t mean putting amphibians on the dinner menu but getting the jobs you hate the most out of the way early in the day. Once the schoolwork ironing, or whatever job it is you usually procrastinate over is done, the rest of the day can be spent doing the things you enjoy more. Give yourself a small reward for getting the boring stuff out of the way and treat yourself to some down time. In the words of Finding Nemo’s Dory “Just keep swimming” and remember – you’ve got this! 41

Supporting our community

Supported Learners Help to Open

N e w Ca r e H o m e

ACL Supported Learning learners have been working hard to support a new care home opening in Weeley. Mill Lane is a four-bedroom, single storey residential service. It has been co-produced to meet the needs of young people aged 18-25, with Autism and complex needs, embarking on their journey to independence. A number of our classes have worked in partnership to design a new care home opening in Weeley, they took part in Teams meetings, created mood boards, look after the grounds and garden, and the art class is designing some art work for display in the home. 42

Sarah a registered Manager at Weeley Care Home said “the work that has been completed with all those involved within and outside the organisation especially the work undertaken with individuals with lived experience, just blows my mind.” Our Supported Learning students continue to support the community, young and old. We look forward to seeing more of the work that is completed!

“It was nice to meet Keeley online to talk about the project. I liked choosing the colours and designing the bedrooms.” Jaz, Learner

Proud supporters

I enjoyed doing the research for the sensory wall, finding different sensory equipment that they could use and designing the sensory garden. Mia, Learner

Our Support Learning provision is at the heart of the community, providing employment and learning opportunities to those with disabilities and learning difficulties. To see all the fantastic courses and opportunities we offer, please visit our website. You can also pick up a 2021-22 ACL Supported Learning Brochure at your local ACL centre or library.


How we support you

How we support you during your studies We’re committed to supporting our learners during and after their studies. With ACL, you don’t just enrol on a course, you also gain access to a wide range of opportunities that could be free.

“My confidence in myself has grown due to completing an IT and employment course. I look forward to continuing my development with further courses”.

Employability & careers Improve your employment prospects to get back into work or move into a new job opportunity. Whatever your previous experience, we can support you to achieve your career goals. Our courses and apprenticeships will help you develop lifelong skills that will boost your prospects and take you in the previously unexplored directions that could result in exciting new career pathways and opportunities.

Mental health & wellbeing We offer the space to explore ways to improve your wellbeing and provide tools to help you navigate everyday life. Our wellbeing courses are there to improve your self-care techniques, boost confidence, and improve your goal setting strategies.


IT/Digital skills Are you, or do you know someone who struggles to use digital technology and would like to be more confident? We offer Essential Digital Skills courses that will help you complete tasks on a daily basis, saving you time, energy and reducing potentially stressful situations. Gain knowledge and skills whilst using your computer and devices in a home or work environment. We also offer Microsoft Office and Cyber Security courses to help you improve your career prospects and feel more confident.

Maths & English English and maths plays a vital part in our daily lives. Whether applying for a job, helping children with their homework or just reading a newspaper or online article. Our free* English and maths courses will help to blow away the cobwebs, improve your confidence and gain a qualification. Whatever your reason to improve your English or Maths, we can help! Our courses could be free* and start from beginners to GCSEs. You can learn in the classroom or online. *FREE to those who do not currently hold a grade C or 4 (or above) in this subject.

Support for all the family If you’re a parent, grandparent or caring for a child or young person in Essex, we have support for you.

How we support you

Online support Help Hub Full of useful guidance and resources, our online home for support will ensure you have all the necessary tools whilst learning with us. •

Technical support

Financial support

Wellbeing support


Career advice

Frequently asked questions


We continuously update topics to best meet our learner’s needs. Please don’t forget to send us your feedback ( to let us know about any additional support you require.

We offer guided workshops focused on keeping children emotionally well, improving carers’ or parents’ ability to support children’s learning and development, and strengthening family relationships. community-family-learning

Find out more information about how we support our learners by visiting our website or by talking to our Customer services team at your local ACL centre.


