18 minute read
Buying & Maintaining a Boat
from Cayman Resident 2022
by Acorn Media
There are devices on the marine market that can help protect your boat. Speak to a marine professional for more information, however, here are a couple of options:
Boat Locks: Installing a lock, mounted directly to the steering wheel of your boat will help discourage theft of your boat.
Marine Magellan: Includes wireless sensors which monitor intrusion, high water, shore power loss, low batteries and more. Should any of the wireless sensors be triggered, it will call the designated parties and relay a personalised prerecorded voice message of the event. The system also allows the owner to call the boat to receive the system status, but also manage operations like switching on lights or battery charging circuits remotely.
Sat-Trak GPS Tracking: Suitable for boats, wave runners and jet skis, Sat-Trak devices allow you to monitor the location of your asset online, track activity and recover from theft. Devices include real-time tracking and reports, map and satellite views, and location notifications by text or an email alert when the craft leaves the dock. Satellite tracking will aid the police in the recovery of your boat by tracking its last known location and direction of travel.
Spot Trace: Allows you to track your assets using satellite technology. Once motion is detected you will instantly receive a text or email and it will allow you to follow them on the map from your phone or computer. This is popular for smaller boats.
You can get security advice and products for your boat from the following companies:
Harbour House Marina Tel: (345) 947 1307 www.harbourhousemarina.com Scotts Marine Tel: (345) 949 4186 www.scottsmarinecayman.com
The Security Centre Limited Tel: (345) 949 0004 or Email: info@security.ky
SEE AD PAGES 183, 195 & 242
PROTECTING YOUR BOAT IN A HURRICANE There are several precautions you can take to protect your boat against a hurricane. Store boats and trailers ashore, if possible, for a better chance of survival. If not, tie it together with other boats and do not put it parallel to the shore as waves can capsize it. Remove the Bimini top or any items on deck that could become projectile objects during strong winds. Unstrapping masts on sail boats is also strongly advised. Remember to take everything, including all paperwork, insurance records and electronics, off the boat. Make an inventory (including serial numbers) with photographic or video evidence, of items left on board. For more information on how to secure your boat before and during a storm, visit www. caymanresident.com.
BOAT INSURANCE Boat insurance is not compulsory in Cayman, however obtaining it can offer peace of mind. If you have obtained a loan from your bank to purchase your boat then they will most likely require you to have insurance. The following companies provide boat insurance. Please also refer to the Settling In chapter for a list of other insurance providers.
Bogle Insurance Brokers Ltd. 34 & 35 Pasadora Place, Smith Road, GT Tel: (345) 949 0579 or (345) 623 0579 Email: service@bogleins.com Offers comprehensive and standard liability marine insurance. SEE AD PAGE 145 Tel: (345) 949 8699 Email: property_ky@cgcoralisle.com www.cgcoralisle.com Offers insurance for leisure and other small boats. Receive US$500,000 third party liability at no additional cost. Optional cover for trailer, punt, and personal effects. SEE AD PAGE 147
Pensum Services Unit A7, Cayman Business Park, GT Tel: (345) 923 6655 Email: insurance@pensum.pro www.pensum.pro Pensum’s marine insurance covers a wide variety of yachts, runabouts and other pleasure crafts, as well as charter and work boats. Typical marine insurance covers hull, machinery, protection and indemnity. Pensum has 15 years of experience in international maritime insurance and provides a professional service that is fast, friendly and efficient.
Island Heritage Insurance Tel: (345) 949 7280 Email: customercare@islandheritage.com.ky www.islandheritageinsurance.com Their yacht insurance covers third party liability and protection for boat owners from risks such as fire, theft, sinking, weather
damage and collision. SEE AD PAGES 148, 167 & 269
Once you have decided on the type of boat, the next thing to decide is whether you want a new or used boat. Several brokers specialise in used boat sales and they can also help with the process of buying a new one, whether in Cayman or overseas.
