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E DEN P RAIRIE ✹ A PRIL 21, 2011



Vol. 46, No. 16

In the Community, With the Community, For the Community

Medalists abound on Eagle boys track squad PAGE 32

www.minnlocal.com Sadia Abdi (left) gets some coursework help from Asad Shane, an Eden Prairie High School math teacher who founded the New American Academy in Eden Prairie in January. More than 200 students Somali students from Eden Prairie and the region have come into the academy for tutoring and other assistance after school and on weekends. The academy is run by all volunteers, gets very little income from those who attend and is in need of resources. (Photo by Paul Groessel • Sun Newspapers)

How do you fill an achievement gap with


Volunteer tutor and Eden Prairie High School graduate Khad Mohamud (left) helps Hussein Abdi at the New American Academy. He is one of a few regular volunteers that help the dozens of students who come to the academy, located in an office space on Washington Avenue, in the Golden Triangle business and technology area. (Photo by Paul Groessel • Sun Newspapers)

There’s this gap – maybe more like a chasm – between the test scores of white, English-speaking students and non-white students whose first language is not English. Throw a dart at a map of the United States and chances are it will land in one of these gaps. There’s one in Eden Prairie. It’s talked about quite a bit, so just a couple test scores should serve as a good recap. For 2010 state standardized test results, 33 per-

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cent of the 186 Limited English Proficiency students tested were proficient in math at Eden Prairie schools. District-wide, considering all 5,034 students who took the math test, 79 percent of them tested proficient. That’s 46 percent. The gap in reading scores was 55 percent. A lot has been said about closing such a divide, and one reported reason for the school district’s broad elementary school changes is to address GAP: TO PAGE 14

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Eden Prairie Sun-Current – Thursday, April 21, 2011 – www.minnlocal.com

In the Community, With the Community, For the Community

Taking a seat among history The Askegaard family of Eden Prairie steps into classroom roles as part of the Eden Prairie Historical Society’s School House Exhibit grand opening Thursday, April 14, at City Center. The family, back row, Lily and Lars Askegaard, front row Lucy and Linnea Askegaard, and their mother Angie Askegaard sits in as their teacher. They filled the historical classroom for guests who peered into the exhibit after a ribbon cutting. The Historical Society worked on renovating its History Center and Museum at City Center for about a year. The process included a complete renovation of the room, reorganizing of historical pieces and files and making the exhibits moveable, so the history center can be re-arranged whenever necessary. (Photos by Paul Groessel • Sun Newspapers)

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www.minnlocal.com – Thursday, April 21, 2011 – Eden Prairie Sun-Current

In the Community, With the Community, For the Community

Sex offender meeting provides some details, preventative tips BY PAUL GROESSEL • SUN NEWSPAPERS It was something new, a bit scary and uncomfortable but necessary and probably important for Eden Prairie. “Sex offenders have always been among us and they always will be,” said Michele Murphy of the Minnesota Department of Corrections. It was the first Level III sex offender meeting for the city. Around 50 people showed up April 14 at St. Andrew Lutheran Church to ask questions about the man who is expected to temporarily live in the city Nathaniel Roby, 49, a Level III sex offender, is living on Martin Drive, according to police, and is expected to reside there until June 14. The meeting also covered general information about sex offender classifications, how offenders are monitored, the number of offenders living in the state and locally and how families can prevent anything horrific happening to their children. Level III is considered the highest risk for re-offending. The DOC assigns

offenders a risk level prior to their release from prison, and it’s up to local law enforcement to notify the public when a Level III offender moves into the area. Level I is considered low public risk; Level II moderate risk, and Level III high risk. Even though Roby is one man with prior offenses, Michele Murphy of the DOC (along with other meeting presenters) said sexual offenses most often do not occur from strangers, but acquaintances from the victim. And, most offenses are never reported. In Eden Prairie, there are 31 sex offenders – one is Level II, Roby is the only Level III and the rest are Level I, according to Sgt. Dennis Paulson of the Eden Prairie Police Department. They come and go like anyone else, he said, but the total number consistently stays around 30. According to the Murphy’s presentation, Roby has been charged and jailed for three separate criminal sexual mis-

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Eden Prairie Sun-Current – Thursday, April 21, 2011 – www.minnlocal.com

11455 Viking Drive, Suite 270 Ph: 952.944.2830 Eden Prairie, MN 55344 www.epchamber.org

The Eden Prairie Chamber of Commerce is a business organization that strives to be the catalyst for a vibrant community. As the Eden Prairie connection to er various programs, volunteer opportunities and experiences for Chamber Members, Eden Prairie citizens and students. Take a look at what’s coming up soon and visit epchamber.org for details!

In the Community, With the Community, For the Community

Eden Prairie Schools hires ‘branding’ help Could spend up to $50,000 for the help BY PAUL GROESSEL • SUN NEWSPAPERS

Student Scholarship Applications Available Now! Due: Thursday, April 28th by 4:00 PM dŚĞƌĞ ĂƌĞ ƚwŽ avĂŝůĂďůĞ ƐĐŚŽůĂƌƐŚŝƉƐ ƚŚaƚ ǁŝůů ďĞ awaƌĚĞĚ ƚŚŝƐ yĞĂƌ͗ •

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Upcoming Events at the Chamber! • GenerĂů DĞŵďĞrƐŚŝƉ >ƵŶĐŚĞŽŶ Ͳ Tuesday͕ Ɖƌŝů ϮϲƚŚ ĨƌŽŵ ϭϭ͗ϯϬ D Ͳ ϭ͗ϬϬ WD Ͳ >Žca ŽŶ͗ 'ƌĂĐĞ ŚƵƌĐŚ͕ ϵϯϬϭ EĚĞŶ WƌĂŝƌŝĞ RŽĂĚ͕ EĚĞŶ WƌĂŝƌŝĞ • A Ğƌ ,ŽƵrƐ͗ hŵďƌŝĂ Wŝnjnjeria Ͳ Tuesday͕ DaLJ ϯƌĚ ĨƌŽŵ ϰ͗ϯϬ WD Ͳ ϲ͗ϬϬ WD Ͳ >Žca ŽŶ͗ hŵďƌŝĂ WŝnjnjĞƌŝĂ͕ ϳϵϮϮ DŝƚĐŚĞůů RŽĂĚ͕ EĚĞŶ WƌĂŝƌŝĞ • WŽŵĞŶ’Ɛ EetwŽƌŬŝŶŐ >ƵŶĐŚĞŽŶ ǁͬ ^ŽƵƚhwesƚ DetrŽ Ͳ Tuesday͕ DaLJ ϭϬƚŚ ĨƌŽŵ ϭϭ͗ϬϬ D Ͳ ϭ͗ϬϬ WD Ͳ >Žca ŽŶ͗ ,ĂnjĞů ŶĞ EĂ ŽŶĂů 'ŽůĨ ůƵď ŝŶ ŚĂƐka TŽ ? ŶĚ ŽƵƚ ŵŽƌĞ ŝnĨŽƌŵĂ ŽŶ ĂďŽƵƚ ĂnLJ ŽĨ ŽƵƌ ĞvenƚƐ͕ ƉůĞĂƐĞ ǀŝƐŝƚ ŽƵƌ wĞďƐŝƚĞ aƚ ǁǁw͘ĞƉĐŚĂŵďĞƌ.oƌg/EvenƚƐ͘ĂƐƉ Žƌ cĂůů ƵƐ aƚ ϵϱϮͲϵϰϰͲϮϴϯϬ͊

It’s not about a new logo or website; it’s about connections with the community, they say. The Eden Prairie School District has hired a public relations firm to help with its “brand.” Last November, during some public meetings regarding the elementary school boundary change and K-6 transition, the school board introduced a resolution that had district staff evaluate the need for branding strategies “for existing, new and reconfigured facilities.” That Nov. 23 resolution also required that branding strategies were implemented by 2011. Since that resolution passed and the K-6 transition was re-affirmed in December, staff has assembled a branding committee made up of parents, staff and administrators and selected a public relations company to help with the branding process. On April 12, staff introduced the two members of the firm it selected, President Rose McKinney and Senior Vice President Joel Swanson of Risdall McKinney Public Relations in New Brighton. Swanson said he has worked in education, and as for the Risdall McKinny, “almost all of us have touched education at one point or another,” he said. After the meeting, Melton Hanily said cost and experience in education were main considerations when selecting a firm. Risdall McKinney was not the most inexpensive firm they considered, but it was also not the most inexpensive, Melton Hanily said. The district has set aside $50,000 for the firm from a General Fund reserve, said Chief Operating Officer Patricia Magnuson. Communications Director Camie Melton Hanily said the $50,000 has not been fully committed, and it’s the maximum the district expects to spend. Risdall McKinney has the education experience and collaborative style the district was looking for, Melton Hanily said, and the administration chose to uses outside help because it’s important

‘It’s an opportunity to get an additional perspective. I think it’s anytime you’re putting – you’re helping to ensure that you’re doing all you can to be really clear with your messages with the community and you’re meeting the needs to the best of your ability, that’s what you need to do.That’s important work.’ — Communications Director Camie Melton Hanily

to get unbiased perspective when assessing the feedback and information they gather through the branding process. Board member Kim Ross, who works as a marketing consultant, asked McKinney and Swanson about their strategy. She asked if they determined what they want people to think, feel or do, as they react to the district’s “brand personality.” McKinney said they have to get feedback first, but they expect to fulfill any “brand promises” they make, and any communication strategies or tactics they create must connect to a strategic communications plan. Board member Ranee Jacobus raised concerns about the school board being informed about the branding committee’s formation and hiring the public relations firm. Melton Hanily said the administration had updated the board during the previous meeting and would be sure to keep them informed as the process continues. Board member Holly Parker said she understood branding in the corporate setting but she asked what the branding process would look like in K-12 school district. BRANDING: TO PAGE 27

www.minnlocal.com – Thursday, April 21, 2011 – Eden Prairie Sun-Current

In the Community, With the Community, For the Community

‘Who are Your Neighbors’ forum set

epcommunityed.org. Info: 952-975-6940.

‘ADD and Loving It?!’ screening April 28

A forum about refugees’ experience in the local community has been scheduled 6-8:30 p.m., Tuesday, April 26, at City Center, 8080 Mitchell Road, Eden Prairie. The evening will include a panel presentation representing refugees from Iran, Moldova, Bhutan and Somalia. The event is based on the book, “Outcasts United,” by Warren St. John, but will be informational whether or not someone has read the book. The forum is hosted by Eden Prairie Community Education, the city of Eden Prairie, Eden Prairie Reads and World Relief. The discussion is expected to provide insight into the barriers refugees face in their home country and when entering the United States. The Garden Room will also provide appetizers representing a variety of countries. The event registration fee is $20, and financial assistance is available if needed. Online registration is available at

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A free screening of and panel discussion about the documentary, “ADD and Loving It?!” has been scheduled to begin 4 p.m., Thursday, April 28, at the Heritage Rooms in City Center, 8080 Mitchell Road, Eden Prairie. The first screening has been scheduled 4-5 p.m., followed by a panel discussion 5:30-6:30 p.m. A second screening will take place 7-8 p.m. The documentary “is a blend of humor, hope, and science that dispels common myths about ADD/ADHD,” according to the Eden Prairie Disability Awareness Committee, the group sponsoring the event. The event will also cover signs and symptoms of ADD/ADHD and the resources and support services available. Registration is available online at epcommunityed.org or by phone. Info: 952-975-6940.

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Eden Prairie Community Education offers monthly driver education classes after school, throughout the school year and at a variety of times in the summer. Classes are taught by licensed, certified teachers. Eligible students need to be at least 15 COMMUNITY BRIEFS: TO PAGE 9

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These pages are provided as a forum to debate ideas of interest and importance in our communities. Signed letters should be no longer than 250 words. Include daytime and evening phone numbers and address for verification purposes. Submitted letters and columns become the property of Sun Newspapers, which reserves the right to edit and publish them in any format, including online.

T H U R S D A Y, A P R I L 2 1 , 2 0 1 1 • E D E N P R A I R I E • V I S I T U S O N L I N E A T W W W . M I N N L O C A L . C O M • © 2 0 1 1 S U N N E W S P A P E R S • P A G E 6

Southwest Transitway would have benefits, not a magic pill County and city planning for the Southwest Transitway light rail line stretches back all the way to 2002. In the years I have been a community editor for Sun Newspapers, I have never heard one official question the need for a high-frequency light rail line that would connect the southwest suburbs to lines in Minneapolis and St. Paul. That changed at the TwinWest Chamber of Commerce’s April 8 legislative breakfast, which focused on the future of transportation. One of the panelists at the event, Rep. Linda Runbeck, R-Circle Pines, quite bluntly disputed the importance of a light-rail line that would connect St. Louis Park, Hopkins, Minnetonka and Eden Prairie to Minneapolis and beyond. Though I didn’t get the sense she was against light-rail transit in general, she made it clear she felt the Southwest Transitway was not an effective use of the state’s time, money and effort. Her argument boiled down to this: • The Twin Cities didn’t have anything close to the density levels of a city like New York, and residents here don’t rely on mass transit like they do there • The metro area was built on a prairie – with no mountains or oceans – and residents can choose where they want to live. I believe she was implying that if a resident wanted to have easy access to Minneapolis that didn’t involve a car or bus, he wouldn’t choose to live in Eden Prairie. • The state shouldn’t be sinking a lot of money into light-rail transit while its current roads and infrastructure are deteriorating rapidly. At first I was taken aback by her argument in the sense that I had never seen anyone question the benefits of the Southwest Transitway. However, the more I thought about it, I found myself agreeing on a few of her points. First off, a disclaimer – I am a fan of light rail transit and if the Twin Cities had a comprehensive system where I could get around using it and reasonable amounts of biking and walking, I would leave my car in the garage 95 percent of the time. But the realist in me knows that is not the case, and I question whether it even will be


Public Health Pathways: Step To It Challenge grows to 22 communities in 2011 BY STACY CHOUINARD • GUEST COLUMNIST

Community Editor Sun Newspapers


In the Community,With the Community, For the Community

Circulation: 952-392-6860 For business advertising: 952-392-6894 advertise@acnpapers.com

in 30 years when more light-rail lines are in use. I live in southwest Minneapolis and it takes anywhere from 10-20 minutes to drive to the nearest light-rail station on the Hiawatha Line, depending on traffic. When I go to a Twins game, I have the option of driving about 15 minutes to a lightrail station and taking a 20-30 minute train ride to Target Field, or I can simply drive to the stadium in about 15 minutes total. Even when you factor in the time it takes to park, it makes no logistical sense time-wise for me to take the light rail to the game. If I lived in New York City – with its 10,000 cabs and nonstop gridlock on the roads – and it took me an hour-and-a-half to drive downtown, I would of course choose the light-rail route. But as long as I live in a city where it’s typically more of a hassle to use the mass transit route, the majority of the time I’m going to use my car. There are two counter-arguments to this line of thinking – I own a car, where as many don’t, and traffic congestion will only continue to get worse in the future with limited mass transit options, such as light rail. I have no doubt a southwest metro lightrail line would be popular with residents in the area who rely on buses for their primary mode of transportation or people who work downtown and want to avoid paying for parking every day. But when it comes to average residents of the southwest metro who do have access to cars – a large percentage – they are only going to use light-rail with regularity if it makes sense. If you live by Ridgedale in Minnetonka and need to get to Excelsior and Grand in St. Louis Park, you’re not going to tack on an extra 15-30 minutes to the journey in the name of mass transit. Traffic congestion will continue to get