Something for everyone!

UPCOMING COURSES Creative & Cultural Art Watercolour Workshop Starting: 12/08 Duration: 1 week(s) Location: Online Fee: £30.50/£15.25*

Art Drawing & Painting Online Workshop Starting: 13/09 Duration: 1 week(s) Location: Online Fee: £12.60/£6.30*

Upholstery A Little Taster Online Workshop Starting: 20/09 Duration: 1 week(s) Location: Online Fee: £15.75/£7.88*

Italian Taster Online Starting: 01/09 Duration: 1 week(s) Location: Online Fee: Free

BSL Workshop Starting: 13/09 Duration: 1 week(s) Location: ACL Brentwood Fee: £10.00

Photography and Photo Editing Starting: 08/09 Duration: 4 week(s) Location: ACL Harlow Fee: £64.50/£33*

Textiles Your Glad Rags Workshop Starting: 13/09 Duration: 1 week(s) Location: ACL Brentwood Fee: £10

Pottery with Sprigs and Stamps Workshop Starting: 20/09 Duration: 1 week(s) Location: ACL Colchester Fee: £15.75/£7.88*

Music Keyboard Taster Starting: 11/09 Duration: 1 week(s) Location: Online Fee: Free

Taster Board Game Design Online Starting: 14/09 Duration: 1 week(s) Location: Online Fee: Free

Spanish Taster Online Starting: 13/09 Duration: 1 week(s) Location: Online Fee: Free Floristry Eco Flowers Starting: 13/09 Duration: 4 week(s) Location: ACL Harlow Fee: £63/£31.50* Art Watercolour Workshop Starting: 13/09 Duration: 1 week(s) Location: ACL Clacton Fee: £12.60/£6.30* 46

Art Watercolour Painting Starting: 15/09 Duration: 4 week(s) Location: ACL Chelmsford Fee: £64.50/£33* Guitar Fingerstyle Taster Starting: 15/09 Duration: 1 week(s) Location: ACL Chelmsford Fee: Free BSL Workshop Starting: 15/09 Duration: 1 week(s) Location: ACL Chelmsford Fee: £10.00

Pottery Decorative Ceramics Workshop Starting: 20/09 Duration: 1 week(s) Location: ACL Colchester Fee: £15.75/£7.88* French Taster Starting: 20/09 Duration: 1 week(s) Location: ACL Colchester Fee: Free Art Figure Painting Starting: 21/09 Duration: 4 week(s) Location: ACL Chelmsford Fee: £64.50/£33* Art Board Game Design Online Workshop Starting: 21/09 Duration: 1 week(s) Location: Online Fee: £10.00 German Taster Starting: 21/09 Duration: 1 week(s) Location: ACL Colchester Fee: Free

Woodworking Starting: 22/09 Duration: 5 week(s) Location: ACL Basildon Fee: £80.25/£40.87*

Something for everyone!

Photography Experience Workshop Starting: 22/09 Duration: 1 week(s) Location: ACL Clacton Fee: £15.75/£7.88*

Silversmithing Try for a Day Starting: 22/09 Duration: 1 week(s) Location: ACL Basildon Fee: £35.20/£22.60*


English, Maths, Science & Dig English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Starting date: Flexible Duration: 12 week(s) Location: Multiple locations Fee: Provided at Assessment

English: Functional Skills Starting: Flexible Time: Flexible Location: Online/in centre Fee: Free

GCSE Maths Starting: Flexible Time: Flexible Location: Online/in centre Fee: Free

Maths for ESOL Learners Starting: Flexible Time: Flexible Location: Online/in centre Fee: Free

GCSE English Starting: Flexible Time: Flexible Location: Online/in centre Fee: Free Maths: Functional Skills Starting: Flexible Time: Flexible Location: Online/in centre Fee: Free

IT/Digital skills Starting: Flexible Time: Flexible Location: Online/in centre Fee: Free

IT Essential Digital Skills L1 Starting: 06/09 Duration: 14 week(s) Location: ACL Basildon Fee: Free IT Let’s Get Digital Starting: 06/09 Duration: 7 week(s) Location: ACL Basildon Fee: Free GCSE Biology Starting: 06/09 Duration: 30 week(s) Location: ACL Basildon Fee: £362

To enrol on a course, please visit or call

03330 600 111

*When in receipt of a means-tested benefit learners will be entitled to pay a reduced concessionary co-funded fee.



