5th Grade Exhibition of Learning / Social Activism in Greece / Ms. Dimas

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A 5th Grade Exhibit of Learning - June 14th, 2023

Thefollowinge-bookletisaculminationofourstudents’hardworkandtheir dedicationtomakingourworldabetterplace.

ThisExhibitionofLearningcanbethoughtofasamarketplaceofideaswhere eachindividualreflectsonissuesandconcernshe/shehasforGreece,andtheir visionofhowitcanbecomeabetterplaceforall.


Thepurposeofourbookletistoenticeyoutojoinusonourjourneyaswellas beinspiredbyourinnovationsandideas.

Zoos must be banned because they cause harm to animals.

We must work harder towards our goal of stopping Global Warming

Right now humanity is not working hard enough to stop Global warming. We are using Co2 emissions to much and spreading toxic gas in the air. This causes the atmosphere to start heating up and cause Global Warming to happen. That’s why we must work harder to stop Global Warming. Global warming also causes the polar ice caps to melt. If the polar ice caps melt, sea levels will be caused to rise. If the sea levels rise then cities on the coast could submerge underwater killing millions of people.

Presented byAlex Conrad

Global Warming In Greece

The Equality and Equity

What is Equality and Equity?

“The human being Means to now Problems of Each other.” My grandma said. I’m not saying that She is correct but she is not wrong ether.

Be equal to everyone. Depends who they are… People are notThat rich as you might be.

Equality is different from equity. Equity more helpful than equality.

Goal 15 life below water

We need to conserve our marine resources, if we want to have life on Earth! We must strive to change people’s mentality and educate the new generations to enable them to protect our planet! Raise awareness and teach ways to keep our seas trash free. Make people feel responsible!

1. Organize Workshops - In schools, in neighborhoods, on the beach - Seminars - talk about the harm that plastic can cause and the ways to reduce plastic consumption

2. Organize beach clean ups

3. Start online campaigns

4. Involve the young generation

Quality Education is Important

Many kids in the place I am doing Organi do not have quality education because there is only one school that they share with other villages. This leads to the poverty they face in Organi.


Quality education is an extremely important goal. It benefits gender equality, climate action, and good health and well being. It also benefits our economy and the future of our developing world

Who invented plastics?

If we never even invented plastics we won’t even need to care about now what the plastics have done. Plastics was invented by marketeer Leo Baekeland (the picture in the right) in 1907. He beat his Scottish rival, James Swinburne, to the patent office by one day. Most of the people are happy of the new invention, but no one know what disaster will the new invention bring to us, the nature, and animals after 50 years.

Keith Luo


It is a big problem that our earth is facing and if we don’t take action we will never have the chance. Our earth will rot while we do nothing. .

In the Peloponnese there is a lot of deforestation. we need to stop deforestation, stop chopping down trees, stop killing our Earth. We may not be able to fully stop deforestation but we can at least deforestation. My sdg goal is climate action and life on land. Deforestation is hurting the earth tremendously and if we don’t take action now then we may never be able to stop deforestation.

“By destroying the animals, the air, and the trees we are destroying ourselves,”
by Thich Nhat Hanh

Cutting down trees can decrease the oxygen we are breathing. Also did you know that trees contain medicine that we use? WEll, it is true. Deforestation can also decrease the medicines. When we cut down trees we create soil erosion. When we create soil erosion, it will make it harder for animals to find food so that they can survive. Deforestation connects to the global goal #15 and by stopping deforestation we can also achieve the global goal #15!

“What we are doing to the forests of the world is but a mirror reflection of what we are doing to ourselves and to one another.” – Mahatma Gandhi.

Climate Change

Do you want places to get affected by climate change? Do you want climate change to make places sink?

If you don’t then respect the earth, help the earth not to change!

Did you know that the country of Maldives might sink due to climate change by 2050?

I want you to feel the fear I feel every day. And then I want you to act. I want you to act as you would in a crisis. I want you to act as if the house was on fire—because it is".

Climate action & Life on Land

Plant more trees

-Greta Thunberg
- Oune

Plastic pollution is a major problem in our world. At least 14 million tons of plastic are thrown in the ocean each year.


“Not only are plastics polluting our oceans and waterways and killing marine life – it's in all of us and we can't escape consuming plastics.”
Marco Lambertini.


Do you know how many marine animals die each year from plastic?

If you want to find out, come and see my interesting and mysterious presentation!


This SDG GOAL ensures that all children and young people have an education.

Quality Education


Isabella Sandlin

“If you’re overfishing at the top of The food chain, and acidifying the Ocean at the bottom,you’re creating a squeeze that could collapse the whole system.”


Stop Overfishing!!!

This is the difference between gender inequality in the past and modern day.

Yanna Tsunis

What do you see?

I see that in modern day there are a lot more people supporting gender equality then back in the day because now you have a voice not like the past.


Zero Hunger: Must Act Now

Zero Hunger is the second Global Goal. It is the most important goal for me. If you hear what I have to say to you you will think the same thing with me!

If you want to help you should not waste food and always help people who don’t have food to eat or don’t have enough.


According to the statistics 60 percent of Greek still are finding jobs.

Apart of reason is Greek people feel dissatisfied with their jobs. Also 22 percent of Greek consider to leave Greece and finding a new job in another country. What should we do to help more people having decent jobs? We should give every children a chance to have good EDUCATION, so we must do from little things, such as donate money, it can really helps. So why don’t just share little kindness with the people who need it?

Why Global Goal 12 Matters matters

Humans consume 888 pounds of meat a year and that does not have a very good effect on our global food chain. So what we can do is eat meat but not everyday or we can consume it responsibly to keep a healthy flow for humans.


Have you ever wondered why more men in the government than women?

Equality for all!


Made by: Irina Xenokosta..

Life on Land

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