Brokers can help determine what you need in a boat and scour the market with you as your ally. New vessels may not be trouble-free, but if you purchase from a local dealer, you have the benefit of onIsland warranty service. There are several new boat dealers in Cayman, so pricing is competitive, but the sales staff are also very knowledgeable, and know a lot about the nature of the market and our waters.
Automotive Art & Yamaha Power Sports 480 Shedden Road, George Town Tel: (345) 949 7102
Avalon Marine Tel: (345) 945 5103 or Cell: (345) 516 7708 Email: rafe@avalonmarine.ky Mobile and fixed location boat maintenance, repair and full management services for all vessels and watercrafts. Mechanical, engine, plumbing, electrical, electronics and cosmetics and captain services. Haul launch and storage for boats and trailers. Brokerage for new and used boats both local and international. Extensive experience working in the local and US market to find, survey, purchase and deliver boats to Cayman. SEE AD PAGE 281
Boating Made Easy 256 North Church Street, George Town Tel: (345) 749 7555
Cayman Power Sports & Marine Tel: (345) 943 2005 Email: service@cpsm.ky
Compass Marine Tel: (345) 916 0660 Email: mike@compassmarine.ky
Harbour House Marina (HHM) Marina Drive, Prospect Tel: (345) 947 1307 Email: info@harbourhousemarina.com HHM is a full service marine facility and Boston Whaler dealership. They also sell Sea Ray, Release Boats and Honda Marine. HHM is the only authorised applicator of Sea Hawk antifouling paints in the Cayman Islands.
Kirk Marine Eastern Ave, George Town Tel: (345) 946 3575 www.kirkmarine.ky Kirk Marine has one of Grand Cayman’s most well-stocked fishing tackle, boating, and marine stores and carries all the major brands. They have a full-service boatyard and are authorised distributors for Johnson, YOLO Paddleboards and Sea-Doo. They always have a full inventory of Sea-Doo personal watercraft. Their parts department has a large inventory of trailer parts, engine parts, and boat repair and maintenance supplies.
MooreMarine Services Tel: (345) 949 6672 Email: info@mooremarineservices.ky
Pro Yacht Tel: (345) 945 4676 or Email: info@proyacht.ky Emergency Tel: (345) 516 4676 Sells Robalo, Jupiter Marine, Viking Yachts, Valhalla Boatworks, Cummins, and Kawasaki.
Scotts Marine The Barcadere Marina, George Town Tel: (345) 949 4186 Email: info@scottsmarinecayman.com www.scottsmarinecayman.com Located at Barcadere Marina on North Sound Road, Scotts Marine is a full service marine centre, featuring a boat yard with a 110 tonne haul-out capacity and a 15,000sq ft showroom, chandlery and service centre. They are Cayman’s only authorised Mercury Marine dealer, as well as being authorised dealers for Yamaha, Volvo Penta and Yanmar engines; providing manufacturer-backed warranty and a factory trained and certified service team. They are also exclusive dealers for Tiara yachts, Scout, Pursuit, Cobalt, and Bayliner boats, as well as Hobie sailboats, kayaks and SUPs. In addition, they offer a full line of marine batteries, parts, accessories, electronics, safety equipment, fishing supplies, apparel and more. SEE AD PAGE 279
Superior Auto 14 Sherwood Drive, George Town Tel: (345) 949 9570 or (345) 525 9570 Email: sa@candw.ky
MAINTAINING A BOAT If you buy a boat, bear in mind that salt and sun mixed together is the perfect cocktail for rust and aging! Taking a few minutes to hose down the boat with fresh water after a trip out on the sea is probably one of the easiest maintenance procedures you can do. This will reduce the chance of corrosion on your engines, Bimini tops, snaps and other metal parts. It is recommended that you do the following:
> Flush your outboard motors, preferably using products such as Salt Terminator, each and every time you take out the boat. > Give your boat a soapy wash using a premium marine non-phosphate and nontoxic “boat wash.” This will ensure that you are getting rid of any contaminants from the sea, while keeping all your waxes on and the environment safe. Never use a household detergent on your boat! > Wax your boat using a premium marine wax once every 6-12 months. This will revive the look of the boat considerably and protect the boat from salt and sun.