Four years and more than one billion steps later, Hennepin County and its community partners are now accepting registrations for what promises to be the biggest and best Step To It Challenge with 22 communities in 2011. This physical activity competition, which has been offered in western Hennepin County communities since 2008, has proven to be a great way to get out and be active in the community after another long Minnesota winter. As Hennepin County Commissioner Gail Dorfman noted, “The Step To It Challenge has become a tradition in many Hennepin County communities. We’re pleased to have been able to expand this effort to a growing list of communities in each of the last four years.” This year’s challenge is May 9 to June 5 and will again have family, friends, neighbors and teams adding up steps in communities competing for the title of “Most Active City.” Our website, www.steptoit.org, allows participants to log their steps online. There’s even an activity conversion chart for converting activities such as biking, skateboarding, Tai Chi or even mowing the lawn to equivalent steps. “It makes a difference when you’re keeping track of your progress and being accountable,” said Pat Busch, coordinator for the challenge in Brooklyn Park. “Each week you keep pushing yourself, and you feel better and better. It’s contagious, and it promotes the kind of exercise everyone can do.” Brooklyn Park is back again as a community partner this year, along with Brooklyn Center, Champlin,



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Send news items or letters to the editor to: Sun-Current 33 Second St. N.E., Box 280 Osseo, MN 55369 Fax: 763-424-7388 suncurrentcentral@acnpapers.com Paul Groessel, Community Editor pgroessel@acnpapers.com 763-424-7353 Greg Kleven, Sports Editor gkleven@acnpapers.com 763-424-7374 Daniel Callahan, Managing Editor dcallahan@acnpapers.com 763-424-7352 Peggy Bakken, Executive Editor pbakken@acnpapers.com 763-424-7373 Tena Wensman, Account Executive twensman@acnpapers.com 952-392-6661 Jeremy Bradfield, Interim Advertising Director jbradfield@acnpapers.com 952-392-6894 Dennis Thomsen, National Accounts Manager dthomsen@acnpapers.com 952-392-6878 Pam Miller, Classified Manager pmiller@acnpapers.com 952-392-6862 Krista Jech, Marketing Manager kjech@acnpapers.com 952-392-6835 Sylvia Fitzsimmons, Circulation Manager sfitzsimmons@acnpapers.com 763-424-7370 Jeff Coolman, Group Publisher jcoolman@acnpapers.com For legal advertisements and obituaries, contact: sunlegals@acnpapers.com sunobits@acnpapers.com 952-392-6829 For weddings, engagements, anniversaries, sports team photos and births, contact: 952-392-6875 Sun Newspapers offices are open weekdays 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. © 2011, Published Weekly by SUN NEWSPAPERS 10917 Valley View Road, Eden Prairie, MN 55344 952-829-0797

In the Community, With the Community, For the Community

www.minnlocal.com – Thursday, April 21, 2011 – Eden Prairie Sun-Current

River Bluff Dental can make you happy about your smile If you are unhappy with any aspect of your smile, or have functionality issues with your teeth, call on River Bluff Dental to learn about cosmetic and comprehensive dentistry. Most people would agree that your smile is one of the most important aspects of your face. River Bluff Dental specializes in “natural look smile design” which can cover several problems at once. The end result is a smile that will leave you confident as well as retaining or regaining vital oral health. This is accomplished by addressing the problem, and not simply covering it up. Dr Walter Palmer DDS graduated from the University of Minnesota Dental School

in 1987. He started the River Bluff Dental practice at 10851 Rhode Island Ave. S in Bloomington in 1997. The staff has grown to 12 employees. “At River Bluff Dental we are dedicated to providing our patients the finest most technologically advanced dentistry possible in a caring, comfortable atmosphere,” adds Palmer. “We realize that every patient has their own concerns, and we want to address your individual needs.” Issues cosmetic dentistry can treat include misaligned or crooked teeth, gaps and missing teeth, dark or stained teeth, short teeth and gummy smiles, decayed, damaged and broken teeth, misaligned bite and replacement of older dental work.

Cosmetic dental procedures performed at River Bluff Dental using state-of-the-art technology include teeth whitening, porcelain dental crowns and bridges, porcelain veneers, dental implants and laser gum recontouring. Neuromuscular dentistry is a field focused on treating problems associated with a misaligned temporomandibular joint (TMJ). Dr. Palmer is able to diagnose and treat symptoms. He has received training at the prestigious Las Vegas Institute for Advanced Studies (LVI) to treat patients whose symptoms may have been misdiagnosed. Palmer directs clients to the web site (www.riverbluffdental.com) which has

www.riverbluffdental.com 10851 Rhode Island Avenue South, Bloomington, MN 55438

information on cosmetic dentistry in general, as well as particular procedures and treatments. “Our goal is to educate you about the dental procedures so that you are in the know when you come into the office,” says Palmer. “This web site can be used as a resource so you can begin to make informed decisions about your oral health and appearance.” Hours are 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday, 7 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tuesday through Thursday and Friday by appointment. The office features a home-style setting with a comfortable reception area and complimentary beverages.



Eden Prairie Sun-Current – Thursday, April 21, 2011 – www.minnlocal.com

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www.minnlocal.com – Thursday, April 21, 2011 – Eden Prairie Sun-Current

In the Community, With the Community, For the Community



Reduce the harmful chemicals in your home BY ANGIE TIMMONS • GUEST COLUMNIST Whether you have children, pets or just a general concerns about your health, there are easy ways to reduce your exposure to harmful chemicals at home. Here are some tips to reduce the amount of hazardous products in your home: • Look for products that list all their ingredients on the label. Generally, fewer ingredients are better. • Use a multi-purpose cleaner rather than buying many specialty cleaners. • Use single-ingredient products that serve several functions such as: baking soda, white vinegar, lemon juice or salt. • Look for products that are made from plant-based materials like citrus, seed, vegetables, herbs or pine oils. • Choose products that have low

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or no volatile organic compounds. These are toxic chemicals that are released into the air and are often contained in products such as paint, chlorine bleach

and oven cleaners. • Look for chlorine-free products and water-based glues, adhesives and paints. Overall, try to choose the least toxic product to do the job. A product with the signal word “Caution” on its label is less hazardous than a product with the signal word “Warning,” “Danger” or “Poison.” Many people are switching to homemade cleaners to reduce exposure to hazardous chemicals and save money. Inexpensive ingredients like baking soda, vinegar and dish soap often clean just as well as store-bought products. You can find more information about non-toxic cleaners www.reduce.org. If you have an unwanted product with any of the signal words (poison, danger, warning, caution), take any leftovers to your county household hazardous waste drop-off site. Visit RethinkRecycling.com/hhw to find your

county’s HHW drop-off site and to learn about other common household items that require special disposal. Want to find more about household hazardous waste or recycling issues? Visit the Rethink Recycling blog (RethinkRecycling.com/blog), find us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter (@RRTwinCities). About RethinkRecycling.com: The Solid Waste Management Coordinating Board (SWMCB) launched its first education outreach campaign in 2003 to help citizens living in Anoka, Carver, Dakota, Hennepin, Ramsey and Washington counties understand the urgent need to make environmentally responsible purchasing and disposal decisions in their daily lives. The SWMCB is proud to sponsor its current campaign, RethinkRecycling.com.

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Eden Prairie Sun-Current – Thursday, April 21, 2011 – www.minnlocal.com

In the Community, With the Community, For the Community

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www.minnlocal.com – Thursday, April 21, 2011 – Eden Prairie Sun-Current

In the Community, With the Community, For the Community


Making their stops from China Members of a business and government delegation from Loadi China hold up a banner they gave to Eden Prairie officials who welcomed them at The Garden Room in the City Center Monday, April 18. (At left) The end of a day full of business and school trips for the delegation ends with photo opportunities before departing. (At right) Left to right, Feng WangZhou, Director of Education Bureau in Loudi, Loudi Vice Mayor Yan Fuchu, Eden Prairie Mayor Nancy Tyra-Lukens, School Board Chair Carol Bomben and interpreter Richard He. Fuchu did the calligraphy for the banner, a message of peace. (Photos by Paul Groessel · Sun Newspapers)

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Eden Prairie Sun-Current – Thursday, April 21, 2011 – www.minnlocal.com

Highway 55 Trailer Sales

In the Community, With the Community, For the Community

Pathways FROM PAGE 6

975 Chamberlain Ave SE, Buffalo, MN 55313

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Crystal, Dayton, Excelsior, Golden Valley, Hopkins, Independence, Maple Grove, Maple Plain, Minnetonka, Mound, New Hope, Plymouth, Orono, Osseo, Richfield, Robbinsdale, Rogers, Shorewood and St. Louis Park. If you live, work or play in one of these cities, you’re eligible to participate. Plymouth walked away with the Most Active City Award in 2010 with more than 96 million steps reported. Hopkins claimed the Most Active Residents Award (the highest average steps per participant). “Hopkins is such a great place to walk,” said Debbie Sperling, coordinator for the challenge in the city. “It’s great how this challenge has encouraged our community to use our abundant sidewalks and trails.” Another fun aspect of Step To It is the competition that has developed between city councils of the participating cities, which compete for one of two Most Active City Council awards. In 2010, Hopkins and Brooklyn Park took the honors, and Hopkins Mayor

Gene Maxwell is again challenging elected officials of participating cities to compete in 2011. “The Hopkins City Council and I are looking forward to competing against all of the other city councils in this year’s Step to It Challenge — and going for a repeat win!” Maxwell said. We’re also happy to report that the Minnesota Twins are back as a corporate sponsor of the challenge. The top stepper in each city will win a pair of Twins tickets and be recognized at Target Field during a Twins game this summer. Additional Twins tickets will be given away through random drawings for adults and youth who log steps all four weeks of the challenge. The Step To It Challenge is funded in part by the Statewide Health Improvement Program, with goals to create active and healthy lifestyles and reduce overweight and chronic disease. “People lose a lot of weight during the challenge — as much as 20 or 30 pounds in some cases,” Busch said. “Even the winner from our city last year lost about 20 pounds.” Stacy Chouinard is the Step To It CoCoordinator for Hennepin County Public Health.

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In the Community, With the Community, For the Community

www.minnlocal.com – Thursday, April 21, 2011 – Eden Prairie Sun-Current


COMMUNITY BRIEFS FROM PAGE 5 years of age by the last day of class and either live or attend school in Eden Prairie. The class fee is $110 for 30 hours of class instruction and $300 for six hours of behind-the-wheel driving instruction or $399 if paid in one payment. Driving instruction is also available for adults. Online registration is available at epcommunityed.org or by phone. Info: 952-975-6942.

Eden Prairie Senior Center calendar Thursday, April 21 • Driver’s safety (4 hr) – 9 a.m. • Pickleball – 9 a.m. •Health insurance – 1 p.m. • Cribbage – 1 p.m. • Driver’s safety (4 hr) – 5:30 p.m. • Medicare Presentation – 6:30 p.m. Friday, April 22 • Driver’s safety (8 hours) – 9 a.m. • Bread day – 9:30 a.m. • Men’s group – 9:30 a.m. • Line Dance – 11 a.m.

• Partner Bridge – 12:15 p.m. • Bingo – 1 p.m.

16700 Valley View Road. Info: 952-279-8050.

Monday, April 25 • Coffee Klatch – 8:45 a.m. • Monday shopping – 9:30 a.m. • Duplicate Bridge – 12:15 p.m.

Community Education classes in mid May

Tuesday, April 26 • Pickleball (at the Community Center) – 9 a.m. • Quilting – 9 a.m. • Bread day – 9:30 a.m. • Greeting cards – 9:30 a.m. • Tai Chi – 10:30 a.m. • Party Bridge – 12:15 p.m. • Cribbage – 1 p.m. Wednesday, April 27 • 500 cards – 1 p.m. • Walking club – 5:30 p.m. Thursday, April 28 • Pickleball – 9 a.m. • Cribbage – 1 p.m.

All activities (except Pickleball) take place at the Senior Center. The Eden Prairie Senior Center is located 8950 Eden Prairie Road. The Eden Prairie Community Center is located

The following Eden Prairie Community Education classes are taking place this month May. Registration deadline for the listed classes is May 3. • Power Point 2007 8:30-3 p.m., Tuesday, May 10, at the Education Center, 8040 Mitchell Road Cost is $89. • Health Care Provider – BLS 5:30-9:30 p.m., Wednesday, May 11, at the Education Center, 8040 Mitchell Road Cost is $63. • Excel Formulas and Functions 12-3 p.m., Thursday, May 12, at the Education Center, 8040 Mitchell Road Cost is $89. • Excel Charts and Graphs 8:30-11:30 a.m., Thursday, May 12, at the Education Center, 8040 Mitchell Road. Cost is $49. Registration for the classes is avail-

able online or by calling Community Education, 952-975-6942. Info: epcommunityed.org.

Widows Lunch Club meets May 4 The Widows Lunch Club meets the first Wednesday of each month. The next meeting is 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Wednesday, May 4, at Biaggi’s Restaurant, 8251 Flying Cloud, Eden Prairie. The social environment offers fellowship for widows of all ages with monthly topics to inform and inspire. For more information or to RSVP, call 952-445-8205 or email tlaurent@tlaurent.com.

Masonic Home to host seminar April 27 Physicians from Abbott Northwestern Hospital will discuss the options available to treat hip and knee pain next week in Bloomington. The presentation is 1-3 p.m. COMMUNITY BRIEFS: TO PAGE 16


Eden Prairie Sun-Current – Thursday, April 21, 2011 – www.minnlocal.com

In the Community, With the Community, For the Community


than half of the students can afford – 48 percent to be exact. Even from that low fee, they still offer FROM PAGE 1 discounted rates, he said. If a family of three wants help, they charge for only two children. If it’s a family of five, just that. they’ll charge for only three. They also But, there are at least a few people won’t turn anyone away if they can’t who think enough is not being done. afford it. Some community members take the litOther than the desks and whitetle resources they have to start their boards, the program is missing the other own tutoring and cultural assistance trappings of a modern classroom. They programs, don’t have computers students can use, One such program is the New and just paying for the space is difficult. American Academy, which opened Rent assistance for the building is the January in an office space in the Golden first thing on their list of needs (actualTriangle area. The after-school and ly, its the “What we are in dire need of weekend program caters to Somali sturesources” list) along dents who are looking with office and utility for education help outcost, computers, side the classroom. desks, tutor and But the program office help. needs help of its own. Despite the bare Eden Prairie High rooms, there has been School math teacher, some success. When MBA student and the program started, father of six Asad they had five students Shane opened the New go from Fs to C-pluses American Academy, in a matter of weeks, 6875 Washington Ave. Shane said. Such commitments But, such lack of made it clear why he resources will make had a large cup of cofit difficult if and fee in his hand one when struggling stuearly evening before dents take on STEM providing a quick tour of the academy. — Abdimalik Mohamed (Science, Technology, Engineering and He still had it after Mathematics), Shane the tour. “I lost 11 said. It’s a program pounds since working he thinks is great, and he’s glad the here,” he said, pointing back at the school district is implementing it, startbuilding. ing with a pilot program next fall. He Inside, during Eden Prairie school’s said he’s received grants to work on spring break, there were around 15 chilSTEM projects, so he’s seen first hand dren inside getting help with homework how helpful it can be. and overall course subjects. Some young He just hopes students whose first children were playing together in the language is not English get the front room or keeping themselves occuresources they need to work outside of pied with a book or toy. class. Such outside help is something Some parents sat near the entrance, a School Board members asked about durfew feet from the pile of shoes. A couple ing a recent meeting, when they of volunteers sat behind a desk. received more details about the STEM During spring break the location was program. open all day, but during the school day Even though more STEM plans were it‘s open 6-9 p.m., Shane said. It’s open unveiled during that meeting, a concrete weekends, too. solution on how students with fewer The office space is split four main resources will be able to access computrooms. Three are set up much like small ers or other technological necessities classrooms, with whiteboards, desks hasn’t been fleshed out, but Marsha and a tutor helping students who arrive Baisch, one of the district’s STEM planon a given day. ning leads, said they’ll find a way. Most days, the evening begins with Shane is hoping his academy can help volunteer tutors helping students with when the STEM program starts. homework. After a break, the tutors may That is if they’re still around. give them additional work. The academy does have a couple sup“As soon as they finished work … we porters, Wooddale Church included, and don’t just sit here. We give them extra Shane has met with the School District work,” Shane said. and city staff, but no overarching supThe group is not officially a nonprofit, Shane said, but they charge a $40 per month registration fee that just less GAP: TO PAGE 15

‘The only thing stopping from bridging the educational barriers is the funds necessary to do that. I’m not here to take anybody’s job, I’m just here to help the kids as far as I’m concerned.’

