IIC Leadership Summer Courses, Summer 2017

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Summer Leadership Program a university course and field study experience at Widener University, in Philadelphia and in Washington, D.C. — an exciting learning experience for students in grades 9-11. Live and study on a US University Campus. Challenge yourself by taking a university-level course. Explore two great American cities. Celebrate Independence Day in the nation’s capital. Visit a half dozen US colleges and universities. Experience leadership in action by connecting and interacting with leaders in a variety of fields. Learn about leadership and discover your own leadership potential -- and earn high school credit! The first week of the program will find students and accompanying ACS Athens faculty on the campus of Widener University, in Chester, Pennsylvania, just outside of Philadelphia, for a weeklong college learning (and living) experience. The academic work will focus on developing three core leadership competencies: leading self, leading others, and leading change. Led by faculty of the Oskin Leadership Institute at Widener, class activities will be interactive. They will be supplemented by course readings, visits to important historical and cultural sites in the Philadelphia area, as well as interaction with local leaders engaged in the fight against poverty. This part of the program will end with a special evening event at which each participant will share her/his personal leadership philosophy and receive a Leadership Certificate from the Oskin Leadership Institute and Widener University.

For more information, or to request an application, contact Steven Medeiros, Dean of Academic Affairs/IIC, medeiross@acs.gr +30 210 6393 200, ext. 302.

Following their Widener experience, students will have the opportunity to experience leadership in action and up-close, as they travel to Washington, DC with their ACS Athens faculty instructors to meet and learn from leaders in politics, business, law, government service, science, the military, medicine, journalism and public interest lobbying: many of them graduates and friends of ACS Athens. Of course, exploring the historical and cultural sites of Washington will provide a memorable closure to the experience. Students and ACS Athens faculty will stay in hotel accommodations and make their way around the city by public transportation and on foot. While in Washington, students will also have the opportunity to visit the campuses of Georgetown University, George Washington University and American University. Students who successfully complete the program will earn one ACS Athens elective credit. What: When:

Summer Leadership Program

Widener University/Philadelphia: June 24 - 29, 2017 Washington, D.C.: June 30 - July 7, 2017 Return to Athens: July 8, 2017 Tuition: 3000 euros (does not include food costs in Washington, D.C.) Scholarship assistance is available for qualified ACS Athens students. Group Size: Minimum 10/Maximum 12 Registration Closes: March 15, 2017 (Deposit 1000 euros required to confirm a place in the course.) Should minimum enrolment not be reached by March 15, the course will not run, and all payments will be refunded.

Summer Leadership Program: Engineering Camp a university and field study experience at Widener University School of Engineering, in Philadelphia and in Washington, D.C. — an exciting learning experience for students in grades 9-11. Live and study on a US University Campus. Work with Widener University Engineering faculty. Learn engineering skills in an intensive week of teambased design and engineering challenges. Have fun as you build a bridge; program a robot; engineer a plastic; launch a rocket; design a car — and more. Develop your problem-solving skills, creativity and critical thinking. Sharpen your skills and knowledge in programming, mathematics, science, design and technology. Learn team-building and leadership skills in action. Explore two great American cities. Celebrate Independence Day in the nation’s capital. Visit a half dozen US colleges and universities. -- and earn high school credit!

Following their Widener experience, students in the Engineering Camp will join their schoolmates in the Leadership Program for a week of activity in Washington, D.C. In the US capital, students will have the opportunity to meet and learn from leaders in politics, business, law, government service, the military, science, medicine, journalism and public interest lobbying: many of them graduates and friends of ACS Athens. Of course, exploring the historical and cultural sites of Washington will provide a memorable closure to the experience. Students and ACS Athens faculty will stay in hotel accommodations and make their way around the city by public transportation and on foot. While in Washington, students will also have the opportunity to visit the campuses of Georgetown University, George Washington University and American University. Students who successfully complete the program will earn one ACS Athens elective credit. What:

The first week of the program will find students and accompanying ACS Athens faculty on the campus of Widener University, in Chester, Pennsylvania, just outside of Philadelphia, for a weeklong college learning (and living) experience. Led by faculty of the School of Engineering at Widener, each day’s Engineering Summer Camp program will be comprised of a series of hands-on/minds-on engineering challenges for which students will design and build solutions while working in collaborative teams. Students in the Engineering Camp program will attend all evening and weekend cultural and social activities scheduled for their schoolmates in the concurrent Leadership program.

For more information, or to request an application, contact Steven Medeiros, Dean of Academic Affairs/IIC, medeiross@acs.gr +30 210 6393 200, ext. 302.

Summer Leadership Program: Engineering Camp

When: Widener University/Philadelphia: June 24 - 29, 2017 Washington, D.C.: June 30 - July 7, 2017 Return to Athens: July 8, 2017 Tuition: 3000 euros (does not include food costs in Washington, D.C.) Scholarship assistance is available for qualified ACS Athens students. Group Size: Minimum 5/Maximum 7 Registration Closes: March 15, 2017 (Deposit 1000 euros required to confirm a place in the course.)

Should minimum enrolment not be reached by March 15, the course will not run, and all payments will be refunded.

Summer Institute

Program Application Select Program:

☐Leadership Program ☐Engineering Camp Name:







Passport No:

Parent’s Name:

Parent’s Phone:

Parent’s Email:

As it appears on passport

Parent’s Signature: Parent’s signature certifies that student has permission to participate in the program and guarantees that full payment will be made by May 15, 2017

Recommending Teacher’s Name: Teacher’s Position:

Teacher’s Email:

Recommending Teacher’s Signature: Teacher’s signature indicates his/her assessment that student possesses the academic skills and maturity to complete a rigorous program of college-level study.

Counselor’s Name:

Counselor’s Email: Counselor’s Signature: Counselor’s signature indicates that student has emotional and social maturity necessary to be a fully active participant in the program

ESSAY: On a separate sheet, please prepare a short (one page) essay answering the questions: 1. Leadership Program: What are the qualities and values that make a person a genuine leader? 2. Leadership Program: What are the qualities, skills and attributes that you possess that will make you a valuable member of our study group 3. Engineering Camp: Tell the story of a time when you worked in a group that successfully completed a project and solved a problem. What made the group’s work successful? Did anything go wrong and how did the group deal with it? What specific qualities, skills, attributes did you bring to the group that contributed tot the group’s success?

Please complete this application, get signatures, attach the essay and submit in person to: Ms. Marietta Garbis, Institute Office: Theater of ACS Athens or scan & email to: garbism@acs.gr NO LATER THAN MARCH 15, 2017

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