GPS Based Soil Compaction Recorder

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GPS BASED SOIL COMPACTION RECORDER Soil compaction refers to the formation of dense layers of well packed soil, often at the bottom of the cultivated layer.The most common causes of soil compaction are tractors, harvesting equipment and implement wheels travelling over moist, loose soils. Soils tend to be more compacted deeper into the soil profile due to the weight of overlaying soil above.

COMPACTION FROM TYRES IS RELATED TO Ÿ load Ÿ Ground contact pressure(same as inflation pressure) Ÿ Wheel Slip Ÿ Tyre dimensions and construction Ÿ Forward Speed Ÿ The number of passes (90 % of compaction occurs on the

first pass) Ÿ RS 232 C Interface

Tractor power and weight have increased 60 - 80% since the mid-sixties, while the tyre area in contact with the soil has only increased on average 20%. This means that compaction is occurring deeper in the profile, and is therefore becoming more difficult to repair once it occurs


EFFECTS OF SOIL COMPACTION ON PLANT GROWTH Compacted soil has smaller soil pores, less pore continuity and greater strength. This makes the soil less suitable for growing crops. The soil has fewer spaces that contain air and water needed for plant growth, is less permeable, can store less soil water and is harder for roots to penetrate. In their virgin state soils can be productive and characterized by excellent physical condition. They allow rapid movement of air and water through the soil, providing an ideal environment for maximum root growth and high yields. However, soils are fragile and easily restructured, especially during cropping. Compaction is an example of this restructuring. If compacted badly enough, a soil does not provide adequate space for root growth and soil animal activity, or allow for rapid movement of air and water. In severe cases, roots are unable to penetrate into deeper soil layers, tending to grow along the top of the pan. The best way for water and air to move through the soils is in large pores created by decaying plant roots or soil insects and earthworms. External pressures, such as from tyres or tillage tools, cause the large pores to collapse to form smaller pores that are less efficient conductors of air or water. The result is slower water infiltration, poor drainage or poorly aerated soils that limit root growth and nutrient uptake needed for maximum yields. However, some soil consolidation or "firmness" is beneficial. In very loose, uncompacted soils we could not be able to drive over a paddock pulling an implement without becoming bogged. Firming the soil around the seed (also a form of compaction) is necessary for creating good seed-soil contact at planting. This is why press-wheels are important for ensuring even crop emergence. Some crops, like barley, actually seem to prefer strong seed-soil contact and a more densely packed root zone than a very loose one. However, compaction must not be allowed to become excessive and should be minimised in the plant root zone.

IMPORTANCE OF COMPACTION DETECTION AND SOIL ANALYSIS In some years compacted soil will affect yields, while in others it will have no impact. In seasons when there is steady rainfall that occurs throughout the season and the optimum number of plants is established, compaction will


tend not to influence yields. In other seasons, compaction can limit yields though reducing the soil’s ability to store soil moisture or to make available stored moisture during extended dry periods. Compaction can actually increase yields in some years, by slowing the rate of crop growth and exploitation of stored soil moisture until follow up rain occurs. This means better use can be made of late season rainfall - particularly if the rain coincides with flowering or grain-fill. However, the situations when this occurs are rare. In the long-term, if compaction leads to higher rates of soil erosion than would normally occur without compaction, it will eventually decrease the potential yield of a paddock. Similarly, if compaction becomes severe enough to greatly restrict root activity, the number of seasons in which crops will perform well will rapidly decrease and the paddock becomes more drought prone.

PRODUCTS OVERVIEW We understand the importance and significance of the soil compaction recording device and how its important for long term soil conservation. weiber offers a unique GPS based soil compaction recorder with computer interface to effectively record the soil compaction in real time, analyze the data and log in the data to the host computer for detailed and comparative analysis of data taken from different locations. This equipment is a very important tool real time soil compaction analysis and to generate computer drawing and maps of the given area.

FEATURES Ÿ Portable Ÿ Light Weight large-screen LCD Display Ÿ Membrane keyboard Automatically data recording Ÿ Simultaneously display of two units kg and kpa Stainless steel measuring rod, Ÿ Poles have different depths scale identification No external power supply required Ÿ Real-time display of measurement points can be location information latitude and Longitude




Measuring Range

0-100kg; 0-7000kpa (0-1000psi)


the kg unit: 0.05kg

Pressure Unit

kg and kpa

Data Acquisition Memory

1000 entires

Operating Temperature

-10 ℃ -60 ℃

Power Supply

Battery Operated

MODELS DETAILS CQUS-750 –I Common type, a direct indication of soil compaction (kg and kpa), a data storage function, directly stored in the host. Standard configuration with: host, stainless steel measuring rod, the battery.

CQUS-750 II (WITH BUILT - IN GPS SYSTEM) Other Features same as CQUS-750 -I but with data storage to the host computer, RS232 interface, with computer data export software, storage, printing software, built-in GPS positioning system, real-time display of measurement points, location information (latitude and longitude), and can take advantage of this location data in a computer drawing maps of soil compaction.

An ISO 9001 : 2208 | ISO 14001 : 2008 | ISO 13485 WHO: GMP Products | GLP Compliant Products | |

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