JK - 5 Specialist Classes Curriculum at a Glance

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Junior Kindergarten Fine Arts and Motor Skill Development Curriculum at a Glance Music


Greek Language

Gross Motor Skills

Students will be able to:

Students will develop art and fine motor skills through:

Students will be able to:

Students will be able to:

 Rhyme  Dance and move through the space with oral cues  Develop memory skills  Sing songs connected with the curriculum  Play musical games  Experience percussion instruments  Be introduce to the concept of beat

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Cutting Tearing Pasting Identifying shapes Stamping Finger painting Paint making Drawing with glue and pastels Collage Experiences with play dough 3-D design (sculptures, murals, clay)  Stitching

 Be exposed to pre-writing and pre-reading skills in Greek  Comprehend common expressions and structures used in everyday situations as spoken by teachers and native speakers accustomed to dealing with language learners  Participate in limited oral exchanges on familiar topics to develop proficiency in the target language

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Travel safely in a large group Run Stand still Slide Throw underhand Catch an object Kick a stationary ball Build with blocks

Kindergarten Specialist Classes Curriculum at a Glance Art


Physical Education

Students in grades K-5 develop competencies in demonstrating knowledge and understanding of forms, styles, ideas, and functions of art and applying skills, techniques, media, and processes to create and present art. They also use the language of art to critique, assess, analyze, and communicate and make connections between art and other disciplines, personal experience, world history, and cultures.

Students will be able to:  Begin to identify low and high pitch, loud and soft dynamics, and fast and slow tempo  Begin to develop the ability to follow/match tempo  Sing from memory and variety of songs  Begin to develop the ability to match dynamic levels  Respond to cues from conductor,  Maintain a steady tempo with the help of musical accompaniment  Follow call and response  Begin to control how sounds can be made louder, quieter, faster, and slower  Identify different ways sounds can be made  Begin to develop an understanding of timbre  Recognize and use changes in timbre, tempo, and dynamics,  Use untuned percussion instruments  Begin to develop an understanding of rhythms  Respond physically to music  Use actions whilst singing  Choose and order sounds to achieve an effect/image  Compose and perform simple effects /rhythms  Read graphic notation,  Recognize rhythmic patterns  Talk about music (dynamics, tempo,

Students will be able to:  Perform loco--motor and non/loco--motor moves to verbal and non/verbal cues  Move, stop and start on signal, change direction, level, speed and pathway  Maintain balance in a variety of positions  Skip  Roll a ball underhand  Throw a ball overhand and underhand  Catch a bounced ball  Kick a stationary bal  Keep balloons in the air using different body parts  Mirror movement of a leader or partner  Move on, over, under and around equipment in a variety of ways  Transfer weight by rocking and rolling on curved body surfaces  Perform movements in flight: hop, jump and leap  Jump over a self/ turned rope or a rope turned by others  Move with self/ control, avoiding collisions.  Identify body parts  State rules for safe use of equipment  Use correct terms to describe equipment  Demonstrate knowledge of movement vocabulary (i.e. roll, dodge)  Understand the meaning of the term “best effort”

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Students will be able to: Identify and explore the elements of art, including line, shape and form, color, value, and texture Understand that art can convey ideas and serve different functions Use art materials and tools in a safe and responsible manner Use different media, techniques, and processes to communicate ideas, experiences, and stories Use a variety of materials and media and demonstrate an understanding of how to produce various visual effects Use their senses to make observations about works of art. Describe what they see in a work of art Classify artworks into general categories, such as painting,


Foreign Language

At this level, students Students will be develop competencies able to: in Mouse and Keyboard  Be exposed to pre-use, Graphics, Word writing and pre-processing, Content reading skills in area reinforcement Greek (reading and writing),  Comprehend and Simulations. common expressions and Students will be able structures used in to: everyday situations as  Use a mouse to click and spoken by double click teachers and  Access programs native speakers accustomed to  Use directional prompts dealing with for beginner coding skills language learners  Use simple drawing  Participate in tools limited oral  Use simple text tools exchanges on  Use programs for familiar topics to reinforcement of develop subject area content in proficiency in the science, and reading target language

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printmaking, collage, sculpture, rhythm, instrumentation, etc.) within pottery, textiles, architecture, an aural example and/or a class photography and film performance, using some music vocabulary Use basic art concepts and vocabulary when making  Use brainstormed criteria and observations about art appropriate terminology to evaluate the quality of a composition or Identify the elements of art in the performance work Describe similarities and differences in works Use basic art concepts and vocabulary when communicating ideas and feelings about work Present personal responses to subject matter, materials, techniques and use of design elements in artworks Using vocabulary learned in class, critique their own work Identify connections between the visual arts and other disciplines Recognize that all cultures produce art and can identify specific works of art as belonging to particular cultures, times, and places Create art based on personal observation and experience

