11 minute read
Voluntary Organisations
from Cayman Resident 2022
by Acorn Media
support the mental wellness of mothers after the loss of a baby through miscarriage, stillbirth or early infant death. Through their unique approach, they cultivate communities of healing connection. They provide financial resources to help ensure that every mother receives the physical and emotional care that is needed after the loss of a baby.
Cayman LGBTQ Foundation Tel: (345) 547 7144 / (345) 526 1001 www.clgbtqf.com The LGBTQ Foundation work towards creating and maintaining a safe, inclusive, and equitable culture for the LGBTQ+ community of the Cayman Islands. They are committed to building a safe and culturally sensitive environment between our three islands.
MS Foundation of the Cayman Islands Alexander Place, Dorcy Drive Tel: (345) 323 0656 www.facebook.com/msfcayman A non-profit organisation for multiple sclerosis patients in Grand Cayman. Created to spread awareness of the disease, but also to provide emotional and financial support to MS patients and their families. They greatly appreciate both volunteers and donations.
Narcotics Anonymous (NA) Tel: (345) 929 6262 NA aims to provide an environment in which addicts can help one another to stop using drugs and find a new way to live.
The New Self-Help Community Foundation CEO: James Ramoon Tel: (345) 927 4777 or (345) 927 7273 Email: tnshcommunityfoundation@candw.ky Created to inspire young people to take responsibility for their future by implementing high-impact programmes which emphasise strong social, cultural, and educational values. They aim to promote positive self-esteem, foster economic development, and positively transform the lives of children, their families, and their communities. Email: joy.merren@hsa.ky The group meets in the Cayman Islands Hospital Women's Health waiting room to discuss various aspects of this disease.
Teens and Young Adults Lounge (TAYA) Tel: (345) 949 0366 ext.6 or Email: taya@cicc.ky The TAYA Lounge is a safe space for at-risk teens and young adults between the ages of 14 and 21 years old. The TAYA Lounge’s mission is to empower at-risk youth from underprivileged backgrounds through providing basic needs, guidance and opportunities so they can transition successfully into productive adulthood and tap into their growth potential. TAYA’s approach engages youth within their community, schools, organisations, peer groups, and families in a manner that is productive and constructive.
Sports Clubs See the Sports & Fitness and Activities for Kids & Teens chapters for more information.
Voluntary Organisations
Cayman’s ARK - Acts of Random Kindness Email: taranielson@arkcayman.com www.arkcayman.com Tel: (345) 323 0719 Cayman’s ARK is a registered non-profit, grassroots, charitable foundation founded in 2006. ARK’s aim is to improve the standard of living for disadvantaged families in Cayman. Programmes include CASA, which renovates homes in deplorable condition; Feed Cayman, which provides families with food at home and school; Re-Connect, which keeps families connected to power, water and temporary housing and MER (Mentor Educate Reinforce), an intensive academic remediation tutoring programme, focused on empowering students with learning difficulties from underprivileged homes. The Crisis Initiative provides immediate relief for uninsured families in a crisis due to a life threatening or medical emergency or unexpected disaster.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Cayman Islands Tel: (345) 326 0610 or (345) 326 7967 Email: info@bbbs.ky www.bbbs.ky Big Brother Big Sisters of the Cayman Islands (BBBS Cayman) is part of an international youth mentoring programme which serves boys and girls ages 7-16 years old. Each child, known as a Little, is matched with an adult mentor, known as a Big brother or a Big sister. The Little and their Big meet regularly, with professional support provided by BBBS staff. Bigs act as a friend and role model for their Little, helping them to achieve their best potential. New members are always welcome.
Breast Cancer Foundation Unit 19 Grand Harbour, Shamrock Road, GT Tel: (345) 923 1135 or (345) 936 1135 or (345) 938 1135 Email: info@bcfcayman.com www.breastcancerfoundation.ky Created to support breast cancer patients and their families, the organisation provides help for those suffering both emotionally and/or financially. They offer an awareness programme aiming to save lives through early detection by teaching you how to be proactive about your health, and a Wellness Initiative programme which aims to help such patients get through treatments with advice and support. Volunteers help with fundraising, care giving, administrative support and spreading awareness.
Cayman AIDS Foundation Tel: (345) 946 3029 Email: info@caf.ky or www.caf.ky The Cayman AIDS Foundation is a communitybased organisation which provides education on the danger of, helps prevent the spread of, and gives support and guidance to all people affected by HIV & AIDS and STIs.
CARE - Cayman Animal Rescue Enthusiasts Tel: (345) 938 CARE (2273) Email: info@caymancare.ky www.caymancare.ky A charitable company which promotes spaying and neutering as a humane solution to the overpopulation problem that currently exists in the community. Volunteers are always needed to assist with door-to-door campaigning, clinic transportation, fundraising and community dog washes. Donations are welcome.
