Upcoming Event
Holidays are right around the corner. What better way to show your holiday spirit than to buy a special gift for loved ones at our Holiday Bazaar. There will be games and food and cheer for all!

We kicked off the year with plenty of exciting events. Click the links below or visit our social media pages to see more about each event.

Community Share

Babysitting available: Ismini, Semeli, Kyveli, Vera, Matildaand Olianna are Seniors ACS and are offering their babysitting services. They have volunteered at ACS summer camp as group leaders for kids ages 5-8 and have had previous babysitting experience. Contact them at acsbabysitting123@gmail.com
PTO Welcome BBQ | Halloween Sale | Tree Planting Event | Coffee with the President | PTO Coffee with Parents | ACS Athens GALA | Goulandris
ACS Athens PTO November, 2023
Museum Visit
Newsleter HOLIDAYBAZAAR Saturday, December 2 @ 14:30 - 20:30