“Go in the direction of where your peace is coming from”
April 2021
– C. JoyBell C.
CARES ...about Feeling Calm Key to Calm: For calm parenting, calm children and resilience Developing your Wise Mind For the past twenty years, there has been an onslaught of children's diagnoses. Labeling a child is detrimental to their mind, personality development and their belief in themselves. It is static, and the label only views symptomatic, perhaps maladaptive (or adaptive to the situation), behaviors that are not examined in the context of their ecosystem surrounding the child. It is of utmost importance to understand the child's perception and gather all information regarding adverse childhood experiences. With early training, parents and children can learn to calm themselves, be mindful, empathic, have social interest, and regulate their emotions and reactions. The book, Key to Calm, is a fairytale and lessons all in one as you practice the skills to bring about calm in your home, a special place that you can manage. It is your child's special place for them to learn to manage themselves through your guidance. The owl depicts the wise mind in the book Key to Calm. This is your non-aroused frontal lobe that can solve problems. Fairy Katie shows you how to calm. It is your home, and it is manageable!
Using your wise mind Safe space Create a warm, safe space for your child with a cozy soft blanket, comforter. This is a quiet calm place for your child to breathe and be relaxed. This is also a place to go when there are upset feelings. Self-soothing Teach your child to say, "I am ok, I am quiet, I am calm," "I can breathe deeply watching my tummy rise and fall." "I
Understanding your emotions: How I may feel is: Glad, Happy, Sad, Mad, Scared, Love, and Calm For you and your child: My head thinks, and my body feels the feelings. I feel warm in my chest, tight in my tummy, burn in my heart, jumping beans in my tummy. Find descriptors for feelings How my Mommy or Daddy may feel is: Glad, Happy, Sad, Mad, Scared, Love, and Calm It is essential to learn how we feel and how others feel so we can feel connected to ourselves and others. How I feel when I accomplish something is: Happy Describe a time: ________________________________________________ How I feel when I miss something is: Sad Describe:_________________________________________________________
Monica Nicoll, Ph.D., LCMHC, resiliencectc@aol.com
know I'm in my quiet calm place where I can relax," "I can go here any time of the day, either in my imagination or for real." Mommy and Daddy skills Reflect at the moment, maintain calm or take a time out. Use your wise mind to think of the peaceful atmosphere you want. Take breathing time out for yourself every day. You have the same time as everyone else in the world. Your day is manageable if you make it that way.
Child's Knowing: "my Mommy and Daddy love me no matter what." I like when Mommy or Daddy feel happy with me and proud of me. It is essential when they tell me positive things and notice when I am with them. I like when they spend time with me and really listen to what I have to say. We work on talking and cooperating only when we are calm. I feel warm in my tummy when they hear me. Mommy and Daddy feel this too. Key to Calm at Amazon.com: https://amzn.to/3eiu6ed