11 minute read
Costs of Having a Baby On-Island
from Cayman Resident 2022
by Acorn Media
Hospitals In the Cayman Islands, all babies are born in a hospital. Home and water births are not currently offered. There are two maternity wards in Grand Cayman and one in Cayman Brac. If you have a private OB/GYN, then you should discuss which hospital they practice at. It’s also recommended that you tour your chosen hospital beforehand to familiarise yourself with the space, staff and amenities.
The Cayman Islands Hospital offers five double and three single rooms, providing a total of 13 beds, plus three labour/delivery rooms. It also offers the only Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) on the Island. The standard of care is excellent. Doctors Hospital offers two private delivery suites. Most high-risk pregnancies can be managed on-Island and the NICU at the Cayman Islands Hospital provides excellent care for premature babies from 28 weeks. In emergencies, they can also care for babies born even earlier. In some cases, the decision may be taken to transfer the mum-to-be or the newborn baby overseas, whether by air ambulance or by commercial flight, and almost always to the USA. Therefore, remember to have all of your documents in order, including your passport and visa, and please note that a newborn will need an emergency passport to travel. Organising all of these documents in a rush could be very complicated. See the Passports & Immigration section in this chapter for details on how to obtain a passport for your child.
Cayman Islands Hospital (CIH) 95 Hospital Road, George Town Maternity Unit Tel: (345) 244 2842/2841 www.hsa.ky The Maternity Unit offers facilities for both low risk and high-risk mothers and babies. These services are comprised of antepartum care (before birth), labour and delivery, post-partum (after-birth) and neonatal care; including normal births, twin births, breech, vacuum, forceps and caesarean section deliveries. The Maternity Unit, located on the ground floor of the Cayman Islands Hospital offers five double and three single rooms plus three labour/ delivery rooms. All rooms have ensuite bathroom facilities. The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) is well equipped to care for up to six newborns who may be premature or may need special observation or intensive
care. SEE AD PAGE 297
Doctors Hospital (DH) 16 Middle Road, George Town Tel: (345) 949 6066 www.doctorshospitalcayman.com The only private maternity suites in the Cayman Islands with OB/GYN physicians, nursing staff and midwives providing a comprehensive approach to maternity care in a safe environment. After birth, the room is converted into a quiet, cosy, and nurturing space for families to recover. Support partners are always welcome to stay the night with mom and baby at Doctors Hospital.
COVID-19 Changes to the Maternity Wards in the Cayman Islands The COVID-19 pandemic changed all of our lives and the way Cayman’s hospitals functioned to keep patients, staff and the community safe. > Masks: Visitors to the HSA and its
Maternity Ward must wear masks at all times. The mother is required to wear a mask as much as possible, however, will not be asked to wear one during labour. > Birthing Partners: During active labour, birthing partners are permitted to be with the mother. This includes overnight. There are no overnight visitors allowed outside of these circumstances at HSA. Overnight visitors are allowed at Doctors Hospital. > Visitors & Siblings: Visits are limited to one designated visitor or birthing partner per day. No siblings or visitors under the age of 18 are permitted.
> NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit): Due to the vulnerability of these babies, the HSA’s safety measures now allow only one set of parents in the NICU at designated times. This is to ensure effective social distancing between
> COVID-19 Testing Patients & Staff: All mothers-to-be will be tested and have their result prior to arrival at the hospital for planned caesarean sections and inductions. Women who arrive in labour will be tested on arrival. Due to the changing nature of the pandemic, the information provided in this article is subject to change. Visit www.hsa.ky or call the Maternity Unit on (345) 244 2841/ (345) 244 2842 to ensure you have the latest information.
Costs of Having a Baby On-Island Having a baby in Cayman is expensive and there is no free healthcare. There are two options for having a baby on-Island: you can either choose between having your baby delivered by a midwife at the Cayman Islands Hospital in George Town and the hospital’s obstetrician being called only if it is deemed necessary, or you can choose to have a private obstetrician who will then follow you through your pregnancy and be with you through your labour and the delivery of your baby.