In the Community, With the Community, For the Community


there. A lot of students need help, but a lot of funds had to come out-of-pocket for his previous program. “The only thing stopping from bridgFROM PAGE 14 ing the educational barriers is the funds necessary to do that,” Mohamed said. port has been ironed out. “I’m not here to take anybody’s job, I’m If this were Minneapolis, where he just here to help the kids as far as I’m first had a New American Academy concerned.” location, there would be other foundaMolly Koivumaki, who works in the tions or groups helping out, Shane said. city’s Housing and Community Services Why hasn’t there been much help in department and as a liaison to the Eden Prairie? Human Rights and Diversity “I think we’re new,” Shane said. Commission, said Shane is well aware of “They don’t know us, yet.” the resources out there, it’s just “out Abdullahi Hassan, a communication there” is tough. specialist and interpreter for the school “It’s a competitive world out there, as district, wasn’t too familiar with the you know, for New American r e s o u r c e s , ” Academy, but he was Koivumaki said. aware they had made Pastor Rod some connection with Anderson, who is the administration, They don’t have computers soon retiring from St. and there’s a possibili- students can use, and just Andrew Lutheran ty of a partnership Church, has been between the two paying for the space is involved with the groups being made. Hassan pointed out difficult. Rent assistance for community for more than 30 years. He is there are several tutoralso chair of the ing services available the building is the first Eden Prairie in the area. Foundation, which Some include the thing on their list of needs offers capital Hennepin County (actually, its the “What we improvement grants library, which offers to area organizatutoring services. So are in dire need of tions. does Wooddale The Foundation Church, City Hill resources” list) along with for Eden Prairie Church, and there’s a Schools also awards district-run after- office and utility cost, scholarships and school program. There are people who offer computers, desks, tutor and grants, and even though they are an tutoring on an individ- office help. entity separate from ual basis for families the school district, as well, Hassan said. its support goes into He has a waiting list of schools and classabout a dozen people rooms. who are looking for And, since there one-on-one help, he are local groups and nonprofits looking said. to serve the same struggling population But, there are some like Shane who that some tutoring programs assist, feel these aren’t enough. The achieveresources are hard to come by. ment gap is such a problem in Eden “Everyone is really strapped at this Prairie, they feel they must start their point,” Anderson said. “Churches are own programs. strapped. PROP is strapped.“ Shane is one of them. Abdimalik The New American Academy may Mohamed is another. have to go for statewide assistance, he Mohamed had an after-school basketsaid. And, if they need computers, they ball program. He used Oak Point gym could apply for a grant through the Eden space a couple times a week, but the proPrairie Foundation when the next appligram had to stop after he could no cation period opens. longer fund it. Getting separate organizations to Regardless, Mohamed is now trying work together is easier said than done. to get a tutoring program of his own And a lot has been said. started, called the Kilam Academy. He For now, the New American Academy said it would focus on one-on-one tutorand the Kilam Academy are hoping to ing. He has a space on Edenvale make it past the start-up stage. Boulevard, but he’s looking for more volBut, how long can the organization go unteer tutors before he opens the doors. on like this? He is planning on helping students “We will try to hold our feet as much who he has worked with for a while, he as we [can],” Shane said. said, and then hoping to expand from

www.minnlocal.com – Thursday, April 21, 2011 – Eden Prairie Sun-Current


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Eden Prairie Sun-Current – Thursday, April 21, 2011 – www.minnlocal.com

In the Community, With the Community, For the Community

COMMUNITY BRIEFS FROM PAGE 13 Wednesday, April 27, at Minnesota Masonic Home’s Landmark Conference and Event Center, 11501 Masonic Home Drive. The seminar is free. Orthopedic surgeons Robert Tuttle and Tilok Ghose will discuss advances in treatment and surgical options for hip and knee pain during the free seminar. Registration: 651-644-4108.

TRAIL fundraiser set for May 1 at water park A fundraiser benefiting TRAIL is 3-7 p.m. Sunday, May 1, at the Water Park of America, 1700 American Blvd. E., Bloomington. TRAIL, or Transportation Resource to Aid Independent Living, is a nonprofit that provides transportation for developmentally disabled adults, enabling them to attend programs offered by Adaptive Recreation & Learning Exchange, which serves the cities of Bloomington, Eden Prairie, Edina and Richfield. Tickets for the event are $7, and must be purchased by Wednesday, April 27, at trailfundraiser.ezregister.com. Info: 952-826-0433.

Southdale YMCA benefit May 7 The Southdale YMCA’s “Imagine the Possibilities” benefit dinner and auction is Saturday evening, May 7, at the Minneapolis Marriott Southwest, 5801 Opus Parkway, Minnetonka. The annual event supports scholarships for youth and families in the communities of Bloomington, Eden Prairie, Edina, Richfield and South Minneapolis to participate in YMCA programs and membership. All donations to Y


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Partners are tax-deductible. The benefit kicks off 6 p.m. with music by the Phil Holm Jazz Trio, hors d’oeuvres and silent auction. Dinner will be served during a program emceed by Tom Hauser, Edina native and KSTP’s chief political reporter, followed by the live auction and dessert. Among live and silent auction items are trip to New York City, including airfare, hotel and two tickets to the “Late Show with David Letterman,” and a Country Music Awards weekend including airfare and tickets to the award show. Other items include a limited edition Oprah 25th anniversary wristwatch and suite at a Minnesota Twins game. Info: 952-897-5467 or tinyurl.com/sdbenefit.

Edina Chorale spring cabaret May 20, 21 The Edina Chorale will present its spring cabaret pops concerts “Pastime with Good Company” 7:30 p.m. Friday, May 20, and 7:30 p.m. Saturday, May 21, at the Church of St. Patrick, 6820 St. Patrick’s Lane, Edina. The chorale will perform an eclectic repertoire, featuring the music of Sting, Paul Simon, Johnny Mercer and musical poetry of Langston Hughes and Edgar Allan Poe. The concert will also include familiar tunes like “Over the Rainbow” and “Sixteen Tons,” a medley of music from the late ’60s, and lesserknown pieces by King Henry VIII and Rachmaninoff. The Edina Chorale and Chamber Chorale are directed by Thomas Paulson. Tickets are $25 and must be purchased in advance. Wine, appetizers and desserts will be served in a relaxed candlelight setting during the concert. For tickets, contact Carol Reitz, 952-922-7477, any member of the Edina Chorale, or purchase online at edinachorale.org.

Eden Prairie Chapel 7625 Mitchell Road (952) 975-0400 www.washburn-mcreavy.com info@washburn-mcreavy.com

www.minnlocal.com – Thursday, April 21, 2011 – Eden Prairie Sun-Current

In the Community, With the Community, For the Community

Barbershop harmony lives on with Bloomington club Good Times chorus gathers each Tuesday for a cappella singing BY MIKE HANKS • SUN NEWSPAPERS Just about every Tuesday night Harlan Mellem of Bloomington heads out to the Bloomington Eagles Club hall for a couple hours of camaraderie. But it’s not cold beer and conversation that draws Mellem and more than 20 other men to the Eagles each week. They gather for the joy of singing. “I’ve sang all my life,” Mellem said. “I enjoy it so much that I keep on singing.” Mellem, 80, joined the Good Times chorus of Bloomington 34 years ago, after his youngest child had graduated from high school. The barbershopstyle singing appealed to Mellem, and the social aspect of the group has kept him coming back.

Barbershop-style singing is often thought of as a quartet. Members of the Good Times chorus can be found singing in quartets, particularly on Valentine’s Day, when they deliver singing telegrams across the Twin Cities. Throughout the year, however, barbershop singers gather in groups around the area to produce that same vocal harmony on a larger scale. Singing a cappella is more challenging than singing as part of a traditional chorus, but the end result of barbershop singing is highly rewarding, according to Mellem. The epitome of barbershop harmony is making a chord ring, according to Wayne Rasmussen of Maplewood, another Good Times member. When done properly, four-part a cappella harmony can produce a fifth tone. “That’s what a barbershop lives for, to hear a chord really ring,” he said. “It’s very challenging,” according to

A behind the scenes look at how the Super Bowl Party with a Purpose has built a team dedicated to Kick Hunger in America. Tom Brokaw - NBC News


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Tickets: $25 or $30 after 4/29 Purchase tickets at Edina Liquor, Edina Chamber of Commerce or at the event.

Contact the Edina Chamber of Commerce for more information at 952-806-9060 or www.edinachamber.com CMYK



Eden Prairie Sun-Current – Thursday, April 21, 2011 – www.minnlocal.com

In the Community, With the Community, For the Community

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The Ultimate Driving Machine

Members of the Good Times chorus fine tune one of their songs during a late March rehearsal in preparation for an upcoming competition. The Bloomington-based barbershop chorus rehearses weekly throughout the year for its periodic performances. Member Duane Breid of Lakeville demonstrates the choreography for one of the songs. (Photos by Mike Hanks • Sun Newspapers)

Club FROM PAGE 17 Pat Rygg, the musical director of the group. “It is a tough type of music to sing,” she said. Rygg was hired as the music director last summer, bringing to Bloomington her expertise as the 24year director of the Stillwater chapter of the Sweet Adelines, the female counterpart to male barbershop singing. Rygg organizes and runs the rehearsals and directs the chorus during its performances. She had intended to retire from directing last year, but was approached by the Bloomington group when word spread that she was available. Living in Oakdale, she traded short commutes to Stillwater for longer commutes to Bloomington, and did so because the Good Times chorus is a less competitive organization, which meant a less stressful and demanding schedule, she explained. The Good Times chorus is a social

outlet for many, but Rygg wanted the group to challenge itself. The chorus hadn’t sang competitively in more than five years, and she wanted the group to not only return to competition, but also to have a positive experience in doing so. Although the chorus didn’t advance to the district contest this fall in Rochester, the 16 members who participated in the April 2 divisional competition garnered complimentary remarks from the judges. “That was pretty good for 16 people on stage,” she said. Chorus members were pleased with the experience as well, and are looking forward to competing again, she noted. The chorus performs several times throughout the year. Good Times is one of several choruses that will perform July 12 during an annual concert at Como Park in St. Paul. Also on the summer schedule, singing the national anthem at a Minnesota Twins game, Rygg said. The group sings at area nursing homes during the winter holidays and is invited to perform at other events throughout the year, she noted. CLUB: TO PAGE 19

www.minnlocal.com – Thursday, April 21, 2011 – Eden Prairie Sun-Current

In the Community, With the Community, For the Community

Club FROM PAGE 18 Barbershop singing is not just for the young at heart, but it’s an older demographic that comprises the Good Times chorus. It hasn’t always been that way. “We had quite a few young guys after I came in, quite young,” Mellem recalled. Although the chorus has several members who are longstanding members, many young members moved on as they got married and had a family, Mellem noted. “They felt the way I did, you have to be there to support your kids,” he said. Like many other civic and social groups, the chorus has had a tough time attracting new members as demands upon personal time and recreational outlets increase, Mellem surmised. “We sure would like to gain some younger members,” Rygg said. Organizations such as Barbershop Harmony Society are working to attract young members to chapters across the United States and Canada, according to Mellem. Educational outreach and competitions specifically for

young singers have been promoted in recent years to help foster a new generation of barbershop singers, he noted. What does it take to be a member of the Good Times chorus? You don’t have to know how to read music, but “you do have to be able to carry a tune,” Rygg said. “If you can talk, you can sing,” she assured. “We teach the art of barbershop harmony singing.” A board of directors governs the group. Members pay annual dues, and some members take on additional roles, such as chapter president. With a small group there is plenty to do outside of the Tuesday night rehearsals, Rygg noted. So why is it known as barbershop singing? “People really did sing at the barbershop,” according to Rasmussen. Decades ago the barbershop was a focal point in the community, a place where people went for medical services in addition to haircuts. Barbershops were a gathering place, as well, and harmonizing was a social aspect of hanging out at the barbershop, Rasmussen explained. Information about the Good Times chorus is available online at sing4me.net. The group meets 7 p.m. Tuesdays at the Eagles Club, 9152 Old Cedar Ave. S.


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Normandale Hylands United Methodist Church 9920 Normandale Boulevard Bloomington, MN 55437 (952) 835-7585 www.nhumc.net

Easter Sunday, April 24 Sunrise Service & Breakfast 6:30 a.m. Worship Services 8:30 & 11:00 a.m. Nursery provided Handicapped accessible

Pastors: Donavon P. Eslinger, Otis P. Borop

In the Community, With the Community, For the Community

Worship during Holy Week Maundy Thursday, Apr. 21 12 NOON and 7 PM Good Friday, Apr. 22 12 NOON, 6:30 and 8 PM Easter Sunday, Apr. 24 7:30, 8:30, 9:45 AM traditional 11 AM contemporary Westwood Lutheran Church, ELCA, is an open, affirming and inclusive church welcoming all who seek God 9001 Cedar Lake Road | St. Louis Park, MN 952-545-5623| www.westwoodlutheran.org

Located in Eden Prairie

Hillcrest United Methodist Church Easter Worship People of the Resurrection April 24 - 9:30am Good Friday Tenebrae Service April 22 - 7:00pm 9100 Russell Ave. S. Bloomington, MN 55431 (2 blocks west of Penn on 91st St.)

Join us in celebrating Christ’s victory over death!

9301 Eden Prairie Road, Eden Prairie, MN 55347 | Phone: 952-926-1884 | Web: atgrace.com

952-881-8601 Living the Ultimate Challenge To make a difference in God’s world.

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In the Community, With the Community, For the Community

'CUVGT 'CUVGT Maundy Thursday 11:00 am & 6:30 pm Good Friday 11:00 am & 6:30 pm Easter Sunday 8:00 & 10:30 am Men’s Club serving breakfast 9 to 10:30 am

201 East 104th Street Bloomington, MN 55420 952-888-2345 www.holyemmanuel.org “Where Arms are Opened to People and Hearts are Opened to God�







Portland Avenue United Methodist

Methodist Church

Celebrate Easter With Us!