 Participate in a variety of loco--motor and non/loco--motor activities during recess  Identify activities that are active and inactive  Explore self and general space in a variety of ways  Perform basic loco--motor skills without tiring quickly  Participate in vigorous physical activity in physical education class  Travel on, over, under apparatus with increasing control  Work independently and safely in self and shared space  Stop on the signal and keep equipment still  Demonstrate cooperation with a partner  Enjoy participating in physical activity  Try new movement tasks (i.e., log roll)  Continue to participate when not successful on the first try  Identify physical activities that they consider to be fun

First Grade Specialist Classes Curriculum at a Glance Art Students in grades K-5 develop competencies in demonstrating knowledge and understanding of forms, styles, ideas, and functions of art and applying skills, techniques, media, and processes to create and present art. They also use the language of art to critique, assess, analyze, and communicate and make connections between art and other disciplines, personal experience, world history, and cultures. Students will be able to:  Identify and explore the elements of art, including line, shape and form, color, value, and texture, Pattern, and Proportion  Understand that art can convey ideas and serve different functions  Use art materials and tools in a safe and responsible manner  Use different media, techniques, and processes to communicate ideas, experiences, and stories  Use a variety of materials and media and demonstrate an understanding of how to produce various visual effects  Use their senses to make observations about works of art  Describe what they see in a work of art  Classify artworks into general


Physical Education

Students will be able to:  Identify low and high pitch, loud and soft dynamics, and fast and slow tempo  Follow/match tempo  Sing from memory and variety of songs from different cultures  Match dynamic levels  Respond to cues from conductor  Maintain a steady tempo with the help of musical accompaniment  Follow call and response  Begin to control how sounds can be made louder, quieter, faster, and slower  Identify different ways sounds can be made and changed  Begin to develop an understanding and recognition of timbre  Recognize changes in timbre, tempo, pitch, and dynamics  Use tuned and untuned percussion instruments  Develop and understanding of rhythms

At this level, students develop competencies in Mouse and Perform a movement pattern Keyboard use, changing shape, level and/or Graphics, Word pathway processing, Content Move (stop, start, and change area reinforcement direction) to avoid others (reading and Explore controlling objects in a variety writing), and of ways in self and general space Simulations. Throw overhand and underhand with force Catch a self--tossed object with hands Students will be able to: or with an implement Strike a lightweight ball using different  Access learning body parts programs Roll a ball to a target  Demonstrate Run and kick a ball without continued hesitating or stopping prior to the awareness of kick mouse and Move in response to a variety of keyboard use stimuli  Apply drawing Use body actions as a means of tools to create communication/ expression digital images Roll without stopping or hesitating  Use problem Mount and dismount equipment solving skills for safely beginning Take off, maintain control in flight, coding and land safely  Demonstrate Continuously jump a self--turned rope beginning word Demonstrate knowledge of processing skills movement concepts to create Use feedback to improve stories, and performance other projects Recognize that skill development integrated into Students will be able to:

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Foreign Language Level I Students will be able to:

Level II Students will be able to:

 Comprehend common expressions and structures used in everyday situations as spoken by teachers and native speakers accustomed to dealing with language learners  Participate in limited oral exchanges on familiar topics to develop proficiency in the target language  Identify essential information in short written texts to recognize written structures of the target language  Write

 Use appropriate vocabulary, gestures, and oral expressions for greeting, introductions, leave taking, and other common or familiar interactions  Use the target language to express needs, feelings, and ideas related to everyday situations  Understand the basic ideas of oral messages and short conversations based on simple or familiar topics appropriate at this developmenta

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categories, such as painting, printmaking, collage, sculpture, pottery, textiles, architecture, photography and film Use basic art concepts and vocabulary when making observations about art Identify the elements of art in the work Describe similarities and differences in works Use basic art concepts and vocabulary when communicating ideas and feelings about work Present personal responses to subject matter, materials, techniques and use of design elements in artworks Using vocabulary learned in class, critique their own work Identify connections between the visual arts and other disciplines. Recognize that all cultures produce art and can identify specific works of art as belonging to particular cultures, times, and places Create art based on personal observation and experience. Recognize that different artists have different voices and styles Begin learning about art movements, recognize works of art by artists and styles Build stamina in working on projects for more class periods, and working for longer increments during class time Students will understand how to compose a complete piece of art, and build stamina in finishing a complete piece