Cayman Islands Cancer Society (CICS) 114 Maple Road (near Cayman Islands Hospital) Tel: (345) 949 7618 Email: info@cics.ky or www.cics.ky CICS provides a variety of services, including a hospital equipment rental programme, counselling, art therapy and a free educational outreach programme. They offer a Charity Voucher Programme which provides patients who qualify with free pap smear tests and men with PSA blood tests (for prostate), mouth and throat cancer screening. Financial assistance is provided to qualified patients. CICS receives no Government funding and relies solely on donations and help from its community volunteers. Office hours are Monday-Friday 9am-4pm.
CI Crisis Centre Volunteer Programme Tel: (345) 949 0366 ext.3 Email: volunteer@cicc.ky Volunteers provide support for many of the programmes and services offered by the crisis centre such as our Emergency Shelter and TAYA programme, as well as support for fundraising, running errands and helping at the warehouse.
Cayman Islands Humane Society 153 North Sound Road, George Town Tel: (345) 949 1461 Email: info@caymanislandshumanesociety.com www.caymanislandshumanesociety.com Volunteers are always needed to work in four areas: the bookstore, thrift shop, animal shelter or in fundraising. They operate an excellent second-hand book store (Book Loft) and thrift shop (Claws-It). Donations are always needed. Cayman Islands Red Cross (CIRC) 34 Huldah Ave, Opposite the Cricket Pitch, GT Tel: (345) 949 6785 Email: director@redcross.org.ky www.redcross.org.ky The four main programmes of the CIRC are: Disaster Management, First Aid & Aquatics, Child Protection, Sexual Education and the Thrift Shop (See the Shopping Chapter for more information). The CIRC works directly to empower communities through the training of Community Emergency Response Teams. The headquarters location also serves as a hurricane shelter and is usually the first to open when there is a threat to Grand Cayman.
Central Caribbean Marine Institute (CCMI) North Coast Road, Little Cayman Tel: (345) 948 1094 Email: info@reefresearch.org www.reefresearch.org CCMI was founded in 1998 to protect the future of coral reefs through research, conservation, and education. CCMI researchers have provided 20 years of baseline data on both coral reefs and fish, published over 100 scientific papers and supported 18 MS and PhD researchers to become leaders in their field.
Extended After School Programme (EASP) John Gray (JGHS) Tel: (345) 925 9261 Clifton Hunter (CHHS) Tel: (345) 922 2448 Layman E. Scott LSHS Tel: (345) 922 2449 Email: easp@ymcacayman.ky The Extended Afterschool Programme is conducted by the YMCA of the Cayman Islands. The programme takes place from 3pm-6pm daily during the academic year. Their mission is to help people reach their God-given potential by putting Christian principles into practice. Students take part in a variety of activities such as sports, homework and games, cadets, and even art and digital media. For more information, visit www.ymcacayman.ky/easp.
Feed Our Future Tel: (345) 916 0923 Email: info@feedourfuturecayman.org www.feedourfuturecayman.org Through their school meal programme, Feed our Future seeks to find nutritionally-balanced school meals for children in need. The primary goal to help nourish at-risk school-age children by providing regular and dependable access to healthy meals so that they can lead healthy and productive lives. Feed Our Future’s programmes also include a summer outreach programme and wellness and life skills workshops focused on healthy cooking and shopping on a budget.
Literacy is empowerment!
Jasmine 31 Jasmine Blossom Way, West Bay Road Tel: (345) 945 7447 Email: info@jasmine.ky www.jasmine.ky Jasmine is the only non-profit organisation dedicated to providing free dignified medical and emotional compassionate care to anyone in the Cayman Islands with a life-limiting or end of life illness. Their team of healthcare professionals specialise in treating pain and managing symptoms. They liaise with the patient’s own doctor to enhance quality of life for the patient and their loved ones. They also offer a range of supportive services from art therapy, therapeutic massage, a lunch club, counselling and bereavement support. Jasmine costs more than CI$2,000 per day to operate and is 90% funded by fundraising events and donations.
LifeLine Tel: (345) 547 8070 Email: info@lifeline.ky www.lifeline.ky LifeLine is a non-profit organisation focused primarily on creating and maintaining a national AED database that, with Government's support, will permit 911 operators to identify
the closest AED in the case of a cardiac emergency and also automatically contact First Responders linked to a particular AED. For more information, visit their website.
