Discovering The Mature Lifestyle
Don’t let hearing loss inhibit your travels Column inside
Travel & Adventure December Issue
December 15, 2017
40 percent of Apple Valley travel agency’s clients are seniors and Estonia. “It w as v ery historical,” Hunter said. “It was fun to use the train system. All the countries Senior citiz ens comprise have such good tr ain sysabout 40 per cent of her tems, and it’ s not e xpenclientele, says Sara Butruff, sive.” owner of T ravel Leaders Since one of her tw o in A pple V alley. Se veral grandchildren w orks f or seniors w ho ha ve w orked with her ar e gr ateful f or her travel guidance. By SUE WEBBER Contributing Writer
took some kind of v acation, either a trip up north or to W isconsin to visit relatives. They also tr aveled to T exas, Yellowstone Park and the Black Hills , she said. Cynthia f ormerly worked as a n urse’s aide , and also a t an insur ance
Leaders in Apple Valley. “We ha ve such a good time to gether,” said Cindi Anderson. She and her husband T ed often tr avel with J oAnn and Ste ve LeClair, who live in Burnsville. “We’ve been friends
Cynthia Hunter Cynthia Hunter of A pple Valley said she did some traveling ear lier in life , “mostly with my husband, to someplace w arm,” she said. Those trips included Jamaica, Cancun, Aruba and several other islands in the Caribbean. When her dad was in his 80s, she took him to Ir eland in 1983. Hunter took her two daughters to England, Scotland and W ales in 1983, and to Puerto Vallarta in 1989. Five y ears a go, Hunter was widowed. But her traveling days weren’t over. She and her daughter , Amy w ent to Ir eland together in 2015, and then to England, Scotland and Wales in 2016. This y ear, Cynthia decided she wanted to see the east coast of Canada. “My neighbor, P at, w as going to go alone, but then Amy and her friend Ma vis and I ended up going to gether. It was a really nice trip. We don’t kno w m uch a bout Canada, and w e really enjoyed that.” Cynthia and Pat traveled to Nova Scotia in September. Also this y ear, the f our took a trip to Denmar k, Sweden, Norw ay, Finland
PHOTO ABOVE: Cynthia Hunter and her daughter, Nicole, spent some time in Los Angeles. PHOTO LEFT: Pictured outside the Hermitage in St. Petersburg, Russia, are, from left, Ted and Cindi Anderson, and JoAnn and Steve LeClair. Sun County Air lines, Cynthia said, “She gi ves me ideas of things to do . I want to see mor e of the U.S.” Cynthia and her other daughter, Nicole , w ent to Gulfport and the Florida Keys in 2016, and r ecently returned from a trip to Los Angeles and San Diego. Future tr avel plans include going up the East coast with a friend in spring 2018, and a trip to Ireland in fall 2018. A native of Albert Lea, Cynthia recalls that her father always made sure that his famil y of five children
company. She enjo ys w orking with Sar a Butruf f, o wner of T ravel Leaders . “Their wonderful of fice is w onderful,” Cynthia said. I recommend them highl y. Our trips ha ve turned out nicely.”
The Andersons and LeClairs Two couples who got acquainted w hen their children w ere in elementary school and have continued as friends for 30 years also are tr avel companions , working thr ough T ravel
since our kids were in grade school,” Cindi said. “We’ve moved several times within the metr o ar ea, b ut w e’ve always stayed connected.” The Andersons , no w residents of Chaska, gr ew up in southern Minnesota, Cindy in Fairmont and Ted in St. James. The two have always tr aveled, since T ed formerly worked for a German firm. Cindi worked at Continental Machine in Savage bef ore she r etired. The couple has two daughters and six grandchildren. “We’re going back to Belize in February, one of our favorite places, to celebrate
our 50th anni vero sary” Cindi said. They also enjoyed a National Geo graphic trip to the Galapagos Islands, she said. “We lived on the ship for several weeks and each day we hik ed in the islands ,” she said. “W e did things I thought I w ould ne ver do and thought I might ne ver get the opportunity to do a gain. We did a lot of climbing out of r afts and hiking.” Now, she said, “We take at least one trip a y ear. We’re trying to figure out where our ne xt one will be.”