Easter Sunday Worship

Richfield United “We Seek to Recognize Christ in All�


April 24 9:00 am and 10:30 am Joyful, Inclusive, Real

5835 Lyndale Ave S 612-861-6086 richfieldumc.org

Holy Thursday, April 21 • 7:00 pm Choral Cantata, Song of the Shadows, by Joseph Martin Easter Sunday, April 24 Sunrise Service • 8:00 am Easter Breakfast • 8:30 am Easter Worship • 10:00 am

8000 Portland Avenue, Bloomington, MN 1 Block South of 494 • 952-888-6070 www.paumc.org



Eden Prairie Sun-Current – Thursday, April 21, 2011 – www.minnlocal.com

In the Community, With the Community, For the Community

Pax Christi Catholic Community

Mount Calvary Lutheran Church 6544 16th Ave South, Richfield 612-866-5405


12100 Pioneer Trail • Eden Prairie • 952-941-3150 Fr. Patrick Kennedy, Pastor • www.paxchristi.com

Easter Worship Services 6:00 am, 8:00am, 10:45am Holy Thursday – April 21

Breakfast from 7:00am - 10:30am

7:00PM Mass of the Lord’s Supper

Good Friday – April 22

Easter Sunday Good Samaritan United Methodist Church

3:00PM & 5:00PM Living Stations 7:00PM Celebration of the Lord’s Passion

Holy Saturday – April 23 12:00NOON Blessing of Easter Food 8:00PM Easter Vigil Mass

Easter Sunday – April 24

Outdoor Sunrise Service - 6:05 AM “With Fear and Joy” Sermon by Becky Sechrist, Pastor

7:00AM, 9:00AM, and 11:00AM Easter Mass NOTE: No 5:00PM Mass on Easter Sunday

Join Us for Holy Week – All are Welcome!

Easter Services - 8:30, 9:45 and 11:00 AM “Jesus as Risen Savior” Sermon by Becky Sechrist, Pastor Chancel Choir, Brass Ensemble and Organ Choirs sing at All Services Hallelujah Chorus at All Services Nursery for Infants - Age 3 American Sign Language interpreted at 11:00 AM

Worship the King! 8:30 AM, 9:35 AM - Traditional 10:45 AM - Contemporary 6:30 PM - The Well Celebration Choir, Brass, Praise Band Pastries and Gourmet Coffee Morning Child Care (infants - fives)

All are welcome!

Good Samaritan United Methodist Church “Opening Hearts and Minds in a Divided World”

We’re located just off Tracy Ave. at 5730 Grove St. in Edina, halfway between Crosstown and Vernon.



! 7132 Portland Avenue South Richfield • 612/866-4055 visit hope-pc.org

In the Community, With the Community, For the Community

www.minnlocal.com – Thursday, April 21, 2011 – Eden Prairie Sun-Current


Richfield Church of Christ 7314 Humboldt Avenue South Richfield, MN • 612-869-2677


Bible Class 9:00 a.m. Worship 10:00 a.m.


St. Edward’s Catholic Church 9401 Nesbitt Avenue South • Bloomington, MN 55437 • 952-835-7101

HOLY WEEK AND EASTER SCHEDULE Holy Thursday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . April 21 Mass of the Lord’s Supper - 7:00 pm Good Friday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . April 22 Veneration of the Cross - 7:00 pm Co-Sponsored by Community of the Cross Lutheran Church Service held outdoors - please bring lawn chair. In case of inclement weather, service will be held in the Chapel.



Easter Vigil Mass . . . . . . . . . . . . . April 23 8:30 pm Easter Sunday Masses . . . . . . . . . April 24 8:00, 9:30 & 11:00 am Join your neighbors in prayer, song, and silence during these Holy Days. All are welcome



Eden Prairie Sun-Current – Thursday, April 21, 2011 – www.minnlocal.com

Join us for Easter Worship MAUNDY THURSDAY - April 21 7:30 pm Maundy Thursday Liturgy

GOOD FRIDAY - April 22 12:00 Noon Liturgy 7:30 pm Tenebrae Service

EASTER DAY - April 24

In the Community, With the Community, For the Community

Nativity of Mary Catholic Church

8600 E. Bush Lake Road Bloomington, MN 55438 952-944-6510

Pastor Mark Nelson

9900 Lyndale Avenue South Bloomington, MN 55420 952-881-8671


HOLY THURSDAY 7:00 PM Mass of The Lord’s Supper

Nursery Provided

(Nursery available at 9:30 am)

GOOD FRIDAY 3:00 PM Celebration of The Lord’s Passion 8:00 PM Tenebrae (Service of Shadows)

St. Alban’s Episcopal Church

HOLY SATURDAY 8:00 PM Easter Vigil (Mass)

6716 Gleason Rd. • Edina, MN • 952-941-3065 The Rev. John Peters, Rector www.stalbansedina.org

EASTER SUNDAY Masses at 8:30 & 10:30 AM

8:00 am & 10:00 am Worship


8:45 & 11:00 am

St. Richard’s Catholic Church 7540 Penn Ave. So. • Richfield • 612-869-2426 www.strichards.com

Holy Week/Easter Schedule Holy Thursday, April 21st Mass 7:30pm

Good Friday, April 22nd Liturgy of the Word with Communion 12:15pm Taizé Prayer 7:30pm

Easter Vigil, April 23rd Mass 7:30pm (Saturday)

Easter Sunday, April 24th Mass 9:00am & 11:00am

Church of St. Patrick - Edina

A Catholic community located in Edina at the intersection of Gleason & Valley View Roads

(952) 941-3164 www.stpatrick-edina.org

Triduum Schedule Holy Thursday, April 21 (no 8am Mass)

Celebrate Christ’s resurrection with us.




Eucharistic Adoration until 9:30pm

Good Friday, April 22 (no 8am Mass)

Maundy Thursday, April 21

Noon³3:00pm Meditations on the Stations of the Cross 3:00pm /LWXUJ\ RI WKH /RUG·V 3DVVLRQ NOTE: There is NO 7:00pm Liturgy

Good Friday, April 22

Holy Saturday, April 23

HOLY WEEK WORSHIP Noon & 7:00 p.m.


10:00 a.m.—Children’s Worship 7:00 p.m.—Service of Darkness

Easter Sunday, April 24 8:30, 9:45 & 11:00 a.m.


Easter Vigil (First Mass of Easter)

Easter Sunday, April 24 9:00am & 11:00am Masses


www.minnlocal.com – Thursday, April 21, 2011 – Eden Prairie Sun-Current

In the Community, With the Community, For the Community

o n

B u s i n e s s

Sun on Business spotlights a new business in our communities.

Corset Boutique re-opens with new ownership BY MARC INGBER • SUN NEWSPAPERS After shutting its doors for a brief hiatus in January, Corset Boutique re-opened in early April with new owner Jodi Mayers. She previously worked at Cargill, but was between jobs when she heard that the store was for sale. She has been a customer of Corset for years and heard about the opportunity on a recent visit. “The universe was coming together at the right time,” she said. “It’s definitely a shift for me, but I’m used to doing styling and shopping for friends and family.” Corset’s founder Carrie Leum, who started the business with Becky Martin in 2007, is staying on as a consultant for the first few months. The store held a re-opening cele-

Business name: Corset Boutique and Personal Styling Studio Owner: Jodi Mayers Employees: 3 Address: 715 Mainstreet, Hopkins Featured products and services: Women’s clothing sizes 0-20, accessories, in-studio styling, wardrobe service Years in business: Re-opened April 5 Other locations: None Hours of operation: 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Thursday, Sunday and Monday by appointment Information: corsetstyling.com bration for its past customers April 14. “We have a lot of loyal customers,” Mayers said. “They’re excited to hear

St. George’s Episcopal Church

Mount Calvary Lutheran Church 301 County Road 19, Excelsior, MN 952-474-8893, www.mountcalvary.org

5224 Minnetonka Blvd., St. Louis Park 952.926.1646

we have re-opened.” She also expects Corset to bring in many new customers thanks to her own network of friends and family. Corset offers a number of clothing and accessories, from European brands and business looks to casual pieces. Mayers hopes to grow the store’s range of price points and offer more affordable pieces in addition to the high-end products. The other part of the business is its national wardrobe service. This is for women who don’t have the time to shop for clothes or would like help in matching pieces. Corset has clients around the country it sends boxes of clothes to each season with “completed looks” and styling tips. “We do the work for them,” Mayers said. “I like to call us fashion concierges.”


HOLY WEEK SCHEDULE Maundy Thursday, April 21 7:00 p.m. Holy Eucharist Good Friday, April 22

Noon & 7:00 p.m. Good Friday Liturgies

Easter Vigil, April 23

7:00 p.m.

Easter Sunday, April 24

8:00 a.m. Rite I 10:15 a.m. Rite II

The Rev. Paul Allick Regular Sunday Services 8:00 & 10:15 am Education for all ages 9:15 am

Maundy Thursday ‐ April 21 11:00am & 7:00pm Worship Services

Easter Vigil and Drama

Prayer Vigil Noon to 6:30pm (Sanctuary open for prayer)

Saturday, April 23, 5:00pm

Good Friday ‐ April 22

Sunday, April 24 8:15, 9:30 & 11:00am

10:00am Family Worship Service 7:00pm Worship with Bach Chorales

Easter Sunday

We Invite You to Join Us for Holy Week and Easter Services



Eden Prairie Sun-Current – Thursday, April 21, 2011 – www.minnlocal.com

Offender FROM PAGE 3 conduct incidents involving two girls and a boy from ages 8-13 years old in 1984, 1987 and 1993. For those offenses, he served a one-year and one-day prison term as well as two three-year terms. The first two offenses occurred in Ramsey County. The third was in Hennepin County. He also served a one-year and one-day jail term in 2004 for failing to register as a sex offender. Roby is living on Martin Drive, and a couple meeting attendees asked if was residing at the Pride Institute, but the police could not legally comment on Roby’s exact address or location, just the road he lives on. Officers also did not know where Roby would be moving after June 14. The police department had to notify residents near Roby’s location after he arrived, but they do not have to notify the public when he leaves, Lt. Greg Weber said during the meeting. A couple attendees also wanted to know what took so long to send notifica-

In the Community, With the Community, For the Community

Preventative measures Since Murphy, and two others at the meeting stated that people who know the victim perpetrate 90 percent of sexual offenses, Naomi Hupton of Jacob Wetterling Resource Center said families should watch out for tricky behaviors, not specific individuals when it comes to staying safe. • Get children in a habit of checking in with a parent before they make plans, even if it’s just going down the street to a friend’s house. • Use the “buddy” system – go places in pairs and keep track of each-other. • Re-affirm that private areas are private. Hupton said referring to swimsuit areas is the best way to broach the subject with young ones. • Trust your instincts. • Instill a policy of telling all secrets (since offenders can try to establish relationships with kids around secrets). • Children should also have five trusted adults they can go to for anything.

Other Resources with tips, information and help: • Jacob Wetterling Resource Center – jwrc.org. • National Center for Missing and Exploited Children – missingkids.com. • Stop It Now! MN – stopitnow.org/mn. Info: edenprairie.org.

tion out to residents. Officers said they received notice of Roby living in Eden Prairie on March 26. The notice was posted online and e-mailed to more than

9,000 residents on April 6. There were 1,200 letters mailed to residents and businesses living within a half-mile radius of Roby’s residence. It

was also posted on the city’s website and Facebook Page. Paulson said it took some time to arrange the public meeting, put a public notice together and notify other organizations. He said it was the first Level III sex offender meeting and notice they’ve had to organize, so they’d work on improving that timeline if another meeting is ever required. Notification requirements, according to Murphy: Level I offender notifications are given to victims of the offender, witnesses, other residents of the offender’s anticipated housing and law enforcement agencies. Level II notifications are sent to the same people as Level I, plus organizations that -primarily serve children – day care centers, early childhood centers, schools and the like. Level III includes Level I and II notifications, plus all residents in the vicinity of the offender’s residence. Police can broadcast the notice citywide and can hold a public meeting. Information about Roby and predatory offenders can be found on the Minnesota DOC website, doc.state.mn.us.



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www.minnlocal.com – Thursday, April 21, 2011 – Eden Prairie Sun-Current

In the Community, With the Community, For the Community

Branding FROM PAGE 4 McKinney weighed in. She said the process to do with bridging a gap between the messages an organization provides and what people are actually thinking. It’s about clarity and moderation, she said. Melton Hanily also provided an explanation of the process during and after the meeting. “It’s an opportunity to get an additional perspective,” Melton Hanily said after the meeting. “I think it’s anytime you’re putting – you’re helping to ensure that you’re doing all you can to be really clear with your messages with the community and you’re meeting the needs to the best of your ability, that’s what you need to do. That’s important work.” Melton Hanily said the term branding could be interpreted different ways, but for the school district it’s about assessing how the district could improve its communication and contact with stakeholders. Through that process, they may find a need for greater consistency and credibility with their messaging, communication and connection with the community, Melton Hanily said. “This branding process is different for us than what folks would typically associate with branding,” Melton Hanily said. The process will not be about coming up with a new logo, website or a dramatic unveiling of a new communication

piece. “It’s not about looking pretty … this process for us is about accessing community needs and seeing how we can provide what the community needs,” Melton Hanily said. The research aspect of the district’s branding process will work in three main steps, Melton Hanily said. Conducting a community survey will be one of the components, she said. The survey is intended to get a sense of the district’s reputation and its distribution is expected in the coming weeks. Another component will include interviewing “key opinion leaders” in the community to get their input about the district’s reputation as well. The third component is the branding committee that the administration has recently put together. The committee consists of about a dozen people, including parents and some staff from each of the schools. The committee will help give input about the branding process, and they’ll also conduct a communications audit, Melton Hanily said. That will include reviewing School District communications, news coverage and other media. Melton Hanily said this evaluation and branding process is something she’s wanted to do for a long time as a communication specialist, and given all the changes beginning next fall, it’s a good time to see where the district stands. “We can’t control every piece around the perception of our organization, but there are some really key things we do control,” Melton Hanily said. Info: edenpr.org.


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Dylan Gregory Doner 8 lbs. 8 oz. • 21 inches March 22, 2011

Jason & Sarah Doner Brother: Darrin of Bloomington

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IT’S A GIRL! Andi Lynn Knoblauch 8 lbs. 9 oz. • 21 inches March 21, 2011

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_______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Please return this form & $20 payment by Fri, May 13 to: Sun Newspapers 10917 Valley View Rd, Eden Prairie, MN 55344 952-392-6862

Karl & Becky Knoblauch of Bloomington

ADVERTISING DEADLINE: Friday, May 13 PUBLISHED: Thursday, May 26

GREET A GRAD: For only $20.00



Eden Prairie Sun-Current – Thursday, April 21, 2011 – www.minnlocal.com

In the Community, With the Community, For the Community

Share your news with our readers

Curtain up at the Perpich Center

The Sun-Current welcomes news from the community. =Please send your information to: Sun-Current, 33 Second St. N.E., Box 280, Osseo, MN 55369. You also may fax your information to us at 763-424-7388. You may e-mail us at suncurrentcentral@ acnpapers.com. All submissions must be received no later than 5 p.m. Thursday for possible publication the following Thursday. The newspaper reserves the right to edit all submissions. Information: 952-829-0797.

“Into the Woods” will be onstage at 7:30 p.m. May 11-14, in the Black Box Theater at the Perpich Center for Arts Education, 6125 Olson Highway, Golden Valley. The musical play showcases the singing, acting and musical talents of 11thand 12th-grade students who come to the Arts High School from all areas of Minnesota. Tickets are $8 for adults, and $5 for seniors and children under 12. PCAE staff and students are admitted free. Reservations: 763-591-4769.

SHARE YOUR GOOD NEWS WITH EVERYONE!! Call 952-392-6800 or download a form. Go to www.minnlocal.com, click on “Advertising” tab, scroll down to “Sun Announcement forms” and click on the form you require.

ENGAGEMENTS One day a Handsome Prince "AKA Cal McHale" came to her house and filled up her pool with Bride and Groom duckies! On one Knee, the excited Prince asked, Oh my fair Sharon, the one that I adore...Will you Marry me and make my life soar? With a heart filled with flutter and a pool full of duckies, Sharon quickly replied Yes....And "Wow aren't we Lucky!" In 2011 on a Saturday in May Our fairy tale begins on that special day. For soon I will marry my true love and best friend, and the two of us shall live happily ever after. The End.