Literacy is For Everyone (LIFE) Tel: (345) 328 3120 Email: volunteer@life.org.ky www.life.org.ky Registered non-profit, Literacy Is For Everyone (LIFE), is dedicated to raising literacy levels in Cayman and ensuring access to quality education for all. It is the largest donor of books to the public school system with over 44,000 books donated, and counting. LIFE offers a range of literacy intervention programmes in all government schools, such as its signature Paired Reading programme matching volunteers with struggling readers, and educational Family Engagement workshops. Its new Early Childhood programme promotes the development of foundational literacy skills. To donate new or gently-used children’s books, email: books@life.org.ky or become a LIFE volunteer by emailing: volunteer@life.org.ky.
Meals on Wheels Tel: (345) 769 1974 or (345) 546 8886 Email: info@mealsonwheels.ky www.mealsonwheels.ky www.pledgeasenior.com Meals on Wheels (MOW) provides daily, hot, nutritious meals & hearty soups to seniors, homebound and disabled persons throughout Grand Cayman. Meals are provided free of cost to the clients, and delivered to their homes 52 weeks per year. This service supplies them with the assistance needed to retain their independence in their own homes for as long as possible. Meals are prepared in four community kitchens and delivered to over 300 persons each day in all five districts.
NCVO Children's Services Tel: (345) 949 2124 Email: ncvo@ncvo.org.ky (donations, volunteer, fundraisers, events & programmes) www.ncvo.org.ky www.facebook.com/NCVOCaymanIslands NCVO is a registered non-profit organisation dedicated to the care, education and well–being of children and families in need of support. The NCVO runs several children’s programmes across the Island including Miss Nadine's Preschool, Jack and Jill Nursery and the Nadine Andreas Residential Foster Home. The NCVO also runs a thrift store located on Anthony Drive (GT) which accepts donations of clothing, household items, children’s items and furniture.
National Gallery of the Cayman Islands (NGCI) Esterley Tibbetts Highway, near Camana Bay Tel: (345) 945 8111 Email: info@nationalgallery.org.ky www.nationalgallery.org.ky NGCI hosts a variety of exhibitions annually featuring local and international artists’ work as well as numerous community exhibitions. The main facility is a 9,000sq ft space with three exhibition galleries, plus an art library, lecture theatre, walking labyrinth, sculpture gardens, cafe and gift shop. The Gallery also houses the permanent art collection, which traces the Island’s art history through the work of over 100 artists. The NGCI runs a series of outreach programmes, children & adult classes, special events for members and fundraising projects. Volunteers and members are welcome.
National Trust of the Cayman Islands 558A South Church Street (Dart Family Park) Tel: (345) 749 1121 Email: membership@nationaltrust.org.ky www.nationaltrust.org.ky The National Trust owns and protects more than 3,000 acres of nature reserves, as well as owning, leasing or managing various historic properties on the three Islands. They offer monthly activities that teach a great deal about the Cayman Islands.
One Dog at a Time (ODAAT) Tel: (345) 917 8284 Email: info@ODAAT.ky or www.odaat.ky A charity created to rescue and rehouse dogs and puppies. They raise funds for dogs they pull from the pound (where they are likely to be euthanised), provide the required treatments, house and feed them. ODAAT aim to find permanent homes for dogs and, when necessary, pay for them to be flown to rescue partners in Miami, Tampa and Toronto. They welcome volunteers, donations and sponsorship for individual dogs.
Pink Ladies Volunteer Corps (PLVC) Tel: (345) 925 5021 Email: pinkladiescayman@gmail.com The PLVC has been supporting the youth and elderly for over 40 years. It is a service organisation whose members volunteer in various roles within the community. Their Craft Group meets on Tuesday mornings at the South Sound Dart Park. Their major fundraising event, the Christmas Bazaar, traditionally opens the holiday season and features a delicious tea, market stalls, crafts, plant sales, entertainment and children’s activities. Funds raised by the PLVC benefit community projects. There are many ways to be involved with the PLVC.
Prospect Red Bay Community Group Email: PRBC345@gmail.com www.facebook.com/PRBC345 The Prospect Red Bay Community Group meets on the first Monday of the month at 7pm in the Seafarer’s Hall on Victory Avenue, Prospect. All residents of Prospect and Red Bay are welcome to attend. There is always a lively discussion on what is happening in the community in regard to policing, garbage collection, litter, landscaping etc. They have a very active WhatsApp group which you can ask to join if you reside in the area. They also hold many neighbourhood events, including an annual Christmas Party that draws over 400 neighbours.
Volunteering to Support Prison Rehabilitation Tel: (345) 640 3000 Volunteers assist in the provision of prisonbased programmes and supporting the prisoners’ integration back into society.
YMCA of the Cayman Islands Tel: (345) 926 9622 www.ymcacayman.ky YMCA is a charitable, cause-driven, nonprofit organisation that aims to help people reach their God-given potential by putting Christian principles into practice in ways that