The wax can be applied by hand, but it’s easier with a good dual action polisher to get the job done quickly. > Use a non-slip floor cleaner for your boat floors; marine aluminium cleaner for the aluminium top; and premium marine vinyl cleaner and protector for all vinyl.
All washing, waxing, polishing and compounding can be applied on all painted or gel-coated, fibreglass or urethane surfaces including the engines and engine covers, interior floors and gunnels, to keep them all shining like new. Invest in good covers for your boat and engine to prolong their life. Blocking out the sun is by far the best solution to keeping everything pristine.
Use only marine products, including brushes, for scrubbing and make certain that all products used don’t endanger aquatic life or degrade our waters. Marine cleaning products can be picked up at Harbour House Marina, Kirk Marine and Scotts Marine. These companies will also clean your boat if you would prefer not to do this yourself.
If you keep your boat in the water fulltime/permanently, you will need the hull to be coated in anti-fouling paint. This process will need to be repeated annually to protect your boat from barnacles and
algae. If left uncoated, marine growth will cause a drastic reduction in the performance of your vessel as well as risking long term damage to the hull itself and engine(s). It is recommended that anti-fouling is carried out by a professional dealer who can haul your boat out and trained staff will apply it. Anti-fouling is extremely caustic and is carcinogenic so should be applied using the proper cover ups to include full respirator mask and gloves.
Engine service should be undertaken regularly and in conjunction with the warranty (this would normally be carried out at the same time as anti-fouling). Fluid levels should be checked regularly along with the batteries.
Repairing Boat Upholstery
AllMarine Upholstery Tel: (345) 945 7767 or (345) 321 2424 Email: admin@allmarineupholstery.com Specialises in remaking, refitting, repairing and restoring marine upholstery. Harbour House Marina Tel: (345) 947 1307 Email: info@harbourhousemarina.com Suppliers of custom-fitted boat covers, boat seats, cushions and bolsters, boat enclosures, Bimini tops and marine carpet.
Boat Storage Many of the major marinas provide boat storage, alternatively contact Boating Made Easy on (345) 749 7555.
BOAT LICENSING FEES The Government imposes an annual fee on vessels in Cayman which is collected by the Port Authority. It is the duty of a boat owner to complete a licensing form and let the Port Authority know of any changes. Licensing fees are charged yearly. Boats under 21ft are free, 21-30ft CI$200, 31-40ft CI$1,000, 41-50ft CI$2,000, 51-60ft CI$3,000, 61-70ft CI$4,000, 71-80ft CI$5,000, 81-90ft CI$6,000, 91-100ft CI$7,000 and all boats over 100ft CI$10,000. Jet skis for private and commercial use are free. Commercial boats also need to be licensed but the process is a little more complicated. Note that there is no licensing fee so long as a valid business licence is submitted with the application. To download a form, visit www.caymanport.com/forms/. You can also register your boat and its name. Cayman offers various vessel registration options; visit www.cishipping.com for more information.
MARINAS The Cayman Islands are a British Territory and, as such, are a highly regulated jurisdiction with entry to the Islands controlled exclusively by C.I. Immigration and H.M. Customs. The official port of entry for Grand Cayman is the main port on the west coast of George Town. Without exception, once arriving within 12 miles of the Islands, all vessels wishing to clear into Cayman waters must notify C.I. Port Security via VHF 16 for instructions on
Get closer to the action and experience fishing like never before.
454 Commercial Center, Eastern Ave, George Town TELEPHONE: (345) 946-3575
how to proceed. They are open MondayFriday 8.30am-4pm and Saturdays 8.30am-12.30pm; an extra fee is applied when you enter out of these times. It is entirely up to Port Security to direct you to your clearing-in point as determined by Customs and Immigration, and failure to notify the authorities of your arrival in Cayman waters or to comply with Port Security instructions can result in fines and penalties for the vessel. You must have a passport valid beyond the date of stay to enter. However, with advance notice, and timely receipt of relevant documentation, it is also possible to request Customs and Immigration clearance for visiting vessels at the Barcadere Marina, in George Town.