Once you have decided which route you would prefer, be sure to call your insurance provider and discuss the fees in relation to your insurance coverage. You will want to ask about your prenatal care, the cost of the delivery and the immediate care of your newborn baby. The amount of coverage will depend on your insurance plan; it may be anything from 100% to nothing at all. If you are pregnant upon arriving in Cayman, your pregnancy may be considered a ‘pre-existing condition’ and may not be covered by your new insurance policy. Some insurance plans require a 10-month waiting period before they will cover your pregnancy and some have a limit on prenatal care, e.g., CI$500 at 100%. You should also find out about adding your new baby to your insurance policy from the moment of the birth.
For a full breakdown of costs and more information on insurance, pick up our sister publication Cayman Parent magazine.
Private OB/GYNs & Midwife Births Private OB/GYNs: All Obstetricians in Cayman are highly qualified and come from all over the world, including America, Canada, the UK, the Caribbean and beyond. They all have ultrasound equipment in their clinics and provide world-class care that you would expect to receive in any developed country. If you have decided to receive private care, then as soon as you think you may be pregnant (or even better, when you decide you are going to start trying), you should book an appointment with an OB/GYN. If you are pregnant, you will probably have your first scan at around six weeks. If your medical history is such that it may affect your pregnancy, it is important to have a consultation before conceiving.
The doctor you choose will guide you through your entire pregnancy and deliver your baby with the help of a team of highly trained midwives. See the page 393 for a full list of doctors. Midwife Births: It is also possible to opt for a midwife delivery through the Women’s Health Clinic at the Cayman Islands Hospital. With this route, the expectant mother receives expert care through a team of 16 midwives who will manage the prenatal care and deliver the baby. The midwives are highly qualified and trained to deliver babies - parents-to-be from the UK will be familiar with this system of care through the NHS. The department also has five OB/GYNs, four of which are female, on call 24 hours a day should there be any problems.
The hospital has ultrasound equipment in the Radiology department where ultrasounds are performed at weeks 18 and 20. There are also portable ultrasound machines in the Women’s Health Department and in the Maternity Ward. Choosing midwife care is a more cost-effective option for having a baby in Cayman and both mum and baby can still expect to receive fantastic world-class care.
Bedside Manor.pdf 4 8/13/21 1:50 PM Fertility Treatment If you are having trouble conceiving then there are plenty of options on-Island to help you. The timings for when to see a fertility specialist depend largely on your age and how long you’ve been trying to conceive naturally. It is generally recommended that you see someone right away if you’re under 35 and have been trying to conceive for 12 months or more; you’re between 35 and 40 and have been trying to conceive for six months or more; you’re 40 or over, or you already know you have fertility issues. If you fall into any of these categories then contact OB/GYNs, Dr Lisa Joels, Dr Stone, Dr Alwis, Dr El-Madany or Dr Davis at the Cayman Fertility Centre. They will all be able to undertake initial testing and subsequent treatment that may be required, such as ovarian stimulation and IUI. At this
time only the Cayman Fertility Centre (www. caymanivf.com) offers IVF treatment onIsland. For more information on fertility options, pick up a copy of our sister publication, Cayman Parent.
For all your stylish baby needs!
The Health Services Authority (HSA) offers a free, eight-week educational series called ‘Parent Craft’. Classes are held on Monday evenings, 5.30pm-7.30pm at the Women’s Health Centre located at the Cayman Islands Hospital. There is no charge or need to register in advance. Led by experts in the relevant fields, topics include, among others: Nutrition for Pregnancy, Labour & Delivery, Knowing your Baby, Breast Feeding, Infant CPR, Alternative methods of delivery and immediate postnatal care, Postnatal care at home, safety, immunization & family planning, Relaxation in pregnancy and Motor development in the first 12 months. You will also be taken on a tour of the maternity ward so you can familiarise yourself with the facilities. If you miss any classes, you may make them up during a subsequent eight-week course cycle. Please call (345) 244 2649 or (345) 244 7627 for more information.
Doctors Hospital offers free Antenatal Classes that are an hour long and run for three-consecutive weeks. Topics include what to expect when you’re pregnant, pregnancy complications, health and nutrition, the four stages of labour and recovery, choosing a paediatrician, breastfeeding, mental health and newborn care. You will also be offered a tour of the maternity ward. The classes are held at the Camana Bay location. Tel: (345) 949 6066.