When she w as gr owing up, J oAnn, said her family camped and vacationed every y ear w hile the children were young. “We traveled some where, though I hadn’t seen the r est of the world, e xcept Me xico,” JoAnn said. “Man y times we took a car trip somewhere in the U.S.” Now she and her husband try to tak e one trip a y ear a broad. “We lo ved Italy and w ould like to go back there,” she said. “Australia and Ne w Zealand
Travel & Adventure December Issue
Discovering The Mature Lifestyle December 15, 2017
Hearing loss shouldn’t keep seniors from traveling The Hearing Loss Asdisability. But they’ re sociation of America r e- wrong. ports tha t tw o-thirds of The truth is tha t the Americans o ver 700 suffer with some e Guest form of hearing defcolumn icit. Tha t’s most of f us. Hearing loss is ... by Bob now the thir d mostt common health isRamsey sue in the country. Unfortunately, seniors and others af fected ages 50, 60, 70, and bethink their travelling days yond ar e often prime are over because of their time f or tr aveling. After
all, this is the phase of life w here man y people finally have the time, flexibility and resources to tr avel and the experience to kno w where they w ould like to go . Think “Bucket List.� Likewise, today is the best time e ver for tr avelers with hearing pr oblems. Accommodations to mak e traveling easier f or those
with hearing loss ar e commonplace, thanks to the Americans Disa bility Act. Adjusting to meet the tr avel needs of those who don ’t hear w ell isn ’t just a nice thing to do anymore; it’s the law. And great pr ogress has been made in a short time. For example, a growing number of pub lic spaces and places , including air terminals, taxi ca bs and theaters are now equipped
with hearing loops . This technology deli vers customized sound directly to individual assisted hear ing de vices and allo ws hearing aid users to pick up sound fr om a distant source such as a sta ge or movie screen. More importantly than better accommoda tions, however, is the fact tha t seniors suf fering fr om hearing loss may need the benefits of tr avel mor e
dren and se ven gr andchildren on a Princess Cruise to Beliz e and Hondur as. “It w as one of the highlights of our li ves,� she said. “We are very blessed
to have our childr en close by.� The Andersons and LeClairs ha ve enjo yed working with Sara at Travel Leaders , J oAnn said.
than anyone. Hearing loss is a silent af fliction that can r ob people of their ability to w ork, socializ e, enjoy perf ormances, par ticipate in comm unity activities and sta y connected with famil y, friends and the w orld a t lar ge. Ultimately, it can lead to separ ation, loneliness , isolation and depression. That’s w here tr avel comes in. T ravel is empowering and liber ating. It connects people.
Travel Leaders sends seniors to faraway destinations TRAVEL - FROM PAGE 1 were favorites, too.� In 2016, they enjo yed a Viking ocean cruise to Balta, Norw ay, Sw eden, Ger man, Finland, Denmar k and Estonia. “It w as a herita ge trip,� JoAnn said. “I am Sw edish, and I w anted to see where m y ancestors w ere from.� When they tr avel with the Andersons , she said, “Both couples ar e ha ppy to do w hat the other couple likes to do.� For example she said, “T ed w anted
to see a ballet in R ussia. My husband w ould ne ver go to a ballet, b ut because Ted wanted to go, my husband w ent along and w e had a good time . We have such fun together. We have a lot of laughs.� JoAnn said she is mindful of “w hat’s left on the bucket list, because ther e aren’t a w hole lot of years left w hen w e’ll ha ve the good health to do this.� “Only one of us has seen Paris, and w e haven’t been on a river cruise,� she said. She and her husband together have had a good
PHOTO: Cynthia Hunter and her daughter, Amy, are shown near Big Ben and Parliament in England. time tr aveling ar ound the country, JoAnn said. “W e run into small to wns and areas and ar e totall y sur prised b y w hat w e find,� she said. “We can stay and enjoy them for a few days.� Prior to r etirement, Cindi w orked f or J . W . Kuehn Co . in Burnsville , and Steve was a senior mechanical design engineer for Seagate. After the couple r etired, they took their thr ee chil-
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â&#x20AC;&#x153;We come up with the general ideas for our trips, and then Sar a gi ves us se veral options,â&#x20AC;? JoAnn said.
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Hearing loss shouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t keep seniors from traveling Travel entertains , instructs , informs and inspir es people spires people of all ages. Traveling is the perfect w ay to b urst out of isola tion. Tha tâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s w hy many audiolo gists ad vise their clients to tak e ad vantage of todayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s e xciting and limitless travel opportunities . Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; s easier than most people with hearing problems think. Both hearing specialists and tr avel ad visors agree that the following tips can make tr avel ad ventures e ven more trouble-free and more fun
for those with hearing loss: â&#x20AC;˘ Be sur e all assisted hearing devices are in top working condition. â&#x20AC;˘ P ack e xtra ba tteries and chargers. â&#x20AC;˘ T ry to use air ter minals equipped with hearing loop technology. â&#x20AC;˘ Select seats in the least noisy section of the aircraft. â&#x20AC;˘ Ask sea t-mates to r epeat pilot and flight a ttendant announcements. â&#x20AC;˘ R eserve hotel r ooms with
non-auditory alar m systems (e.g. flashing lights) â&#x20AC;˘ Ship lugga ge dir ectly to your hotel ahead of time to avoid carousel confusion. â&#x20AC;˘ Get as m uch trip inf ormation (e .g. ca b r ates, tr ansit schedules, addresses and phone numbers) as possib le in advance. â&#x20AC;˘ Review r estaurant w ebsites in ad vance to check f or hear ing-friendly dĂŠcor (e .g. noise absorbent ma terials, booths or seating back ed b y w alls, not
windows). â&#x20AC;˘ Ne ver hesita te to ask f or help. Good Samaritans ar e e verywhere. Travel trul y is a window to the world that should be open to e veryoneâ&#x20AC;&#x201D; including those with hear ing loss. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Have hearing aid; Will travelâ&#x20AC;? might well be the modern mantra for anyone with hearing problems. Read my lips: Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t let hearing loss k eep you from traveling. Bon voyage!
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