PTO Newsletter
Coffee Time!
We had a lovely casual meeting at Fee Bakery in November. Parents liked meeting & mingling with each other. The new ACS parents especially enjoyed meeting with other parents to get more acquainted with the school.
Giving Time!
PTO donation drive to the Red Cross was a great success due to our parents’ generosity. You drew so many smiles on little faces. Your support means the world!
Christmas centre piece workshop at Fee Bakery was amazing. Parents loved it. This was a great help with Christmas decorations ideas.
Due to COVID Christmas celebrations were only for the students this year. Their safety comes first.
We’re hoping to celebrate Valentine’s together if things get better.
Stay tuned!
Join the fun
What we did
Tour Time!
ACS parents enjoyed an impeccable walking tour in the centre of Athens with a professional tour guide. We explored the old city and visited the first Church in Athens.
PTO Corner
PTO board held their December meeting with the President Dr Pelonis on Zoom. We discussed the upcoming accreditation process, the COVID situation and back up plan, among other issues.
All students, except IB Seniors will sit for midterm exams beginning Jan 21. Our students celebrated Dr. Martin Luther King life dedicated to diversity on Jan 17 The Youth to Youth Program will resume on Feb 5th. The Spring 2022 session of ACS Athens Virtual courses begins the week of January 31st. Students can earn high school credit with 8 and 15 week-long intensive courses. Available courses this upcoming session include Art Appreciation, Health, Greek Language & Culture courses, Perspectives in Literature, STEAM and so much more. We are very proud of our Seniors, who have already received acceptances/offers from a number of universities in US, UK and around Europe. Student successes are celebrated in the hall of the Academy with a display of photographs.
Many thanks to all your generous contributions and donations. With your help, our world can be a better place.
Miscellaneous ACS Athens PTO