MADERA COURTHOUSE [ madera, ca ]
New Madera Courthouse
Madera, CA
The historic fabric of the City of Madera relates to the development of resources from the nearby Sierras. With that in mind, Judge Wyatt, the assistant presiding judge of the Madera Superior Court, asked that this same metaphor be used in the New Courthouse design. Specifically, the Judge requested the use of granite from the nearby Raymond Quarry, wood from the Sierra National Forest, and glass to represent the spectacular waterfalls and winter ice formations in the area. The New Courthouse is composed of four stone modules with a central atrium or “Glacier.” The stone modules are designed with Sierra White granite in a pattern that gives reference to the natural striations seen at Half Dome in the Yosemite Valley. Ice and water influence the design of the central atrium which is organized in a series of geometric angles and forms with a skin of ultra-clear glass. The transparency of this “Glacier” reveals the warmth of the wood wrapped walls in the lobby. “Madera” in Spanish means “lumber” or “wood.” Wood is used responsibly and detailed beautifully in the interior spaces to transition from the monumental scale of the Courthouse to the intimate scale of the individual. The New Courthouse has been designed to demonstrate the transparency and dignity of democracy and provide a place to facilitate the workings of the American ideals of justice. It is a place of permanence and resolution. The Courthouse has been positioned on the site to work with the existing Historic Courthouse and Courthouse Park to create a ‘town square’. Oriented toward true north, the monumental public façade reveals itself toward the Park and the greater Downtown area. The transparency in the design of the north-facing elevation welcomes the public and provides a visual connectivity from the outside to the inside. There is a procession and hierarchy in the design of the public flow transitioning from the informal to the formal experience. The New Courthouse will be a four-story, steel-framed structure designed to balance public access, judicial process and in-custody handling with security and privacy. There will be ten courtrooms and ten judicial chambers with clerical support; administration, jury services; traffic, civil, family, juvenile and criminal divisions; prisoner holding and limited subterranean parking for judges and key courts personnel; as well as in-custody vehicle accommodations for the County Sheriff and California Department of Corrections. The design conveys the image of a courthouse, while reflecting the dignity of the public in an approachable way. There is order and clarity in the design of the Madera plan. The program stacking of the courthouse is based on a traditional “bar scheme” with a central atrium for easy wayfinding. The courthouse has also been designed for future flexibility. For example, the site’s northwest corner has been reserved for a future building expansion and the current plan can accommodate future changes because it was designed in a modular fashion.
Perspective View at North Elevation
City of Madera Historic Influences
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Site Plan
A Way of Thinking
Yosemite National Park
MATERIALS The design was developed with reference to resources from the nearby Sierras.
Half Dome, Yosemite
Development of the stone facade.
Raymond Quarry
Raymond Quarry
wood wrapper
stone modules
Building Organization
C I R C U L AT I O N + F L O W The research of people flow and circulation in a trial court facility influenced the design of the floor plans. Through site visits to the existing courthouse and interviews with the Court Executive Officer, Bonnie Thomas, peak days and time periods were identified. Floors were laid out to provide clear circulation and easy wayfinding.
Circulation Studies
Atrium Section
Atrium Model
Atrium Studies
Precedent Site Tours
Courtroom Mock-Up
Secured outdoor terraces provide open space for court staff.
Completion Location Key Points
Judicial Council of California Administrative Office of the Courts 111,534 SF (Courthouse) 11,496 SF (Sallyport) 90,846 SF (Parking Structure) 2013 Madera, CA • The New Madera Courthouse will be a four-story, steel-framed structure with ten courtrooms, ten judge’s chambers, clerical support, administration, jury services; traffic, civil, family, juvenile and criminal divisions; prisoner holding and limited subterranean parking for judges and key courts personnel. • The design is guided by the General Principles of the California Trial Court Facilities Standards: Design Excellence, Sustainable Design, Physical Durability and Functional Usefulness, and Accessibility. • The selection and design of materials for the Madera Courthouse is inspired by the Yosemite Valley. Stone modules are clad with locally sourced Sierra White granite. Ice and water influence the design of the atrium with geometric angles and a skin of ultraclear glass. Wood is used responsibly and detailed beautifully in the public spaces. • The project is LEED Registered and is designed to achieve a Silver Certification.