 Perform music with control of pulse and awareness of what others are playing  Respond physically to music  Use actions whilst singing  Show a sense of the shape of the melody  Sing with use of dynamics  Choose and order sounds to achieve an effect/image  Compose and perform simple effects/melodies/rhythms.  Begin to perform/compose music applying some culture and style - - specific characteristics  Recognize rhythmic patterns  Begin to recognize pitch from traditional notation  Talk about music (components of pitch, dynamics, tempo, rhythm, timbre, instrumentation, etc.) within an aural example and/or a class performance, using some music vocabulary  Use brainstormed criteria and appropriate terminology to evaluate the quality of a composition or performance

requires practice  Repeat “cue words” for basic skills and explain their meaning  State appropriate safety practices for moving in shared practice.  Participate in activities that require loco--motor and manipulative skills tried in physical education at other times  Identify opportunities for active play outside of physical education class  Participate in a variety of moderate--to-vigorous unstructured play activities  Recognize that participation in moderate--to--vigorous physical activity has temporary and lasting effects on the body  Demonstrate sufficient muscle strength to momentarily support body weight  Identify feelings and changes in the body that results from participation in vigorous physical activities (i.e. faster heart rate, perspiration)  Sustain activities for longer periods of time without resting  State reasons for safe and controlled movement  Describe examples of cooperation and sharing in physical activity settings  Remain on task until the stop signal is given  Begin to work cooperatively with a partner and in a small group  Try new activities  Identify feelings that result from participation in physical activity  Express pleasure resulting from progress in learning a new skill

the subject area curricula  Engage in online platform for science concepts

expressions and short sentences to convey personal ideas, concepts, and information  Learn general facts concerning the geography of the country and cultural heritage and lifestyles of the people in order to develop a cultural awareness  Use technology to present information about family, school events, and celebrations

l level  Understand oral and written descriptions of people and objects in the environment  Learn poetry, songs, proverbs, short anecdotes or narratives  Write in a variety of formats to describe and provide information about oneself, friends and family, school activities  Use technology to research and present on a variety of information of designated special projects, school events, and celebrations

Second Grade Specialist Classes Curriculum at a Glance Art


Students in grades K-5 develop Students will be able to: competencies in demonstrating knowledge and understanding of  Identify low and high pitch, forms, styles, ideas, and functions of loud and soft dynamics, fast art and applying skills, techniques, and slow tempo media, and processes to create and  Follow/match tempo present art. They also use the Sing from memory and variety of language of art to critique, assess, songs from different cultures analyze, and communicate and make  Match dynamic levels connections between art and other  Respond to cues from disciplines, personal experience, conductor world history, and cultures.  Maintain a steady tempo  Follow call and response Students will be able to:  Begin to control how sounds can  Identify and explore the elements be made louder, quieter, faster, of art, including line, shape and and slower form, color, value, and texture,  Identify different ways sounds Balance, Pattern, Proportion can be made and changed  Understand that art can convey  Begin to develop an ideas and serve different functions understanding and recognition  Use art materials and tools in a safe of timbre and responsible manner  Recognize and use changes in  Use different media, techniques, timbre, tempo, pitch, and and processes to communicate dynamics ideas, experiences, and stories  Use tuned and un-tuned  Use a variety of materials and media percussion instruments and demonstrate an understanding  Develop and understanding of of how to produce various visual rhythms and poly-rhythms effects  Perform music with control of  Use their senses to make pulse and awareness of what observations about works of art others are playing  Describe what they see in a work of  Respond physically to music art  Use actions whilst singing,  Classify artworks into general  Show a sense of the shape of

Physical Education Students will be able to:

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Foreign Language

At this level, Level I Students students develop will be able to: competencies in Throw a ball hard overhand Mouse and demonstrating a side orientation  Comprehend Keyboard use, common Catch a ball tossed to different levels Graphics, Word expressions and (i.e., high, low) processing, Content structures used Strike a ball with hand or implement area reinforcement in everyday using a side orientation. (reading and situations as Kick a rolled ball writing), and spoken by Dribble with hands and feet Simulations. teachers and Move body parts and contact objects native speakers with different amounts of force Students will be accustomed to Reach a goal without being tagged able to: dealing with Move effectively to chase and/or language evade others • Demonstrate learners Move in response to changes in beginning  Participate in accompaniment keyboarding skills limited oral Demonstrate different degrees of • Use a variety of exchanges on muscular tension graphic tools to familiar topics Transfer weight from one body part or create simple to develop parts to others with control digital imagery proficiency in Move on, over and around and animations the target apparatus with purpose and control • Develop word language (i.e., balance beam) processing skills  Identify Jump a self--turned rope forward and essential backward without stopping or hesitating • Use problem solving skills for information in Demonstrate an understanding of more complex short written giving a “best effort” beginning coding texts to Recognize similar movement concepts such as using recognize in a variety of skills “repeat written Identify critical elements which lead to command” structures of successful performance • Introduced to the target Explain that warm--up prepares the digital language body for physical activity citizenship /online

