Social Activism in Our
Global Community Inspired by the U.N. Goals of Sustainable Development
A 5th Grade Exhibit of Learning - June 11th, 2024
The following e - booklet is a culmination of our students’ hard work and their dedication to making our world a better place.
This Exhibition of Learning can be thought of as a marketplace of ideas where each individual reflects on issues and concerns he/she has for our world, and their vision of how it can become a better place for all.
They do this by focusing on the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals.
The purpose of our booklet is to entice you to join us on our journey as well as be inspired by our innovations and ideas.
The way I want to stop littering is to make a robot that can pick up all the litter. For example, by making robot cleaners for Mexico City, we can reduce litter, promote a clean environmental, and help people understand the importance of sustainable waste management.
Dimitris Andriosopoulos
Global Goal: CLIMATE ACTION #13
I THINK PEOPLE SHOULD VISIT MY EXHIBITION because they are going to learn about littering and how to stop it!
Climate Action
By Julie
Now, the Summer is starting, the weather is warmer and warmer. Ice mountain is melting, and the Sun’s activity made volcano eruption. Because of this, many animals lose their life, the ground is dry and cracked.
We also have solutions for these cases. We can shift the energy system away from fossil fuels and toward renewable energy sources like solar or wind. This way, we will reduce the emissions that drive climate change…
If we don't act now, we will pay a heavy price in the
UN GOAL #15- Life on Land
Stray animals should NOT be on the streets of Athens.
The audience should visit my exhibition of learning because they will learn all about the poor stray animals who just want a home and a loving owner.
Christina Glavas
Zero Hunger
Zero Hunger is a goal from the Sustainable Development Goals and it is the Number two.
Zero Hunger is a goal we can easily help from the SDG.
● We can help by no food waste, don’t buy the food if you don’t like it, don’t throw the food away.
● The people need food and water.
Also, in England they have waste about 40 million food.
Made by: Evan Guo 5th grade
Thanks for visiting!
In Africa, there are many people that they don’t have food and water.
The amazon rainforest should be a protected area in Brazil because it is crucial to the survival to all living things . You should come at my learning expedition because you will learn all about how we take responsibility of the horrors we have done to our Earth we all share.
Karla Miyo Hirano
#5 Gender equality
Stopping Child Marriage in Sudan
By: Mia
UN Goal #5 Gender Equality
I stand with the argument that child marriage should be stopped all over the globe, and specifically in Sudan. My reasons are the amount of girls being sold into marriage in Sudan, how it affects their education, and the harassment they receive needs to be decreased.
The REASON why you should visit my exhibition of learning is because it shows you the life of girls in Sudan being sold like cattle. Now, you can see what it’s like for other girls that do not have the same opportunities as others…
Anna Maria Kontovounisiou
#5 Gender Equality
Women and men should get equal pay!
You should visit my exhibition because you will figure how hard life for women really is and how to solve it.
You might not know it but if you are a women you are most likely getting paid less than your male colleagues.
UN Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities
Stop inequalities to women, specifically in Pakistan.
Visit my exhibition of learning to gain an understanding of gender inequality, child marriages, and abuse in Pakistan.
By Anais Nerissa Koutsoubakis
Andrii Kuvshynov
UN Goal #4 Quality Education
You should visit because I have a lot of things to tell you which you probably did not know!!!
People in Sudan have to leave their country and go somewhere else so they can be safe and be educated safely.
SDG #5
By Izabella
Women Should Have Equal Education as Men in Pa kistan!!!
By Aafreen Qamar:
UN Goal #5 Gender Equality.
Come to my exhibition to learn about gender equality.
You should visit me because I will tell you about animal cruelty and what you can’t see about it.
I believe that the government should take animal cruelty more seriously because many dogs are getting abandoned, people in politics who are high in power do not usually care for the abandoned dogs and there are no consequences for animal cruelty.
By :Jason Sakellaropoulos
Thesis statement:
Children in Africa should have the SAME opportunities as other children around the world.
You should visit my exhibition of learning so you can learn how many children have suffered from poverty in Africa.
UN GOAL #14 Life Below water
Doria Sideridis
Governments should decrease the amount of ocean pollution
The audience should visit my exhibition of learning because I will teach my “visitors” all about ocean pollution, and how to help!
By Sofia
Because you learn about domestic abuse and the loopholes in the legal system that let abusers go unpunished
Vasils Tsergas
Thesis: I believe all children should have safety because a lot of kids are being kidnapped, many kids are being harmed from wars and also because they need to be protected from the some dangerous websites on the internet.
You should visit my exhibition because you will learn new interesting facts about how many kids are in danger around the world and the help they need.
UN Goal#2 Zero Hunger
There are 40 billion bins of food that can still be eaten and they are being wasted in the UK every year. That amount of food can fill 100 stadium!
By Flynn
Don’t throw food into the trash can.
Stella De Bruin Cardoso
I stand with the argument that The Amazon Rainforest should not be cut down due to the fact that over 40,000 plant species that can be used for medical reasons. Also, over 2,505 animals in the Amazon Rainforest help the Earth be a better place each year.
My audience should visit my exhibition of learning since the Amazon Rainforest supplies 20% of the worlds’ oxygen… You need oxygen to live so if you want to continue living, then you need to improve your actions for the Amazon Rainforest and you can learn that here!
The Amazon Rainforest is across the world, so why should you care what happens there?
Well actually, the forest fires that are happen in Greece are caused with climate change from all over the world!
Goal #7 : Affordable and Clean Energy
By Frank
believe that we should all use Renewable energy
Filippos Zygouras
UN Goal #11 Sustainable cities and Communities
I stand by the position that switching to solar power is a more sustainable alternative in Greece.