A 5th Grade Exhibit of Learning - June 14th, 2023
Thefollowinge-bookletisaculminationofourstudents’hardworkandtheir dedicationtomakingourworldabetterplace.
ThisExhibitionofLearningcanbethoughtofasamarketplaceofideaswhere eachindividualreflectsonissuesandconcernshe/shehasforGreece,andtheir visionofhowitcanbecomeabetterplaceforall.
Thepurposeofourbookletistoenticeyoutojoinusonourjourneyaswellas beinspiredbyourinnovationsandideas.
Global Goal 5 - Gender Equality
60% of girls all around the world cannot attend middle school because of their gender.Since they already had the ‘priorities’ of going into elementary, people think that there is no need for middle school but that is wrong.
Isabella Adamou
If you want to learn about No Poverty, come to me
Kostas Sakellios
Hundreds of people die every year because they have no clean water. We have not done enough. Greece needs to help to. We need to make Greece a better place. Do we want to live in a world where people die because they do not have a basic need, or a place where everyone has what they need. This is a big step to a better world.
Alexandros Ntostas
Poverty is a really serious problem these days. 719 million people live in poverty today. I believe we should end poverty because it leads to people having no money, poor health, and less rights. We can all act! Let's make a change!
Evina Chantava
Leonidas Stylopoulos
Life Below Water
Over3billionpeopledependonmarineecosystemstomaketheirliving.It'sestimatedthatthegoodsandservicestheoceanprovidesare worthatleastUS$2.5trillionperyear,makingittheworld'sseventh-largesteconomy.Lifebelowwaterisaveryimportantgoal.
Why are animals kept in cages ?
Well come here to learn why!!!
Around 1.5 million animals die every year in different kinds of ways.
What can you do about that?
Elisavet Dalkafouki
Come listen to me explaining why gender equality matters.
I believe that Gender equality matters
ByTadd DeHann
Clean Water Should beAccessible to Everyone
771 million people do not have access to clean water and sanitation, a lot of it including Greece. Would you like to know how to help decrease this number? Then go ahead and listen aboard.
We Need quality Education!
Christos Karnavas
Here to Learn Why
Did you know that 28 girls get married under the age 18 every minute ?
We need to end gender inequality By 2030
Find out the reasons why we should end gender inequality
In our world women make up only 75% of the globe's workforce area
Come visit my presentation!
Alessia DeGregorio
-Pope Paul VI
Do you want to live in a safe environment and have equal rights? I believe that we should live peacefully and live a happy life. If you agree then come learn about Gender equality.
John Spanoudakis
Why Poaching Must be Stopped
Greece | Global Goal 15: Life on Land
By Jacob Copeland
Jacob Copeland
Life Below Water
= Not able to get reused
If we do not take action or stop the problem of pollution, not only marine animals and the ocean will be harmed, actually us humans will be harmed also and the ecosystem we live in because 70% of the world is water.
= Reusable
Victoria Xu
Gender Equality is hitting in every county.
So we have to take action, by telling people what gender equality is making to all the world, so that person is going to tell that to their next generation.
TakeAction, NOW!!! Sofia Moioli
Hello my name is Menelaos Vryonis and if you want you can come to my station to learn more about Global Goal number#14 Life Below Water.
130 Million Girls Will NEVER Get A Chance To Read OR Write, this is the world right now. I believe that we can make the NEVER Retreat. Help Me turn this around.
Come on over to my station to learn more about Gender Equality
Allie Fairbanks
Thousands of people die each year
We need to complete Zero Hunger by 2030
Zisis Karakatsanis
Global Goal 5 - Gender Equality
Gender Equality exists in a ew countries. For example, Iceland, Finland, Norway, New Zealand and Sweden. Now you mi ht wonder, why not at other countries? Well it’s because o the division o jobs. That means that men et paid more, and that women work at houses, not really at jobs. Women also have less access to healthcare, and education. People think that we will achieve Gender Equality by 2030, but we won’t. We won’t even achieve it by 2050, accordin to Goo le, we will achieve it in 286 years, and that’s a lot. But we need to achieve it in less that 286 years, because it’s really important and un air. We need to start bein more air.
Eleni Chatzialexandrou