The Barcadere Marina The Barcadere is a world class, award-winning marina located in George Town, right next to the Owen Roberts International Airport. It features direct access to the North Sound and other local attractions such as the world famous Stingray City and diving on the North Wall. The marina offers berthing for boats and yachts up to a maximum of 8ft draft, with individually metered water and power. There are luxury washrooms, free wireless internet and nightly security, all in a safe and secure environment. Their dockside fuel station, Scotts Landing, features premium ValvTect marine fuel and offers a complimentary sewage pump-out service to their customers. Also located onsite is Scotts Marine, the Island’s exclusive Mercury Marine dealer, which features a full service boatyard with a 110 tonne marine travel lift and a 15,000sqft sales and service centre representing all of the top marine brands. The Barcadere Marina is also home to George Town Yacht Club, a casual waterfront bar and restaurant, with your choice of inside, poolside or dockside dining. The food is delicious, well priced, and it is a recipient of TripAdvisor’s Certificate of Excellence. Visit www.gtyachtclub.com. You can contact Barcadere on (345) 949 3743 or visit www.barcadere.com. SEE AD PAGE 287

The Cayman Islands Yacht Club and Marina This marina can be found in Governor’s Creek on the West side of Grand Cayman. It can cater
Award Winning Environmentally Friendly Marina Showroom, Chandlery Haul-out & Boat Yard
• Grand Cayman’s only true full service marina facility • Located in George Town, right next to
Owen Roberts International Airport • Accommodating vessels up to 100' long and 8' max draft • Metered power and water at every slip and free WiFi • Luxury washrooms with showers and lockers • Safe, secure and well lit, with nightly security and CCTV
• Valvetect marine fuel specially formulated for marine engines • Land side and dock side fuelling • Delivery available right to your boat or generator • Complimentary dock side sewage pump-out • Ice, bait, snacks and refreshments
Fuel Station & Convenience Store
Open Hours Mon to Sun, 7am to 7pm
• Featuring boats from Tiara, Pursuit, Cobalt, Bayliner Trophy and Scout • Now featuring Hobie Stand Up
Paddleboards, Kayaks and Sailboats • Dealers for Mercury Marine, Yamaha,
Yanmar and Volvo Penta motors • Boat yard with 100 ton Marine Travel Lift • Service center and chandlery •
favorite brands
Open Hours | Mon to Sat 8am - 5pm
Yacht Club, Restaurant, Bar & Clubhouse
• Local and International cuisine with an emphasis on fresh seafood • Casual waterfront and poolside dining • Fresh catch every day • Arrive by land or sea, lots of parking for cars and boats • Private Clubhouse for parties and events, contact us for rates
Open Hours: Mon to Fri, 11am to 9pm kitchen closes, Sat & Sun, 8:30am to 9pm kitchencloses.
for up to 166 boats of varying sizes (30ft to 140ft long with a draft of 6.6ft). There is a fuel depot for both boats and vehicles, wet slips, individual pump-out systems, as well as power and water on each slip and a whip panel, which allows onboard refilling of dive tanks – a great convenience to commercial dive operators. There are two restaurants on site as well as a fully stocked convenience and liquor store, bar and chandlery. The facility offers 24hour property management and enhanced security services with individual dock key card access and patrols. To contact them for more information or to rent a dock call (345) 747 2492 or visit www.ciyachtclub.ky.
Harbour House Marina (HHM) HHM offers canal dockage with direct access to the North Sound and free showers, wifi, electricity and water. Full dockside maintenance services are offered as well as boat storage with 24hr security. Tel: (345) 947 1307 or email: service@harbourhousemarina.com.
Kaibo Marina Open to boaters using the Kaibo Restaurant & Bar is a 26-berth Poralu Marina floating dock. Its environmentally-friendly design allows sunlight through to the water below so that marine life can flourish. Offering electricity and water hook-up and locked-gate walkways, the 26 boat slips are available for short term, overnight and long term rental. Visit www. kaibo.ky to make a dock booking.
