5th Grade Exhibition of Learning 2024 / Social Activism in our global community / Ms. Oikonomidi

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A 5th Grade Exhibit of Learning - June 11th, 2024

Thefollowinge-bookletisaculminationofourstudents’hardworkandtheir dedicationtomakingourworldabetterplace.

ThisExhibitionofLearningcanbethoughtofasamarketplaceofideaswhere eachindividualreflectsonissuesandconcernshe/shehasforourworld,and theirvisionofhowitcanbecomeabetterplaceforall.


Thepurposeofourbookletistoenticeyoutojoinusonourjourneyaswellas beinspiredbyourinnovationsandideas.


Goal #5- Gender Equality


willpower, and kindness, that is all you need.Fix the gender pay gap.


Global goal 12

Hello my name is Angelique and I think we should stop consuming too much energy. Help us save our planet from climate change and more. We should be able to live in a healthy environment don't you think?And we all have to cut down on a little energy, to help stop global warming, and you can help reduce this in so many ways.

For more information come to my station.

“If you can’t feed a hundred people just feed one.” -BrainyQuote
Thanos Chantavas

The Sdg goal life below water is very important. The sea gets really polluted the most in this world. Plastic pollutes the sea a lot. Sea animals mistaken plastic for food and eat them or die.Another sequence of death is choking or drowning. Most sea turtles get caught in nets and drown sadly.

Microplastic are also very bad for seas. They are billions of tiny pieces from a plastic bag. Fish eat these microplastic and then we cook and eat the fish and then we get microplastic in our insides. Microplastic can get animals and people very sick with this.

#goal 14
Save the nature! Ismail Giray Duru GOAL#15 LİFE ON LAND



do not kill animals!

Vangelis Gkolemis

Goal #15 Life on Land

Protect the nature on the land!!
Stop the deforestation!!
Woojin Jeon

Global Goal 13

If you want to help climate, you are in the right place!

Ektor Kalofolias

Global Goal #3

Everyone should stay healthy! Many people are unhealthy so we have to fix that.

Do sports!


more fruits and vegetables!

Global Goal 6…..Clean water and sanitation

We should all have clean water, sanitation, and no litter. Plastic harms a lot of this and especially litters our Earth. Let's all help stop this from getting worse……

SDG #16 peace, justice and strong institutions.

If you don't like what is happening in the picture help stop wars.

If you want peace come to me.

Let's put away our weapons.

Alexander korasidis

Global Goal 15:Life on Land

Not only people have jobs animals have jobs they are the workers on the Natures big factory.

by Nicolas

IfyouwanttolearnaboutDecentWorkand EconomicGrowthinArmenia,acountrywithhigh unemploymentrates,thenyouarein therightlocation!


Education Global Goal 4

Ensureinclusiveand equitablequalityeducation andpromoteforlifelong learningopportunitiesforall


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Gender Equality

If you want both genders to have the same rights then come to me!
Daisy Liu


Goal number 4, Quality Education:

Whyshouldgirlsgotoschoolyoumightask.Girlsshould gotoschoolbecauseifgirlswenttoschoolthentheywould growupwithagoodandsustainablejob.

UNICEFunderstandsthateverychildhastherighttoan education.Thisincludeseverygirl.That’swhyUNICEF workscloselywithgovernmentsandotherpartnerstoclear thebarriersthatstandintheirway,tokeepgirlsinschool andhelpthemthrive.Butcanyouhelp?


If you like learning about this topic, then you are at the right place!

#15 Life on Land


endangered species.

-Learn what is endangered species.

-Learn about the dangers to endangered species.

Golobal Goal Chloe Park

Global Goal 15 Life on land

Forests are the world's air conditioning system the lungs of the planet.And we are on the verge of switching it off!

-Prince charles


Global Goal Number

14# Life below Water

We have to stop throwing plastics in the Oceans.We have to help the Ocean clean and also the ecosystem. If we throw plastics in Oceans, it will be bad for the animals health and could be bad for their ecosystem because they might eat them for food. Plastics could hardly be recycled and is really bad for the environment, do not throw it where it doesn’t belong. Now, you have heard about the story of the plastics. Start now, don’t leave it there and start picking them up!


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