Something for everyone!

Em Qualifications & Skills for AAT Level 2 Starting: 06/09 Duration: 39 week(s) Location: ACL Clacton Fee: Financial support could be available Access to HE: Science Starting: 06/09 Duration: 33 week(s) Location: ACL Colchester Fee: Financial support could be available Bookkeeping Level 3 Starting: 06/09 Duration: 24 week(s) Location: ACL Brentwood Fee: Financial support could be available AAT Level 3 Starting: 06/09 Duration: 39 week(s) Location: ACL Witham Fee: Financial support could be available

Beauty Introduction Starting: 13/09 Duration: 2 week(s) Location: ACL Chelmsford Fee: £63/£31.50* Beauty Therapy NVQ level 3 Starting: 13/09 Duration: 21 week(s) Location: ACL Brentwood Fee: Financial support could be available Bouncy Blowdry Starting: 14/09 Duration: 1 week(s) Location: ACL Brentwood Fee: £28.35/£14.18*

AAT Level 3 Starting: 06/09 Duration: 59 week(s) Location: Online Fee: Financial support could be available

Reflexology Introduction Starting: 14/09 Duration: 2 week(s) Location: ACL Witham Fee: £56.70/£28.35*

Access to HE: Social Science Starting: 06/09 Duration: 33 week(s) Location: ACL Maldon Fee: Financial support could be available

Reflexology Introduction Starting: 16/09 Duration: 2 week(s) Location: ACL Brentwood Fee: £56.70/£28.35*

Access to HE: Science Starting: 07/09 Duration: 30 week(s) Location: ACL Maldon Fee: Financial support could be available


Support Work in Schools Starting: 07/09 Duration: 30 week(s) Location: ACL Harlow Fee: £300/ Financial support could be available

Certificate in Preparing for Further Study in Health, Social Care and Starting: 17/09 Duration: 13 week(s) Location: Online Fee: £632.50/ Financial support could be available

Marketing Your own Business Starting: 18/09 Duration: 1 week(s) Location: ACL Clacton Fee: £25.20/£12.60* Supporting Pupils With Autism Intro Starting: 21/09 Duration: 1 week(s) Location: ACL Witham Fee: £28.35/£14.18* CPCAB Level 3 Certificate in Counselling Studies Starting: Tuesday 21/09 Duration: 36 week(s) Location: Online Fee: £811/Financial support could be available Working With Your Intuition Starting: 21/09 Duration: 2 week(s) Location: Online Fee: £31.50/£15.75* Beauty Therapy NVQ level 2 Starting: Tuesday 28/09 Duration: 40 week(s) Location: ACL Colchester Fee: Financial support could be available Certificate In Understanding Dignity & Safeguarding In Adult H&SC L2 Starting: Anytime Location: Online Self Study. Fee: Provided at Assessment Places: Available

*When in receipt of a means-tested benefit learners will be entitled to pay a reduced concessionary co-funded fee.

Certificate In Understanding Care & Management of Diabetes Level 2 Starting: Anytime Location: Online Self Study. Fee: Provided At Assessment Certificate In Understanding How Technology Supports Person Centred Care Starting: Anytime Location: Online Self Study. Fee: Provided at Assessment Interview

Certificate In Understanding Safe Handling Of Medication In Adult Care Starting: Anytime Location: Online Self Study. Fee: Provided at Assessment Diploma In Housekeeping Level 2 Starting: Anytime Location: Online Self Study. Fee: Provided at Assessment

Something for everyone!

