FLAME GRAPHITE FURNACE ATOMIC ABSORPTION SPECTROPHOTOMETER The patented flame analysis technique adopting rich oxygen air-acetylene flame as the substitution for nitrous oxideacetylene flame for high temperature element analyses, such as Ca, Al, Ba, W, Mo, Ti, V, etc. Flame temeperature is continuously adjustable between 2300-2950? with makes it possible to choose the best atomization temperature for different elements. It features easy operation, low analysis cost and wide flame AAS analytical range. Rich oxygen flame will not pollute the environment and is not harmful to human bodies. It's break-through in flame AAS analysis.
INTEGRATED FLAME/GRAPHITE FURNACE ATOMIZATION SYSTEM, CHANGEABLE WITH FLAME EMISSION BURNER Ÿ Automatically controlled changeover of the integrated flame and graphite furnace atomizer featuring easy
operation and time saving eliminates human labor Ÿ A flame emission burner head can be installed to perform flame emission analysis to akali metais as K, Na
ACCURATE FULLY AUTOMATED CONTROL SYSTEM Ÿ Automatic multi-lamp turret, automatic adjustment of lamp current and optimization of light beam position Ÿ Automatic wavelength scanning and peak picking Ÿ Automatic spectral bandwidth changing Ÿ Automatic changeover between flame and graphite furnace operation, automatic optimization of position
parameters and automatic ignition
RELIABLE FULLY AUTOMATIC GRAPHITE FURNACE ANALYSIS Ÿ Adopting FUZZY-PID and dual curve mode light-controlled temperature control technique, temperature auto-
correction technique, ensures fast heating, good temperature reproducibility and high analytical sensitivity. The temperature control accuracy is less than 1% Ÿ Graphite furnace with pneumatic control and pressure lock ensures constant pressure and reliable contact
PERFECT SAFETY PROTECTION MEASURES Ÿ Alarm and automatic protection to fuel gas leakage, abnormal flow, insufficient air pressure and abnormal flame
extinction in flame system Ÿ Alarm and protection function to insufficient carrier gas and protective gas pressure, insufficient cooling wate
supply and over-heating in graphite furnace system
ADVANCE AND RELIABLE ELECTRONIC DESIGN Ÿ Adopting large-scale programmable logic array and Inter I2C bus technology Ÿ European type sockets and AMP adapters with high reliability to ensure long term reliability of the whole electronic
EASY AND PRACTICAL ANALYSIS SOFTWARE Ÿ Easy-to-use AAS analysis software is made under Windows operating system, realizing fast parameter setting and
optimization Ÿ Automatic sample dilution, automatic curve fitting, automatic sensitivity correction
SPECIFICATION Main Specification
Wavelength Range
Wavelength Accuracy
Two spectral lines of Mn at 279.5nm and 279.8nm can be separated with the spectral bandwidth of 0.2nm and valleypeak energy ratio less than 30%.
Baseline Stability Background Correction
Lamp Turret Light Source System
Lamp Current Adjustment
Lamp Power Supply Mode
0.004A/30min The D2 lamp background correction capability at 1A is better than 30 times The S-H background correction capability at 1.8A is better than 30 times.( only for WFX-110B/120B) 6-lamp turret (WFX-110B/120B), 4-lamp turret (WFX130B); Auto-alignment, fully automated scan and peakpicking. 400Hz square wave pulse
Optical System
Wide pulse current: 0~25mA,
Narrow pulse current: 0~10mA
Focal length
400Hz square wave pulse;
Blazed Wavelength
100Hz narrow square wave pulse+400Hz wide square wave pulse (WFX-110B/120B)
Spectral Bandwidth Flame Atomizer
Single beam, Czerny-Turner design grating monochromator
Spray Chamber
1800 l/mm
Corrosion resistant all-plastic spray chamber
High efficiency glass nebulizer with metal sleeve, sucking up rate:6-7ml/min
0.1nm, 0.2nm, 0.4nm, 1.2nm, automatic change 10cm single slot all-titanium burner Corrosion resistant all-plastic spray chamber High efficiency glass nebulizer with metal sleeve, sucking up rate:6-7ml/min
Emission burner provided with WFX-110B/120B Detection and Data Processing System
R928 Photomultiplier with high sensitivity and wide spectral range.
Windows operating system
Analytical method
Working curve auto-fitting; standard addition method; automatic sensitivity correction, automatic calculation of concentration and content.
Multi-task Functions
Sequential measurement for multi-element determination in one sample
Condition reading
With model function
Result printing
Measurement data and final analytical report printout, editing with Excel
Standard RS-232 serial port communication
Dimensions and Weight
102Ă—49Ă—54cm, unpacked 80kg
An ISO 9001 : 2208 | ISO 14001 : 2008 | ISO 13485 WHO: GMP Products | GLP Compliant Products
www.acmasindia.com | www.cleanroom-equipments.com | www.measuring-meters.com
TECHNOCRACY PVT. LTD. SALES OFFICE (INDIA) Office no. 506 & 507, 5th Floor, Plot no.- C-9, Pearls Best Height-II, Netaji Subhash Place, Pitam Pura, Delhi- 110034 Land Line No.: +91 - 11- 47619688, Fax: +91-11-47619788 E-mail.: info@acmasindia.com
SALES OFFICE (HONG KONG) Unit D 28 11/F Wing Tat Comm,Bidg 97, Bonham Strand East, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong (PRC) Tel.: 0086-13929598046 0086- 18922303099 E-mail.: hk@acmasindia.com
SHOWROOM J-284 Sector 1 Bawana Industrial Estate, Bawana, Delhi, INDIA-110039 Tel.: 0091-0-9312219738 (M) +91- 9717741167 E-mail.: info@acmasindia.com
SALES OFFICE (RUSSIA) Inmed Trade Street Ozerkovsky Embankment, Unit No 50, Straine- 1, Off- 502, Moscow, Russia E-mail.: info@acmasindia.com Tel.: 0049- 79592345 | Email: russia@acmasindia.com