Hurd – Wissink Lydia Hurd of Chanhassen and Jon Wissink of Zeeland, MI will be married this summer in Holland, Michigan surrounded by the towering white pines in Hope College's Pine Grove. Lydia and Jon are graduates of Hope college; both are working as teachers, changing lives of the next generation. Lydia is a 2006 graduate of Minnetonka High School. Western Michigan will continue to be their home after the wedding.

Storlien-McHale "Taking the Plunge" Once upon a time in a friendly land called Fridley, there lived a beautiful Queen named Sharon Storlien.

DEADLINE FOR LET IT BE KNOWN IS THURSDAYS 5:00 PM To request your order form call 952-392-6800

Congratulations to Meredith Tenerow, PT, DPT, of Plymouth, who graduated from Arcadia University in Philadelphia, PA on February 19, 2011. She was conferred the Doctor of Physical Therapy degree after completing an evidence-based curriculum integrated with international and multicultural clinical education experiences. Dr. Tenerow accepted a clinical position with PRO Physical Therapy (Wilmington, DE), a leading provider of orthopedic rehabilitation and sports medicine.

Happy Sweet 16th

JESSICA! Love, Mom & Dad

www.minnlocal.com – Thursday, April 21, 2011 – Eden Prairie Sun-Current

In the Community, With the Community, For the Community

Ingber FROM PAGE 6 worse in the coming years, but access to alternatives doesn’t always translate to a change in habits. We’re still a ways off from that tipping point when the number of everyday drivers seeking alternatives to cars outweighs the pace at which congestion is

St. Mark’s United Church of Christ Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:55 a.m.

growing. Runbeck has a point in questioning why the state and Hennepin County are sinking millions into light rail planning when money is needed for current road projects that affect many more in the present. However, the state spends three times as much on roads and bridges than it does on light rail, according to Hennepin County Commissioner Jan Callison. Taking away funding from it now

Richfield United Methodist Church 5835 Lyndale Ave. S., Mpls 612-861-6086

9:00 Sanctuary Worship 10:30 Living Waters Giờ thờ phượng của người việt vào lúc 11:15 sáng mỗi chúa nhật.


Pastors: Elizabeth Macaulay, Max Richter, Phillip Nguyen

8630 Xerxes Ave. So. Bloomington, MN

Unitarian Universalist

Happy Easter! Sunday, April 24 10:30 am

“It’s Good to Go, It’s Good to Come Back”


Pax Christi Catholic Community 12100 Pioneer Trail, Eden Prairie Father Patrick Kennedy, Pastor

Minnesota Valley Fellowship 10715 Zenith Ave. So., Blmgtn

952-884-8956 www.mnvalleyuu.org

Normandale Hylands United Methodist Church 9920 Normandale Blvd. S. Bloomington • 952-835-7585

Sunday Worship 8:30 & 11:00 am Education For All ages 9:45 am Nursery Provided Pastors: Don Eslinger, Otis P. Borop


April 29-30, May 1, 2011 11am & 6pm Each Day

5:00PM 9:00AM, 11:00AM, 5:00PM

Weekday Masses Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

8:30AM 8:30AM 6:00PM 6:45AM 8:30AM

All are Welcome! Are you ready to…

The Plan God Has For You? Potter’s House Of Jesus Christ

8000 Portland Avenue South Bloomington, MN 55420 (952) 944-1425 Pastor Earnest Claiborn Worship Sunday ...... 12:30pm Classes Wednesday ... 7:00pm Worship Friday ......... 7:00pm watch our sermons online pottershouseofjc.org youtube.com/thephojc

8:45 a.m.

Traditional Service

St. Alban’s EPISCOPAL CHURCH 6716 Gleason Road Edina, MN 55439 (952) 941-3065

Old Apostolic Lutheran Church of Mpls


5617 Rowland Road • Minnetonka, MN 55343

Come Grow With Us In Christ




www.good.org We Are A Reconciling Congregation Events - Calendar - Sermons

Worship & Education – 9:00 & 10:30 am

10:00 a.m.

Contemporary Service with Sunday School

Saturdays, 5:00 p.m. Chapel Service 76th St. at Newton Ave. Richfield, MN 612·866·8449

Sunday: 8:00 & 10:00 a.m. Wednesday: 6:00 p.m.


Weekend Masses

Rev. David Breeden

Nursery, Children’s & Teen Programs, 10:30am


www.paxchristi.com Saturday Sunday

facing this year. Runbeck’s argument is a matter of present resources versus future benefits. She might be underestimating the Southwest Transitway’s importance, but it’s also easy to overestimate it. I would love nothing more than to live in a city where I can get around to most places fairly quickly without hopping in my car. But I don’t envision the Twin Cities resembling Manhattan any time soon.


Progressive Christian Worship

All are welcome. Make us your home.

would likely mean missing out on vital federal funding for the project and extensive delays while construction costs will continue to increase. In the long run, the Southwest Transitway will be beneficial to the area. I can’t blame the state and county for trying to get a light rail line there. It was a much better economy when initial planning for the transit way began back in 2002. Few would have predicted budget deficits like the one Minnesota is




8800 Nicollet Avenue South Bloomington, MN 55420

Maundy Thursday & Good Friday

(952) 888-0215

Service at 7:00 PM


Easter Sunday


Worship 8:00 AM & 9:30 AM

Nursery Provided


5730 Grove St., Edina • 952-929-0049 (one block west of Tracy) Opening Hearts and Minds in a Divided World



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Eden Prairie Sun-Current – Thursday, April 21, 2011 – www.minnlocal.com

In the Community, With the Community, For the Community

Von Trapps in Hopkins Maria, the new governess for the von Trapp children, teaches them to sing in the production of “The Sound of Music” April 9-10 at the Hopkins Center for the Arts. St. John’s Catholic School of Hopkins produced the play under artistic director Margaret Pavek and choreographer Victoria McNamara. (Photo courtesy of Alex Bachnick)

LEGAL NOTICES Foreclosure Notice (Official Publication) NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT LIEN FORECLOSURE SALE THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that default has been made in the terms and conditions of the Declaration of Hartford Place Courthomes Association, Inc., (hereinafter the “Declaration”) recorded in the office of the Registrar of Titles of Hennepin County, Minnesota as Document No. 2637745, which covers the following property: Unit No. 42, CIC No. 718, Hartford Place Courthomes, a condominium, Hennepin County, Minnesota, Certificate of Title No.: 1179926 Address: 10972 Lexington Drive, Eden Prairie, MN 55344 PIN: 13-116-22-33-0238

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The Sun-Current Calendar highlights a variety of community events each week. It does not include all community events, meetings or concerts taking place on any given day. Please visit www.minnlocal. com to post your listing to our comprehensive online community calendar. To submit a news brief for consideration, mail it to 33 Second St. N.E., Box 280, Osseo, MN 55369, fax it to 763-424-7388 or email it to pgroessel@acnpapers.com. The newspaper will not accept submissions over the phone.








EP Boys Varsity Baseball vs. Rosemount Where: Rosemount High School 3335 W. 142nd St., Rosemount When: 4:15 p.m. Info: classiclake.org.

Super Speakers Club Where: Supervalu Headquarters 11840 Valley View Road, Eden Prairie When: 7 a.m. Info: krosenlund @earthlink.net

An afternoon with the Bunny Where: Community Center 16700 Valley View Road, Eden Prairie When: 3-5 p.m. Info: edenprairie.org. “The Big Yolk – Easter Egg Hunt” Where: Life Church 14100 Valley View Road When: 10 a.m. Info: eplife.org.

EP Boys and Girls Varsity Track vs. Shakopee Where: Shakopee High School 100 17th Ave. W., Shakopee When: 3:30 p.m. Info: classiclake.org.

Have an event you want listed online? Now you can submit your own listings to our new comprehensive online community Calendar at mnSun.com. It’s as easy as 1-2-3-4. 1. Click on “Submit an Event” 2. Select a category, date and time. 3. Fill in a description and contact information. 4. Click on “Submit Event”



24 Easter



25 Computer Basics Workshop Where: Eden Prairie Library 565 Prairie Center Drive When: 2-4 p.m. Info: 612-543-6275 (to register)




EP School Board stakeholder connections meeting Where: 8100 School Road 8100 School Road, Eden Prairie When: 5 p.m. Info: edenpr.org.

Job Transition Group meeting Where: St. Andrews Lutheran Church 13600 Technology Drive When: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Info: standrewlu. org.

“Eden Prairie Reads: Outcasts United” Where: Eden Prairie Library 565 Prairie Center Drive When: 6-8:30 p.m. Info: 612-543-6275





MARK YOUR CALENDAR Eden Prairie High School’s boys and girls lacrosse teams will play Edina in a Lake Conference doubleheader Thursday, April 21, at Aerie Stadium. The girls game is 5:30 p.m. followed by the boys contest at 7:30.






T H U R S D AY, A P R I L 2 1 , 2 0 1 1 • E D E N P R A I R I E • V I S I T U S O N L I N E AT W W W. M I N N L O C A L . C O M • © 2 0 1 1 S U N N E W S P A P E R S • P A G E 3 2

Bre Thorne Thome, a member of the Eden Prairiebased Aquajets Swim Club, was recently invited to attend the 2011 Zone Select Camp in May. Thorne has earned 75 state titles, holds three Central Zone records and won nine Central Zone Championships events during the past few seasons.

Derek Dedeker The Eden Prairie High School senior started in both the state football and basketball tournaments this school year. In basketball, Dedeker played point guard, averaged eight points per game and made 86 percent of his free throw attempts in three tournament games. Dedeker also was a starting defensive back for the Eagle football team that reached the state quarterfinals. He maintains a 3.99 grade-point average (4.0 scale).

Lance Thonvold The Eden Prairie senior hit a three-home run in the bottom of the first inning as the Eagles went on to a 10-0 non-conference baseball win over Bloomington Jefferson April 14 at Round Lake Stadium.

Griffin Back Back, swimming for the Eden Prairie-based Team Foxjet club, won the 200-yard breaststroke in the 13-14 boys division at the state age group meet March 11-13 in Rochester.

Ziyue Chen The Eden Prairie High School girls badminton singles player was victorious in her first two matches of the season. Chen, a senior, placed third individually at state last season. The Eagles defeated Hmong Academy and lost to St. Paul Central. (Editor’s note: Send nominations for Stars of the Week honors to sports editor Greg Kleven at gkleven@acnpapers.com. Youth, high school, college and adult recreational sports athletes will be considered.)

Medalists abound on Eagle boys track squad State champions Sandle, Harris return for EPHS BY GREG KLEVEN • SUN NEWSPAPERS Eden Prairie is coming off its first state Class AA boys track championship. And the Eagles are primed for a repeat. Eden Prairie returns several state medalists from last season. But the Eagles must fill a few personnel gaps to claim another state championship trophy. Eagle head coach Bruce Kivimaki wants to make sure his team is not resting on last season’s laurels. He wasn’t pleased with his team’s opening outdoor meet. Kivimaki insists that his team must improve on its showing in the Lake Conference Relays last week if it is to contend for another state title. The Eagles finished third in the Lake Conference Relays April 15 at Bierman Field on the University of Minnesota campus. Wayzata placed first with 152.5 points in the 10-team meet that included squads from several other conferences besides the Lake. Minnetonka finished second (147) and Eden Prairie’s third-place score was 116. Monticello (101) and Hopkins (100) rounded out the top five. “We have to get better if we are to be state True Team and high school champions again this season,” said Kivimaki. “We practiced hard indoors, but it is not the same as working outdoors.” Eden Prairie is trying to develop depth to supplement the talents of its

Eden Prairie senior Rumeal Harris returns as one of the elite high school jumpers in the state. The Eagle standout placed first in the long jump and fourth in the triple jump at state last June. (Photo by Brian Nelson • Contributing Photographer) medal winners from last season’s state meet. Senior Michael Sandle returns as the state record-holder in the triple jump. He won the event at state last June with a record jump of 49 feet, 5 ? inches. He also placed sixth in the long jump.

Senior Rumeal Harris is the defending state long jump champion. He also placed fourth in the triple jump. Senior David Platner was sixth in the 800 at state. Eden Prairie’s senior tri-captains TRACK: TO PAGE 35

In the Community, With the Community, For the Community

www.minnlocal.com – Thursday, April 21, 2011 – Eden Prairie Sun-Current


Defending state champion EP opens impressively BY GREG KLEVEN • SUN NEWSPAPERS Eden Prairie would like nothing better than to celebrate another state Class 3A baseball championship on the lush green grass of Target Field in June. The Eagles are defending state Class 3A champions after defeating Burnsville 7-5 in the title game a year ago. Eden Prairie will be a state title contender again if its first two performances of the 2011 season are indicative. EP opened the season with impressive victories over Bloomington Jefferson and Eastview last week. Eden Prairie blanked Jefferson 10-0 April 14 at Round Lake Stadium in a game shortened to five innings because of the 10-run rule. Senior pitcher Adam Bray struck out six and gave up four hits in four. Reliever Tyler Ruemmele struck out two batters in one inning. Lance Thonvold connected for a three-run homer in the first inning. Tony Skjefte and Danny Blasy had RBI singles. Ryan Bull contributed a three-run double in the fourth. “This was one of the best opening games an Eden Prairie baseball team has played,” said Eagle coach Mike Halloran. “We performed well in the

field and got strong pitching from Bray and Ruemmele.” Eden Prairie defeated Eastview 5-1 April 16 in another home game. Ruemmele pitched four innings to earn the win. He allowed three hits and struck out three. Thonvold picked up a save with one-hit pitching over three innings. He struck out three. Ruemmele and Blasy had two hits each. Skjefte, Bull, Grant Soderberg and Blasy had one RBI apiece. “It was a good outing for our pitchers,” said Halloran. “They threw strikes. “The younger guys are getting more confident with each game.” Eden Prairie will travel to Rosemount for a 4:15 p.m. non-conference game Thursday, April 21. Then the Eagles will head north for two games in Grand Rapids. Eden Prairie will play Grand Rapids at 1 p.m. Saturday, April 23, at Legion Field before meeting Blake at 3:30 p.m. Saturday at Grand Portage Park. Eden Prairie senior pitcher Adam Bray was all smiles after helping his Eagle baseball squad open the season with a 10-0, five-inning home victory over Bloomington Jefferson April 14 at Round Lake Stadium. Bray allowed four hits and stuck out six in four innings of work. (Photo by Greg Kleven • Sun Newspapers)

Willeck tosses three-hit softball gem BY GREG KLEVEN • SUN NEWSPAPERS Eden Prairie softball coach Dan Rubischko likes what he has seen of his squad in the opening two games. The Eagles are 1-1 after defeating Edina 8-1 and losing 2-1 to Bloomington Jefferson. “We haven’t made many mistakes or errors in our first two games,” said Rubischko. “I have been pleased with both our pitching and defense.” Senior pitcher Claire Willeck threw a three-hitter to help the Eagles earn an 8-1 win over Edina April 11. She struck out six. Senior catcher Eryn Yancy had two hits for the Eagles. Junior shortstop Kelli Nute came through with two hits and two RBI. Eden Prairie allowed one Edina run in the top of the first inning before coming back to score five

times in the bottom half of the inning. Eden Prairie lost 2-1 to thirdranked Bloomington Jefferson at home April 14. Yancy hit two doubles and drove in the lone EP run. Nicole Brandenburg, a junior infielder, had one hit. Eden Prairie captains are senior Andie Kuebler (center field) and junior Kallie Nichols (pitcher). Eden Prairie is hoping to improve on last season’s 11-12 record. The Eagles will travel to Rosemount for a 4:15 p.m. game Thursday, April 21. Eden Prairie remains on the road to play Hopkins at 4:15 p.m. Monday, April 25. Eden Prairie plays at Edina at 4:15 p.m. Wednesday, April 27. “Hopkins is the Lake Conference title favorite,” said Rubischko. “Our toughest section opponent will be Shakopee.”