Certificate In Understanding Autism Level 2 Starting: Anytime Location: Online Self Study. Fee: Provided at Assessment

Diploma In Leadership For Health & Social Care Level 5 Starting: Anytime Location: Online Self Study. Fee: Provided at Assessment Certificate In The Principles Of End Of Life Care Level 2 Starting: Anytime Location: Online Self Study. Fee: Provided at Assessment

Diploma In Kitchen Services Level 2 Starting: Anytime Location: Online Self Study. Fee: Provided at Assessment

To enrol on a course, please visit or call

03330 600 111 49

Something for everyone!

Mental Health & Wellbeing Reducing Anxiety and Staying Healthy Starting: 30/07 Duration: 6 week(s) Location: Online Fee: Free

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Introduction Starting: 05/08 Duration: 5 week(s) Location: Online Fee: £63/£31.50*

Super Living with Super Foods - Autumn Starting: 21/09 Duration: 5 week(s) Location: Basildon Fee: £63/£31.50*

Managing Anxiety Starting: 31/07 Duration: 2 week(s) Location: Online Fee: Free

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Delve Deeper Starting: 12/08 Duration: 5 week(s) Location: Online Fee: £63/£31.50*

Journaling for Wellbeing Workshop Starting: 21/09 Duration: 1 week(s) Location: Online Fee: £10.00

Introduction to Building Neuroplasticity Starting: 12/08 Duration: 2 week(s) Location: Online Fee: £10.00

Inner Self Hypnotherapy for Wellbeing Starting: Wednesday 22/09 Duration: 5 week(s) Location: Witham Fee: £63/£31.50*

Building Self Confidence Starting: 03/08 Duration: 2 week(s) Location: Online Fee: Free Stress Awareness Starting: 14/08 Duration: 2 week(s) Location: Online Fee: Free

Super Living with Super Foods - Autumn Starting: 20/09 Duration: 5 week(s) Location: Rayleigh Fee: £63/£31.50*

We also offer courses in the following curriculum areas that run all year round:

Apprenticeships Supported Learning

ing Family Learn


TAKE a break Just for fun!

‘Did you know? The first crossword puzzle ever published was in the New York World in 1913.’ Crosswords are a great way to keep your mind active, and could even reduce stress and boost your mood! Try our Summer Magazine crossword below, all answers relate to articles included in the magazine.


This is a type of formal treatment which involves doing activities outside in nature


What can these 3 things help you to do? Don’t over buy, plan ahead and save leftovers


The technique of painting in which small, distinct dots of color are applied in patterns to form an image


The 5 steps to this are connecting, being active, taking notice, learning and giving

10 You could use a running stitch, catch stitch and blanket stitch when doing this 11 This is a type of unpaid work that can help you to improve your CV, gain workplace skills, meet new people and improve your self-confidence 14 Anyone that wants to earn whilst they learn can apply for this 17 This is the feel-good chemical that helps to motivate us


The 1st of this month in 1983 is considered the official birthday of the internet


This season speeds up the composting process


What was the name of the person who designed the first camera in 1685?


This is what CV stands for


A tortilla in Spanish means what in English?

12 This is the most common hair colour in the world 13 This is communication by way of photography, art, drawings, sketches, charts and graphs 15 If you have a job interview what should you do to find out information about the company you have applied to? 16 This type of garden is designed to stimulate our senses through touch, sight, scent, taste and hearing Visit to see answers


how to Enrol Once you have chosen your course/s, you can either enrol on our website or by phone.

1. Online

Please visit and create an account. You can then either search for the course title using the search box or browse our website. Once the course has been selected, you will be asked to fill out an enrolment form (non-qualification course), or asked to enrol onto an assessment session (qualification).


03330 600 111

Please call and you will be put through to a member of our customer team. Before calling, please make a note of the course title or course code. Our phone lines are currently open Monday to Friday, from 8:30am to 5pm, unless otherwise stated.

Contact us online or by email

@ It is always our intention to run our courses as advertised, however if demand is low, they may be postponed or cancelled. Alternative options will be offered in these circumstances. Prices are in line with our fees and charges policy. For full information, please visit


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