Level II Students will be able to:  Use appropriate vocabulary, gestures, and oral expressions for greeting, introductions, leave taking, and other common or familiar interactions  Use the target language to express needs, feelings, and ideas related to everyday situations  Understand the basic ideas of oral messages and short conversations based on simple or familiar topics appropriate at this developmental level

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categories, such as painting, printmaking, collage, sculpture, pottery, textiles, architecture, photography and film Use basic art concepts and vocabulary when making observations about art. Identify the design elements in the work Work for entire class pieces on one project, and work on one project for multiple class periods Recognize that different artists have different voices and styles Begin to recognize and develop their own artistic style Begin learning about art movements, recognize works of art by artists and styles Students will understand how to compose a complete piece of art, and build stamina in finishing a complete piece Describe similarities and differences in works Use basic art concepts and vocabulary when communicating ideas and feelings about work Present personal responses to subject matter, materials, techniques and use of design elements in artworks Using vocabulary learned in class, critique their own work Identify connections between the visual arts and other disciplines Recognize that all cultures produce art and can identify specific works of art as belonging to particular cultures, times, and places Create art based on personal observation and experience

the melody  Sing and play with use of dynamics, musical phrasing and perform with intent  Choose and order sounds to achieve an effect /image  Recognize how musical elements can be used to compose descriptive music  Compose and perform simple effects/melodies/rhythms.  Perform/compose music applying some culture and style-specific characteristics  Recognize rhythmic patterns  Follow pitch direction from traditional notation  Work on their own, in groups of different sizes, and as a class  Talk about music (components of pitch, dynamics, tempo, rhythm, timbre, instrumentation, etc.) within an aural example and/or a class performance, using some music vocabulary  Use brainstormed criteria and appropriate terminology to evaluate the quality of a composition or performance  Perform music with awareness of the historical and cultural background of the piece/song under consideration  Use culture specific language and attempt to reenact performance settings appropriate to the piece(s)/song(s) under consideration

etiquette  Participate in a variety of activities  Write (outside physical education class) that • Conduct beginning expressions and require loco--motor, non--loco--motor and research skills for short sentences projects integrated manipulative skills to convey into the subject personal ideas,  Participate in moderate--to--vigorous area curricula concepts, and physical activities outside of physical information education class  Learn general  Choose to participate in a variety of facts physical activities to improve health concerning the  Describe ways that physical activity is geography of good for personal well being the country and  Identify activities they enjoy that cultural heritage increase breathing and heart rate and lifestyles of  Support their own body weight in a the people in variety of ways. order to develop  Recognize that health--related fitness a cultural consists of several different awareness components  Use technology  Follow directions and handle to present equipment safely information  Identify appropriate behaviors for about family, participating with others in physical school events, activity and  Play and cooperate with others celebrations regardless of personal differences  Cooperate and interact positively with a partner by sharing observations about skill performance  Develop an appreciation for physical activity in a variety of movement experiences  Identify how cooperating and sharing contributes to completing a movement task  Continue to participate when not initially successful  Enjoy participation in physical activity alone and with others  Value the ability to be creative and to express feelings through movement

 Understand oral and written descriptions of people and objects in the environment.  Learn poetry, songs, proverbs, short anecdotes or narratives  Write in a variety of formats to describe and provide information about oneself, friends and family, school activities  Use technology to research and present on a variety of information of designated special projects, school events, and celebrations

Third Grade Specialist Classes Curriculum at a Glance Art Students in grades K-5 develop competencies in demonstrating knowledge and understanding of forms, styles, ideas, and functions of art and applying skills, techniques, media, and processes to create and present art. They also use the language of art to critique, assess, analyze, and communicate and make connections between art and other disciplines, personal experience, world history, and cultures.

Music Students will be able to:

 Use accurate pitch  Remember longer phrases  Begin to use some breathe control and posture  Use correct articulation  Demonstrate increasing aural memory  Demonstrate increasing physical control and sound projection  Begin to develop a clear understanding of low and high pitch in relation to instruments Students will be able to:  Use wind instruments as well as tuned and un--tuned percussion,  Identify and explore different  Begin to develop some breathe forms of art control in relation to playing  Understand that art can convey instruments ideas and serve different  Work on their own, in groups of functions different sizes, and as a class  Manipulate the elements of art  Develop a clear understanding of and the principles of design harmony (bass, chords, melody) including: line, shape and form,  Use musical emphases/accents and color, value, and texture, Balance, musical phrasing Contrast, Movement, Emphasis,  Sing or play with use of dynamics, Pattern, Proportion, and Unity musical phrasing appropriate to the composition’s musical ideas  Distinguish between different  Perform with intent forms and styles of art and make informed decisions about  Integrate elements of music with melodies, rhythms, and musical the ideas or functions used in devices, to perform and/or the creation of the art compose music  Demonstrate an understanding