Ziyue Chen is key returnee for Eagle badminton squad BY GREG KLEVEN • SUN NEWSPAPERS Eden Prairie singles player Ziyue Chen is the top returnee for the Eagle girls badminton team. Chen, a senior, finished third in state singles competition last season and is unbeaten this spring. The Eagles, 2-1 overall, blanked Hmong Academy 7-0 March 29. Singles winners were Chen, Aleah Salloway, Ayaka Nishi and Kaylee Damasin. Eden Prairie got doubles victories from Morgan Reese/Allison Becker, Jamie Peterson/Kirsten Peterson and Britta Monger/Samantha Prins. Eden Prairie lost 5-2 to St. Paul Central March 30. Chen recorded a singles victory. The second doubles team of Jamie Peterson and Kirsten Peterson were also winners.

Eden Prairie coach John Becker used his junior varsity players in the team’s third match of the season. The young Eagles squad edged Minneapolis Washburn 4-3 April 11. “It was fun for the girls to move up and face excellent competition,” said the Eagle coach. “And the girls came out on the winning end.” Eden Prairie is a senior-dominated squad. The Eagles’ varsity is composed of all seniors except for the doubles team of Jamie Peterson and Kirsten Peterson, who are juniors. Eden Prairie’s senior captains are Chen, Becker, Reese and Prins. Eden Prairie will travel to St. Paul Como Park for a 3:45 p.m. match Thursday, April 21. The Eagles go on the road to play St. Paul Harding at 4 p.m. Wednesday, April 27.


Eden Prairie Sun-Current – Thursday, April 21, 2011 – www.minnlocal.com

In the Community, With the Community, For the Community

State veterans return for Eagle girls golf team BY GREG KLEVEN • SUN NEWSPAPERS Two state girls golf tournament veterans return for Eden Prairie this spring. Junior Tayler Hoag was 14th in the state Class 3A tourney last season and teammate Lizzy Hogan, now a senior, finished 15th. Hogan and senior Emily Stone are Eagle captains. Eden Prairie’s other top varsity golfers are Hoag, junior Lucia Peterson,

sophomore Diane Gibas and sophomore Brooke Johnson. “I feel very good about this team,” said Eden Prairie head coach Marty Teigen. “We played solidly in our first three meets. “We placed second behind eventual state champion New Prague in last year’s section tournament. New Prague will be the team to beat again this season.” Eden Prairie opened the season by finishing second in the seven-team

Minnesota Valley Invite hosted by Bloomington Jefferson April 11. Wayzata was champion with a 327 total in the 18-hole event. Eden Prairie placed scored 345 and Eastview was third (356). Hogan placed second individually with a 77. Hoag finished fifth with an 81. Eden Prairie lost 164-171 to Wayzata in a Lake Conference match April 13 at Wayzata Country Club. The Eagles’ leading four scorers in the nine-hole match were Hogan (41),

Hoag (42), Peterson (43) and Gibas (43). Eden Prairie defeated Edina 167-189 in conference match April 14 at Bluff Creek. Hogan had a nine-hole score of 39. Peterson shot 42. Hoag and Stone carded 43s. Eden Prairie will compete in the Chaska Invitational at 10 a.m. Monday, April 25, at Chaska Town Course. The Eagles play Prior Lake at 11:30 a.m. Tuesday, April 26, at the Wilds in Prior Lake.

SUBDEPARTMENT HEADER Fastpitch softball camp

Eagle football camp dates

EP Booster track meet

The Eden Prairie fastpitch program and Minnesota Fastpitch Academy will conduct a rookie softball camp for girls ages 5-8 on Saturday, May 14, and Saturday, May 21, at Miller Park. Sessions are 10-11:30 a.m. each day. Cost is $20 per player for both dates. Players will be introduced to fundamentals of fastpitch softball including pitching, hitting, bunting, throwing and fielding. All participants will receive a bag and practice ball. Sign up by May 1 and receive an Eden Prairie Logo Sports Bag with new practice ball. Information: tomvoehl@yahoo.com or support @epfastpitch.com.

Eden Prairie High School head football coach Mike Grant has announced summer camp dates for area players. There will be a football camp for third- and fourth-graders June 27-July 1 from 10 to 11:30 a.m. at Central Middle School. Fifth- and sixth-graders can attend camp the week of July 11-15 from 9 to 11 a.m. at the EPHS turf fields. Camp for students entering grades 7 and 8 will be July 11-15 from 9 to 11 a.m. at EPHS turf fields. Camp for students entering grades 9-10 is July 25-29 from 9 to 11 a.m. at the EPHS turf fields. Registration can be done online at the Eden Prairie Football Association website. Information: 952-975-8101.

The 27th annual Eden Prairie Booster Invitational Track and Field Meet will be Saturday, April 30, at Aerie Stadium. Honor guard presentation is 9:15 a.m. followed by the first event at 9:30. Final event starts at 3:25 p.m. Awards will be presented to girls and boys team champions plus individual champions. This year’s meet field consists of Eden Prairie, Andover, Blake, Edina, Farmington, La Crosse (Wis.) Logan, Minneapolis North, Minnehaha Academy, Moorhead, St. Thomas Academy and Wayzata. Admission is free and concession stands will be open.

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In the Community, With the Community, For the Community

www.minnlocal.com – Thursday, April 21, 2011 – Eden Prairie Sun-Current


Track Eagle basketball honoree

FROM PAGE 32 are Platner, Harris and Adam Bartnik. Eden Prairie’s long jump and triple jump relays were victorious at the Lake Relays. Sandle was first individually in the long jump (21-1 3/4). Harris placed fourth (20-8) and senior Latrell Snider was fifth (20-1). In the triple jump, Sandle finished first (48-1) and Snider placed fourth (403 1/2). Junior Anders Bjorkman came in ninth (39-2 1/4). Eden Prairie had other strong individual performances. Sophomore Tyson Reinke was second in the shot put (47-0) and third in the discus (148-1). Eagle junior Matt Griffin was sixth in the 100-meter hurdles (16.47) and fifth in the 300 hurdles (43.38). Senior Kyle Bratrud finished fourth in the 3,200 (10 minutes, 5.51 seconds). Eden Prairie junior Ben ElyeaWheeler tied for first in the pole vault event (11-6). Snider took second in the high jump, clearing 6-0. Eden Prairie will compete in the Shakopee Invitational at 3:30 p.m. Thursday, April 21.

Get more for less:

Eden Prairie senior forward Grant Soderberg drives against a Chaska defender during a section boys basketball game in March. Soderberg was the Eagles’ second-leading scorer. He was named All-Lake Conference and chosen to the all-tournament team at state. Soderberg and his Eagle teammates finished second in the state Class 4A tournament. Soderberg is a starting pitcher and outfielder for the Eagle baseball team this spring. (Photo by Brian Nelson • Contributing Photographer)

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Eden Prairie Sun-Current – Thursday, April 21, 2011 – www.minnlocal.com

In the Community, With the Community, For the Community

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T H U R S D AY, A P R I L 2 1 , 2 0 1 1 • S U N - C U R R E N T R E G I O N • V I S I T U S O N L I N E AT W W W. M I N N L O C A L . C O M • © 2 0 1 1 S U N N E W S P A P E R S • P A G E 1 B

Highway 169, I-494 project officially gets underway BY PAUL GROESSEL SUN NEWSPAPERS There were no ceremonial shovels, but area officials kicked off the Highway 169 and Interstate 494 interchange reconstruction Thursday, April 21, with actual construction work going on in the background. Work on the $125 million project began late last year, but area mayors, county and state officials made their comments at the reception and open house, scheduled before major construction work was set to begin. From inside the Hellmuth & Johnson PLLC building on West 78th Street, Edina Mayor James Hovland, Bloomington Mayor Gene Winstead and Eden Prairie

The Highway 169 and Interstate 494 project officially kicked off Thursday, April 21, with a ceremony inside the Hellmuth & Johnson PLLC building on West 78th Street. Preliminary work began in early December with the closure of ramps from eastbound and westbound West 78th Street onto Highway 169. (Paul Groessel • Sun Newspapers)

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Mayor Nancy Tyra-Lukens all noted that the project will save money, lives and improve the quality of life for the area and its travelers. Hovland said traffic problems should be alleviated for the 175,000 motorists that go through the interchange everyday, and it should reduce the hundreds of accidents that occur on it. “It’s going to have regional significance,” he said. The interchange project will add six freeway-to-freeway ramps and six roundabouts in Bloomington, Eden Prairie and Edina. It will also eliminate three sets of stoplights at the end of Highway 169, turning the congestion-prone expressway into a freeway.

Over the course of construction, which is expected to last until November 2012, overnight or weekend lane closures are expected on Highway 169, and at least one full weekend closure of both Highway 196 and I-494. The bulk of the construction is set to take place this year, which includes freeway, frontage road and bridge construction, according to a construction schedule distributed at the open house. Northbound Highway 169 reconstruction is expected from late April through early July, with all traffic re-routed to the southbound lanes. Then, it will switch, with traffic re-routed to northbound lanes INTERCHANGE: TO NEXT PAGE

2B Sun-Current Central – Thursday, April 21, 2011 – www.minnlocal.com

In the Community, With the Community, For the Community

Gary and LeAnn Sweet, at left, listen to engineer Tom Parker, foreground, and project manager Mark Olsen, background, go over some details of the interchange project during an open house on Thursday. (Paul Groessel • Sun Newspapers)


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FROM PREVIOUS PAGE while work is done on the southbound lanes, which is expected through late November. Mark Olsen, a project manager with contractors C.S. McCrossan and Edward Kraemer and Sons, said one main closure will come in July, when Highway 169 and I-494 will be closed for a weekend to raise the grading of northbound side of the highway. The frontage road work and installation of six new roundabouts are expected this year, which will be worked on from May to fall 2011. Adjusting to roundabouts was one thing that long-time Bloomington residents Gary and LeAnn Sweet said they and others will have to adjust to, but the project has been a long-time coming. “I’m excited about it,” LeAnn Sweet said. “It’ll be a new experience. I think it’s going to be a nice project. I’ll be a nice project to have over with.” Gary Sweet said the biggest benefits will be getting rid of the stoplights on Highway 169 and hopefully improving the interchange from westbound I-494 to southbound Highway 169. The Sweets, who live near the southeast corner of the interchange, said Marth Road could be a problem for residents of the Friendship Village senior housing community in Bloomington. Marth Road at the north end of the residences, now a one-way street, will be converted to a two-way street with connection under Highway 169 to West 78th Street. With that conversion, they will lose direct access to Highway 169 from Highwood Drive, which will be turned into a cul-de-sac.

LeAnn Sweet said she expects an increase in traffic on Marth Road, and it could make getting in and out of the residence difficult for many who live there, a concern some building residents have voiced as well. Minnesota Department of Transportation Project Manager Michael Beer has said the unique design of the project, which utilizes six flyover freeway ramp connections rather than standard cloverleaf design, and several roundabouts to create a circulating network of frontage roads will take getting used to. By federal standards, eight ramps are usually required for this type of interchange, but MnDOT made an agreement with the Federal Highway Administration to create six ramps and make adjustments later if needed, including adding two more ramps. That move cut about $20 million from the initial cost, allowing it go ahead. The project was originally scheduled for 2004, but lacked adequate funding. The two excluded ramps are eastbound I-494 to northbound Highway 169, and southbound Highway 169 to eastbound I-494. It's expected that motorists will use Highway 212 between Highway 169 and I-494 instead, said Beer. As part of the project, a new Washington Avenue Bridge will be constructed over I-494, adding a north-south connection to Marth Road. That will allow traffic to drive around the Highway 169 and I-494 interchange from Washington Avenue to West Bush Lake Road, also creating additional ways to access the freeways. Information and updates about the project are available on the MnDOT website, dot.state.mn.us, and through a project information line. Info: 1-877-563-4768. Community Editor Katie Mintz contributed to this report.

www.minnlocal.com – Thursday, April 21, 2011 – Sun-Current Central 3B

In the Community, With the Community, For the Community

Cremation Society of Minnesota T H E



What is the Cremation Society of Minnesota?

CremationSocietyofMN.com The Cremation Society Of Minnesota also services Wisconsin

Questions & Answers About Cremation Society of Minnesota

Cremation Society of Minnesota REGISTRATION FORM

Name _____________________________________________________________________ Address____________________________________________________________________

The Cremation Society of Minnesota is Minnesota’s largest provider of cremation services. Society members come from all social, religious, and economic backgrounds, finding unity in their mutual attraction of the simplicity of the cremation rite. They choose to dispense with costly and unnecessary pomp associated with conventional funerals, and commit themselves and their families to this dignified disposition at the time of death.

Q. How does the Cremation Society of Minnesota Work? A. The Cremation Society is notified immediately at the time of death. Then the member’s body is transported to the Society’s crematory where it is held until proper medical authorization is secured. The cremation permit is then completed, and the body is cremated.

Street & Number

_________________________________Telephone ( City


) ____________________



Date of Birth___________Place of Birth __________________________________________ City

Sex ❏ M ❏ F Race__________________ Hispanic ❏ Yes ❏ No


Social Security # ____________________________Education (Grade 1-12/College 1-4 or 5+)

Q. Does the body have to be embalmed? A. No. With the Cremation Society of Minnesota’s modern facilities the body does not have to be embalmed.

Highest Grade Completed

Usual Occupation ______________________ Business or Industry ____________________ Even if Retired

Father’s Name_____________________ Mother’s Name ____________________________ First



Marital Status ❏ Married ❏ Never Married ❏ Widowed ❏ Divorced


Husband/Wife Name (If Wife - Maiden Name_______________________________________

Our membership plan allows families to make all arrangements in advance, thereby relieving survivors of the need to make urgent decisions while in the state of grief. Preplanning provides families with complete peace of mind, both emotionally and financially.

Q. What happens to the ashes after cremation? A. Your cremated remains (ashes) will be handled according to your written instructions. They may be picked up by your survivors, or will be delivered or mailed for a fee.

Q. At the time of death, what is the cost for the cremation service? A. The cost of the basic cremation service which includes removal of the body from the place of death, cremation, filing of the necessary papers and cardboard container suitable for burial is presently $1395.00 for members. This is payable at the time services are rendered. The charge to non-members, whom we also service, is more.

At the time of death, our counselors are available to assist your survivors in arranging for memorial services, obtaining certified copies of the death certificate, cemetery services, grave makers and monuments, obituaries for the newspaper and paperwork for Social Security and Veterans’ benefits.

Q. How do I join the Cremation Society of Minnesota? A. Fill out the registration form and mail it to our office with a one time registration fee of $15.00 per person. This fee defrays the cost of setting up and maintaining your records. It is not refundable nor an offset to the final service costs. We will register you and send you wallet-sized membership cards and certificate of registration. Members may call or write us regarding any related questions.

Are you a veteran? ❏ Yes ❏ No If Yes, enclose a copy of your discharge paper. AUTHORIZED FOR CREMATION

I, the undersigned, authorize and request the Cremation Society of Minnesota or its assigns to cremate the remains of _____________________________________________________, made: _____________________________________________________________________ I will indemnify and hold harmless the Cremation Society of Minnesota and the crematory from any claims to the contrary including all liability and claims related to the shipment and storage of the cremated remains. Signature __________________________________________________ Witness Signature ___________________________________Date ____________________ Address ___________________________________________________________________ Street & Number City State Zip County Phone ( ) _______________________ NEXT TO KIN - Please list at least one.