RVC Rehab Services (Tel: (345) 949 6024) offers courses, both group and private, in the Lamaze method of childbirth. This is the most common type of birth class and approaches childbirth as a natural and healthy process. They neither support nor discourage the use of medicine or medical interventions during labour and delivery. Instead, they inform mums-to be about their options so that they can make decisions about their own birth plan. The course consists of six two-hour sessions with a maximum of 12 couples and is often a great way to meet other parents-to-be at a similar stage of pregnancy. The course covers topics such as comfort measures for coping in labour, breathing and relaxation techniques, birth plans, coping with challenges during labour, breastfeeding and infant care. Private classes and refresher childbirth classes, doula and lactation services are also available.
Ariel Grace is a registered Doula and pre and post-natal Pilates instructor at Align Wellness Studio. Ariel teaches child birth education and pre-natal Pilates classes to inform, and prepare new parents for childbirth and recovery. As a birth doula, Ariel offers compassionate and non-judgmental, one-on-one individual physical, emotional, and educational support sessions for mums throughout pregnancy and childbirth.
Safety At Home Before bringing your baby home, it’s a good idea to do a safety appraisal. Toilet and cupboard locks, stair gates, bath grip mats, corner protectors and electrical socket plugs are all easy and affordable ways to make your home safer. You will find a good selection of baby-proofing
equipment at A.L. Thompson’s, Kirk Home and Baby Express. You should also consider fencing (and perhaps an alarm system) if you have a pool. Contact Oasis Pool & Spa (345) 945 7665 or Pool Patrol (345) 949 8543. Fitness Connection (Tel: 345) 949 8485 offers pool safety and swimming lessons for little ones from three months of age. They also teach nannies how to swim and offer CPR, First Aid, AED, Lifeguard and SAI STAR certifications to put safety first in your home. (SEE AD PAGE 443) Check your garden for noxious plants that might pose a threat if ingested by young children. Additionally, citronella oil, is commonly used as a mosquito deterrent in lamps and Tiki torches, poses a danger when ingested or inhaled. Make sure that any such bottles and torches are stored out of reach. If you find your baby with part of a plant, or if you suspect a household product may have been ingested, even if your baby is awake and alert, it is prudent to call the Center for (USA) (Tel: 1 (800) 222 1222) to check if the substance is potentially dangerous or take your child to the emergency unit of the Cayman Islands Hospital.
Massage for Pregnancy Make sure you get full approval from your doctor before you engage in any type of massage therapy. There are many options on-Island such as La Prairie Spa at The RitzCarlton or The Spa at Seafire at the Kimpton Seafire Resort + Spa, Touch of Thai (Tel: (345) 949 8989), Tips n’ Toes (Tel: (345)
943 8637), Beyond Basics Medical Day Spa (Tel: (345) 945 2737) and Da Vinci Centre (Tel: (345) 943 2002).
Prenatal Exercise Classes Pre and post-natal circuit classes are offered by Carla at 345 Personal Training (Tel: (345) 926 2117 or email: 345personaltraining@ gmail.com) Kula Kids Cayman (www. kulakidsyogacayman.com) offers weekly prenatal yoga classes and workshops. Ariel
Grace at Align Wellness Studio (www.align. ky) and Energy Essential Fitness (www. energycayman.com) both offer pre and post-natal Pilates classes. Prenatal exercise classes are a great way to meet other expecting mums!
Maternity Clothes & Bras The Bump to Baby sells upscale and stylish maternity clothing from brands such as Séraphine. They also stock nursing bras, belly bands, diaper bags and pregnancy pillows. Located in The Strand, Tel: (345) 938 6498 or visit www.thebumptobaby.
com. Atlantic, Silhouette and The Baby Shoppe also sell a good selection of maternity bras. Funky Monkey offers a wide range of comfortable clothing.
Maternity Leave The Labour Relations Act (2015) provides for a minimum maternity leave allowance of 14 calendar weeks in any 12-month period. However, this is only available as an entitlement where the mother concerned has already completed a full year of employment with her employer. Where an employee