Physical Education Students will be able to:  Throw with force and accuracy  Catch a variety of objects coming from different directions and levels  Strike an object using an overhand, underhand, and sidearm motion  Kick toward a target  Dribble an object with feet/hands changing directions, level, speed and pathway  Demonstrate a ready position  Fake, by changing level, direction, and speed or body position  Position self to protect a goal  Move to a musical beat and respond to changes in music  Perform dance steps to traditional and contemporary accompaniment  Transfer weight from hands to feet (i.e., cartwheel, round off)  Mount and dismount apparatus assuming different body shapes  Perform jump rope tricks forward and backward  Recognize the presence or absence of critical elements of a performance  Recognize similar movement concepts in a variety of skills  Distinguish between offense and defense


Foreign Language

At this level, students Level I Students will develop be able to: competencies in Mouse and Keyboard  Comprehend use, Graphics, Word common processing, Content expressions and area reinforcement structures used (reading and writing), in everyday Simulations, situations as Multimedia spoken by presentations, Data teachers and handling, and native speakers Introduction to accustomed to Programming. dealing with language Students will be learners able to:  Participate in limited oral  Demonstrate exchanges on competency in familiar topics to touch typing develop  Create and proficiency in the demonstrate target language simple animations,  Identify essential using dialogue and information in simple short written texts programming to recognize  Use a variety of written structures graphics tools of the target language  Demonstrate competency in  Write expressions word processing and short tools sentences to convey personal  Use problem

Level II Students will be able to:  Use appropriate vocabulary, gestures, and oral expressions for greeting, introductions, leave taking, and other common or familiar interactions  Use the target language to express needs, feelings, and ideas related to everyday situations  Understand the basic ideas of oral messages and short conversations based on simple or familiar topics appropriate at this developmental level  Understand oral and written descriptions of people and

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of how to use certain artistic forms or styles to convey specific ideas or functions Use the vocabulary of art to compare and contrast works of art Use art concepts and vocabulary to evaluate their own and others artwork Self-assess choices when planning and creating art Use artwork to communicate and enhance understanding of concepts in other subject areas Recognize that art objects, motifs, and styles define cultural identity; relate works of art to a particular time period Know and compare the characteristics of artworks in various eras and cultures and describe a variety of art objects in historical and cultural contexts Understand that culture and historical events influence art Brainstorm and generate many original ideas for a prompt Create planning sketches before starting a project

 Integrate composed lyrics and melody with other fundamental elements of music, to compose their own songs  Perform/compose music that is true to cultural and stylistic trends  Read music from traditional notation,  Read rests and note values  Recognize time signatures  Identify elements of music within the context of performance of an ensemble, using appropriate terminology  Identify some musical periods and genres using their knowledge of period and genre specific elements  Use provided criteria (i.e. technical accuracy, instrumentation, timbre, projection, diction, stage presence, musician communication and chemistry, precision, synchronization, appropriateness of venue, etc.) and appropriate terminology to evaluate the quality of a composition or performance  Recognize distinguishing characteristics of a representative musical genre or style as they have been applied or appear in a musical selection, in relation to historical or cultural trends

solving skills for ideas, concepts, objects in the  Explain key rules for a variety of beginning coding and information environment physical activities  Use storytelling  Learn general facts  Learn poetry,  Identify several moderate--to--vigorous sites which include concerning the songs, proverbs, physical activities that provide personal inserting images geography of the short anecdotes pleasure and formatting text country and cultural or narratives  Recognize opportunities to participate in heritage and  Conduct research  Write in a variety physical activities outside of the lifestyles of the and present of formats to school day people in order to projects integrated describe and  Describe benefits that result develop a cultural into the subject provide from regular participation in a awareness area curricula information variety of physical activities  Use technology about oneself,  Use presentation  Identify exercises that can to present friends and software and improve a specific fitness information about family, school beginning component family, school activities presentation skills  Identify and regularly participate in events, and  Use technology aerobic activities that develop celebrations to research and and improve fitness present on a  Identify the purpose of using variety of equipment and space safely and information of properly designated  Explore similarities and differences special projects, between physical activities of different school events, cultures and celebrations  Treat others’ differences with respect.  Verbally expresses feelings that result from participation in physical activity  Explain reasons for selecting a particular activity as a favorite  Choose an appropriate level of challenge in order to experience success and continue to participate

Fourth Grade Specialist Classes Curriculum at a Glance Art Students in grades K-5 develop competencies in demonstrating knowledge and understanding of forms, styles, ideas, and functions of art and applying skills, techniques, media, and processes to create and present art. They also use the language of art to critique, assess, analyze, and communicate and make connections between art and other disciplines, personal experience, world history, and cultures. Students will be able to:  Identify and explore different forms of art  Understand that art can convey ideas and serve different functions  Manipulate the elements of art and the principles of design including: line, shape and form, color, value, and texture, Balance, Contrast, Movement, Emphasis, Pattern, Proportion, and Unity  Distinguish between different forms and styles of art and make informed decisions