Name ________________________________ Relationship _________________________ Address ___________________________________________________________________ Phone (

Street & Number

) _______________________





PAYMENT PLAN You are not a member until this form is on file and registration fee is received.

❏ I wish to preregister with the Cremation Society of Minnesota

$15.00 Registration Fee: _____________

❏ I wish to prepay for my Simple Cremation and to have the money placed in a bank trust

Please mail form to the nearest chapel Minneapolis Chapel 4343 Nicollet Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55409 (612) 825-2435

Duluth Chapel 4100 Grand Avenue Duluth, MN 5807 (218) 624-5200

Edina Chapel 7110 France Avenue South Edina, MN 55435 (952) 924-4100

❏ I wish to prepay for my Simple Cremation and have the money placed in an Insurance Policy

Brooklyn Park Chapel 7835 Brooklyn Boulevard Brooklyn Park, MN 55445 (763) 560-3100

Cremation Society of Minnesota We are Minnesota’s largest provider of cremation services. Owned and operated by the Waterston family.

❏ I wish to register at this time but not prepay SUN0411

$ Total Paid _____________

4B Sun-Current Central – Thursday, April 21, 2011 – www.minnlocal.com

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• Brick Patios, Driveways & Sidewalks • Keystone or Boulder Walls

• Landscaping Rock & Mulch • Full Landscape Services • Lawn Irrigation

FREE ESTIMATES • Licensed/Insured


6B Sun-Current Central – Thursday, April 21, 2011 – www.minnlocal.com


Lawn & Garden


#1 All Area Lawn Cleanups, Sod, Seed, Rock Sr disc. Reas. 612-532-1162

Lawn & Garden

Aeration...Overseeding Power Raking...Dethatching

Organic Fertilizing Envirolawn 952-888-7623

$40 Lawn Aerations


Multi Neighbor Discount

Mark 651-768-9345

AMP Services Lawn Care Landscaping, Rototilling. 952-292-1714 Insured


Lawn & Garden

Garden Design & Remodel Plant Installations Containers & Window Boxes Expertise. Creative Designs. Beautiful Results.

16yrs Exp Owner/Operator Weekly Mowing, Fertilizing, Pruning, Power Rake, Aeration Landscaping. Call 952-406-1229

www.greenvalleymn.com SORENSEN LAWN CARE

16 Years of Experience Mowing, Spring and Fall Cleanups Fertilization Aeration / Free Est.


Complete Lawn Care & Weekly Mowing. A Greener Lawn Service. 612-554-4124 Field of Green Lawncare

952-884-3200 SorensenLawnCare.com A Happy Yard

Spring Cln-up, Mowing & Landscaping 20% off Rates 612-990-0945

Resid & Comm Free Ests Lawn Clean Ups, Wkly Mowing Roto-tilling. 952-807-1612

Free Ests. Spring Cln-Ups

Weekly Lawn Mowing Ins'd Pete 952-446-9707

FREE Estimates


Residential & Commercial

Call Now For Weekly Mowing Spring Clean-ups • Fertilization Landscaping, Retaining Walls, Pavers, Shrubs, Mulch, CONCRETE: Driveway, Walks, Steps, Patios


Quality Residential Painting & Drywall


H20 Damage – Plaster Repair


Ceiling & Wall Textures Wall Paper Removal INTERIOR EXTERIOR


Moving, Storage & Shipping

DAVE'S PAINTING and WALLPAPERING Int/Ext • Free Est • 23 Yrs Will meet or beat any price! Lic/Ins Visa/MC BBB 952-469-6800 DAVE'S Painting Int/Ext 3 Rooms $175. Paper rem Enamel Refs avail. 952-201-1577




NEW LAWN CUSTOMERS Other services available for lawn customers: Spring/Fall Clean-Ups • Edging • Bush/Hedge Trimming Cleaning Gutters • Fertilizing/Weed Control • Aeration • Snow Blowing


Please Call Matt (Owner/Operator since 1986)


Call for a FREE Estimate!


Robinson Moving Household & Office Movers Reasonable Rates ICC 52334 35Yrs Exp Sr. Disc Call 763-566-8955



Ext/Int Painting Reasonable Rates FREE Est. EARL 952-944-7983

*A1 CEILING & WALLS* Expert Texturing-Ptg -Water Damage Reas. Prices-Senior Disc. *Free Est. 612-927-5532*

*A and K PAINTING* Int./Ext Painting/Staining & texturing. Free Est. 952-474-6258 Ins/Bond Major Credit Cards Accepted

PRO PAPER HANGING Removal, Paint/Plaster Work Guar/Refs/Ins/Free Ests

35yrs Exp. 952-377-4612



763-792-2999 Geno's Sewer & Drain

Special $89/with ad! A RENEW PLUMBING •Drain Cleaning •Repairs •Remodeling •Lic# 004914PM Bond/Ins 952-884-9495

An Honest Plumber Ins/Bond Lic. #57327-MR Dan 952-465-2926 SAVE MONEY - Competent master plumber needs work. Lic#M3869 Jason 952-891-2490



Right Way Painting Powerwashing, Decks, Staining, & Repairs 612-839-2239



Interior/Exterior Painting by the Pros Bonded & Insured Free Est. • Senior Discounts

Roofing • Siding • Windows Lic # 20431519BC



Since 1978

Re-roofs Tear-offs BBB Free Est. MC/Visa No Subcontractors Used. Lic/Ins. 952-891-8586 BLOMQUIST EXT SidingRoofs-Soffit-Fascia-GuttersLic#20172580 763-754-2501 www.blomquistexteriors.com

Office: 763-476-8412 Jeff Doyle: 763-228-1656 Chad Doyle: 763-228-1873 www.jdasc.com

Licensed • Insured Roofing • Siding Custom Porches/Decks Kitchen and Bath Remodels Finished Basements Room Additions Quality at a Reasonable Price State Lic. ID#20637218

20 years exp. Degreed Shop Teacher Exteriors & Interior specials including ceilings walls, paneling, windows, fine enameling, kitchen cupboards and basement floors. Wall and wood repair. Fully insured. Mention this ad and receive 20% off.

612.839.2239 • 612.866.0949

$0 For Estimate Timberline Tree & Landscape. Spring Discount - 25% Off Tree Trimming, Tree Removal, Stump Grinding 612-644-8035 Remove Large Trees & Stumps CHEAP

Certified Arborists

Your Affordable Tree Care Specialist!!



Why Wait Roofing LLC Tear-offs & New Construction Siding & Gutters Over 17 yrs exp. Free est. Rodney Oldenburg

612-210-5267 952-443-9957 Lic #20156835 • Insured We Take Care of Insurance Claims Offering the Best Extended Manufacturers Warranty



15% Spring Discount

20% Discount Tree & Stump Removal Call 952-881-2122


WINDOWS/SIDING Family Owned & Operated Since 1949

BUCKTHORN SPECIALIST Tree Trimming & Removals Chip & Haul Any Brush Or Tree Material. Best Rates. Chipper Always Available

612-827-7980 A Good Job!!

15 yrs exp.

Thomas Tree Service

Fast Turnaround SERVING THE Reduce Energy Bills ENTIRE METO AREA Free Estimates MN LICENSE Bank Financing #20316811 Available BONDED • INSURED

Immaculate Clean-up! Tree Removal/Trimming Lot Clearing Free Estimates 952-440-6104

AJ's Tree Service LLC

Limited Offer

Trimming & Removal Free Estimates & Insured

Triple Glass for the Price of Double Glass


(651) 644-6900 (952) 920-8888

Stump Removal



Tree Trimming & Removal. Lot Clearing. Full Yard Landscaping. Fully Insured. Call 612-390-0293 Dynamic Tree & Landscaping

ROOFING • SIDING • WINDOWS • EXCEPTIONAL SERVICE • Hardiplank® Siding • QUICK RESPONSE TIME • HAIL DAMAGE 763-550-0043 • FREE INSPECTIONS 952-476-7601 • STATE LIC# 6793 • ESTABLISHED IN 1984 651-221-2600 www.GatesGeneralContractors.com


Call For Free Estimate www.WesternConstructionInc.com

NOVAK STUMP REMOVAL Free Est Lic/Ins 952-888-5123


Will Beat Anybody's Price!


Quality Work @ Reas. Rates . Siding & Windows LIFE TIME GUAR. Ins/ Lic. BBB

TOP QUALITY ROOFING FOR LESS $$$$ Two Teacher Construction Re-Roofing - Tearoffs. Large crew done in a day! Immaculate clean-ups Ins Lic # 20073200 Ref's

Free Ests, Ins'd, Licensed


Fully Licensed & Insured “We take pride in our work”


612-724-2672 Local Owner/Installer. High





Lic. #20626700


Tree Service

Call 612-860-5327

Residential Remodeling

Credit Cards Accepted

612-825-7316/952-934-4128 www.afreshlookinc.com




A Local Mover

A Fresh Look, Inc.


Roofs, Siding, & Gutters

A Family Operated Bus.

A German Craftsman

CALL NOW FOR BEST PRICING! www.fertilawnmn.com Bloomington, MN • 952-884-7331


Roofs, Siding, & Gutters



Bell Professional Painting 20 yrs serving SW Ext Ptg Best Prices 952-949-0444




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Roofs, Siding, & Gutters

Guaranteed Results.

Call 952-882-9029

- Free Estimates - Instant Lawn - Grower Direct - Unmatched Service! CALL NOW


Professional and Prompt

Shingles /Cedar Shake Reas rates-. 20+ yrs exp. Lic/Ins

Paint, Plaster, papering 30yrs quality work, Ref's Seasonal Rates. Reliable roosterpainting.com Est. Int/Ext 952-484-4867



Allen's Perfect Painting Ceiling & Drywall Repair BBB Member. Call anytime. Lic/Ins. Free Est. 612-388-2884

3 Interior Rooms/$250 Wallpaper Removal. Drywall Repair. Cabinet Enameling and Staining. 25 yrs exp. Steve 763-545-0506

• Fertilizing / Crabgrass & Broadleaf Weed Control • Spring & Fall Cleanup • Mowing • Aeration & Seeding



Van Buren Landscape 952-292-7453

Spring Clean-ups & Aeration New Customers Free Fert.

Over 26 Years of Service 10% Disc. for season contract Insured / Free Estimates Contracts include: Spring Clean Up Weekly Mowing Fall Clean Up


Garden Design & Maintenance Services

Mow,Trim, Cleanups, Aeration Free Ests 952-884-4062 Call To Book 2011 Lawn Serv.

In the Community, With the Community, For the Community

Forget The Rest Call The Best!! www.vincestree.com Full Tree & Landscape Services. Serving The Entire Metro Area. Call 763-954-1063 TREE REMOVAL/TRIMMING Shrub Pruning Free Ests Lic'd / Ins'd / 20 Yrs Exp. 952-922-7543 / 763-535-7512

Snow & Ice Dam Removal Down Spouts Cleared Commercial and Residental




Upholstery & Slipcovers

Affordable Custom Uphols Upholstery – Slipcovers Visa/MC Jan 612-824-7376


Window Cleaning

BLUE SKIES Window Cleaning 14 Yrs Exp Free Est. Insured

952-467-2447 Luke

www.minnlocal.com – Thursday, April 21, 2011 – Sun-Current Central 7B

In the Community, With the Community, For the Community


Window Cleaning

Misc. Wanted


Polaris Snowmobile & ATV's. Non-working only. Will pick-up, will pay cash! Call 612-987-1044

3500 Window Cleaning

Garage Sales this week Bloomington


612-529-4444 Estate Sale: Sat, 4/23 (8-4)



Merchandise Cemetery Lots

Bloomington Cemetery 2 plots, $1,000 each. 651-762-3727



Kitchen Dining Set: Formica table & 4 arm chairs w/metal bases $60/BO. 952-941-5796


Good Things To Eat

Beef Quarters for sale ¼ front ¼ back, steaks & burger. Very well fed & raised. Freezer packed. $1.50 lb hanging weight. Delivery Extra612-987-1044


Lawn/Garden Equipment

Aarons Lawn Tractor w/mower & bagger. 2 yrs old. $1000/BO. 952-922-3150


Everything must go! Cash only 11058 Oregon Curve


Tree Service



Big Sale! Too much to list. Too Big to Miss! 4/21-23 (8-5) 6844 3rd Ave S


Garage Sales next week Apple Valley


100's of Dolls For Sale 8746 Highwood Way 04/29 (9-4) & 04/30 (9-2) 140+ GARAGE SALES Diamond Path N'brhood

Sat, April 30 (8am - 4pm) Maps available at Garages N. of Cty Rd 42 between Diamond Path & Pilot Knob

22nd Lac Lavon N'brhd Sat, April 30 (8am-3pm) Sun, May 1 (10am-3pm) SNOW, RAIN, OR SHINE! Biggest Year Ever! S. of 42, Highview / Hyland Pt Areas

Double Exposure Place your classified ad with us and be placed on our Web Site! 952-392-6888

Tree Service


• Tree Trimming • Storm Cleanup • Tree Removal • Land Clearing • Stump Removal • And Much More...

FREE ESTIMATES Winter Discounts Senior Discounts Senior Discounts

763-219-7796 Great Service • Affordable Prices Serving the Entire Metro Area LICENSED/INSURED


Boutiques/Craft Shows & Gifts

St Bonaventure Social Hall 90th St & 10th Ave. May 4 (9-7) & May 5 (9-4) 1/2 price Thur AM($2 bag 12-4)

Plymouth, MN


All Proceeds go to Missions

Boutiques/Craft Shows & Gifts

MOTHER’S Arts&CraftsDAY Show Southtown Mall

April 29, 30 & May 1 Fri 10-9 • Sat 10-6 • Sun 11-4 Penn Ave. & 494 • Bloomington

Heart Promotions 651-438-3815

Bethany Academy Sale 4300 W. 98th St 100+ Fam April 29 (3:30-6) $2 Adm. April 30 (8-4) Cash only

New Brighton



1900 7 St. NW Huge! 250 + Families! Presale $3 Adm 5/4 (6:30-8:30); May 5 (9-9); May 6 (9-7); May 7 (9-2:30); & Car wash (9-?). “Leaf” Bag Sale (1-2:30) $5. Accepting Donations: beginning Sunday, May 1st



Kick-off Garage Sale Season!

Arbor Tech Tree & Landscape, Inc.


Annual Church Sale

8444 1 Ave. South

Misc. Wanted


Baby & kids clothes, toys, equip. & more! St Stephen Lutheran Church 8400 France Ave. S.


N. of 46 on Gardenview


12th Annual Giant Kids Stuff Sale! Saturday only, 4/30 (8a-2p) 95+ Families!

Huge Multi-Fam Sale! Furn to dog stuff. 4/21-22 Grandpa's Garage Sale! (9-2) 8345 Colfax Ave S 19 Mission Ln (106th & Nic) Tlz, tackle, hardware, golf New clubs & sales samples. Hope 4/28- 4/29 (10a—7p) 4/28-30 (9-6) Scrpbkng, Huge Sale - Huge Variety! toys, kids cloz, furn, elec. April 28 - 29 - 30 (8-5) games 5817 Boone Ave N. st

Misc. For Sale

Buying Old Trains & Toys


April 28-29 (9-5); April 30 (9-1). 84 th & 13th Ave. So.

VOLLEYBALL net and posts. Reg. Sz. $100 952-893-1553



New Hope

4/28-30 (9-6) Scrpbkng, toys, kids cloz, furn, elec. games 5817 Boone Ave N. Furn, toys. misc. 4/28-30 (8-5) Proceeds to Leukemia Society. 2756 Flag Ave N



Estate Sale: Lots of old items incl old records from 20's. 4/28-30. Th/F 8a5p, Sat 9a-noon. 8522 Xenium La N. Signs.