MARINE FUELLING STATIONS On the North Sound there are three marine fuelling stations – Scotts Landing at the Barcadere Marina, the Cayman Islands Yacht Club on Governor’s Creek, and Harbour House Marina on the south side of the Sound. All three sell gasoline and diesel. No ethanol gasoline is sold at marinas in Cayman and the only land based location is at Refuel (Tel: (345) 745 3835) at 126 Maclendon Drive, Industrial Park in George Town.
Please note that Cayman Islands Law states that all fuel stations must display their fuel prices (within sight of the fuel dispensers) in CI dollars and imperial gallons. However, most marine and mobile fuel providers dispense fuel in US gallons, which is almost exactly 20% less per volume than imperial gallons. Make sure that you are being charged appropriately.
The diesel now being sold in Cayman is ultra-low sulphur diesel. However, it is worth checking which marine fuel stations add a lubricity booster to their fuel to help prevent deposits accumulating in fuel injector pumps. Scotts Landing, located at the Barcadere Marina, is the Island’s exclusive dealer for ValvTect Marine fuel, which is specially formulated to ensure the best performance from your boat or watercraft, but is also ideal for use in generators, and will improve the performance of vehicles and other equipment. They are open 7am-7pm, seven days a week, and feature dockside and landside fuel dispensers for your convenience. They guarantee to provide only ultra low sulphur diesel and premium 93 octane gasoline. The Valvtect additive causes fuel to burn cleaner, reducing harmful exhaust emissions, cleans your motors fuel system and combustion chambers, and is proven to increase performance and fuel economy by up to 7% in independent testing. It also increases the stability of the fuel and contains extra water dispersants and corrosion guard technology. The diesel additive boosts cetane level the lubricity, making it more suitable for EU spec diesel engines using the lower cetane US spec diesel available on island. Scotts Landing also offers a full service, dockside sewage tank pump-out service for boats.
BOAT LEASING CLUB For those who think they might only be in Cayman for a couple years but still want to get out on the water, or for those who don’t want the associated costs of maintaining a boat, joining a boat club may be a good solution.
The Leisure Boat Club is a boutique service offering an exclusive boating lifestyle to its members without the
BOAT RENTALS For those who want to get out on the water, visit the Sandbar and the stingrays, snorkel the Coral Gardens, take a sunset cruise or explore the North Sound, there are a few great options suggested over the next couple of pages. You can also find more information, including times and prices by visiting www.explorecayman. com. If you want to rent a sailing dinghy, Laser or Pico, then a great option is to call
the Cayman Islands Sailing Club on (345) 947 7913 or email: booking@sailing.ky.
TOURS & PRIVATE BOAT CHARTERS Numerous companies offer North Sound boat and snorkelling trips. Half-day trips usually include stops at the Sandbar and the Coral Gardens to snorkel. Full-day trips include all the stops mentioned above but also include conch hunting (when in season), and a delicious local seafood lunch either cooked and served on board the boat or on the beach at Cayman Kai. Sadly, since Cayman’s borders closed in 2020 to international travel, some boat operators have ceased operations. For the latest information on tours and private boat charters that are still operating, give them a call or visit www.explorecayman. com.
The following is a list of tour operators: Crazy Crab (Tel: (345) 927 2722) provides private boat charters to Stingray City and other areas of the North Sound. Tours Cayman (Tel: (345) 916 5478) does half-day snorkelling, Stingray City trips and Cayman Turtle Centre visits for groups. Frank’s Watersports (Tel: (345) 925 2783) runs half and full-day snorkel lunch outings and Stingray City trips. All-Aboard Charters (Tel: (345) 922 2177) will take you to Stingray City, Starfish Point, snorkelling and bioluminescence. Captain Marvin’s (Tel: (345) 945 6975) offers daily half-day and full-day lunch snorkel trips. Charter Cayman (Tel: (345)