Physical Education

Students will be able to:  Use accurate pitch  Remember longer phrases  Begin to use some breathe control and posture  Use correct articulation  Demonstrate increasing aural memory  Demonstrate increasing physical control and sound projection  Develop a clear understanding of low and high pitch in relation to instruments  Use wind instruments as well as tuned and un--tuned percussion,  Begin to develop some breathe control in relation to playing instruments  Work on their own, in groups of different sizes, and as a class  Begin to play two part harmony  Hold their part in a two part harmony  Develop a clear understanding of harmony (bass, chords, melody)  Perform music using gradual changes of tempo and dynamics  Use musical emphases/accents and musical phrasing  Sing or play with use of dynamics, musical phrasing appropriate to the composition’s musical ideas

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Foreign Language

At this level, Level I Students students develop will be able to: Send a ball to a moving target competencies i n Catch an object sent with different Mouse and  Comprehend amounts of force Keyboard use, common Move to strike an object with hand or Graphics, Word expressions and implement alternating hits with partner processing, Content structures used Strike a ball demonstrating a bump, area in everyday volley and serve reinforcement situations as Punt or dropkick a ball (reading and spoken by Maintain a dribble with hands and feet writing), teachers and using the dominant or non--dominant hand Simulations, native speakers Demonstrate a ready position and move Multimedia accustomed to quickly to move a ball presentations, dealing with Move to an open space to receive a pass Data handling, and language Keep an object away from one or more Introduction to learners opponents with one or more partners Programming.  Participate in Move to fake or avoid an opponent. limited oral Position self to protect a space or goal Students will be exchanges on Create and perform a dance and able to: familiar topics to gymnastic sequence develop Mount and dismount a vault or proficiency in the  Demonstrate apparatus target language increased Create a sequence of jump rope skills competency in  Identify touch typing Understand and use movement concepts essential  Use word information in related to dance, gymnastics or sport processing, short written Demonstrate basic game tactics in graphics, texts to partner or small group activities research, and recognize Recognize that appropriate practice simulations written improves performance tools to structures of Understand the purpose of rules and demonstrate the target apply that knowledge to a variety of understanding language physical activity settings and depth of  Write Identify personal benefits of participation

Level II Students will be able to:  Use appropriate vocabulary, gestures, and oral expressions for greeting, introductions, leave taking, and other common or familiar interactions  Use the target language to express needs, feelings, and ideas related to everyday situations  Understand the basic ideas of oral messages and short conversations based on simple or familiar topics appropriate at this developmental level  Understand oral and written descriptions of people and objects in the environment

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about the ideas or functions used in the creation of the art Demonstrate an understanding of how to use certain artistic forms or styles to convey specific ideas or functions Use the vocabulary of art to compare and contrast works of art Use art concepts and vocabulary to evaluate their own and others artwork Self-assess choices when planning and creating art Use artwork to communicate and enhance understanding of concepts in other subject areas Recognize that art objects, motifs, and styles define cultural identity; relate works of art to a particular time period Know and compare the characteristics of artworks in various eras and cultures and describe a variety of art objects in historical and cultural contexts Understand that culture and historical events influence art Brainstorm and generate many original ideas for a prompt Create planning sketches before starting a project

 Perform with intent  Integrate elements of music with melodies, rhythms, and musical devices, to perform and/or compose music  Integrate composed lyrics and melody with other fundamental elements of music, to compose their own songs  Perform/compose music that is true to cultural ad stylistic trends  Read music from traditional notation  Read rests and note values  Recognize the treble and bass clefs, bars, bar lines, time signatures, and music ties  Identify elements of music within the context of performance of an ensemble, using appropriate terminology  Use provided criteria (i.e. technical accuracy, instrumentation, timbre, projection, diction, stage presence, musician communication and chemistry, precision, synchronization, appropriateness of venue, etc.) and appropriate terminology to evaluate the quality of a composition or performance  Recognize distinguishing characteristics of a representative musical genre or style as they have been applied or appear in a musical selection, in relation to historical or cultural trends