Wayzata HS Band Annual Multi-Family 4/28-30 (9-5) Sale 4/30 (8-2) In HS cafeFurn, toys/games, HH, dog teria, 4955 Peony Ln No. kennel 9918 Chicago Ave S All donations tax deductible and accepted Friday, 4/29 (2:30-7:30). For Brooklyn info & list of possible doCenter nations visit: www.wayzata.k12.mn.us Estate Sale 1706 Woodbine Lane 4/28 (8a-6p) & 4/29 (8a-5p)




Brooklyn Park

HUGE MULTI FAMILY 4/28-30, 9am-4pm 8216 Brandywine Pkwy



65+FAMILY BLOCK SALE Sat 4/30 (8-4) N of Miss, E of Univ. Inclds estate & moving

ECFE Indoor Garage Sale Sat 4/30, 9-1 6085 7th St. NE Nbrhd Garage Sales. 04/28 – 05/01 20+ homes. Thur – Sat 8-4 Sun 11-3. Between rd

Osborne Rd & 73 Ave. Old Central & Stinson Blvd. Something for everyone!

April 28-29-30 (9-5) 112 Washington Ave N. N'hood Sale! 4/30 (9-4) Rain or Shine! Btwn Hwy 7 & Main St. 20+ sales.


Moving Sale Sat 4/30 (8-3) 21716 Kenrick Ave.

Enter thru gate to back of building. Power tools, compressor, cement tools & mixer, power buggy, scaffolding, hardware, windows, bldg supplies, office & HH furn, HH, bks.


GUN & KNIFE SHOW Apr 30-May 1; Sat 9-5, Sun 9-3 Blmgtn Armory - 3300 W 98th St Adm. $5




Multi-Family Sale 4/29 & 30 (8-5). HH, Furn, Tools 14521 Crestview Lane

Agriculture/ Animals/Pets Pets


Long-Haired Chihuahua puppies $300 – 3 females – 2 males. 715-220-1254 chihuahuamom.com




Estate/Garage Sale


Sporting Goods & Misc

Rentals Houses For Rent

Bloomington, 3+br home w/d, fp, avl now. $1400/mo. Utls included. 952-843-8138


Standard Unit Rent based on income. For 62+ years. Noon meal available. Smoke Free Available April 1st

952-361-0310 EHO

Help Wanted/ Full Time

Appointment Setters Commission Only Great Commission Structure- Can easily make $500 per week Roommates We're seeking bright enthusiastic people to tell Wanted others about our terrific W Bloom LL hm, br, ba, service and help bring kit, ldry, gar, no smk/pets people together. No sellutil inc $585. 952-831-0306 ing. St. Louis Park area accounting firm offers: Flexible day hrs; FT/PT Apartments & Professional environment Condos For Rent Training & Support Blmgtn: Lrg LL, Apt, 494 For an interview, call & MOA $660+½ gas/elec Michael @ 952-927-4011 Amenities!! 612-386-5026 Incl. all utils., phone, cable & Internet from $799/mo. Call Michael 763-227-1567




Live Among Friends Upscale Community Indoor Pool, Spa & Sauna Business Center, Game Room, Exercise Facility Washer/Dryer, Ceiling Fans & Fireplaces Underground Parking Included. Near Airport, MOA & Southdale. 1 & 2 BR's $850-$1625 RENT NOW 1 Month Free on Select Units The Oaks on Pleasant 6600 Pleasant Ave





Health Care

PART TIME / RN Class A, pvt pay hc agency, assist DON w/ home visits. Flex schedule. Call for details 763-231-9000


Help Wanted/ Full Time

ASSOCIATE TRAINEE Real Estate Career Fast Growth Potential Rolland 952-949-4724 Irene 952-949-4759 rsmaagaard@cbburnet.com Coldwell Banker Burnet cbburnet.com EOE

Class A 3rd Shift Line Haul Position Must have a Class A license with a current medical card and one year of Class A driving experience. We have an opportunity for a City Sweep Driver, will cover the city and pick up freight and return to the warehouse in St. Paul. This position is Sunday through Thursday, the hours are as follows: Sunday - 5:00pm thru 4:30am Monday thru Thursday 7:30pm thru 4:30am. Must be able to lift 75 pounds, required fluent in the English language. If this is a position you are looking for stop by 795 Vandalia St. in St. Paul, MN or call Connie at 651-256-0070

HOUSE CLEANERS $80-$110/day FT/PT 7:20am-3:00pm. We provide CAR. Burnsville Location. 952-432-2134 Make $100K+ a year working as a Sales Rep for our Construction Company, and take the winter off! I have been doing it for over 4 years! Call Bryan 763.244.6679 Wanted: Serious People

to Work from Home using a computer. Up to $1,500-$7,500 PT/FT www.healthbiz-jcs.com


Help Wanted/ Full Time

DRIVERS Dynamex is looking for customer-service minded Independent Contractors with their own vehicles to complete both local and out of town deliveries for our customers. Carry your own commercial insurance and all necessary operating requirements.


Help Wanted/ Full Time

MATURE DRIVERS $400 + per wk driving passengers to medical appointments. Clear criminal Background driving rec, neat appearance, Exc. people skills, ability to pass a physical. Leave Msg on Care Cab. Msg Ctr 1-800-437-2094 (Metro area and St. Cloud)

Sign on Bonus!!! Fuel Surcharge provided. Vehicles requirements are: White in color and 2006 or newer. Dock trucks with operating lift gates only. Build your own company and be your own boss. 651-746-5945 or stop by 2100 Old Highway 8 New Brighton MN 55112

IMMEDIATE NEED! * BURNSVILLE BRANCH * Looking for a CAREER, NOT just a pay check? All experience levels encouraged to apply! Sales Reps: Comp. Base + comm. Lawn Care Specialists : Hourly + X ½ + comm. Benefits: Paid Training & benefits you'd expect from the US Industry Leader. Required to pass: Drug screen, background and motor vehicle record checks. APPLY TODAY! www.TruGreenJobs.com Further questions, Call 952-351-9298 AA/EOE/M/F/V/D


RADIATION ONCOLOGY RN FT / FLOAT NURSE Minneapolis Radiation Oncology has an opening for a FT RN to work M - F as a float nurse to provide fill-in coverage at various MRO clinics. 3 yrs min. exp. req'd, prev. onc. / med surge pref. Duties include direct pt. care, education & support. Benefits include health and dental, tuition and uniform allow., mileage reimb., employer flex and 401(k) savings and profit sharing plans. 3 wks / yr vac. to start. Submit applications (can be found on MRO website) or resumes w/references to the attn: of HR at 952-915-6091 or email: rcarpenter@mropa.com Website: www.mropa.com EOE

Are you looking for: $$$$$ Opportunity Great Base Pay Benefits/Awesome hours Fun at work Call today and get it all! Only requirement is personality and clear speaking voice. Call for details Call--952-252-4141


Help Wanted/ Part Time LPN, PT

Put faith 1st family 2nd Foot care in client's homes group settings. So Mpls/ & an opportunity to &Richfield/Bloomington earn a great income! areas. 9am-3pm. Call 952-474-4682 Happy Feet, 763-560-5136


Senior Rentals

Talheim in Chaska


Move in Special / Furn. Studio Rooms for Rent


Buy - Sell - Trade crocodileproductionsinc.com

41st Annual HUGE Sale May 3 - 7 (9 am - ?) Misc!! 373 Mississippi St NE.



Rooms For Rent


EDINA • 494 & FRANCE 140 – 3,000 SF Offices. $12 - $15 PSF Gross Rent

4445 West 77th St. Tom Fletcher


Approximately 6400 sq ft of warehouse space, with one dock, private warehouse office and one drive in door. South Blmgtn $3500 per month gross rent. (Includes taxes, insurance, utilities, all operating expenses.) Call 651-414-6055 for details/showing.

FOR LEASE - Bloomington 8147 Pleasant Ave S 3,244 sf office/warehouse Loading dock, industrial power. Near 35W & 494 intersection. $1,600/month net. Jim 952-888-9225 or 612-799-0755

To advertise here call Elizabeth Chandra at 952-392-6876

8B Sun-Current Central – Thursday, April 21, 2011 – www.minnlocal.com


Help Wanted/ Full Time


Help Wanted/ Full Time


Help Wanted/ Full Time

In the Community, With the Community, For the Community


Help Wanted/ Part Time

Dental Receptionist

Picture Yourself Here!

3-4 days, great benefits. Must have atten. to detail and multi task. Email resume to: sgordon@ dentalhealthcarecenter.com

Systems Support Specialist Responsibilities: t Manage select server-based applications t Work with end users to develop computer-based solutions to meet evolving business needs t Assist with project implementations t Assist with completion of daily/routine technical work such as system monitoring, user management, backups, documentation, etc. t Respond to calls for system/technical support and troubleshoot system issues t Interact with external vendors as required t Other duties as assigned or required Requirements: t t t t t t

Good fundamental understanding of computer and networking systems Experience with desktop and server operating systems and applications Experience with administration of HR systems is preferred Adaptable to change and unexpected events Good written and verbal communication skills An interest and willingness to remain up-to-date on the latest related technologies t Willingness to work additional hours when necessary t Self motivated and able to work independently when that is necessary t An associate-level degree or higher in an IT/MIS or related field in addition to relevant past work experience

Ask about our Relocation Incentive! To apply for this or other available opportunities, visit

www.digikey.com/careers Digi-Key is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.


06 Grand Prix: 4dr, 91K, new tires & batt. Runs & looks great. Lite hail dam on silver paint-hard to see. Black cloth int. 2nd owner. $9700 Call 612-987-1044

Fax: 612.253.7422

Quality Assurance Editor

Digi-Key Corporation, located in Thief River Falls, MN, is a rapidly growing global distributor of electronic components, with sales exceeding $1.5 billion annually. We have over 2,400 employees and offer world-class career opportunities, competitive compensation, an outstanding benefits program, and a comfortable, friendly work environment. Share in our success and make Digi-Key part of your future!



Local market research firm is looking for detail oriented people to edit mystery shop reports. Excellent spelling, grammar & phone skills a must! Requires minimum of 4 hrs/day & 1 wknd/mo. We offer paid training, flexible hours, & the opportunity to work from home. Pay averages $12-14/hr. Email resume & cover letter to: QEApps@BestMark.com

Self Storage Management Outgoing, sales oriented Assistant Managers for our suburban and Minneapolis area locations. Office, computer, phone skills and 16 to 24 hrs/wk with Saturdays required. $14/hour. Send resume to humanresources1937@ hotmail.com


Junkers & Repairable Wanted

$ $200 + UP $ JUNK& REPAIRABLE Cars/Truck JACK'S AUTO 612-919-2707 OR 763-533-7122

Runners & Non Runners 612-810-7606 Licensed/Bonded/Insured www.cash4clunkers.com



Viking Auto Salvage Call 651-460-6166 or get a quote at www.vikingautosalvage.com


WORK! 952-392-6888 9200

Help Wanted/ Part Time

$$$ Junk Cars & Trucks Call us 1st or Call us Last, but Call US! 612-414-4924

$$$WANTED$$$ Junk & repairable cars & trucks. TOP $$, Free tow, 7 day service.

763-587-3096 anytime


Help Wanted/ Part Time

SEPTRAN Is Accepting A Limited Number Of Applications

• No CDL Experience Needed • Paid CDL Instruction • Benefits Available • Average 4-6 hours per day • Monday ~ Friday, A.M. & P.M. * We Can Save You: .50/mile travel expense $150–$300/wk Daycare Cost * You Can Earn: Up to .88/hr in bonuses

Please apply in person:




Junkers & Repairable Wanted

$200+ for most Vehicles

Free Towing

952-818-2585 CASH! For Your Junked Wrecks or Unwanted Vehicles. Free Tow-Aways



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At AirBroom Minnesota In Excelsior Can Help How does your chimney look? Are the bricks crumbling? Does it have White or Black exterior staining? Are you afraid to use your fireplace because you’re not sure how safe it is? When was the last time you used it? The professionals at AirBroom Minnesota Fireplace and Air Duct Cleaning in Excelsior can restore both your confidence and your chimney. Did you know that water causes more damage to masonry chimneys than fire? Your chimney, unlike other parts of your house, is constantly exposed to the elements. They are generally constructed of brick, mortar, tile, steel, and iron. All of these materials suffer deterioration as a result of prolonged contact with water. Freeze and thaw cycles so familiar here in the Twin Cities cause stress on the chimney. Water that has penetrated expands and contracts. Left unchecked it will cause interior and exterior damage to your home and masonry chimney. Some of the damage that can be caused includes: 1) spalled and broken exterior brickwork, 2) deteriorated masonry and metal firebox assemblies, 3) rusted dampers, 4) decayed mortar, cracked or missing flue liners, and in the worst case scenario damage to adjoining walls, ceilings, and woodwork. There are three main ways to prevent water damage. 1) Install a chimney cap. This is the most inexpensive measure to prevent water penetration to the flue and inside chimney elements. We sell and install locally manufactured caps for as little as $99.

Present this coupon after estimate

Ed Crandall and Dennis Imbody 612-607-0057 www.PROTECTPAINTERS.com

2) Repair or replace a damaged chimney crown. The crown sits atop your chimney and covers and seals it from the flue liners to the chimney edge. Many chimneys are built with an inadequate crown constructed from common mortar mix. Mortar is not designed for and will not withstand years of prolonged moisture exposure without cracking and chipping which allows water to penetrate the chimney. A proper crown is constructed of a Portland

cement mixture and formed to provide an overhang drip edge. This assures the water will shed helping to prevent erosion in the mortar and brick of the chimneys surfaces. Keeping the crown “watertight” and shedding away from the sponge like masonry elements that the chimney is built of is the most important element to preventing deterioration. At AirBroom Minnesota we use the industry leading line of Saver products to build and repair chimneys. Use of these products allows us to pass on manufacturers material warranties of up to 15 years to our clients. 3) Waterproof your masonry chimney and crown. Most masonry is porous and will absorb large amounts of water. Brick acts like a sponge absorbing water and wicking it to the chimney interior. Products we use are specifically developed for use as waterproofing agents on masonry chimneys. These are vapor permeable – which means they allow the masonry to breath out but not in. This allows water that has penetrated the chimney to escape while preventing additional water from entering from the outside. Non vapor permeable sealers commonly available should never be used because they trap moisture inside actually accelerating deterioration. We use a special permeable sealer with a 10 year consumer warranty to protect your chimney. Doing this before deterioration occurs can save you hundreds or even thousands of dollars in future repairs. Water damage to chimneys is usually a slow subtle process. The problem is generally not obvious until it has become quite serious. Although these prevention measures may cost you a few dollars they can save you a lot more by preventing large future masonry repairs. The Hartmann’s at AirBroom Minnesota in Excelsior offer free no obligation repair estimates in the Western Metro area. Call John, Jim, or Lynda today to arrange a free no obligation estimate. Visit us at AirBroomMinnesota.com or call us at 952.545.2254. As a bonus, repair jobs over $750 scheduled with us prior to May 31st receive $100 off when you mention this article.


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Senior Jacob Hodgson ranks in the top 10% of his class and is a member of National Honor Society. He is an Academic letter winner and a varsity Basketball captain. Jacob has been an active community volunteer for Bridging, Loaves & Fishes, VEAP and his church.

CODY LUNDEEN Senior Cody Lundeen is an academic letter winner, a Jefferson Pathfinder and a member of DECA. He has received a Prudential Spirit of Community Award and a Bloomington Loves Its Kids Award for community service. Cody is a member of the varsity Basketball and Baseball teams.




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