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in physical activity outside of physical education Participate in moderate--to--vigorous activities outside of physical education class for longer periods of time Develop an awareness of participation in physical activities as a conscious personal decision, choosing activities for the purpose of improving skill and health Perform activities that enhance fitness components Maintain continuous aerobic activity for a specified time, and demonstrate an ability to pace performance relative to intensity and duration Relate personal fitness strengths and weaknesses to the ability to perform various tasks Work cooperatively and productively with a partner or small group to complete an assigned task Make judgments about safe use of equipment and space Demonstrate acceptance of skills and abilities of others through verbal and nonverbal behavior Identify the purpose of rules, procedures and safe practices, and apply them in physical activity settings Practice physically challenging activities in order to experience success and continue to play Enjoy participating in physical activities that are personally interesting. Celebrate personal success and achievement, and that of others due to effort and practice Accept the challenge of learning a new skill or activity and enjoy expanding their movement repertoire

knowledge in expressions and subject area short sentences  Learn poetry, content, in the to convey songs, proverbs, areas of social personal ideas, short anecdotes studies and concepts, and or narratives science information  Write in a variety  Use technology  Learn general of formats to to handle and facts concerning describe and interpret data the geography of provide the country and  Work information about cultural heritage independently oneself, friends and lifestyles of and and family, school the people in collaboratively activities. order to develop a  Use technology to create and cultural present a to research and awareness variety of present on a multimedia  Use technology variety of projects to present information of information about designated special  Use the online family, school projects, school learning events, and events, and platform celebrations celebrations “Moodle”  Use of email including: email etiquette, writing an email, salutations  Use of Google Apps, including: Google Docs, Google Slides

Fifth Grade Specialist Classes Curriculum at a Glance Art


Physical Education

Students in grades K5 develop competencies in demonstrating knowledge and understanding of forms, styles, ideas, and functions of art and applying skills, techniques, media, and processes to create and present art. They also use the language of art to critique, assess, analyze, and communicate and make connections between art and other disciplines, personal experience, world history, and cultures.

Students will be able to:

Students will be able to:

Students will be able to:  Identify and explore different forms of art  Understand that art can convey ideas and serve different functions  Manipulate the elements of art and the principles of

 Use accurate pitch  Remember longer phrases  Use some breathe control and posture  Use correct articulation  Demonstrate increasing aural memory  Demonstrate increasing physical control and sound projection  Develop a clear understanding of low and high pitch in relation to instruments  Use wind instruments as well as tuned and un--tuned percussion,  Begin to develop some breathe control in relation to playing instruments  Work on their own, in groups of different sizes, and as a class  Play two part harmony  Hold their part in a two part harmony  Develop a clear understanding of harmony (bass, chords, melody)  Perform music using gradual changes of tempo and dynamics  Use musical

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Foreign Language

At this level, Level I Students will Level II Students students develop be able to: will be able to: competencies in Throw a ball overhand with accuracy to a target using a Mouse and mature form  Comprehend  Use appropriate Keyboard use, Catch an object demonstrating proper form common vocabulary, Graphics, Word Serve an object inbounds using an underhand and expressions and gestures, and oral processing, Content overhand serve structures used in expressions for Perform a volleyball bump and set demonstrating proper area reinforcement everyday greeting, (reading and form situations as introductions, leave writing), spoken by taking, and other Demonstrate an underhand, overhand and sidearm swing Simulations, teachers and common or when hitting a ball or birdie Multimedia native speakers familiar Hit a pitched ball into fair territory presentations, Data accustomed to interactions Punt a ball demonstrating proper form handling, and dealing with  Use the target Dribble a ball with feet, and kick to pass or score Introduction to language learners language to Hand and foot dribble while preventing an opponent Programming.  Participate in express needs, from stealing the ball limited oral feelings, and ideas Dribble a basketball smoothly, changing from one hand to Students will be exchanges on related to the other, while moving to different areas on the court able to: familiar topics to everyday situations Create space by moving to open areas to pass or receive develop  Understand the a pass  Demonstrate proficiency in the basic ideas of oral Position self to create or improve offensive opportunities increased target language messages and Deny space by keeping between the opponent and competency in  Identify essential short intended goal touch typing information in conversations Develop and refine a creative dance sequence showing  Demonstrate short written texts based on simple or smooth transitions digital to recognize familiar topics Perform selected folk, country, square, line, creative and/or citizenship/onlin written structures appropriate at this aerobic dances e etiquette of the target developmental Tread water for 10 seconds  Usage of email language. level Survival float in a prone position for 1 minute including: Email  Write expressions  Understand oral and Streamline and flutter kick in a prone position for 5 yards etiquette, and short written descriptions Swim front crawl for 10 yards composing an sentences to of people and Kick on back for 10 yards while holding a kickboard email and convey personal objects in the Jump into deep water from the deck, surface, and swim salutations ideas, concepts, and environment to the side of the pool  Access information.  Learn poetry,

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design including: line, shape and form, color, value, and texture, Balance, Contrast, Movement, Emphasis, Pattern, Proportion, and Unity Distinguish between different forms and styles of art and make informed decisions about the ideas or functions used in the creation of the art Demonstrate an understanding on how to use certain artistic forms or styles to convey specific ideas or functions Use the vocabulary of art to compare and contrast works of art Use art concepts and vocabulary to evaluate their own and others artwork Self--assess choices when planning and creating art Use artwork to communicate and enhance understanding of concepts in other subject areas Recognize that art objects, motifs, and styles define cultural identity; relate works of art to a particular time period Know and compare the characteristics of

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emphases/accents and musical phrasing Sing or play with use of dynamics, musical phrasing appropriate to the composition’s musical ideas Perform with intent Integrate elements of music with melodies, rhythms, and musical devices, to perform and/or compose music Integrate composed lyrics and melody with other fundamental elements of music, to compose their own songs Perform/compose music that is true to cultural ad stylistic trends Read music from traditional notation Read rests and note values Recognize the treble and bass clefs, bars, bar lines, time signatures, and music ties Identify elements of music within the context of performance of an ensemble, using appropriate terminology Identify some musical periods and genres using their knowledge of period and genre specific elements Use provided criteria (i.e. technical accuracy,

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Demonstrate breath control and rhythmic breathing Demonstrate a variety of basic rope jumping skills Demonstrate a single bounce in a single rope Enter, exit and jump one or more long ropes turned by others Identify practice and conditioning principles that enhance performance Demonstrate warm up and cool down procedures and explain their purpose Understand safety concerns in and around the pool area, and follow the rules procedures Understand the concept of long, smooth strokes (stroke volume) when swimming a specific stroke Describe ways a person can save an active drowning victim without entering the water Use feedback from a variety of sources to make appropriate changes in performance Understand basic positions/roles in sport activities and game play Conduct self and peer assessments of a skill performance Understand resting heart rate and target heart rate Complete a fitness calendar/log showing that they have participated in physical activity in and out of school Participate in lunch recess or afterschool activity programs Identify at least three different opportunities in school and the community for regular participation in physical activity that one would personally enjoy Participate in moderate--to--vigorous physical activities on a daily basis Choose to exercise at home for personal enjoyment and health benefits Recognize healthy habits (proper diet, getting enough sleep, hygiene, saying no to drugs/smoking, being active, brushing teeth, dealing with stress) and express how these habits can improve the quality of life Meet the age/gender specific health-- related fitness standards defined by the fitness gram Describe ways that aerobic exercise strengthens and improves the efficiency of the heart and lungs Demonstrate the ability to perform an aerobic activity and maintain an appropriate pace Match different types of physical activity with each of the fitness components

homeroom songs, proverbs,  Learn general assignments short anecdotes facts remotely using or narratives concerning the the online geography of  Write in a variety learning platform the country and of formats to “Moodle” cultural describe and  Use of Google heritage and provide Apps for lifestyles of information collaborative the people in about oneself, writing and order to friends and family, presenting, develop a school activities including: Google cultural  Use technology Docs, Google awareness. to research and Slides  Use technology to present on a  Develop skills in present information variety of Computer about family, school information of Assisted Design events, and designated special (CAD) and Coding celebrations projects, school events, and  Develop research celebrations skills by evaluating websites with criteria, including: bias, relevance, authorship, etc. 

artworks in various instrumentation, timbre, eras and cultures and projection, diction, stage describe a variety of presence, musician art objects in communication and historical and cultural chemistry, precision, contexts synchronization, appropriateness of  Understand that venue, etc.) and culture and historical appropriate events influence art terminology to evaluate  Brainstorm and the quality of a generate many original composition or ideas for a prompt performance  Create planning sketches before starting  Recognize distinguishing characteristics of a a project representative musical genre or style as they have been applied or appear in a musical selection, in relation to historical or cultural trends

 Identify and know how to use testing devices and technological tools to enhance fitness  Participate with and show respect for persons of like and different skill levels  Accept and respect the decisions made by game officials, whether they are fellow students or teachers  Regularly encourage others to refrain from put--down statements or blaming others  Make common sense choices when safety issues for self and others are a consideration during an activity  Remain on task in a group activity without close teacher monitoring  Cooperate and communicate with others to design or modify a game, rule, and/or procedure  Identify strategies for including physically challenged individuals in a physical activity  Follow activity--specific rules, procedures and etiquette, and utilize safety principles in activity situations  Respect physical limitations of self and others  Describe physical activities that provide personal enjoyment  Enjoy learning new skills or improving attained skills through effort and practice  Describe the role of participation in physical activities in getting to know oneself and others  Communicate and cooperate with others to solve a problem or accomplish a task  Appreciate the aesthetic and creative aspects of skilled performance of others  Select and practice a skill that needs to be improved  Recognize the role of games, sports and dance in getting to know and understand others of like and different cultures  Interact with friends while participating in group activities and challenges

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